04x21 - The Hole-in-the-Wall g*ng

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Full House". Aired: September 1987 to May 1995.*
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A widower enlists help to raise his three daughters..
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04x21 - The Hole-in-the-Wall g*ng

Post by bunniefuu »

Ok, bring it right
in. Right this way.

Be careful of the sides.

Careful. Careful now.

That's it.

Where do you want popeye?

Put him next to olive
so bluto can't get at her.

Hey, thanks for being
such a helper, michelle.

I'm finally moved into
uncle jesse's old room.

How come you play with dolls?

Michelle, I am a grown man.

I do not play with dolls.

However, I do make him dance.

[Singing like popeye]

I make him walk... ♪
Dee dup ba dup ba dup ♪

He talks to me.

[Imitating popeye]
how's it going, joskeph?

I talk to him.

Not bad, popeye.

[Popeye's laugh]

[As popeye] whoa!

Joey, you're
playing with a doll.

Ok, you're right.

I am playing with a doll,

But in a manly way.

Let's sing the popeye song.


[As popeye] ♪ I'm
popeye the sailor man ♪

♪ I'm popeye the sailor man ♪

♪ I'm strongs to the finich ♪

♪ 'Cause I eats me spinach ♪

♪ I'm popeye the sailor man ♪♪





Not bad.

♪ Whatever happened
to predictability ♪

♪ The milkman, the paper boy ♪

♪ Evenin' tv? ♪

♪ How did I get
delivered here? ♪

♪ Somebody tell me, please ♪

♪ This old world's ♪

♪ Confusin' me ♪

♪ Clouds as mean
as you've ever seen ♪

♪ Ain't a bird who
knows your tune ♪

♪ Then a little voice
inside you whispers ♪

♪ Kid, don't sell your
dreams so soon ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ There's a heart ♪
♪ there's a heart ♪

♪ A hand to hold onto ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ There's a face of
somebody who needs you ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ When you're lost out there ♪

♪ And you're all alone ♪

♪ A light is waitin' ♪

♪ To carry you home ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Do be do ba ba da ♪♪

Hey, joe. Hey.

I'm putting some new
plumbing in the attic,

So I had to turn off
the main water line.

I hope I'm not
inconveniencing anyone.

Jess, one question.

Did you actually wait

Until the shampoo
was burning my eyes

Before you turned the water off?

No, just dumb luck.


Let me help you out there.

Let me get this side here.

So, deej, what do you think
of this orange lipstick?

It's perfect if you're
dating ronald mcdonald.

I'm ba-ack.

Oh. Oh.

Thank you. You're too kind.

I can't believe I'm
sharing my room

With an 8-year-old again.

Believe it, babe.

Oh, neat. We're playing makeup.

We do not play
makeup. We wear makeup.

Yeah, kid. Go watch
sesame street.

I do not watch sesame street.

And besides, it's
not on till 4:00.

Well, now that you're
back, remember the rules.

Keep your baby stuff
on your side of the room.

I have no baby stuff.

Doll: mama!

You were saying?

You couldn't keep
your mouth shut?

And now I'd like to present

The newest addition
to our future home...

The light switch.

Ooh! Ooh!

And it only took
4 days to install.

Hey, what is 4 days
compared to a lifetime

Of worry-free on and off, huh?


Oh, you know what?

I forgot to turn the
electricity back on.

Better go take care of that.

I don't want to
inconvenience anyone.

How do you time these things?

Do you have a surveillance
camera in my bathroom?

Look, I realize I'm a
little behind schedule,

But this is my new home.

I want to build this
place with love, care,

And old-world craftsmanship,

Same way my ancestors
built the parthenon.

The parthenon is in ruins.

That's what happens
when you rush.

Honey, I know that you
want to take your time,

But this is supposed
to be our first home,

Not our retirement home.

You know, jess, it might
speed things up if I helped you.

No, thank you.

Great idea. Thanks, joey.

We are gonna have
such a great time.

All right, I'll find a little
something for you to do.

Be honest... Do you have any
experience in construction?

Are you kidding? I once built

An entire four-bedroom
ranch house.

You did?

Yeah. I would've
built the garage, too,

But I ran out of legos.

Legos. Legos. I ran out of...

I redecorated my side of
the room. What do you think?


Michelle, you're so young.

Now that I'm almost a teenager,

You can have my stuffed animals,

My barbie, my puppy poster,

All my little-kid stuff.

What about this little-kid tv?

Nice try, sis.

Oh, mylanta.

Hello, ladies.

Look, deej.

It's your evil mini-twin.

Check it out, girls.

I've got my side of
the room jammin'.

Why are you doing this to me?

What can I say?

Mature minds think alike.

Girls, becky and I have
to get to the station, and...

Oh, would you look at
those matching outfits?

Isn't that adorable?

You know what?

This should be our
next christmas card.

Boy, I remember

When I used to dress
up like my older sister.

She hated it.

Ha ha.

Love you.

Love you.

Love you.

Love you.

Mr. T!

Sorry, gibbler. I
was just on a roll.

Well, what do you
want to do now?

Oh, I don't know.

We could watch
mtv, call some boys,

Shave our legs.

Who are you?

Come on, deej, let's
go to the food court.

I hear they have a
new potato topping

At the house of spuds.

I want to wear
something fun. Follow me.

I'm right behind you.

So am i. I'm coming, too.

So, this is your dad's room.

I bet if these walls could talk,

They would go...

So, deej, what are
we doing in here?

Well, I'm in here

Because I'm gonna borrow
one of dad's shirts and ties.

You're in here
because you're a pain.

I resent that.

I resent that, too.

Did you know

Your dad has a
box of baking soda

In his underwear drawer.

Kimmy, don't touch that.

My dad can tell if you
move anything an inch.

Now I'm just gonna
get a shirt and tie,

And we'll be out of here.

Hmm... This one looks good.

And dad's not scheduled
to wear it until...

Next thursday.

I'm in luck.

Here's another one just like it.

Forget it. There's no way

You're going out of this
house dressed like me.

Did you ever think

Just maybe you're the
one dressing like me?

Leave the shirt alone.

No. Leave it alone!

You're in big trouble, mister.

Look what you did now.

Get out of my
way. I have to fix it.

I can fix it myself.

Let go of it!

You let go.

I said let go!


Well, I can see by the
old hole in the wall

That it's time for me to go.

You girls will never learn.

We're dead! Dad is
gonna be home any minute!

What are we gonna do?

I know. Let's blame kimmy.

That won't work. We
have to fix the hole.

Right. We got to fix that hole.

Well, go ahead.

I don't know how to fix it.

But I know someone who does.

Stephanie, follow me.

What about me?

You stay right here
and watch that hole.

You got it, dude.

I'm good at this.







You know, jess,

I can handle a lot
more responsibility.

Even pat lets vanna spin
the wheel once in a while.

Hey, the attic's
looking really good.

How about this
sandwich I made, huh?

Very nice.

Hey, uncle jesse,

Aren't you worried
that you might miss

And put a hole in the wall?

I don't miss.

Well, what if joey missed?

Why would I give joey a hammer?

Well, what if joey
took your hammer

Without your permission?

Then there'd be a hole.

How would you fix it?

Well, girls, basically,
what I would do...

Excuse me. Let the man
with the tool belt explain.

Now, to fix a hole in
the wall is quite simple.

You take a piece of drywall...

You take spackle,
put that on, smooth it,

Sand it, paint it,

And kiss the hole goodbye.

Uncle jesse,

How come that window
frame is crooked?

That's impossible.

Joseph, level.

Yes, sir! Getting
the level, sir!

Handing the level, sir!

Suck in that gut.

Sucking in, sir!

That's level...

That's lev... Girls,
you're crazy.

This is perfectly lev...
Where did they go?

You know these kids today.

They just don't appreciate
leveling like we used to.

Yeah. Sad but true.

Ok. I'm gonna fix my
wall bed over there.

Joseph, electrical tape.

[As "igor"] yes, master.

Yes, I'll do your
bidding, master,

Get you the
electrical tape, master,

But please, don't level my hump.

You see? This is the
exact immature attitude

That makes me the king
of home improvement

And you but the court jester.

Ok, fine. Do it all yourself.

Well, at least
it'll be done right.

Whoa. Whoa!



Joey! Help me!

Hark. Is that the king

Asking the court
jester for help?

Sound the trumpets.

[Imitates trumpet]

Joseph, just get me out of here!

Is there a switch?

It's in my tool belt. I
haven't put it in yet.

Good planning, your majesty.

I'm in here!

If I see you laugh
once... You won't.

There. I'm ok now.

I must have
short-circuited the wire.

Cut me out of here.

Isn't there something
you'd like to say first,

Something with the
words "I'm sorry" in it?

Absolutely not.

Ok, ok, ok, ok, ok.

I'm sorry.

For what?

Maybe I was a tad
on the bossy side...

Ok, ok, ok, ok.

I was a power-crazed maniac.


And... And I should learn
to let people help me

And not do
everything myself, ok?


I'll help you get out of there.

There's just one thing I
want to ask first. What?

Are you really stuck in there?


Are you sure

That you're really,
really stuck in there?


Good, 'cause there's something

I've always wanted to do.


Hey, not the hair! Not the hair!

Leave my hair alone!

Now! Now, joseph!

Joseph, joseph, joseph, joseph,

Joseph, stop!

That ought to do it.

Looks good to me.

You would never know

A pole went through that wall.

Are you nuts?

Michelle, don't
stare right at it.

If you glance at it real fast,

You don't even notice it.


Now you try.

I still see it.

Who are we kidding?

Dad is gonna freak.

This never would have happened

If you weren't
following me around

Trying to act like a teenager.

That doesn't matter
now. Nothing matters.

We're gonna be grounded
in our room forever!

Steph, don't panic.

I have an idea.

That'll never work!

You haven't even heard it.

Let's move the dresser
to will cover the hole.

Like I said, that'll never work.

Dad notices everything.

He sees us when we're sleeping,

He knows when we're awake...

Steph, that's santa claus.

Now listen to me,
all we have to do

Is move everything
else along this wall

Over to the right,

And he'll never notice
we moved the dresser.

Now come on. Help me push.

Danny: girls, I'm home.

He's home!

We're dead! We're
dead! We're dead!

We're not dead yet.

We can still pull this off.

Now, michelle, I'm
going to give you

The most important
job you've ever had.

Do I got to watch
the hole again?

No. You have to go downstairs

And stop dad from
coming up here.

How do I do that?

Uh, talk to him. Keep him busy.

Do whatever it takes.

Can you do it?

I can do it!

Great. Go get him.

Do you think she can do it?

Not a chance.

Come on, hurry up.


Hi, daddy.

Oh... Well, it's nice to
see you, too, sweetheart.

Oh, isn't this fun?



I can do a cheer...
Go, team, go!


Well, that... That's
very good, sweetheart.

I can say my phone
number... 555-2424.

Whoa. That's very
good, too, sweetheart.

I can say it with
my eyes closed.


Well, you'll never top
that one, sweetheart.

Now I'm gonna go upstairs
and find your sisters.

They're not doing
anything wrong.

Well, that pretty much
means they are, doesn't it?

You cannot go upstairs.

Oh, yes, I can.

He's coming! He's coming!
He's coming! He's coming!

He's coming!

He's coming! He's coming!
He's coming! He's coming!

Hurry. He's coming. Hurry.

He's coming! He's coming!
He's coming! He's coming!

He's here.

I did the best I could.

She even told me
her phone number

With her eyes closed.

Question is, why did she
tell me her phone number

With her eyes closed?

And why are the two
of you in my room?

Darn, it was supposed
to be a surprise.

It was?

Steph, you can stop
playing dumb now.

Well, the reason
we're in your room

Is because we...

We're... Writing
a song about you.


And we needed some inspiration.


Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

I would love to hear the song

That my room inspired.

Uh, why don't you
sing it for him, steph?

Uh... Why don't we both sing it?

♪ Dad, dad, dad, dad, dad ♪

Take it, deej!

♪ He's our dad ♪

♪ And he's got a
really clean room ♪

Take it home, steph!

♪ He keeps it that way ♪

♪ With a mop and a broom ♪

Big finish!

♪ Dad, dad, dad, dad ♪

♪ He's our dad ♪♪

You know, girls, hearing
that beautiful song

Makes me realize

That you two are
definitely up to something.

Does that mean you
didn't like our song?

All right, you two,
look, I loved your song.

You know, I've had a hard day,

So I'm gonna just buy
this song thing, all right?

Everybody looks
happy and healthy.

What the heck?

Guess I'm a little off today.

Why don't you take a nap?

Yeah. Yeah, maybe I will.

Just, uh, don't miss the bed.


♪ Dad, dad, he's our dad ♪

I can't believe we
got away with it!

We never get away with anything.

That was a little too close.

Let's not punch
any more holes, ok?


Wasn't that the dumbest
song you ever heard?

♪ Dad, dad, dad, dad, dad, dad ♪

♪ Dad, dad, dad, dad ♪♪

Michelle, why are you singing?

I love that song.

You love it?

We just made it up.

All it does is go

♪ Dad, dad, dad,
dad, dad, dad, dad ♪

That's why I love it. I
know all the words.

♪ Dad, dad, dad, dad, dad, dad ♪

Can you believe her?

She wants to do everything I do.

Do you find that annoying

When your little sister
always wants to copy you?


I get it.

I guess I'm always annoying you.

Well, not all the time.

You saved us with
that silly dad song.

You were pretty tricky.

I learned it from watching you.

I am good, aren't i?

Look, in a few years,

You're gonna make a
pretty cool teenager.



But until then, do me a favor?

Just stick to being
a pretty cool kid.

You think I'm a cool kid?

Yeah, you're a cool kid.

I'm ba-ack.

So, ladies, what are
we going to do now?


Yes, dad?

Something's been
bothering me since you left.

And I have finally figured out

What is wrong with my room.

Who moved the baking soda
in my underwear drawer?

By the way,

I love that dad song.
How does it go again?

♪ Dad, dad, dad, dad ♪

What's that mop and broom part?

♪ He's got a really clean room ♪

♪ And he keeps it that way
with a mop and a broom ♪♪
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