04x26 - Rock the Cradle

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Full House". Aired: September 1987 to May 1995.*
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A widower enlists help to raise his three daughters..
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04x26 - Rock the Cradle

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Ahh ♪

♪ Ohh ♪

♪ What ever happened
to predictability ♪

♪ The milkman, the paper boy ♪

♪ Evenin' tv ♪

♪ How did I get delivered here ♪

♪ Somebody tell me, please ♪

♪ This old world's ♪

♪ Confusin' me ♪

♪ Clouds as mean
as you've ever seen ♪

♪ Ain't a bird who
knows your tune ♪

♪ Then a little voice
inside you whispers ♪

♪ Kid, don't sell your
dreams so soon ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ There's a heart ♪

♪ A hand to hold onto ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ There's a face of
somebody who needs you ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ When you're lost out there ♪

♪ And you're all alone ♪

♪ A light is waitin' ♪

♪ To carry you home ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Do be do ba ba da ♪♪

♪ You know, love
don't come around ♪

♪ Till after midnight ♪

♪ And the passion
rages on until daylight ♪

♪ Well, I feel
like I'm in heaven ♪

♪ But I don't think ♪

♪ Real love is in the air ♪

♪ What we have here ♪

♪ Is a flesh tone love affair ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Well, I feel
like I'm in heaven ♪

♪ But I don't think this
union has a prayer ♪

♪ What we have here ♪

♪ Is a flesh tone love affair ♪

♪ Gettin' crazy with a
flesh tone love affair ♪

♪ Undercover with a
flesh tone love a... ♪♪



All right!

Max... You're the
record executive,

But in my objective opinion,

That was the best song
in the history of music.

I hope jesse and the rippers

Have an album out by christmas.

What a great stocking stuffer

For my thousands of friends.

Hey, steph, why don't
we go out and get jobs

So we have money to spend

On concert tickets,
posters, and t-shirts.

I want my jesse and
the rippers lunch box.

So long, kids.

I don't know where they
learned to kiss up like that,

But gosh, I love those shoes.

Well, I thought you
guys were great.

All right! All right!

Yeah. But my opinion
means nothing.

Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh.

But I'll give this
demo tape to my boss

And if he likes you
guys as much as I do,

Big things could happen.

All right. Well, thanks
very much. Appreciate it.

And you know what?
You look great.

You really look good today.

And did I tell you I
love those shoes?

'Cause I do. I love the shoes.

Ugly shoes.

Joey, could you please
make a sandwich for glen?

Well, sure. Who's glen?

My invisible friend.
He's sitting right there.


Get up! Get up! Get up!

Why? What's the matter?

You sat on glen.
Please be careful.

Danny, that's no way to treat

Michelle's imaginary friend.

All right, glen.

I'll just straighten
up your tie,

And here, let me
adjust your sombrero.

Joey, he moved over there.

Oh, of course he did.

And he's not wearing a sambrero.

Well, it looked
like a sambero to me.

Uh... Hi, glen. How you doing?

Nice to meet you.

Oh, ho ho! He's
got quite a grip.

Speaking of grips, you
boys better get one.

Hey, it's perfectly
normal for young children

To have imaginary friends.

When d.j. Was a kid,

She had an imaginary
duck named norton.

A duck.

Hey, norton was just a
phase. I grew out of it.

That's true. She
forgot all about norton

When she made
friends with kimmy.

Man, I miss that duck.

You'll be sorry
when I'm gone, mr. T.

How would I know?
You never leave.

I'll get it.


Oh. Ok.

D.j., It's norton the duck.

Ha ha! I quack myself up.

Steph, honey, is that for me?

Yeah. It's dr. Crane's office.

Oh, great. It's about time.


You're kidding.

You're kidding!

You're kidding!

He's kidding.

Well, thank you,
thank you, thank you!

Oh, boy.

Oh, boy.


Beef jerky, anybody?

Becky, could I talk to
you for a second, please?

Well, sure, danny.

I also have ranch-flavored.

Hey, I want to come, too.

What are we waiting
for? Let's eavesdrop.

Ok, becky, let's review.

You went to the doctor.
He called right back.

You said, "thank you,
thank you, thank you!"

And you've been living on
beef jerky for the last 3 days.

It doesn't take a genius to
figure out what's going on here.

Yeah, she's obviously

And you're obviously

Joey, rebecca is pregnant.

Pregnant? Shh!

Pregnant? Pregnant?

Who's pregnant?

Uh... I am.

Way to go, joey!

Girls, I'm going to have a baby.

You're going to have a baby?

Be quiet. Jesse's upstairs,

And he still doesn't know.

Well, I'll tell him.
Follow me, everyone.

Oh, wait a minute!
Hold it. Hold it.

Nobody is saying a word
about me being pregnant.

You know, eventually
he will find out.

I'm going to tell
him... Tonight...

Over a romantic
candlelight dinner.

So promise me you
won't say a word, ok?

Sure. Promise.

Glen wants to know
where babies come from.

Uh... Cleveland.


We talked about how babies
come from mommies' tummies.

Glen wants to know

Where the babies sleep in there.

Well, the... The baby sleeps

In kind of a little
cozy waterbed.


Tell glen if he has
any more questions,

He should ask his
invisible parents, ok?

Let's go finish lunch.

Hey, beck, is something wrong?

I'm just a little nervous about
how jesse's going to take the news.

I mean, we've talked
about having a baby,

But not for a couple more years.

I'm sure jesse is
going to be thrilled.

I hope so.

Boy, it's too bad
you're not an elephant.

You know, elephants, they're
pregnant for two years.

By the time little
dumbo pops out,

You're right on schedule.

Little guy, you know... Aroo!

Where's becky and joey?

Oh, they're in there.

Joey, beck, come here. I
want you guys all to hear this.

All right, listen. The president
of the record company

Heard my demo and
wants to meet me.

That's great.

See you guys later.

Jesse, we all just
want you to know

That we're really,
really happy for you.

What's going on?

Well, jess, you
better get going.

You know you don't
want to be late.

Uh, michelle, honey,
you stay here.

But don't you want to tell him?


Uh... Yes, I do.

Uh, good-bye, sweetheart.

And, uh, hey...

Good luck, you manly man, you.

Boy, can we keep
a secret or what?


Beck, you'll never
guess what happened.

Oh, wait, wait!
I'm not ready yet.

Oh, darling,
you're home at last.

You did all this for me?

Well, I have some really
great news for you.

I've got some great
news for you. Get this...

The record company said
we had this retro-punk

Hip-hop euro-trash garage beat.

I don't know what the hell
it means, but it must be good,

'Cause they signed us!

Oh, honey, that's great!

I want to hear all
about it over dinner.

All right. What are we having?

I'm glad you asked,

Because we're
having baby shrimp,

Baby corn, and baby back ribs.

Good, 'cause, baby, I'm starved.

Jess, sweetheart, do you see

Some sort of theme
running through this meal?

Oh, there's a theme? Oh, how
fun. All right, let me guess.

Uh... Ok. We got
the baby shrimp.

All right.

Baby ribs, baby cor... Honey.


Finger foods.
Beautiful. I love it.

Very, very clever.

Yeah. Nothing gets by you.

Oh, beck, I'm so excited,

I can't even believe this.

Jesse and the rippers are
going on tour this summer

For 2 months, and get
this... This is the best part.

Our first stop is a state
fair opening up for aerosmith.

You're going to open
up for aerosmith?

Well, technically,
we're opening a few days

Before aerosmith gets there,

But why nitpick?

So you're going away?

Yeah, but you're coming with me.

I mean, you have vacation
time coming up, right?

I mean, the timing is perfect.

What do you mean?

I mean, think about it. I
mean, we're both young.

We have nothing tying us down,

No responsibilities.
It's party time!

I'm too excited. I can't eat.

I got to tell everybody.

I love you so much.

Oh, what was the
good news you had?

Oh. It can wait.

All right.

We're just having a baby.

Ready? Guess.

Uh, tire.

Big bird!



Big bird!

Michelle, it's not big bird.

Um... Is it a doughnut?

Yes, a doughnut. Next clue.

Big bird!

It's not big bird.
It's not big bird.

Don't have a cow.

That's it. She got it.

See, doughnut, half a cow.

Don't have a cow.

I win. My turn.

Wonder if aunt
becky told uncle jesse

About the baby yet?

I don't think so.

We haven't heard him scream.

Man, he's on a roll today...

He's having a baby,

He might have a record deal,

And he's having
a great hair day.

I'm done. You'll never guess.

Big bird. Big bird.

You guys are good at this.

Hey, you guys, I got the
greatest news in the world.

We know. Way to go.

I haven't told you yet. Oh!

I guess you can tell
by my face. I'm beaming.

We sure can.

Congratulations on your miracle.

Well, I wouldn't
exactly call it a miracle.

I mean, it took a
lot of hard work.

You know, at the
risk of being vain,

Some natural raw talent, too.

I mean, you know, I've
been practicing for years.

Friends' garages... Basements...

Listen, when the
big night comes,

I want you all there
with me and becky,

Screaming and yelling
and holding up lighters

And chanting,
"jesse! Jesse! Jesse!"


What are you talking about?

I'm talking about going
on tour with my band.

What are you...

Boy, oh, boy, is my
stomach hungry.

Honey, would you mind going
to the kitchen and getting me

A nice big chunk of beef jerky?

Thank you so much, sweetheart. I
don't know what I'd do without you.

Uh, are you trying
to get rid of me?

Oh, no, not at all. Now beat it.

You didn't tell him
about the baby yet?

Well, I started to,
but he was so excited

About going on tour and
not having any responsibilities

That I chickened out.

You have to tell him.

You're right, danny.

I'll just look him
straight in the eye

And say, "jess, you want
to play picture charade?"


Uh, sure you do. Of
course you do. Yes, you do.

Just come right back here, honey,
and have a seat right over there.

Now, everybody, this
game is just for jesse, ok?

All right, jess, you
just sit right there

And pay very close attention.

All right. Now,
it's a movie title.

Teenage mutant ninja turtles.

No, michelle. That's cheese.


Yeah, but it's a movie title.

Oh, it's a... Dances
with cheese.


Uh, uh, all right.

Uh, driving miss cheesy.


I got it, I got it. Home
provolone, right?

Next clue.

Um, half.

Ok, cheese half.

Ok, great. Next clue.


Um, beaker.

Bottle. Vase.


Gee, you're good, uncle jesse.

Yeah, I'm pretty good. Ok.

Uh, cheese half ink.

Cheese half ink.

She's hav... She's having.

Yes, she's having!
Ok, last clue.

She's having a...
She's having a...

She's having a hot dog!


What? It's clearly a bun
with a wiener sticking out

With a happy face.

No, jess. It's not
she's having a hot dog.

It's she's having a
baby, and the she is me.

I'm having a baby!

Oh, you're hav... Did you hear
that? She's having... What?

You're having a baby?
How did this happen?

Well, I know how it happened.

Really? You know
what this means?

We're having a baby!

I'm going to be a father!

"Good night, stars.

"Good night, air.

Good night, noises everywhere."

That was beautiful.

Thank you. There'll be another
performance tomorrow night.

Same time, same chair.

Me and glen will be there.

Honey, let's talk about
glen for a second.

You know, it's
fun to have a glen

Or a pretend duck like norton

Or my best friend
when I was a kid...

Terry the talking washcloth.

But what is it you
like about glen?

He's my friend.

My other friends are gone.

Oh, because
preschool just ended.

Oh, so that's why
glen just showed up.

Yeah, but don't worry.

Next week, you start kiddy camp,

And you're gonna meet
all kinds of new friends.


Yeah, really.

And if you want to, you
can take glen with you.

That's ok. He talks too much.

Sorry, glen.

I love you, michelle.

I love you, daddy.


Pretty soon, it's
going to be your kid

Saying, "I love you, daddy."

Can't wait.

I remember when d.j. Was born.

Pam and i, we looked down

At this innocent little baby

That we actually
brought into the world,

And it... It felt like...

I don't know. This
is why we're here.

So, do you want to do the
honors and tuck michelle in?

Yeah. I can use all
the practice I can get.

Good night, honey.

Good night.

Good night.

Aw, michelle, michelle.

Your aunt becky and
I are having a baby.

You're gonna have
a new little cousin.

Is it a boy or girl?

Well, we don't know yet.

Then you can name it big bird.

I can't believe I'm
going to be a daddy.

You think I'm ready
to raise a little kid?

You're doing a very
good job with me.

Thank you.

Let me tell you something.

I'm going to be the
best darn daddy

A kid could ever have.

And I'm not gonna
miss one second

Of little big bird's life.

Starting right now, I'm
not leaving becky's side.

You aren't going away? Goody!

Of course I'm
not going away. I...

Oh, the band.

Well, this is something
I always wanted to do,

Go on the road

And have a deal with
a record company.

I can't let the guys down.

I mean, without me,
jesse and the rippers

Would be... And the rippers.

Then again, I can't
let becky down. I mean,

She's my wife. I...
How do I choose?

Easy. Put out your hand

And play the eenie-meenie game.

Come on, michelle, I'm an adult.

Do you want my help or not?

Eenie, meenie, miney, moe.

Catch a tiger by the toe.

If he hollers, let him go.

You better stay with big bird.

That's exactly
what I was thinking.

Michelle, I love
our little talks.

You always make
things seem so simple.

Thanks for the advice, shorty.

Just doing my job.

Whoa! This baby thing happens
a lot faster than I thought.

Honey, will you still love
me when I look like this?

Of course. It'll be great,
too, 'cause I'll have a place

To set my popcorn
when we watch tv.

You're very funny. Yeah.

Now, listen. I've had
some expert advice,

And I've made a very
important decision.

I'm canceling the tour,

And I'm gonna stay
with you this summer.

Jess... Who'd you get
this expert advice from?


She used the
eenie-miney-moe method.

Honey, that's very sweet,
but what are you going to miss

In the next eight weeks?

Morning sickness,
midnight cravings,

Swollen ankles, mood swings.

Hey, look, I don't care.

I'm gonna be right by
your side 24 hours a day.

Every time you turn around,

I'm gonna be there, helping you,

Supporting you,
whatever you need.

That's really going
to get on my nerves.

Is this a mood swing? Huh?

'Cause I'm there
for you. Watch. See?

Hey, hi, babe. I'm
there for you, babe.

See how that works?

Honey, I think it's very sweet

That you want to be by my side,

But we don't have to stay home.

I mean, it's like you said.

I have some time off. I
could take my vacation.

I can go on the road with you,

And then I can see you
on the weekends, too.

You can't travel
in your condition.

Yes, I can.

The doctor said it's perfectly
safe for me to travel.

How do I know? I've never
been pregnant before.

Well, I'll be fine.

Jess, I know how much
this tour means to you,

And I don't want you to miss it.

And that's what this
marriage is all about...

Making each other's
dreams come true.

Well, you already made the
best dream of all come true.

So you're really happy about
having the baby right now?

Ah, well, I mean, you know,

We didn't plan it,
but who cares?

Yes. I'm so happy.

Thanks for making me be a daddy.

Thanks for making me a mommy.

I love you.

Hello. There's a
kid in the room.

Michelle, what are
you doing awake?

I didn't say good
night to big bird.

Big bird?

That's our baby.

You named our baby big bird?

Well, you know, just for now,

Until we find out
if it's a boy or girl

Or a 9-foot yellow muppet.

Good night, cousin big bird.

See you soon.

Get over here.

You silly goon. We love you.
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