01x12 - Happy New Year

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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01x12 - Happy New Year

Post by bunniefuu »

Bob, who's in?

Dr. Greene....

There's a guy in the street.
g*nsh*t wounds. Blood everywhere.

All right. You heard the doctor.
Here we go.

We got a GSW.

lt's on the street.
We're gonna need some hands out there.

Clear Trauma .

A patient's gonna strangle
on Christmas lights.

-He's between the cars.
-l see him.

Okay, l can see him.

All right, he's still breathing.

l got a pulse.

We gotta get him out of here.
Lift him up.

All right.
Easy! Watch his head.

Joe, you got him?

Bag him.

Connie, notify the O.R., get Benton
and order eight units O-neg.

Bob, call Security.
We got a gangbanger here.


Dial - - and say, ''Help!''

Open the Trauma Care Unit!

ln winter, l wish they'd
dump the bodies inside.

Yeah, pretty inconsiderate of them.

Trauma , call the blood bank.
We need eight units of O-neg.

And l need a page on Benton. Now.

Get his clothes off.

Gary, can you grab that?

Abdomen, chest, neck, legs.

Pulse and thready.

Decreased breath sounds hyperresonant
on the right. l'll decompress.

Fourteen gauge?

Get your souvenirs here.

l'll get it out of here.

Let's intubate him.

Carter, jump in here.


You've seen of these by now, right?

Advance the blade to the epiglottis,
then lift.

-l can't see a thing in here.
-Okay, l'll suction.

Visualize the vocal cords,
and pass the tube through them.

Stay away from that esophagus.


-You got it.
-Nice work, Carter.

O.R.'s waiting.
What've we got?

Tube's in. Let's go!

g*nsh*t wounds to the neck,
chest, abdomen and legs.

lntubated. Gave two liters of saline,
needs a thoracotomy and laparotomy.

Clear that elevator!

-l'd like to follow through the O.R.
-There'll be enough bodies there.

-l haven't been there yet.
-l'll take him from here.

l'm the one who found him.

Well, you probably saved his life.
Let's go.

We got a dead shovel in and
a paper cut in the Suture Room.

Paper cut?

The guy says his newspaper jumped up
and att*cked him.

We're waiting for psych.

lsn't it comforting to know that
won't be any different than ?

Excuse me. Carter?

Can you call the medical examiner
to pick up the dead shovel in ?

What's a dead shovel?

Fat man shoveling snow.

Heart palpitations and a fractured
femur. She's waiting on the orthopods.

Excuse me. Excuse me.

l've been here for hours now,
and l feel absolutely fine.

Mrs. Davies is the mitral prolapse
with resolved SVT.

Yeah, resolved and forgotten.

Where's Dr. Lewis?

She'll be with you
as soon as she can.

l hope so. l have a -year-old
at home with the mumps.

So do l.
Gets on your nerves, doesn't it?

Thank you.

You can do it.

l can do it.

Just swing on.

You mean hang on?
l can't do it, Bob. l can't do it!

Yes. Yes, you can!

You okay?

New Year's revolution.

Resolution. l quit smoking.

-She had a menthol.
-Menthols don't count.

My resolution was
to quit doing scut work.

After l take these to the lab.

He failed. Why can't l?

-ls Dr. Benton back from surgery yet?
-Been and gone!

Thank you.

This is gross!

-Shut up, Stewey!
-No, you!

You started it.

Now stop it!
Let the doctor do his work!

Perhaps Binky wants to wait outside.

You know, Mrs. Bimley,
Stewey's eye is gonna be just fine.

A word of caution: Keep all the g*ns,
even the paint g*ns, away from the kids.

Well, obviously.
Do you think l'm an idiot?

Come on, Stewey, let's go!

l got a bumsicle for you.

Freeze-dried at the backdoor.

-Let's clear Trauma .
-Got to go.

Welcome back.

l found him on rd Street.
Gilbert McCabe.

Legs frozen to the sidewalk.

l was just sleeping.

l feel fine. Put me down.

You can't even stand up.
We had to chip the ice with a tire iron.

They woke me up is what they did.

Mr. McCabe, my name's Dr. Greene.
This is Dr. Hicks.

We're gonna check you over.

l don't want some colored woman
working on me.

Like l said, ' is gonna be
just like ' .

l said, put me down.
What are you, deaf?

-Dr. Kayson.
-l'm very busy, Dr. Lewis.

This'll just take a minute.
l've got a patient with--

You'll have to wait. l've got
a patient coming out of surgery.

Mrs. Davies,
everything checks out okay.

Your heart rate's normalized.
We need to increase your verapamil.

So l can go?

Not until the attending cardiologist
gives the okay.

Don't worry, you'll have time
for your daughter's mumps.

They last a good seven days.

You have to take them off.

The hell l do.

-You need Carter?
-Not if you do.

Bowel disimpaction in .

-How was surgery?
-Which surgery?

-The g*ng kid from this morning.
-He died minutes in.

This is my surgical rotation.

-Your ER surgical rotation.
-l haven't stepped foot in an O.R.

You always treat students like this?

Dr. Benton, l hate to complain,
but all l do is scut work.

l did it for my surgical resident.
We all did.

And you'll do it until
you can do it in your sleep.

You are a medical student.
You're here to make my life easier.

Yeah, l'm also here to learn.

And have you?


Glove up and dig in.
And don't take all day.

-Can you feel anything here?
-Keep it where l can see it.

Mr. McCabe.

-Are you feeling anything here?

-How about that? You feel that?

And don't touch those pants.

-No, nothing hurts.

And don't get into those pockets.
l got all my money in those pockets.

What do you keep poking for?
My feet feel fine.

lt's just that they're a little heavy.
Like a chunk of wood.

And l wanna take those shoes with me.
Do you hear me?

Connie, set up a morphine drip and
a gram of Ancef, and a tetanus booster.

No. l don't want any dr*gs.

Heparin, units.

You have severe frostbite in your feet
and legs. lce crystals in the tissues.

We need to warm them up quickly
in a whirlpool bath.

You mean like a Jacuzzi?

Yeah, like a Jacuzzi.

We'll see if there's any tissue damage
and decide if we need surgery.

Oh, no, l won't need that! That's a
perfectly good pair of hoofers.

Just need a little warming up,
that's all.

Tell them l'm taking my clothes with me.

l don't want some bonehead
stealing them.

Mrs. Davies is years old...

...known history of recurrent,
easily controlled SVT.

You should've released her hours ago.

l tried to talk to you
on your way to recovery.

You should've come to me
a long time before that.

Hey, Susie!

Not now, Chloe.
l did try to find you.

l gotta tell you something.

Hey, are you one of Susie's teachers?

Here's your release.
Next time, Dr. Lewis, try harder.

Oh, Mrs. Davies needs you.

-Stop coming by.
-Let me tell you something.

-lt can't wait until tonight?
-l won't be here tonight.

Ronnie and l are moving to Texas.
l've come to say goodbye.

Susan, are you coming?

What are you gonna do?

l don't know,
learn how to cook chili.

This isn't funny.

You and Ronnie are moving to Texas.
You're not even sure he can get a job.

l told you, he's got an uncle
that works in a refinery.

-Where are you going to live?
-l always figure that stuff out.

You're pregnant.
lt's a little different this time.

This is crazy!
l don't think you should go.

You want me, Ronnie and the baby
to stay with you?

You don't even want me
to have the baby.

l just think that you should--

l want to, and l'm going to.

At least stay in Chicago.
l'll talk to Mom and Dad--

l don't want that!

l don't want to stay with people that
always think l'm doing the wrong thing.

l am gonna love this baby,
Susan, so much.

And l want everyone else
to love it too.

You gonna eat that?

l'll send you a postcard
from the Alamo, okay?

Chloe, wait!

You don't even have a winter coat.


l'll wear it.
l'll wear it all the time.

Give him a liter of Ringer's the
first hour, line. Start a Foley.

BP's over .
Resps shallow at .

Full thickness burns to both legs.

Check who's covering plastics.

-We need more sterile saline.
-Lydia's coming with it.

-Third degrees to the scalp and face.
-Chest and abdomen burns are minor.

-Burn Unit's notified, Mark.
-Thanks, Lydia.

Pulse ox is .

-Any other firemen hurt?

Give him of morphine.

Want me to get rid of them?

No, no. Let them stay.

José, you're missing my point.

We are not a pizza joint,
and we do not deliver.

Okay, sure.
Take your business elsewhere.

-Guy wants us to make house calls.
-How quaint.

You have, Dr. Ross,
won the Pick Three Lotto.

We got a runny nose in ,
a cough and a sore throat in ...

...and babies having babies
over at Curtain Number .

Babies it is.

-Sure thing.

So how was New Year's Eve?

Sorry l didn't make it.

Neither did we.
Walt and l fell out by : .

So what does he think
about your new job?

He's happy.
Kids me about it all the time.

Says working for Parks and Recs is
like being an urban forest ranger.

Yeah, but l bet Mom's proud, right?

That's what we need
to talk about, Peter.

Walt and l saw this really nice place
across from Bryn Mawr Park.

She'd have her own room, people to spend
time with her, nurses to look after her.

What are you talking about?

l don't think we can keep
caring for her.

Since the stroke, she's been in and out.
She needs constant looking after.

l don't know constant.

You wouldn't know constant,
because you're never around.

With this new job,
l'm not able to do it anymore...

...and l don't want the kids to
take on that responsibility.

Steven's in basketball, Joanie's doing
plays. l can't ask them to give it up.

Why? Because that's what you did
when you were looking after me.

When Mom went back to work,
we didn't have much choice, did we?

l do have a choice about my own kids.


...there's gotta be something else.

What about Mrs. Lukey?

-She's only years younger than Mom.
-She looked after that old man.

She lives across the street.
She can come over and spend the days.

l'll make the arrangements
to pay for it.

Since when do you have extra money?

Let me worry about that.

ls this a done deal
just because you say so?

Where have you been for the past years
while Walt and l worried about it?

l can't put her in a home.

You won't have to.

lt's our decision.

All of ours.

lt can't always be about
what you want, Peter.

l'm gonna miss my bus.


...what's the story?

How's our boy?

lt's not great, guys.


He's got full-thickness burns
to % of his body.

He needs to go up to the O.R.
for débridement...

...and then to the Burn Unit.

But he'll make it?

l'll know more in about hours.

Okay, thanks, Doc.

Dr. Greene, can l talk to you?

Yeah, can l borrow your pen?

l don't know if this is appropriate.

l'm not sure Dr. Benton's
interested in supervising me.

l'm fairly certain that he's not.

So the warm, fuzzy demeanor's
not getting through to you?

Yes, that would be accurate.

l had a ton of residents like Benton.

l think Benton had
a ton of residents like Benton.

He's not the worst one you'll get.
My advice?

Get used to it.

Lydia, l need some help
with those teenagers.

She can't.
She's on her way to Radiology.

She's quitting smoking.
She's chewing nicotine gum.

The whole pack?

You okay?

l've never seen anything like that.

l just started...

...three weeks ago.

Maybe l shouldn't be doing this.

l didn't think it would
scare me like this.

You need to get some rest.

Go home, okay?

Get some sleep.



The EKGs are normal?

That's right. So are your blood tests,
chest x-rays and enzymes.

No damage to the heart muscle.

So what was this pain then?

Probably muscular.

You take all this time
just to tell me l pulled a muscle?

So l take that
anti-inflammatory again?


A couple of months ago, my wife made me
clean the garage. Threw my back out.

Two months ago?

That's what l said.

Oh, they gave you Feldene.

Your pain's stopped.
You don't need to take it.

So l'm out of here.

l can't discharge you exactly yet.

What's the deal? You said l was fine.
l've got three customers this afternoon.

l'll run your tests by the cardiologist
on call. Then we can sign you out.

-Have you seen Mark?
-Down one.

lt's okay, she's a nurse.

Sorry. Chopper's setting down
in two minutes with an MVA.

-Get Benton for it.
-He's still at lunch.

Here's your pap tray.

Thank you, Dr. Carter.
He's your man.

Right this way.

Paramedics are bringing in an MVA.
l need you to bring him down.

Wait. By myself?


lt's degrees out.
You might want to get your coat.

My coat.

Carter, is there some kind
of emergency?

All right, come on.

All right. What've we got?


School bus versus two-door.

Blunt abdominal trauma.

Twenty-five years old.
Pulse and thready.

BP palp.

-Go! Go!
-Couldn't intubate.

Scooped and flew.

All right.

We'll take it.

Cap refill's slow.

-Sinus tach at .
-Run a strip.

What've we got?

MVA. Blunt trauma to the abdomen.

Let's intubate.

l got it.

You help intubate.
l'll get X-ray down here.

Okay, Mr. Carter, he's all yours.

Connie, can l get a . ?

Jim, it's Lily in the ER.
We need portable x-rays in Trauma .

C-spine abdominal series to start.

-Okay, thanks.
-Got some towels over here.

He's got a lot of secretions in here.
l need some suction.

Where's the O-neg?

On its way.

Advance the blade.

Visualize the vocal cords.

Pass through the tube.

-How much fluid has he had?
- liters in the field. This'll make .

-l got it.
-Give me a suction cath.

-No, we'll bag him.

His abdomen's rigid.
Peritoneal lavage?

Would you like to do that also,
Mr. Carter?

-No, you can do that one.
-Why, thank you.

Don't bother, Peter.
l got a team scrubbing up.

Move him upstairs.
Give me the b*llet.

MVA, years old.
Brought in pale and diaphoretic.

Pulse is , BP is palp.

Resp's . lntubated.

Blunt abdominal trauma,
probable ruptured spleen.

Thank you all.
We'll take it from here.

Watch the line.

-Watch that strap.
-We're clear.

Excuse us, people.

Morgenstern and l have a gallbladder
at p.m. Scrub in by : .

We have made contact.
l repeat, we have made contact.

-lt was you who was looking for him, right?

Dr. Kayson.

-l'm on my way to the lab.
-Then sign out Mr. Vennerbeck now.

A -year-old admitted with
non-radiating left chest pain...

...reproducible with movement.

Tenderness left sternal border.
Resolved without treatment.

-EKG's normal?

-Enzymes, chest x-ray?

-Dizzy? Palpitations?



-History of chest pain?
-No, but--

Risk factors?

None, but slightly elevated
blood pressure.

Doesn't sound cardiac.
Have him see his doctor.

-Thank you, Dr. Lewis.
-Thank you, Dr. Kayson.

You're free and clear. You need to see
your own doctor for a stress test.

Great. Missed two appointments,
and you tell me to see my own doctor.

Sorry it took so long.
We wanted to be thorough.

Sure, sure. Thanks, okay?

-l'll send a nurse in.

Dr. Lewis.

When l was a resident, l was always
worried about people's approval.

The attending, the patients.

Maybe because l was a woman.

A black woman.

Life was a lot easier
once l got over it.

Don't let the patients
get to you, Dr. Lewis.

We treat them as soon as we can.
Don't apologize for how long it takes.

We're a busy hospital,
not a restaurant.

-Gaby started it.
-l did not!

-You did too!
-Did not.

Ladies, you're sisters.
We can work this out.

Sally didn't want the name Emily.

lt's Grandma's name.
l always wanted it.

You know, there are plenty
of other names.

You don't even know if it's a girl!

-Besides, l deliver a week earlier.
-Not if l have it induced!

Coming through.

Get out of the way!

Connie, get a CBC and a Chem- .

Get FHTs with a Doppler,
and call OB.

Susan, are you bored?
Looking for something to do?

Come on. Her name's Tarita.
She's years old.

She's complaining of abdominal pains.

She needs Narcan
and an amp of glucose.

Hook up the suction to a Yankaur.

We need an amp of glucose.

Narcan given.

Where's that Doppler?

BP's over .
Resp's shallow at .

Crank up the lV. She's somnolent.

Pupils pinpoint. What's she on?

Boyfriend says pills and cocaine.

-Let's get a tox screen.
-She needs an amp of D- too.

We'll help you, Tarita.
When is your due date?

l don't know!

Lie back, it'll be fine.

l don't know. lt's coming.

She's fully dilated.

A % effaced.

Membrane's ruptured.
Get her to OB.

l'll notify an lCU unit.

Elderly couple's coming in.
Both comatose. ETA's minutes.

Benton's in surgery.
Dr. Hicks is on her way.

Please hurry, it's coming!

lt's coming.

-Just don't push. Don't push!
-Take short breaths.

Screw you.

Short breaths like you're
blowing out a candle. Good.

-A foot's coming out, and it's blue.
-Back her up, and take her in here.

Come on, people.

Excuse us! Make way!

Call OB. Tell them to
get down here right away.

Can't get worse than a cocaine-toxic
footling breech.

Yes, it can.
Umbilical cord's prolapsed.

-Grab the monitors. Where're the leads?
-ln the crash cart. Pull in a dynamap.

-Are they gonna be okay?
-Who are you?

l live next door. Their cat wanted in.
When l knocked, nobody answered.

Her skin is cherry red
under the nails.

O- at liters.
Call Respiratory in here, stat.

lt's probably carbon monoxide poisoning.
Carol, do a sodium hydroxide test.

Get a couple of test tubes
from the rack.

Did they use any heaters?

They got those little ones.
lt's not oil, but--

-That's it.

We need a portable x-ray.

They'll be okay? They lived
next door to me all of my life.

They're like my grandparents.

CO's present, both samples.


Get the oxygen hooked up here.

What kind of lab test you want?

-Turn the warmer on.
-Who's on in NlCU?

Dizon was here earlier.

You son of a bitch, it hurts.

-Turn the warmer on.
-Good, l got the other leg. lt's out.

The baby usually rotates
to the spine anterior position.

Shoulder blades are free.

Okay, now rotate it sideways.

Sweep the arms down over the chest.

-What are you doing?
-Okay, here we go.

He's tremulous. Suction.

Breathe. Keep breathing.

My baby.

l'll stick a butterfly
in the scalp vein.

Get me a heel stick glucose.

Blood sugar's .

-Any vaginal tears?
-Not too bad.

Let me get some cord blood.

Give him six milligrams of
percent DW over three minutes.

Susan, didn't you just release a
patient named Vennerbeck?

Honey, everything will be okay.
l just know it.

-What happened?
-l don't understand.

Severe substernal chest pain
radiating down the left arm.

He's had five morphine--

He's got a new holosystolic murmur with
a thrill. Give me an ET tube . .

-Why did you let him go?
-Start a milligram dopamine drip.

Will somebody please tell me
what is going on?

-year-old bounced back
with chest pain.

Holosystolic murmur.

Hypotensive with a possible
ventricular septal rupture.

Give me milligrams Lasix lV push.

Doctor, please.
Tell me what is going on!

Let's get him upstairs. Call the cath
lab to prep for intra-aortic balloon.

Go! Come on, go!
All right.

That'll be all, Dr. Lewis.

All right. Mrs. Vennerbeck,
l'm Dr. Kayson.

We need to take certain emergency
measures to stabilize your husband.

Ms. Maryanski....

Ms. Maryanski, l'm sorry it's not
the news that you wanted to hear.

No, l want this baby.

ls it your husband?

He doesn't want to have the baby?

Ms. Maryanski...

...this is something that the two of
you, as a couple, really should discuss.

He's infertile!


...in that case...

...that, yeah, would be....

These are the maxillary sinuses.
Opacification on the affected side...

...is a subtle clue that the inferior
wall of the orbit is fractured.

lf this isn't a good time....

Sorry, it's been a long day.

Actually, l'm scrubbing with Dr. Benton
on a gallbladder in minutes.

Well, if l know Dr. Benton,
he'll be early.

Better get out of here.

Remember these three things:

Cystic duct, common duct, liver.

Get out of here.

They're asleep.

You scared me.


Their blood gases have normalized.
Their CO levels are down.

They're gonna be fine.
They're on a : hold.

Well, l just wanted to check on them
before l head out.

Mr. Babcock owned a bakery.

Started it the year they were married.

He still makes a three-tiered cake...

...every June th on their anniversary.

They got lucky today.

l think maybe they've been
lucky every day.


Don't butt in backwards.
You're not sterile yet.

Turn on the faucet with your knee.
Pop open a brush packet.

Come on, get it open.


Now, get your hands wet,
starting with your fingernails.

Scrub your fingers times.

Front, side...

...back, webbing.

Like this?

Yeah, sort of.

Then scrub the palm times.

Back of the hands...

...down the arm...

...front, side...

...back, up to the elbows.

Then rinse...

...so that the water runs
down your arms...

...not your hands. You got it?

Yeah, l think so.

Good. Remember, times.

And hurry up.

-- , , , , , .

Good, just pull it right back.

Sometimes l like to pull
the thing back and hold it.

Get it out of your way.

-There you go.
-All right.

Let it spring right back.


So you saw a piano showroom?

Yeah, a piano showroom, right on
the Expressway. Drove right by it.

Let's Bovie this bleeder.

What's so strange about that?

l've been driving that same route home
every night for six years...

...and l never even saw it
until last night.

But there it was...

...on the Eisenhower,
right off Central.

Well, l guess that is strange.

Okay. Now divide the
anterior rectus fascia.

Yeah, let's Hoover that puppy.

Good, good.

Shirley, is it hot in here?

No, Dr. Morgenstern. l think it
must be the change of life.

Pianos on the Expressway?

Thank you, Shirley.
You may go now.

Let's zap that guy, will you?

Mr. Carter.
Glad you could join us.

Tonsil clamp.

Peter, divide the rectus,
then grab the posterior rectus sheath.

Straight arms.

Good. Very good.

Right hand.

Right hand.

Sorry, l thought you meant
your right hand.

No, your right hand.

Left hand.

Grab it.
We'll straighten it up.

Good. Spin.

Still with us, Carter?

Yeah, right here.

You're done.

Okay, there's the fundus.

Okay, grab it.

Dr. Benton....

What is it, Carter?

Where should l stand?

Not right there.
And don't touch my shoulder.

You just contaminated yourself.
Shirley, will you take him out?

Want to play a round
of foreign capitals?

You know, l hate this game.

Yes! Doug!

Yes! Doug!


No, no, no!

Don't move.

What was your name again?

Someday l'm gonna believe
that line out of you.

What are you talking about?

Can you remember the names of
all the women you've slept with?


So someday you'll forget mine.

Now you're assuming
that we won't last.



Where are you going?

l've got that conference
in the morning.

We treated this older couple today.
They were married years.

-They seemed pretty happy about it.
-That's them, not us.

How do you know?

How did they know?

Because if it were us,
we wouldn't be doing this.

We'd both be married...

...have daughters in Girl Scouts...

...be renting The Lion King.

We'd never have met, because we'd
already be committed to somebody else.

Don't you want that?

Not now.

Not with me?

Same thing.

Then why don't l want it?

Because you are afraid.

-Most men are afraid.
-Of what?

Responsibility, aging, death...

...diminished sexual capacity.

See you.



Don't move.



Okay, pack off the colon,
duodenum and stomach.




Perhaps your student
should step a little closer.

Yeah, l guess you're right.

We're all packed off here.

Peel it like a pear.

Grab at the ampulla,
and dissect Calot's triangle.

Mr. Carter.

Can you tell us what defines
Calot's triangle?

The cystic duct, the common duct
and the liver?

Hold this retractor, will you?

Let's get a little Bovie here.

Mr. Carter.

Have you ever noticed the piano showroom
on the Eisenhower Expressway?

And so then she blurts out,
''He's infertile.''

Susan, that's my best story
of the new year.

Sorry, it's just been another
incredibly hateful day with Kayson.

Well, you buy into it. You can't
let him ride you like that.

l put salt on them.

Shouldn't eat salt.

-What are you doing?
-l need more Tabasco.

-You haven't tasted them yet.
-Don't need to.

-But if you haven't tasted them--
-You have a problem with this?

No. Absolutely not.

Saw Chloe wandering
around the halls today.

She was so calm
l hardly recognized her.

Thanks, Mark.

Sorry, that was stupid.

They're moving to Texas. Ronnie will
dig for oil, and she'll have his baby.

Assuming it is his baby.

Why don't they stay here?

-l told her to get an abortion.
-Why'd you do that?

-Because l think she should.
-That's not very supportive.

Supportive of what?

My sister's fantasy of having a child?

She thinks it's like having a pet.

A little puppy who will follow her
and love her forever...

...who won't care that she's
an alcoholic and abuses dr*gs...

...that she gets diseases from
sleeping with every guy on the corner.

This baby may turn her around.
You don't know.

Like the one we delivered
this afternoon?

-Maybe. l don't know.
-Well, l do.

No, you don't. That's the point.
None of us do.

Chloe and the baby will have a chance.
Who are you to decide?

l'm her sister.
l pick up the pieces.

lt's still her choice.

l would support it if she'd ever taken
any responsibility for her life...

...before taking on another.

l love her, but she
can't even part her hair.

So do l think she should bring a child
into this world? No, l do not.


Vennerbeck is dead, Dr. Lewis.

Oh, God.

l've reviewed his file.
He shouldn't have been released.

You approved it.

l didn't have all the information.

What information?

Two months ago he had back pain.

The diagnosis was musculoskeletal.

lt was atypical angina,
and you should've told me.

-You didn't ask for his medical history.
-Do l have to ask for everything?

What are you suggesting?

l am suggesting this case was
more complicated than you thought.

That your experience
was not sufficient...

...to either determine that
or to present it to those who could.

l presented what you asked for.

But not the entire picture!

And because of that, a man is dead.

And his wife is
consulting their attorney.

Dr. Morgenstern is aware
of this situation.

And l have requested
a full case review.

Susan, EMT's pulling up.
Woman in respiratory arrest.
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