03x12 - Two Paths

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Workin' Moms". Aired: January 2017 to present.*
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"Workin' Moms" revolves around a group of friends dealing with the challenges of being working mothers.
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03x12 - Two Paths

Post by bunniefuu »

Nathan: Previously
on "Workin' Moms"...

(g*nsh*t pops!)

Lionel: What was that?
- Oh my God!

- You keep your family away
from mine.

- Take it easy on the Jesus,

- I'll try not to speak
in tongues.

- Religion is the cause
of every w*r in the world.

- But you put her soccer
which is violent,

and she hates it.
- We will talk later.

- We loved the Free Bleed

- A big opportunity
just landed in my lap.

- Go! Go to New York!

- May the best woman win.

- (Relieved exhale)


- Impulse.

No... yeah.

impossible to manufacture,

however once triggered,
impossible to ignore.

What am I, Dr. Seuss?

(Papers rustle)

Where is that?


62%... 62%...

With 62% of consumers

purchasing their airline
tickets online,

impulse purchases
will more than double.

Okay, come on.

♪ When we met again
in a digital dream ♪

♪ We would seem to be connected
with a lifeline ♪

♪ Heavy with wings
over gravity ♪

Oh my God.

No, you cannot pull that off.


(Readying exhale)

(Blows a kiss)


(Heels clack)

Good morning,
and welcome to Tru Air.

- Hi-- (Phone buzzes)

Sorry about that.

Nathan, hi, I'm just
about to go pitch.

- (Shouts) Oh, sorry
to bother you,

I just got a call
from the school!

- You don't have to shout,
the speaker function

will pick up on your voice.

- Sorry, just making coffee!
(Grinder whirs)

I just wanna make sure
Charlie's Halloween costume

doesn't have any pasta on it,
unless it's gluten free.

Somebody's got celiac.

- (Sighs) Okay, uh don't worry,

there won't be any pasta
on his costume.

I'm taking a very
straightforward approach.

- You didn't buy one of those
costumes in a bag, right?

- What kind of mother
do you think I am?

I won't embarrass you.

- It's not about me, Kate,

I just know how much
you'll beat yourself up

if you think the other parents
are making an effort

and you're not.
- Okay, okay,

I hear you, alright,
very loud and clear.

I gotta go.
- (Yells) Break a leg, baby!

- Wow, that's loud. Hi.

- Kate Foster,
I'm here to pitch?

- Yes, you can have a seat.
Can I get you a coffee?

- Not unless you want me
to tear through this dress

like the Hulk. (Roars)
Mike: Kate!

- Oh, Mike. You look... wow.

- Look who's talkin'.

Do you usually wear lipstick?

- Oh no, it's too much, right,
I should just take it off.

- Why? Draws attention to your
most effective feature.

It's actually throwing me
off my game.

Just a little bit though,
not a lot.

- Hi.

God, you gotta wonder who
they're bringing in for this?

(French accent)
- Michael Bolinsky.

- f*ck me.

- Ah! (Laughs)

- Victoria!

- Ah.
- Bonjour.


Victoria Stromanger.
- Yeah, Kate Foster we've--

Oh well, I must go in,
but best of luck to you

and your associate.

- You know who that is?

- Yeah, I should hope so.

She tried very hard
to ruin my life.

I guess Gaze is a third


- (Sighs)

Alice honey, can we talk?


(Sighs) Look,I,
I know you're upset about--


What happened last night
was shocking,

and I am so sorry that you had
to go through that.

We have to talk about it, okay?

Alice? (Knocks)

Alice, honey.

- Lionel!
- Just a reminder,

I am still not talking to you.
- Alice is gone!

- She's not in her room?
- She's not in the house!

- She's gone?

(Contents rattle)

And so is the g*n.

Oh my God!

No, it's okay, I appreciate it.

Thank you so much. Okay.

She's not at school.

- Why did you bring a g*n
into our house?

- She's not at Brenna's, but
the police are on high alert.

Why did you bring a g*n
into our house?

I think that we should
split up. I think that--

- Anne, you brought a loaded
w*apon into our home,

where our children are!
What were possibly thinking?

How could you think that's,
in any way, a good idea?

- I know! Okay?

One of my clients
brought it in

because she was scared of her

and when I held it in my hands-

it's like something awoke
inside of me, and I just...

I just wasn't ready to let
go of that feeling.

- Great. Congratulations.

Now our daughter is out there
somewhere with a loaded w*apon

in her backpack because you
had to feel like

Little Annie Oakley.

- I know, I can't stop thinking
about the terrible things

she must be up to.

- We don't know that.

We don't know that she's
doing anything wrong.

- Lionel, the g*n,
the cookies, the thong!

None of this matters right now!

All that matters
is that we find her!

- Let's try the park.

(Knock on door)

- Hey, you two, get in here!

Hello! I heard that you,
my dear,

are not feelin' well.

- She's been up all night.

Thank you so much for taking
her so last minute.

Oh yeah, no sweat.

That way I can get my cuddle
in before I have to leave.

- You are leaving?
Who's watching Rhoda?

- Oh, it's Bianca.

The Hildebrand's finally
found a buyer.

If I play my cards right,

they're gonna come in
over asking.

I got to make it rain, G!

- That was not our arrangement,

- It's gonna be fine, okay?

Hey, Bianca, hun?
Giselle's here!

- Hey.

Giselle: Jesus Christ.

- Mother Superior, actually.

- I don't care whose mother
she is,

she is not taking care
of Rhoda.

- Oh no, no, no, no!
This is just a costume.

Our church is having
a fundraiser.

We're singing the hits from
"Sister Act", the movie?

Oh, got one for Rhoda, too!

- She's not wearing that!

- Giselle, where are you going?

- I'd rather rearrange
my whole day

than leave my only child
with this Jesus freak.

- Giselle!


- Ahh! Sweet Jesus!


- Hi, Father.

(Laughter in the distance)

- Doesn't even sound real.
Victoria's not funny.

- (Scoffs) Oh, anybody can
get a laugh.

- Right, doesn't mean
her idea's winning.

(Laughter and applause)
- Jesus!

(Low hum of muffled chatter)

- So, what's your pitch?

- Why, you wanna steal it?

- Maybe. Is it good?

- Okay, what's your sell,
hot shot?

- Reliability.

Short-haul flights are
notoriously cancelled,

and they have horrible service.
- Hmm.

- But, with Tru Air,

you no longer need
to compromise.

They're putting a business
class experience

in the hands of the frequent

Tru Air,

putting the passenger
back in control.

- That's good.
- Hmm.

- But it's not great.
- (Laughs)

- Well, I'm sorry, but that's
not how most people operate.

- Whadda ya mean?

- Mike, you're a walking
control variable.

Nothing flusters you.

- Yeah, because I make a plan
and then I stay the course.

- But most people aren't
like you.

Their lives are being disrupted
every 20 minutes,

and they have to adjust.

Like, I might think I want
fish, and "The English Patient"

but then after being delayed
at O'Hare for three hours,

I want pizza and "50 Shades."

Desires change.


- Hmm. Alright,
what've you got?

- Impulse.

Today's business
professional knows

that success means being able
to make snap decisions

on the fly.
Tru Air gets it -

you want what you want,
when you want it.

- Hmm. Sure, yeah if your
demographic is angry teenagers.

But the clientele that Tru Air
is marketing towards,

they don't identify
with impulsivity.

- (Sighs) Well...

- Hmm.
- Well, shit.

Anne: Alice!
Lionel: Alice?

Anne: Alice, are you here?

Hey, excuse me, excuse me!

Do you go to Greenwood

Do you know Alice Carlson?

She's like this tall,
she has long, red hair and--

- And a g*n.

- Sick.

- Okay. Maybe this'll help.

- I think I'd remember
seeing her.

- What the hell does that mean?
What the hell does that mean!

- Answer the question, punk!

- Not sure what
I get outta this.

- How much?
- What?

- It's a shakedown.
- No, it's not a shakedown.

- $35.
- It's a shakedown.

- What?!
- Pay him!

- Fine, fine!
Uh... do you take debit?

- (Grunts)
- What the...?!

- Have you seen her, or not?

Speak up, or I will bury you
in the earth!

- I haven't seen her, okay?

- Orange soda. You p*ssy.

- Okay, okay, thank you.
Thank you.

(Phone rings)

- Hello?

Police: Is this Anne Carlson?
- Yes!

- This is Deputy Plintsock
with the Toronto PD,

and it's about your daughter,

- Oh my God, Alice,
are you okay?

- I'm fine.
- Whatever you've done,

don't say anything until
we get a lawyer, okay?

Where did you find her?
- We didn't. She found us.

Now, I got somethin' to say
to you, both.

You got yourself an

young woman here.

Today she did something
very brave.

She found a w*apon
and turned it into us.

Where was it again,
on the street, right?

Just...lying there,
by a bush.

- Yeah, I've always said bushes
could be very dangerous.

Isn't that right, honey?
- Yes.

- Yeah. Never know what you're
gonna find in a bush.

Needles, g*ns, drifters.



- Hey.

Everybody's got their tea and...

(sighs) we're all good?

So, Bianca and I want
to thank you for coming back

and for rearranging your day
to look after Rhoda.

- Just get to the point.

- Okay. Uh...

how do I put this, delicately?

Um... Jesus freaks you out,

and Bianca leans on him
pretty hard.

So, I'd like to propose,
uh, a compromise.

- No.

Both: No?

- It's time you hear a few
of my rules.

- What the hell is that?
- My list of demands.

- How many are there?
- 27.

- Hmm.
- Huh. Oh.

(Paper rustles)

- #1 Christmas will remain
completely secular.

Emphasis on Santa Claus.

#2 - no baptisms,

confirmations, or confessions.

- Yeah I mean, that could work.

- Are you sure you wanna
do this?

Yeah, I think the real question
is, can you follow?

'Cause somethin' tells me,
you're used to takin' the lead.

- I can do that.

- Great, then let's get
in there and f*ck.

- What?
- Pitch.

- Let's f*ckin' pitch
in there together.

- (Chuckles)

- (Chuckling) Oh, I'm gonna
hold you to that, Victoria.

- Yes, please do.
I'm in town so often.

Walter, Cynthia,
we'll speak soon.

- Indeed, we will.


Kate Foster,
I believe you're up!

- Uh, Mike and I have actually
decided to join forces.

We'd like to pitch together.
- What?

- Will that be a problem?
- Not if it's good!


(Papers rustle)


#26 - no religious rituals

or Hollywood re-enactments
of them.

And finally, no exorcisms,
or using the movie,

"The Exorcist"
as a teachable moment.

- Well, that was a lot!

- Borderline offensive.
- Offensive?

You know what? I am leaving!

- No! No, Giselle, please!
No, please!

- Let me talk to her.

Giselle, wait.


I'm sorry, okay?

But I can't change just
because you're uncomfortable.

- (Sighs)
- But I-I promise,

if this whole thing bothers
you this much,

I'll keep my beliefs to myself.

- It's not that. Frankie and I
haven't talked about

how we want to raise Rhoda
when it comes to religion.

- You know what?

You stay, talk to Frank,

I'll take a walk and
give you guys some space.

(Door shuts)


(Knock on door)

- (Relieved sighs)

- I found this outside
on the front lawn.

- How did she--

oh, thank God.

- Well, you could thank me.

God had nothing to do
with this one.

- I see-I see what you did,


- (Sighs) Thank you, Jesus.


- It was wrong.
- Well--

- How could my instincts be
so f*cking off?

I thought-I thought she
was this master manipulator,

and she's just-she's just--
- A kid?

A really good kid,
who did the right thing

in a dangerous situation.
- I know. (Sighs)

- And she covered for you
in the process.

- Okay, Lionel, you don't
have to rub it in.

- Sorry.

- You don't have to be sorry,

nothing for you to be sorry for.

I'm the one who can't see
Alice for who she really is.

(Sighs) It must be so confusing
for her.

- I'm such a bad mom.

- I used a Lysol wipe instead
of a baby wipe

on Jaymie, the other day.
- What?

- She's fine,
her privates are fine.

I'm monitoring the situation,
but I did it.

It's okay to screw up.

Just... preferably
with less weaponry.

- She did a pretty amazing
thing today.

- Yeah, she did.

She'd love to hear
that from you.

Oh, and P.S., you're still
not off the hook.




- Impulse is a very
powerful messenger.

You see something exciting,

and your serotonin
is triggered,

causing to you act more

than you would
with a sober mind.

And clientele that Tru Air wants

is drunk on that impulse.

They're accustomed
to turning "I want"

into "I have".


- And yet, on most airlines,

they make you travel
with limitations.

- But what if Tru Air's
executive line

could ensure their demands
are met,

both on the ground...

- ...by giving you options
to plan ahead.

...and in the air?

- By reacting to your in-flight

because sometimes you just
don't know what you want.

(Heavy breathing)

Until you've had a taste.

(Heavy breathing)

Now, Tru Air can capitalize
on those whims.

They need to feel cared for,

pampered, satisfied.

(Heavy breathing)

- Because, who knows?

Maybe you'll crave something
different on your way home,

than you did on your way there.

(Heavy breathing)

Now other airlines they
give you what you ordered.

Tru Air will give you
what you need,

whenever you want it.

(Heavy breathing)

- (Moans) Oh my God!

- Oh shit.

- Oh yeah.

- g*dd*mn, we were good
in that room together.

(Both exhale)

(Heavy breathing)
- Wow.


- Alice, you really
scared us today.

You know, g*ns are not a toy,

regardless of how powerful
they make you feel.

- I know.

- I may have filled
this too full.

- You think?

- I owe you an apology.

I have been so focused
on how scary the world is,

but it could be a really
wonderful place, too.

But that part's up to you.

- Whadda ya mean?

- The choices we make create
the kind of life we'll have,

and the kind of person
that we'll become.

Today, you made a good choice,

and as a result of that,

I want you to know
that I trust you.

- (Scoffs)
- Excuse me?

- I'm sorry,
but that was your g*n!

- Yes, yeah,
and I made a bad choice!

- A bad choice? All you do
is make bad choices!

You chose to attack
my friend's parents!

- Okay, that's enough.

- If I didn't cover for you

you'd probably be in jail!

- Alice!

- Enjoy your very full glass
of wine!


♪ Quit callin'
on the telephone ♪

♪ I done told you
that I'm not at home ♪

- Gimme some of those chips,
young lady.

- There's only like, 42 left!

(Chips crunching)

- Now, listen here!
- Ah!



(Cars honk in the distance)

(Siren wails in the distance)

(Sheets rustle)

(Clothes rustle)

- Jesus, that's a lotta tattoos!





- (Exhales)



(Mike coughs)


How am I so shitty at this?

♪ I know that everything
will be alright ♪

♪ Be alright ♪

♪ It's the elation
of a peaceful life ♪

♪ Everything gonna be alright,
yeah ♪
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