09x07 - She's All Yak

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic". Aired: October 2010 to October 2019.*
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09x07 - She's All Yak

Post by bunniefuu »

Oh! See?
New posters!

We never had those

I won't keep you in
suspense any longer.

We're bringing one of
Ponyville's oldest traditions

to our school!
The Fetlock Fete.

The what-lock-what?

It's a pony dance party!
They're the best.

I'm ready.

You don't need to
do that, Ocellus.

This year, the
event's at school

and open to everycreature.

We're calling our
dance the "Amity Ball".

Even better!

Yona not know
"Amity Ball" dance.

Yona only know traditional
dance of Yakyakistan.

Go like this.

Ball dance like that?

Not exactly. It isn't
just one dance;

it's a whole night of 'em!
Plus an awesome party!

And we'll have all the old
Fetlock Fete traditions!

The Pony-Pal contest,

the Lucky Pot Dinner...
You'll love it!

So like this says, "Get your
Pony-Pal and come along!"

Wanna go? I got
nothing better to do.

You had me at "Dinner."

Now, who wants to help
me hang more posters?


Hey Yona, want to
be my Pony-Pal?

We can enter the
contest together.

But Yona yak.
Yona not pony.


Pony. Pony. More Pony.

Aw, that's just a poster.

C'mon, it'll be tons of
fun together! Promise.

OK. Yona go with Sandbar.

Great! I'll get the
tickets. See you later!

Ha ha ha ha!

Yona not let Sandbar down!
Yak best at being Pony-pal!

But Yona not sure
how if she not pony.

Oh! Terribly sorry, Yona.

All these dresses I'm
sewing for the dance

have me completely frazzled!

Dress? Yona need
dress for dance?

Yona have lots to learn
about being best Pony-Pal.

♪ My little pony,
my little pony ♪

♪ Aaaahhh ♪

♪ My little Pony ♪

♪ I used to wonder what
friendship could be. ♪

♪ My Little Pony ♪

♪ Until you all shared
its magic with me. ♪

♪ Big adventure! ♪
♪ Tons of fun ♪

♪ A beautiful heart! ♪ ♪
Faithful and strong! ♪

♪ Sharing kindness ♪
♪ it's an easy feat ♪

♪ And magic makes it
all complete! ♪

♪ To have my little pony ♪

♪ Do you know you're all
my very best friends? ♪


Season 09 Episode 07
Episode Title: "She's All Yak"

Yona interrupting?

Oh! Ha ha! Well, not
interrupting exactly.

More like blocking the flow...

stopping me
from what I'm doing.

So, yes, interrupting.

Ha ha.

Now... what can I
do for you, Yona?

Yona not know yak need
special pony dress for dance.

Yona no can wear what
Yona always wear?

Yona could. I
mean, you could.

But the Fetlock Fete,

or whatever
Twilight is calling it,

it's all about a tradition.

There's a certain way to do
everything at the dance.

Yes! That what
Yona want to learn.

How to do all the Pony things.
Even if Yona has to wear dress.

Well, if that's
what you really want.

Mm hm! Yona be best
Pony-pal for Sandbar!

In that case, at an elegant
affair like a Pony dance,

one must converse in a
sophisticated fashion.

Talking with Brussels
sprouts in your mouth

helps you learn to articulate.

Take a mouthful and
repeat after me.

"How kind of you
to ask me to tea!"

"May I offer you
a glass of punch?"

"The weather is quite
agreeable today."

Yona like Brussels sprouts.

Let's move on.

We will need to do something
about your hair style,

but first, let's
find the right dress.

Now... purple taffeta,
frosted chiffon,

gold brocade,
one of my favorites.

Yona like brown.

Earth tones. They're so...
earthy, aren't they?

Don't worry; we
shall find something

to make you stand out.

Yona not want to stand
out. Yona want to fit in.

Ha! Quite. And by the
time we're through,

it'll be like you've
been going to pony dances

your whole life.

♪ The more you know
how things are done, ♪

♪ the more confident
you'll be. ♪

♪ There's more to a dance
than just having fun ♪

♪ And there's no better
teacher than... ME. ♪

♪ Rarity. ♪

Yona see!

♪ When I'm finished with you,
you'll start to fit right in. ♪

♪ Listen to me when I say: ♪

♪ Once you learn
the pony way, ♪

♪ you'll start to
fit right in. ♪

Right in!

No need to wait another day.

To be part of our smart soiree.

♪ The perfect dress. ♪

♪ A color all the
rage but still unique ♪

♪ Now lose the braids ♪

♪ Try a style more
fantastique. ♪

♪ Here's what we'll do, ♪

♪ A horn-icure and a de-frizz ♪

♪ We'll shampoo ♪

♪ What ever yak part this is. ♪

♪ Too curly
Too blue ♪

♪ Too retro
Too new. ♪

♪ Too Twilight
Too furry. ♪

♪ We'll find one.
Don't you worry ♪

♪ Choose what you want
to be and be it! ♪

♪ Picture a you to
see and see it. ♪

♪ I'm the mare to guarantee
it, you'll fit right in. ♪

♪ My plan, my grand design, ♪

♪ Your friends will
thrill to find ♪

♪ A new you that's
too divine ♪

yeah you're gonna...

Yona gonna...

♪ Fit right in. ♪

♪ Right in! ♪

♪ Listen to me when I say, ♪

♪ Once you learn
the Pony way. ♪

♪ You'll start to...
Fit right in! ♪

♪ Yak not waste another day
to be part of your Pony way! ♪

♪ Yak not waste
another day to ♪

♪ Fit right in! ♪

Oh! I almost forgot! The most
important part of the Ball!

Oh, Yona already
have Pony-Pal.

Oh, not that, darling.

And I know precisely
who can help.

Uh, Rainbow Dash and
Fluttershy good at dancing?

Don't be so surprised! I'm
awesome at EVERYTHING!

Except for baking.

There are two traditional dances

that everypony does at the Fete.

After a few days of
practicing with us,

you'll know them both.

And fit right in!

Absolutely. We'll start
with the slow dance.

The Pony Cotillion. That's
Fluttershy's specialty.

Oh, I wouldn't say
specialty; it's just fun!

Here, Yona. I made you a chart.

All you have to do is
follow these dance steps.

You'll learn
them in no time.

Now. Just start walking.

Step on whatever color
I name. Let's begin.

Blue. Red. Step ahead
Green, black, now step back.

Now you

Blue. Red. Step... Oop.
No. Yona start over.

Blue, red,

Green, black...
Yak step back?

Good! Now...

Black, green, red and blue.

Red, black, hold one and two...

Red. Blue. Red
once more.

Green black blue
red three and four!


Yona feel like she
have four front feet!

Um, maybe we should
try this again later.

Don't worry, Yona!
That was the hard one!

Mine's WAY easier.

A little dance called
the "Pony-Prance."

The key to this one is SPEED!

Come on, Yona! Try it!

Just get with the flow
and let yourself GO!

Oh, my!

Whoa, there!

Yona LIKE to flow and go!

Welcome to Sweet
Apple Acres, Yona!

Rarity tells us
ya need some help

getting ready for
the big dance.

SOME! Ha! Indeed. And we only
have a few more days.

Well, you've come
to the right place!

Because if you ask me what my
favorite part of the dance is,

I'd say everything about the
dance, but especially... this!

The Fetlock Lucky
Pot Dinner!

It's part of the
Ponyville dance tradition.

Everypony brings
a dish to share,

and we swap 'em without
knowin' whose is whose.

Although my Lucky Pot
probably gives me away.

You can cook
anything you want!

But can I suggest... oh, I
don't know maybe cupcakes?

I already told Yona a little
bit about that tradition.

She's even brought her
own Lucky... bucket.

Yak buckets are best buckets.

Yona think make
traditional Yak dish.

Tree Root Stew.

Extra fiber! Mmm!
Ponies like?

I'm not sure.

So, just in case,
let's get baking!

Flour, milk, sugar,
butter icing.

Then we mix and we beat
and we pour into pans

and we bake!

And now YOU try it!


Well, that's one way to mix it.

Let's try something
a little simpler.

I'm sure we can do
something with these.

OK! Applesauce it is.

Blue... red... green... blue.

How kind of you
to ask me to tea!

How kind of you
to ask me to tea!

Blue. Red. Step ahead.

How kind of you. Green,
black, Yona step back.

...to ask Yona to tea.

Black, green, red and blue.

Red, black, hold one and two.

Red. Blue. Red once more.

Green black blue
red three and four!

Look! She's dancing!

How 'bout that?
And she's good!

Yona! If someone at the party
tells you they're thirsty,

you say...?

May Yona, um, may I
offer you a cup of punch?

By Celestia, I
think she's got it!

She's really got it!

Yona, you did it!

You dance great!

And are so well-spoken!

You'll be the hit of the Ball!

♪ You've mastered
so many pony ways ♪

♪ And grown a lot in
the past few days ♪

♪ You've shown a turn that
has earned our praise ♪

♪ And now I
Fit Right I-I-I-I-In ♪

♪ You Fit Right In! ♪

Hello, everycreature! I'm
your DJ Scales N' Tail,

spinning your favorite
tunes all night long.

So welcome to the Fetlock
Fe--I mean, the Amity Ball!

I'm just glad I'm
here with you guys.

At least I'm not the only
non-pony in the crowd.

You're not still worried
about that, are you?

Like Headmare Twilight said,

This is a dance
for everycreature.

There's no
"pony pressure."

You should have
told Yona that.

What do you mean?

Didn't you hear?

Our teachers have been helping
her get ready for the dance.

She's been taking lessons.

She's gone full
pony for the dance.

All for you.

For me? Why?

How kind of you to ask me
to this soiree, Sandbar.


You look
so... weird!


Quite. Oh, I do hope I make
a good pony-pal for you.

Of course you do!

But Yona, you didn't need
to do any of... this.

And why are you
talking so funny?

I am not talking
funny. I'm fitting in.

Could've fooled me.

Yona! You look absolutely
scrumptious, darling!

Why don't I get that for you?

You made a
Lucky Pot?

Precisely like ponies prepare!

Welcome, everycreature
to our school's

first annual Amity Ball!

For those of you who've never
attended a Fetlock Fete,

we can't wait to show you
some of our fun traditions

on this special night.

So Spike.

Scales N' Tail.

Uh, right. Scales N' Tail.
Let's get this party started!

Oh, yeah, party ponies! It's
time to raise the roof

and stomp your hoof for the
traditional first dance

of the night... the
Pony Cotillion.

Ah! Yona know this one.

You do?

Indeed! Green, black,
then step back. Shall we?

Hee hee!

Wow! How did you learn this?

I had good teachers.


Yona! Are you all right?

Yona never practice
dance with dress on.

I mean... heh, heh, may I offer
you a cup of punch?

Time to shake
things up a little!

That's right, everycreature,
it's the Pony Prance!

Maybe we should
sit this one out.

No! I do so LOVE
the Pony Prance!



It's OK, Yona!

Just stop bouncing!

We got you!

ARGH! Wig... come... OFF!



What a calamitous Yakciddent!


What happened?

Are you all right?

No! Yona not all right.
Yona want to be alone!

Yona sad. Yona sing
sad song. Sad Yona.

Yona no blame bird.

Yona no want to be
around Yona either.

Yona sad, Yona sing sad song.


How Sandbar find Yona?

I know you pretty well by now.
I figured you'd come here.

Besides, it's
where I'd go

if something like
that happened to me.

Sandbar mean something
awful and embarrassing.

So awful, Yona cannot come
down from treehouse ever.

Will Sandbar bring
Yona food and water?

You know, it really
wasn't that bad.

I don't think anycreature
hardly even noticed.

Well, maybe one
or two didn't.

If they happened to be in
Canterlot for the day.

But anyway, it's
all over now.

So, will you come back
to the dance with me?

Yona disappoint Sandbar.
Yona not make very good pony.

Why would you think
you disappointed me?

And who said anything about
having to be a good pony?

Yona just want to do all
the right pony things

and fit in at dance.

Then maybe Sandbar and Yona
win Best Pony-pals Contest.

Instead, Yona win
Worst Pony Ever.

That's not true.

Really? Sandbar name two
ponies worse than Yona.

Cozy Glow and Sombra.

OK. Sandbar right.
They worse.

Yona, it doesn't really
matter if you're a great pony

or a horrible pony.
You're the best YONA I know.

That's why I asked
you to the dance.


I never wanted you
to be anything

other than
what you are.

My friend,
Yona the Yak.


So, what do you say? Let's
go back to the dance?

Don't worry.
I'm with you.

We ALL are.

Yona, are
you all right?

We were so worried when
you disappeared like that!

Yona fine. But Yona sorry.

Not mean to make such a mess
and ruin the pony dance.

It's not your fault, Sugarcube.

It's the opposite!

If anything, we
should be apologizing.

I thought we were
just teaching you

how to have fun at the dance.

We never meant to try to turn
you into something you're not.

Is OK.

Friend help Yona feel better.

And that's why we're
giving you this.

No way! The Pony-Pal Prize!

From now on, it's the
Annual Amity Ball Award

for Friendship.

No pony-ness required.

We all decided that you and
Yona totally earned this.

Your actions tonight

exemplified the true
meaning of friendship.

Congratulations, you two.

Yona! I'm glad you're back.

Everypony wants to learn
that crazy dance you did!

Is easy. Yona teach.

If everycreature
want to learn?

It would be an honor.

You asked for it and
DJ Scales N' Tail

is gonna deliver!

Everycreature join Yona for...
the Yakyakistan Stomp!

Sync corrections by srjanapala

♪ My Little Pony ♪

♪ My Little Pony ♪

♪ My Little Pony ♪

♪ Friends ♪
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