05x04 - City of Great Racks

T.V. Transcripts for the show "Two and a Half Men". Aired: September 2003 to February 2015.*

Moderators: Jk2write, Jk2write

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Series was about Charlie Harper, his brother, Alan and his son, Jake. They move into Charlie's beachfront Malibu house and complicate Charlie's freewheeling life after his divorce.
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05x04 - City of Great Racks

Post by bunniefuu »

- Thank you for a lovely dinner.
- You're welcome.

- Good night.
- Wait, wait, wait.

Are you sure
you don't want me to tuck you in?

I don't need to be tucked, Charlie.

Oh, come on, everybody needs
a good tucking once in a while.

Well, then, go tuck yourself.

I guess I'll have to.

I'm not saying no.
I'm just saying not now.

I understand.

- Good night.
- Good night.

How about now?


I wasn't going for a laugh.

Come on, Luther.


No, it couldn't be.

I'm so backed up I'm literally cockeyed.

Hot girl at 12 o'clock.

- Where?
- Over there.

That would be 9 o'clock.

No, it's 12. Actually, 12:05.


- Wanna straighten him out or should I?
- Go ahead, take a swing.

Okay. The reason guys say
hot girl at like 12 o'clock or 3 o'clock...

...is to specify a location
using the clock face as kind of a map.

What if you have a digitaI watch?

First of all, you're not gonna meet
any women if you wear a digitaI watch.

Second of all, it doesn't matter.
The clock face is imaginary.

How do you know
what time you saw the girl?

Oh, my God.

You know what? I'm wrong.
There's a hot girl and it's 12:06.


Hey, he likes girls and he can tell time.
I'm a happy dad.

- Hello, Your Honor, what's up?
- Your Honor?

Oh, your uncle's dating a judge.

This weekend? Sure, that sounds great.

- You mean like an American Idol judge?
- No, a real judge.

American Idol judges are real, Dad.

So, what,
we'd be staying in adjoining rooms?

- No, no, no, one room is fine.
- Why is he dating a judge?

- Is he trying to get out of something?
- No.

More like he's trying
to get into something.

Good one.

- You understood that?
- Not really.

That's how I knew it was good.

Oh, yeah, that's a very romantic hotel.
I've stayed there-

Never in my life.
Right. Okay, talk to you later.

Santa Barbara, this weekend, one room.

Oh, now I get it.

- Congratulations.
- Thank you.

- Son of a g*n, Alan, look.
- What?

- The blond.
- Where?


She looks like Rose.

It couldn't be.
She's still in England, right?

- Last I heard.
- I got a postcard from her the other day.

- Really? What did it say?
- Well, let's see.

"Dear Jake, how are you? I am fine.
Hope you're doing well in school."

I think that's a joke because she knows
I struggle with my grades.

Let's see, what else? Oh, yeah.
"Say hello from England to everybody."

Hello from England.

Well, there you go. She's in England.

I guess.
So why do I keep thinking I see her?

- Maybe you miss her.
- I don't think so.

I was a little down when she left,
which is to be expected...

...but I've got Linda now
and I've moved on...

...and why am I talking to you
about my life?

Because I'm a good listener?

Because you have no other friends?

- We're dropping him off at his mother's?
- Yep.

Dear Charlie,
greetings from faggy old London.

Greetings from foggy old London.

Hope you are doing well
and not working too hard.

Things are going great for me.

I love my job and my flat
and my new friends.

Sometimes, my life in Malibu
feels like a crazy dream.

I hope you can forgive me
for all my bizarre behavior...

...and know that I will always
remember you fondly.

Your friend, Rose.

P.S., Give my best to Alan.

I'm sure by now
he's found a place of his own.

- What you got there?
- It's a letter from Rose.

Really? That come today?

No, a few months ago.
I just never got around to reading it.

I noticed you didn't toss it out.

- What's that supposed to mean?
- Charlie.

Of all the broads who've staggered...

through these hallowed halls...

...she's the one who really got to you.

Yeah, she got to me.

She put a sleeping pill in my Scotch
and superglued my testicles to my leg.

You just can't get past that, can you?

Well, it doesn't matter.

I'm in a real relationship now
with an incredible woman.

A judge, a constitutionaI scholar.

A woman who may one day
be a state senator.

But does she care enough
to line her mittens...

...with hair she collects
from your shower drain?

I don't know yet. We're going slow.

- Really?
- Yes.

Getting to know each other as people
before we jump into bed...

...and get to know each other
as, you know, animals.

Just do me a favor
and make the first time at her place...

...because you're gonna spring forth
like a Water Wiggle.


- Charlie?
- What?

I need your help.

If you're doing laundry,
all I can say is you're doing it wrong.

No, no, the lady I've been seeing,
you know, Linda's friend Donna?

She wants to- How shall we say?

Take it up a notch.

- Yeah, so?
- I'm out of notches.

- What do you need?
- A younger man's penis.

My night stand, top drawer,
next to the Ping-Pong paddle.

Take one with water
and stall for 20 minutes.


- Alan?
- Yeah?

- Don't those hurt?
- Hell, yeah.

- Why don't you take them off?
- There's a penalty involved.

Long story.

I can tell you how it ends.

- Lovely dinner.
- Yeah. Food was great.

- It's a beautiful room.
- Yeah. Room's great.

Nice view.

Yep, view's great.

Oh, for God's sake.

- Who is it?
- Room service, señor.

We didn't order anything.

It's champagne.
Compliments of the hotel.

- Can you slip it under the door?
- Charlie.

Don't move. Don't change your mind.

- Do you want I open?
- No, thank you.

Okay, good night.


- Yeah?
- I'm waiting.

For what?

Oh, right.

Hang on.

What are you doing to the rose?

I just don't want it looking at me.

- Anything interesting going on in school?
- I started algebra.

Oh, how's that going?

I don't get it at all,
but the teacher's really hot.

- Well, that's nice.
- Yeah, she's got some really great racks.

I think you mean rack.

No, she's got two,
and they're ginormous.

It's kind of cool
that she's teaching algebra.


Boy, that k*lled in detention.

- Oh, hey, how was Santa Barbara?
- Santa Bar-bra?

It's Spanish for " City of Great Racks."

I got no patience for your kid today.

Go do your homework.

Oh, right. I have
a big reading ass-ignment.

You're not my audience.

- Remember when he was cute?
- The memory is fading.

So how was your big night with Linda?

- Fine.
- Just fine?

Yes. Just fine.

Oh, I see.

No, you don't.

All right.

- Wanna talk about it?
- Oh, golly, Alan, more than anything.

Okay, never mind. Stew in it.

Thank you.

I finally got to step up to the plate
and I was swinging a garden hose.

You happy?

Well, I'm not sad.

What do you think the problem was?

I saw her again.

- Saw who?
- Rose.

She brought champagne
to our hotel room...

...except this time, she was Hispanic.

What was she last time?

Last time, she was a blond with coffee...

...and before that,
she was a redhead with a dog.

- What kind of dog?
- What difference does it make?

I like dogs.

Go on.

If I didn't know any better,
I'd say she was stalking me again.

- From England?
- We don't know she's in England.

She sends letters and postcards.
Jake gets them all the time.

Like she couldn't leave a stack of them
with some friend to mail every few days.

Oh, wow, are you listening to yourself?
Even Rose isn't that crazy.

Oh, and she's gonna fly back and forth
with a dog?

She could hire a local dog.

Charlie, Rose is in England.
She's not stalking you.

And whatever you think you're seeing
is in your head.

Yeah, you're probably right.

last night was less than a triumph.

Why didn't you just take
one of your pills?

Because somebody else
took my last three.

Oh, yeah.

Thank you.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

That's four.

The first one was a twofer.

- What kind of dog?
- I don't know, it was a dog.

Four legs and a tail.
Can we please get back to my problem?

Not a dog person.

So you believe
you're seeing people who aren't there?

No, no, no.

They're there,
but they're not who they are.

Well, then, who are they?

I don't know who they are,
but they all look like Rose.

- Your stalker.
- Well, that's kind of harsh.

You told me she broke into your home...

...disrobed and handcuffed herself
to your refrigerator.

Just the one time.

So why do I keep seeing her
everywhere I go?

Well, Charlie, if I tell you that now,
what'll we do for the rest of the hour?

I'm joshing.

Why don't we talk
about your current relationship?

Linda? Well, let's see.
She's a municipaI-court judge.

- Very impressive.
- Thank you.

I meant for her, Charlie.

It's hardly your accomplishment now,
is it?

Well, yeah, in a way.
I've never done a judge before.

Well, from what you told me,
you still haven't.


Pays to listen.

- So how old is Linda?
- She's about my age.

First time you've been
with a woman that old?

Oh, no, not at all.

So you've had age-appropriate
relationships before?

Relationships? No, no, are you crazy?

Am I crazy? Pot, kettle, Charlie.

Okay, look, I didn't come to therapy
to talk this to death.

I've seen Rose three times
and it's ruining my sex life with Linda.

Can you help me or do I have to learn
to sh**t pool with a rope?

Well, thank you
for that disturbing image.

Best I can tell,
for the first time in your life...

...you are involved
in an adult relationship.

It's challenging,
maybe even a little intimidating.

And the fact that you're fantasizing
about a woman in England...

...who idolized you
beyond all rationaI measure...

...well, that tells me
that you're afraid to grow up.

And we call that
the Peter Pan syndrome.

That's pretty good.

So, what can we do,
you know, Peter-wise?

If you're committed to personal growth,
you'll walk through your fear...

...and embrace the challenges
of a really meaningfuI relationship...

...with an adult woman.

And your only other choice
is to live the emotionally stunted life...

...you've been living over and over.

Never growing, never changing.

Good afternoon, and welcome aboard
British Airways Flight 471...

to London's Heathrow Airport.



What are you doing here?

I'm not sure. I just needed to see you.

I need to talk to you. I can
come back if now is not a good time.

No, no, it's okay.

I know you've probably moved on.
I thought I had too...

...but everywhere I look,
I keep seeing your face...

...so I started thinking, maybe....

I don't know what I'm thinking.
Are you busy?

Can I take you out
for a cold beer or something?

Actually, on this side of the pond,
we drink our beer warm.

You can still catch a buzz, right?

- Oh, yeah.
- Then warm's fine.


- Well, I'll just get my purse.
- Great.

So I'm not screwing up
any plans of yours?

Oh, no. This fits perfectly into my plans.

- Oh, Linda, hi.
- Hi, Alan.

I'm sorry to show up unannounced, but
Charlie hasn't been answering his phone.

And I wanted to make sure he's okay.

Oh, Charlie's fine.
We have a pharmacy that delivers.


- Nothing, nothing. Come on in.
- Thanks.

He should be getting up
sometime soon, anyway.

So how are things with you and Donna?

Good, good.

I'll go get Charlie.

Hey, Dad, girls' volleyball.
Lot of bouncing boobs.

- Not now, Jake.
- You told me to tell you.

- I didn't.
- Yes, you did.

Shut up.

Oh, hey.

- Hello. You must be Jake.
- Yeah, who are you?

I'm a friend of your Uncle Charlie's.

Are you the judge?

- Do you play volleyball?
- No. Do you?

No, I just like to watch them
jump up and down.

Okay. Heigh-ho, go away.

I thought Charlie was asleep,
but he's not in his room.

Berta, have you seen Charlie?

- He's not in his bed?
- No.

- Passed out on the bathroom floor?
- No.

- Rubbing oil on the volleyball girls?
- No.

Well, that just leaves the bars,
hospitals and jails.

I'll go get the yellow pages.

Well, he couldn't have gone very far.

Hey, Dad. Hot girl in a thong.

What time is it?


So London certainly agrees
with you, Rose.

- You look beautiful.
- Thank you, Charlie.

I just can't believe you're here.

Yeah, well, I wanted you to know I've
been thinking a lot about you lately...

...and I miss you.

Oh, Charlie, I miss you too.

Are you seeing anybody?

Actually, I am seeing someone, but
I'm not really sure where it's going yet.

- You?
- To be honest...

...there is one lady I've been dating.

She's actually my own age.

- No.
- Yeah.

But my therapist says
she's not good for me.

And you think I am?

Well, you've always loved me for
who I am instead of who I could be...

...which is really wonderful,
because, let's face it...

...we both love who I am.

I do love you, Charlie.



So what?

So, what's next?

What do you mean?

Well, you can't expect me to go back
to what we had without a commitment.

- A commitment?
- Yes.

I think we should get married.


Sell the house in Malibu...

...and move to a kid-friendly
neighborhood here in London.



We're gonna have kids, aren't we?

Good afternoon and welcome aboard
British Airways Flight 472...

to Los Angeles International Airport.
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