04x02 - Gumbo for Hire

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Private Eyes". Aired: May 2016 to present.*
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"Private Eyes" follows an ex-pro hockey player, who irrevocably changes his life when he decides to team up with a fierce P.I. to form an unlikely investigative powerhouse, investigating high-stakes crimes in the worlds of horse racing, fine dining, Toronto's vibrant hip-hop scene, scandalous literature, magic clubs, and more. Based on the novel "The Code".
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04x02 - Gumbo for Hire

Post by bunniefuu »

Sure, you could make
the Hunter file green.

Alright then,

make Mr. Green's file green.

Why are you out of breath?

Are you moving
the filing cabinet again, Zoe?

She said my feng shui is hostile.

I'm gonna get hostile if you
don't get me out of this thing.

Yeah, alright, alright. Calm down.

My hands are just a little clammy.

- I swear, one more pun...
- What, you'll make

me walk the plankton?

This zipper is just
stuck in your netting.

I could cut you out of this thing.

- It's a rental!
- Well then, I guess

you're stuck in it.
The good news is

you look fin-tastic. - Oh, my God.


There's something magical
about fireworks.


Look. Fajita Frank lost his power.

Maybe I should go see
if he needs some help,

score us some goodwill points.

Hey, Frank! Everything OK?

No love lost there.

The world of competitive
food trucks is alive and well.

Don't worry. Don's got the edge.

Yeah, no kidding.
His hats are a big hit.

Is that Zoe?

Oh, it's Tex.
He's at a stakeout in Seattle.

Man, does he ever need
a Matt Shade in his life.

I'm not really his type.

I mean a partner.
What's wrong with his type?

Let's go see
what Frank's problem is.

What are you eating?!


Great colours!

There's gonna be a rainbow finale.

I chose it. Me.
Just wait 'til you see it.

It's gonna be all the colours:
blue, red, orange.


Hey, Frank.

That Fajita Frank sure knows

- how to hold a grudge, huh?
- And yet, his food tastes

- like so much love.
- What took you

- so long, old man?
- Ah, nothing. I was waylaid.

But, uh, nice fireworks, huh?
I nearly missed them.

It wasn't the rainbow finale
I was expecting,

but I guess pink's OK.

Look, uh, I really
wanna thank you guys

for helping me out today.
You really saved me.

Anyway, back to the soup mines!


- Do you see something?

- What is it?
- What happened?

- It was terrible. He had a...
- Is there anything I can do?

Him. It was him.


Have a coffee. It's cold in here.

I don't need a coffee.
I need to get back to my truck.

That soup is not
gonna stir itself.

You've been arrested
for robbery, Mr. Shade.

Do you understand
the severity of your charges?

Yeah. It's totally crazy.

Oh, you think this is funny?

'Cause I have
a pretty shook up store manager

making a statement right now
that would say otherwise.

Look, Inspector, I don't doubt

what happened to Shanice Davis.
It's awful,

but... she fingered the wrong guy.

"Male, 6 feet,

"strong build, dark shirt,
anime-style mask,

Soup Don hat."

I must have given out
100 of these.

Only to people that look like you?

Do I have a mask on me?

Well, I suspect you hid it.

And I'll remind you that
you have the right to counsel.

- I don't need a damn lawyer.
- Watch your tone.

Look, I...

I wouldn't do something like this.

Come on, you know me.

Actually, I don't...
but I plan to get to know you

really well in the next few hours.

Wait. How long is this gonna take?

I don't know.

You found guilty?

5-15... years.



Now, tell me about today.


my first food truck festival,

so I got there early

and started working the crowd.

The year was 1986.
The place: New Orleans.

The first thing I ate was gumbo.

Never tasted anything so good.

And I swore to myself
right then and there

that I would never stop
until I could make

the best damn gumbo there is...

- and here I am!
- Man, this is fantastic!

Oh, yeah? Well, here,
have one of these.

Oh. Thanks, dude.

There's something
different in here.

Oh, yeah. I, uh, I make the roux

- with bacon drippings.
- That's it, bacon! Ooh!

- Yeah! Have one.
- Ah!

- You work around here?
- Oh, just down the street.

Come back for dinner.
Ask for The Soup Don.

- Mike.
- Alright. Later, Mike.

You're not listening to me!
It's getting worse! Melissa!

The working conditions
here are inhumane,

and I'm not the only one
who thinks so.

I know, Vic. I know,
but it's Shanice's call.

My hands are tied.
She's the manager.

Ugh. Is that a...

squid tentacle on your shoe?

And you know what?

If this supermarket
sold fresh fish,

it wouldn't stink.

- Hi.
- Hey, Melissa.

Is this...

Does this have dairy in it?

Hey, Matt. Are you
heading over soon?

Look, I know you're busy,

but this sous-chef I hired

still hasn't shown, and...

Well, if he does,
I'm just gonna chop him up

and add him to the gumbo,
he's so late.

Anyway, hurry, please. Thank you.

Do we have a problem, friend?

You're in my parking spot.

I specifically asked
for this spot.

I put two pylons down to save it.

Oh, well, here.
I have something for you.

These are for you.

See, it said,
"first come, first serve,"

so this early bird
got here and... caught the worm.

I'm lodging a complaint.

- Melissa!
- Oh, Shanice!

Uh, I had the best idea
for a weekend

- team-building exercise...
- Make sure the fireworks go

from 9 o'clock to 9:10 exactly.
We have a permit

- for 10 minutes only.
- I've got it covered.

We don't want a repeat
of the petting zoo incident.

I didn't know
the goats were in heat!

You know, um, if you wear

one of these, you get
a free cup of gumbo.

You're nice, but I'm not
allowed to eat out here

during my shift because...
you know.

Yeah, OK.

Well, hang in there.

I'll take that coffee now.

Good. Now...

My dad's never broken
a law in his life.

Or haven't you looked
at his impeccable record?

Can you at least tell me

- what his accuser said?
- When will he be released?

All I can tell you is
that he's being questioned.

You're being questioned!

OK. Don was identified
by the victim.

Yeah, who said the perp was
wearing an anime mask.

The best thing that you guys
can do is to stay out of this.


There. Got it.

I can get you a spare t-shirt
out of my locker.

How did you get stuck
in this thing anyway?

Oh, it's been a day.


Stop where you are! Come on!


That... is the last time
we deliver a subpoena

to the owner
of an undersea-themed bar.

- Nice shells, Arielle.
- HEY!

Just drive!


- What am I smelling?
- Dad was chopping garlic

all night and then forgot it.
We need to drop it off.

No, no, no, no, no.
Ever since the Harringtons

and their Great Gatsby drama,
we've been swamped.

Look, my father put everything
he has into this food truck.

And some of what I have too.
It's his baby.

- What about our baby?
- Zoe's got it under control.


you've reached
the Everett and Shade Agency.

Please leave a brief message
and we will get back to you

within 24 hours.

My name's Randy. Randy Torres.]

[My wife is cheating on me.]

[I was metres away
from getting proof, ]

[but then I got stuck in a vent
above her hotel room!]

[And... I'm still here!]

[I can't call the police]

[because of...
the restraining order. Help me!]

[It's the Hotel Benedi... ]

Heh! Perfect.

This food truck venture's
really stressing you out,

- isn't it?
- Even I'm having dreams

about whether to keep the Fort
Huron Gumbo on the menu.

What?! You have to keep the gumbo.

Listen. Whatever you need,
whatever Don needs, I'm in.

- Really?
- Yeah.

How bad could it be?

A lot of background checks

on you in here:
Habitat for Humanity,

Meals on Wheels, public library.
That's a lot of volunteer work.

Yep. And only one speeding ticket.

Just because my officers

pulled favours for Shade
and Everett in the past doesn't

mean you'll be getting any now.

I don't expect special
treatment, Inspector.

I expect fair treatment.

- And I expect answers. OK?
- OK.

From 9 o'clock

to 9:10, where were you?

- At the truck.
- The whole time?

- The whole time.
- That's not exactly true.

Today's been a blur.
He's just not remembering right.

- What are you eating?!
- Nothing.

- You're two-timing us!
- I'm sorry, it didn't

mean anything. I swear, I was
thinking about gumbo the whole time.

- And with Fajita Frank too!
- Please don't tell Don!

You're just lucky he's not
back from the bathroom yet!

Speaking of,
what is taking him so long?

I have no idea.
Could you turn up that chowder?

What? No! I can't do that.
Those are my people in there!

So, you did leave your truck?

OK, but I was away for like,

- a couple of minutes at the most.
- You stepped away for 10-15

minutes right around
the time of the fireworks.

That is a quote from a witness.

Who was obviously never taught
how to read a damn clock.

The witness is Matt Shade.

I'd say he's a pretty
credible source, wouldn't you?

Well, depends on what side
of the desk you're on.

Where were you
for 10 to 15 minutes, Don?

I went to find a bathroom.

One of the Porta-Potties
provided by the festival?

- No, they were occupied.
- OK, so where'd you go then?

- The one in the store.
- Oh.

The one about 100 feet from
the safe in Ms. Davis' office?

Why on earth would I rob her?

I'm glad you asked me.
Two reasons.

One... according
to your credit history,

you have poured all your money
into that food truck.

- Well, not...
- Two,

witnesses say they saw
a pretty big argument

between you and Ms. Davis
prior to the robbery.

What? There was no argument.

He yelled at me.
It was very intense.

And what was the argument about?

Well, it all started
with that damn shrimp.

Are you making me return
the two pounds of shrimp

- I just bought?
- Festival rules clearly

stipulate that all food trucks
were to come fully stocked

- with the necessary supplies...
- Well...

- including food.
- Vic!

- Help me out here, would you?
- Vic has no say in this.

Vic should know
that if you buy something,

suddenly the other food trucks
are doing the same,

and I have nothing left
for regular customers.

- It's our policy.
- It's a ridiculous policy.

Enjoy your stupid power.
You're not gonna last.

OK. Look, Shanice, I...

I can't make gumbo without shrimp.

I've tried your gumbo.
Lack of shrimp would not be

your biggest issue.

I'll have you know
that my gumbo won first prize.

Were you the only entry?

OK, Ms. I Don't
Play Well With Others.

You can keep your damn shrimp.

- It was definitely that man.
- Do you think

you could recognize the robber's
voice in a line-up? I mean,

- I know he was wearing a mask...
- Shade!

Everett! Ms. Davis, um,

could you just wait outside
for just a second?

- Of course.
- OK.

What the hell?! I'm putting myself

on the line for you guys
and you're... interrogating

- a victim at my desk?!
- Shanice never even saw

the robber's face,
just his... his shirt,

his build, his height.
Yeah, everything lined up

for Don because they had
an argument earlier.

But you do understand that
this is not your job, right?

Danica, you can't even put him
at the scene of the crime!

You guys need to see something.

Miss Davis' office is
in the back of the store.

Do you have any idea
why Don was back there

or why he left
through the back exit?

- No idea.
- There are no exterior cameras.

There's gotta be an explanation.

Maybe just not the one you want.

No, there's no way
my dad robbed that store!

You can't prove that.

Not yet. But we will.

What's in the bag?

It's garbage from the bathroom.

- Mm-hmm!
- It was overflowing! So I...

I tied it up and I dumped
it out the back.

So you didn't rob Ms. Davis,
you robbed the bathroom.

There must be security cameras
around the dumpster. Check that.

Yeah, we're on it. Anything
else you want us to check?

Yeah! Inside the dumpster,
where I threw the trash.

Ah! That where we're gonna
find the $47 000 you stole

as well?

It's totally empty.

You need some help?

Said the woman who's afraid
of heights? No, I got this.

Well, do you see anything?

Yeah, this camera's
been tilted up.

I mean, obviously it's supposed
to record everything

that happens in this lot, but...

no, it's sh**t'
nothin' but the sky.

Don said he came out the back
door. Now, we have no record

- of him dumping the garbage.
- Somebody moved this camera.

Someone else who came out
the back door?

Let's go check it out.

Anybody could've gone
in there at any time.

You know who the closest
anyone is, don't you?


Dad said they got into a fight
about a parking spot

- this morning.
- And he lost power during

the fireworks;
damn good excuse to disappear.

It would've given him time
to rob the store.

Wow. A world without Fajita
Frank's would be the worst.

And a world without Don's Soup
would be worse than worst.

We are going to figure this out.

It's after midnight.
We should get going.

Don's spending the night in
lockup. You think he'll be OK?

Are you kidding?
I'm sure he'll tell everyone

the origin story
for the Fort Huron Gumbo.

It'll take 'til morning.

Ooh! I can't believe
I'm doing this, Frank!

Mostly, I can't believe you're
not stopping me. It's not

- even noon, for heaven's sake.
- You want them with sugar

and cinnamon
or chocolate dipping sauce?

Yes to all of it. I wanna
marry your churros, Frank.

I nearly had a heart attack
when I saw your power go out.

- You and me both.
- Took a while

to get up and running again, huh?

Yeah, uh...

- The generator's on its last legs.
- Huh!

I put a little cream
cheese drizzle on the house.

Ooh! You, me, little white chapel.

- Think about it.
- Hey.

♪ Oh, I say goodbye ♪

♪ Goodbye to you ♪

♪ Goodbye to you ♪

Come on, man! Watch the ladle.


You'd think they'd
have some respect.

I'm sorry about your dad, man.

I got a good vibe off of him.

Yeah. He's pretty vibe-y alright.

I tried to help him out
with that shrimp situation.

- Thanks for that.
- Yeah...

Shanice, man. She's...

She's like a walking,
talking company robot.

And she always thinks
she has the last word, but...

not for long.

What do you mean?

Well, let's just say

she's pissed off a lot of people.

Hey, did you, uh...
catch the fireworks?

Yeah. I was out here, uh,

grabbing some dinner
in between shifts

at the seafood counter there,
and... yeah.

Those were pretty cool.

Hey, if your dad needs,

like, a character witness
or anything, you come to me, OK?

'Cause... he's a good guy.

- Thanks, man.
- Yeah.



- You smell fishy.
- What?! No.

- A mermaid can tell.
- Blame it on the seafood guy.

Sorry, you were looking for me?

A manager's work is never done.
You're the assistant manager.

Well, clearly Shanice isn't here.

With a complaint about strollers
in the store, a freezer

of melting ice cream
and three absent employees,

someone had to care enough
to take charge.

She was just robbed.

Speaking of great jobs,
this festival...

Oh, thank you! Do you love it?
Some people think it was

their idea, but those someones
didn't bring it up at a staff

- party last Christmas, right?
- The fireworks were stunning.

Oh, did you love
the rainbow finale?

Rainbow. Sure. Um, we also noticed

that none of the Langtree
employees were

- enjoying the food.
- Oh.

Shanice said we weren't allowed
to eat at the festival unless it

was before or after our shift.
What about dinner breaks?

No, she didn't want us
commingling with the guests.

I'm so sorry about your father,
by the way. He was always

the nicest vendor to deal with.
Obviously he didn't do this.

Do you know who did?


Oof! Wow. Back at it.
A busy bee is a happy bee.

Why do I feel like

everybody is lying to us?

Because they are.

You just... threw this together?

I couldn't sleep.
I just kept thinking

about poor Don behind bars
with all those drug dealers

and jaywalkers. Anywho,

now we can track
who was where and when.

Uh... Which one's me?

Ooh! You're the mermaid.

I have here Don,

Shanice, Frank,

Vic, Melissa,

and the robber. Everyone else was

a customer or an employee
already accounted for.

OK. So the fireworks begin.

Shanice was in her office
when the robber enters.

We witness Frank
go behind his truck

to allegedly fix his generator.

He could have

slipped down
the side of the store...

Unseen by the camera
that was recently moved.

- And snuck into the side door.
- Totally suspect behaviour.

Meanwhile, Vic claimed

to be having dinner
at the festival.

Which we know is a lie because
Melissa said it's not allowed.

- Making him suspect number two.
- Melissa was

at the festival.
We know because we saw

- her there.
- Except the firework finale

was not the rainbow
she arranged. It was pink.

Those fireworks were her baby.
It would have taken

something huge to draw
her attention away from them.

Making her suspect number three.

Hey, Danica. What's up?

[Shade, you better get down to
the festival.]

[We found something.]


You said you found something.
Was it the money

- from the robbery?
- No, we didn't find the money.

We found a g*n.

It was in the wheel well
of Don's truck.

- I don't even own a g*n.
- Well then, help me out.

- Tell me something.
- I've told you everything.

No, you've told me nothing.

Look, Don, we have the g*n.

It's only a matter of time
before we find

the 47 000 reasons
you robbed the place.

- OK. What do you wanna know?
- OK.

You were in Vietnam. Yeah?


You carry a p*stol?

Yeah, a TK 80.

No. I...

OK, come on.

Thousands of servicemen
in several wars

were issued
exactly this make and model.

Well, I am only interested
in the person who was

issued that one.
And then we all returned

- our weapons to the unit armoury.
- Not all.

Many held onto them. Stole them.

Maybe even used them in a robbery.

Well then, we can check
the serial numbers

- against the military records.
- Yeah, that takes time

to access. In the meantime,
Danica's getting the g*n dusted.

- Guess what she'll find?
- Prints.

Just not the ones
you're hoping for.

Carson here.


Well, looks like you and I
are done for now, Don.

Why? What... what's going on?

You tell me.

You're the one
who just lawyered up.

A lawyer? Really?

He's supposed to be
really good, Dad,

- and he's in the lobby.
- Thanks, but tell him to leave.

Dad, it's armed robbery.

I know!

But... if I hire a lawyer now,

it'll look like...

it'll look like
the g*n scared me into it.

- Matt, I didn't do this.
- That's not the point!

No, that's exactly the point!

Look, I trust you, OK?

You're gonna figure out
who did this, right?

Yeah, I... Yeah, sure. Of course.

Good, then. Get out of here.
You got a case to solve.

I'm good.


- It has to be a frame job.
- It's the only explanation.

Anyone who would frame a man
like Don has snakes in his soul.

- Or jalapenos.
- He robbed the store.

Then framed the man he considered
his biggest food truck rival.


Seriously guys, who?

Soup Don stole my spot

and now he's accusing me of what?!

- You robbed the store!
- You moved the security camera

that was pointing this way,

then broke into the store
through the back door.

Hey, I get it. The rising cost
of avocados can drive a man

- to do desperate things.
- We saw you leave your truck

- during the fireworks.
- I told her, my generator.

Oh, you mean the one
with the frayed plug?

OK. OK. You got me.

But I wasn't robbing the store.
Not like that.

I wanted the spot Don took
from me because it's closest

to the store's exterior
electrical outlet.

You're stealing electricity?

Yeah! But from where I am now,
I had to run, like,

three extension cords!
After the fireworks began,

some guy came back here
and tripped them.

- What guy?
- He just walked to his car.

He didn't even turn around
when I yelled at him.

What car? Where?

Well, it's gone, but there was
a blue car parked there

- all day yesterday.
- Alright. This guy,

- what'd he look like?
- Tall,

dark shirt, Soup Don hat.
It's the exact same description

Shanice gave the police.
Don has a doppelganger.

- Unless Frank's lying.
- I don't know.

The guy with the car could've
easily moved the camera,

especially if the back door was
his escape route.

What doesn't track is the g*n.

Yeah, he's right,
because if the robber left

the store from Frank's side
of the parking lot,

then he'd be
nowhere near Don's truck.

Yeah, we need to get
a look at that g*n.

OK. You guys are lucky.

Like horse shoes up your... lucky.

This just got tested for prints.

- Thank you.
- Yeah, we wouldn't ask

- unless it was...
- No, I know, and... and we all

love Don. It's just... just...
Now, you can...

you can look at this,
but don't touch it.

You cannot touch it. No, no, no.
You can touch the evidence bag,

- but just don't touch it.
- Yeah, yeah. I got it, alright.

Only the evidence bag.

What's that smell?


- Hey, Vic.
- Oh, hey.

- No gloves?
- Uh...

I'm allergic to latex.

Uh, but I do scrub my hands
like a surgeon.

- You ever get the smell out?
- Heh.

I have a very special soap
that I use after every shift.

It's, uh, expensive stuff.

But if you touch something
during your shift,

- you'd get fish oil on it?
- I guess.

- Door handles?
- Yeah.

- Clothing?
- I guess.



I ran yesterday.

- In a tail.
- Ugh!


Hey, Danica.
We have a present for you.

- I'm gonna take him in for questioning.
- Says the g*n wasn't his.

But he definitely handled it,
that's obvious.

- Military records just came in.
- Did you get a name

- to go with the g*n?
- Robert Davis.

Teeny problem. He's dead.

We know a Davis, don't we?

- We do.
- Shanice.

If Shanice owns the g*n
used in the robbery

and Vic handled it, then either
they were in it together

or Vic stole the g*n
from Shanice, held her up...

Then tossed it in
my dad's truck, in which case

- I'll k*ll him.
- And I'll bury the body.


Oh, my gosh!

- What is happening?!
- Are you alright?

They just called me in for
questioning. I might throw up.

It's no big deal.
They're talking to everyone.

They arrested Vic, you know.
Do you think it was

an "inside job"?

Do you think it was an inside job?

Well, I don't know. I mean...

Vic has been really unhappy
with Shanice lately.

She treats us all like
we're dum-dums.

I don't know what he saw in her.

Wait. Uh, Vic and Shanice
were together?

You'd never guess, right?
They tried to keep it quiet,

but we all knew what was going on

in produce after dark.

We think Shanice and Vic
pulled the robbery together.

Whoa. It's a long road

questioning someone who might
be peripherally involved

to accusing them of armed
robbery, don't you think?

- Yeah, you should know.
- Shanice and Vic were an item.

- How do you know that?
- Because we've actually been

- out there talking to people.
- Just let us interview them

- with you and Danica.
- That's not gonna happen.

I'll tell you what.

You give your statements
and theories to Danica,

and I will take it all
into consideration.

You tell us what you know,
and maybe your dad'll

get out of this mess.

Or you let us help and we'll
let you share the credit

when we solve the case
and catch the real armed robber.

Ms. Davis, you don't
care for your job,

do you? - I work with a lazy,

uneducated staff
who'd rather be watching

the Kardashians colonize Mars
than actually work.

This job's only a stepping stone
to corporate.

That why you didn't
take in the fireworks?

I don't do fireworks.

They look the same every time.
What's so "ooh" about that?

Well, they'd make
a great cover if you were

to say, rob the store
with your seafood manager.

Vic?! You think he and I
pulled this off together?

Vic, your prints were on
the g*n. Yeah, your apartment's

being searched right now
for the money and the mask.

- I didn't do it!
- Well, you did something.

I'm the victim here!
I had a g*n in my face.

- Your g*n. And on it, his prints.
- You two were

in a relationship.
That was a mistake,

one I put an end to very quickly.

That fish-breath bastard.

It was him pointing the g*n
at me, wasn't it?

It was Vic behind that mask!

And all because I shut him down.

Shut him down for what?

I was trying to unionize.
Workers are being

treated unfairly and our working
conditions are unacceptable

under Shanice and she is a bully.

We have to take out our own trash

'cause she only pays for
cleaners to come in once a week.

Just walk us through what you
were doing during the fireworks.

We know you weren't eating dinner.

OK. I was, um... just
finishing up talking

on the phone
when I got to my locker,

which wasn't locked.
We never lock 'em. Trust, right?

- Sure.
- And I opened it up

and I pulled out my lunch bag
and take one guess

- what comes flying out with it.
- The g*n.

I freaked out! Like...

there's a lot of people
who wanna silence me.

And you thought
that was a message?

And I didn't know what to do
so I just... I walked out

of there. And then I see Melissa
come walking towards me.

And this was
right beside Don's truck?

Yeah, but I didn't see
that it was Don's truck.

I just stashed the g*n
under the wheel well

- and then I got out of there.
- OK. Why didn't you

- tell us this before now?
- Come on. Rocky relationship

with Shanice? I knew this robbery

was gonna get pinned on me.

You said you were

on the phone.
Yeah, but I wasn't talking

with anybody.
I just left a message.

You still got that contact?

OK, so this is video footage
from the fireworks

and an audio file
of Vic's voicemail

- during the fireworks.
- We have

to stand together!
That is the only way they are

going to listen to our demands.
And our demands

are not unreasonable, Terry.
We deserve a living wage, right?

So that you and your girls...

It goes on like this
for seven minutes.

At exactly the same time
as they robbery.

Our standard of living
is worse than our parents'.

I think we deserve something
better than that. Don't you?

Then let's work together.
Let's do this!

How much longer is

this gonna be?
I have to get back to work.

Was the robber on the phone?

During the robbery? Of course not.

But what about
your grandfather's g*n?

Where do you keep that?
His w*r memorabilia was sent

to me three years ago.
Everything's in the garage.

I never even opened the boxes.

Do you really think Shanice
orchestrated the robbery?

People do crazy things
when they hate their jobs!

When I was a teenager,
I worked at a fan shop.

20 fans blowing all at once.

I'll never get that sound
out of my head.

And the crosswinds! It took me
hours to detangle my hair

after every shift, but it was
owned by the sweetest old couple

- so I didn't know how to quit.
- Something tells me

you found a way.
Oh, yeah. I shoved my head

in the back of a fan.
They had to cut me out.

And then, I told them I was
too traumatized to work there.

Hmm. So Shanice could have
done the robbery.


If Vic isn't Shanice's
accomplice, then who is?

No one? Anyone?

Found it.

Lock's busted.

The lid's stuck.
See if you can stick

- your hand in there.
- Ow!

What happened?

Melissa was all over
social media the night

of the robbery. - Wait.

Zoom in.

Look. The same scratches.

So Melissa took the g*n.

Guess she got passed over
as manager one too many times.

That girl badly needs
some social media lessons.

She can't centre a photo
to save her life.

Wow, she really wants
people to know she's having fun.

Yeah, a regular Olympian
of elation.

And this goes on from 9 to 9:10,

- when the robbery was happening?
- There's gonna be

a rainbow finale. I chose it. Me.

Just wait 'til you see it.
It'll be all the colours: blue,

- red, orange.
- But if Melissa was

at the fireworks, then someone
else robbed Shanice.

She had a partner. Who?

She's looking away. That guy.

He has a dark shirt
and a Soup Don hat.

The mystery man.

His license plate is clear as day.

That's the car.

I... guess he looks like Don.

From behind and with a mask on,

which is all anyone's seen of him.

How is he connected to Melissa?

I don't know. We're gonna
have to get into his shop,

look around.
Yep. We need a distraction.

You know, we still have

that sexy little number
in the back.

Need some help!

Can you hear that?

- Yeah. It's the engine.
- No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

There's a... There's a...

There's a clicking sound there,
Mike. Mike, it's clicking.

There's something fishy
going on. Hear it?


- Everything sounds fine to me...
- If you really lean in...

I got nothing in here.
It sounds like it's

in perfect working order to me.

Um, listen, Mike.

There's a whirr and a hiss.

I need this in working condition

for the pilgrimage to Atlantis.
Do you hear me?

- Super important! Super!
- OK.

I'm listening.

Oh, score! Mike's been

giving Melissa discounts
for the past six months.

Aww. Melissa found herself
an accomplice.

But the question is
why did they do it?

I don't know.
Revenge for Shanice's pettiness?

Debt? I mean,
what we really need is proof.

Well, check out the photo
of the bag under Mike's desk.

Shade! It's not even my birthday.

So, the assistant manager
at Langtree Foods

got her boyfriend
from down the road...

- Mike.
- Mike, to pull off

- the robbery?
- He came out the side door,

tripped on Frank's extension cord,

must've hid the money in his car,

and then came back to collect it

sometime between
last night and today.

And meanwhile, Melissa made
sure that everyone knew

exactly where she was
during the robbery.

And you suspect the money
from the robbery is in the shop?

- We just need a search warrant.
- Oh. I can't do it.

But I got a photo
of the mask and hat!

It only proves that you were
there without a warrant.

How do I know that you didn't
plant it to save your dad?

So get a warrant,
bag the mask and print it!

I have no grounds.
Ugh. Don't look at me

like I'm the Devil here.
You're the one who compromised

a scene and screwed up
this investigation.

We'll just have to smoke them out.

- How?
- Inspector, we have a huge ask.

We need to borrow Shanice's phone.

Mike must be inside.

Hello! Hello!

What is it?

Oh, it's a video that Tex
sent me of his yoga class.

OK, fine. Let me see.

Good boy. Come here.

- Puppy yoga?!
- Yeah!

It's so cute but so dumb.
I mean, pick one, am I right?

Show time.

- What's wrong?
- Mike, she knows.

- Who?
- Shanice! She texted. She said

she knows that I took the g*n
and if I don't give the money

- back, she's gonna call the cops!
- It's OK. It's OK.

The money's still in the car.

Hey, Danica?

We have a location.

I can't believe this is happening!

- I'll never be manager now.
- Baby, you're so pretty,

- even when you're mad.
- Shut up, Mike!

Well, I got something
that'll ease your mind.


- It's all right here.
- OK, good.

Now, let's get out of here.

Actually, let's not.

You? You're... You're the mermaid!

No, we're
the private investigators.

And totally human. We even get
scratched from time to time.

See? I got this from a wooden box

that used to have a g*n
in it. And look, twinsies!

- How did you know?
- The fireworks.

They didn't have the rainbow
finale you said they did.

You've been a model employee
for Langtree for seven years.

Why now?

They turned me down!
Three times I asked for a raise

and every time, they said no.
Then one day, I see

Shanice's paystub
and she makes twice what I do.

- How'd you know she had a g*n?
- Her grandfather passed

and I swear, she was bragging
about her inheritance

before his body was even cold.
She calls his w*r memorabilia "junk".

- She wasn't the nicest person.
- "Nice"?!

She was a terror.
So everyone came to me

- because I'm the nice one.
- OK, well, you're also the one

that's under arrest so let's go.

- Thanks.
- Personal effects.

You can pick up
your food truck now.


You're free to go.

I'm waiting.

- For?
- An apology.


Your envelope is ringing.

This is for you.

Get out of here before
I arrest you for loitering.

Hey, Matt. Yeah,
thanks for picking me up, buddy.

I'll be out
in a couple of minutes.

No, I was just talking
with Inspector Carson.

Well, I asked her for an apology.

And she gave me an apology.

Well, of course she did!

You know me,
I'm a very convincing guy!

Ugh. Next week won't work.

Week after? Really?

Tex, did we just
find time to get away?

Oh, you're gonna plan it.

Alright, then. Just, uh...

be sure not to pack
too many clothes.

- OK. Bye.
- It's such a bummer,

throwing this out.

Hey, you wanna keep you?

Zoe, that is a work of art.

And it helped us solve the case.

I always thought my obsession
with detail was kind of a curse.

No, I think it's a gift.

A gift that we may use again.

You realize that you're
opening a door you might not

be able to close? Like, ever?

I'm willing to take that risk.

[It's Randy again.
Don't know what you guys did, ]

[but I saw the light
and I wiggled out of the vent.]

Your cheque's in the mail.]

OK. Goodnight, boss!

Night, Zoe.

- Hey.
- Hey.

Is Don back home safe and sound?

Puttin' his food truck
back together. I, uh...

I brought you something but, um...

this has to stay between us.

Cross my heart.

You're an angel!

- An angel with beer.
- Mm-hmm.

Why do I get the feeling
you want something?

I actually just wanted
to thank you.

My dad was in trouble
and you jumped in

without thinking.

Well, I'd do anything for you.
For... Shade.

For... the Shade family.

- I got your back.
- And I got yours.
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