03x15 - The Spy Who Loved Me

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Lethal w*apon". Aired: September 2016 to February 2019.*
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"Lethal w*apon" is based on the action film series of the same name, in which a slightly unhinged cop is partnered with a veteran detective trying to maintain a low stress level in his life.
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03x15 - The Spy Who Loved Me

Post by bunniefuu »

It's called speed chess.

You get the concept, right? Speed. Fast.

- You didn't answer the question.
- About your ex's wedding?

All I've done today
is answer that question.

New question.

Things are going great with Erica.

We're really connecting.

Should I bring her to the wedding?

Sure. Yes. Definitely.

Bring Erica to Natalie's wedding.

What if the wedding
makes her uncomfortable?

Am I rocking the boat?

Maybe I shouldn't go at all.


are you carrying a g*n?

If so,

please sh**t me in the head.

Okay, you're right.
I'm dominating the conversation

and the board.

What's going on with you?

Are you still failing out of Coast State?

Try straight A's.

The highest average in Dr. Orsi's class.

She got me a night janitor job,

and I get to use her lab after hours.

I'm like a Syrian Good Will Hunting.

Yeah, well, Syrian Good Will Hunting

just lost his knight.


How do you like them apples?


I got to hit the road.

Two and a half hours discussing
a wedding invitation.

You are not the same guy
I met in Syria, my friend.

Oh, yeah?

Worse guy or better guy?

Happier guy.


Honest, accountable,

and fair.

That's the kind of
district attorney I plan to be.

And you can quote me on that.

- Please.
- Pops,

um, yo, can you get Mom
to mention the dispensary name?

- The-the...
- Roger.

- The full name is...
- Roger.

I'm on it.

Listen, your mother's not gonna
promote your head shop.

Now, you take your sister
and go in another room.

Uh, when's the official announcement?

- Well, I hope to make it...
- It's the day after tomorrow.

O-Outside the Criminal Courts Building.

What is going on?

It's so loud down here.

I have to get to bed.
I have the SATs tomorrow.


I'm on it.

Riana, it is only 8:30.

The tutor said
I need ten hours of sleep, Dad.

- Ten hours.
- Hey, hey, hey.

Teenagers, you know?

So I-I think

- it is time we wrap it up.
- Yes.

Daryl, do you think
you have everything you need?

Yeah. Just about.
Uh, I would love some time

with the candidate's spouse,

just to fill out the profile.

For an interview?


I mean, if-if it'll help the profile.

Hey, how 'bout a ride-along?

Um, Roger,

- can I see you for a minute?
- Sure.

This is great. They want
to interview me, too.

Yeah. But, honey, are you sure
you're okay with this,

a reporter following you around?

I'm fine. You know, cops get
this request all the time.

And, I must say, I'm a
pretty compelling character.

- Yes.
- You know what I mean.

There's a lot going on, and I need
you to be focused on the home front.

Just until I make my announcement.

- Hey. Look at me.
- Mm.

I'm laser-focused.

Yeah, well, Riana,
she is anxious about her SATs.

And I told her you would drive her there.

Look at me.

I will drive her there.

You just worry about your campaign.

I'll handle the rest of this.

- Look at me.
- Hmm?

I love you.

I love you, too.


Oh, my God.

Dr. Orsi. No, no, no.

Dr. Orsi. Please wake up, please.


Don't move.

- It wasn't me. I-I didn't...
- What happened here?

- What... hey! You're coming with me.
- I didn't...

No, I can't!

Call 911.

Third floor. Engineering.


Be yourself. If there's anything
you want off the record,

just remember to say "off the record."

- Cool.
- Cool. All right.

Let's start off
with a little bit of background.

Who is Roger Murtaugh?

Well, here's Roger Murtaugh in two words.

A consummate partner.

A partner at home, to our future D.A.,

and a partner here at work,

to this guy!

Hey, partner!

Hey, Roger. Who's your plus-one?

Well, L.A. Tribune is
doing a story on me.

- Uh, a story on Trish.
- And me.

And I was explaining to him how partners

let each other shine.

They speak each other's
language, so to speak.

Don't you agree?

Cole. Do...

He agrees.

Victim is a Professor Janet Orsi.

Mechanical engineering?

Yeah. Cause of death,

blunt force trauma.

w*apon of choice,

this here telephone.

Campus cop spotted a suspect.

Let me guess.

Male. Had access

to the lab.

So, probably a student.

Write that down.


where are you?

Something happened at school.

I know. I'm here now.

- I had nothing to do with it.
- Let me help you.

Okay? Just tell me where you are.



the abandoned janitor's cart,

I posit our perp is

a 20-something on a work-study,

maybe even in the engineering department.

- Write that.
- Wrong on all counts.

What? Excuse me.

Our witness I.D. is unreliable.

Footprints indicate

orthotic shoes, so the suspect
is probably in his 50s.

Clearly German descent.
And, uh, most likely a vagrant.

Keep swinging for the fences.

So, everything he just said,

off the record.

Where's Murtaugh?

- I wanted to brief both of you.
- He's with this reporter.

Why don't you brief me
and I'll brief him.

Then it becomes a game of telephone.

Prints came back.

You think you have a suspect.

- Look, I know he's a friend of yours.
- He's not our guy.

But I can pick him up, get his story,

and we can figure out
who we should be looking for.

No. You and Murtaugh
are to stay away from this.

- You're taking us off the case?
- Wasn't my decision.

I got a call
from the D.A.'s office insisting

that I assign any two other detectives.

Who in the D.A.'s office called you?

She's in the conference room.

This case moved to the top of the pile,

so get his photo wide and...

You had me removed from the case?

Cole, I know what you're going to say.

He didn't do it.


Just let me explain.

I know this kid.

Give us a minute.

Those two are doing it, right?

You are a detective.

I understand you and Rafi are close.

I know you feel responsible for
what happened to his brother.

That has nothing to do with this.

But it does.
This is a high-profile m*rder

- in an election year.
- Meaning what?

Meaning every protocol you ignore,

every law you break on behalf
of your friend will get noticed.

Trust me to do my job.

I got a warrant to track Rafi's phone.

Bailey and Gutierrez

are on it.

You guys are not.

Are we clear?

Yeah, yeah. Sounds good.

What is this? Is this a bit?

No, you make good points.
You convinced me.

I trust you to do your job.

You just got a text.

What did it say?

It was from Roger. He wants
to get something to eat.

You are very suspicious.

I dig that about you.

- Mm-hmm.
- See you tonight.

An engineering student on a work-study.

You were right about all of it.

Not a rare occurrence around here.

So why were two other detectives
assigned to the case?

Uh, Bailey and Gutierrez.

Oh, no,

that's me delegating
to a pair of up-and-comers

to whom I'm sort of a father figure to.

They're family.

I would love to talk to them, too.

Get their perspective on you and Trish.

Yeah, sure.

I'll make that happen.

Excuse me.

A father figure.

Daryl Hill is a viper.

I gave him an interview
during my campaign,

and he sunk me.

Before you sunk me.

I'm good.

This guy loves me.

That's his move.
He showers you with compliments

until you spill the secrets.

Disembowels you.

It's under control.

I'm killin' it.

You've been warned.

Okay. Now, listen, I know

that Cole is unhappy being off the case.

I don't want to see him spiral

over his friend from Syria.

Cole is fine.

There's no spiraling.

Are you sure?

I know my partner, Captain.

Okay? I know him better
than I know myself.

In fact,

he just invited me to an early lunch.


You see? No spiraling.

You should've told me about Rafi.

You didn't have to do
the whole smoke screen

and throw me off the trail.

The smoke screen wasn't for you.

We're partners, Roger.

You telling me you didn't
know what I was doing?

Okay, yeah, maybe I did.

Course you did.

Just like you knew there's
no Mexican restaurant here.


Yeah, yeah. I knew that.

Wait a minute. Is that, uh...
Put those away.

This is my friend Rafi.

Rafi, this is Roger Murtaugh.

Thank you for helping me.

Can I talk to you
in the office here a second?

Look, we're not on this case anymore.

Gute and Bailey are looking
for this kid right now.

I know. And they're tracking his phone,

which means we have to go. Now.

Murtaugh, you have to back my play.

Rafi didn't do this.

GPS says Rafi is right around the corner.

Well, ladies,
to get back to Roger's quote

- about being a father figure...
- Okay, wait.

A father figure who's teaching
us the art of police work?

No. Seriously?

He e-mailed me the quote.

Yeah, well, I got a
couple quotes for him,


Rafi's on the move.

Okay. Hang tight.

The suspect is heading

east on Mission. We're in pursuit.

He's ahead of us. Turning right.

LAPD. Pull over.

That's it, I'm doing my move.

Wait, what do you mean?
Just give him two seconds.

No, no, no. He had his chance,
so hang tight. Here we go.

Hands off the wheel.

Not our guy.

One phone. No suspect.

All right, so where is he?

Let's get inside,
get you something to eat,

and you tell me the whole
thing from the beginning.

Erica. What are you...?

Sometimes I hate being right.

You broke into my motel room.
You used me.

No. There's a difference between
using you and knowing you.

Cole, you harbored a fugitive.

No. I was trying to protect my friend.

Remember two hours ago,

how I took you off a case
for your own good

because I thought you would ignore
the law and protect this kid?

He was in the wrong place
at the wrong time.

There's motive.
And there's physical evidence.

What motive?

Come on. A Syrian expat
on a student visa panics

because he's failing out of college.

Terrified of being deported.

- Confronts his professor.
- But he's not failing.

He's getting straight A's.
He told me yesterday.


His transcript.

Three F's and a "D." He lied to you.

This can't be right.

I would have known if he was lying.


Same way that you knew

that I'd be bringing him back
to that motel room.

So, you and Cole were protecting Rafi?

It's called backing your partner's play.

In work,

as in life, Daryl,

the last thing you want to do is let down

those who depend on you.

Write that down. I-I have
some more thoughts on this.


Dad, where are you?

I'm supposed to be at the SATs
in 20 minutes.

Right, SATs. Uh...

Look, if you jump in the
car, you can make it.

No, I can't drive myself.

We discussed this.

My tutor said I'm supposed to be calm

and meditative before the test.

Calm and meditative!

Yes, yes, yes. What about an Uber?

It's too late for an Uber!

Okay, hey, everything's gonna be fine.

Two words.

Police escort.


Yeah. There's a unit in the neighborhood.

It could pick you up.

Sirens. Flashers.

Red light privileges.

Okay, you're telling me you
want me to show up to the SATs

in the back of a police car?!

Oh, my God. I'm gonna fail.

No. No, you're not.

Remember what your dad always says.

A test is but one test,

whereas life is a series of tests.


You never say that.
What does that even mean?

I'm gonna vomit.

Okay, I'm hanging up.

Cop, husband, father.

We're all just firemen

putting out the flames

wherever they may spark.

Yeah, write that down.

Hey, Jim. Can you help me out?

- Why did you lie to me?
- I didn't.

I got an "A" on the midterm,
A-minus on the final.

- That's not what it says here.
- It's wrong.

Someone changed my transcript.

I swear on my brother's life.

I'm not lying.


Okay, so you were alone in the lab.

You went to the restroom.

Then you heard what?

Dr. Orsi came in arguing with a guy.

They were really yelling.

- About what?
- She said

he stole her research.

Adhesion dynamics data.

Aerospace stuff. So maybe
another engineering professor.

That's a dead end. We talked to
everybody in the department directory.

That's not everyone.

There's got to be someone you missed.

Rafi was right. We missed someone.

Brian Li. A visiting professor
from Beijing

with connections to
the Chinese government.


As suspects go, this guy's a long shot.

You know... you know
who's not a long shot?

I trust Rafi. We have a history.

Right, from your past life.

The CIA. Syria.

You know what? I'm just saying
not everyone from that life

was an angel.

I seem to remember
a certain mentor of yours

who had you buried alive in the desert.


Rafi's a part of my past,
not a part of that life.

He's not a k*ller.


Wesley Cole.



- Hey, isn't that, uh...
- Professor Li!

Stop! LAPD!

It's an extraction.

- What, like a tooth?
- No.

MSS. Chinese intelligence.



They're trying to slow us down.

I saw this move in Shanghai.

Couldn't it just be a power outage?

It's Shanghai, 2010.






Roger. Roger, stop.

I know. Shanghai, 2010.

We're looking at a ten-day trial
minimum, so clear your...

Professor Orsi's m*rder? It's part of

- a human intelligence operation.
- Cole, I'm in the middle

- of a staff meeting.
- Definitely a black bag job.

Foreign nationals,
maybe a security agency.

I am not clearing another room

- for you, Detective.
- It's not Rafi.

So, to be clear, you don't
have this Brian Li in custody,

and you haven't spoken to Brian Li.

Because he was exfiltrated
by a team of agents.

Or he's just out to
lunch with his friends.

- That's not what happened. I saw.
- I know.

Secret agents who shut down power grids,

mess with traffic lights,
alter transcripts.

Don't you see what's happening here?

Rafi is being set up.

Right. Because everyone's
wrong except for you.

My office, LAPD, the university.

- You have zero evidence.
- That's why I need you

- to slow things down for me.
- Oh, oh, you need me to?

His arraignment is set for tomorrow.

What do you want me to do?

Walk into the courthouse
and steal the paperwork?

Yes. Do that.

Or get me access,

- alarm codes so I can...
- Cole, stop.

You can't barge into my office
and ask me to defy my boss,

break the law

and end a career
I've spent 15 years building.

You're talking to a D.A.

Thought I was talking to a friend.

I don't know what kind of relationships

you've had in the past,

but if this is how you treat people...

You know, Natalie wouldn't think
twice about breaking the law for me,

and we're not even together.


maybe it's why you're not together.

Hey. Uh, Dad said set up
the table before Mom gets home,

- so help out, would you?
- No, you got it.

I, uh, had a long day. SATs.

Right, yeah. How were the SATs?

A battle, but I persevered.


Persevered pretty quickly
considering I saw you

on Ventura drinking coffee
20 minutes after

- the SATs started.
- Oh, my God. Yes.

I walked out of the SATs.
And I'll help you set the table,

- but please don't tell Mom and Dad.
- It's gonna be okay.

I had a panic attack,

and I just couldn't be in that room,

and now my future's down the toilet,

and I'm through. I'm done.

No. No, you're not.

Listen, take it from someone

who's flaked on every commitment
he's ever had, okay?

It's gonna be okay.

Um, how do I tell Mom and Dad?

Clearly and simply. "Mom, Dad,

I skipped the SATs." Now you try it.

Mom, Dad...

"I skipped the SATs"?

Perfect. Great plan, RJ.

I got it. I got it. Uh, Pops,

um, standardized testing
doesn't really measure

- your, uh, your intelligence.
- Shut up. Sit down.

I'm talking to your sister.

What happened, Riana?

I got you a police escort and everything.

No, but I wanted you
to drive me, not a stranger

with a g*n and a siren!

It was so loud, Dad.

So loud.

Okay, here's what we're gonna do.

When your mother comes home,
not a word about this.

Okay? We're gonna be all smiles...

and zip it.

Let's see those smiles.


There she is.

The candidate.

A police escort...

to the SATs?

Who's the rat?

The L.A. Tribun Roger. It went online

- 30 minutes ago.
- It's online that

I went to the SATs in a police car?

"In a single day, the husband
of would-be D.A. Trish Murtaugh

"led his LAPD department

on a high-speed chase,
aided a fugitive and..."

"...and sent a police cruiser
on a personal errand

for his daughter."

Oh, my God.

I am going upstairs, and
I'll see you all in ten years.

48 hours, Roger.

All I wanted was 48 hours
to focus on my campaign.

Right, but...

48... hours.

I forgot to say "off the record."

Should've said it.

Is this about the poultry truck?

That doesn't sound like
an apology... but no.

It's about Cole.

He just called and asked me

to help him break into a courthouse.

Is that slang for something else?

I wish. He asked me to do the same thing.

But I didn't return the call.

Well, if he's going
in alphabetical order,

that means Scorsese is next,

and you know he'll say yes.

I'm not worried about Scorsese.

You're not? Then who?

One of those crazy lunatics
from his past, maybe? Barnes?

Not really. I mean,
after what that guy did to him?

Cole would never.

Are you asking me, or are you telling me?

I didn't think I'd hear from you again.

- I didn't think you'd show.
- Why?

Because you threatened to k*ll
me last time we talked? Come on.

That's how I know you care.

You've looked better.

You sleeping?

I'm stuck.

I wouldn't have called
if I had any other options.

I know.

So, Rafi Rahal...
I remember that was a hard deal

with his kid brother.

He had a good head on his shoulders.

He still does.

Like I said, I just need information.

I think he may be caught
in the middle of something.

You're not wrong.

Brian Li has been recruited
by Chinese intelligence.

The MSS commissioned him with
stealing aerospace technology.

He got caught in the act.

So the MSS is cleaning up his mess

and pinning it on Rafi.

Once they get him to Beijing,
Rafi's toast.

That's correct.

I know where he is.
I know when he's leaving.

Question is: do you
want more than information?

Because you know me...

I'm willing to help any way I can.

It's your call.

Hey. Big announcement day.

That's a bold wardrobe choice.

I'm calling the whole thing off.
The campaign?

- Mm-hmm.
- No.

Look, baby, I know I dropped the ball...

No, Roger, it's not your fault.

I asked you to take on too much.

You see?

Just you saying that let's me know

that you would be the best D.A.
this city has ever seen.

Hmm. How can I enforce the law

when my husband ignores it?

You believe that?


It was a line in the article.

It's too much, Roger.

And I've come to terms with
what we can and cannot handle.

And this family?

A campaign?

That's something that
we're not built for.

Another line in the article?


That's all me.

For you.

I'm on an apology... tour.

Sorry I didn't call you back

about breaking into the courthouse.

It wouldn't have helped, anyway.

It was a bad plan.

Look, I know how much
you care about Rafi,

- and I'll do anything to help.
- I appreciate it.

See you at work.

Uh, thanks for the coffee?


You went to Barnes?

I'm going down every road there is.

My friend's life is in danger.

Oh, great plan. You keep
working with this guy,

and your life is gonna be in danger, too.

I'm not working with him.

I just went to him
for information, that's all.

Brian Li? Confirmed Chinese asset.

So, does Barnes know where he is now?

No. Probably halfway to Beijing.

- Okay, so, then, what are we gonna do?
- Well, what I'm gonna do

is hit up every airport...
LAX, John Wayne...

convince a TSA agent to give me access

- to their restricted databases.
- Now, how are you gonna do that?

Bribes, threats, intimidation.

You're welcome to come along.

Look, Cole, this is not just illegal...

So when you said
you'd do anything to help,

you didn't really mean anything.

Did you?

Close the door on your way out, Roger.

Captain, Cole's theory

about the Coast State m*rder
might be dead-on.

A ton of files from
Professor Orsi's hard drive

were transferred to a server
owned by the Chinese government.

- That's tenuous.
- And a surveillance van

that our guys were chasing is registered

to the Chinese consulate.

Less tenuous.

Look, if Li's in town,
I bet that's where he is.

The consulate's foreign soil...
we don't have jurisdiction.

I know... which means
someone's gonna have to walk

into our friend the D.A.'s office

with a big smile on their face
and request extradition.

- Not me.
- Not me.

You want a letter
requesting an extradition?

It doesn't have to be a
long letter... a paragraph.

To whom it may concern.
End with "best wishes."

There is no evidence
Brian Li k*lled Orsi.

There is even less evidence
he's in the consulate.

That's why the letter
doesn't have to be long.

And even if he was,

there is no way in hell
they'd hand him over.

Well... Rafi's going to court
tomorrow... it's a Hail Mary.

What's the downside?

Murtaugh and Cole are
radioactive around here.

If I do this, any nonsense
falls right on me.

There will be no "pulling a Cole."

Zero nonsense. I can guarantee it.

Murtaugh's going by himself.

Cole won't even know about it.

What is going on with Cole?

Feels like he's headed off a cliff.

He's fighting for a friend.

Even though it may not seem like it,

it's one of his better qualities.

All right, quick review.

It's a simple extraction.

Well, you keep telling yourself that.

Now, on the perimeter,

a high-voltage electrified fence.

So just like Kabul.

Higher voltage.

Think Bogotá.

15,000 watts

with a recharge gap of ten seconds.

I do like a challenge.

Yeah, well, there's
armed security teams outside

and on every floor.

You want to go over the exit strategy?

Nope. It's all up here.

Put me in, coach. I'm ready.

Just like old times.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

So the fence is still on.

Yeah, good thing you checked.

Okay, on my signal,

you'll have ten seconds.

Power's off in...



one. Ten,

nine, eight, seven,

six, five,

four, three,

two, one.

I'm through.

That was the easy part.

Your feedback used to be more positive.

Security team's on the east corner.

Don't get k*lled.



He's back.

I recognize you, friend.

From the university.

I have that kind of face.

Who sent you here?

Is that for me?

That's so thoughtful.

Do you have anything in sparkling?

It's an extradition request.

It's really not that long of a letter.

I can summarize for you.

LAPD is asking you to hand
over Mr. Brian Li to us.

I'm sorry.

- We can't help you.
- Huh.

I brought you a fruit basket.
You like fruit?

Come on.

Help a brother out.

My friend...

you are in a foreign country.

We can keep you here as long as we like.

No one... is coming for you.

That's not true.

I ordered some soup.

Detective Murtaugh.

My apologies, but we have
no record of this man's visit.

Professor Li isn't with us.

I never said he was a professor.

Your request is denied.

Well, I'll just wait
until it isn't denied.

Cole, I'm buying you three seconds.

Better act fast.

One more time. Who are you working for?


or CIA?


is a very good question.

What took you so long?

To be honest, I wanted
to hear you answer the question.


Head to the northwest corner.

The guest quarters should be
behind the door on the right.

Your right or my right?


meeny, miny...


Professor Li.


You're gonna miss that flight.

Head straight, get to the tunnel.

Tunnel entrance is on the left.

Got it. We'll see you outside.


Brian Li!

Move, kid. LAPD's on their way.

They're already here.

Who's in your ear?


You wouldn't help me, Roger.

I'm here, aren't I?

What was your plan?

Abduct a Chinese national?

They'll just send him home

and lock you up,
and how is that gonna help Rafi?

- You're doing the same thing.
- No.

I did it without throwing away
the rulebook,

without lying to my partner,

and you're a really good liar.

I had no idea.


I don't want to hear it.


Your extradition has been requested.

I have a letter.


I wanted to offer an apology

on behalf of the D.A. and myself.

Thank you. You were doing your job.

The way it looked, you'd have
had to be crazy to believe me.

He's right.


See you Monday.

Paperwork got a bit complicated.

Brian Li, after confessing to m*rder,

claimed a crazy white guy
abducted him from the consulate.

Oh. I bet he hallucinated it.

I hear it's very stressful
being a fugitive.

I've heard that, too.

That's why I kept it out of my report.

My... official,

legally-binding report

with my signature on it.

I know I shouldn't have asked
what I asked of you. I'm sorry.

Don't be. It's who you are.

My key.

Is this because
I asked for it back, or...?

Is this you saying it's over?

I'm happy you were right
about Rafi, and I was wrong.

The thing is,

if it happened again,
I would do it all the same,

except I wouldn't lie for you.

It's who you are.

I blew it, didn't I?

When I was in your room,

I saw the invitation
to Natalie's wedding.


I was gonna ask you to be my date.

I don't think I'm going.

A girl that'd break the law for you.

Maybe you should.

♪ It could be

♪ Forever you and me

♪ My memories remain here

♪ They'll just stay ingrained

I think that one's clean.

Can I help?

I used to think of myself as a guy

who knows his partner.

Kind of like an expert.

Honey, it's a two-way street.

A partner has to let themselves be known.

You're right. They do.

Take you, for example.


Is this the part you tell me
you're an expert in me?

After 22 years, I believe I am.

I think I know why

you changed your mind
about running for D.A.

I told you. I took my
hands off the wheel,

cost Riana the SATs...

Is it possible...

that this has nothing to do with the kids

or me messing up?

I mean, D.A.

That's a big damn job.

♪ Whoa

♪ Every night

Does it scare you?

♪ Every day

♪ Lord, I need it...

This started with me
saying "yes" one time.

And now this train is out of my control.

What if it's too much for us?

You say the family's not built for this?

Maybe not,

but I'm telling you, you are.

And we will just build ourselves
into the family that you need.

22 years later.

I learned a thing or two.

You learned more than a thing or two.

- I'm very impressed, baby.
- Yeah?


I want to thank you again.

You really came through for Rafi.

I did that for you, pal.

I've asked you before.

Are you holding up okay?

I mean, uh, starting
a whole new life of your own...

that's not easy.

I had one, didn't I?

A whole life... before this.

It's still there, waiting for you.

I've known you forever, kid.

I've seen you at your best,
at your worst.

And for what it's worth,

you were at the top of your game tonight.

It was fun, wasn't it?


It always is.

You want to do it again,
you give me a call.

Any time, Cole.

Okay, all I'm saying is

that those courthouse steps
are still available

tomorrow morning with...

Nope. Right here, right now.

Okay, you're the boss.

- Leave my hair alone.
- Backing off.

Your mom is tough.

Yeah, do not mess with that woman. Okay.


- Mm-hmm.
- Action.

Hi. I am Trish Murtaugh,

and I am running for district...

RJ, is that your phone?

Nah, it's yours.

That family we're building...
it's a work in progress.

Excuse me.

It's okay.

Well, what's on your mind?

You got a minute to talk?

I want to thank you
for what you did today

and... what you didn't do.

Keeping my name out of it.

And I'm sorry for bailing on you,

going on my own to get this guy.

Except you weren't on your own.

You want to talk?

Let's talk about how
you looked me right in my eye

and then lied to my face,

and then, how you sold it.

It was unforgivable, Roger.

It'll never happen again.

I walked into that consulate
not knowing the score.

You lied to me and I believed you,

and it almost got me k*lled.

Cole, I put my life in your hands

every time I walk out my door.

How am I supposed to do that now?

Let me come by tonight,
talk to you face-to-face.

Not tonight.

- I'm all talked out.
- ...the best district attorney...

And besides, my family is waiting on me.

And, hey, Cole,

you were right about today.

What you did was unforgivable.
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