07x02 - The Hatching

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu". Aired: January 2011 to present.*
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"Lego Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu" revolves around the adventures of six ninja: Kai, Cole, Jay, Zane, Lloyd, and Nya.
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07x02 - The Hatching

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Ninjago...

Previously on Ninjago...

Acronix and Krux, the Hands of Time?

-I've encountered one of you before.
- You met my father?


Another cup please, Misako.

Okay. But drink it slower this time.

Healing tea doesn't work
on a burnt tongue.

Sip! You are quite impatient.

The same could be said of them.

Okay, Master Wu, you've had your tea.
Now can we talk?

Ask any question you wish.

Who did we fight in the mona--

- That was Acronix.
- From the painting?

- Twins look alike.
- Or was it Krux?

- Is he from the future?
- How did he speed up time?

- Was he from the past?
- Who ate my pudding cup?

What? He said ask any question.
I put my name on this.

Just because we're in a new dojo,

doesn't mean we disobey
the refrigerator rules!

Right. Sorry.

Guy in monastery. What's his story?

Oh, to answer that,
I must begin at the end.

It was 40 years ago,
shortly after the Serpentine Wars,

when I was a much younger man.

As you know, we fought valiantly.

But our enemies were strong
and our powers alone were not enough.

It was the discovery of the magic flutes

that allowed us to finally
defeat the Anacondrai.

Their leaders were banished
and peace was returned to Ninjago.

- It is done, Brother Garmadon.
-lndeed, Wu.

Today, Ninjago is finally at peace.

A great victory,
and one we could not have achieved

without each of you,

the Elemental Masters.

Smoke, Metal, Lightning, Shadow,

Fire, Water and Time!

COLE". Now, hold on a sec.

So, that guy at the monastery
is an actual Elemental Master of Time?

No, Acronix was
an Elemental Master of Time...

Like his brother, Krux.

After helping us win
our hard-fought peace,

they betrayed me, Garmadon and the others.

The so-called Hands of Time

felt they controlled
the most powerful element,

therefore entitling them
to rule all of Ninjago.

- What did you do?
- We had to stop them.

And it would take all of us.

Garmadon, myself,
and every Elemental Master.

- Even our parents?
- Of course.

Kai, Nya.

Your mother and father
were great fighters,

but it appeared
even they had met their match.

Acronix was a skilled warrior.

One of the best I've ever seen.

But his real power
was his ability to control

the forward movement of time.

By sending himself forward,
he was always ahead of the action,

as if he had super speed.

However, a slow progression
can be just as dangerous.

Different power, but equally effective.

One Master of Time was bad enough.

But like the hands on a clock,
there were two.

Krux's power was the opposite
of his brother's.

He could reverse time.

It's a huge advantage in combat.

Know your opponent's next move.
Know how to counter it.

He could even control time
to the point of halting it.

Of course, he didn't halt himself.

They're unbeatable, brother.

- How do we stop them?
- I don't know.

Time is the thread
that sews the fabric of the universe.

And it appears
that they have all the needles.

- Control time...
- Control everything.

We knew we had to prepare.

Fearing that next time,
we would not be so lucky.

The wait is over. The future has arrived.

The BorgWatch, launching today.


A wall-mounted window
for displaying ISO-second dramas!

Those dramas are called "commercials."

Cynical films playing off
consumers' insecurities

to convince them to purchase
that which they do not need.

So cool.

I am jealous, brother.

You got to experience
the last 40 years of progress.

Hot beverages at the touch of a button.

A beadless abacus. Instant communication.

Worthless! All of it.


I absolutely despise modern life.

But it's filled with wondrous things

we couldn't have even
conceived of 40 years ago.

Like this amazing thing.

A BorgPad. Vile contraption.

I got it at the museum gift shop.

A piece of glass that performs music.

Creates a permanent visual
record of any event.

There's even games!

I hate those infernal devices most of all.

Everyone perpetually plugged in.

Distracted like infants
by bright lights and sound.

Yes! Smashed all the candy.

You said the Hands of Time

were unbeatable. Yet, you beat them.

- How?
- The way one often defeats an enemy.

By taking away their w*apon.

- But their w*apon was time.

- Are they done?
- They are.

Here they come!

Our only hope was four blades
hastily forged from Chrono-steel.

The Time Blades.


Chrono-steel is the only metal
that can absorb elemental energy.

Stripped of their powers,

Acronix and Krux
were just two ordinary men,

easily subdued.

But the ability to control time
is too great for anyone to possess.

Garmadon and I knew
the Time Blades themselves

were a threat
that had to be eliminated forever.

We created a temporal vortex
to dispatch the Blades in time,

where they would be lost to the ages.

But Acronix and Krux
refused to admit defeat.

They thought they were
more powerful than time itself.

So, what happened to them?

Krux disappeared into time itself.

And I knew Acronix
was going to return yesterday.

So, I waited .

He was the remaining loose end to tie.

Now, he is no more.

You mean, like, permanently?

Never my intent, but it was his fate.

Now, Acronix is gone forever,

along with that Time Blade.
It took four decades,

but the Hands of Time
will never again thr*aten Ninjago.

One question.

How did you know Acronix
was going to return to the monastery

at that exact moment?

- Why didn't you ask for our help?
- How many Elemental Masters--

- Can we make Time Blades?
- Our parents.

You said they were there.

No more questions for today.

Your Master fought a powerful enemy.

He needs time to recuperate.

Hey, ljust realized...

The mural we saw at the museum.

That must be the battle
Wu just told us about.

But Dr. Saunders said
the Hands of Time were a myth.

History is art, not science.

Even an expert such as Dr. Saunders
can be mistaken from time to time.

Ha! True that. Know howl know?

'Cause Acronix was a so-called myth.
And we totally busted him!


Except now, there's nothing to do.

Hmm. The temple still needs unpacking.

Lloyd's right.

Ugh. Kind of wish we hadn't busted him.

- Hey, Nya, wanna hang out?
- Hmm.

Oh, yeah, slice that fruit! Hey!

What's with the get-up?

Soon, we shall return Ninjago
to its pre-modern glory.


- I like that.
-lt's not for us.

When I asked if you wanted to hang out,
I meant

play video games or something,

not pack and ship your
Samurai X suit back to the cave.


You gotta let it go.

You're the Water Ninja now.

I know, but it's hard.
I only inherited my water power.

Samurai X is something I actually created

-with my own hands.
- These hands?

Whoa! Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt.

- I didn't see anything.
- What's up?

Something you need to see. Hurry!

That's why I camped out all night.

I never miss a Borg store product debut.

BorgPad, BorgPod,
I even brought the Cyrus PDA.

I guess you could say
I'm the company's Borg-est fan.

"Borg-est," huh. Get it?

Anyway, I'm pretty excited.

Uh, not so long ago,
if you wanted to tell time,

you had to look to the sun,

or a clock, or your wristwatch,

or ask a friend...

The point is,
there had to be a better solution,

something merging advanced electronics.

And there is.

Today, I am proud to announce

that we are changing time itself.

I present to you...

The Borg Watch.

Uh, really not the reaction
we were going for.

That was the scene just
moments ago in downtown Ninjago,

where the launch of the new BorgWatch

was tragically marred by a samurai.

Well, Kai,
you said there was nothing left to do.

And ninja-ing certainly beats unpacking.

Actually, anything beats unpacking.

Yeah, too bad there's only one samurai.
They don't really need all of us.

So, how do we decide
who gets to deal with this?

I suggest randomly assigning
each of ourselves a digit.

Then manually engaging a cube
with graphical representations

of each number
to make a random, unbiased selection.

- Roll dice.
- Yeah. Or...

We could just see who gets there first.

Race you!

Even the normally--

Wow! It's chaos here!
I've never seen such destruction.

Well, okay, I have, but it's been awhile,
and you never really get used to it.

Hey! You messed with the wrong purveyor
of high-quality consumer goods, hombre.

'Cause this Borg store is friends with me,
the Brown Ninja!

Drop the laptop.

You animal! I didn't mean literally!

Oh, what's happening down there?

The man in the brown jumpsuit is crying

and our Vermillion Warrior
has picked him up,

is holding him over his head and...


Brown jumpsuit's
gonna feel that in the morning.

I meant Cyrus Borg!
Our warrior is supposed to kidnap him.

- Patience. He will.
- When?

It's like you ordered him
to destroy the Borg store first,

then grab Borg.

You did, didn't you?


We got here at the exact same time.

Oh, darn! Now how do we decide
who gets to fight?

Is that Dareth? Well, maybe he'll--

Dude, 'sup?

I roughed him up for you,

but feel free to finish the guy off.

Hey, Zane, you still have those dice?

I have virtual ones.

- Kai.
- Yeah! Whoo-hoo!

Wait! Aren't you gonna draw your sword?

I'm good, sis.

Okay, I don't wanna brag
but the other day,

I helped stop, like,
an Elemental Master of Time.

So, I think I can handle one lousy--

Who's next?

- Zane.
- Oh, come on.

That was totally rigged.
We didn't even see the roll.

You guys got this? Good.

Hang on, guys. There's something
I've been wanting to try again.

Oh, what, that earth-punch thing?
Like it worked so well last time.

No problem.


JAY". You--

You totally disintegrated him!

It was an accident.

- Whoa.
- Ew.


Come on, team. We've done this before.

There's more than one way to stop a snake.


I'm starting to think
we might have underestimated this guy.

It certainly appears so.

You said there was more
than one way to stop a snake.

Which one do you want to try now?

Um, any of them?

It must be after Cyrus Borg!

It works! He's practically unstoppable.


Although I hadn't expected the Ninja.
Good thing we have reinforcements.


Okay, big guy. That's as far as you go.


Cyrus Borg! Zane, get him out of here.
We'll deal with the samurai.

But you'll need my battle skills.

Zane, my creator needs you, too.

Right this way, Doctor.

The Ice Ninja is trying
to get Borg to safety.



Oh, no, you don't!

That's it!

What are those things?

And what do they want with me?

I don't know, but we will find out.

Well, this is a surprise.
I didn't expect to see you.

Who didn't you--.

Guys, I know how to stop these things!

We gotta keep the snakes
from getting back

into the armor and reforming.

No kidding. Any idea how?

Nya, use your water power.

No good! Those snakes can swim.

Not in this pool!

Look, guys, electric eels!

Oh, come on. That was a good one.

Look, it's working!

And I thought
unpacking was tiring.

- Nice job. They're gone.
- For now.

But I wonder, who were they?

Good question. Zane, can you analyze?

Oh, right. He's with Cyrus Borg.

Come on. Let's go get them.

- lt's safe!

You can come out now.

- Mr. Borg?
- Zane?

- Zane ?
- H ey.

Cyrus Borg's BorgWatch, but no Cyrus Borg.

- Zane!
- Oh, no.

No! Zane!

ACRONDK". The first run was a success.

But we lost much of our armor.

I already have my best blacksmiths on it.

Will they be able to make enough
to suit up the remaining serpents?

Oh, I have much bigger plans.
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