06x01 - Changing of the Guard

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dallas". Aired: April 1978 to May 1991.*
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The oil-rich Ewings endure daily troubles in Texas.
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06x01 - Changing of the Guard

Post by bunniefuu »

He must have been hurting so much
to do this to himself.

He has to live. He just has to.

You're not Christopher's father.
You can't claim him.

Bobby. Just calm down.

You tried to blackmail me with a child
you thought was your own. You scum.

I vote my 20 shares...

John Ross' 10, and Ray's 10.
That I remain president of Ewing Oil.

- Lucy?
- Out.

Well. We have a tie.

If you vote to dismiss J.R...

you will have to step in
and run Ewing Oil.

Sue Ellen.

Ellen. I understand the way you felt...

the reasons you said
the things you did.

Your heart went out to Cliff. I know that.

But now it's time
to come home to Southfork.

John Ross is waiting for us there.

He'll be wondering
where his mama and daddy is.

J.R.. I can't go now.

I understand your concern.

But you're not in love with Cliff.
What are you making out of this?

- Well. I let him down.
- No. You didn't.

He let himself down.

He stole money from his mother
and he couldn't pay it back.

But I could have helped him out.

Tell me honestly.
Would you have been happy doing that?

Lending him money. Truly?

I really don't know.

We were planning a new life together.
Sue Ellen.

I don't want anything
to come between you and me.

J.R.. I'm so confused right now.

I am guilty and I feel responsible.

I honestly can't think about our future
right now.

I have to stay here for a while.

You do what you think is best.

I'll be back at Southfork
when you decide to come home.

Thank you. Raoul.

- Will there be anything else. Mrs. Ewing?
- No. This is fine. Thank you.

- Are the children still napping?
- Yes. They are.

- Hello.
- Hello, Mama, this is Bobby.

- Where are you?
- We're at the airport in L.A.

They just called our plane. But I wanted
to let you know we're on our way.

Bobby. So many things have happened.

Fill us in when we arrive.
Give my love to Christopher. Bye.


- Oh. Hello. Mrs. Chambers.
- Mr. Ewing. Are you alone?

- Yeah.
- Ls Mrs. Ewing all right?

I heard about Mr. Barnes on the news.

Yeah. That was terrible. Wasn't it?
Just terrible. Now. Sue Ellen is just fine.

I'm gonna need some help.
Mrs. Chambers.

Pack a few things for John Ross.
He'll be staying at Southfork.

Certainly. How long will he be staying?



Just pack whatever he'll need
for tonight.

I'll have one of the ranch hands come
over and pick up the rest of his things.

Well. L. I...

It's not too difficult for you. Is it?

Oh. no.

Sue Ellen. I thought you'd left.

I can't. I have to make sure
that he's going to be all right.

Why? Do you really care
if Cliff lives or dies?

Afton. I don't have to answer to you.

No. You don't. But you do have to answer
to your own conscience.

That's what's really bothering you.

You want to be able to go home believing
that Cliff has only been destroyed...

but he's not dead.

Get out of my way.

You listen to me.

I know Cliff thinks he's in love with you.

He wanted you so badly. He walked
blindly into a trap J.R. set for him.

But no more.

Stay out of his life. Sue Ellen.
You hear me?

Cliff is my man until he throws me out.

I love him.

You don't know the meaning
of the word.

You're poison.

Go home. Sue Ellen.

This isn't helping Cliff.

Not till I see him first.

Not now.

- Hi. Miss Ellie.
- Hello. Donna.

- How you doing. Pete?
- Good. How are you?

- You want a drink?
- I don't believe so right now. Thank you.

- How about some iced tea?
- Thanks. Donna.

- I'm sorry to interrupt your work.
- You're not interrupting me.

I was proofreading.
I think my eyes are falling out.

I welcome the interruption.

I was really looking for Ray.

Well. He's in the house.
I'll get him. Sit down.

- Ray?
- Yeah?

Miss Ellie's here to see you.

- Be right there.
- Okay.

- Do you want some lemon?
- No.

We read about Cliff Barnes.

Well. That's part of
what I have to talk to Ray about.

Morning. Miss Ellie.

Ray. I need you at Southfork tonight.

Sure. What's up?


You know about Cliff.


- Is he gonna make it?
- I don't know.

I had a terrible scene with Rebecca
this morning.

It seems that J.R.
used Ewing Oil resources...

to set up Cliff in a phony deal.

And when the deal fell apart...

Cliff tried to k*ll himself.


Oh. Lord. Miss Ellie.

I want to remove J.R.
as president of Ewing Oil.

I may need your vote tonight. Ray.

Ray. .-

can I count on you?

I'm afraid not. Miss Ellie.

Well. Don't tell me you approve
of what J.R. has done?

I don't approve of anything J.R. does.

The fact is...

I just don't have
those voting shares anymore.

Well. Why not?

J.R. was after those shares
from the minute I got them.

He was hounding me
and hounding me every...

Finally when I was at the lowest...

when I was trying to forget
that I was a Ewing...

I signed a proxy.

Miss Ellie. I gave him those shares.

Oh. no.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry too.

Well. It's now up to Bobby
and Lucy and me.

We still have enough votes
to get him out.

- Thanks for the tea. Donna.
- Yes. Ma'am.

Ray. I do understand.


Hi. Baby.

- There you go.
- Dropped your bottle.

Oh. It's so good to see you.
He's really ours now.

- Isn't he beautiful?
- He's wonderful.

- Yeah.
- When I think of what J.R. tried to do...

Honey. The next time I see my brother.
I'm gonna flatten him.

Well. I think for the time being.
You can forget J.R.

Christopher needs changing.

Come on.

- Raoul said you were home.
- Hello. Mama.

Oh. Miss Ellie.

Pam. I'm... I'm surprised you're here.

Well, why?

Oh. Pam.

Haven't you heard?

Heard what?

- Cliff is in Dallas Memorial Hospital.
- What happened?


He tried to take his own life.

How is he?

He's in a coma.

Why would he do something like that?

Did it have anything to do with J.R.
and Sue Ellen?

It was J.R.

I'd better go to the hospital.

I'll go with you.

No. Bobby. If J.R. is involved...

Mama won't want to see a Ewing
in the hospital.

- You understand?
- Sure.

I'll call you.

- Oh. Honey.
- Come here. Buddy.

Teresa. Here's some of John Ross' things.
Take them upstairs. Will you?

Yes. Sir.

A couple ranch hands will be by later
with his toys and the rest of his clothes.

- Would you take care of it?
- Yes. Sir.

Well. A somber group.

Oh. Bob. I'm glad you're back
from California.

I'd like you to drop by
and see the new offices.

Sit down. J.R.

Well. Tight little family meeting
we got here.

Except for Ray. Where is he?

Or is this only for those of us who
have both Ewing and Southworth blood...

coursing through our veins?

You know why Ray isn't here.

You stole his voting shares.

Mama. I did no such thing.

I have a signed proxy
locked upstairs in my room.

I know all about it, J.R.

ls this little meeting
to determine the fate of Ewing Oil?

No. It's over your fate, J.R.

Same thing. Darling. Same thing.

J.R.. we're here to vote on
whether or not you stay on as president.

Both Lucy and Bobby know my reasons
for wanting you out.

Do you wanna say anything?


All right. Then we'll proceed
with the vote.

I vote my 30 shares
and John Ross' 10 shares...

to dismiss you as president
of Ewing Oil.

Mama. John Ross is here.

His clothes are here. He's back to stay.

I'm gonna marry Sue Ellen.

You can't vote his shares any longer.

At least. Not according
to the rules in Daddy's letter.

So therefore. I vote my 20 shares.
John Ross' 10 and Ray's 10...

that I remain the president
of Ewing Oil.

Now. That is 40 votes.



Well. We have a tie.

Forty votes apiece.

Bobby. I think it's only fair to warn you
that if you vote to dismiss J.R...

you will have to step in
and run Ewing Oil.

I know that. Mama.

Well. Come on. Bob.
I've got things to do.

Well. You might just have
to change your plans.

I'm voting my 20 shares
against you, J.R.

You're out. I'm taking over
as president of Ewing Oil.

Well. I think we ought to talk about this.

Maybe upstairs in the nursery.

Keep your hands off my son.

My son. Bobby.

I think it's time
that Mama knows the truth.

Look at that.

It's Kristin's marriage certificate.

She married Jeff Farraday.
He was Christopher's father.

Look at the blood type.
It's the same as yours.

This means nothing.

That does.

It's a bill for Kristin's miscarriage.
Look at the date.

She miscarried your baby. J.R.

You're not Christopher's father.
You don't have any claim on him.

Now. Bobby. Just calm down.

You tried to blackmail me
with a child you thought was your own.

You're scum.

That's all right.

It's all right.

Don't worry.

Daddy's got everything under control.


- Pam.
- Oh. Mother.

Oh. I'm sorry. How is he?

No change. He's still in a coma.

Why would Cliff try to k*ll himself?


For the same reason that his father finally
succeeded in drinking himself to death.

The Ewings.

Mother. Cliff's fight was with J.R..
Not the whole Ewing family.

Pam. I know you're married to a Ewing...

but that shouldn't blind you
to the kind of people they are.

Digger Barnes was in love with Ellie.

So was Jock Ewing.

Two men in love with the same woman.
It happens all the time.

But when one of the men is a Ewing...

he isn't content to win the woman
fair and square.

He has to destroy his rival
at the same time.

That's ancient history.

Is it?

Well. History has a way
of repeating itself.

This time. The triangle is Cliff.
Sue Ellen and J.R.

And Cliff may be dying.

I told Ellie this morning
that I am going to break the Ewings.

I have the money and the power to do it.

My family will not suffer at their hands
ever again.

Mother. Would you stop it!

If Bobby has his way.
J.R. is out of Ewing Oil already.

You can put that all behind you.

The important thing
is that Cliff gets well.

I'd like to see my brother now.


Hello. Pam.

He must have been hurting so much
to do this to himself.

He has to live.

He just has to.

Mrs. Ewing.

Are you all right?

I'm so tired.

Come. Let me help you.

I've just made some tea.

Would you like a cup?

Oh. That sounds wonderful. Thank you.

I just walked around for hours.

I was so confused.
I didn't know what to think.

I didn't even know where I was.

Lucky I found a cab.

But what about Mr. Ewing?

I thought you were at Southfork.

Thank you.

There was some trouble.

Mr. Barnes?


Is John Ross asleep?

Well. Isn't he at Southfork?

Oh. Of course.
I totally forgot. I'm sorry.

Mr. Ewing came by and picked up
an overnight bag for him.

That was nice.

And then the men came from Southfork
and took all the rest of his things.

- What?
- The men came from Southfork.

They took all his clothes. All his toys.
Took them back to the ranch.


Miss Ellie. This is Sue Ellen, and I'm
terribly concerned about John Ross.

Oh. He's fine.
I tucked him in just a little while ago.

But J.R. came by and moved all his
clothes and toys back to the ranch.

Yes. I know why he did that. Sue Ellen.

But there's nothing to worry about.
Believe me. He's asleep.

Why don't you
come out tomorrow...

. . in the morning?

I really don't know. Miss Ellie.

I'd like to talk to J.R.. though. Please.

Well. He's not here.

Well. When will he be back?

Sue Ellen. We had a lot of
unpleasantness here this evening.

J.R. left the house
without saying a word.

I have no idea where he is.

Here you go. John Ross.

- Now. Would you like some eggs?
- Yes.

All right? All right.

- Good morning. Miss Ellie.
- Good morning. Sue Ellen.

John Ross. I'm so happy to see you.
Good morning.

Give Mommy a kiss.

Would you like some breakfast?

Just some coffee, please.

I'll get it.

I was so frightened
when Mrs. Chambers told me...

that J.R. had come by
and taken all of John Ross' things.

I thought J.R. had kidnapped him.

Well. I think you were just overreacting
because of what happened with Cliff.

I can understand that.

But I would never allow J.R. to take
John Ross without your permission.

I realize that now.

Sue Ellen. There's something else.

Since you're planning to remarry J.R..
It affects you too.

Last night...

the family removed J.R.
as president of Ewing Oil.

They did?

- Why? Because of Cliff?
- Yes.

I know J.R. felt that Cliff was his rival
in his fight to win you back.

But no matter how much he wanted you.
He had no right to do what he did.

Well. I'm just as responsible as J.R.

I don't agree.

You didn't set a trap for Cliff.

You didn't plot against him.

Miss Ellie. I'm so confused.

I don't know where to turn
or who to turn to.

Well. I have a suggestion.

Why don't you stay here
and stay in one of the guest rooms?

I don't think you ought to be
by yourself.

And I'll look after John Ross.

Then I'd be so close to J.R.

I really don't think
that would be a good idea.

Well. It's a big house, Sue Ellen.

You could see as much
or as little of each other as you want.

I'd like that.

Nice to be near you anyway.

Then it's settled.


Now I have to go see Cliff.

Bye. Sweetheart. Bye, Miss Ellie.

- Good morning. Kendall.
- Good morning. Mr. Ewing.

- How do you like the new offices?
- Well. So far. So good.

- Phyllis. Sly.
- Good morning. Bobby.

- Can I take you on a guided tour?
- Not now.

I want you to come into my office.
I'd like to talk to both of you.

Sit down. Please.

I'll get right to the point.

J.R. has been removed as president
of Ewing Oil. I'm taking over.

Sly. I'd like you to stay on
if you'd be willing to.

J.R. will keep his office here. I'm sure
he'll want to use it from time to time.

I'll definitely need your help.

Thank you. Bobby. Yes. I'd like to stay.

Phyllis. Call all the department heads.
I want a staff meeting in an hour.

- Yes. Sir.
- And that's it.

I'll be right back, Lisa.

Dr. Holliston. Is there any change?

I'm afraid not.

But patients have remained in coma
for long periods of time...

and come out again
to regain excellent health.

Is that what you think
about my brother?

Well. I hope so.

Meanwhile. We're going to repeat
the electroencephalogram.


Well. The paramedics reported that
at one point. Cliff had stopped breathing.

The original EEG
had some slight abnormalities...

which might have been caused
by loss of oxygen to the brain.

I want to double-check those results.

Are you talking about brain damage?

Well. It's not precisely brain damage...

although it could mean
a change in personality.

A permanent change?

Please. I don't want you
to worry prematurely.

Well. I don't know
how not to do that. Doctor.

I'll have a complete financial profile
on Ewing Oil...

for the past 18 months
on your desk very soon.

Thank you. Ted. Rick. I'll need
the same thing from your department.

I need a complete report
on the drilling operations...

and the reserves from the time
that J.R. took over as president.

You'll have it in a couple of days.

Do you want me to include
the latest refinery figures?

Yeah. I'd appreciate it. Thank you.

All right. Gentlemen. I think that's it
except for one more item.

If any of you feel
that you can't give me...

the same loyalty
that you gave my brother...

I'll understand. I'll accept
your resignations without prejudice.


All right. Let's get back to work.

Phyllis. Will you get Jordan Lee
on the line for me. Please?

- See you. Bobby.
- Rick. Ted. Thank you.

You're welcome.

Hello. Ls Mr. Lee in for Bobby Ewing?

Thank you.

Well. That's the first step.
I hope the rest goes as smoothly.

It's J.R. Ewing here. I'd like to
speak to Harv Smithfield. Please.

Well. Where is he?

How long is that trial gonna take?

Well. When he gets back from Houston.
Tell him to call me right away. Would you?

No. Not at the office.

I'm at home.

I'm sorry. But you have to wait
outside now.

I have to get Mr. Barnes
ready for his tests.

Well. I'm glad Pam took Sue Ellen
down to the cafeteria.

It makes me sick
just to have her around.

She cares. Afton.

Mrs. Wentworth...

the only thing Sue Ellen cares about
is that if Cliff dies...

it might screw up her life.

- Grandma?
- No. It's Muriel.

Come in.

What are you doing
hanging out in your room?

You look lousy.

Muriel. If you want to stay...

please don't ask me
too many questions.

Did you see the doctor?


I went to a clinic
where nobody knows me.

Why didn't you tell me?

I would have gone with you.

Thanks. But I didn't want anyone
with me.

What did they say?

Are you pregnant?

I took a test.
They'll let me know tomorrow.

When tomorrow?

When I call them.

Thai': The story.
J.R. is out and I'm in.

Sorry Andy and Wade couldn't be here
to hear the news.

I'd like to propose a toast...

to the new president of Ewing Oil.

May the deals get bigger and bigger.

Well. I think we ought to be
a little careful with our praise.


I'd rather do business with you
than J.R. any day...

but I do seem remember the last time
you took over the reins at Ewing Oil.

We made deals with you
and wound up with J.R.

Situation is different this time.

The oil business hasn't changed.

You didn't like what you saw last time
and you resigned.

Jordan. I'm in for the distance this time.

Well. We'll see.

I'm not gonna let
this good bourbon go to waste...

and I am willing to join in a toast
to your success.

- All right.
- Oh. Judy. Honey.

You keep us two oil men
and this oil lady well-lubed. Do you hear?

That's Al Harwood's daughter.

Holly Harwood.

- Mr. Lee.
- How nice to see you.

You bring a touch of beauty
to this oil man's hangout.

Just think of me as another oil man.
Mr. Lee.

You are that. Since your daddy
left you Harwood Oil when he died.

President and Chief Operating Officer.

I'm sorry. I'm forgetting my manners.

This is Marilee Stone.

How are you. Mrs. Stone?

Couldn't be better, Holly.

And this is Bobby Ewing.

You and he have a lot in common.

He just took over as president
of his company too.

- How do you do?
- Nice to meet you, Bobby.

But I thought your brother J.R.
was president of Ewing Oil.

Not anymore.

J.R. took a sudden early retirement.

- Oh. Please sit down.
- Would you care to join us?

I'm sorry. I have a lunch date waiting.

- Maybe some other time.
- Sure.

- Good luck as president. Bobby Ewing.
- Oh. Thank you. Same to you.

She's mighty young to be running
an oil company. Isn't she. Jordan?

Well. Her daddy was a real g*n-getter.

The company's still running
on the momentum he left it with.

I give it maybe a year or two of life
with her in charge.

What about Ewing Oil
with Bobby Ewing in charge?

Ewing Oil is going to be around
for a long. Long time. Jordan.

I promise you that.

Where are you off to. Mama?

I have some errands to do in Braddock.

Well. I'd be happy to drive you
any place you wanna go.

Well. Donna should be here
in a few minutes.

I don't have anything else to do.

I bought all the books
on the bestseller list.

It's been years since I read a book
all the way through.

Running Ewing Oil was a full-time job.

I know.

I spent my life on that job.
Day and night.

J.R.. please.
I don't want to talk about it.

What I think you don't want to do
is face facts.

I faced facts.

Because of you, Cliff is in the hospital.

Cliff is in the hospital because of Cliff.

I didn't shove those pills
down his throat.

But you set him up.

Mama. It doesn't matter what I did
or the reason I did it.

A lot of men have failed
and they don't try to k*ll themselves.

You misused Ewing funds
for that scheme.

You know. I think you caved in
to pressure from Rebecca Wentworth.

It's beginning to sound like
Rebecca runs Ewing Oil.

The Ewings run Ewing Oil
and no one else.

But you refuse to understand
that there are ethics involved.

Even in the oil business
there is right and wrong.

Bobby tried to run the business that way
once before. Damn near ruined it.

He's an amateur. Mama.

He cannot face the realities
of the business world.

J.R.. what you did to Cliff
had nothing to do with business.

It was revenge. Pure and simple.

I won't have the company used that way.

Maybe what I did was wrong...

but what you're doing is wrong too.

By turning Ewing Oil over to Bobby.
You stand a good chance of ruining...

everything my Daddy
spent his whole life working for.

Can you live with that?

You have left me no choice.

All right. If that's the way it has to be.

As soon as Sue Ellen
is ready to take the boy home...

I'm moving out.

I'm leaving Southfork.

I was in there yesterday
for a pregnancy test.

My name is Lucy Cooper.


She's gone to look for the results.

Yes. I'm here.

Thank you.


I'm pregnant. Muriel.

I'm pregnant with Roger's baby.

Would you like your table. Mr. Farlow?

Not yet. I'm waiting for someone.

Okay. I'll be back later.

Thank you.

- Clayton.
- Hi.

Oh. I'm glad you're still in Dallas.

You sounded frantic on the phone.

Yeah. I'm pretty confused.
I need to talk to you.

You want to talk here
or shall we get the table?

No. This is fine.

- You look wonderful.
- Thank you.

- Would you like a drink. Miss?
- No. Thank you.

You should have let me
drop by the townhouse.

Oh. No. This was on my way. I'll be
staying at Southfork for a few days.


John Ross is there and Miss Ellie said
that I shouldn't be alone for a while.

John Ross at Southfork?

I knew you were seeing J.R.. but...

We're getting married.

At least we were.

I'm not so sure about it right now.

Because of Cliff Barnes' su1c1de attempt?

J.R. broke him.

He even managed to drive a wedge
between Cliff and his mother.

But. Sue Ellen. That was his doing.
Not yours.

Why are you feeling so responsible?

I was pretty cold to him
when I told him about J.R. and me.

I told him that I never wanted
to see him again.

I didn't realize
he would be hurt so much.

I think that was the last straw.

I see.

You warned me not to get involved with
Cliff and I should have listened to you.

What about you and J.R.?

Your marriage?

The doctor said...

that if Cliff recovers...

there may be some damage
to his mind.

And if that happens...

or if he dies...

I don't think
I'll ever to able to marry J.R.

Sue Ellen.

Even if Cliff comes out
of this all right...

do you think you can ever be happy
with J.R. now?

I don't know.

Clayton. I really don't know.



You're gonna make it.

- May I help you?
- Mr. Barnes seems to be waking up.

HI be right in.


It's me. I'm right here.

What happened?

He moaned. He moved.

The doctor is on the floor.
I'll bring him in.

His mother, too. Please.


Cliff. Honey.

You're going to be just fine.
You know that?

And I love you so much.

Sue Ellen?

Sue Ellen?


Oh. Cliff. You're going to be all right.

Yeah. Okay.

All ready for bed, huh?

Yeah. Why don't you say good night
to John Ross?

- John Ross. Say good night.
- Good night.

Oh. That's good.

Go on downstairs
and grandma will give you dinner now.

Yeah. Here we go.

Hello. John Ross.

Hi. Honey.

Mama called a while ago.

Cliff's out of the coma.

That's wonderful.
That means he'll be all right?

Well. I don't know. The doctor
seems concerned there may be problems.

Cliff stopped breathing for a while.

They don't know for how long
or if there was any damage.

Well. When will they find out?

They're waiting for the results
from some test.

How is your mama taking all this?

She's exhausted and she's really angry.

She sounds like Digger used to.

She blames the Ewings for everything.

I told her things were going to change.
That you were going to take over.

What was her reaction to that?

She doesn't care.

She will. Just give her time.

With Katherine in New York...

she's got two thirds of her family
right here.


- Pam.
- Yeah?

Are you going to the hospital?

Well. I'd like to go with you.

Sue Ellen. I think it would be better
if you didn't go today.

Well. I need to see him.

It's Cliff's needs
we're concerned about right now.

The way Mama feels. If you were there.
It would cause tension.

I'm sorry.

It's strange. You being here at Southfork
and us not sharing the same bed.

Strange for me too.

How long is it gonna last?

I don't know.

Lucy. You can't spend
your whole life up here.

Muriel. I didn't feel like seeing anybody.

Oh. Lucy.

I wish I could help.

No one can help.

It's my problem.

Lucy. You've got to tell them.

Maybe I don't.

What do you mean?

I have three choices.

I can keep it...

give it up for adoption...

or have an abortion.


Oh. Lucy.

Muriel. I can't stand the fact
that it's Roger's baby.

I just want to forget everything.

Do you understand?

I want to forget the whole thing
ever happened.

- Mama?
- Pam.

Dr. Holliston was early.
You just missed him.

- What did he say?
- There's no brain damage.

Oh. Mama.

That's good news. Cliff is all right.

Physically. Yes...

but he's been so quiet.
He's hardly even said a word.

He's in a state of depression
but the doctor said that's to be expected.

He did try to k*ll himself.

Well. He'll come out of that in time.

I'm not so sure he will, Pam.

Look. I know Cliff. He'll get through this.

He has to be watched, Pam.

Unless Cliff begins to see the world
differently than he did before...

he could try su1c1de again.

I swear. Pam...

if J.R. were here right now.
I think I could k*ll him.

Mama. J.R. isn't gonna hurt
anybody anymore.

What do you say?

Do we have a deal?

Well. That's a very tempting offer...

especially coming
from such a lovely young lady.

It's a dynamite offer...

and you know it.

You're out of Ewing Oil...

and I don't know a thing
about running an oil company.

You're very bright.

And I'm bright enough to know
what I don't know.

All right. I'll accept your offer.

I'll run Harwood Oil for you
on one condition:

That I stay completely in the background.
Nobody has to know of my involvement.


Until I say so.

You continue to act as president.
I'll give you all the moves.

I don't want an office
and I don't want to meet in your office.

Whatever you say.

What about money?

Or do you have somebody
take care of that for you?

Holly. I think as you get to know me
a little better...

you'll find I take care
of just about everything.

I don't want any money up front.

But I do want 25 percent ownership
of Harwood Oil.

Twenty-five percent?

You don't come cheap. Do you. J.R.?

You wouldn't want me if I did.

Look at it this way. Holly.

With me. You'll have 75 percent
of a profitable business...

and without me. You just might have
100 percent of nothing.

All right.


That calls for a toast.

To Harwood Oil.

Someday. It may be bigger
and stronger than Ewing Oil.

You know. It just occurred to me
I have only been out of work 48 hours.

To J.R. Ewing.

Back in power again.

As it should be.
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