Eternals (2021)

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Batman, Superman, Avengers.. etc.. Movie Collection.
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Eternals (2021)

Post by bunniefuu »

In the beginning....

...before the six singularities
and the dawn of creation,

came the CELESTIALS. Arishem,
the Prime Celestial, created the first sun

and brought light into the universe.
Life began, and thrived. All was in balance

Until an unnatural species
of predator emerged

from deep space to
feed on intelligent life

- They were known as DEVIANTS.
The universe was plunged into chaos

To restore the natural order,
Arishem sent ETERNALS

Immortal heroes from the planet
Olympia - to eliminate the Deviants

Eternals had unyielding faith
in Arishem until one mission

led by the Prime Eternal,
Ajak, changed everything...

It is time

It's beautiful, isn't it?

I am Ikaris

I am Sersi

Good hit

Also yours

Thank you Ajak

In this small earth of ours

amid the measureless grossness and despair

closed and safe within its central heart

nestles the seed of perfection

For its hope and optimism in humanity

Echoes our recent universal victory

the return of half of our population

and Thank goodness she is

Our brilliant museum scientist

Miss Sersi, the person who will be

and was always supposed to
be giving your presentation today

Thank you Mr Whitman

Sorry, I am late everyone

Today we will be learning about the importance
of Apex predators in balanced ecosystem


I completely ran out of things to
say and these kids make me nervous

I thought you were very charming professor

See you tonight

oohh.. See you tonight??

Alright, settle down


Who can tell me what an Apex Predator is?

Animals that hunt their prey for food

Very good, Apex predators
do hunt their prey for food

like all predators

but one thing that sets them apart is

that there are no other animals in their habitat

strong enough to hunt them

Who can give me an example of an Apex predator?





Careful children, get down under the tables

Let me help you. Don't
worry, it will pass soon

It's alight, come here

You are alright, alright

I like this song

Me too

Do you wanna dance?

What the hell?

Your hand?

You've had too much to drink

I've got to go

Happy Birthday to Dane

Happy Birthday to you

This is from the middle ages

It has your family crest

It must have cost a fortune

I am a good ebay bidder

Thank you

Happy Birthday


Have you given any more
thought to us moving in together

Yeah I thought about it

I can't move in with you

Yeah, I thought you would say that

I am sorry

I think I know why

Are you a wizard?


Yeah, like Doctor Strange

No, I am

I have noticed some unusual
things happen when I am around you

like our water always turns to coffee
whenever the waiters ignores us

That's the caffiene addiction talking

And Sprite says things

Like you and your ex-boyfriend broke up a century ago

She said that

and he can fly

He's a pilot

Get a room you two

Can we go now?

It's past my bed time

Are you really in love?

What if I am?

You better tell him the truth then

A human

You guys wanna get Pizza?

No, thank you

He won't live forever you know

Move in with him

I live with you


Shit, is that a Deviant?

Dane, Run

Sersi, Lets Go

What is that thing?

A Deviant

You said you k*lled them all

Who told you that?

You believed me?

I do now

What are you doing?

Keep Dane safe

Hey Serse, wait what

You are fine, Dane


No.. Stairs

Run.. Go.. Take cover

It knows where we are


I don't know




Evening ladies

Watch out



Did it just heal itself?


It's good to see you

It's good to see you too, Sprite

I am Dane

Hello Dane

Well, I guess you must be the pilot

We are Eternals

From a planet called Olympia

We came here 7000 years ago

on the Domo

our starship

to protect humans from the Deviants

We thought we k*lled them all 5
centuries ago but now they are back

Look if you don't want to move
in with me, you could just say

Dane, this is serious

No, I know

I am still getting over the fact that you are not a wizard

I was hoping you could change me into a Giraffe

I always wanted to be a
Giraffe when I was a kid

Too bad, I can't change sentient beings

You'd make a very cute Giraffe

Why didn't you guys help fight Thanos?

or any w*r.. or all the other
terrible things throughout history

We were instructed not to interfere in any
human conflict unless Deviants were involved


If we'd protected humaninty from.. everything

7000 years

You'd never have had the chance
to develop the way you were meant to

If the Deviants

were eradicated a long time
ago, why are you still here?

We've been waiting

to be told we can go home

So... Ikaris..

The boy who flew too close to the sun

Sprite made that story
up when we lived in Athens

And 5th Century BC?

How long were you two together?

5000 years

I guess you could call that long term

What happened?

He left

I.. always thought he would come back

but.. he never did

So I moved on

I am glad you did


I have to go

This morning, an unprecendented global
earthquake swept nation states across the world

causing damage and panic

many speculating it's connection with the blip

A Deviant healed itself

They could never do that before

It was coming after us instead of humans

What's going on?

I came to check on you because of the earthquake

That Deviant is news to me

Something is happening to Earth

Can't be a coincidence

We need to find the others

I haven't seen some of them for centuries

I doubt much has changed

I am sorry to hurt you Sersi

but we need to stick together

Once I know you are
safe, I will leave you alone

Let's go to Ajak first

She'll know what to do

You hear that Sprite

Family Re-union

It's about time

Hey, that one was
mine. Never mind

Do not be afraid

Quickly through that door



We continue to keep
Babylon safe from the Deviants

More people have come to seek refuge

It is now the largest city on earth

The Eternals serving the mission across
the galaxies will learn from your success

Thank you

I respect your grand design Arishem

but I have noticed something
special about this planet

and I fear that this time the cost maybe

Do not become attached to this planet

You must focus on the
sole purpose of your mission

I understand

I will not let you down


Did you go to the party
last night like I told you to?

Party?? Yeah..

He worked all night

Who's talking to you?

Get a life

and where is Sersi?

Late as usual

I am sorry, I have something
very exciting to show you, okay?

Wait till you see this?

What is it?

It's an engine

It moves steam from high pressure to low pressure

It will help them till their
fields at an incredibly fast rate

It's gonna freak them out

I mean, we have only have had the
wheel for a thousand years.. so..

You know.. we could do that thing..

You know.. where you use your mind to control everything they could do and..

Hey Ajak, you listening to this?


This steam..

Engine too soon

And there she is

What did I miss?

Nothing, just the screams
of my big disappointment

I am sure you can think
of something simpler

Simple.. ok.. lets see


Ladies and Gentlemen

I present to you..

A plough

Coz that's what it does

Ploughs dirt

I met another group of settlers who are
building their houses in the northern fields

They will need to plant their own crops

Thanks Sersi


Humanity may be coming along
slower than some of us want

But there's no telling what wonders
they will discover as they advance

The world and its
wonders are calling you

Follow Gilgamesh and
Enkidu in their battle

May Their strength and
bravery make you fearless

you and your human brothers

will live extraordinary

and will become legends

Ohh... I just saw that

There's so many other chairs man

Come and have a drink with me

Mm.. hmm

I can't let you go and fight deviants on your own. We have to guard this city

I didn't come to this planet

to cower behind walls

You know we need to trust Arishem's
design for this planet



It's an honour to fight along side you

And you

Beautiful Makkari

You are late

I was looking for items
to exchange for the tablet

all you have to do is lie

I perceive the
slightest vibrations

Even the tiniest

like your voice when you speak

you wasted my time

The Emerald Tablet

is just a legend

when humans come into conflict

Ajak doesn't want
us to intervene

She also says that
stealing is very very bad

If you say nothing

I say nothing


I promise I wont let my feelings for
Sersi distract me from my mission

Humans are far from being able to
protect themselves from the deviants

We still have much to do

Your faith in Arishem is true

I can feel it

But you are allowed to live a life

Go tell Sersi how you feel

Try it

Sorry, I am making a mess

not bad


Let me help you

It matches your eyes

you are very kind

You are learning their language now

If I want to spend more time with you, I need to get to know them

I am very beautiful

Wait, what did I say?

You said, I am very beautiful


You are very beautiful Sersi

I am yours Sersi

If you'll have me

May the gods unite you
by the bond of marriage





It was a deviant

That was the last time I saw her

Ajak asked me to check on Sersi

So I went to London

Turned out both of us were
lonely and needed each other

I guess in her way

Ajak never stopped trying to take care of us

Bye Ajak

First time in 7000 years one of us has died

I think the Deviant that
att*cked us in London k*lled Ajak

and absorbed her powers

Deviants have never done that in the past

It healed itself just like Ajak

I swear, I almost heard it speak


Sersi, it is almost time

Sersi, Sersi, are you ok?

What happened Sersi?

The sphere that Ajak used to talk to Arishem

Came out of her body

and went inside me

Did you talk with Arishem

Yes, he said,

It's almost time

Can you try talking
to him again?

I don't know how

She chose you to replace her

and she gave you the sphere

Are you sure you talked to Arishem?

What else would it by?

Mah'd W'yry

Wherre are the others?

We had to separate

There were more Deviants than you said

I bet that was a lot of fun for you

It was

Once the others k*ll these last Deviants

We will have eliminated
them all from the planet


We don't interfere in their wars

This isn't w*r, its genocide

Their weapons have become too deadly

Maybe it wasn't such a good
idea helping them advance, Phastos

Technology is a part of their evolutionary process, Druig

It's not exactly something that I can stop

No you can't but I can

Calm down

It's too late


Everyone is going to die

Are you ok?


Don't listen to your head Thena

Listen to my voice

that you are safe

That you are loved

and you are Thena

Listen, stop, stop

Is she ok?


Thena, please. Come back to us

I thought Mah'd W'yry was a myth

There is no cure

So no one really talks about it

What happened?


You att*cked everyone

Wounded Sersi, Phastos

You nearly k*lled Makkari

I don't remember

You have Mah's W'yry

Your mind is fracturing under
the weight of your memories

and all I can do is erase
you so that you can start over

and we have to inform Arishm

and take you back to the ship
where we have the technology to help

but it won't be thena anymore

What if it happens again?

She could have k*lled you.
She could have k*lled all of us

Please, I want to remember

I want to remember my life

Thena, I love you

but listen to me

It's not important that you remember or not

Your spirit will remain

You will always be Thena deep inside

Trust me

Why should she trust you?

You are asking her to let you erase who she is

Druig, I know you are upset


We have trusted you for 7000
years, and look where it got us

I've watched humans destroy each other

When I could stop it all in a heartbeat

Do you know that that does
to someone after centuries?

Could our mission have been a mistake?

Are we really helping these
people build a better world, huh?

I am just like the soldiers down there

Pawns to their leaders

Blinded by loyalty

It ends now

Let them go

You are gonna have to make me


If you want to stop

You are gonna have to k*ll me

I will watch over Thena

Let her keep her memories.

One day when she att*cks you

You might have to k*ll her

I'll take that chance

You may all go

The Deviants are gone

There's no reason for you to stay with me

Shouldn't you ask Arishem first?

We are a team. We should stay together

I didn't ask you for your advice, Ikaris

Do not forget your place

This is where we say goodbye

You are free to go

I want you to go out there

and live a life for yourself

not as soldiers

Not with the purpose you were given

Find your own purpose

and one day

When we see each other again

I want you to tell me what you found


I am Karun Patel

Kingo's valet

Its truly an honour to be in the
presence of the great Eternals


Okay everyone. That was good

We can do 10% better though

Ahh.. my friends from college are here

ohh.. man

Perfect timing

Welcome to the set of 'Shandaar Dastaane Ikaris'

I am playing you

Do you like the costume?

We need to talk

Tell the director I have notes for him

we need to talk to you in private

Oh Karun, he's worked for me for 50 years

I trust him completely

Actually, when we first met, he thought I was a Vampire

and he tried to stake me through the heart

I have apologised so many times

Not quite enough times, very
close though. I will let you know

I have to get ready for my next shot

Come to my tent, we will talk there

You guys are gonna love the next scene

I come in on a wire

cos you know, I can't fly

Wait, are we getting back together?

We need to talk

I have been waiting for the day, the world
knows the true identity of the Shadow Warrior

Ajak's dead

She was k*lled

It was a Deviant

The Deviant's are back

We don't know how many there are

You need to come with us

I can't just go

I mean, all these people depend on me

We just started sh**ting this movie

It's first of a trilogy

We just got BTS to do a cameo


May I say something?

Please don't say anything

I think you should go

I just said don't say anything

Life offers no greater duty
than to protect one's family


It's your favourite line from The
Shadow Warrior 2 - Voyage of time

Your family needs you

7000 years

That's how long the battle between
Eternals and Deviants has raged for

You think I am a movie star

Well, I am

but I am also..

an Eternal

Kingo, what are you doing?

I think we should be remembered

So, I am making a documentary

About us

You are about to meet my fellow Eternal - Sprite

Sprite, Tell them about yourself

Ohh. Wait

Well, we will circle back to her

This is Sersi

Sersi, tell them about yourself

We are rolling


I can change

A rock into water

I can turn a rock into wood

or a rock into metal

Actually, one time I turned a rock into air

Cut, Um.. You kow what?

Why don't you think about it? and we will come back to you


Sprite says you are addicted to this thing

Well this?


You know.. As you we don't age..

I think you look quite good

Don't you?

Nobody ever wonders how managed
to be a leading man over a hunder years

I don't know what you are talking about.

That is my Great-Great Grandfather

That is my great grandfather



and me

I am part of the greatest
dynasty in the history of bollywood

Pretty impressive right?

You abandoned me in Macedonia

Okay, I got sick of moving every five years

People freak out when they notice you don't..


I thought we were friends

Do you know why I love movies?

Because of you

I missed sitting in the audience listening
to your stories, watching your illusions

We should have all stayed together

Ajak would still be alive

She should have never let us go

This is the Deviant that
you fought in London?

It's different

There must be more out there than we thought

Is this a Deviant sir?



It's a beautiful creature



This? No!!

It's hideous. You have never
had one try to bite your head off

Roll.. Ohh

You are about to meet 2 of the greatest warriors, the world has ever known


Legendary, Deadly, Fashionable

And her trustee friend

Might powerhouse of strength

The fearsome Gilgasmesh


What took you so long?

You look younger today, Sprite

I have the same apron

Who the hell are you?

I am Karun, Kingo's valet

ohh. Valet..

Like Alfred in Batman


The Deviants are back

No shit

I could have used some help

We were att*cked by a Deviant in London too

Even Ikaris couldn't k*ll it

You couldn't?

I was distracted

Sure man

Haha ha

Hey. you guys want to try my pie

I am sorry Gil

Ajak's dead

It's true buddy

We lost her

The attach triggered her

She is not fun to be around right now

Hey Thena

Look who's here

Give me your hand

Everyone in Centura-6 is going to die

Give me your hand

It's too late

We can't save them



We came to Earth together on our ship

You are an Eternal

The greatest warrior of Olympia

The legendary protector of Athens

The goddess of w*r

Remember who you are


Thena.. Hi..


Hey, who's your gardener?

Is that what you guys eat everyday?


Thank you

All yours

Help yourself

This one is a trio wine, beer and mead

made for the soldiers in the battle of troy

That's so thoughtful

Should she be drinking?

Her's is non-alcoholic

For kids

I gave you the same thing Sprite

I was just kidding

Your's is a secret brew, Odin
taught me as a Thank you

after I helped him
defeat Laufey in Tonsberg


I am big baby

Very mature

Can you stop?

Speaking of Odin, Thor used to
follow me around when he was a little kid

Now he is a famous Avenger
and won't return my calls

So now that Captain Rogers and Iron man are both gone

Who do you think is going to lead the Avengers?

I could lead them

I figured I could do that

Yeah, he would

Ajak didn't even choose to lead us

Whoa... Ouch.. Harsh

I am gonna let that one slide

because you know you have always been jealous that I could fly

ohh. so what you can fly? I am
better looking and everybody knows it

I am just gonna get some air


This is really good, Gil

You know, I could sell it. Put
my face on it, move some units

I made this from corn. I chewed each
Kernel myself and fermented it in my spit

Is this the Centura-6 that
Thena was talking about?

Yeah, it's a planet

She thinks she used to live
there until it was destroyed

Always talks about massive
quakes ripping it apart

Everyone died including herself

We had an unprecendented
global earthquake a few days ago

Ohh.. that's what it was

I thought I was drunk

Ajak chose me to lead us but

I can't even figure out how to speak to Arishem

I have tried so many times

Maybe you are trying too hard

Sometimes, you just have to listen



Ajak was k*lled by a Deviant

We think it absorbed her power

Something unusual is happening to Earth

It is a side effect of the Emergence

The Emergence?

It is time for you to learn the
true purpose of your mission

You were sent to Earth to help
the birth of the celestial tiamut

Every billion years new
celestials must be born

I plan celestial seeds into
host planets across the universe

The planet Earth was chosen to host
the celestial tiamut

In order to grow

Tiamat needs vast amounts of energy
from intelligent life forms

The Deviants prevented
this by consuming humans

until the eternals eliminated them

Now, the human
population of this planet has

reached the required amount,
It is time for the Emergence to begin


Everyone on Earth will die

The end of a one, Cerce
is the beginning of another

Our universe is a constant
exchange of energy

An infinite cycle of
creation and destruction

Celestials use energy gathered
from host planet to create suns

Generating gravity,
heat and light

For new galaxies to form

Without us, our universe
will fall into darkness

All life will die

Ajak knew the truth

She has helped many celestials
to emerge for millions of years

So have you all

Earth was my first mission

I was home

At Olympia

There is no Olympia

This is your true home Sersi

The world forge

It is here I that I built and
the programmed the Eternals

Everything dies except us

because we were never alive

Why don't I remember any of this?

Because your memories are erased
and reset after each emergence

They are stored here

Why do you keep them?

I keep them in order to study the deviants

I created the deviants, Sersi

for the same purpose I created you

Every Celestial host
planet has its own predators

I first sent the deviants to exterminate
them so intelligent life can grow

but there was a flaw in the design

They evolved

became predators themselves

and I lost control of them

I built and programmed you eternals to

be synthetic beings and
incapable of evolution

To correct my mistake

Sersi, Ajak has chosen you to

take her place as the prime Eternal

Do not fail me

So you are saying we
are basically fancy robots

And our past memories
are stored somewhere

In space

and Arishem made the Deviants

I am sorry Thena

You tried to warn us

Last time Arishem reset your memories,
something must have gone wrong

What do you mean?


That's what Mah'd W'yry is, isn't it?

Sll this time Thena was remembering
all the other planets we were sent to

and everyone dying during the Emergence

I thought we were heroes

Turns out we are the bad guys

We are not the bad guys, Okay

We have helped the Celestials
expand life across the Universe

That's not what bad guys do

That's what good guys do

Everytime innocent lives have been sacrificed for
the greater good, it turns out to be a mistake

We have to stop the Emergence


We have no right to
stop the birth of a Celestial

There has to be a way, Tiamut can
emerge without destroying the Earth

We just have to delay it
until we figure out how

Could Drig control it's mind?


Put it to sleep

Put it to sleep?

Are you serious?

Gilgamesh asked Druig
to put me to sleep once

So, I could take a
vacation to Fiji, you know

We are talking about a Celestial, okay?

We have to try, we are gonna not
let everyone on Earth die. Right?


I am human

I am little biased

The world is coming to an end.
You take a flight and go home

and do what?

Watch TV?

When I could be with the
Earth's original superheroes

As they try to save the world


If you want to


Thank you very much Sir


Could you please get
rid of the Saliva beer?

I thought you liked it

We need to go


To find the others

Once we are all together

We will decide what to do about the Emergence


It's very nice here, sir

Don't be fooled

Ignorance is bliss

hi we're looking for druig

Is he here?

Yes, How do you know him?

he's a friend

from college

Hello Sprite

I've missed all of you


Make yourselves at home

You guys gave me a lot of
bad news in one go my lady

Will you help us?

I am glad..

Hey, what's your service?
I am not getting any bars

Do you all remember this forest?


It's the last place we all lived together

I've protected these people
for 20 generations now

From the outside world and from themselves

Your kind, my friend

You will be responsible for
your own extinction one day

What do you think?

I think we must learn from our mistakes and do better Sir

You must not give up hope

Oh no, you didn't

New rule, no more possessing people's minds

Where is your sense of humour Kingo?

I am sorry sir

Don't apologise, it's not your fault

You are not a God

You know that, right?

How Ironic? Kingo the movie star

I've directed some things too

Yeah, like what?

Some internet content

How many views?

I don't do it for the views

Let's go. He is wasting our time

We need him


Missed you

What.. you were gonna
charm me or thr*aten me?

There's a third option if you prefer that

It must be heart breaking to find
out that you are not mother's favourite

I am sure she would be real proud of you

Druig, this is serious?

I'll tell you what's serious

I've just been told I have been sent
on a su1c1de mission for past 7000 years

and that my entire existence is a lie

So, excuse me for not giving
a shit about your plan right now

Druig sucks

He does sir

I don't like this place

Druig needs a day

and Sersi wants us to wait so we wait

I couldn't recognise myself in Sprite's illusions

Those were the good old days

What if I can't fight anymore?

Of course you can

What if I hurt you again?

Come on

You know who you are

You are Thena, Goddess of w*r

Thank you

For what?

For always taking care of me

I'd do it again

On any planet

I like watching him too


I don't think it's creepy at all

Have you read Peter Pan?

To me, Ikaris is Peter

Sersi is Wendy, you are
tinker bell, for obvious reasons

and the rest of us are the lost boys

What's your point?

Tinker Bell has always
been in love with Peter

and it's hard for her because
she can never be with him

I am sorry Sprite


Why did Arishem make me this way?

I don't know

I thought you broke it

Always bring back-up

You have a very angry family sir

Yeah, it's a big issue

What about King Midas? Everything he touched turned to gold

Was that you?

Dane, call your Uncle

What? My uncle?

You always wanted to
make amends with him right?

Now's the time

Trust me

Sersi, you sound really



You are breaking up

You breaking up?

How did he take the news?

I couldn't bring myself to tell
him that it was the end of the world

It's nothing he could do


I am worried about you

If Arishem finds out you are trying to stop the Emergence

I am not powerful enough to protect you

I am not afraid

This v*olence cycle has to end

Hey, stop worrying about me

What happened?

Why did you leave?

I told myself

Something must have happened to you

So, I waited

Days became years

but you never came back


I've missed you

I didn't mean to leave you

There's something I...




Everything ok?

Watch out

Clear the camp

Get Behind me

One of them took Icarus

Its an Ambush

Very nice Sir

Are you mental? Hide

We need action sequences


Sprite, Get Karun out of here

How many cameras did you bring young man?


Come on

Over there


Get in

I have fought that one before

Its stronger than the others


Terrible Timing Thena


Stop Thena

Druig, Let them Go

Now is not the time, Sersi

Please, I know you are better than this

What happened?

Go, get to the river


A little help here

Stay Here

Say it


Good, You are okay

They are headed for the camp

Go, they need you

Go Icarus

Sprite, I need some time

Can you hurry up?



Karun, did you get that?

I did sir


I am not leaving you

Cerce, Are you all right?

How did you do that?

I don't know

Stay back


Our memories..

I understand now

I can see what she saw

So many planets

So much life destroyed
everytime a celestial is born

Arishem used us

and left us to die with each emergence

We just wanted to survive

Then he sent you

I will k*ll you all for what
you have done to my kind

You are not saviours, Eternals.

You are murderers





I'll remember

I'll remember

When I left, I thought about taking over
the minds of every human on this planet

v*olence, Fear, Creed

All Gone

Why didn't you?

Because, without their flaws

They wouldn't be human

Please Druig

You can't stay here anymore

These deviants are trying to
keep us from k*lling their own kind

They have a conscience now

That makes them more dangerous

No Sersi,

That makes them us

Eternals and Deviants

Arishem's children

But you are asking me to take
control of a mind of Celestial

I do not have that kind of power

We'll need Phastos

Well, good luck

He gave up on humans a long time ago

I did this

If my technology hadn't
helped them in past...

Druig was right

Our mission was a mistake

These Peop...

they are not worth saving

Oh.. Phastos

They are not worth saving

Go on

Thats great
Oh.. yeah



Ohh, so close

Daddy, Daddy, watch this

Okay, lets see
Let me see it

Dad, I am only a starter


Hello, can we help you?

Hey Jack, Ben...

Hey Guys

These are my friends

from college

This is Sylvia

And.. uh.. Isaac.. Isaac

Dad, that's superman

That's superman

Really funny Jack, that
is definitely not superman

No Dad, he is superman, I saw him on TV

He was in London

fighting a monster

and you were with a cape

and you were sh**ting laser beams out of your eyes

I dont wear a cape

Okay, well, we should just go inside, right?

Can I call you Clark?
Is that what you go by now?

Because, you know

You've called me worse

You're out

Way to go

Show me how its done
Round and round and round...

Good, Got it.. Keep going


Incredibly natural guys

So, after all these years

Even you fell for Ajak's lies

Do not rub it in

It all makes sense why she wouldn't
let us interfere with human conflicts

Conflicts lead to w*r

and w*r actually leads to advancements
in life saving technologies and medicines

So our mission was never to

make a peaceful and harmonious world

but to increase the population at all costs

Just farming humans as food for the Celestials, right?

That's bleak

Well, so is telling your husband and child

they could be dead within a few days

I thought you had given up on humans

I got lucky, okay

I have a family now

They give me faith again

And I see the good in humanity in them

Every single day

So look, I cannot help you

I am never leaving them

I am sorry, Cerce

It was wrong for me to use my powers

without thinking about the
consequences in the first place

So now I choose to use my hands to fix my child's bicycle, okay

Do you?

I don't use my powers anymore

Are you sure?

What the hell is wrong with you?

My child is right down the hallway

That looks like someone
been using his powers

Ohh my god

I bet he built the perfect safe-house

I mean, what is this even made of? Vibranium?


Fall collection, IKEA


How did you even deal with
this guy for over 5000 years?

If you stay, you might as
well invite Deviants to dinner

Never mind waiting for the end of the world

He has a point

No, I'm sorry, you cant just show up
at my life and expect me to go with you

I am not gonna

You have to go, my love

You want me to go?

You know what my mom
would say to you right now, right?

Stop procastinating and go solve your problems

He's a chronic procastinator

I am not leaving you two, no way

I am not happy about it

but if there is a chance
for us to watch Jack grow

up and have a life of
his own, we should take it

The Domo

Foreboding atmosphere fills the air

The eery stillness chokes our lungs

What are you doing? You know you
are creeping us out, you know that right?

Ohh.. Oh god, stay calm Thena please

Chips, it's just chips

As you can see being an eternal does not

preclude you from having human emotions

Such as cowardice

What is she doing?

Is that a Sarcophagus in my lab?

This is Makkari or should I say?

Miss Havisham

None of us have seen her for centuries

That's it, we're finally going home


Is that the Ebony blade?


Arthur always did have a crush on you

You mean..

that I have been waiting for
centuries to return to Olympia

but in fact

it doesn't exist?

That! and the world is ending

at least I'm not going to be bored anymore

Have you seen my movies?

I don't have a DVD player

DVD.. Huh?

It's all about streaming now

You know what you need - is a Kindle

You know what that is?

It's like a.. You know what I just realised

that if you don't know what an iPad is

It's impossible to explain

So.. How did you end up scoring this?

This Emerald Tablet.. my beautiful.. beautiful.. Makkari

Did you miss me?

I am sorry, what are we watching here? Because this..

This is new because I hate it

Phastos, I need to control on my own Celestial

Okay, get ready for it

Bracelets, you made us bracelets

So here's Celestial a little 101

Celestials are the most powerful
energy generators in the universe

When Arishem made us,
he embued us with infinite

cosmic energy to keep
our bodies regenerating

The bracelets in theory shut
down our regeneration process

Once that happens, our bodies
accumulate extra cosmic energy

What for?

Well, the deviants can absorb our energy

What if, we can absorb
each other's energy as well

If I can find a way to connect us all

One of us could become immensely powerful

pulling the accumulated energy from the rest


A Unimind

Uni meaning one, mind meaning mind

Ohh no, we heard you the first time

Terrible name

brainstorm... Brainstorm,
that's a way better name

No, I invented it so I am
calling it whatever I want

Let's say Druig succeeds
in putting tiamut to sleep

what do we do next?

We find humans a new home on another planet

Are we building a big ship too?

Take a pair of each animal

You know what's never
saved the planet? Your sarcasm

Space colonisation could take decades

It can happen quickly with our help

What if we accidently end up k*lling Tiamut?

We can be responssible for billions of
lives not being created across the universe

Boss.. Am I right?

Say something Icarus

You dont think we should be doing this

Ajak chose Sersi to lead us

Sersi should decide

Forget who Ajak chose

You are the strongest, you
should be making this decision

Fine, just keep lying to yourself


okay, this is not


Don't run after him, Kingo, I..


Hey, dont sweat it.
Sprite's always cranky

I used to hear her complaining
even when she wasn't there

I am ok, Kingo

If you think we should do this, I trust you

I trust you. I will follow you
till the end like I always have

What did you say?

I will follow you till the end like I always have

I am not who you think I am

How long do we have?

7 days


We completed our mission

Where is she?


She has a good life there

I am sure she's missed you

If I'd gone back to her

I would've only told her the truth

She would've suffered

Knowing this world she
loves would end one day


We have to tell them the truth



Because together we might
be able to stop the emergence

Stop the emergence

Ajak, I know its hard at the end

Ikaris, I have followed Arishem for millions of years

and I have never doubted him

Until now

Why now?

Why now?

5 years ago, Thanos erased half
of the population of the universe

Delayed the emergence

but the people of this planet brought
everyone back with a snap of a finger

You know..

After I let you go, I travelled
the world living among them

I have seen them fight

lie and k*ll

but I have also seen them

Laugh and love

I have seen them create

and dream

This planet

and these people

have changed me

The cost of Arishem's
design, it's not worth it

Not this time

I trust you Ajak

I will follow you till the end

as I always have

Thank you

We have to bring everyone back together

There's something I have to show you first

It's just up ahead

They must have been
trapped in the ice for centuries

and broke free last week
when the glaciers started to melt

As the earth's core heats
up for the Emergence

They have k*lled an entire
company of oil workers

and I attracted them here

I suspected that you might
have changed your mind

I can't let you betray Arishem

Why don't you just k*ll me yourself?

When the others realise
something is happening to the Earth

The will come to you

when they find your body, they
will know that the deviants are back

That will keep them busy until the Emergence

I have been loyal to you Ajak

Kept your secret for centuries

Lied to everyone I cared about

But never have I doubted my
purpose to serve the celestials

No, Ikaris

I led you down the wrong path

It's the only path I know

Thought I would find you here

I have thought about this place a lot

Amazing how things change over time

Maybe we are the ones who changed

I know you don't agree with our plan

I have always thought of
the Celestials like oceans

They give life and they
take life away without bias

If they were gone, this
universe will eventually end

What you are trying to do is
free humanity from natural order

It's not natural to allow all life or
the entire planet to be destroyed

Arishem's way is archaic and violent

I don't want to fight Sersi

It'll all end soon

Except, there is no end. is there?

We'd carry on

without our memories

or free will

for eternity

You are afraid

I wouldn't mind leaving this world

I only wish that when we do

I would be able to remember you

I am in love with you Sersi

and I am grateful for the
life I have lived with you



It's started

Oh no... God

What about the Unimind

I haven't figured out a way to connect us

but I am close, I am very very close

How much longer?

I don't know Sersi

Find the point of Emergence

You always knew the end was coming

It must be a relief

That deviant is still tracking us

Revenge won't bring peace for you Thena

k*lling him might


What are you doing?

I wanted you to leave this world in peace

without knowing about
the Emergence but I failed

I wish Ajak hadn't chosen you

I am close to figuring it out

Boss, what are you doing?

I've let this go on long enough

Don't hurt him

He lied to us

He already knew about the Emergence

No, he didn't

Ajak told me everything
when we left Babylon


You were never gonna
let us stop the Emergence


I only wanted to protect
you from the Deviants

If Ajak wanted you to take her
place, why did she choose me?

What have you done?

He k*lled her

I had to

She loved you

Did she?
She loved you

Did you think it was
easy to live with the truth?

To know that one day all of this would end

To keep on lying to you

If we gave humanity the choice

How many of them would be willing to die

so that billions more could be born

We are not giving them a choice

Is this..

why you are willing to k*ll?

You are so pathetic

I am an Eternal, Phastos

I exist for Arishem

As do you

This is who you are

I will not change a single
thing about who I am

Born or made but I do not exist for Arishem

I exist for my family

Then you are making
the same mistake Ajak did

I found Tiamut


Get out of here


You do not turn against your family

Gilgamesh died because of you

You won't succeed against me

and I will k*ll every
one of you if I have to


I am going with you


What is this?

Why did she leave with Ikaris?

Because she loves him

Oh you guys didn't pick up on that

He really fooled us. Didn't he?

Karun, let's go

Wait, where the hell are you going?

I can't help you guys

I still think Ikaris is right

So that's it? huh?

Just gonna follow him?

I love the people of this planet


if you stop this Emergence

You are preventing so many other
worlds like this one from being created

I still have faith in Arishem

but I refuse to hurt
any of you for my beliefs

We need you

Even with my help, we
are no match

It's Ikaris


I hope to see you on the next planet

Everything you did for us

we are grateful

It is a big honour for us

I will miss all of you guys


If I am going to get myself
k*lled going up against Ikaris

We are gonna need to have a backup plan

All of our powers even if they are
amplified are not enough to k*ll a celestial

Sersi did turn a Deviant into a tree

I am sorry, what?

You don't want to tell me that

You have never been
able to do that before

I don't know how it happened


I am pretty sure I couldn't do it again

Well, now is the time
to try. Don't you think?

Phastos, that Deviant is dead

Our plan is to put
Tiamut to sleep not to k*ll it

I can't k*ll a celestial

Sersi, Sersi

We can't

We can't

It's ok Sersi

I got this

There's no time for that

I didn't see the lies right in front of me

I am not even sure why
Ajak chose me to lead

I asked Gilgamesh once

Why he chose to protect me?

He said

When you love something, you protect it

It is..

the most natural thing in the world


have loved these people
since the day we arrived

So there is no one better to lead us now

than you


Get up

Ajak chose you for a reason


Sersi, we need you

I already gave that speech


You did? What?

Sersi, the sphere inside of you creates a connection

between you and Arishem

Maybe, I can repurpose it

Create a connection between

well.. all of us

and that can activate the Unimind


But.. Um..

I have to take it out of you


Do it


Don't k*ll her


Do it

Will it work?

It has to

I am glad you are here

Thank you Sprite

Protect the Emergence

You really going to k*ll them

Where's Druig?

He's busy


Play nice

You have never had to fight me

But I have always wanted to

It's time to put it a god to sleep

I should've done this 5 centuries ago

Druig's gone

It's over


Let's try and stop this

I need to get closer to Tiamut

Keep Ikaris busy

We've got you, Go


Why are you helping Ikaris?

We can't let it absorb our powers

Too late

Thena, he's trying to provoke you

Where's Sersi?

You always did underestimate her

Oh no.. not so fast


I don't know about you but
this is really satisfying. Right?

Let me go Phastos, I can't let her do this

I don't think so

I have been wanting to clip
your wings for a long time, Ikaris


Ohh you have changed

You're broken



You can't protect any of them


You are not powerful enough to do this

And you won't

You are not a k*ller

Maybe I've changed

and is this really who you are, Sprite?

Are you really willing to let
everyone on this planet die?

I am sorry Sersi

I have always envied you Sersi

because you get to live as one of them

and I never could

You know why I hated living with humans?

Because they reminded of things
that I didnt even know I wanted

Because of them, now I want
to know what it feels like to grow up

To fall in love

To have a family

And to know in the end

I've lived

It's all over now

We get to start over somewhere new

Well, that was very moving


I can't do this

This is your fight now


It's me


look at me

Stay here

Say it


You'll be ok

Give me your hand

You and I

We are just tools of a God


to k*ll



I remember

Come on Sersi

Come on

It's beautiful isn't it?

I am sorry

I know


How did you do it?

When I touched him, his arm.
I felt energy surging into me

Tiamut joined our Unimind

I always wondered how we survived the
destruction of other planets that we were on

By being connected to
the Celestial that emerged

We were one

Even Ikaris and Sprite

Grace to Tiamut

Is he gone?


I still have energy from Unimind

I think I can make you human

All the things that you said
you wanted, you can have them

But your time will come
fleeting and you will die one day

Are you ready for that?

I am

The sudden appearence of an
enormous stone figure in the Indian ocean

has left more questions
than answers for authorities

You guys did that?

I love you so much

Are you ok?

I get confused sometimes


Me too

So dad said you are the Goddess Athena

Thena, drop the A

What's your superpower

ohh.. ok.. alright

That's sharp

Almost gave you a shave and a haircut

Let me see what's happening actually

Remember your superpower we practiced

Thank you so much

You know that your baby sitting
priveleges are completely revoked right?

Thank you, Thank you

v*olence hey.. v*olence

is never the answer, right, Thena

You've gotta always choose your brain

Like you did fighting on the beach

Your dad..

spoke calmly and firmly to the bad guy

and he had no choice
but to listen to me, so..

The boy is 10 years old

He is not a fool

When are you guys leaving? When is that
happening? That's happening soon right?

Don't go anywhere near him

That's far enough Jack

Wow Dad, Domo is so cool

Your dad fixed it with his bare hands

Can I go to space too one day?

Let's wait until you get
your learner's permit, okay?

Hey Phastos

Take care

This world is lucky to have you

Thank you

I know you are not a hugger, so

ohh. okay

Think we will find
other Eternals out there?

and they will accept
truth the way that we do

because the truth will set you free

I told you that thing was addictive

Please visit

I'll try

If I can get time off from school

Oh wow, listen it's gonna be good
for you to be in a human environment

You'll pick up some social skills

Oh.. you didnt think you needed those

That explains so much

I am gonna miss you

Me too


Thanks man

Sometimes I wonder
if we did the right thing

k*lling Tiamut

Too late for that

You followed your heart

We all did

Even Ikaris

Looks like someone's waiting for you

He's a lot cuter in person

So after all that, you still
can't change me into a Giraffe

Well, I..

I could next I am
connected to a Celestial

during an Emergence
while connected to a Unimind

Yeah.. sounds like a lie to me

What do we do now?

Not sure

This planet is my home but..

I can't pretend to be human anymore

I love you Sersi

I don't care what you are

Remember when we
talked about no more secrets

I have no more secrets, I promise


I have one I want to tell you

What is it?

Turns out my family history is



Sersi, what's wrong





You've chosen to sacrifice a Celestial

for the people of this planet

I will spare you

but your memories will show me

If they are worthy to live

and I will return

for Judgement

Weeks have passed

We have not heard from any of them

It's like..

they have disappeared


We have to go back

I'm sorry too


My ears

My eyes are numb

No more trick teleporting for you


The royal prince of Titan

Brother of Thanos

the name of hearts

Defeater of Black Roberts



Defeater of Black Roger

The great adventurer


of Mystery Planet

It was a pleasure to make your
acquaintence, my fellow Eternals

You know you really don't have
to do the whole thing every time

Everything you do in rest of your life

Who are you?

I am Eros

This is Pip

and you are as beautiful
as legends say, madam

What do you want lads?

Pip and I heads up

Your friends are in big trouble

and we know where to find them

You can do this

You can do this

Death is my reward

I am sorry

I have to try

You sure you are ready for that Mr. Whitman
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