02x06 - Days Like This

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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02x06 - Days Like This

Post by bunniefuu »

Doug Ross. Leave a message.

Doug, it's Mark. You there? Pick up.

Hello, hello. You there?

Listen, I left that sub-I paperwork
on the kitchen table and I need it.



Shut up, man.

- Oh, man.
- You little....

Put this on your face.

He was here in the ER.
They moved him up to Surgery.

You have one thing to do,
I have million.

Dr. Weaver wants those films.

She's not somebody
you wanna mess with.

Hey, watch your mouth.

I hope you're not Carol Hathaway.

Do I look like a nurse?

I'm very sorry, but....

Just wait in the waiting room. I don't
have any information about your son.

Wendy, can you help me
with Mrs. Valdez?

They took her kid up to Surgery
about an hour ago.

- Hey.
- Hey, Jerry, what's going on?

Some serious gangbanging
in the wee hours.

Cops did a sweep
right under our carpet.

- Trauma or ?
- Take your pick.

- That's your girl.
- Miss Hathaway?

- Abraham Zimble, the mobile notary.
- Oh, thank you so much for coming.

- Your escrow papers.
- I have to sign all of those?

- By , or you won't get the house.
- Do you mind waiting?

- Twenty dollars an hour. No problem.
- Great. Out there.

BP's dropping to / . Pulse .

- Cap refill is slowing down.
- Resps , labored.

- Need anything?
- Don't suppose you brought coffee?

Done with that portable yet? Call O.R.,
let them do the x-rays up there.

See if Susan needs help.
And tell her to stop hogging that x-ray!

- You're supposed to stop hogging that.
- She's all theirs.

- Too late. They took him. What's he got?
- GSW to the face and abdomen.

He's a she. Couldn't tell
till we cut open his shirt.

- Abdomen's distended, no bowel sounds.
- I'll prep for lavage.

- You and Kerry the only ones on?
- Carter and Benton are in surgery.

Paged Ross, no answer.
Mark's on the train from Milwaukee.

- Just us womenfolk.
- What's up with that?

Oh, yeah, Malik, see what's keeping
that O-neg, would you?


What are you doing here?

- You didn't get my message?
- Message?

I left the sub-I paperwork here and
Morgenstern wants to review it today.

- Hurry up and I'll ride in with you.
- No, I don't want to make you late.

- No, I'm already late.
- No, I'm gonna run some errands.

- It's okay.
- Your beeper's going...



- Look, it's not what you think.
- But it's what I've seen, isn't it?

- The hell's that supposed to mean?
- I've overlooked a lot of your behavior.

- Now a medical student?
- All right, Mark, look, wait--

There are rules. You can't go break them
all the time and expect me to do nothing.

You don't get it, do you, Doug?
You could be out on your butt for this.

- And I could be too for not reporting it.
- Mark, wait--

Okay, that's fine.

I told you, you're gonna have to wait.

Don't make me say it again.

- Have you seen Dr. Greene?
- He's busy.

- Forever.
- My name is Jeanie Boulet.

We haven't met.
I'm a new physician assistant.

- I start my ER rotation today.
- Who died and gave you their bad luck?

You'll need one of these.
They're a lousy fit, but it's all we've got.

- Hey, next time you stay, I'll go to X-ray.
- Sorry.

Hey, Jeanie. You starting this morning?

Jerry, I need those films before the end
of the millennium.

- Just came in.
- Thank you.

- Jeanie Boulet, new physician assistant.
- Kerry Weaver, Chief Resident.

First day? You'll find it's
a vaguely friendly crowd.

My first day was certainly a bundle
of open arms. What do you think?

Looks like a comminuted fracture
of the distal femur...

-...and a midshaft humerus--
- Excuse me.

Fifty percent apposition,
degrees of angulation.

- Know your way around an x-ray. Good.
- I was a physical therapist.

All right, on my count. One, two, three.

What have we got, Peter? Peter!

g*nsh*t wound to the posterior neck.
Facial abrasions, scalp lacerations.

- BP's / . Pulse . Resps .
- Cap refill's poor.

- All right, let's tube him.
- I'll do it.

ET tray's on the counter. . .

This is Jeanie Boulet, Peter.
Physician assistant.

It's her first day and I know
we all wanna make her feel welcome.

No guarding or rebound tenderness.
Normal bowel sounds.

Let's find Radiology.
What do we need for x-rays?

- Cross-table and--
- Jeanie.

- Cross-table C-spine, chest and pelvis.
- Let's get a gram of Ancef.

Good choice, Peter.
Everyone is so on their toes today.

- Film's back on Trujillo.
- He's next door.

Except for Wendy.

- Chest, stomach, back.
- X-rays on Trujillo.

- He's already gone up to the O.R.
- This is Rico Figueroa.

If you could you get his films,
we'd appreciate it.

- Is he gonna live?
- Yes.

Trying a little rehabilitation there,

- Mark? I gotta talk to you.
- This is not the time or place.

- We need to talk.
- Could you ask him to squeeze my finger?

- Come on.
- I said no, Doug. Get the hell out of here.

Okay, Carter, sixth intercostal space
at midaxillary line.

Then puncture the pleura.

We got a cop, hurt,
pulling up to the back.

- How bad?
- His hand.

- Carol, why don't you check it out.
- Okay.

Her son is up in the O.R.
She's been hysterical all morning.

- Put her in the Surgery waiting room.
- And leave Randi alone? She'll k*ll me.

Okay, okay. Mrs. Valdez....

- Is it calming down a bit?
- Sort of.

- Have you seen Mr. Zimble?
- Who?

- Bald guy. A lot of papers.
- In the cafeteria. Have you seen Jerry?

- He's upstairs.
- I'm gonna k*ll him.

Whatever, but help me with this first.

- Grabarsky, what happened?
- Dumb son of a bitch bit me.

- Your stupid dog bit me first!
- That's what she's supposed to do, idiot!

- Where do you want him?
- Nowhere near me.

- Piss off, culera.
- What did you call me?

Huh? What did you call me?

What did you call me?
What did you call me?!

- What is the matter with you?
- Here, tough girl, hold the dog.

You! Now, lie down and shut up!

Grabarsky, I need to look at your hand.

- Hold on to Peggy for me.
- I'd love to.

- Randi, page Bernstein for me, please.
- Gee, I'd love to. Come on, Peggy.

- AI? Al, are you all right?
- Yeah, some moron bit me.

- I'll take him.
- Look out, look out.

- Carter, you wanna take him up?
- I should check in with Benton.

Dr. Greene.

- Sorry. I need to talk to you.
- Lounge in minutes.

- So, what's it look like out there?
- I think the worst is over.

Never say the worst is over.

Oh, my God! Mr. Zimble?

Went to get a doughnut and the cashier
was picking him up off the floor.

I'll get Rico.

Mr. Zimble?

Passed out right into
his Cream of Wheat.

- Who's Mr. Zimble?
- My mobile notary.


My escrow closes today.
Have to sign by .

- You bought a house?
- Well, I got a great deal. Mr. Zimble?

I could never buy a house. It's too scary.

It's not that bad. You get over it.

- I didn't know you bought a house.
- I haven't--

- Mark, shut up and help save this guy.
- Yes, thank you, Carol. I think I will.

Mr. Zimble, there you go.
Come on. Hi.

- Can I help with anything?
- We've managed.

- Jeanie, how are you?
- Fine, thanks.

- Pulse ox falling, on percent.
- Hang those two units.

- I didn't realize you were starting.
- I finished.

- BP!
- / . Pulse .

- Must be great to be done with classes.
- Definitely.

- Are you gonna miss rehab--?
- What the hell you yapping for?!

All right, then assess
the patient, all right?

Penetrating trauma to zone two
of the neck...

...can result in tracheal compression...

...secondary to hematoma formation
from subclavian...

...or internal carotid injury...

...which is probably why you're doing
a bronchoscopy.

- Anything else I can help with?
- Yes, we've used the last blood gasket.

It would be extremely helpful if you
would go and make some more.

You mean actually go
and make them up?

Syringe, label, alcohol wipes,
little plastic bags.


- Sorry. Sort of. Morning.
- Hi.

What a day. Benton is in
the foulest mood I've ever seen...

...which is saying quite a lot.

Greene yelled at Ross right in the middle
of a trauma, in front of everybody.

- About what?
- No clue. Hey, are you off tonight?

I've got two tickets
to the Blues Traveler. It'll be great.

No, it won't. I mean, I don't think....

I need to talk to you privately.

- What?
- Later.

Wait. Wait. What?

- Harper, wait a minute. What is it?
- Nothing.

No, it's something. Yeah? So tell me.

What's going on? Just tell me.

Harper, just--

I slept with Doug Ross.

Last night.

Let's move. Here we go.

Carter, let's go.

Hey, yo, señoritas, could I get a little
medical attention here, please?

Hello? Hello?

- What is his problem?
- Peggy had a little snack.

You gonna let me go?

- Give him to Benton.
- Just went up to Surgery.

This is brutality and neglect.

- He's young enough for a pediatrician.
- Ross is doing a consult with Bernstein.


About time. I hate to bleed to death
all over your pretty floor.

Gonna add another scar
to your collection there, Jorge.

I have to clean these bites with peroxide.
It's gonna hurt.

- Stop it!
- Come on, you're a big boy.

Oh, my ear!

- Nice work.
- Thanks.

Just don't tell my parole officer.

What kind of bicycle do you have?

A mountain bike,
except now it's trashed.

- He's not getting another one.
- Just flipped out from under you?

- I hit a curb.
- He was unconscious for five minutes.

Dr. Ross told me. Touch my finger.
Now touch your nose.

Again. Good.

He seems in pretty good shape.
You have nothing to worry about.

- Dr. Ross.
- I'll be right back.

- Kid's fine. No need to be admitted.
- Five minutes ago he was disoriented.

- He's alert and oriented. CT's negative.
- He could go squirrelly again.

He should have frequent neuro checks
for hours.

- His mother can wake him up.
- Family situation is questionable.

Mr. O'Connor left his wife and child.
She's extremely distraught.

I don't know that she would do it.

There's no medical reason for this kid
to spend a full day in the ICU.

Send him home. End of consult.

- Where's Randi?
- She's on a break.

- I bet it was as*ault.
- She's obviously good at it.

- I bet she's good at m*rder too.
- m*rder?

- They would never have let her out.
- My money's on grand theft auto.

- as*ault.
- Theft.

- Kidnapping.
- Have you seen Dr. Benton?

He's with a patient in .

Jerry, with all the commotion
you probably missed lunch.

You should just order in a burger and
fries or something. Eat here at the desk.

I got a -year-old, Joseph O'Connor,
in Curtain Area .

I want you to admit him to Pedes ICU.
-hour observation, please.


The chest x-ray suggests that you may
have an aortic aneurysm.

We need to do an arteriogram
to rule it out.

I don't feel the pain
in my chest anymore.

Well, that's because you're medicated,
but that could be deceiving.

- How are you feeling, Mr. Lake?
- Much better.

- BP's / . Heart rate's .
- That's very good.

We'll keep the drip
while we study your aortic arch.

What about the surgery he's talking
about? This Dr. Vu....

- Vucelich.
- Do you know him?

No, Dr. Lewis isn't on the surgical team.

Dr. Vucelich is one of the best
cardiovascular surgeons in the country.

He's doing very advanced work
on aortic aneurysms.

So he's the best one to help me?

Well, we're not even sure that you're
going to need his help, Mr. Lake.

Which is why I called Dr. Vucelich
for a second opinion.

Well, you'll be going to X-ray
in a few minutes.

It's premature to discuss your condition
before we've seen the films. Okay?

Dr. Benton, could I speak to you
for a minute?

- Why are you stepping in on my patient?
- Could be surgical.

The chance to cut
is a chance to cure, right?

Look at the arteriogram
and let Cardiology decide.

And Vucelich. He's agreed to consult.

What are you doing? Trying to use my
patient to get in on his research study?

He's doing clamp-and-run surgeries
on aortic aneurysms.

The big cheese has you jumping
through hoops to find one?

- I've never even met him.
- Peter, Susan, is there a problem?

- No.
- Good.

Peter, if you don't mind,
I think I'm gonna need a few stitches.

On my way to Radiology.
I'll meet you in the suture room.

Anytime. It's just my ear.

- How you doing?
- I'm fine.

If we get a chance....

I'm usually kind of glad to avoid
the morning-after stuff.

- I'm sorry.
- You don't need to apologize.

- I was there too.
- I know. If Mark hadn't come out--

We would've already had this,
kind of, awkward...

...kind of, yikes-what-did-we-do

So I'll see you around. Okay?

Okay. Yeah, I'll see you around.

Maybe this job is too stressful.

- Being a notary?
- Lf it's causing this heart attack.

- You might have just fainted.
- I don't know.

This business can be rough.

Ninety-eight percent of my clients
are homebuyers, like you.

So many papers to sign.
They never stop to read them.

I tell them to, but they don't.

It's so hard to watch.

They get nervous,
frightened, tense...

...thinking about the mortgage
every month...

...and the down payment which just
wiped out their entire life savings.

Little beads of sweat break out.

Cheeks get flushed,
their fingers clammy.

Any minute they could lose their job...

...or get disabled
in a horrifying industrial accident.

Within five years there's
that balloon payment.

Husbands and wives are screaming.

Women are crying,
grown men throwing up.

Very stressful.

Can I have a glass of water?

You had Radiology rush these up
to Dr. Vucelich, right?


Type III dissection,
by the DeBakey classification.

Yeah, but-- Gosh, that's only
four centimeters, right?

No signs of pericardial tamponade.
Aortic valve is normal.

When you examined him,
did you appreciate...

...the murmur of aortic insufficiency?

- No.
- Neither did I.

Looks like he doesn't need surgery
after all.

Oh, well, I'm sure Vucelich won't mind
coming down anyway, will he?

I heard he's a pretty easygoing guy.

It's still a good time to meet him.

Don't forget your charts.

Dr. Vucelich, please.

Dr. Benton.


- Wanna talk?
- Sure it's the right time and place?

- Fine, forget it.
- You don't have to worry...

-...about what you saw this morning.
- I worry about what I see every morning.

You fight with Kerry Weaver
over half your cases...

...call in curbside consults,
fast-track patients.

- What are you doing?
- The job.

- That's not what Bernstein thinks.
- He doesn't know squat about ER.

- He knows about your cases.
- Because you're telling him.

He reads the charts.
He's head of Pediatrics.

- I didn't seduce her, Mark.
- It doesn't matter how it happened.

- Harper's third-year. There are rules.
- Stupid rule.

What difference does it make?

You get caught breaking them,
you're out.

I get caught not reporting them, I'm out.

- Report me. I don't care.
- You don't care about anyone, do you?

I didn't do this alone, Mark.
She's years old.

What about Carter?
You care about him?

He and Harper are going out,
or didn't you know?

- It's got nothing to do with Carter.
- No, it's all about you.

It's always all about you.

Thanks for dropping by, Peter.
I was gonna have Jeanie do it.

But seeing as you're here,
why don't you just talk her through it?

Do a local block by depositing
one percent xylocaine...

...behind the auricle from
the inferior to the superior pole...

...knocking out the greater auricular
and lesser occipital nerve.

Irrigate with normal saline, close
with interrupted - nylon suture...

...dress with antibiotic ointment,
wound check two days...

...suture removal four days,
update the tetanus.

He's nothing if not thorough.

- Gotta drop these off at Radiology.
- Okay, great. Thanks.

- Breaking and entering.
- Give her more credit.

I think she bashed in her boyfriend's car,
found a knife and carved him up.

Do we have to be that specific?

Wanna guess as to why
Randi was in jail?

Do you think you should mock what
must have been a demoralizing...

...dehumanizing, debilitating experience?

Excuse me, can someone direct me
to a Dr. Benton?

- Yeah, who are you?
- I'm Carl Vucelich.

And I was supposed to consult
on a patient of his. Harmon Lake.

Dr. Vucelich, I'm Susan Lewis,
and Harmon Lake is actually my patient.

Excellent, Dr. Lewis.

Then perhaps you'll let me show you
what's on this film.


You can see here that the aneurysm
is clearly four centimeters.

Which is borderline.
It should be treated medically.

Dr. Vucelich.

- You're Benton.
- I don't think we had a chance to meet.

Why the hell did you cancel my consult
on Harmon Lake?

Well, Dr. Lewis and I
looked at the arteriogram.

It showed the aneurysm
to be at four centimeters.


Which is within the limits
when you manage medically.

I didn't want to waste your time.

- Third-year resident?
- Yes.

You better push those limits if you want
to remain invested in Surgery.

Dr. Vucelich, I'm still responsible
for Mr. Lake.

He should be admitted to ICU
and started on oral antihypertensives.

I talked to Mr. Lake and he agreed
that surgery was a better option...

...which relieves you
of your responsibility.

Benton, you're coming up.
It's time you learned something.

- Should I come?
- John Carter.

Fourth-year Surgical sub-I.
He's my student.

Sure, why not? I like a crowd.

- Well, here a croup, there a croup.
- Ross!

Start her on a Vaponefrin nebulizer.

What the hell do you think you're doing
admitting Joseph O'Connor...

...when I asked you not to?

- I feel he needed observation.
- I don't care what you feel!

He's not at risk
for intracranial hemorrhage.

We'll know in hours.

- I sent them home.
- You don't have the right to do that.

I have every right.
I am the Chief of Pediatrics!

He's my patient and I will take
responsibility for him, Bernstein.

No, you won't. And I will no longer
take responsibility for you.

You harass my clinic,
you harass my residents.

You deliberately defy my orders.

Now, your Pediatric fellowship is up
as of December st.

Well, let this serve as notice
you will not be renewed.

You're out of here.

- How long since we clamped him?
- minutes.

I better hurry up, boys.
Under an hour and I got a new record.

Now, Dr. Benton, do you know
why we're in a hurry?

Prolonged lack of blood supply to
the spinal cord can lead to paraplegia.

Is that where the Lazerol comes in?

Mr. Carter, you've read
my research study.

- On the -aminosteroids, yes.
- You can tell Dr. Benton all about it.

I'm sure Dr. Benton already knows
all about it.

We could always hear it again.
Repetition: Big part of learning.

Release the distal Statinsky
and backfill the graft. Mr. Carter?

Lazerol helps prevent transverse
myelopathy from lack of oxygen...

...as well as preventing edema
of the neurotissue post-op.

- Assuming the drug is effective.
- Hopefully that's what my study will do.

We have perfusion. Time?

- minutes, seconds.
- Damn.

How do they come up
with these drug names?

Some guy walking around New Jersey
going, "Prolixin, Zoloft, Lazerol"?

Come on, I came up with that last one.

- And a darn fine one it is, Carl.
- Thank you.

Well, well, well....

These two to Cardiology,
this one to Ortho.

No problem.

- Miss Hathaway.
- Mr. Zimble, how are you?

You should not put this off forever.
I might have to leave.

I haven't been putting it off.
We've been pretty busy.

Perhaps you don't really
want this house.

Of course I want this house.

- Oh, dear, you need some help?
- Too late.

Here, let me get that.

- Stay put, Junior, I'll be right back.
- Oh, God.

Me too. I'll be right back.

I bet you're missing rehab
just about now.

Been missing it since I got here.

- There's extra scrubs in the lounge.
- I've still got stuff in my locker upstairs.

Hey, Doug. You okay?

- Yeah, I'm fine.
- Do you wanna talk?

I'd love to, but I've got sniffles in
and bed-wetting in .

- You got a second?
- Sorry, I'm on a break.

Can we at least talk about this?

Yeah, okay, sure, if you want.
If you need to.

I'm sorry, John.

It was an exceptionally bad day
and it just happened.

- It's not going to happen again.
- You don't owe me an explanation.

We only went out a few times.
Never even kissed.

- Once.
- You know, you didn't have to tell me.

- It's not that big of a deal.
- John.

John, wait.

Do you remember that little boy
with AIDS yesterday?

He was so small and helpless.

But I held him down,
listening to him cry...

...squeezing out every last ounce of life
he might have had.

It was the worst day of my life.
I didn't know where to go with that.

Where I ended up....

Where I needed to be...

...was with somebody
who'd been through that with me.

I hope you can understand that.

Grand mal seizure in the mall,
lasting about two minutes.

- Any ID?
- No, and no one with her.

Normal saline IV TKO, two of Narcan
and an amp of glucose onboard.

Let's move her on the count.
One, two, three.

Vitals are stable. BP / , pulse .

Resps . On our arrival she was
comatose, GCS . I'm out of here.

- Carpe diem.
- See you, Doris. CBC and Chem- .

- She has gingival hypertrophy.
- Dilantin level?

- Yeah, she's probably epileptic.
- Babinski's downgoing.

Pupils equal, round, reactive.
Corneal reflex normal.

- DTRs -plus, equal bilaterally.
- Small occipital contusion.

- You want a CT?
- No, let's see how she responds.

Cross-table C-spine.

We should check if the police
have any identification.

I'll call Child and Family Services,
just in case.

Lydia, why don't you clear out
Curtain Area ? Put her in there.

Busy day.

Peter. Peter!

Know that I didn't try
to come to County.

I applied to practically every other
hospital in the county.

This is the only ER rotation
that was open.

- Okay. Fine.
- Peter, stop.

You gonna be like this
the whole time I'm here?

Can we at least pretend to be civil?

Okay, fine. I've got some post-op notes
to check on.

- You're cutting him off, just like that?
- It's hardly "just like that."

We've been dealing with
this Ross situation since last summer.

- He's a little bit more than a situation.
- Not to me.

Ross runs roughshod all over that ER.

He takes over the care of an outpatient.

Never shows up to the Pedes Clinic,
where I can at least supervise him.

- He's assigned to the ER.
- Where no one is supervising him.

- That's not true.
- Pediatrics is not gonna pay for him...

...so much as one day into the new year.

You guys deal with his behavior.
He's off my service.

- He's a good doctor.
- But he's a loose cannon.

- Not sure I could handle him any better.
- He's a good doctor.

- I know it's personal, and you're friends.
- I'll supervise him.

His fellowship runs through December.
Gives him over a month to find a job.

- We need him in the ER.
- We need a lot of things in the ER, Mark.

But be realistic.
Have you looked at your budget?

I'm due in surgery.

- I got M&M in minutes.
- This won't take that long.

What you saw this morning was private.
No one should've seen it.

Believe me, I wish I hadn't.

But you did, and I'm concerned
with what that means.

I know this is the ' s
and there are rules in medicine now.

They exist to protect a medical student
from feeling they have to comply...

...with the suggestions
of one of their supervisors.

This wasn't a suggestion.
It was a choice, as much mine as his.

But I don't want my career defined
by having gone to bed with someone.

Especially since no one will care
about the reason.

You don't care
about the reason, do you?

No, I don't. My job demands
that I care about the ramifications.

If this were to get out, it would more
than likely be misinterpreted...

...affect my recommendations,
possibly even my internship.

So I have no intention of discussing
this, either now or in the future.

And I hope no one else will either.

Will you scream at Radiology?
I need those films.

Robert Potter Bradley. years old.
Broken finger.

Thank you, Jerry.

There, there. You're okay.
Honey, just settle back down.

- We're right here with you.
- What happened?

She woke up agitated, disoriented,
trying to boot the side rails and....

- Doesn't seem to like the IVs.
- Can't say I blame her.

Can't say I do either. Who'd have
thought we'd ever agree on something?

Her labs just came back.

That's right. You're okay.
Just settle down.

Just settle down.
We're gonna take care of you.

We're gonna take care of you, honey.
You're all right.

CBC and lytes are normal,
but her Dilantin level is only five.


Epileptic seizure caused by her
not taking her medication.

Let's give her Dilantin, seven mgs
per kilo at mgs a minute IV.

- Coming up.
- Okay.

That's it. That's it. You're okay.

- You could've gone into Pediatrics.
- Thank you.

- I don't want a nurse.
- I'm not a nurse.

- I want a doctor.
- I work with doctors. Now, move along.

- You're a nurse?
- I'm a physician assistant.

- Is that better than a nurse?
- It's just different.

- I don't want a nurse.
- I'll examine you and take your history.

Now, let's march. Come on.

Is everything okay?

- Is he a doctor?
- No, he's a nurse.

Thanks, Malik. I got him.

Mr. Preston. g*nsh*t wound
to the right shoulder.

Distal pulses and sensation
in the right arm.

BP / , pulse . Resps .

- And the wheelchair?
- Frank Davelle, nasty scalp lac.

- I thought this was a double MVA.
- Let Mr. Davelle wait in the suture room.

Harper! Get in here!

All right, on three. Here we go, people.

One, two, three.

- How you doing there, Mr. Preston?
- Hell, he shot me!

I can't believe he shot me!

Shouldn't we order a CBC, type
and cross four units packed cells?

Cross-table C-spine,
chest, shoulder x-rays?

Yes again.

- Does it hurt anywhere else?
- My neck. I'm gonna sue his ass.

- That's very American of you.
- Yeah, yeah. What's that?

- Your armpit.
- Fresh dressing.

- Can you feel this?
- Yeah.

Okay, squeeze my hand.

Carter, why don't you and Harper
go next door?

I can handle that on my own.


Excuse me.

Harper, I need your help.
Why don't you help me logroll him?

- Doug?
- Hey, Carol, what's going on?

Nice try, but the film's upside-down.

- Are you okay?
- Generally this has not been a good day.

Specifically, this has not been
a good day.

Although it felt so good
yelling at Bernstein.

For about five minutes there
I felt completely liberated.

- And now?
- And now, I've been here a few years.

It's the longest commitment I've ever
made to anything or anybody.


It's time to move on.

Carol, Shep's on the phone.

Speaking of moving on....

- You call me if you wanna talk, okay?
- Okay. Okay.

- The pool was your idea. You should ask.
- She'd k*ll me.

- I think Wendy should ask her.
- Yeah, she'd never k*ll Wendy.

- What?
- What is wrong with all of you?

Can't put your mouth
where your money is?

Hey, Randi, what did you do time for?

Malicious mischief, as*ault, battery...

...carrying a concealed w*apon...

...and aggravated mayhem.

What? No, Shep, I'm telling you. No.

Carol, quick, some guy
just crashed in .

- Defib. Set up for intubation.
- Oh, my God!

I was examining Mrs. Kerns
when this guy went south.

- I can't believe this. My mobile notary.
- A what?

- Notary. She's buying a house.
- He told me I shouldn't wait forever.

- I'm a big procrastinator myself.
- Maybe he knew he was gonna die.

He's not going to die.
Give him another amp of epi.

God, we were so close. Two pages left.

I need a -cc syringe.

Get the paddles ready, . Carol?

- Carol!
- These two!

- Pulse ox?
- .

- How's the compliance?
- He's in the bag.

- I can't believe I just did that.
- Neither could I.

Oh, it's a good thing I did.


Carter, I gotta talk to you.


I didn't know about you and Harper.
All right? I'm sorry.

Hey, hey, hey, nobody meant to--

Nobody meant to hurt you, Carter.

It happened because she was hurt.
It was a mistake.

It was a mistake. You understand that?

And if you were smart,
you little piece of--

If you were smart, you'd give her
another chance and you'd listen to her.

I have.

And now I'm having to listen to you?

I'm really happy that you both
have made your peace with this.

But I'm gonna need a little more time,
if that's okay with everybody.

- How is she doing?
- Pretty well. She's coming around.

Are you deaf?

Chuny, let's get these restraints off
and call for a sign language interpreter.

- You know how to sign?
- Oh, poorly.

You're going to be okay.

Yes, you had a seizure,
but you're fine....

Fine now.

I want to call your family.
What's your name?

Hi, Janie. I'm...



- Lf they're itchy, why don't you shave?
- You kidding?

The Fire Department finally let us
grow this stuff. I can't give in yet.

Okay, we're almost there, so don't look.

I thought the point was for me to see it.

- Okay, but don't look. Step up.
- I can't look. What?

All right, we're almost there.


Okay, now look.

Isn't it incredible?

- Yes, it is.
- I mean, I know it needs work.

Yes, it does.

I thought I'd paint it maybe gray
with a green trim, or yellow.

And I know there's no stairs,
because they're in the back yard...

...but I can just nail those back on.

And also I can nail back on the shutters.
You should see the inside.


The bedroom is the biggest bedroom
I have ever had in my life.

Which isn't saying a lot, but still.

- What?
- You're beautiful when you're happy.

I am. I'm happy. I'm happy. Come on.

- Wait.
- What?

I don't want you to worry
that I'm rushing into anything here.

This is your first house...

...and I think someone
should carry you over the threshold.

- Okay, no.
- I knew you would agree.

Put me down, you're gonna drop me.

What are you talking about?
I'm a fireman.

Oh, come on. Shep, put me down.

Must have changed the schedule.
I missed mine by five minutes.

So you didn't say anything
to Morgenstern?

No, I didn't.

Why are you doing this, Doug?
You're a good doctor.

Bernstein doesn't agree.

I looked at that kid's chart.
Joseph O'Connor.

No signs of intracranial bleeding.

You knew he didn't need
to get admitted.

You're pushing Bernstein
the same way you've been pushing me.

Why you doing this, Doug?

I don't know.

You'll miss your train.
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