03x14 - Objects in Mirror

Episode transcripts for the TV show "SEAL Team". Aired: September 27, 2017 – present.*
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Series follows Bravo Team an elite unit of Navy SEALs, as they plan and undertake dangerous missions worldwide.
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03x14 - Objects in Mirror

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously onSEAL Team... Hey, Dad.

Whoa! Emma, what are you doing home?

I-I told you I was coming down.

NATALIE: You can't keep all these worlds separate forever.

Like I said, my world is messy.

REBECCA: Well, we have a long way to go before we can give John and Jackie a run for their money.

The key to my place is a start.

Why did I agree to any of this? My team and the hostages you are treating are in serious danger.

They need you.

Had us in the dark there, Master Chief.

Yeah, well, dark is where this op should stay.

Where's Dr. Craig?

Total mission failure.

We all support the idea Ray threw the offensive grenade in the room with the hostages.

DAVIS: It appears as though someone threw something from the outside, into the room where Dr. Craig was held.

You were gonna let Ray hang.

Coward! Come here!

JASON: All my times on the teams, I've never seen anything like this, Vic.

Get out.

ERIC: After the brutal op-tempo in Caracas, I told Jace I'd give you guys a chance to slow down, take a breath.

JASON: Yeah, and I told Blackburn Bravo Team doesn't slow down.

Best way to clear our heads is to speed up.

Isn't that right, boys?



Daytona 500 champ Austin Dillon has generously offered to give Bravo some driving lessons. You're kidding me.

Austin Dillon? The Ace?

The one and only. It's okay, Sonny.

You can put that tongue of yours back in your mouth, man.

Come on, man. RAY: That's the perks of being DEVGRU.

The best in the world want to train with the best, right?

Tell you what, a little friendly competition.

Rubbing's racing.


SONNY: Looking good.Nice.

Dude, hell yes. Wow.

Yeah, the smell of freedom right there.

Hey, fellas, I'm Austin. Yeah, Sonny Quinn.

Real pleasure to meet you, man. Big fan of yours.

Yeah, I actually saw you race at Texas Motor Speedway a couple years back.

Dude, Texas is awesome, isn't it? Yeah. Hook 'em, baby!

He's as smart as he is fast. [laughs]

Well, guys, this is a race car.

And I want to show you a few tips on how to drive it, man.

Let's do it.

Go ahead, open it up a little bit, Ray.

Accelerate into the corner and catch the apex.

[laughing] All right, fellas, tires are always important.

That's the only thing touching the ground.

So you want to take care of your tires when you can, because you'll be able to run faster longer.


AUSTIN: I know you're gonna run close together.

If you put air on somebody's rear quarter, it's gonna make 'em loose.

[tires screeching]

AUSTIN: Nice recovery, buddy. You okay?

Yeah, all good.

Ease up a little bit there, Jason.

Yeah, his comms get a little spotty when he doesn't like what you're saying.

AUSTIN: Couple more laps, then bring it in.

Pit, who's got the fastest lap of the day?

That'd be Sonny with a 45 flat.

Watch and learn, Sonny Boy. Watch and learn.


42.7, Jason. Checkered flag's yours.

[making race car sounds]

Ah, I bet you're thinking that this is Austin Dillon, but... it's me.

What'd you bring in here with you?

Is that fossil fuel I'm smelling, or booze?

Little bit of both.

You know, doing 205 in a 65, didn't get caught. Bam!

Hit the reset button.

Are you checking the range on that reset button?

See if it worked on us, too? No.

No, no, no, no, no, no. I just, uh...

I was driving back from the track, wind was whipping through my hair.

I had this revelation that, you know what, whole thing with Emma and you, I handled that wrong.

Yeah. It didn't have to be worlds colliding.

Yeah, I know.

[exhales] I know.

Hey, I understand the impulse to want to keep parts of your life separate.

I did more then my share of that with Luke. Luke.

The Lukester, right? The ex-husband?

Yeah. Bring him up every now and then, your eyes roll into the back of your head.

What about him?

There are things I learned from my marriage, broken as it was, that made me who I am today.

We're all shaped by our pasts.

Right. So I'll tell you what.

Mikey and Emma are coming back next month before deployment.

We could all get together.

We could, you know, have some fun, go get some churros...

Uh, I was talking about the past, and you just jumped right to the future.

That, sir, is some masterful avoidance.

What do you want me to say?

I don't know what you want me to say.

Right. Right. So we're moving on.

But I, uh...

[making race car sounds]

Next month.

Thank you. WOMAN: Bye.

You got to admit that was weird, right?

How so?[thunder rumbling]

I don't know. You haven't been here in six months, and the barista starts making our usuals the second we walk in the door, like nothing's changed.

And everything has.

Yeah, that's weird.

I'm glad we could finally do this.

So, how you been? Uh, good.

You know, work's work. Team's doing good.

Illuminating, as always.

[chuckles] How's your, uh... your visiting lecturer thing going?

It's good.

Yeah? Mm-hmm.

I am, um, hoping that Old Dominion offers me a long-term position. Long term?


Leaving Virginia was a mistake.

You know, I've been, um... I've been seeing someone.

I just thought you should know that.


That's great.

Is it?

Yeah, I mean, I moved...

You moved on.

I didn't expect you to hold out for me.

So, how did you meet?

You don't want to hear about all that.

Mm, I do. I do actually want to know.

Just 'cause we're not together doesn't mean I don't want to know what's going on with you.

It's kind of how that whole "being friends" thing works.


Ensign Davis.

What brings you down from your ivory cake-eating tower?

Trying to get back to my enlisted sailor roots.

I've been doing a lot more paper-pushing than weapons training recently.

Yeah, well, sunrise yoga's got nothing on a 100-round wake-up.

Guarantee you leave feeling better than when you came in.

That'd be good. I'm a little rusty.

Got any tips? Just one.

Rounds downrange are downrange.

Last shot didn't go the way you want, don't let it impact your next one.

Copy. Easier said than done.

Truth be told, I've been a little off since that last op.

Well, Caracas was hard for everybody.

Hey, I'm sorry about Vic.

I'm sorry you got put through that.

Hey, I'm still standing.

I'm better than standing, I'm moving forward.

When's your next, uh, warrant officer board interview?

In a week.

I have to admit I felt better about it the first time.

But after the Venezuela op, Vic...

I feel like I shuffled the deck a little bit.

Well, you did everything right down there.

None of this is on you.

Hey, what'd you say?

Rounds downrange...


Not bad.

[knocks gently]

Spenser, come on in.

This situation with Petty Officer Lopez is unfortunate. Yes, sir.

Though we were fortunate that Vic was exposed before causing any real damage to Bravo.

It's got to be especially frustrating for you.

Earning some seniority on the team, then suddenly you're back being low man.

I like to think I have an impact on the team, regardless of my position.

Well, it seems you still want to have an impact away from Bravo.

Look, sir, what, uh, what happened with Congressman Suzuki...

It's fine, Spenser. I didn't bring you in here to ream you. Have a seat.

Look, I want to help you to harness your energy and your ambition to allow you to do more.

Isn't that what you're looking for?


You stood me down months ago.

So why are you taking an interest in me now?

Jason Hayes, Ash Spenser.

You think they cast big shadows? [Chuckles]

You should have met my old man, the admiral.

Any success I enjoyed, that was because of him.

My failures proved I'd never be as good as him.

Just took me a long time to find my own path.

Maybe I can help shed some light on yours.

No, you... you don't have to do that, sir.

Well, my job is to deploy every resource to its greatest effect.

And you, Clay, you could be one hell of a resource for the Navy.

It just all depends on what you want.

Gentlemen, we'll be departing today for our foreign internal defense training exercises.

Five days in Turkmenistan.

SONNY: Is that on Tatooine? No, it's not.

Turkmenistan is cozy with the Russians and is led by a madman.

And I'm not sure why we want to go there and share our tactics with them.

Teaching tomorrow's enemies today.

Which is why we're not gonna show 'em all of our tricks.

CQB only.

Offering to guide their burgeoning spec ops program will score the U.S. points with a potential ally in a hostile region.

And Mr. Spenser here has graciously volunteered to tell us all about that.

Has he not? Yeah, yeah.

RAY: Yeah, yeah... Got voluntold, actually.

Drumroll, please. Drumroll.

[imitating Eric]: All right, everybody, listen up.[laughter]

That's not even close.

Base we're gonna be living and training in is in the city of Turkmenbashi.

SONNY: Bashi. Area's geopolitically stable, although not without tension.

All right, get to good stuff there. Get to the good stuff.

Where is our local drinking establishment?

How close and how clothed?

[door opens]

Whoa, why don't we table that till later?

Agent Ellis. Good to see you.

CLAY: Agency show up to put a little curve on the ball or what?

RAY: Or tell us why Bravo's doing a training op more fit for white-side SEALs?

Team 2 or 4 couldn't do this?

MANDY: Syed Latif.

One of the most gifted engineers of Pakistan's weapons program.

Until he went missing two days ago.

DAVIS: Intel says he's abducted by operatives working with the Turkmen intel agency.

It's believed they'll be transporting him to Turkmenistan and forcing him to work on their nuclear weapons technology.

Sources indicate he'll be held in a safe house temporarily, 20 kilometers from your base.

Uh, use our training visit as a cover to snatch him?

That's the idea.

Trojan Horse.[chuckles]

Beware of frogmen bearing gifts.

DAVIS: Latif is a gold mine of foreign weapons knowledge that we can tap.

Plus, we'll keep the Turkmen from advancing their program.

Yeah. We will be under constant watch by Turkmen command on the base.

Doing anything without their knowledge, let alone an HVT capture op, will be tremendously dangerous.

Yeah, but it's a hell of a lot more fun than running drills.

[agreeing chatter]

Here's a picture of the safe house. The HVT, Latif, will be arriving in Turkmenbashi on the last day of your visit.

Any heightened security measures we need to know about? None that I'm aware of.

MANDY: His captors most likely think that getting him out of Pakistan was the hard part.

How many g*ns protecting him? Estimate three to four.

Yeah, we can only send in a four-man as*ault team.

The rest of the unit will have to maintain a presence at the base for cover.

Hmm. This hit seems pretty straightforward.

JASON: Straightforward. Right.

We'll be on the base without any of our g*ns, vehicles or method to sneak out undetected.

Agency's pinning down weapons and transport as we speak.

Yeah, and if our hosts have any inkling that we've got an agenda besides training, the blowback will be disastrous.

Well, we still got five days to figure out the details.

Wheels up in four hours.

[knocking on door]

STELLA: So, I thought that I could drive home and-and just let it go.

And allow you to move on.

What are you doing?[exhales]

I did not come back to Virginia for work.

I didn't. I came back for you.

Why would it be any different this time?

I don't want it to be different.

When we were together, all that seemed to matter was what you did, and when we were apart, I realized that it didn't.

It didn't matter. All that mattered was who you are.

I still love you.

I'm about to board a flight.

I can't do this right now.Okay.

I-I know that it's not fair to complicate things.

I just needed to tell you.

Please come home safe.

ERIC: Plane just finished refueling.

Six hours, fellas. SONNY: So you're telling me that she straight-up John Cusack, Say Anything'd you on your doorstep?

Yeah. Pretty much.[laughs]

Ooh-wee. I told you she didn't fly across the country just to be your buddy.

No, no, no.

So, uh, you figured out how you're gonna cut this Rebecca girl loose?

Hold on a second here.

You're not telling me this is an actual decision.

Oh, come on, man.

Seriously? What about all those months of you ruining a good tequila, crying over the fact that the-the-the professor girl was the one?

And now this shiny new girl is more important?


Why do you care?

Well, Lindell called you in, dangling opportunities.

Yeah? Well, that's 'cause he knew you'd bite.

'Cause you're always looking for what's next.


Can't nothing hold your eyes for long, can it, Clay? [sniffles]

I'm out.[knocking on table]

RAY: So, uh, got an e-mail earlier today.

From Vic.

The hell does he want?

I don't know. I haven't opened it yet.

But it can't be good, and I don't want it messing with my head on this trip.

Don't open it. Just delete it.

It doesn't feel right just erasing the thing.

Why? What happened happened.

Why are you rehashing the past?

There's always something to be learned from the ugly moments, right?

Exactly why they call 'em ugly, Ray.

That's why I get rid of 'em, 'cause they're ugly.

I don't understand. It's like...

You sound like Natalie. You know? It's just... just keep bringing up things from the past.

It's weighing on you, huh?

She's talking about her ex-husband.

Have you talked to her about Alana?

Why? How is going back helping us move forward?

Doesn't work.

That's one way of looking at it.


JASON: Hello, boys.

Master Chief Hayes.

Uh, this is awkward.

CLAY: Middle school dance awkward.

Well, we should maybe teach them about hospitality.

Have some refreshments out first, maybe a plate of crudités.

ODEEV: Welcome.

Welcome. Master Chief Hayes.

Master Chief Odeev. RAY: I take it you're gonna be the one doing the translating for the silent ones?

Ah... all my men know some English.

Prenko here speaks it like a poet. Uh, Prenko, give them the tour.

You sleep there.

[soft laughter]ODEEV: He's good.

My men are housed right next door.

If you need anything, just shout.

And if you need to go anywhere in the base, we will gladly escort you.

So we need chaperones?

It is the policy.

We're all very excited to train with the best.

All right. No privacy, mutual suspicion, and the smell of gunpowder.

I feel like I'm back home with my family.

You sure we're gonna be able to pull this off?

Current workup on the men believed to be transporting the HVT.

We heard from our guys yet?

ERIC: Yeah, Jason reached out.

The encrypted cell you gave him is working fine.

DAVIS: All my intel says Latif is still on track to arrive four days from now.

Our guys do their day jobs till then, we'll keep 'em updated.

Yeah. [clears throat]

Hey. The Trojan Horse cleared the gate.

So we're good.


RAY: Four-man room entry.

Bread and butter CQB.

Same fundamentals as the two-man, so let's review.

Mr. Spenser.

All right, so, point man hooks in, posts up two feet from the wall, clears the room.

Second guy hooks in two feet from the wall, scans the room.[Prenko speaks Turkmen]

[scoffs]There a problem? Huh?

ODEEV: Ah, he's just telling them to, uh, focus.

PRENKO: What are you here for?

Excuse me?

Did you come all this way to treat us like schoolchildren?

Let's gear up, do this for real.

Uh, you crawl, walk, then you run.

All right? Taking it one step at a time, buddy.

You're wasting our time.

We want to learn high-speed as*ault, expl*sive breaching.

ODEEV: Prenko.

Sem bol.

You SEALs strut around like cowboys.

Let's see you prove it. We don't need to prove a damn thing to you, Soda Popinski.

You don't think we're good enough?


PRENKO: Our best against yours.

sh**ting contest.

CLAY [laughs]: That's hilarious.

You might want to get your boy in check here, buddy.

We win, you teach us the real stuff.

Airplane takedown tactics.

How you took out General Lionheart.

If Bravo Team's really the best, what's there to be scared of?

Got to earn your shot at the title.

Six plates, 20 yards.

sh**t the ends.

You messed with the wrong bull, Popinski.

Might be the dumbest idea you've ever had.

CLAY [laughs]: And that's saying something.

There was no way in hell I was gonna let them slander Bravo's good name.

Let's just hope you can sh**t a p*stol better than you can drive.

Course I can. RAY: Best two out of three.

Quickest time, one shot per plate.

SONNY: Yeah. Roger that.

Well done, Prenko.




[laughter]We got this.

[whispers]: Hey, Sonny.

Sonny. Listen to me.

You can't lose, you understand me?

We can't be teaching unapproved tactics.

They're gonna pull the plug on this training, and our op's gonna be canked.

There's more on the line than your knuckleheaded pride, hoss.

SONNY: Okay, well, I happen to be using this little Russian peashooter right now.

They have the home team advantage... Focus, focus.

Now focus.

Come on, man. I'm playing a little rope-a-dope.

[exhales sharply]Focus.

[wolf whistle]2.8.

MAN: Nice.



Okay. Final round.

Final round.


CLAY: Two flat.

JASON: Dial it in. ODEEV: Prenko.


[whooping]JASON: All right, boys.

Let's go. Party's over.

Let's go. ODEEV: Hey. Nice sh**ting.

Nice sh**ting.

You are the best.

[vocalizing quietly]


Corner of that building.

Surveillance camera.

Another group beyond that flagpole, by gate two.

Just as many eyes on the other exit routes.

Great Escape'snot gonna be as easy to pull off as we thought.

So, I read it.

Vic's e-mail.

I hope it said, "Thank you very much for the opportunity."

Said I'm a fraud. You got to be kidding me.

And I'm all about myself and my career.

Uh, thinks I only acted like a mentor to him to pad my résumé, and then when the wind changed, I sold him out.

Should've deleted it. What did I tell you?


Ignoring him doesn't help, Jace.

[scoffs] Doesn't hurt, either.

Gate three over there looks to be our best bet for exit.

Deliveries around the clock.

Agency laundry truck should be able to slip right in.

We slip out of the barracks, get on the laundry truck, hit the target, hitch a ride back on that truck.

Straight through that gate.

Boom. Boom.

GUARD: Stop.

You're Americans.

What are you doing over here?

You're supposed to be supervised at all times.

No, relax, brother. We're just walking off the lamb Chegdermeh.

That's it. Yeah, we're heading back...

Give me your identification.Whoa-ho-ho.

Hey, chief, simmer down. Put that down.

You're coming with me. That's not gonna happen.

You're making a big mistake, friend.Big.

Come on.


I'm reporting this to my commander.

May have just blown this op, Ray.

Jason reports a gate guard spotted them doing recon, made some noise about calling his commander.

We can't afford any more eyes on us.

We may need to cancel the Latif op.

No. We can monitor chatter, if there are suspicions being raised in Turkmen command.

There's no reason to alter the mission plan yet.

Maybe not, but if they're in that guard's crosshairs, there's no way they're sneaking out of his gate.

Gate three is the only one that's taking service deliveries.

Okay, we'll find a way to make gate three work.

We have three days to figure it out.

♪ CLAY: And then, as soon as you clear that, you're clearing the rest of it.


You're coming through like this.

♪ Better bite your tongue

♪ Before you cross the line...

CLAY: Karagoz checks the whole truck.

Captain Hadley's taking a break.

2200 hours.

♪ Look me in the eye...

TRENT: His replacement is less vigilant.

♪ Then recognize

♪ I bring a whole lot of trouble ♪

♪ I bring a whole lot of pain

♪ If you ain't got the heart... ♪ Takes a second break at midnight.

♪ I'm a bad man...

GATE 2 GUARD: Odeev!

I'll, uh, catch up with you guys.

Hey. What's up, brother? What's up, brother?

[speaking indistinctly]

[barking, growling]

♪ Want to take me down?



MAN: We're gonna need a bigger dog.

♪ Recognize

♪ This ain't your day

♪ Better swallow your pride...

Way to go.[applause]

Very good. Good.

♪ Then recognize...

CLAY: Same schedule, three nights in a row.

10:00 to midnight.

It's a tight window for exit and RTB.

FULL METAL: Tomorrow night, it's on.

♪ Ain't got the heart

♪ I'm a bad, bad man.

HVT's confirmed on site at the target house?

As of 20 minutes ago. Escorted in by three men.

ISR has launched from Shindand. Be on station in an hour.

Transport and weapons are locked down.

The laundry truck will be on the base at 2200. We're ready.

All right, so Mandy's guys will cut power to the safe house immediately before we do the hit.

We'll go in with NODs.

Who's on the as*ault team?

Me, you, Trent, Full Metal.

We'll slip in just before 10:00.

Rest of us will stay behind to maintain our cover.

One hour till go time, so stay sharp.

The guests of honor!

We celebrate our wonderful new partnership.

Ah, yes, my dear friends.

You know, I really appreciate that, but, uh, we have an early flight in the morning.

Boys, they got to sleep up, get some rest.

The tough Americans, they need their beauty sleep.

No chance.

We send you off in style, Master Chief. Come.

[clears throat]

Okay. One hour. SONNY: Sweet.

Keep it together, guys.

All right. All right.


ALL: Cheers.

Whoo! Wow, stuff is harsh.

[grunting, coughing]

Pains me to every fiber of my being.

Think these guys will leave when we need them to?

What, you're questioning my ability to clear a room?

Vehicle just pulled up at the safe house.

They could be getting ready to transport Latif.

We have no intel on a secondary location.

If we lose Latif, he's in the wind.

Bravo has to move now.

The team's window to exit safely is not for another 15 minutes.

Okay, well, we scramble the transport early.

That's not gonna work.

Create a diversion on the base to draw the guard off.

We don't have a full team.

You're telling me four Tier One operators can't outwit one security guard?

Listen, I understand what you went through in Caracas, Agent Ellis.

And that you want to keep doubling down, earn back what you lost. But there is a limit.

There's nothing to do but wait and watch.

CLAY: Boom. Suck it.[groaning]

SONNY: Suck it. Poker, pistols, not your day in Deadwood, comrade.

All right, well, afraid it's, uh, getting to be our bedtime, boys, so we got to clean up here.

Mm.All right.

Sorry we could not, uh, throw you a better goodbye party.

But come here again, and we'll show you the nightlife.

Most beautiful women in the world, right here in Turkmenbashi.

Are you kidding me?

It's taken you four damn days to tell me this?

You would have never left.Yeah.

[alarm sounding]

That part of your send-off?

[man speaking Turkmen over P.A.]

Base is on security lockdown.

Nobody can come in or, uh, go out.

So, what do you say?

Fun's just getting started.

Copy that, Havoc. I'll tell the boys.

Havoc is saying that the shutdown is due to a threat from a separatist group about 500 miles away.

Yeah, well, a couple of the Turkmen say these happen once a month. False alarm.

CLAY: Real or not, there's no way our ride's getting on base now.

SONNY: This place ain't like Alcatraz.

There's got to be a way out.

You know, I think I got another card to play.


ODEEV: I don't know, guys.

Come on, hey. It's our last night here, we can't sleep.

You know, the party is, it's on life support.

And I told the guys here about what you said about the local ladies.

You know, unless you were telling tales? No, no.

Yeah, I think he was telling tales. It was the truth.

Well, let's go check it out.

Okay, but the base is locked down.

Are you an operator or an order taker?


JASON: Do we want to know what's inside that package?

Eh, probably not.

Bona fide ninja, Odeev.

[dance music pulsing]

[speaks in Turkmen]



ODEEV: [laughs] Wow!


Come on.


Oh, my God.

Okay. Did Odeev lie?

Yeah, well, I've been fooled by neon lights and smoke before.

So I'm gonna reserve my judgment until I get up close and personal.

ODEEV: Come on!

Hey, you know what? You're drinking on us tonight.

Yeah. Let's go. Let's get some bottles, baby. Let's go.

Let's go, let's go!

I really like you.

RAY: I like you, too.

ODEEV: Let's go! RAY: Come on.

Havoc, this is 1. I'm passing Daytona.

Linked up with GRS for the weapons and vehicles.

That's a good copy, 1.

Traffic's light.

You should be on target in ten mikes.

Copy, Havoc.

All right. They're on the move.


We got a problem.

Latif's on the move.

Bravo 1, this is Havoc.

Be advised, HVT is now mobile.

Departing the safe house in a silver VW sedan.

How copy?

JASON: Copy, Havoc.

Do we have a second known destination?

Negative, 1. We have eyes on the vehicle.

We can guide you through the pursuit.

Interdiction is gonna have to happen vehicle to vehicle.

Good copy, Havoc. Show us the way.

'Cause an outmanned safe house hit with nuclear stakes is too easy.

ERIC [over radio]: Bravo 1, this is Havoc.

Target vehicle is one block east, moving parallel on an intersecting street, over.

JASON: Copy that, Havoc.

CLAY: Havoc, this is Bravo 6.

I got eyes on target vehicle. How copy?

I copy eyes on target.

We still need a positive identification on the HVT inside the vehicle.

JASON: Copy, Havoc. Bravo 1 out.

Bravo 4, this is 1. Making our move.

Portside extract.

You got the lead.

TRENT: Copy, Bravo 1. Taking the lead.

JASON: Okay, 4. Ease past. Don't want to spook them.

Need to I.D. him.

Yeah, Bravo 6 confirms Hotel.

That's Latif.

JASON: Bravo 4, lock them in.


[tires screeching]

JASON: Havoc, this is 1. I pass Talladega.

HVT secure. Moving to handoff.

That's a good copy, Bravo 1. Nice work.

You got your man.

Congratulations. Thank you.

[tires screeching]

It used to be the unit was a family.Mmm.

You know, like brothers, thick and thin.

Yes. These days, feels like we're just, uh...

A group of guys doing their own thing.


Okay, you understand this.

Oh, yeah, more than you know, brother.

More than you know. RAY: Yo, Sonny.

Mm, what? These guys are looking for Jason and the boys.

You seen them?

Jason, yeah. Think he... he had a hankering for that, uh, the meat on a stick.

Yeah. When he's got to eat, he's got to eat.

Should be back any second.

SONNY: Yeah, I hear that's all the rage here.

Yeah, it's crazy. Yeah.

You know, in the meantime, I...

I think we're gonna train you guys on some high-speed Tier One tactics.

Right? You ready, Olaf? Watch and learn.

Hello, ladies. That's my guy.

Come on, gents. I'll show you how America does it.

Check out my dance moves...

[phone ringing]

Ray, we're headed back to the club.

RAY: Yeah, well, step on it.

These guys are getting suspicious.

This is getting sideways real quick. All right.

How far out are we? At least ten minutes.

JASON: All right. Hold on.

Flossing? Nobody likes to floss? How about two-step? Two-step?

Hey, tough crowd.

Think it got lost in translation, man. RAY [chuckles]: Yeah.

[Sonny chuckles]Yeah, what is going on here?

SONNY: What is going on? Listen, man, Wyatt Earp misses a shot every once in a while. Okay?

Don't hold it against me. No, I'm talking about the other SEALs.What? What about them?

Where arethey? RAY: All right.

There's nothing to worry about.

They're just out getting some fresh air is all.Yeah.


All night, you've been acting strange.

Where are they?

Odeev, you need to get your man, he's... had one too many...

No, I think we will ask one more time.

We would hate to tell our C.O. that we noticed the Americans missing from base.

Had to go out and hunt them down.

Stop lying and tell us where your teammates went.

Know what? Hey, hard trying to find a good bottle of whiskey in this town.

That's top shelf right there.

Appreciate your hospitality.


Well, let's drink!

You're back! [Laughing]

You are crazy. You're crazy, too.

[shouts, laughs]

Let's drink![excited chatter]


You feeling okay there, Clay?

I haven't seen you swipe right on a dating app in ages.

It's kind of, uh, the exact opposite, actually.


Stella wants to get back together.

Wow, uh... [scoffs]

But-but you and Rebecca, you're good, right?

Yeah, better than good.

And yet?


The history between you and Stella, that's... like gravity.

Imagine it'd pull you two together even if you fight it.

But history isn't everything.

Everyone evolves.

I'd just...

I'd make sure you're pursuing what you want, not what you wanted.

Reading Vic's e-mail again? And again?

Can't shake it. Can't shake it? Ray.

Got your warrant review coming up.

I don't want you seeing any ghosts.

It's not that simple.

Yeah, it is. It's real simple, Ray.

If Vic can't deal with losing Bravo, that's his problem. It's not your problem.

I'm thinking about reaching out. Reaching out?

Yeah, confronting the problem instead of ignoring it.

Where-where does that get you?

Past is what makes a person, brother.

It's the same reason Natalie wants to talk about her ex-husband.Right. Well, it may work for some people, but not me.

Yeah, you are definitely more of a, uh, "ignore and override" guy.

That's right, you know? And I apply that to my life, and it works. Not just kicking in doors, Ray.

It is not that simple. It's not that simple?


So, if I focus on what happened between me and Alana... and how that ended, how is that gonna help me with my present relationship?

If your past kept you from ever kicking in another door, that would be a shame.

But if it keeps you from ever opening yourself up to somebody again, brother, that's a damn tragedy.

I, uh, put a lot of thought into this.

I didn't want to screw it up, so I got some advice before making my choice.

The, uh, the guy at the counter assured me that these dumplings are life-changing.

Ooh, are we sure we want life-changing?

I mean, I'm pretty darn happy with mine.

Me, too.

Senior Chief Perry?

I bet you're anxious to put this review board to bed.

Ready, sir. I need to mention something before we get started.

My office received a message about you from Petty Officer Victor Lopez.


Well, Lopez said that you called him this morning, and you helped talk him through some hard stuff, and he commended you for stepping up when others would have ignored him.

That's well done.

Thank you, sir.Yeah.

Let's get inside.

JASON: Hey, there you are. Nat-o-rama.

Been waiting for you all day just to come out to play, huh?

Crazy Monday schedule.

Didn't have a chance to come up for air.

Staff meeting, PT observation, peer review, right?

Is that what they call lifestyle-patterning?

I just like to know where you are, that's all.

But not where I come from.

Seems to be parts of me you're avoiding, like my marriage.

What do you want to tell me?

Luke was a surfer.

Uh, he worked at a brewery, and he was funny and sweet, till he wasn't.

That's great.

I appreciate the effort, Jason, but a quick recap of my marriage isn't going to fix our issue.

What's the issue? What issue?

A few months ago... you told me that you wanted us to be all in.

How can that be if we don't share all of ourselves with each other?

You don't share your past with me.

It feels to me like you don't really want me to know who you are.

It's been a long day, so I'm gonna go.

You know, I met Alana when I was 14.

You know, I can remember everything that she said to me, but I... for the life of me, I can't remember anything that I said to her.

I would give anything to... to remember.

Last time I saw Alana, I can remember every word that I said to her.

I'd give anything to forget that.

I'd give anything to forget that.
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