07x20 - When the Bough Breaks

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dallas". Aired: April 1978 to May 1991.*
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The oil-rich Ewings endure daily troubles in Texas.
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07x20 - When the Bough Breaks

Post by bunniefuu »

Dr. Silver, telephone.

Dr. Silver, telephone.

Dr. Hm. emergency. telephone.

Dr. Hm. emergency. telephone.

Can I get you a cup of
coffee or something, J.R.?


According to the doctor, she's tine.
No broken bones or anything like that.

Maybe I should came down there.

I don't think there's anything you
could do. She's asleep right now.

I'll be leaving soon
myself, anyway.

Okay, I'll tell you what, I'll meet
you at your place a little later.

- All right, about an hour or so.
- Fine.


I feel so responsible.

Don't be silly, Jenna. It
wasn't your fault at all.

- I'll see you soon.
- Okay, bye.

She's all right?

Yeah, apparently
she wasn't hurt at all.

She lost a baby?


Lord, I didn't even
know she was pregnant.

Well, from what Jenna
said, neither did J.R.

Why would she keep
something like that to herself?

Well, I suppose it depends
on how far along she was.

Jenna was real upset by all this.
I'm gonna go see her. I'll see you later.

Bye, Bobby.

Dr. Flay, Recovery. Dr. Flay,
please report to Recovery.

- Mr. Ewing?
- Yes.

We've completed our tests and Mrs. Ewing
seems to be in remarkably good condition.

There were almost no injuries.

- Except for the miscarriage.
- Except for that.

I do think she should stay in the
hospital for a few days, though.

- To make sure there are no complications.
- Yes, of course. Can I see her?

She's sedated, but if you wanna
see her now, I have no objection.

Thank you.

Excuse me, will we be
able to see her at all?

Not now.

I think she'll sleep through
the night and it's just as well.

Tomorrow will be soon enough
to hear about the miscarriage.

Well, I guess there's no sense
in us sticking around here.

- You think?
- Well, you heard what she said.

Besides, you still have to
drop me off at Southfork.


I just feel so sorry for
Sue... For Mrs. Ewing.

I mean, lose a baby like that.

I know, so do I.

I was surprised to find
out that she was pregnant.

Oh, yeah? Why?

Well, if you'd been around her
and J.R. enough, you'd know.

She can't stand him.

She won't even
let him touch her.

I don't know, I don't think Sue
Ellen's been with anybody else...

but I still find it hard to believe
that J.R. could be the father.

Well, you never know.

I think it's time to
leave, Mr. Ewing.

- Are you sure she's all right?
- Yes.

Oh, there was no
permanent damage.

Should be no time at all
before you and Mrs. Ewing...

can try and have another child.

I was somewhat surprised
she was having this one.

We talked about
having more children.

She seemed dead set against it.


these things sometimes
happen when you least expect it.

Yeah, that's true.

I appreciate everything you've
done, I'll be back tomorrow.

That'll be fine.

And, Mr. Ewing?

Lightning has been
known to strike twice.


Paul, could you speak up?

We have a bad connection.
I can't hear you too well.

- Yeah, how's this?
- Oh, that's fine. It's good.

What did you find out?

Not a lot. I've checked
Randolph out...

Discreetly, of course.
"with quite a few people.

- And?
- Well, he's squeaky clean.

He hasn't even gotten
any parking tickets.

There's not a trace
of scandal anywhere.

When he was with the firm,
he was a pillar of society.

Since he joined the
government, even better.

Yeah, well, that was always
my image of him, but...

Look, I have to tell you, he has
done some strange things lately.

There just has to be a reason.

Well, I'll keep trying.

As it happens, I'm
going to an affair tonight

where some of his
old friends should be.

Maybe one can point
me in the right direction.

I'd appreciate anything
you can find out.

- I know, I'll keep in touch.
- Okay, you take care.

- Bye-bye.
- Bye.

No dirt, huh?

Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

- I'm going to bed now.
- All right, honey.

- You okay?
- Mm-hm.

You sure?

Yeah. Hey, who's supposed to be
taking care of who, anyway, huh?

I know, but I'm
worried about you.

You look so down.

Just wasn't a good
day today, that's all.

Give me a kiss.

- Good night, Mom.
- Good night, babe.

- Sweet dreams.
- You too.

- Bobby?
- Jenna, it's me.


Come on...

it's gonna be all right, it's
not the end of the world.

It was awful.

With the car hitting her and
finding out she'd miscarried.

If I hadn't have had he! come,
none of this would've happened.

Wait a minute, that's
stretching things a bit, isn't it?

There's no way this is your fault.
You said she's gonna be all right.

- That's what the doctor said.
- All right.

You got a cup of coffee
for me or something?


How's J.R. taking it?

Oh, he seemed to be surprised
to find out that she was pregnant.

He was pretty upset.

Miscarriage is a terrible thing,
but Sue Ellen will get over it.

I suppose.

You know, when Pam and I were
married, she had two miscarriages.

No, I didn't know that.

It was really
very hard on her...

but her situation was a
lot different than Sue Ellen.

She just couldn't
carry a baby to full term.

I don't understand.
What about Christopher?

He's adopted. Not that
that makes any difference.

We never thought of him as
anything other than our natural child.

Well, of course not. I know how much
you love him, and I'm sure Pam does too.

Actually, Christopher is
Sue Ellen's sister's child.

Well, how did you come to
adopt him and not Sue Ellen?

That is a very long story.

But my life sure is a lot
better now that he's in it.

I can understand that feeling.

I don't know what I would've
done without Charlie.

She's a beautiful child.

Beautiful like her mother.

Thank you.


I don't wanna upset you any
more that you are right now...

but I keep thinking
that if Charlie is mine...

then she would be my
one true bloodline child.

Does it matter so much to you
whether or not you're Charlie's father?

Would I feel any
different about if?

- And me.
- No, I don't think so.

The more you won't talk
about Charlie's father...

the more I think it might be me.

- Bobby...
- Mom, can you come up here for a minute?

- I'll be right there, babe.
- What were you gonna say?


It really wasn't anything.

Thank you.

- Good morning, darling.
- Good morning.

- How are you feeling?
- All right. Just a little bewildered.

I don't remember much
after the car hit me.

Well, we're mighty lucky
you weren't badly hurt.

- Have you seen the doctor?
- No.

You know. When I
went home last night...

- I did a lot of thinking about us.
- Did you?

And I really believe...

that no matter how upset
you've been with me...

you have been faithful to me.

What does that got
to do with anything?

Well, honey, for a little while
there, I found it hard to believe...

that the one night
you came to my room...

before the Oil Baron's Ball...

that that would have done it.

“Done it“? What are
you talking about?

You don't know?

They didn't tell you?

Oh, honey, I'm so sorry.

The accident. You were pregnant.

You lost our child.


Oh, my God.

- It's really beautiful here, isn't it?
- And as expensive as it is pretty.

The shoreline herein Malibu...

costs more feet for foot than
any other property in the country.


And that is where
Renaldo Marchetta is living.

How can he possibly
afford something like that?

He can't. But the woman
he's living with can.

Oh? And what do
we know about her?

She's in her 505.

The house was part of
her divorce settlement.

She met Mr. Marchetta in Canada,
they moved back here together.

I take it she's wealthy?

80-50. The house is for
sale. She may need money.

So Renaldo may be
looking for greener pastures.

That would follow his pattern.

I'd really like to meet this man.
You think you can arrange that?

He'd be willing to listen to what
someone as wealthy as you...

might have to say,
Miss Wentworth.

Good. As soon as possible.

I've been waiting a long
time to meet this man.

Dr. Rubinsky, office.

Dr. Rubinsky, call your office.

Nurse Pinsley. emergency.

Nurse Pinsley. Please
report to emergency room.

Dr. Macy, Radiology.

I guess...

I guess, after this...

we'll probably never
have a child together.

I want you to know how much
that child would have meant to me.

I'm so glad that
you're all right.

I'll be back tonight.

Come in.

You wanted me to let you
know when Pam came?

Oh, yeah. She
finally got here, huh?

She's in her office.

Good. Do me a favor.

Hold he! calls for a few
minutes, will you, please?


Come in.

- Hi.
- Good morning. How are you?

I'm all right.

You got a minute that
you could talk to me?

- About what?
- About offshore drilling leases.

Come on, I thought
that was a dead issue.

No, it's not, really.
It's really too important.

I know that Mark's against it,
and I know it's risky business.

But I have the geologicals and
I have the seismograph charts...

and they're great.

- You know how much money's involved.
- I do.

I already have a partner who's
willing to go a third with me.

And I can handle the other
two-thirds by myself if I have to.

But I really want you
to come in this with me.


Why is it so important to
you that I invest with you?

Because you're my sister.

And because it's always been
you and me against the world.

You're all the family I've got.

I'll tell you something.
I was thinking:

The main reason that I
dislike the Ewings so much...

Don't go into that again.

No, no. The main reason I
dislike the Ewings so much...

is because they've always been
this big family that stood together.

I mean, no matter what fighting
they did amongst themselves...

they stood together against
the outsiders. And look at us.

Mama abandoned us...

and poor Digger was a drunk that
left us to grow up with Aunt Maggie.

And all of our lives, until
Mama came back into it...

all we ever had was each other.

Cliff, you know how
much family means to me.


Even though I think this
is a great business deal...

I mean, put the
business deal aside.

I want us to do this
because we're a family.

If you wanna ask Mark to
come in with us, well, that's fine...

- because I think of him as family too.
- Cliff, do you really mean it?

This isn't your way of trying
to get us to come in with you?

Oh, no. Look, okay. I know
you've got every reason to wonder.

I've done some things in the
past that weren't really that terrific.

But know this time, I really
want us in this together.

It's time we showed the Ewings
they aren't the only family in town.

You're a beauty.

I'll talk to Mark. We'll see.


- I'll be in my office if you need me.
- Well, I didn't mean right this minute.

Oh, I know, I know.

But when you do...

I'll be there.

I can't believe a grown man
can be as dumb as Cliff Barnes.

I don't know how he
manages to feed himself.

Now, what's he calling her for?

Aha. That's why he
paid for those geologicals.

- Sly?
- Yes, sir?

- Would you come in here a
minute, please? Flight away.

Yes, sir?

Would you see if Marilee
Stone's free for lunch?

If not lunch, a
drink or dinner. Just

impress upon her I
wanna see her right away.

What about Andy Bradley 01
Jordan Lee? Should I call them too?

No, no, just Marilee. This doesn't
concern the rest of the Cartel.

Yes, sir.

Now, why would Marilee
throw in with Cliff Barnes?

- Hello, Mr. Ewing.
- Hello. Is Clayton Fallow here yet?

Yes, he just got here,
he's at your table.

Thank you.

- Cassie, has Clayton ordered a drink?
- Yes, sir.

- Just bring me a Scotch on the rocks.
- Be there in a minute.

- Hello, Clayton.
- Hey, Bobby.

- Nice of you to meet me.
- My pleasure. Sit down.

I imagine you know
what I wanna talk about.

I assume it's to tell me...

whether or not you're gonna join
us in our offshore lease venture.

That's right.

Oh, thank you, Cassie.

- Would you like to see the menus?
- Clayton?

- In a little while.
- Not right now, thank you.

I've given what you
said a lot of thought.

And I believe that it's probably
a very good, if risky, venture.

So far, I like what I'm hearing.

But I have decided
not to come in with you.

- You mind telling me why, Clayton?
- 01 course not.

As good as it may look...

there's always a possibility, in
any venture, of it turning sour.

And offshore drilling is
the riskiest of ventures.

But it's not the money that
I'm most concerned about.

Then what is it?

If it should go wrong...

I believe that my
relationship with J.R...

would deteriorate very badly.

We're cordial now, just barely.

And I don't want that
pressure of a business deal...

to cause trouble between the
family, myself and Miss Ellie.

Clayton, I can understand
the way you feel.

I think you're taking
a downside view of it.

There is another reason a
little more difficult to explain.

You know, what we're talking
about is a sizable investment...

many millions of dollars.

And I don't want J.R., or
anyone else in this town...

to get the idea that I'm trying to
buy my way into the Ewing family.

- Clayton, that idea never occurred to me.
- I'm sure it didn't.

But your brother and a lot of people
in town don't think the way you do.

Well, I hope you understand
why I wanted you to join us.

Of course.

And if it were just
you, I would have.

But I think, all things
considered, I'm gonna pass.

I'm sure that you can find
another partner somewhere.

Well, I'm not so sure we can.

I think this just might be the end
of Ewing's offshore oil bidding.

And to tell you the
truth, I think I'm relieved.

Oh, good.

- Shall we order?
- Yeah, let's do. Cassie?

We'll see a couple of
menus now, thank you.

Hello, Sue Ellen.
How are you feeling?

Aren't you supposed
to be telling me that?

According to all
my tests, you're fine.

How's the food?

Well, it's pretty good. I just hope I don't
have to have too many more meals here.

I don't see why you
shouldn't be going home.

Oh, good.


there wasn't any permanent damage
due to the miscarriage, was there?

No, none.

It's odd...

but I was just thinking.

Remember the night of the Oil
Baron's Ball, you and I were talking?

Yes, of course.

I also remember
the fight that ended it.

Yes, well, it was quite a night.

But anyway...

I was just thinking that...

Well, I was pregnant
then, wasn't I?

I don't know about that.

Of course I was, I
had to have been.

Well, it's possible, Sue Ellen.

But it's also possible that it happened
sometime after the Oil Baron's Ball.


How...? How much after?

How long had I been pregnant?

Sue Ellen, relax.

I mean, does that
really matter now?


It really doesn't matter.

Marilee Stone.

Well, thank you.

Hello, Marilee. You're
looking lovely as usual.

Thank you.

I heard about Sue Ellen.
I hope she's all right.

Yeah, no real injuries.

Well, that's good.

But I hear she lost
a child. I'm sorry.

Yes. Yes, she did.

So you two are close again.

There was a time I thought
you were gonna leave her...

and you and I were
gonna be together.

Well, really, that was a while ago.
I think you know it's for the best.

And we were rather compatible.

Were we, though?

J.R., you didn't ask me here
to talk about old times, did you?

No, no. But seeing you,
it's hard not to remember.

Well, let's try and put that aside
and concentrate on why we are here.

Of course.

Marilee, you've always
had a real head for business.

I still do.

Well, not too long ago, Bobby had
a meeting with Jordan and Andy.

He was inviting them into a
business deal with Ewing Oil.

Offshore drilling leases.


Well, they declined. They're
not coming in on it with us, but...

Well, Jordan's too
old, Andy's too timid...

but they did say that they
spoke for you. Is that right?

Yes. You know that Stonehurst has
been partners with them for a long time.

The Cartel invest together.

Oh, yeah, yeah, I
know that very well.

It seems to me that you might wanna
venture outside the Cartel now and again.

Those two old boys
are rather conservative.

J.R., what are you getting at?

I wanna know if you
wanna come in with Ewing...

bid with us in the
upcoming lease auction.

I think that's a little
too rich for my blood.

I'm not going anywhere
near those offshore leases.

- Well, that surprises me.
- Now, why should that surprise you?

Well, all the independents
are gonna give it a shot.

Westar, Four State,
some of the majors.

And I understand that even
Barnes-Wentworth is interested.

Can you imagine that?

- Is that so?
- Yeah.

Barnes is so dumb,
he might go it alone.

He can't even get
his sister or her

boyfriend, Graison,
to go in on it with him.

Well, that may be very true...

but it he can get the right
tracks for the right price...

maybe even Cliff
Barnes might do very well.

Well, one of these days, I'm
sure the sun will rise in the west...

but I don't think I'm gonna be
around long enough to see that.

No, what I'm gonna see is Barnes
bankrupting his mama's business.

I don't know why we're
talking about Cliff Barnes.

What has he got to do
with either one of us?

You're absolutely
right, darling.

The man is a loser, always
has been, always will be.

I'm not gonna jinx myself
by talking about him.

Say, you know, I think we can
get a better wine than this. Miss?

Would you bring me a
new wine list, please?

I really feel fine, Pam.

Now I understand
what you went through.

Not only once, but twice.

It was terrible.

Bobby and I both
wanted a baby so much.

But my not being
able to carry full term...

At least I can
have more children.

But I don't think I will.

I don't know, maybe the car
accident was a blessing in disguise.

Then things aren't better
between you and J.R.?


No, we lead separate lives.

We come together for
meals 01101 John Ross...

or a social function where we
have to make an appearance.

But it's all a Charade.

The funny thing is...

I think in his own way...

he really does love me and
he wants to have more children.

Then this must have
been very difficult for him.

It was difficult. It was
difficult for both of us.

Sue Ellen, maybe I don't
have the right to ask this, but...

But if things really are the
same between J.R. and me...

how did we conceive a child?

I'm sorry, I shouldn't
have asked.


No, it's all right.

I've wondered the
same thing myself.

We've only made love once...

in I don't know how long.

One night, before
the Oil Baron's Ball...

I don't know.

I needed a man.

I needed him.

So in the middle of the
night, I went back to my room...

and we became strangers again.

I didn't come here to
upset you. I'm sorry.

Why don't you get some
rest and I'll see you soon?

Thank you for coming, Pam.

I am a little sleepy.

- Bye.
- Good night.

Dr. Hill, emergency, telephone.

Dr. Hm. emergency. telephone.


- Isn't it?
- Yeah.

- Mrs. Ewing, hello.
- What are you doing here?

I just stopped in to see
how Mrs. Ewing was feeling.

Lucy and I had come down
earlier when we heard she was hurt.

That's nice of you to be
concerned about Sue Ellen.

I got to know her well this
summer, counseling John Ross.

I think she needs to rest right
now. She was going to try and sleep.

I don't wanna bother her. I
wanna make sure she was all right.

Oh, she's fine, really. I'm sure
you can visit with her tomorrow.

All right.

Well, better look in on her
tomorrow, if I have some time.

- Can I walk you to your car?
- Well, that would be lovely, thank you.

Dr. Schwartz, call your office.

Dr. Schwartz, call your office.

Mrs. Wentworth.


I am Renaldo Marchetta.

I'm not surprised.

A Mr. Johnson told me that a very wealthy,
very beautiful lady wished to talk to me.

Well, I am very wealthy.

And very beautiful.

I have some business to discuss.

With me?

Why would you possibly
want to talk to me?

I've been looking all
over the world for you.

And this business could mean
a great deal of money to you.

This becomes more
and more fascinating.

Can we go for some
coffee, perhaps?

Have our little talk?

Why not?

You can't get it.
You can't, you can't...

- Bobby?
- Yes.

- Come on, let me in.
- Hi.

We still gotta go pick up Christopher.
We're gonna be late, hurry up.

I'll be right back.

Well, what's all that about?

Well, it seems she's very
excited about going to Southfork.

- Oh, she is?
- Looks like she has a good reason.

Yeah, well. I was gonna
explain all that to you...

but it seems like your
daughter can't keep a secret.

That's right.

- You know about the horse.
- I do.

How mad are you?

Well, not as mad as I should be.

It means an awful lot to her.

Then we can go ride
the horse? Can we, huh?

Yes, you dummy.

Thanks, Mom.


- Hey, who bought you the horse anyway?
- Thank you, Bobby. I love you.

I love you too, honey.

Are you sure?
There's no mistake?

I was married to her,
of course I am sure.

I knew it. I knew if I found
you, you'd have the answers.

Then this is what you
have been looking for?

Oh, yes. It's exactly
what I wanted to know.

These are the bids from
the Atlantic shelf auction.

- These are from the Louisiana Gulf.
- Okay.

And finally, the last auction
off the California coast.

Oh, terrific. Jackie, I really appreciate
all the hard work you've done.

It wasn't hard
getting the figures...

but why are you so interested
in offshore lease auction?

Hi. There's nobody out here.

- Well, come on in. Thanks, Jackie.
- Sure.

- Hi, Jackie.
- Hello.

Was this the reason I could
never get you out of the office?

These are the figures from the last
three government offshore lease auctions.

Well, why do you need these?


Cliff asked me to think about
our going in with him again.

Did he?

And is Cliff gonna
get a fast answer?

I think he deserves that.

Then why is it taking
you so long to answer me?



You and me. Life together.

I remember that.

You know, I kid around an
awful lot, but I am no fool...

and I don't have all the
patience in the world.

You said you wanted a
little time. I've given you time.

And now, I think I'm
entitled to an answer.

- Yes, that's right, it's just...
- You can't make up your mind, right?

You love me, but you can't quite
shake Bobby out of your system.

That's not exactly true.

Well, it's close enough.

So here is what's gonna happen. I
am going away for a couple of weeks.

- Where?
- South America and then the Middle East.

I do have a business
to take care of.

You just can't expect me to pick
up and leave everything and go off.

I'm not asking you
to. I'm going alone.

I wanna give you a time to think
without any pressure from me.

I love you.

I wanna many you. And when
I get back, I want an answer.

And more than
anything else in my life...

I want the answer to be yes.

I wanna spend my life with you.

But if it's no...

it's gonna hurt like hell for a long
time and I'm gonna have to live with it.

But one way or the
other, I want an answer.

I really do love you.

I'll see you in a
couple of weeks.

You know what, Teresa? I think
it's time we change the china.

- Oh, it's so pretty.
- Yeah, but it's stodgy.

I'd like something
gavel, with flowers.

And I think I'll redo my
room, brighten that up.

- You're in a happy mood, Miss Ellie.
- Yes, I guess I am.

- Mama?
- Sue Ellen.

- Welcome home.
- Thank you, Miss Ellie.

- How do you feel?
- Fine, really.

Good, then let's not
talk about it anymore.

I'm sure you've had enough
consoling to last you a lifetime.

I think I have.

J.R., take Sue Ellen's bag
upstairs. We're gonna have lunch.

All right, I'll be
down in a minute.

Actually, I'm not very
hungry, Miss Ellie.

Well, then, have some coffee.

Ewing residence.

- Has Lucy been taking John Ross to school?
- Yes, she has.

And they ought to
be home any minute.


He wanted to go to
the hospital to see you.

- Oh, he's so sweet.
- Mrs. Ewing, telephone.

Oh, thank you.
Excuse me, Miss Ellie.

- Hello?
- Hi.

I'm at the hospital. They
told me you were discharged.

Yes, I just got home.

I wanna see you.
Are you all right?

I'm fine. But I don't want
you to come out here.

Then let's meet at my place.


Then I'm coming out there.

I've gotta see you.
We have to talk.

- Not here.
- Darling, are we gonna have lunch?

I'll see you tomorrow,
about 10:00.

My place.

Yes, that's just fine.


Don't you think you ought to stay
home? You just got home from the hospital.

Oh, that was Marsha. She
has this great new manicurist.

And after all, if we're gonna
go to the Andersons' party...

I've gotta get my nails done.

They're such a mess.

I still don't have that much.

I sure appreciate you coming
straight out from the airport, Paul.

No problem.

Okay, I went to this party...

and met an old friend of Edgar's
from Maryland, where he grew up.

Yeah, Sam and I were out there
for dinner with Edgar and his parents.

Anyway, he got a little
looped and he talked to me.

It seems that a
long time back...

Edgar was institutionalized
with some psychiatric problems.

What problems?

I don't know, I
couldn't find out.

Now, either the guy didn't
really know, or just wouldn't say.

I didn't wanna
press him too hard.

- You know anything about that, honey?
- No. No, I'm just as surprised as you are.

Well, anyway, that's all I
could do. I hope it'll help.

Well, I think so. Anyway, I
thank you for everything you did.

From now on, I guess
it's just really up to us.

Well, I wondered where
you disappeared to.

Southfork is so beautiful.

Yes, it is.

I think it was on a
night just like this...

right here, as a matter of
fact, that I first kissed you.

- Nope.
- No?

It was out by the stables.
It was during the day.

You pulled me off my horse, we fell down,
and the next thing I knew, we were kissing.

Well, that's not exactly
the way I remember it.

Bobby, why did you
buy Charlie that horse?

- What made you bring that up?
- I've been thinking about it.

That's all that she talks about.

And she's gonna wanna
come here every day riding it.

I can't play chauffeur. I've
got the shop to take care of.

Listen, I can come in and
pick her up sometime...

or I send one of the
hands in. It'll be fine.

She doesn't belong here, Bobby.

She's seeing a side of life that's
gonna be tough for her to have to give up.

Well, why should
she have to give it up?

Suppose you and I break up.

What's gonna happen
to the horse then?

Are you planning on
running away from me again?

You know I'm not.

Well, then, I can't think
of anything I'd like better...

than to have Miss Charlotte
Wade out here all the time.

If her mother happens
to come along as part

of the package, I can
learn to live with that.

Are you trying to tell me
something in your roundabout way?

What I'm trying to tell you...

is I think the three of us
have something very special.

And that's the
way I want it to be.

So damn the torpedoes
and full speed ahead.

Hi. Come on in.

Let me take that. Come
sit right over here, come on.

These are for you.

There you go.

I didn't get a chance to
see you at the hospital.

Except for once,
you were sleeping.

Oh, did you get the
flowers I left you?

Yes, yes, it was very sweet of
you. And thank you for these.

- But you should have saved your money.
- Oh, obviously you don't know how I felt.

I've never been so miserable.

Peter, I'm all right.

But you miscarried a baby.

Our baby.

What are you talking
about? “Our baby“?

I know we only made love once...

but you told me you weren't
making love with your husband.

It had to be our baby.

All I could think of was how wonderful it
would've been to have that baby together.

Care for it, watch it grow.

I can't believe all
the things that I felt.

Peter, I don't know
that you were the father.

You told me that I
was the only one.

- That you and J.R...
- I know what I told you.

- It was almost true.
- Almost?

What the hell do you mean by
“almost“? You made love to him?

Yes. One night. It could
have been either one of you.

I don't believe
it. You lied to me!

Peter, what difference
does it make?

If that had have
been your child...

do you actually picture
us raising it together?


You expect me to leave
Southfork, J.R., for you?

To raise a child and
live here with you?

I don't know what
I thought exactly.

Then I guess I better tell
you the truth once and for all.

Peter, I have very
strong feelings for you.

I think you're a
wonderful, pure boy.

But if that accident
hadn't have happened...

I wouldn't have that child
anyway. I would have aborted it.

The pregnancy was a mistake.
Our relationship is a mistake.

I told you before that I didn't
wanna hurt you, and I have.

And I didn't wanna
be hurt, and I am.

So, Peter, I am telling you
something once and for all.

It is over. Through,
finished, done.

And I don't wanna
ever see you again.

I know the pain that you must be going
through right now because I've been there.

But it passes. It always does.

You just stay out of my life.
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