07x27 - Turning Point

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dallas". Aired: April 1978 to May 1991.*
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The oil-rich Ewings endure daily troubles in Texas.
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07x27 - Turning Point

Post by bunniefuu »

And over there are
the canals, of course.

That's another
little old paddock.

That's where we
keep the stallion.

Hey, George, how you doing?

Well, how do you like Southfork?

It's beautiful, J.R.

It makes me realize how
much I miss the Southern Cross.

If you like ranching so much, why on
earth did you ever move to England?

Well, when Clayton married
Amy, things changed...

and I thought it'd
be better it I left.

Yeah? Then you
came back years later?

- Fifteen years.
- Oh, yeah.

Clayton had problems, and,
um I thought I'd help him out.

What kind of problems?

I think you better take me back.

Well, there's lots more to see.

Clayton and Ellie'll be
wondering where we went off to.

Yeah, well, rumor has it Clayton
was in big financial trouble.


I want this marriage
stopped as much as you do.

But digging into Clayton's
past isn't gonna do it.

He's always been
an honorable man.

Miss Ellie, aren't you
gonna invite the Crenshaws?

Oh, my, I forgot all about them.

Well, we have to.
She's Pat Bauer's sister.

I thought you said you
wanted a small wedding.

Well, one more
couple won't matter.

That is the 10th
time you've said that.

The more the merrier,
as far as I'm concerned.

That's because you don't
have to address the invitations.

My handwriting's just not
as pretty as you ladies'.

If I ever heard an excuse
to get out of work, that's it.

Not at all.

I'm just trained to supervise.

My, what an industrious group.

We're addressing wedding
invitations. You wanna help?

Oh, of course.

You can start with the first
name that hasn't been checked.

Where have you
two been all morning?

I've been showing
Jessica around Southfork.

I don't see Dusty's
and Linda's name here.

Well, that's because Clayton
hasn't given us Dusty's address.

Well, last place I talked
to him was in Cheyenne.

I tried to call him
there a few days ago,

but apparently they're
on the way to Calgary.

I just haven't been able
to reach him, that's all.

Well, you know how men
are about these things.

He's liable to forget to ask
his own son to his wedding.

Oh, there's nothing to worry about.
Sue Ellen is an expert party-giver.

She'd never forget to
invite Dusty, that's for sure.

Well, I guess I'm
worrying over nothing.

You are.

Well, I hate to leave
this happy gathering.

I'd better change
and go to work.

Somebody's gotta keep
the family fortune rolling in.

See you, Mama.

Bye, J.R.

J.R. really loves
Southfork, Ellie.

All my sons do.

They're very generous to want
to share it with another man.

Now, as you can see, this place
can easily hold a reception for 500.

We're talking about
a sit-down dinner.

I don't want people
balancing little plates.

No, no, sit-down, of course.

- Is it gonna be done in time?
- Oh, absolutely.

The painting will be
finished in plenty of time.

And look, there's even room
for a dance floor and for a band.

All right. Terrific.

Were you going to hold
the ceremony at the hotel...

or are you planning
a church wedding?

You know, we really
hadn't discussed that. I, uh...

- Will you give us a couple of minutes?
- I'll be in my office.

Thank you.

Pam. Now, what'll it be?
A church wedding or here?

How about five minutes
at city hall this afternoon?

Are you joking?

This wedding is gonna be the
most important day of my life.

Well, it's important to me too.

Honey, I wanna
show you off to all my

friends. I got a stack
of telegrams at home.

And I have friends flying
in from all over the world.

I know how much it means to you.

Now, look...

I love you so much we can cancel the
big wedding plans, if that's what you want.

Tell the man
we'll take the hall.

And we'll have the
ceremony here too.

I just didn't wanna waste all this
beauty on a little city-hall ceremony.



- Hello there, J.R.
- Hi, Kendal.

- How are you doing today?
- Fine, fine.

Hey, ladies.

- Good morning.
- Any messages?

- Uh, nothing urgent.
- Bobby's in his office.

Where's that rascal
been keeping himself?

He hasn't been around
here for a couple days.

Oh, well. Take these to
my office, will you, honey?

Yes, sir.

Yeah, come in.

Hey, Bob.

Oh, come on in, J.R.

We have some things
we have to discuss.

You didn't elope with Jenna Wade, did
you? You haven't been home for two days.

I was in Houston.

Oh, well, that's no
place for a honeymoon.

- Conducting business.
- Uh-oh, here we go again.

My little brother, the Lone
Range! of the oil business.

Hey, Bob, I thought that
after the Travis Boyd deal...

that you agreed to talk to me first before
you committed Ewing Oil to anything.

I agreed to nothing.

And I hope you realize
the Travis Boyd oil fields...

are the only new fields that
we've acquired up till now.

“Up till now.“ What
are you talking about?

I met with the executives
at Wentworth Industries.

They wanna reduce
their holdings of oil-lease

lands, I've agreed
to take the best.

Don't suppose your ex-wife
had anything to do with that?

No. As a matter of fact, Katherine
tipped me off, she set it up.

- Is that right?
- Yeah, and it's a good deal.

Just like that? Out of the
goodness of her heart?

So what? Look, J.R., I've known for along
time that you're not her favorite person.

So she came to me. And what difference
does it make? Ewing Oil got the deal.

She's making points
with you, Bobby.

We're just friends,
J.R., nothing more.

- Where do you want me to sign?
- You're not gonna argue with me?

Well, you're always pointing out
that you're not a rookie in this business.

See you, Bob.

There's only one room for king
of the hill around here, Katherine.

And I'm it.

- Yes?
- Mr. Leland is here.

Send him right in.


Sorry I'm late, but I had to
handle a rather nasty foreclosure.

That's okay, sit.
Can I get you a drink?

Oh, yeah, gin, gin.
And hold the ice.

Those things make
me very thirsty.

Well, what can I do for you?

Well, I need you to approve, uh,
another, uh, 15-, 20-million-dollar loan.

What happened?

You just got 10 million
less than two weeks ago.

No, wait, I didn't get any 10 million. Not
after I paid the interest and everything.

You know how fast that money
goes when you're drilling offshore?

I'll tell you something,
I'm really tired of

getting money from
you in dribs and drabs.

Come on, now, Cliff.

Even in the oil business,
$10 million is not a drib or drab.

Whatever. All I know, you could have
made my life one hell of a lot simpler...

if you'd have just given me the
whole amount up front like I asked for.

Yeah, I suppose you're right.

Now, this money, it
really should cinch it.

Because oil is going to start pouring
out of Gold Canyon 340 any day now.


I was hoping I wouldn't
have to tell you this...

but my board of directors...

is very distressed that you haven't
brought in one single test we" yet.

Well, we're out
beyond the 12-mile limit.

I mean, we're
drilling in deep water.

Yes, I know that, and I
reminded them of that very thing.

- Yeah, so?
- Then they reminded me...

that Westar and Four State had hit on their
tracts, and they started when you did.

What, Four State too?

Late last night.

Now, they both hit.

And your "act has the best
geologicals of all of them.

Westar and Four State?

The directors are a little concerned
that maybe you're too inexperienced...

for this kind of, uh, operation.

Inexperienced? Now
what are they talking about?

That's just the nature of the 0” business.
I'm gonna hit, just gonna take me longer.

Well, I'm sure you will.

But my bank was caught
in that dry hole in Alaska.

That was months ago.

Well, it's just beginning
to feel the effects of it now.

Sorry, but they won't approve any
more money for Barnes-Wentworth.

I don't believe that.
I don't believe that.

I mean, they've got collateral
worth twice as much as the loan.

- The bank doesn't see it that way.
- Well, that's crazy.

If they don't approve any more
money, then I'm stopped dead.

I could be stopped three
or four inches from hitting oil.

And then I lose, you lose. What
kind of way is that to do business?


I'm sorry.

No. Wait a minute, wait a minute.
No, no, I've got properties left.

Here, these are two terrific
properties. They're great oil land.

Kesey and Murphy land.
They're rich, they're really rich.

Cliff, my board told me that it
you can't bring in the oil wells...

with the money they
loaned you, that that was it.

I can't stop now.

Well, now, look...

we're old friends. I'm gonna
try to help you all I can.

Let me try to find
a buyer for you.

Someone who'll pay you a
fair price for these properties.

Now, wait a minute, I don't wanna sell
these. I wanna use these as collateral.

I can't do it.

That's it, huh?

That's my choice?

As far as I can see.


Try to find me a buyer.

I'll sell Kesey and Murphy.


Oh, hi. Is John Ross around?

Yes, he's upstairs.


Wait. Um...

Could I talk to you
for just a minute?


I've, um, been trying to reach
you for the past few days.

I was with my mother in Demon.

I had the feeling at
the party the other night

that you were going
to tell J.R. about us.

I don't know what
I was gonna do.

I felt terrible.

I mean, I don't believe the way
he came to your defense with Lucy.

He has a lot of faith in you.

And I really feel
like I betrayed him.

I don't believe
what you're saying.

Do you know what would
happen if he found out about us?

I didn't say anything.

That's because he never
gave you the chance.


you and I could both be
hurt if you don't be careful.

Never give him a
reason to be suspicious.

I've lived with J.R...

over 12 years now...

and he's very capable
of ruining your life.

I better go check on John Ross.

Hi, Dora Mae. Is
Bobby Ewing here?

Yes, Miss Wentworth,
he's waiting for you.

Hey, there she is. Katherine, we did
it. It's signed, sealed and delivered.

- Oh, terrific.
- A bottle of your best champagne.

Yes, sir.

Katherine, J.R. signed
that deal and not a squawk.

I'm sorry you didn't take me to Houston
when you met the Wentworth people.

How could I? You are a
Wentworth, but you're hardly impartial.

I would have been very quiet. I
wanted to be in on your triumph.

Look at this way, there's more to
celebrate now. The deal is finalized.

Oh, good, Cassie, you can
pour that for us right now.

Do you know this is the second time
we've worked together successfully?

Oh, that's right.

You helped me get the Tundra
Torque and bring in my Canadian fields.

Uh-huh. To many more
successful ventures together.

I'll drink to that. I'm
thinking of making

you a full-time partner.
Just name your price.

Well, I'll give it some thought.

- You know what I'd really like?
- What that?

Why don't we fly out
together tonight to Midland?

We can stay and look at
the fields in the morning.


Do you realize there's nothing
out there but miles and miles...

of nothing but miles and
miles? It's flat and it's very boring.

Oh, I know that. But
actually seeing the land...

would make our partnership
so much more real for me.

All right, but
later in the week.

I have a date
with Jenna tonight.

- I got theater tickets and everything.
- Oh.

Now, look, a deal like this does demand
a celebration, so I'll tell you what.

I will take you on a personal tour
of Midland and Odessa if you like.

- How about next Thursday?
- And Friday.

All right, Friday, it's a date.

Come in.

Ready for dinner?

Just about.

What's the matter with you?

Does it show?

This is your kid
sister, remember?

You look like you used to when you
caught me sneaking in from a date.

Well, I guess I haven't any
right anymore to criticize you.

But you're going to anyway.

So out with it.

You seem to have
gotten very thick with J.R.

Well, what's wrong with that?

He's gonna be your
ever-loving stepson.

J.R. will never be
anyone's loving stepson.

Especially mine.

We've been at odds
from the moment we met.

Well, that may be true, but you're
still planning on marrying Ellie Ewing.

Despite J.R.

Is my big brother gonna order
me to stay away from J.R. Ewing?

I can't do that.

But J.R. is a dangerous man.

He's had private detectives
looking into my past.

Oh, don't worry. They
won't find anything.

You don't think I'd be stupid enough,
do you, to tell J.R. our little secret?

I'm never sure
about you, Jessica.

The secret is safe
with me, Clayton.

- Yes, Jackie?
- This is Susan, Cliff.

Jackie went home in. And
Mr. Wes McDowell is here.

Oh, yes, send him in.

Mr. Barnes.

Mr. McDowall. Sit down.

Thank you.

Vaughn Leland tells me that you wanna get
rid of the Kesey and the Murphy properties.

Uh, no, no. No, I told him that I
would be willing to consider offers.

Yeah, well, let me
ask you a question.

Are you willing
to split them up?

Sell them separately?

If the price is right.

There's a developer down in Waco
who's interested in the Murphy land...

but not Kesey.

- A developer? That's oil land.
- That's right.

But a lot of oil companies are cutting
way back on their wildcatting operations.

All right, what would this
developer be willing to pay?

Oh, I think it's too low.

It'd be insulting
even to mention it.

Oh, now, here's a buyer.

He's interested
in both properties.

Plenty of ready cash. Yeah, I think this
old boy would be willing to make a deal.

Matter of fact,
I'm certain of it.

What are we talking
about? Dollars and cents.

Well, if I push him real hard, maybe
I can get this guy up to 10 million.

That's $10 million
for each property?

No, both.

No, no, that's not right. I
paid a lot more for them.

Well, I knew these properties,
Mr. Barnes. You paid too much for them.

No, I didn't. Those
were good buys.

I suppose if you strike oil,
then any price is a good buy.

But, uh...

There's not a producing
well on either property.

That doesn't make any difference. I
mean, $10 million, that's ridiculous.

I need at least 20.

Look, Mr. Barnes,
give me a little time.

Maybe I can find somebody to
come a little closer to your price.

How much time?

A couple months.

No, no, I need the money now.

Well, maybe I could
get you 12 million?

- Not a penny less.
- I'll do my best.

- I'll call you just as soon as I can.
- Okay.


- Yes, sir?
- Where's Pam?

She went for an early lunch.

Oh, my. You know, some days, I really
don't know what she does to earn he! keep.

Well, John Ross is finally
coming out of his shell.

Is he still in therapy?

We were able to stop that.

I think it's a
combination of school...

and having Peter Richards
come to the house to help him.

You know, from what you tell
me, he's really a bright young man.

I think the last time I saw him was
at the hospital after your accident.


He's become quite
attached to the family.

How have things been
since the accident?

I mean, between you and J.R.

Uh, actually, nothing's changed.


J.R. has, uh, tried
to make amends.

He's been very
attentive, and even kind.

Well, I guess you aren't
ready to respond to that.

How can I trust him?

I'm afraid, it I let my guard down,
that he's gonna hurt me again.

Well, Sue Ellen, you
have history on your side.

I know, but I'm lonely.

I never thought one could be lonely
living in the same house with a big family.

Maybe the hustle and bustle of Miss
Ellie's and Clayton's wedding will help.

I hope so.

Miss Ellie is certainly getting
herself a wonderful husband.

I wish I could be
at the wedding.

Oh, I'm sure she'd
love it if you came.

Oh, thanks, but I can't.

I've got my wedding plans to worry about.
Seems to get more complicated every day.

What do you mean?

Well, of all things, Mark
wants a big wedding.

I think he's invited
half the world.

I'm sure he looks at
you as a wonderful prize.

Well, he's a wonderful man.

It's just, the wedding ceremony
seems to be getting out of hand.

You know, when Bobby
and I were married...

we got married in front of a justice
of the peace in New Orleans...

and I think the whole ceremony
just took about 10 minutes, tops.


are you all right?


I guess I still cry at
weddings, especially my own.

Your, uh, decision to
many Mark surprised me.


We've been seeing
each other for a year.

Just before you left
for Houston, um...

you told me that you
didn't wanna marry him.

I changed my mind.

Just like that?


Well, what happened?

You seem so certain.

Sue Ellen, do you mind? I don't
wanna talk about it anymore.


Mr. Ewing...

over here.

Hello, Flowers.

- Hardly recognized you.
- That's okay.

Want a beer?

Yeah, sure, if
that's all they got.

- Hon, bring us a couple beers.
- Sure.

So how's everything in the Gulf?

- Cliff Barnes ready to strike oil?
- Not yet.

But the whole
operation's got me worried.

Yeah? Why's that?

Well, you've been paying me a
lot of money to slow things down.

I don't think I've been able
to slow them down enough.

Well, now, you've been
doing a good job so far.

Oh, I know.

I've been able to miss the most
promising geological formations.

Barnes is so dumb,
he doesn't know that.

But the crew is getting suspicious,
and someone might tip him off.

Well, you just gotta get rid of
any potential troublemakers.

Oh, I've been trying to do that. And
I've hired the worst crew I could find.

But, you know,
that's hard to do.

Most of those guys
are pretty sharp.

Well, you just gotta hold it up for
another couple of weeks at the most.

Barnes is just about
to run out of money.


If he was drilling any other
tract, it'd sure be easier.

He's got possibly the
richest tract in the Gulf.

Yeah, I know that.

If it wasn't, he wouldn't be pouring every
dollar he can get his hands on into it.


I just wanted you to know
that I'm doing my best.

But sooner or later...

even an idiot with a long straw
could suck up oil out of that tract.

You're just gonna have to make
sure he keeps getting the short straw.

Hell, he's used to
that anyway, isn't he?

Why don't you come
in for a minute, Pam?


I don't really know
if I should, though.

Maybe I should
get back into town.

Well, hello.


Charlie, you remember
Pam, don't you?

Yeah, how are you?

I'm fine, thank you.

Bobby, can we go now?

Yes, we can go.
Charlie has to go riding.

Well, I understand that.
Nice to see you again, Charlie.


Why don't you go
ahead? I'll be right there.

All right. Come on, kid.

- Well, aren't you coming in?
- No, I don't think so, Sue Ellen.

Thanks for the
lunch, I'll call you later.

- All right, bye-bye.
- Bye.



Bobby told me
you're getting married.

Yes, that's right.

I wanted to wish
you the best of luck.

Well, thank you. I imagine you and Bobby
will be announcing your wedding soon.

I'm not so sure.

Well, that surprises
me. Why not?

He hasn't asked me.

Pam, I don't think Bobby is going to
be ready to many anyone for a while.

If it is me, I just wanted to let you
know that I'll try to make him very happy.

Well, I'm sure you
can do that, Jenna.

And he deserves to be happy.


Hello, Harry.

- Fix yourself a drink.
- Thanks.

Hey, I'm sorry about the
delay, but I've been really busy.

I'm tired of fooling around
with this kid, Peter Richards.

It's time to lower
the boom on him.


You want me to pick
the time and place?

Mm-hmm. Just so
long as it's soon.

Well, it might take a
couple of days to set it up.

Whatever time it takes.

I've got some good news
for you from San Angelo.

You got something
on Clayton Fallow?

I contacted someone who was around at
the time of the fire at the Southern Cross.


Fallow brought
bulldozers, leveled the ruins

before the embers
had a chance to cool.

You telling me he was trying
to cover up any signs of arson?

That's exactly what
my contact said.

He said rumors were
flying all over San Angelo.

In fact, they still
haven't been laid to rest.

Well, I want you to pump this
contact of yours for eyewitnesses.

Our time is
growing short, Harry.

It Fallow torched that place to
cover up the m*rder of his wife...

I sure wanna know before
he marries my mama.

That's the kind of information that could
bring this wedding to a screeching halt.


I thought you'd be asleep.


No, I've just got
a lot on my mind.

Sweetheart, why don't you
put your work away for a while?

You'll feel fresher
in the morning.

Is that my file?

Is this all the money you have
from what my mother left you?

Why are you going through my
bankbook and my bank statements?

You know, I don't understand
how you can spend money that fast.

What are you doing? This is personal. It's
none of your business how I spend money.

I wanna show you something.
You got a withdrawal for $100,000.

What the hell did you
spend $100,000 on?

I bought my mother a house.

You bought your mother a
house in Biloxi for $100,000?

- What'd you buy, a mansion?
- No, just a house.

How far do you think
100,000 goes nowadays?

Lookit, here's a withdrawal for
10,000. Here's one for 20,000.

Yes, yes, I bought my mother
a car and I bought one for Mitch.

- Mitch? Mitch is a doctor.
- No, he is a resident.

And if you'll go and check
further, you'll find out...

I bought a car for myself, which you
use every single time yours is in the shop.

And I bought myself clothes. I wanna
know what you're doing with my bankbooks.

I happen to temporarily
be in a financial bind.

And I need all the cash
I can lay my hands on.

So you just thought you
would help yourself to mine.

Well, you don't have to worry about it,
you don't have money to buy coffee...

for the kitchens in
the rigs for 24 hours.

Oh, but you're saying if there had
been more, you would have just taken it.

I wanna show you something. That's
a joint account. My name's on that too.

Cliff, I only did that in
case of an emergency.

With the way you spend money, the
only emergency you could handle now...

maybe, is a new tire.

For your mom's new car that's
parked in front of her new house.

Cliff, let me tell you something. I
have enough money left in here...

to rent my own apartment and
make my own way without you.

Oh, well, that's characteristic,
you just walk out now.

You're really in
trouble, aren't you?

I'll handle it.

I'm sorry about yesterday.

You mean about Pam
and Jenna meeting?

It was bound to
happen sooner or later.

I know, but it was an
awkward few minutes.

If I knew Jenna was going to be here, I'd
never have asked Pam to drive me home.

Oh, forget it.

We just have to get
used to the idea around

here that partners
have changed, that's all.

Oh, is there someone else
thinking about another marriage?

Well, I'm not sure.

I like Jenna a lot, but I'm
not sure I feel about her...

the same way I did
when we were younger.

Maybe you haven't
gotten over Pam.

Yeah, maybe.

You know...

I really don't understand
you and Pam at all.

Yesterday, we had lunch...

and she was telling me
what a terrific guy Mark was...

and how good he was to her.

But she never mentioned
once that she loved him.

- So?
- Don't you think that's strange?

She's marrying him, isn't she?


Well, strange or not,
that's all that counts.

You seem awfully
bubbly this morning.

You know, finally I feel like my life is
beginning to move in the right direction.

With only one small hitch.

What's that?

Oh, nothing important. Just a man
I've been trying to get out of my life.

Well, you need some help?

Oh, no. I'm sure by
the time you and Mark

get married, he'll be
out of my life forever.

Pam, what is it?

It's just, every time I
think about the wedding...

You know, I saw Bobby with
Charlie and Jenna yesterday.


At Southfork.

Katherine, it hurt so much
seeing them all together.

They're starting to
look like a real family.

You're not thinking about
backing out on Mark, are you?


I couldn't do that.

Peter, when we finish the
birdhouse, where should we hang it?

Well, how about
out by the stables?

I thought I could nail
it outside my window.

I don't think Grandma
would appreciate that.

I can ask her.

Hello there.

Lucy, how do you like the
birdhouse that Peter and I built?

It's very nice.

John Ross, would you mind if I
talked to Peter alone for a few minutes?

Okay, I'll go talk to
Grandma about the birdhouse.

Oh, I'll take the brush.

I can understand if you
don't wanna talk to me.

But I still have to apologize
for what I said at the party.


Well, I guess I was
drunk, feeling rejected.

What I did was stupid.

Look, I'd just like to forget
the whole thing, Lucy.

Can you?


Listen... I've been
a little tough on you.

I've had some
personal problems...

that I, uh, don't
wanna talk about.

But you tried to be friendly.

And I've been rude.

So I think there's some
apologies due all around.




Grandma said to
put it near the stable.

Wait, wait, wait. That's
still wet, you silly goose.

Have fun.

We haven't finished
painting it over here.

- See?
- Oh, yeah.

Well, that was
definitely not terrific.

A meeting with my tax
accountant's more exciting.

Your disappointment
has really shattered me.

Well, you can relax, honey.

I won't be putting you
through this sort of thing again.

This is the last time
I'll be coming to you.

Hmm. I'd like to believe that.

Oh, it's true, it's true. Too bad we
couldn't have gone out in a blaze of glory.

Yeah, too bad.

You see, when I came to you...

and wanted to buy those
fields Wentworth Industry owns...

and you turned around and made
the deal with Bobby, that clinched it.

What difference does it make to
you? Ewing ended up with the fields.

Well, it made me realize
how much wealth you control.

You know, I always
felt deep down...

that Jenna Wade was a
better mate for Bobby than you.

Well, now I know why.

And I don't suppose I can
stop you from telling me.

You just have too damn
much money, Katherine.

Uh, putting you together with Bobby could
double his assets, maybe even triple them.

And I don't want him to
have that much power.

You don't? Well, there's
nothing you can do about it.

Oh, I've already done it, honey.

I played the tape for
Bobby of you and me in bed.

It's all over, Katherine.

He'll never marry you.

I'll k*ll you, J.R.!

Well, who says this life as
a cowboy is so rough, huh?

Well, it sure wasn't you, especially
since you have a wonderful wile...

who drives all the way out
here just to bring you lunch.

That's real nice, Donna.

You know, you eat a lot less
than any cowboy I ever saw before.

Oh, I'm just not
hungry, that's all.

Well, you ought to be, you've
been out here since sunrise.

- Is there something bothering you?
- No.

Can I ask you
something personal?

Now, what would
you like to know?

Well, I noticed that since your sister's
been here, you've been real uncomfortable.

Hey, that's a lot more than
personal. That is prying.

I think I am being told
to mind my own business.

Oh, I don't mind
talking about it, Donna.

And maybe you're right.

I guess I've always been
uncomfortable around Jessie.

Maybe I'm a little
too conservative, but I

just think that she's
a little too outspoken.

A little too wild.

I pulled her out of a lot of
scrapes when she was young.

That was a long time ago.

I know.

And maybe she's changed a little,
but I still think she's unpredictable.

I think you just need a little
time to get reacquainted.

Maybe, but I don't think so.

I think we'd both feel
happier once she moves on.

Do you think she's planning on
staying in Texas after the wedding?

Donna, I think it'd be better for both
of us it she went back right to England.

Thanks a lot for lunch, honey.

You're welcome, both of you.

See you later.

Thanks, Donna.

All right, Mr. Barnes, if you'll
sign one bill of sale for Kasey...

and one for Murphy.

Then I can give you this
cashier's check for 12 million.


This money came through
a lot faster than I expected.

Yeah. Well, I'm not surprised.

Property's worth $30 million.

Here's your money.

- Is there anything else I can do for you?
- Yeah, tell me who the buyer was.

Oh, I'm sorry.
That's confidential.

But it doesn't really matter.


It doesn't matter.


Susan, come in here, please.

Yes, Cliff?

Uh, deliver this to
Wakefield right away.

- He's gotta get that in the bank today.
- Yes, sir.

- Barnes-Wentworth.
- Hello, this is Vaughn Leland.

Is Cliff Barnes there, please?

Just a minute, please.
Vaughn Leland?

- Yeah. Get that to Wakefield.
- Okay.

- Yeah, Vaughn.
- Cliff.

I wanted to let you know, I went to the
mat for you with my board of directors...

on the Murphy, Kesey lands.

- Yeah, I appreciate you trying.
- Na, no, no, you don't understand.

I was able to
convince the board of

directors to let you
use them as collateral.

They'll go for another
20-million-dollar loan.

Hold on.

Uh, Susan.

Susan! Hold on.



- What?
- Where's McDowall?

He left.

He made a short
phone call after leaving

your office and then
headed to the elevator.

- Vaughn?
- Yeah, I'm still here.

Well, I just sold the
Murphy and Kesey land.

Oh. Well...

I did my best for you.


Well, I have Kesey and Murphy...

and Mr. Barnes is gonna
have a very expensive dry hole.

- Where's your future stepson?
- You mean Ray?

Well, he's got a few more
chores to do. He'll be along soon.

You still work the herd
like a young man, Clayton.

Thank you.

Were you out there watching?

Yeah, I was watching.

I had to see with my own eyes you
stoop to work another man's ranch.

Hey, wait a minute.

I'm not exactly a hired
hand around here.

Might just as well be.

All right...

what's this all about?

You should be doing
all this at the Southern

Cross. This isn't your
place, never will be.

None of your business.

I was all alone at the Southern
Cross. I had no one to share it with.

You didn't have to sell it.

It was Steven's inheritance,
his roots, you had no right.

I had every right.

Dusty didn't care about
the Southern Cross.

All he cared about was
the rodeo circuit and

he found a wife that
shares that with him.

Rodeoing won't last forever.

He'll settle down when he and his
wife have a baby. He'll want a place then.

Jessica, I made a decision that
I thought was the correct one.

You have no right to come all
the way over here from England...

- and question me about it now.
- No right?

Who banished me to England
in the first place? You've no right.


I have every right.

Thirteen Mary 41 and 42.

Thirteen Mary 45. roger...

May I see your
driver's license, please?

- Uh, what did I do?
- You wanna step out of the car?

- Step right back here.
- Thirteen-A451.

- That's good.
- 3728 South Hope.

It's Deputy Norton
calling headquarters.

Came in, deputy.

Check the sheet for a
Jeep, Texas plate CED-938.

Just a minute.

- Na, we have nothing on it.
- Thank you.

Well, will you look at this?

- Is that what I think it is?
- I think you'd better read him his rights.

“You have the right
to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be
used against you in a court of law.

You have the right to talk with an
attorney, before and during questioning.

If you cannot afford an attorney, one will
be appointed, free, to represent you...

before and during
questioning, if you desire.“

- You're home early, Mr. Ewing.
- Mmm.

- Everybody out?
- Uh, Miss Lucy's in her room.

Mmm, thanks.


Say, Jessica, is
something wrong?

- There's plenty wrong.
- Well, you wanna talk about it?

There's nothing much to
say. I had a fight with Clayton.

Oh, why?

I'm angry. He never should
have sold the Southern Cross.

It should have gone to Dusty.

We", hold on. I can
understand you being upset...

but why so angry?

You don't understand.

Amy died so we could keep
the Southern Cross, not sell it.
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