02x08 - Parallax

Episode transcripts for the TV show "SEAL Team". Aired: September 27, 2017 – present.*
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Series follows Bravo Team an elite unit of Navy SEALs, as they plan and undertake dangerous missions worldwide.
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02x08 - Parallax

Post by bunniefuu »

- Previously on "SEAL Team"...
- Andres Doza, the head

of the most lethal cartel in Mexico.

They ex*cuted an American DEA agent.

CISEN recovered the Mercedes.
GPS tells the story.

Multiple visits to local businesses.

RITA: One business stands out:
the Reyes Talent Agency,

owned by a very successful
businesswoman, Carla Reyes.

MANDY: There will be a Doza connection,
we just have to figure it out.

- Who the hell are you?
- Right now, I'm your executioner.

Why not make me a friend?

"Muerta." Marked for death. My family.

Now do you understand?

RAY: You blame yourself
for the position he's in.

- You're latching on.
- Latching onto what, Ray?

A family that needs to be kept together

'cause yours was torn apart.

I don't think that I can
be with you anymore.

[CRYING]: I'm sorry.

- Cheers, buddy. Here we go.
- Send that down.

I'll meet you outside.
He's getting the drinks.

- Yeah. All right.
- See you!

Oh, man. Here we go. Feet up.

The target was Gonzalez.

Are you questioning me right now, Mandy?

We don't stand a chance of getting Doza

if your head is back home.


Happy anniversary, Andres Doza.

Maria, you shouldn't have.

And my present?

As soon as I get back.

I promise.

You forgot to remind me
it's my anniversary.

I have no present.

LAZO: What, your girlfriend?

My wife, fool.

Just give her the gift of cash.

Cash only works with girlfriends, Lazo.

Not wives. One day, you'll learn that.

I entrusted you with the plaza, Javier,

and you repay me by stealing from me?

No, Señor Doza, this is
all a misunderstanding.

Look at the position you have
put your employees in.

What will you tell his family?


You think I don't track

how much product comes
through the plaza?

Please, Andres,

it's my wife.

My wife handles all of the accounting.

Well, that's fortunate...
because she's here.

She can clear the matter.


DOZA: Gabriela...

is it true what Javier is saying?

You're responsible for
the theft of my money?

No. What are you talking about?

Convincing. I believe her.

No, I did not say that
Gabriela was responsible.

I said she handles all the...

[SCREAMS]: Help me! Oh, my God!


Please accept my sincere apologies

for this ugliness.

But I cannot go easy
on you and your employees

because you're family.


Please, please, please don't k*ll me...

I am not a monster.


DOZA: Do you really think
I would k*ll my wife's sister?

Maria would never forgive me.

So I want you to go home,
never speak of this.

Tell Maria that Javier, pig that he is,

left you for another woman.

Okay, Andres. Sí. Thank you. Thank you.



Your sister would like these.

Yes, Maria would. Take them.

Gracias, Gabriela.


How are your sons?

- They're bored.
- Yeah.

- They miss their friends.
- Mm-hmm.

They don't understand why they're here.

Danger isn't real for them.

It's our job to protect them.

- Isn't that right, Lopez?
- You sound like a good father.

Jury's still out on that one.

I'm trying to be a good father.
Day to day, right?

That's all you can do. Day to day.

You know, what you did for me
last night, coming after me,

that took courage.

I thought I was doing
what was best for my family.

I wasn't. Thank you.

Getting Doza is what's
best for your family right now.

We do that, and we get your boys

back to their friends, okay?

God willing.

Nobody's gotten close to Doza yet.

Let's hope snagging Carla Reyes
leads us somewhere.

'Cause she's all we got right now.


- You got anything yet?
- Not yet, but we will.

Getting tired of waiting on you.

Phone records, bank records,
travel records.

What are we missing?

Carla Reyes's bra size.

And the date of her First Communion.

Otherwise... we know
everything about her.

All we have to show for it are the names

of a few mid-level cartel figures.

Dante Vega, a money man for Doza,

visited Carla Reyes several
times; we know this.

There's got to be something
more, some deeper connection

that Carla has to Doza.

Unless there isn't.

We've been through everything.


No. She's hiding something.

Let's go through it again.


Wake up, Sleeping Beauty.

[GROANS] Rise and shine.

- Nope.
- You see, I think I found a cure

for this emotional pain that ails you.

What the hell are you
talking about, man?

Oh, you fighting your way through the

b*ttlefield of despair. Look at that.

What's a b*ttlefield of despair?
What are you talking about?

[GRUNTS] Right.

See, you need a plan.

How 'bout I stop drinking bad tequila?

- Is that a good plan?
- Not enough of one.

You see, a plan is waging w*r
and taking out the enemy.

And tequila, my friend,
is not your enemy.

Heartbreak is.

- You understand?
- Oh, all right, Sonny.

You know what, I would
honestly rather right now

you wrapped your little
skivvies around my face

than hear what you're about to tell me.

Okay. One might ask how you
wage w*r against heartbreak.

I will tell you. Step one:

you need to minimize it in all forms.

Which means you need to block Stella

on all social media platforms.

No late-night perusing of her pictures,

and no checking on her
updated relationship status.

- Is this seriously happening right now?
- Uh-huh. Step two:

you need to create a
heartbreak-free environment.

That means purging your living space

- of all gifts.
- Yeah.

Anything associated with

the-the person of-of your affection.

Hold on a second.

Did you just say "person of affection"?


Where did you, where did you get this?

- Uh, well... [CHUCKLES]
- Sonny?

Did you google how to
get over a breakup?

No. My...

Okay, look, I got it from Cosmo.


You boys having fun?

We're healing, Ray.

- What, from last night?
- Yes.

What the hell is it I hear about
you two going outside the wire?

- Who told you that?
- RAY: The moron police.

Got you dead to rights.

You two witness some dude
get schwacked at a strip club,

and you decide to hit the town?

Okay, look, Mr. Buzzkill,

it was my idea to
take the young buck out.

No, come on, Sonny.

It was my idea to go to the club.

What do you think Jason would
say if he found out?

What could he say? Jason went
outside the wire, too.

Yeah, to help Lopez.

Him and his entire family
has been marked for death.

Ray, you know the White House
sent us down here

because Andres Doza m*rder*d
an American DEA agent?

Graham Kowit.

Remember him?

Yeah, well, he's the reason we're here.

Not the, uh, not the Lopez family.

It is not your place to
question number one, Spenser.

Or me.

Now, you go outside the wire again,

I'll drop the hammer.

We can go through this ten more times.

It won't matter. Reyes is a dead end.

Maybe not. I-I need to see
the bank statements

for the past two years.


- Yep.
- What is it?

Carla's been holding out on us.


REYES: I gave you everything.

RITA: No, you gave us

Doza's middle management.

You asked for the names of my clients.

MANDY: All of your clients, Carla.

Not just the ones who don't terrify you.

You keep meticulous records.

Too meticulous.

There's a lot of outgoing payments

to some of your girls.

No corresponding
incoming payments from a client.

Somebody's getting a freebie.

- Must be someone special.
- Someone scary.

MANDY: Someone you know
will k*ll you if you talk.

You're gonna have to talk.

He will k*ll me.

Then helping us find Doza is
your best chance for survival.

Help us, Carla, and you
can go back to your life.

The one you had before the cartel.


Luis Castillo.

He's the client I've been comping.

Luis Castillo?

Who is Luis Castillo?

He's Doza's most trusted lieutenant.

He's his best friend.

They call him El Lazo.

This is the break we need.

We find Lazo, we find Doza.

LOPEZ: Colonel, I need
to be a part of it.

My mind's good. I got it set straight.

Let the man work. Let him work.

MANDY: Okay. One of the very
few pictures we have of Doza.

Beside him is Luis Castillo,
aka El Lazo.

He is Doza's second in command
and his oldest friend.

El Lazo?

"The Noose."

All right, look, is there a link
between Lazo and Carla Reyes?

MANDY: Lazo uses Reyes's
escort services.

Every time Lazo comes to Mexico City,

he calls her, for a woman.

How often is he in town?

Last trip was eight weeks ago.

So we just wait around
till he gets horny.

JASON: No. This is what we do.

We lure him to Mexico City.

What's your proposal on that?

This guy's Doza's number two, right?

What's the number two guy do?

He takes care of all
of the major problems.

What do we do?

Create a major problem.

Hit one of his assets.




This is a pottery factory.
It's right outside the city.

This is a front for Doza's
biggest meth lab.

We take it out.

- Perfect.
- Doza's a businessman.

Right? I'm sure he's got losses
built in to the whole system.

So we just take out this one lab,

it might not even elicit a response.

Unless the lab was taken out
by a rival cartel.

Doza would never ignore that.


You want to start our own cartel?

Damn straight.

Los Badasses. That's got
a nice ring to it, doesn't it?


CLAY: All right, so we-we
hit the lab, right?

We hope that Lazo takes the
bait, comes back to town?

We hit it hard, man.
Let's go hunting, boys.

Yeah, we need to blend in for this op.

Wear civilian clothes, cover our faces,

minimal comms, ND vehicles
and, most importantly,

the attack itself needs
to look like a cartel hit.

- Rough and messy, right?
- Rough and messy.

We can do a simultaneous breach
on two sides of the building.

Clear towards the middle.
Set charges, break out.

JASON: How many hostiles you
expect we're gonna encounter here?

LOPEZ: Doza will have armed men there.

Understand: many who work in the
factory don't want to be there.

They made bad choices,
they're not bad people.

All right, we're not out
to hurt nobody, right?

So we let them go, hope they
spread the word back to Doza.

SONNY: Rules of engagement?

ERIC: If they're armed, we engage.

Needs to be fast. In, out.


JASON: Havoc, this is 1. I pass Petty.

ERIC: Bravo 1, this is Havoc.
I copy Petty.

JASON: Bravo 2, this is 1, stand by.

Bravo 1, this is Bravo 2. In position.

Execute, execute, execute.





Have your men set the charges, then
meet us back at the exfil point.

Havoc, this is 1. We're
passing Earnhardt.

ERIC: Good copy, Bravo 1.
Passing Earnhardt.



Nice work out there.

Once the b*ll*ts started flying,

all my problems went away.

Yeah, I know that drill.
I know it all so well.

It's the calm in the chaos.

But now we're back.

And so are your problems.

My... my sons,

they can't live like this forever.

They did nothing wrong.

You got to hang in there.

Like I told you, we're
gonna get this done.

We're not leaving till we get Doza,

and your family is safe.


Here it is right here.


ALL: Oh!

Another slap, another drink.

Ah, man, he is getting beat up.

Hey, you guys mind turning
this down a little bit?

Some of us have better things
to do than listen to this crap.

Ain't that right, Spenser?

SONNY: What are you
talking about, Ray Perry?

This is the best damn show on TV.

Little señorita right there, well,

she could slap me any day of the week,

'cause she is half-crazy, half-fire.

That is the perfect
Sonny Quinn mix right there.

Mm, I'm just a little surprised

that her name doesn't end in a Y, Sonny.

- Meaning?
- Uh, Tammy, Brandy, Tiffany, Charity.

See a theme here?


Well, let's talk about
your track record there, Davis.

- Let's not. Let's not.
- Okay... Todd.


- Then there was Keith.
- Stop.

And then the winner, winner,
chicken dinner:

- Dakota.
- Okay.


Here it goes again. Here she comes.

ALL: Oh!

SONNY: Oh, he's got welts.
Look at him. Look at him.

He needs some ice.

CISEN's picked up a lot of chatter
about our hit on the lab.

Specifically, speculation that
the Merida Cartel was behind it.

- That's good.
- You realize that

even if El Lazo comes to town,

there's no guarantee he'll call
Carla for a woman?

- He will.
- It's been three days and nada.

He'll call.

We're all creatures of habit.

Oof, this is the part I hate.
The waiting.

- You picked the wrong job.

What got you into this work?

A CIA recruiter approached me
in college.

I had no idea what the job
entailed, but... how about you?

I'm from a small town.

An only child, so my father was my hero.

- Mm.
- He was a kind man.

Always happy,

until the cartels came.

From then on, he lived in fear

that they would force him to grow dr*gs.

They never did, but my
father's... his fear and his,

his worry replaced his,
his faith and his joy.

And I grew up wanting
no one else to know that fear.

What about your family?

Oh, um, I never knew my father

and, uh, my mother was a criminal,

for lack of a better word.

Actually, that's the
perfect word for it.

She was a scammer,

a con artist.

Credit card fraud,
insurance fraud, identity theft.

She was always working
one angle or another,

one man or another;
one of them was my dad.

I don't think I've ever

heard her tell the truth about anything,

not even the weather.

That's no way to grow up.


Hi, Em, it's Dad. I'm calling you again

'cause according to
the schedule that we have,

I was supposed to talk to you today.

So just do me a favor,
can you call me back

and tell me that you're
getting these messages.

I'd like to hear from my kids, okay?

I love you.


Hey. All good at home?

Yeah, all is great
at home, just, you know,

the kids, they're MIA, Davis. I can't...

They're probably just out having fun.

Well, if they're out having fun,

it'd be nice if they would
call to confirm that.

Talk to me, leave me a voice mail.

I've called, like, 19,000 times.
They're not picking up.

I don't know. Maybe I can
get some sleep when they do.

I think that every kid
feels a certain responsibility

to drive his parents crazy.

Well, then I guess my kids
are overachievers, Davis.

Hey, how're you doing?
How're you holding up?

How am I doing?

How am I doing?

I don't know how to answer that.
I really don't.



I guess it depends on
the time of day, right?

Got to get Lazo here.

I got to get him here.
I got to lure this guy here

'cause I got to do something.
Man, I'm...

- I get it.
- Yeah.

Hey. What you did for Lopez, that was...

It's good to give men hope.


Not a lot of hope these days here.

You've seen the stats, right?
You read about them?

30,000 people were k*lled
last year in this w*r in Mexico.

That is 80 families a day torn apart.

I know. I get it. It's hard
to wrap your head around.



Yeah, it is.

But, hey, thank God
for the tequila, right?


Bag's all yours.

I'm not here for that.

I'm here to find out why
you've been hitting that bag

like you've been watching
Rocky on a loop.

Nothing's wrong.

The hell it's not.

Something is wrong.

Clay Spenser I know

doesn't question his leaders
or disobey team rules.

You're off.

And I'm not going away
till you tell me why.

It's, uh...


She left me.

I'm sorry to hear that, brother.

I... thought everything was
solid between you two.

Yeah, it was.

Yeah, and then, uh, then it wasn't.

Adam's death really hit her hard.

Then me taking a round terrified her.

The thing is, I-I...

I thought that I could have it all.

I did. Thought I could have the team,

the family,

you know, as long as I just,
as long as I just tried,

as long as I did it better
than my old, my old man,

better than Jason.

I was wrong, Ray.

Reality is, it's a choice.

It's one or the other.

Me and Naima make it work.

Yeah, well, you two are a miracle.

Miracles don't happen for most people.


just because this isn't
the life for Stella

does not mean you cannot have them both.

Just maybe not with her.

That's not what I want to hear.


Clay. The pain is real.

But you are off.

And you got to get yourself squared away

for the good of the team.

You sure I'm the only one you
should be giving this speech to?

It seems to me the only one
who's worried

about the good of the team, Ray, is you.

It's not Bravo 1.


Okay. Bye.

Now what happens?

You do everything exactly
the way you've done it before.

You do not deviate in any way.

These agents will take you home
and they'll stay with you.

It's almost over, Carla.

Muy bien.

MANDY: Four hours ago,

Lazo called Carla to set up
an escort for tonight.

Okay. Who's the lucky lady?

Sofia Nuñez. She's an aspiring actress,

one-time Mexicana Universal contestant.

Sofia is meeting Lazo at
a nightclub called La Sociale.

So we gonna pick him up en route

or wait till he gets to his shag pad?

MARTINEZ: Picking him up's
gonna do us no good.

The minute that Lazo goes off the grid,

Doza's gonna know something is up.

All right, so what's the plan?

After Lazo meets Sofia at the club,

we track her cell
to wherever he takes her.

CISEN will then step in to
establish surveillance on El Lazo

- going forward.
- That's great and all,

but a guy like Lazo isn't just
gonna walk in the front door.

So what we need to do

is we need to verify
he's inside with Sofia.

You want to put eyes in the club?

- Mm-hmm.
- Not sure we're gonna blend in.

Uh, well, La Sociale is a hot spot

for Europeans and Americans.

And the Cartel.

Okay, so who's going in?

Couples attract less attention.


Meaning you've got a date tonight.

Should our cover be that we're
celebrating an anniversary

or on our honeymoon?

I'd say the honeymoon's over.

All right, let's get some rest.
Gonna be a long night.

A lot of moving pieces
in this one, brother.

Never thought I'd miss the
simplicity of kicking down doors.

What, a low-vis op, bunch of
Cartel K*llers in a club.

What can go wrong?

Besides that.

La Sociale is the most popular
club in the city with two levels

and an estimated nightly attendance

of about 2,000 people.

Between service doors and VIP entrances,

the club has more than a dozen
entry and exit points.

We're gonna need low-vis
vehicles watching

from every side of this building.

RITA: La Sociale is Cartel-friendly.

That means that Lazo's men
will be strapped.

RAY: But the metal detectors
means Mandy and Jason won't be.

No armor, no comms either. That's risky.

Reyes instructed Sofia
to arrive at 10:30.

The club is at its busiest
between 10:00 and 2:00.

It's gonna be difficult to keep
track of El Lazo in that crowd.

ERIC: All we need to do

is confirm that Sofia leaves with him.

Then we can track her phone
to his next location.

You thinking a follow op?

Two cars, one front, one behind?

DAVIS: Given the nature of
this city... its narrow streets,

sharp turns, and heavy traffic...

I suggest you follow from a distance.

Standard CTR. Agreed.

I'm assuming ISR's still out?

Drone use over the city
would require approval

from multiple government agencies.

We might as well tell Doza
that we're tailing his boy.

Not a lot of options.

Well, if we want Doza,
we go with what we got.



SONNY: Damn, look at that.

CLAY: We definitely
drew the short straw.

Mm-mm. No way in hell.

That music inside is like a sick calf

bawling for mama.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Bravo 2, this is Bravo 3.

How's it look on your side?

RAY: We've got multiple fighting-age
males entering the club.

All armed.

They're likely getting
ready for Lazo's arrival.

Jason and Mandy are in
the lion's den now.

MANDY: Lazo's date's arrived.


Havoc, this is Bravo 2.
Bravo 1 has eyes on Cinderella.

As does Rita.

Signal ping is working.
We have a lock on her phone.

ERIC: That's a good copy, Bravo 2.

We have it as well.

Let us know when the HVT arrives.

RAY: Copy that.

I don't like not having eyes on them.

Rita's their backup. All they have to do

is stay locked onto Sofia's phone

and follow from a distance.


Why is it always the
simple ones that worry me?

I don't understand places like this.

If you ask me, it's loud noise,

it's crowded, there's $1000
bottles of Ukrainian vodka.

Not the spot I would take you
on our first date.

You seem more like a, uh,
dive bar and tequila gal.

That means I dragged you here?


We're a couple for ten minutes,

we're already a cliché, Jeff.

I shouldn't have doubted you.

I don't want to be at each
other's throats forever.

I want to put it to bed.

- Bury it.
- Want to bury it?

Yeah, you're pretty
good at burying things.

- Burying people, too.

Was going to Harrington that wrong?

Like I said before,
if you had any doubts,

you should have come to me.

It wasn't entirely about doubts.

Maybe I was thinking
that pulling you down here

so soon after losing Alana
wasn't the best thing

for you and your kids.

Maybe I was thinking about you, Jason.

Well, you put it that way,

makes it a lot easier to swallow.

Then again, you make a living

telling people what they want to hear.

I don't believe you.


Lazo's here. Come on.

♪ ♪


Bravo 2 to Havoc.
Bravo 1 has eyes on HVT,

who has made contact with Cinderella.

ERIC: Good copy, Bravo 2.

♪ ♪

None of my people saw him
come through the street.

Likely came up from underground.

Martinez, let's have your man
sit on the garage exits, yeah?



♪ ♪

Is he gonna chat all night or
is he gonna close the deal?

Terrorizing a country
is a stressful job.

Even psychopaths
need someone to talk to.

JASON: Hey, he's taking a call.

Damn it.

♪ ♪



Do you have a lock on Cinderella's cell?

We lost her.

Yeah, boss, she's still in the club.

Northwest corner of the building.


Check to see if she's in the bathroom.

We lose her, we lose our track on Lazo.

We lose Lazo, we lose Doza.


What is it, boss?

Got eyes on our HVT?

RAY: Negative. Watching all doors.

Thinking he left without our Cinderella.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

What is it?

Sofia said Lazo left to see his boss.

He left to go see Doza.

It's not exactly solid intelligence.

Don't have anything else to go on here.

Something's wrong.

RAY: There's Jason.

- Silver Mercedes, heading east.
- He's leaving his date?

Yup. To meet Doza. Drive.

MARTINEZ: This could all end tonight.

Yeah, that's right,
it could end tonight.

RAY: All elements, this is Bravo 2.

We are following the HVT.

Headed northbound on
Paseo de la Reforma.

What the hell?

I don't remember this
being part of the plan.

J, following Lazo without
the girl's cell to track?

There's too many unknowns.

We don't know why he left his
date or how many eyes are on him.

Sitting on his bumper
is not the smartest play.

It's our only one, Ray.

Sit on the bumper, Trent.

ERIC: Bravo 2, this is Havoc.

Interrogative; is
Cinderella with the HVT?

RAY: Negative, Havoc. He's alone.

All right, good copy, Bravo 2.

Maintain your distance,
keep your heads down.

- RAY: Roger that.
- We don't have the cell.

You're not scrubbing the op?

Jason's call.

Gonna back it.



Nobody's answering at Reyes's.

We're on our way to her apartment now.

- All right. Keep me posted.
- MANDY: Jason,

I have a bad feeling.
I think we could be burned.

We don't know that; keep me posted.

Hey. Where are we?

Ixtapaluca, it's the biggest
slum in the city.

RAY: Any idea why Lazo would be

meeting Doza in a place like this?

MARTINEZ: Yeah, Doza's smart.
He would never set up

a meeting at the Four Seasons.

No one would ever think to look here.

SONNY: Bravo 3 to Bravo 1.

We're passing outside our 20
minute perimeter of our QRF.

Is there any reason
we don't wave this off?

JASON: Bravo 3, this is 1.

Got you loud and clear. Charlie Mike.

- Continue mission?
- We're sitting cucarachas.

JASON: Bravo 3, this is 1. They
split right, down two side streets.

That's not good.

Havoc to all Bravo stations,
we have vehicles

rapidly approaching our position.

Havoc Base, this is Bravo 6.
We have troops in contact.

Copy, Bravo 6. Bravo 1, QRF is inbound.

Get your guys mustered up
in five and out the damn door.

- Davis, I need ISR ASAP.
- Roger, sir.

JASON: Go through them.

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