02x09 - Santa Muerte

Episode transcripts for the TV show "SEAL Team". Aired: September 27, 2017 – present.*
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Series follows Bravo Team an elite unit of Navy SEALs, as they plan and undertake dangerous missions worldwide.
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02x09 - Santa Muerte

Post by bunniefuu »

He"s Doza's most trusted
lieutenant. El Lazo.

He"s former
Mexican Special Forces.

Many fear El Lazo
more than Doza.

He"s k*lled at least 100 people.

We find Lazo, we find Doza.

Carla, help us,

and you can go back
to your life.

Nobody"s answering

at Carla"s.
We"re on our way now.

I got eyes on Lazo.

He"s in the silver Mercedes
heading east.

Jason, I have a bad feeling.

I think we could be burned.

Nothing about this feels right.

We"re pinned down
from all sides.

Havoc Base,
we have troops in contact.

Go through "em."



Havoc, this is 3.
Where the hell is our QRF?

That"s good copy, Bravo 3.

QRF is getting spun up now.

They drove right into a setup.

El Lazo knew that Bravo
was following him.

How? I"m gonna get on it.

Ray! Lazo, Lazo!

Wait, wait, we need him alive.

Go! Go! Come on,
let"s go, let's go!

Pull him out.

Let"s go. Come on.

Let"s go!

How long until ISR
reaches Bravo"s position?

25 mikes.

Break contact east.

Go, go!


Son, hold that building!

Move, move!

Move it!

Get him in there.
Get him in there.


Last man!

Havoc, this is Bravo 6. We"re
still taking heavy contact.

Bravo 6.

QRF is 30 mikes out.

Hey, everybody good?

What? Yeah, I"ve got all my parts.

I don"t know!

We got to go!

Any way but that way.

Follow me.

Here. Hold up here.

Trent, he"s bleeding out. I got him.

Havoc, this is 1.

Notify QRF
we"re five blocks east

from our position.

- J, the church.
- Move.


Last man.

Get Havoc our location.

Roger that.

Colonel, stay here.

We"re low on med supplies.

Couldn"t get to my main aid bag.

Havoc, this is Bravo 2.

We are currently trapped inside
a church on the north side

of Calle El Camino and Pladano.

How copy?

That"s good copy, Bravo 2.

QRF is loading up.

ISR inbound.

Roger that.

Havoc, this was
a coordinated ambush.

Doza had to know that we were
tailing Lazo from the club.

There had to be a leak.

Strong copy, Bravo 2.

We"re working
on that problem now.

Let"s focus
on getting you out of there.

Roger that. Bravo 2 out.

We got a leak?

Could be anybody.

Well, not just anybody.

Somebody with
operational details.

Somebody close to us.

Back"s secure.
We"re moving upstairs.

Copy that. Keep me posted.

Drove right into a damn ambush.

Way outside the QRF. Jason
should"ve called off that tail.

I know.


How"s he doing?

Internal hemorrhaging

into his abdominal cavity.

He needs secondary care ASAP
or he"s gonna bleed out.

Do whatever you need to do
to save him. You understand me?

We lose him, we lose Doza.
We lose Doza, we got nothing,

we"re back to square one.

Godly man?

Sí.Saint Jude, the patron
saint of lost causes.

So we must be in
the right place, no?

Yeah, I guess so.

Hey, you know, Jude is revered

for listening to the petitions
of the good and the evil.

The cartel? They venerate him.

Yeah, well, I suppose you need
a special kind of saint

in a place like this.

How long till Doza"s men
get here?

Not long.

Hey, come on.
Let"s go, let's go.

Hey, upstairs is secure.
Come on. Get in here.

Found this. We used some of the
gauze for my little boo-boo.

It"ll help. This way. Go.

Hey. Hey.

He call anyone? No outgoing calls or texts,

but there"s
a landline upstairs, too.

Colonel, I need you
over here, I need your help.

I speak English, poco.

Who are you?

We"re your friends.
We"re here to help.

Con armas. With g*ns.


we"re very sorry
for bringing this all to you.

We will try to get out of here
as soon as possible.

We don"t want to cause you
any more trouble

than we already have.

Did you tell anyone
that we are here?

You saw my phone.

Did you tell anyone
that we are here?


They woke me
coming up my stairs.

Whoa, whoa, you-you slept
through a gunfight

that was taking place two blocks
away, but we woke you?

He says they"re firing
and sh**ting every night,

so he"s used to sleeping
right through it.

But he"s not used to American
soldados in his quarters.

How do you know we"re soldiers?

I live among soldados.

Cartel or not, you
have the same eyes.

This Saint Jude.
He"s popular with the cartels.

They come here?

They got a saint
for these scumbags? Sonny.

Of all the churches we pick,

it"s a cartel one. Narcos come here, yes.

But I have no love for them.

No love.

He says he hates the narcos,

and Doza"s k*lled many,
many, many friends of his.

But because he"s a priest,

he can"t turn his back on them.

Because if he did, they
would k*ll him, too.

We should bail, boss,
while we still can.

Coppertone"s right.
We are low on a*mo,

and Doza"s guys are gonna
find us any minute.

If we move Lazo, he could die.

Lazo"s gonna die no matter what.

Maybe. Not before we get

the information we
need to get Doza.

He"s former special forces, J.

You really think
we"re gonna crack him?

Waiting for the QRF, period.

Sonny, you and Brock,
overwatch, up top.

Clay, take the colonel,
up front.

Ray, take the padre.
You"re with me.

Is Jace serious? His call
got us into this trick bag.

I trust Jason.

We"re low on a*mo,
QRF is 30 minutes out.

You want to wait here?

You trust that?

The call"s been made.

Now, you heard the man.
Get to your positions.

Let"s go.

Bravo 2, QRF is moving out.

That"s a good copy,
Havoc. Break.


Any movement
on our leaky ship problem?


We"ll sort if out after QRF.


Bravo 2 out.

CISEN is sending help.

We"re safer if we wait for them.

They got to Carla.

She gave up Lazo"s name.

They probably tortured it
out of her.

I don"t see any signs
of t*rture.

It wasn"t Carla who gave us up.

Had to be someone
from the inside.

What makes you so sure?

How did Doza know we got
to Carla in the first place?

Let"s go!

He"s stable for now.

Your men left you, Lazo.

Slithered away like snakes.

We"re your only shot at life;

That is, if you talk.


But who? Not contractors.

Contractors would be
dead by now.

DHS, no.

Special forces. That what you think?

Sí.I see myself in you.

There"s no you in me.

There is.

Much more than you think,
my friend.

Doza"s in the city.
I want to know where he is.

Of course you do.

Tell me where he is,
you get to live.

Where is he? Where"s Doza?


Sí, padre.

Rebel 1.

Be advised we have three enemies

window shopping
for American scalps.

Got about 10 minute max
before they come knocking.

3, I need more men down here.

Roger that.

My men are getting close, right?

Sit down, gringo.


6, to me. Stay afraid.

You"re gonna die soon!

We can"t take them
externally, all right?

Someone"s gonna spot
the bodies in the street.

Take him inside.

100% they"re gonna be checking
in with their superiors.

Couple minutes of silence
and the rest of them

will be all over us.

I"ll tell you what,
you better start praying that.

QRF shows up
before Doza"s cavalry does.

All right, look, here"s the
plan We"re gonna wait for them

to come inside,
we"re gonna take them quietly.

That"s gonna buy us
a few minutes, got it?

Want to k*ll these lights?

Yes. No.

Offerings are made 24/7.

Dark church is a red flag.

Might as well
announce we"re here.

All right. Right, of course.

So that"s the plan, all right?

Ray and I,
we"ll deal with this scumbag,

get the information we need to
find out where Doza is. Got it?

Good luck with that.

Can"t stop
the internal bleeding.

What"s he need?

Blood; Got one bag
O negative with us.

Universal donor.

Give it to him.

It"s the only blood I have.

We give it to him,

I"m screwed if I need
to transfuse one of us.

Give it to him. Can"t talk dead.

Jason, he ain"t
gonna talk, period.

Give him the blood.

You"re gonna risk it
on this scumbag?

Give it to him. Up front.

That"s our only blood bag?

Yeah, and my guess is

we"re gonna need it,
"cause the weather report says

80% chance of raining b*ll*ts.


What you just say?
MARTINEZ I said, enough.

Questioning the man that leads
you is the fastest way to death.


He"s our only way
right now to Doza, okay?

Yeah, I"m aware of that.

But he ain"t gonna talk

and we"re being asked
to sacrifice a lot.

Yeah, well, I would have
sacrificed everything

to get Doza.

I"ve never been this close.

You two understand
that we"re dealing with a virus?

See, here...

everyone is born infected.

The cartel is their only choice.

How hopeless is that?

There"s no escape.

They"re in the slums,
in the skyscrapers of Polanco,

in Congress, and look,
even a priest?

A priest, he can"t even hide
in the house of God.

Lazo dies,
this virus will spread.

Well, the virus has
already spread, amigo.

And it"s about to come knocking.


Bravo 6.

Move the padre
before the fireworks start.

3, you "re with him. Let" s go.

Yeah, roger that.

Hey, Padre, let"s go.

In the back.


Here, here. No, this way.

Down, keep your mouth shut.


What"s up?

Something"s bothering me.

About? Martinez.

Only a few people

outside Bravo Team
knew we had Carla.

Lopez has been marked for death.

You and I have been
working on this for months.

That leaves Martinez.

Martinez backed Jason"s
plan real quick.

Made it easy to
set up that ambush.

Now he"s pushing for
Lazo to stay alive.

What if it"s not
about Doza"s location?

You think it"s about getting
Lazo out alive? Yeah.

And getting us k*lled
in the process.

Martinez? No, no, no.

I-I don"t believe that.
We"re missing something.

Are we?

He"s been fighting
the cartel for years,

it doesn"t track. Unless...

Unless what?

Unless they flip him
within the past few days.

His family has been
hiding in Zacatecas.

Well, if Doza got to his family,

Martinez would do anything
to save them.

Would he?

Wouldn"t you? If they got to
your brother, your sister?

I hope I never have
to make that choice.

Bravo 1.

This is Bravo 5.
Three of Doza"s men.

25 meters south of our location.

My men are here.

Yeah, and they"re about to die.

More will come.

Yeah, and they"ll die too.

And you with them, Lazo.

Unless you tell us
where Doza is.

Doza is everywhere.

Doza is part of everything
and everyone.

Soon as we start
slinging b*ll*ts,

I"m gonna sh**t this guy
in the face.

Havoc, this is 1.

Need an ETA on the QRF.

Bravo 1.

QRF is 15 mikes out,
ISR should be over your position

in 5 minutes.

Copy that.
Standing by to stand by.

If the enemy comes
at us quickly,

we"re not gonna
have enough a*mo.

We"re taking our chances;
We"re staying here.

You got a problem
with that, Spenser?

Can"t get Doza if we're dead.

I"ll post overwatch.


J, you sure? Yep, I"m sure.

I got something to say. What is it, Sonny?

Ain"t about staying
or going, either.

Okay, look, we were ratted out,
we all know that.

My concerns are with Martinez.

Not gonna lie, J; I"ve been
having the same thought.

I don"t see it.

Well, maybe you"ve been focusing
on something else.

Why don"t you go post security?

Brother, you got to
at least consider the fact

that Martinez may not
be who we think he is.

Let"s go ask him.

Come on. Okay.

What"s wrong?

We were set up.
I led us into an ambush.

No, you made the right call.

It was a good one.

I"m not talking about that.

I"m talking about how.

How did they know
that we were coming here?

You just said you were set up.

We. We were set up.

Yeah. "We."

Yeah, we. We were set up.

It must have been someone
from the inner circle.

It"s not one of your men.

So, it must be one of mine.

Or even me.


You"re hiding something from me.

Yes, I am.

I"m gonna take
your w*apon from you.

Don"t move, Colonel.

You were hit. When?

During the ambush.

Why didn"t you tell us?

Why didn"t you say something?

Because I knew
that you would use

the medical supplies to save me.

Lazo has to stay alive.

Lazo, alive.

You find where Doza...

All call signs,

we have three enemies
outside the front door.

Stay low, okay?
We"ll fix you up.

Cover all positions.

We"re gonna take them inside.

We"re gonna do this
very quietly.

Stay low.

Okay. Okay.

Bravo 1, we got eyes
on the third enemy target.

Check. Hold what you got.
Wait till he comes inside.


He"s got a phone.

No clear line of sight.

Did he take a slug? Back in the ambush.

He didn"t say anything 'cause
he wanted to keep Lazo alive.

Help me move him. Here we go.

I told you, more men will come.

Shut your mouth. Get to your positions,
will you?


Martinez didn"t
rat us out. So who?

All right, look, radio Havoc,
tell them about Martinez,

Master Chief Hayes.

Last rites.

Bravo 6, I need you
on the first deck.

Bring the padre.

Are you ready to die, amigo?

Are you, Lazo?

When you meet your maker
tonight, what are you gonna say?

Everything you done in life,

everything, it"s all been bad.

You got no chance, boy.

Not in front of God.

Padre, give him his last rites.

They"re getting close.

They will keep on coming
until this whole place

crumbles to the ground.

No one can stop them. No one.

Not here in Ixtapaluca.

He"s gone.

A good man died

because we kept that scum alive.

Hey, how about a little
respect, Spenser?

He sacrificed his life
so we could continue the hunt.

Shouldn"t have taken a b*llet
in the first place.

What the hell is wrong with you?
What is it that you think

that you see is going on here?

I see you wanting
Doza for Lopez.

Now for Martinez, man.

Look, Jason, maybe
it"s clouding you.

No, it"s driving me.

That drive, does that take,

does that take priority
over our team?

Never. Never.

Feels that way, man.
It feels like it"s...

feels like it"s personal.
It"s not.

You"re missing it.

Most of what we do, what is it?

Infil, hit target, exfil,
mission complete.

Stir, rinse, repeat.


This one"s different.

Not personal.

This guy Doza, he"s pure evil.

Rips families apart,

tortures them,

viciously kills them
just because he can.

That"s what drives me.

Failure"s not an option.

Every decision I"ve made
has always been

about mission success and what"s
best for the team. That"s it.

Don"t ever doubt that. Never.

Got it?

Roger that.

Good. Positions.




He"s Catholic.

He wants last rites.
I cannot deny them.

Well, he"s not gonna get it.
I"m saying no.

You have no right to do that.

I have the power, Padre,
and I"m saying no.

Jason, you are going too far. No, I"m not.
He's not afraid of this life.

I think he"s afraid
of his next life.

That"s what he's afraid of.

No confessions, no last rites.

You"re gonna meet your maker,
you"re gonna meet God

with the blood of everyone
that you"ve k*lled

all over your hands

and God is gonna spit you out.

Tell me where Doza is

and Padre here,
he"ll give you your last rites.


Go to hell.

Even the worst sinners,

they go to paradise when they
repent. Isn"t that right, Ray?

You got ten minutes, tops,
before you"re dead.

You tell me where Doza is,

only God knows how many lives
you"re gonna save.

You don"t tell us,
anything less than that,

you"re gonna be
eating roaches in hell.

Bravo 1, this is Havoc Base.

ISR is over your position.
I see what appears to be

20 enemy combatants

200 meters south of your pos.

Ray, Trent, take Lazo
up to the rectory.

Bring the padre. Hey.

I want you to handle this
the way I would want it handled.

Copy. Good.

Clock"s ticking. Move.

Trent, I"ll need you back down. Roger that.

It"s wrong to deny him
last rites.


You, nor your friend, are God.


Okay, here we go.

We got about
ten soldiers coming.

Scratch that, make it 15.

All stations,

watch your a*mo count.
Make your sh*ts count.

Hey, Lazo, you really
believe in God?

- Do you?
- Yeah.

Then do all you can
to save your soul.

You"re a religious man.

You"d let me die
without confession?


You told me his family
was in Zacatecas,

but he told me
they were in Spain.

He probably tells everyone
something different

to protect their true location.

Who"s in Zacatecas?

You told me you were
an only child,

but when I asked you
what you would do

if they got to your brother
or your sister,

you didn"t deny having
a brother or a sister.

It wasn"t Martinez
they got to. It was you.

Who is in Zacatecas?

My sister,


Her two girls.

You"re not a cold-blooded
k*ller, Rita.

No, but they are.

I can"t lose my family to this.

Santa María,

llena eres de gracia

El Señor es contigo.

Bendita tú eres
entre todas las mujeres,

y bendito es el fruto
de tu vientre Jesús.

Santa María, Madre de Dios,

ruega por nosotros pecadores,

ahora y en la hora
de nuestra muerte...

Bravo Team,
QRF is coming in five.


All stations, be advised,
I see two enemy combatants

outside the north entrance
of the church.


You want to die damned?

You"re on your way out.

What do you want
your final act to be?

What do you want
your final act to be?

Hey! Lazo!

Come on!


I will tell you...

Once chance. No games.

Sit. Sit down.

When I joined CISEN,
I rewrote my history.

No one knew I had a sister,
except a few in the agency.

Someone inside turned,
told Doza about her... Yolanda.

They sent me pictures
of my sister

and my two nieces shopping.
They were that close to them.

Then we go get them. We
get them some protection.

There is no protection anywhere,

because Doza is everywhere.

Doza will be dead soon.

Then another Doza comes.

Then another Doza dies.

That"s what we do.
You don"t do this.


Tell him. Tell him he can"t lie.
Not under last rites.

Where"s Doza?

Padre, stop! Stop! This isn"t right!

Where"s Doza?! Tell me!

It"s a safe house.

It"s a safe house
for when things go wrong.


Padre, give him his last rites.

I can"t.

He"s dead.

Stay low, Padre.

Last box!

All stations, this is Bravo 2.
Be advised,

I did a b*ttlefield
interrogation and have been told

to check out the warehouse
at the end of the Candela Line.

They told me what
they would do to my nieces.

r*pe them, and t*rture them
to death in front of my sister.

All because I"m fighting
a w*r that cannot be won.

And even if it could be,
is it worth it?

Is anything worth that?

I am sorry.


I"m gonna come after you.

And I will find you.

I know.

Havoc, this is 1. We"re gonna
get shot out of here.

Stand by, Bravo 1.

Bravo 1, this is Havoc
Actual. You want to let me in?


Rosebud"s the password.


He"s dead.

He sacrificed his life
for his country.

He was a hero.


We"re at Doza's doorstep now.

Only thing left,

we put a b*llet in his head.

Let"s load up and move out.

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