05x01 - Trust, But Verify: Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show "SEAL Team". Aired: September 27, 2017 – present.*
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Series follows Bravo Team an elite unit of Navy SEALs, as they plan and undertake dangerous missions worldwide.
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05x01 - Trust, But Verify: Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on SEAL Team...

A SEAL has never been in
enemy captivity before.

You need to talk to someone.

I've checked all those boxes
with the Navy shrinks

and been declared fit to operate.

Take the shot, Ray!

Pull it together, man.

(CRYING): I have PTS.

When I was in Texas, we
became more than friends.

- I'm pregnant.
- My replacement Lieutenant Soto.

It's a new day and a
new Bravo, gentlemen.

DAVIS: The doctors did everything
they could... Full Metal's gone.

All the collateral damage
comes with the job.

The biggest tragedy would be using it

as an excuse to not fight

for a future with you.
We should get married.

You all right?

(SIGHS) It's just a headache.

Probably from the RPG.

I'm good, good.

Enjoy the party.

Time to go.


Bravo is in enemy airspace.


How's their flight path?

DAVIS: They're tracking
to bull's-eye the LZ.

The plan's holding.

It better.

Bravo won't make it home if it doesn't.


RAY: My captors took a
drill and pulverized my leg.

The pain was excruciating.

But I don't feel any now.



Sorry, baby, I didn't hear you there.

Hope this exposure therapy
isn't just an excuse

to ignore your wife.


Exposure therapy helps make
sure I still have a wife.

- NAIMA: Mm.
- Mm?

- Mm.
- It's been nice having you home

for all of training cycle.

I love seeing you back to your old self.

Still a lot of work to do, baby.

I am healing. I'm not healed.

Are you healed enough to
make it to the grocery store

for party supplies after
your language training?

Who... I'm... Who throws
a housewarming party

more than a year after they move in?

People who had a year like we did.

- That part.
- Yes.

You sure you're not using the,
uh, party as an excuse

to prove to Bravo I'm fine?

You know, the boys haven't
seen much of me

since I froze up on the b*ttlefield.

It can't hurt for your teammates
to see how well you're doing now.


- Yeah, you right.
- Am I right?

- RAY: Mm-hmm.
- Mm.

What do we got here? We got...

unicorns and rainbows on
a beautiful Texas day.


I tell you what, you're gonna
turn some heads in either one.

That's right.

Wow, look at you.

You're so beautiful.

Yeah, you could just...

sit on a park bench and
the birds would feed you.


Somebody's home.

- Hey.
- Hey.

How's my baby girl?

Uh, great. She, uh, drank
her five-ounce bottle,

uh, clocked in minutes of nap time,

and absolutely crushed her
tummy time. Didn't you?

I see you've rearranged
the bookcase again.

Oh, yeah. I mean, look,
this thing was like an IED.

If Leanne bumped into it,

she was gonna be on the wrong
end of a book avalanche.

I never guessed a man
who enjoys being shot at

would be the world's most
overprotective father.

SONNY: Uh, speaking of which, um,

I got to get back to
the base for training,

but do you mind if I,
uh, if I come by later

and help with bath and bedtime routine?

You've been over every
night for three months.

- There's no need to ask.
- I-I know, I just, uh...

Look, I don't want to
overstay my welcome.

No chance. Especially
since you're heading home

- in two weeks.
- Yeah. Don't remind me.

Okay, hey, I'll see you later
tonight, munchkin, okay?

I'll see you.

challenges we're facing at home,

how do we modernize our military

without devoting even more
of our GDP to defense?

Lieutenant Davis?

Any ideas?


Put all of our eggs in one basket,

and we will continue to have
setbacks like the F- .

It's imperative that our military
branches aren't spending time

and money on similar R & D

when a variety of
perspectives will triumph

over a h*m* viewpoint.

Impressive answer, Lieutenant Davis.

Show us pencil pushers a thing or two.

- MAN: Madam Undersecretary...

- (WHISPERS): Show-off.
- Shh.



The summer reading list
isn't mandatory, Dad.

JASON: It's mandatory when you're, what,

have a "C" average?
That's mandatory, okay?

You're not evolving.
You're falling behind.

Come on, Mikey Muscles, let's go.

Mikey led his team in goals

and improved his GPA again last year.

- He's not falling behind anyone.
- Oh, really? Okay, how about you?

Let's talk about you... did you
talk to your Professor Cushman

- about your independent studies?
- Let's stay focused on Mikey.

Okay, honey. Thank you.

- You got one of those for me, Uncle Ray?
- Ah, seriously?

Not unless it's suddenly
next year and you're .

- You guys are such buzzkills.
- Aw.

Just keep it moving along.
Nothing to look at here.

You know what? Keep an
eye on her, all right?

Yeah. To you, too.

- This kid.
- Can you believe it?

(CHUCKLES): Yeah. How
was, uh, how was testing?

All the training trips,
I missed that one the most.

Well, not with all of Bravo together.

It was just glorified drown-proofing,
to be honest with you.

Well, good thing we'll
be reunited soon, yeah?

Yeah. Hey, look, how about you?

You, uh... sticking with therapy
and doing all the exercises?

How could I not with you texting
me every hour to remind me?

Well, I guess that's me just
showing you how much I...

care about you.

Hey. I'm always here for you.

- You know that.
- That's more clear than ever, brother.

JASON: All right, let's go.

You got the steaks?

- Let's do it.
- Let's go.

So, um, we start off in Rwanda,
and then we move into...

Where was it?

- Tanzania.
- Tanzania, and then we end up

with some beach time in Zanzibar.

- That is my dream honeymoon.
- Yep.

- Definitely worth the wait.
- And hopefully the money.

You know what? Government
just foot the bill

on your ultimate summer adventure,

so it's time to focus on
spoiling me, please.

Hey, look, you can't put a price

on all the alone time we'll have.

Yeah. No Bravo interrupting us
will be a nice change of pace.


I'm not sure how you kept
Ray around for training.

Just... lucky, I guess.

- Uh, you mind helping me with this?
- Oh, yeah, of course. Sorry.

- NAIMA: Thank you.

Leave that there.

(GRUNTS) Is it just me, or are
these shoulders getting bigger?

Uh, I have to without you
around to help carry the team.


Yeah, well, I'll be back soon enough,

give those lats a rest.

I'm, uh, glad to see things are
back on track with you and Naima.

RAY: Like you said, we got to
fight for what we want, right?

How's, uh, how's all that
language training going?

That's why you've been home, right?

(CHUCKLES) Yoruba's been kicking my ass

with all its different dialects, man.

But as warrant,

I got to keep adding tools
to my tool kit, right?

That's right.

Bring it in.

So, uh, Mikey thinks
he can make varsity.

- As a freshman?
- Yeah, if I outwork everyone,

age doesn't matter. Three-foot world.

- Three-foot world.
- Chip off the old block.

Hi, guys. I wanted you to meet
my friend from work, Eva.

- Hi. I'm Brock.

Eva, this is Jason.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Brock, I think Pepper made
a mess in the front yard.

- Uh, we're on it.
- Yeah.

Uh, come on, Mikey. You can help, too.

Naima's told me a lot about you.

Well, that's, uh, that's
a little concerning

considering everything
she knows about me.


Eva is from just outside Philly.

I figured you two have a lot in common.

Oh, Philly. Okay, let's do this.

Let's get Gritty about it, shall we?


- Here you are.
- Thank you.

Baby, are you worried that
we're spending too much money

on our honeymoon?

No, not... not after what we
saved on our shotgun wedding.

All right, for the thousandth time,

we eloped.

- Right?
- Whatever we did,

look, it saved us plenty of money
to pay for the honeymoon.

It's good to know that our
wedding did something

other than give my mother
an excuse to guilt me

- for the rest of our lives.
- Yeah,

for that alone, you
deserve to be spoiled.

Oh, such a good husband.

That just sounds weird
when we're three months in.

- Yeah.
- JASON (GROANS): Oh, geez.


(LAUGHS): Hey, you got some,
uh, some holes in you

- from that ambush.
- Yeah, okay, well, Naima,

- she ex*cuted that to perfection.
- STELLA: Yeah?

Does that mean that we have a...
a double date in our future?

Or is that gonna be difficult since
you guys are attached at the hip?

What, are you jealous?

- Should be.

Yeah, she is.

We'll always have Zion, right?


You know, I...

my grip slipped on Angel's Landing,
practically fell in your lap.

- Yeah, I remember.

I just didn't want to embarrass
you in front of your wife.

Oh. Party's over.

Okay, let's roll. Hey!

All right, boys, let's go. Hey.

JASON: Any chance you called us in

'cause you missed us, Lieutenant Soto?


Apologies for the short notice,

but Bravo's heading to South Korea

for exercises with the
ROK Special Forces.


Losing our downtime at
home for more training?

JASON: Wow, okay, well, I'm not sure

how much we can show ROK when
we don't have a full squad.

Petty Officer Quinn and Lieutenant
Davis will be on the bird

when we depart at tomorrow.

- Any questions?


South Korea.

Let's go.

- Jason.
- Yeah?

Do you, uh, want me rolling on this one,

or you want me to stay
focused on my therapy?

No, no, no. Training will be good
for you, get your feet wet.

You need it.

I think it's time I come clean
to Bravo about everything.

I don't want to hide things
from 'em anymore.

What are you talking about?
You got nothing to hide, man.

You're good now, right? You're good.

If one of my brothers went
sideways outside the wire,

I might be looking for
you to sideline them

- until they were squared away.
- It's been three months.

- You're good.
- But you're the only one

that knows I've been working
on my PTS since then.

The boys think I just
been learning languages.

Okay, Ray, we both know that all
it takes is one ignorant cake eater

to get a sniff or hint that you got PTS,

and they'll pull you from operating.

For good.

That's all Bravo needs to see

is you go out there training.
That's all they need to know.

(PATS CHEST) Go home.

Roger that.

HANNAH: What are you doing?

- Is the baby okay?
- Yeah.

I, uh... I got called back early.

Got to leave for Vah Beach
in a couple of hours.

I thought you had two more weeks.

(QUIETLY): Yeah.

Well, at least wake Leanne up

- for a proper goodbye.
- No.

No, I worked so hard to
get her on that nap cycle.

I don't want to break it.


Hey, munchkin, Daddy's got to go, okay?

But I'm gonna race back as
soon as I can to see you.

I love you.

I'll come running back.

- All right.
- She's gonna miss her daddy.


I'll see you.

You know, sorry I'm,
uh, blowing out of here.

You know, I just... But you guys,
you know the drill, right?

I really was looking forward to
driving you both back to school,

- but...
- EMMA: Us, too. Next time.

- JASON: Next time.
- Don't worry,

Emma found us a replacement ride.

Whoa, whoa, what do you
mean, a replacement?

Um, Brad's offered to drive.

That way I don't have to
drive in the city alone

after dropping Mikey off.

- Brad.
- Yeah.

Yeah, I actually don't hate that idea.

Extra set of eyes and ears never hurt.

Well, let's just make sure
that the eyes and the ears

are the only thing
that he's offering up.

- Got it?
- Gross, Dad.

I'm your dad, okay? I'm supposed
to say that kind of stuff.

But if you want to talk
about people offering up...

Eva seemed nice.

- I liked her.

The two of you were both in on this

with Naima, weren't you, huh?

You keep saying Bravo and
Jason Hayes can coexist.

Mikey and I are doing fine,

so it seems like you have
time for a relationship.

It's not that easy. You don't
just meet somebody at a party,

and all of a sudden
you're in a relationship.

Sounds like an excuse.

You deserve to have a life,

- a full life.
- Okay.

MICHAEL: If you're not evolving,

- you're falling behind, Dad.
- You're falling behind, huh?

- EMMA (LAUGHS): Oh, God.
- Okay, I'll tell you what.

Maybe I'll call her

- when I get back.


Look, this joint training

won't put our honeymoon
in jeopardy, all right?

I promise.

Let's get that big brain churning.

The party yesterday,

when Jason didn't get your,
um, rock climbing reference,

you seemed kind of spooked.

Like you did at our wedding reception.

Jason's years of combat,
does that still have you worried?

You know, headaches, memory loss.

I just...

hope there's not something
going on inside his head.

Like Swanny?

If Jason has a traumatic brain injury,

he's not fit to lead Bravo.

I know that.

You know, it's just, I'm not even
sure there's anything wrong.

Well, you spent most of the
last three months with him.

Any other signs that you've witnessed?

None, really. He's been himself.

Better than himself, actually.

So the headache and the missed
reference three months apart

shouldn't be an indictment
on Jason's health.

You're right.

It's probably nothing.

So, how was her gas
after her bottle, huh?

Normal tootsies and burpies?


- Yeah, all right, all right.

Hey... I got to go, all right?

I love you, monkey.

See, all that training down in Texas

has really turned you into
a Tier One Mr. Mom.

SONNY: Well, aren't you
all a sight for sore eyes.

How's that little girl doing, huh?

Uh, she's good, man.

Hey, uh, thanks again
for pulling those strings

and having me train down there.

Yeah, I really cherished
my time with her.

Yeah, we cherished our time
without you, too, Sonny.

JASON: Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Since when's our XO, uh,

joining us on training ops?

- Since there is no training op.
- RAY: Wait, we're spinning up?

Apologies for the misdirect,

but this rollout comes
from way above me.

You'll receive more information
when we're on the ground

- at Yongsan Base.
- All right, Blackburn, come on,

what's up with the
cloak-and-dagger here?

Bravo Team will be conducting an
operation inside of North Korea.




JASON: A lot more good idea
fairies than usual, huh?

Yeah. Running an op inside of a country

we're still technically at
w*r with will do that.

Mission brings us to the
brink of Armageddon.

So much for easing back into things.

Chips are down.

The command's got to
play their best hand.

SONNY: Just hope we're not one
card short of a straight flush.

Here they come.

Welcome to South Korea, Bravo Team.

I'm sure your heads are spinning

given the nature of
this op, but focus up.

If this mission isn't
ex*cuted to perfection,

the consequences could be catastrophic.

This is Jin Yong, better
known as the godfather

of the North Korean weapons program.

Guessing soon to be former godfather.

Yeah, but not how you'd think.

South Koreans believe
that Jin wants to defect.

Gaining access to what he knows
would be an intelligence coup.

Well, how strong is the intel
that this guy wants to defect?

Depends on how strong his marriage is.

months ago, his wife defected.

- She's our source.
- RAY: Can't imagine her run for freedom

scored him points with the regime.

Got him excommunicated
to the Komusan region

near the Chinese border.

What, they send him to a work camp?

No, he is overseeing a weapons project

under the careful watch of the military

and secret police.

Fact that they hadn't ex*cuted
him speaks to his value.

RAY: And why we're
willing to risk so much

getting him out of the country.

SOTO: Bravo won't be getting him out.

A North Korean smuggler will.

Kwan Jon-Wi.

Defected from North Korea a decade ago

and is now running an
underground railroad network.

RAY: If Kwan has a network,

what does she need us for?

Usual tricks won't work with
so many eyes on a VIP like Jin.

Kwan's been on the ground for weeks

and has formulated a plan to
ferry Jin out of the country

by crossing an electrified river.

I'm sorry, an electrified river?

SOTO: Countermeasure to
defectors and invaders.

Bravo will shut the power down

before Kwan and Jin hit the water.

If Kwan reaches downriver,
you'll exfil to the coast,

swim out before anyone's the wiser.

Zero footprint. Zero k*ll.

Okay, that's all great information,

but how do we infiltrate the most
fortified country in the world?

Well, we can't figure it all
out for you, Master Chief.

It is on Bravo to tell us
your best way inside.

Op's not a go till you have actions on.


Okay, call me paranoid,

but you not talking to me
that whole flight over

makes me feel like you're
giving me the cold shoulder.

No, I'm sorry. I'm-I'm playing
catch-up on this op.

O-Okay, well, look, keeping us
from starting World w*r III

is much better use of your time
than seeing baby pics, but...

- Oh, I'm sorry, did I miss my chance?
- Oh, I... All right.

- Okay, Sonny, this is stupid.

- Wow.
- Yeah.

This is cute. So... how is dad life?

(LAUGHS): It's incredible. It is.

Ah, she's got me eating
right out of her hand.

I'm just... I'm so glad you
had so much time to visit.

I mean, it'd be more than just a visit

if you'd take me up on my
offer and move to Texas.

You're acting like that wasn't
some whiskey-fueled fantasy.

How do you feel about quitting Bravo

after spending three
months on base there?

You know, my time in
Texas made me realize

I love three things in this world:

Leanne, Bravo...

and you.

Now, it just doesn't seem fair

that we can't get them all to coexist.

Look... you're right, I know the
situation with us isn't fair.

But it's also not changing.

It's time we both accept
that, you know, and...

forge new paths.

RAY: Been tasked with
some tall orders before,

but getting into North Korea

- is like breaking into Fort Knox.
- Mm-hmm.

Whole country's designed
to keep people out.

CLAY: Electrified fences,

surveillance cameras, and
we have to overcome all that

without using force or
any of our usual toys.

No ISR. No heavy weapons.
No RF signature.

Old-school teams for an old-school op.

And remember, it's not our gear

- that makes us the best.
- I agree, boss,

but if anyone so much as catches
a whiff of us, we're screwed.

SONNY: I know fatherhood
has softened me up, but...

a North Korean death camp
doesn't have much appeal.

Look, without overwatch,
we need an infil

that minimizes our exposure.

That eliminates a border crossing.

Could swim in, work
our exfil in reverse.

Less eyes on the coast.
Safe in, safe out.

Got to be underground by sunup.

HAHO from over the Sea of Japan

could carry us into Jin's region.

RAY: Nah, the North Koreans would be

all over a military
plane off their coast.

You know what?

Looks like we need to book
a flight to Vladivostok.

Why the hell we flying to Russia?

Plenty of seats to pick from, boys.

Ah, it's about time Bravo gets
the "rock star" treatment.


Flying on a commercial airline

to an op, and somehow
I still get stuck in coach.

Long way from having to up-armor
Humvees on our own dime.

Navy sure splurged
chartering this flight.

They're probably gonna take
a bite out of us somehow.

Probably charge us for pillows
and headsets, knowing them.

Buckle in, guys.

Gonna be a bumpy ride.

Sonny, you know, seriously...

plenty of seats to choose from here.

You don't need to be
squeezing me like this.

Everything okay back home?

- I'm sure it was tough leaving Leanne.
- Yeah.

- Hmm?
- I got Bravo on my mind,

you know, given that we're, uh,
jumping into a viper's nest,

blindfolded with our hands
tied behind our back.

We can handle it,
Sonny, we can handle it.

I know we can.

- But can everyone?

Ray was a liability all last deployment.

Ray's fine. He wouldn't
be here if he wasn't.

Need I remind you, you weren't
a, uh, model sailor, either?

No, I left...

All of my issues stayed
on the boat, Jace.

I didn't endanger anyone.

Ray damn near got Brock k*lled.

It's hard to operate
when you can't trust

the men to your right or left.

What if he freezes up again?

(SIGHS) It's my call.

Yeah, well, your call was made

when you thought this was
just a training operation.


J, your loyalty to Ray is admirable,

but it's starting to blind you
on what's best for Bravo.

You questioning Ray's judgment or mine?


Hey. South Korean intelligence confirms

that Kwan is ready to
link up with Bravo.

I sent the team the
rally point coordinates.

Well, all goes according to plan,

Bravo will only be on North Korean
soil for less than hours.

It'll be a long day.

- We're used to those around here.

Do I detect any regrets

about you not pursuing
that SOCOM position?

Fighting for justice against a
sexual predator was the right call.

But... Bravo running an op like this

reminds me why SOCOM had appeal.

Hoping your new DoD fellowship
will open up some new doors, huh?

Those are powerful
elbows you're rubbing.

I'm just broadening my horizons.

Taking over a commercial
flight for infil.

This is a new one for me.

Can't imagine the
strings pulled on this.

Still getting used to swimming in
the DEVGRU deep end, Lieutenant?

They just left South Korean airspace.

We're about to be past
the point of no return.

Time to go.

Scratch HAHOing from a commercial
airliner off your bucket list.

Playing D.B. Cooper at , feet

over shark-infested waters of
the Sea of Japan ain't on mine.

So much can go wrong during this jump,

becoming shark food should
be the least of your worries.

JASON: How are the winds?


Masks on.


Bravo is in enemy airspace.

How's their flight path?

They're tracking to bull's-eye the LZ.

The plan is holding.

It better.

Bravo won't make it home if it doesn't.

CLAY: This is the rally point.

JASON: Where's our smuggler?

Lot of faith we're putting in her, huh?

You do realize if we rip our britches

that Dennis Rodman is our only
hope of smelling freedom again.

Think I got something.

I'm Kwan. Welcome to North Korea.

Master Chief Hayes. This is Bravo.

How far to the shelter?

Ten klicks. Need to hurry.

SONNY: I've been in torpedo
tubes with more charm.

Place is a relic from the Korean w*r.

I've called it home for the past month.

Air definitely has a
nostalgic whiff to it.

JASON: Hey. Get the cloud relay up

so we can get our comms
up and running, huh?


CLAY: Don't worry.

This will ensure the North
Koreans can't hear us.

This bunker offers a good
view of where Jin is housed,

- and it's safe.
- Safe?

We're in a country where
its citizens take an oath

- to k*ll Americans, ma'am.
- SONNY: It's like being a UT fan

at a Oklahoma game.

JASON: Brock, Trent, pull security.

You're certain that this compound

is the best place for you to grab him?

- Are you questioning my plan?
- I'm questioning if it's the right plan.

Because if your plan goes to hell,

it's my men who's caught
behind enemy lines.

Jin goes to work every
day, picked up at ,

escorted by secret police.

The lab is crawling with
soldiers and police.

Where he's housed offers fewer risks.

He returns every night at ,

has dinner with his other workers,

then goes for a stroll at
every other evening.

Got to burn off both those calories.

Is he escorted during his walks?

He's always alone.

The southeast corner of the compound

is in the guard tower's blind spot.

That's where I will approach him.

When he disappears, the guard tower
will assume he's gone to bed.

What about the guards inside the dorm?

They'll know that he didn't come back.

KWAN: There are no guards inside,

just roaming patrol around the compound.

We're in the middle of nowhere.

They're not worried
about anyone running.

Once I've made contact,
I'll drive Jin to the riverbank

and have him over the
border before daybreak.

Okay. Plan's simple.

This will work.

Assuming you keep your part of the deal.

Well, what happens if
Jin doesn't go with you?

His wife gave me a phrase
that will win his trust.

Who else knows Jin's your target?


Does your network know you're
working with Americans?

- No.
- What, you can't trust your partners?

In North Korea you trust nobody.


Well, that's reassuring.

Thought you were warriors, not worriers.

Read us in on the power station.

Master Chief Hayes checked
in during the comms window.

Bravo's settled in and
prepping for the op.

Comms window every four
hours isn't exactly ideal,

but it's better than being
completely in the dark.

Anything from the South Koreans?

They're monitoring chatter

and troops' movements. Nothing unusual.

Let's hope it stays that way.

Want our boys out of the Hermit
Kingdom as soon as possible.

Last deployment taught me
to never be comfortable

when my team steps outside the wire.

Full Metal's death hit us all hard.

Wish I could tell you it gets easier.

RAY: They put a knife to my neck

and finally delivered on their promise.

But it wasn't my throat slashed,

it was Zied's.


Let me ask you something.

You got concerns about
Ray rolling with us?

Nobody's been around him
much the last three months.

After how he behaved on deployment,

thought you might stand him down.

But I trust your instincts.


The others don't seem to.

We weren't in the fight
when Ray froze up.

Sonny, Trent and Brock were.

That's probably why they
haven't gotten over it.

I just hope Ray has.

RAY: You work in English?

I can't carry my notebook on me.

If it's discovered in the
middle of our operation,

people in these parts
can't read English.

They'll know something's
off but won't know what.

Buys you time.

Don't leave any stone unturned...
is that the secret to your success?


Calling me a success is an exaggeration.

I've had my share of defeats.

You know, I can't say
I've ever met someone

who repeatedly breaks back into
a country they broke out of.

I question my sanity sometimes.

When I finally made it to South Korea,

I promised I'd never set
foot in this country again.

Promise you keep breaking.



All this brings you comfort?

In Seoul, I found comfort...



But then guilt.

Hard to enjoy good fortune
with that weighing on you.

One day I'm eating chimaek
and watching soap operas

when it dawned on me:
only a few miles away

my former countrymen
are eating pine bark

and polishing photos of their
leader out of fear of being sent

to the gulag.

In that moment, I found my calling.

Knowing you're out there provides hope

for those who need it the most.


Ray, time to jock up.

Excuse me.

KWAN: I never observed more
than four guards at the station.

- One in the tower, three inside.
- The op will be over

before it starts if someone's on
the other side of any door we kick.

Please don't kick anything.
Silence is your ally.

(CHUCKLES) That's a figure
of speech for us, ma'am.

Just remember, we fire
a shot or we use force,

- total mission failure.
- SONNY: One misstep or hesitation

could cost us everything out there.

How you splitting us up?

JASON: Clay, Sonny, Brock
with me at the substation.

Ray, Trent, eyes on Kwan and Jin. Copy?

- Roger that.
- KWAN: Once I have Jin,

it will take me ten minutes
to make it to the river.

Creating the power surge
should take us less than that.

We'll start as soon as Ray
and Trent get eyes on you.

KWAN: Jin's defection
will embarrass the regime

and hopefully ease the
suffering of my people.

You're helping many by helping me.

Safe journey, Kwan.

Same to all of you.

Let's go. Roll out in five.

SONNY: One guard.

Doesn't have an angle
on our planned route.

CLAY: Just like Kwan said.

Didn't see any wires running
overhead to the transformers.

Breaker room should
be on the first deck.

RAY: Any sign of Jin?

TRENT: Nothing yet.

Any movement on the road?

RAY: Negative.

Should give Kwan a straight
shot to the riverbank.

Wait a minute, here we go.
I got something.

It's Jin.

RAY: Right on time.

No one's paying him any attention.

TRENT: Yeah. Time for Kwan
to wrap this thing up.


There's still no sign of her.

This place is a death trap.

Find the panel, set the bypass.

Getting electrocuted in North Korea

isn't exactly how I want to go.

I'm sure Kwan doesn't want to, either.

Hey. Lot of noise out there.

It's just hard to tell
where it's coming from.

- Check it out.
- Roger that.




Guys, spotted six guards, could be more.

Kwan said there was only three.

More eyes to spot us.

More anxious minds asking questions
when the power goes down.

SONNY: We're fish in a barrel if
they start poking around down here.

SONNY: What's the call, Jace?

Pull the plug now, we
can slip out undetected.

Look, the entire op's contingent
on what we do here.

We hold what we got.

Don't want to be here any longer
than we need to, either, but...

I found it.


JASON: , this is .

What's going on out there?

Samson is still out for his stroll,

but he's probably on his last lap.

Good copy.

Looks like he's slowing
down a little bit.

Yeah. If he decides to end his
walk early, we're screwed.

A vehicle approaching from the east.

, this is .

Pass "Price."

Copy "Price."

Kwan's en route. Get the bypass ready.

Keeps us here another ten minutes.

Soon as that power is down,

we Charlie Mike.

SONNY: , this is .

We got to move. Two
tangos heading downstairs.

Keep coming, keep coming.

She's about seconds
form the rally point.

Jin should just be getting
to the blind spot then.

RAY: Keep coming.

Keep coming, keep coming.

What the hell's going on?

Secret police.

No. Damn it.

No, no, no, no.

(SIGHS): Bravo , this is .

- I pass "Earthquake."
- Say again your last.

I say again, "Earthquake."

Copy "Earthquake."
Virgil's off the board.

Kwan's been rolled up.


Hey, guards are on their way down here.

We got to turn and burn.


If the North Koreans know about Kwan...

They might know about us.

Could explain the extra boots down here.


I thought that rig was supposed
to make the river safe,

not black out the whole building.

- Yeah, that was the idea.
- If it blows the power,

they're gonna be in here
checking the fuses in no time.

Op's been compromised. Pull it. Pull it.

SONNY: Come on, let's go, Blond Edison.


Got no idea how many
guards are on-site now.

Gonna be a lot quicker to
schwack our way out of this,

K-pop these clowns and go.

And start a thermonuclear w*r?

ROEs still stand.

We do not fire a shot unless we have to.

Brock, lead us out.




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