08x21 - Shattered Dreams

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dallas". Aired: April 1978 to May 1991.*
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The oil-rich Ewings endure daily troubles in Texas.
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08x21 - Shattered Dreams

Post by bunniefuu »

- It's a very exciting city.
- Sue Ellen, go on.

- I want you to have a good time.
- We have to find out if Mark's really here.

I wanna know what you're doing.

You don't think I'd do anything
behind your back, do you?

Are you sure
that Mark Graison is in that clinic?


Mrs. Veronica Robinson.

VERONICA: I will fly to Dallas
and testify for Jenna Wade.

The cash will not go
into a company account.

- No, my personal account.
- And your brother.

My brother doesn't have
to know about this.


- Who is it?
J.R.: Me.

- At this hour?
- Mandy, let me in, please.

- J.R., it's very late.
- I'm sorry.


I need to be with somebody
I really care for.

- All right.
- Thank you. Thank you, honey.


I was just about to go to bed.
Can you tell me what this is all about?

Well, I'm having a pretty rough time.

I don't have anybody I can talk to.

- Want some, darling?
- No, I don't want any.

Is this really J.R. Ewing?

The k*ller in the oil business
everyone talks about?

Mm. He's also a man
with some very serious personal problems.

You know
how important my family is to me.

And it's all falling apart at the seams.

You're having problems with your wife?

Yes, but that's not
what's really bothering me.

Well, what is it?
Is it just an excuse to be here?

Another one of your manipulations?

Mandy, I hurt like any other person.


The Ewings always used to close ranks
whenever there was trouble...

...from outside the family,
but now things have changed.

My brothers and I are on one side
and my mama and her new husband...

...are on the other,
and I'll tell you, it's just damn painful.

You know this is pretty personal stuff.
How do you know you can trust me?

I was spying on you for Cliff
not so long ago.


But that's all finished
with Barnes now, isn't it?


But I can't slip in
and out of these things so easily.

And I'm certainly not ready
for another man in my life.

Damn, I care for you so much.

And I really like you,
but that's all for right now.

J.R., I think you'd better go.

I don't wanna be alone.

Well, I certainly can't stay up any longer
to keep you company...

...and I won't sleep with you.

I didn't ask you to.

I just wanna spend the night, that's all.

All right.

But right there.


You know, I never thought of you
as being vulnerable before.

But you are, aren't you?

Yes, I suppose so.


Good night.

I'm sorry about your headache.

You didn't miss much at dinner, though.
It was just J.R. and me.

Mama and Clayton decided
at the last minute they'd eat dinner out.

And I can't say I blame them.

The family's going through
a pretty rough time right now.

It's too bad you're having a problem
with Clayton.

And Mama.

I'm caught right between Mama
and the memory of Daddy.

And she is firmly on Clayton's side.

Well, who knows?

Maybe they'll come around
and decide to help you.

Oh, I doubt it.

You see, honey.
what J.R. and Ray and I are doing...

...is a little bit unethical.

Not to mention
being right on the edge of illegal.

Then agreeing to it
must be difficult for you.

It is.

But I would do just about anything I have to
to protect Daddy's company. Within limits.

- Do you and J.R. agree on the limits?
- Not all of them.

But we'll just have
to take it one day at a time.

And you know him,
I'm gonna have to keep an eye on him.

Bobby, I wonder what your father would've
thought about the things his sons are doing.

- Would he approve?
- Daddy? Absolutely.


I think if Daddy were alive right now,
Cliff Barnes and Jamie Ewing...

...would be sharing
an igloo somewhere in the Arctic.


I only wish I could help.

Sometimes I just wanna run away.

All I ever wanted to do
was love you and be with you.

Now I feel like I'm such a burden.

Hey, we'll manage.
We are gonna win all our battles.

I hope so.

Because I'm really scared.

But knowing that you're with me helps.
It really does.

I know why the boys
are fighting so hard.

They need to cling to the one tangible thing
that represents Jock.

It's Ewing Oil.


And I don't approve of the way
they're going about it, but I understand.

Then you don't feel the need
to hold on to the company?

Well, I thought I did, until tonight.

And then when I heard you
having that argument with them...

...I suddenly realized
that my priorities have changed.

I closed a door on the past.

And I am no longer willing
to go to any lengths...

...to preserve the things
that Jock left behind.

Like Ewing Oil.

Ellie, I know the pain it caused you
to stand on my side.

Yes, change is often painful.

But, Clayton,
I don't need Ewing Oil to remember Jock.

I mean, those memories are inside me.
He's pan of me and always will be.

I know that, and I'm able to accept that.

What's important to me now is you
and our future together.

Well, with all this fight going on
for the company...

...all of us living together at Southfork
may be difficult for the family.


If anyone feels it's necessary
to leave Southfork, they can.

But it won't be us.

Jock wanted to leave something
for his sons.

Miss Ellie has Southlork,
but all Jock ever really had was Ewing Oil.

He wanted to leave a legacy for his boys.

That's why I'm with J.R.
and Bobby on this thing.

Hell, he was my father too.

Ray, what you're doing is dishonest.

You're planning to siphon off funds
and assets from Ewing Oil...

...put them into a holding fund
that Cliff and Jamie can't touch.

You're going against all the guidelines
that were set by that judge...

...when he lifted
the temporary injunction.

Come on, honey, you can't do that.

Phony lawsuit.

It's just Cliff Barnes trying to
get at the Ewings another way.

- The same thing he's been doing for years.
- Ray, this is not just another way.

This is a lawsuit
based on a legal document, okay?

It was drawn up by Sam Culver.

And in it, it gave Jock, Digger and Jason
all equal share in Ewing Oil.

Now, if the court upholds this, honey...

...it means that Cliff, Jamie and her brother
are partners in Ewing Oil.

No way.

Jock never would've stolen
that company from Jason and Digger.

I won't buy that. Not in a million years.

All of this happened back
during the Depression.

Times were tough then. You don't know
what Jock might've done.

You are going to have to
let the court take care of this.

I have to tell you, I don't like the idea of you
working with J.R. in these illegal schemes.

Honey, it's wrong.

I don't see it that way, Donna.
I don't see it that way at all.





I'm not home,
but if you wait for the beep...

...vou can leave me a message
and I'll call you back.



CLIFF: Mandy, this is Cliff. [miss you.
[really wanna see you.

But I've called several times
and you haven't bothered to call back.

So if you don't call back this time,
then forget about it. That's it.

! wun't can again.

So much for Mr. Cliff Barnes.


Just a second.


KENDALL: Bobby, there's a woman on
the phone that says she has to talk to you.

Well, who is she?

She won't give her name,
but it sounds like an overseas ca...

All right, I'll take it.

- This is Bobby Ewing.
- Yes, Mr. Ewing, this is Veronica Robinson.

Veronica, I've been wanting
to talk to you.

- Where are you?
- I can't tell you that.

Don't play games with me.
Jenna's life's at stake.

Mr. Ewing, I'm not playing games.
My own life is at stake.

I don't dare give you any information
on the telephone.

There is someone else on this line.

It's Jenna's lawyer, Scotty Demarest.

Howdy, Ms. Robinson.

- Why did you call?
- I wanna make a deal.

What kind of deal?

I will fly to Dallas
and testify for Jenna Wade.

All right, how much do you want?

I don't want any money this time.

I want round-the-clock protection
until the k*ller is in jail.

I can guarantee that.
When are you coming?

Oh, I have to be very careful.
I haven't made a reservation yet.

I'll call you and let you know
what plane I'm taking.

Listen, Jenna's trial
is gonna be real soon.

She sounds frightened, Bobby.

Well, we were right, Scotty.
That k*ller's out there somewhere.

Mrs. Ewing?

Yes? Uh, mine's the one
without the liquor.

Oh, thank you.

- Here we go.
- Thank you.

Is there anything I can do for you?
Perhaps get you a magazine?

- Um, not for me. Pam?
- Mm-mm. No, thanks.

- Okay.
- Thank you.

I can't believe
we're actually on our way.

You know, J.R. and I
have done practically no traveling.


When we were first married...

...we made a few quick trips to Europe
and one to Saudi Arabia...

...where J.R. was always trying
to combine business with a little pleasure.

And a very little pleasure.

I'm glad you're with me.

Pam, I'm so sorry.

In my enthusiasm, I almost forgot
why you're going to Hong Kong.

No, it's all right.

I want you to have a good time, Sue Ellen.
You deserve it.

Thank you.
I can imagine how anxious you must be.

Oh, I'm more than anxious.

I'm beginning to have mixed emotions
about why I'm doing this.


Bobby came to pick up Christopher.

He's gonna keep him at Southfork
while I'm away.

I had a hard time hiding my feelings
from him, and from myself.

I still care so much about Bobby.

Then why are you going through
all this trouble to find Mark?

The salvage operation to find the plane,
the trip to the Caribbean.

Loyalty, obligation, I don't--

A sense of duty.

Mark loves me.
I can't tum my back on that.

Then you were going to many Mark
despite the way you felt about Bobby?

Yes. When Bobby and Jenna
got so close together again...

...I thought it was all over between us,
and Mark needed me so desperately.

He was so sick.

Pam, you don't have
to go through with this.

If Mark staged that accident,
he didn't want you to find him.

I know that.

But I started this,
and I've got to see it through.

At least until I'm sure
that there's no hope of finding him again.


I'll give you all the help I can.

Maybe I'm being a little selfish,
but I'm so glad that you invited me along.

I think Hong Kong is the furthest place
away from J.R. that I could possibly be.

Well, I'll drink to that.

CLIFF: You gonna go in on this with me?
JORDAN: I'll take a small piece of it.

Well, how about the rest of the cartel?
Marilee and Andy?

You've got some fence-mending to do there.
You been raiding their key personnel.


Yeah, I guess I have. Well--

All I know is that when I get ready
to move, I gotta move fast...

...if I'm gonna take control of Ewing Oil,
and I want only the best people around me.

- You really think you can win the suit, Cliff?
- Oh, yeah, yeah.


There's no doubt about that.


Oh, hey.
Oh, wait a minute, wait a minute.

You haven't heard the latest.
You haven't heard the latest about J.R.

You see, he thought he'd found this
star witness who was gonna put me away.

Some old roughneck named Alf Brindle.

I haven't heard that name in years.

Well, he worked on the crew that brought in
the discovery well that started Ewing Oil.

He worked for Jock,
Jason and my daddy.

Sure, he used to work
all those East Texas fields.

- Yeah.
- What happened?

J.R., Bobby and Ray Krebbs
brought him to my apartment.

Then Brindle starts telling
this cockamamie story...

...about how Jason and my daddy
were a couple of losers...

...and makes Jock out to look
like some knight in shining armor.

- So?
- So I figured it was all over.

I figured I didn't have a lawsuit.

I wasn't about to allow them to smear
my daddy's name around in open court.


But then, J.R.'s plan backfires,
because it turns out...

...that this Brindle and my daddy
were really buddies...

...and years ago, he had given Brindle
a copy of the document that proves...

...that Ewing Oil is owned equally
between Jason, Jock and my daddy.

- Same as Jamie Ewing's document?
- Word for word. Word for word.


You wanna see three beaten men...

...it was the Ewing brothers
when they left my place.

I can imagine that.

No doubt about it.
I'm gonna control two-thirds of Ewing Oil.

- That's for sure.
- Two-thirds?

What about Jamie Ewing?

You know, if you win, she's gonna control
one-third and you get only one-third.

- Same thing.
- No, it isn't, Cliff.

Jamie's a Ewing.

How can you be sure when push comes
to shove, she won't side with her kin?

Won't happen.

Well, maybe not right away.

But eventually, she may change her mind.
Family ties can be very strong.

Cliff, you're gonna have to do
something to guarantee...

...that Jamie will stay on your side.

Like what?

I don't know, but you give it some thought.
I gotta be going, Cliff.

- Good day, Jackie.
- Goodbye, Mr. Lee.

- Thanks for stopping by, Jordan.
- I'll call you.

There were messages for you
while you were in your meeting.


First, I want you to get Jamie Ewing for me.
I have to talk to her.

Conrad. Well, I'm glad you could make it.

Anytime. You know that.

- Can I fix you a drink?
- Whatever you're having.


You said on the phone
there was a business transaction...

...you'd like me to handle.

Yes, with your international contacts...

...I figured you could help me convert
some of my assets into cash.

Without the transaction being traced?

Well, that's your specialty, isn't it?

I pride myself on my discretion.

Ha, ha. Please.

What are these assets
you wish to dispose of?

I have some offshore wells
that I wanna sell...

...to a corporation that I control,
of course.

- At a bargain price, I assume?
- Yes, yes.

I've arranged to have them
declared nearly depleted.

- But they're not?
- No. The price is 15 million each.

And you would like me to buy them...

...from this unnamed corporation
for how much?

- Forty million each.
- I trust that's a bargain price too.

Yes. You ought to be able to resell them
for, say, 20 percent profit.

And you would like the cash from this
transaction placed into a Swiss account?


The total ought to come to
between 100 and $200 million.

Not a vast amount compared
to the total assets of Ewing Oil, of course...

...but it could be helpful in an emergency
if things really go wrong.

- Battle for control of Ewing Oil.
- That's right.

Now, I want to be
absolutely clear on this.

The cash will not go
into a company account.

- No, my personal account.
- And your brother?

My brother doesn't have to
know about this.

I understand.

A list of the holdings.
I can begin the paperwork right away.


“Mandy. This is the key to your future.“


“If you would like the luck that it fits,
call me.



Donna. This is a surprise.

I wanted to share my news with somebody,
and it looks like you're it.

Well, what's happened?

My foreman at the oil field,
he called this morning.

Said we're gonna bring in a new well
and it looks like it could be pretty big.

Oh, Donna, that's wonderful.

Have you told Ray yet?

No, I haven't.

Well, how do you think
he's going to react?

I think he's gonna have
a problem with it.

Donna, is all of this oil exploration
worth it, knowing how Ray feels?

Miss Ellie, this is just something
that I have to do...

...and I would have told Ray,
but with everything that's going on...

...in the family right now,
it didn't seem right.



Yes, Clayton, where are you?

Yes. Yes, I'll be there, dear.


Are you meeting Clayton somewhere?

Yes, we're having dinner
at the Oil Baron's Club.


Looks like none of us are too comfortable
eating at home these days.

Did Scotty tell you anything
when he phoned you?

He was going into the hearing.

He said he'd fly back
and meet us for dinner.

I can't stand the suspense.

Well, I think the suspense
is just about over.


- Hello, Scotty.
- Howdy.

- Hi, Scotty.
- Hello, Jenna.

Would you care for something
from the bar, monsieur?

- Bourbon and branch, Pierre.
- Uh, we're fine, thank you.

- Scotty, what happened?
- The judge granted a change of venue.

You're gonna have your trial
right here in Dallas.

That's terrific.

Finally, something right is happening
in this nightmare.

My staff will start doing profiles
on prospective jurors tomorrow.

Now, I'm gonna try to control the makeup
of this jury as much as I possibly can.

- Excuse me. Your drink, sir.
- Why, thank you.

Well, I have some news too.
I got a call from Veronica.

She's flying in day after tomorrow.
She's gonna wire me the flight number.

Does she still need protection?

Yes, we're gonna meet her
with private guards.

Bobby, maybe I do have a chance.

Listen, think positively.
Things are finally starting to go our way.

- Please watch your step, Mrs. Ewing.
- Welcome to Hong Kong.

- Bye. Bye, now.
- Thank you.

Isn't it beautiful?

- Pardon me, you're the Ewing ladies?
- Yes.

My name is Edward Chan. Allow me.

Dr. Matsuda was unable
to get away from the hospital.

He asked me to meet you.

- There isn't a problem, is there?
- Oh, no.

If you'll come with me, please.
I'll see that you get through customs.


Very good.
Oh, that was good, Christopher.

Can you make the sound
that the motor makes?


That's right. Oh, you're so smart.

Christopher, I think we'd better stop now.
Teresa can give you some lunch, okay?

- Okay.
TERESA: Come on, Christopher.

I understand things a lot better now.

This is some place you got here.

Would you like to explain
what you're doing here?

Yeah, I wanted to see
what the big attraction was.

- I couldn't believe it was just you.
- What are you talking about?

I'm talking about you and me
and Eddie and all that Ewing money.


Now that I've seen Southfork, I understand
why Eddie's doing what he's doing.

If someone asked me to share in all this,
I don't think I could tum it down.

Anyhow, I'm going back to El Paso,
so you got a clear shot at getting Eddie.

I won't be in the way.

I may be fun in bed,
but that's not enough for him.

Eddie has ambitions.

What do you mean, fun in bed?

You've been out of Eddie's life...

...since we had that tight
at the Dallas Palace a few months ago.

Yeah, I thought you'd believe that.

I couldn't see you caring so much
that you'd be stupid enough to share him.

Share him?
What kind 01a stupid lie is this?

It's not a stupid lie.
That's why I'm leaving.

I tried to keep it real cool,
but I can't anymore.

So he's all yours.

Are you telling me that Eddie's
been seeing both of us all along?

I'm telling you that it's more than seeing.

I kept his bed warm
while you weren't there.

Yeah, I thought I could live with it.

Eddie even promised me that I'd share
in the profits from that building company.

- But I couldn't do it anymore.
- Huh.

I was in love with him.

I don't even believe this.

Why don't you get out of here
before I get one of the ranch hands?

You don't have to
have me thrown off this place, Lucy.

I just came out to see if you rich girls
hurt as much as us poor ones.

And I am damn pleased
to see that you do.


I think there are more skyscrapers here
than there are in downtown Dallas.

Yeah, it's a very exciting city.
You should see it at night.

It's almost as bright as your Las Vegas.

Look at all these boats.

If you have the time,
I can arrange a private tour for you.

There's so much to see.

There's Tsimshatsui
over there in Kowloon.

And the peak over there
in Hong Kong Island.

Oh, that would be marvelous.
We'll let you know.

Oh, no, Sue Ellen, go on.
I want you to have a good time.

We'll see. First things first.

First we have to find out
if Mark is really here.

But right now, I'm just enjoying
being away from home.

All right.

Well, Conrad, I think you should visit
those offshore platforms.

Yes, I want you
to personally evaluate their worth.


I've always considered my word as my bond,
but we're talking about millions here.

No, I don't take it as a personal insult.


It shouldn't take you more
than a couple of days.

Good. Fine, I'll see you then.



KENDALL: Mandy Winger
has been waiting on line two.

- Hi.
- You know about the cat?

- The cat?
- That curiosity k*lled.

Oh, I was counting on that cat.

- I love your flowers.
- Were there enough of them?

Well, almost.

There's still
an empty spot in my shower.

- I'll call the florist right away.
- Don't.

You were talking about curiosity.

And what it could do.

Sometimes in life,
you have to take chances, Mandy.

What lock does it open?

- I'll pick you up in an hour.
- Can't you tell me on the phone?

Oh, it really has to be seen
to be appreciated.

This isn't another
one of your 1900 clubs?

No, definitely not.

- Okay, I'll be ready.
- See you then.

- Hi, Jackie.
- Hi, Jamie. Cliff's been trying to reach you.

Oh, really? I was in the area,
so I thought that I'd come by.

I'll just buzz him.


- Yeah?
JACKIE: Cliff, Jamie's here.

Oh, I'll be right out.

What a nice surprise.

Come on in.

Oh, well, I don't wanna
interrupt anything, Cliff.

You're not interrupting anything.
Come on in.


You know, the reason I was trying
to get a hold of you...

...I wanted to take you to lunch.

And now that you're here,
we can leave in a few minutes.

Well, I'd sure like to, Cliff, but I have
a job appointment in half an hour.

Now, you see, I don't understand
why you're out there looking for a job.

I can make a place for you
here at Barnes-Wentwonh.

We have a lot of different departments.

I know I could find something
you'd enjoy doing.

That sounds very tempting, but I don't think
that I should go to work for you.

Why not?

Because I think
it would make things complicated.

I don't see why.

Well, I just don't wanna take the chance.

All right.

Since I can't take you to lunch,
I can't hire you...

...how about letting me take you
to dinner tonight?

Sure, I'd like that.

All right. I'll pick you up about 7:30.

- Great, I'll be ready.
- Terrific.

- Cliff, you know what would be nice?
- Anything you want.

Well, I've had this real hankering
for Oriental food.

Would you mind
if we went to a Chinese restaurant?

- I wouldn't mind.
- Fine. See you then.

Well, go on in.

Do you like it?

It's beautiful.

- Why did you bring me here?
- It's your new home.

My new home? J.R., I can't afford this.


I know that. I'm buying it for you.

And after you buy it, then what?

You visit me here once or twice a week,
usually in the afternoon.

01 once in a while, we have intimate
little dinners away from prying eyes.

Mandy, I didn't think about anything
like that except that maybe you'd like it...

...and it would be a place
where you and I could be together.

I won't be a kept woman.
I pay my own way.

Well, you did live with Cliff Barnes.

Not completely.
I still had my own apartment.

That's splitting hairs.
You were living with him.


I'll live with you, it you want, then.
At Southtork.

Well, that's impossible.

I like you, J.R. I like you a lot.

I don't know why. I asked around a little.

You have a lousy reputation with women.
You're a compulsive chaser.


But you know something,
as corny as this may sound...

...I think you could make me hear bells.

- I'd like that.
- But not this way.

Not bought and paid for
like a room full of flowers.

Or a restaurant
you've taken over to impress me.

Or some expensive box
at Texas Stadium.

Do you know
what you're asking me to do?

I don't play games.
Not where feelings are concerned.

I know you're rich, but I'm not for sale.

Take me home, J.R. I don't belong here.


Hi. I got some invoices here
you're gonna have to sign.

One's from the lumber company.

I've got another one
from the cement company.

Tell me something, Eddie.
You like Southfork?

Yeah, it's a nice little place.
Um, I can't sign these.

You're guaranteeing payment,
so you gotta sign them.

You're not even looking at it.

Looking at what?

At Southfork.

Lucy, I gotta get back
to the construction site.

These guys are waiting for me.
Uh, what's the big deal about Southfork?

You were planning on living here,
weren't you?

I mean, that was part of
your little scheme, wasn't it?

Hey, are you all right?
You sound kind of weird.

Maybe we could just stick Betty
in the stable.

Then you could sneak out at night to her
after you've made love to me.

What are you talking about Betty for?

I told you, Lucy.
she's been out of my life for along time.

What's along time to you, Eddie?
Twenty-four hours?

She was here today.

She's leaving Dallas because
she can't stand what you've done to her.

You made a fool of me too, Eddie.


I didn't mean any harm.

Right, you were just having
a little fun at my expense.

Damn. It probably was my fault.

I guess I did lead you on
by flashing a lot of money.

- I thought you liked me.
- I do like you, Lucy.

Right, and you like Betty too, and who else?
Good Lord, how'd you find time to work?

Okay, look, I'm...

I made a mistake, I was wrong.
Look, we can straighten this out.

There is nothing to straighten out.

Why don't you go see it you can
catch Betty before she gets to El Paso?

I don't want Betty.

Of course you don't, because she can't
set you up in your own building business.

All she can do
is sling hash and make love.

Look, Lucy, the building company
was your idea, not mine.

The worst idea I've ever had
in my entire life.

Get out of here, Eddie.
I don't wanna see you.

Well, what about the company?

I mean, I have a full crew of guys
coming in right tomorrow morning.

You can file your crew.

Cancel your concrete.

Get off my land and get off of Southfork.

- J.R., I've got some good news.
- Oh, what's that?

Got a telex from Veronica Robinson.

She's arriving tomorrow around 11:00...

...from LAX via some connecting flight
from the Orient.

Well, that is good news.

Well, maybe Jenna's finally getting
that break she deserves.

- Want me to go to the airport with you?
- No.

I'm gonna take Jenna with me.
I've hired private security people.

All right, if you need anything,
let me know.

What's the matter?
You look like you lost your best friend.

Well, I don't wanna dampen your spirits
with my tales of woe.

- Sue Ellen?
- Yeah. And Ewing Oil.

Just seems like nothing is going right
for me nowadays.

There's not a lot
going right for any of us.

But at least we're together all the way
in this fight to protect the company.

Yeah, I know that.

I wanna know
what you're doing right down the line.

I don't want any surprises.

You don't think I'd do anything
behind your back, do you?

- I hope not.
- Bobby.

Why don't you call Sue Ellen in Hong Kong,
tell her how much you miss her?

No, that wouldn't settle anything.

Can you imagine Sue Ellen and Pam
trying to find Mark Graison in Hong Kong?

They'll be lucky if they can find
their way out of the airport.

I just hope Pam's all right.

Why can't Dr. Matsuda meet us?

A patient of his
has developed serious complications.

He must be available at all times.

Pam, I'm sure he'll see you
as soon as possible.

- I guess I'm just a little anxious.
- Well, there's no need to wait.

I'll arrange to take you
to the hospital tomorrow...

...where this Mr. Graison, or Mr. Swanson
as he calls himself, is having treatment.

Mr. Chan, tell me, are you sure
that Mark Graison is in that clinic?

Of course.

I haven't met the man,
but Dr. Matsuda told me...

...that this Mr. Mark Graison, or Swanson,
went to him for treatment.

But he required special treatment,
so Dr. Matsuda referred him...

...to a different facility.

- And he's still there?
- Absolutely. Dr. Matsuda is sure of it.


Oh, Mr. Chan, are you sure
you won't join us?

I'm sorry. I'm expected home for dinner.

Excuse me, and I'll see you tomorrow?

- Mrs. Ewing, Mrs. Ewing.
- Thank you.

Oh, Sue Ellen,
I'm really going to find him.



Did I hear that Chinese fella
call you ladies Ewing?


Excuse me, ma'am.
I'm forgetting all my manners.

My name's Benjamin Alan Moody.
I'm from Waco.

You know, the name Ewing is not
entirely unfamiliar to us in Waco, ma'am...

...and I was wondering
if you-all might be related to old J.R.

We're distant cousins...

...but my family hasn't spoken
to his family for several years.

I'm sorry, ma'am, to hear that,
but since we're all from Texas...

...maybe I can buy y'all a drink anyway.

I don't drink, and neither does my friend.

But thanks,
and give our regards to Waco.


Perfect timing.

- Are you all right?
- Yeah. You really handled that well.

Well, it wasn't hard.

It's amazing, you have to fly
halfway across the world...

...to run into a jerk like that.

A quarter for your thoughts, cowboy.


- What happened to a penny?
- Inflation.

Everything's going up, including trouble.

You look like you've got some trouble.

Yeah, nothing you can solve.

Well, maybe I could make you forget it
for a little while.

Thanks, but, uh...

Mind if I join you?

It's a public bar. Everybody's welcome.

Am I interrupting anything?

- Not a thing.
- Right.

- What'll you have?
- A beer.

Why don't we find a table, hmm?

What for? We got nothing to talk about.

That's not the way I see it. Come on.


I wanna propose a truce.

- What kind of truce?
- Between you and me.

I know we're on opposite sides
in this fight for Ewing Oil.

But you and I have become good friends,
and I don't wanna see that friendship...

...go down the drain.

I don't want that
to happen either, Clayton.

I know you're doing
what you think is right.

Not just for me, but Ellie too.

Last thing our marriage needs
is for her to get involved...

...in the manipulations to save Ewing Oil.

Right now, I don't have
the time to worry about your marriage.

We got a real fight with Cliff Barnes.

It's really Bobby and J.R.'s fight.

You never had anything to do
with that company.

But the thing that bothers me
is your getting involved with J.R.

Now, what happens if you lose this case?

Are you gonna be able to deal
with that kind of defeat?

We won't lose.

All right, suppose you win.

Right now.
you and Bobby and JR. are dose.

Real family.

How long do you think J.R.
is gonna consider you...

...a real, full-fledged Ewing brother
when this case is over?

About 20 seconds.

It doesn't really matter. I have to do it.

It has nothing to do with Bobby and J.R.
It has to do with Jock.

Jock was my father,
and he was not a thief.

No matter what Cliff Barnes
and Jamie Ewing say.

All right, fair enough.

I respect that.

WOMAN [ON PA]: Now arriving at gate number 5...

I asked the flight attendants
to contact Mrs. Robinson for you.

When can we go on board, Frank?

Well, as soon
as some of these passengers leave.

Frank, you better let us on.
Something's wrong.

Okay, come on.

PILOT: Come on, give me a hand.
Go on, it's jammed.

I think you got it. Come on, pull.

There it is.

Good Lord, a woman. Let me check her.

Well, what the hell happened?

- She's dead.
- Bobby.

That's not Veronica. It can't be.

I'm sorry. I'm afraid it is.

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