09x05 - Saving Grace

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dallas". Aired: April 1978 to May 1991.*
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The oil-rich Ewings endure daily troubles in Texas.
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09x05 - Saving Grace

Post by bunniefuu »

You must've found
a cure somewhere.

There is no cure.

- I really don't have a choice then, do I?
- Not if you want to live.

I want to live.

Face it, J.R., you've lost.

It's over.

I only want what's
best for Sue Ellen.

Even if it means
staying away from her?

J.R.: I'm prepared to
double Wendell's offer.

I wanna be absolutely certain that Pam's
little boy gets the best deal possible.

Well, one of us
better say something.

I don't know whether
to laugh or cry.

GRAISON: It's okay.

Tell me I'm not dreaming.

It's me. I'm really here.


I don't understand.
After all this time?

You will.

I've got so many questions.


We have plenty of time. Right
now, I just wanna hold you.

Mark, so much has happened.

I know what you've
been going through.


We'll talk about that later.

- I don't know what to do or think anymore.
- It's all right, that's why I'm here.

Mrs. Ewing?

I hate to disturb you...

but Mr. Ewing's office is calling,
and his secretary says it's urgent.

Tell J.R.'s secretary
Pam will get back to him.

I tried. She won't
take no for an answer.

Well, she'll have to. Pam
won't be taking any more calls.

- She'll be out for the rest of the day.
- Okay.

Where are we going?

Somewhere where
we won't be interrupted.


I'm sorry, J.R., I just
can't get through to Pam.

She's not taking any calls.

J.R.: Well, that's what I wanted to hear.
- But I thought...

I don't wanna talk to that woman.
I just want to keep her busy.

It's time she learned what
it takes to run this company.

And if she's gonna look
after her little boy's share...

she's gonna have to keep up with
me, and I don't think she can do that.

Now, by the time I'm finished with her,
that woman will beg me to buy her out.

Isn't that a little risky? I mean,
Pam doesn't have to sell to you.

Well, it's a risk I'm
gonna have to take.

You see, I know how old
Jeremy Wendell operates.

He's a cautious man.
He works very slowly.

And that's why I'm gonna have
to keep the pressure on Pam.

If I can make her miserable enough,
fast enough, I'll get the jump on Wendell.

So why don't you messenger
these equipment contracts...

over to her office right away?

It'll take her about a
week to get through that.

But, uh, put a little note on there saying
that, uh, I need them back at my office...

within 24 hours, with
her signature on them.

And if I don't hear from her by
then, I'll just have to assume...

that she agrees with my
decision on these matters.

Okay, you got it.


Yeah, that ought to
make her day, huh?

I watched my father waste
away from a debilitating disease.

It was horrible for him.

It was worse for me.

I was helpless to do anything
but suffer along with him.

Believe me, I couldn't
put you through that.

So you staged your own death?

It was all very carefully planned.
Mark Graison bailed out of the plane...

and before he hit the water,
he became Mitchell Swanson.

You know, it's not as hard as you
might believe to assume a new identity.

With my resources, there
was no problem at all.

There was a boat waiting for me,
and I began my search for a cure.

Where did you go?

Well, I'd heard of some encouraging
research on rare blood diseases...

taking place in Switzerland.

I checked into a very
private clinic there.

But after a few months, it became
clear that they couldn't help me.

My condition had
deteriorated rapidly.

Secretly, I had my attorney put out
feelers into the medical community.

He let it be known that there
was a substantial reward...

for any... Heh. Any lead
that might prove promising.

Was that a mistake.

It seemed like every
quack, every faith healer...

every mystic in the
world had an answer.

But I was desperate.

I tried more than a few. I
went to Africa, India, Malaysia.

After a while, I lost track.

You seem fine now. You must
have found a cure somewhere.

There is no cure.

You have to understand
that I'm in remission.

Come on in, Pete. Go
ahead and take a seat.

Well, how you doing
with Jack Ewing?

I'm making some progress.

But you know how it is with private
investigations. Just takes time.

Yeah, well, that's one
thing I'm short of right now.

You didn't give
me much to go on.

If you could be more specific
about what is it you're looking for...

If I knew what I was looking
for, I wouldn't need you, would I?

- I'll come up with something.
- All right, that's better.

I want you to add
another name to that list.

Jeremy Wendell.

I know, I know, I asked you to
find something on him before.

J.R., I value your business.

I don't wanna see you
throwing good money after bad.

I'm just hedging my bet.

The man is a saint.

Any man as
powerful as Wendell...

couldn't have gotten there without
leaving a few skeletons behind.


- If he did, I sure couldn't find them.
- Well, that was a year ago.

A man can make a lot
of mistakes in a year.

Find me Wendell's.

WENDELL: You seem
nervous. CLIFF: Huh? No.

WENDELL: Is something wrong?

CLIFF: No, I assume that's
why you wanted to meet me.

No, I just thought we
ought to touch base.

I don't want any surprises when
I make my move on Ewing Oil.


- Can I buy you one?
- No.

Are you sure you won't join me?


They always say never trust a
man who doesn't like ice cream.

Huh? Really? Oh,
oh. Okay, I'll take two.

Uh... No.

Why do I get the feeling...

that you won't be able to
deliver what we've talked about?

Oh, no, I can deliver.

- Both Pam and Jack?
- Yeah.

- When?
- Well, I didn't know there was a deadline.

Cliff, I've tied up a tremendous amount
of money in anticipation of this buyout.

I can't do that indefinitely.

Yeah, how much
time we talking about?

Two weeks.


No problem.

Your brother-in-law doesn't
seem to have much of a past.

What do you really
know about him?

Well, I know I can deliver his 10 percent.
I mean, what more do I need to know?

It's a mystery to me. It makes me
nervous. I put some of my people on it.

Yeah, well, you know, he... He's
family, so I know we can count on him.

The Ewings are family, and I'm
counting on them to sell out J.R.

Now, listen, Cliff. You
stick close to Jack...

you might be able to find out
something my people can't.


And smile, Cliff. Smile.

If everything goes right, in two
weeks, J.R. will be working for you.

CLIFF: Yeah.

So I finally ended
up in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong? You were
there when I came to...?

- Yes.
- But why?


Dr. Matsuda's clinic
was my last hope.

You had to know that I came
halfway around the world...

because I cared about you.

I wanted to be with
you no matter what.

Treatments were
just beginning to work.

We had no guarantees the improvement
would be anything more than temporary.

You already grieved for me once.

I didn't wanna run the risk of having
you go through that a second time.

You should have left
that decision up to me.

I did what I thought was best.

Then Edward Chan
wasn't leading me on.

No, he was trying to help you.

He had no idea I was
using him to buy time.

For what?

Once and for all, I was gonna
force you to accept my death.

I paid a man in a clinic. I...
I can't remember his name.

- Mr. Wong.
- Yes.

I paid him to find another
westerner to take my place.

You'll never know how much
I agonized over that decision.

But I knew if you saw
Swanson was another man...

you'd finally give up,
you'd finally be free.

- I felt horrible.
- Well, I felt worse.

You were across the
hall. I could see you.

I wanted to reach
out and touch you.

It was the most painful moment of
my life. I wished right then I was dead.

- No.
- I promised myself if I did get better...

if this remission was anything more than
a short reprieve, I'd come back to you.

And when I learned about Bobby's
death, I started laying the groundwork.

That man in the park the other
day that I thought was following me?

He was your guardian angel.

I hired him a couple
weeks ago to look after you.

He's been reporting
back to me ever since.

But why?

I had to be absolutely sure
my coming back into your life...

even if it was for a short period of
time, would do you more good than harm.

Oh. It has, Mark.
It already has.

You said you couldn't
wait to see me, Sue Ellen.

I know.

You told me you were willing to commit
to our alcohol rehabilitation program.

I am.

And I explained to you
what that commitment means.

Now you're having
second thoughts.

I never said that.

You don't have to
say it, I can see it.


- I'm scared.
- Of course you are.

It's gonna be the hardest thing
you've ever done in your entire life.

- What if I fail?
- You've already failed.

That's why you're here.

I'm here because my
husband put me here.

Then you should thank him for it.
He's forced you to make a decision.

Now, make it.

I really don't have
a choice then, do I?

Not if you want to live.

I want to live.

Then we can show
you how to do that.


- Hey, darling, it's
about time you got back.

Sorry I'm not home right now.

But if you leave your name and number,
I'll call you back as soon as I can.

Thanks for calling, and don't
forget to wait for the beep.


I miss you, Mandy. Uh,
that's really all I wanted to say.

It doesn't make it any easier
hearing your voice on this machine.

I wish you'd come back soon. I
wanna make you happy, and I can.

We've just got to pick
up where we left off.

- Well, if you get this message tonight...
- We can't.

I'm working late at the office,
so wherever you are, just call me.

I need you, darling.


J.R.? I waited till I saw
you were off the phone.

He's here.

- Oh. Right on time. SLY: Do
you want me to stick around?

- No, no, thanks for waiting
this late. SLY: It's all right.

Mr. Wendell.

I thought twice about
accepting your invitation.

Well, I thought a couple
times about offering it.

Can I build you a drink?

No, I don't drink.

Well, it's a pity.
You're gonna need one.

Let's cut through it, shall we?

You're gonna tell
me that I can't win.

I'm here to tell you that I already have.
So, what does that leave us to talk about?

- I was hoping to avoid a bloodbath.
- We can.

Accept the same offer that the
rest of your family is so interested in.

When push comes to shove,
my family will side with me.

They'll side with Miss Ellie.

And this business of yours has never
brought her anything but hardship.

If it's a fight you want,
you're gonna get it.

But when the dust settles,
I'll still have Ewing Oil.

What will you have?

No less than what I
have locked in already.

Thirty percent of Ewing Oil.

You must have realized that
Pam's share was as good as mine.

Are you really counting
on that cretin, Cliff Barnes?

Well, let's just say that he's
in a strong position to help.

I'm sure you can
vouch for his motivation.

Well, I'm in better
shape than I thought.

Because in the end, that loser
will drive Pam straight back to me.

Face it, J.R. You've lost.

It's over.


Hope Jack likes Italian food.


This has gotta be the
best sauce I ever made.

Jack's not coming to dinner tonight,
Cliff. I thought that you got the message.

What? What message?

The one that I left with Jackie.

Oh, I didn't even
go back to the office.

Well, I'm sorry, he had to
cancel. I thought that you knew.

Well, that's just great.

Relax, Jack can come
to dinner another night.

No, that's not the idea.

It was gonna be Jack,
and Pam, and the two of us.

We were gonna just sit
and have a quiet, nice talk.

- About what?
- Well, about...

Well... Look, I assume Pam's still
coming, huh? She didn't cancel out?

No, she's coming. In
fact, she's bringing a date.

Yeah, a date. Yeah,
right, you gotta be kidding.

No, I'm not. That's why I
set four places at the table.

Well, you're full of surprises.
Who's she bringing?

I don't know, I didn't ask.



- Hi, come on in.

JAMIE: How are you?
- Good, thanks.


Jamie, this is a very dear
friend of mine, Mark Graison.

Mark Graison?

Shh, shh, shh. Where's Cliff?

He's in the kitchen.

- Well, how does it taste?
- Great.


Hello, Cliff. Pam
wanted it to be a surprise.

Oh, boy. Oh, boy. She got
her wish. Hey, where you been?

I'll tell you all
about it over dinner.

Okay. Great, yeah.

Boy, my sister's had
her share of shocks.

Yeah, she has. I hope my
being here doesn't add to that.

I came back to help her, Cliff.

Well, okay. I'm glad to
hear you say that. Yeah.

Because, you know, she's
got a lot of responsibility.

Oh, boy. You know,
maybe we can both help her.

Uh-huh. I think we can.


Yes, it's a very big decision,
Gary. I just don't know if I'm up to it.


No, I'm fine. I'm just
a little tired, I guess.

That's why I don't
wanna rush into anything.

I really don't know. I've
gone over it and over it.

If I do accept Wendell's offer,
and you and Ray go along with me...

it would destroy J.R.

And if I don't sell, and J.R.
holds on to the company...

I'm afraid that Ewing Oil
may eventually destroy him.

Well, I'll let you know. I'm gonna
have to make a decision soon.


Thanks for calling.

I love you too. Bye.

Oh, Clayton, when
will it ever stop?

When will it ever stop?

DONNA: Well, I'd say we
did pretty good today, huh?

Well, no one will ever accuse
us of not knowing how to shop.

What do you say we sit
down for a minute, huh?


I'm sorry.



You're thinking about
Bobby, aren't you?

I never knew someone
could miss someone so much.

I ache for him.


Look, you're not still thinking
about leaving Southfork, are you?



for what it's worth, I
sure wish you'd stay.

It's worth a lot.



What is that?

It's for you, Ray
and you-know-who.


So that's why you snuck off
when I was in the dress shop.


Open it. I don't
think Ray will mind.



Oh, look how cute.
Oh, look at the little feet.

I couldn't resist.

They are precious.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.


RAY: You like kids?

Why do you ask?

I don't know, you seem to
kind of have a way with her.

Charlie's sure
taken a liking to you.

Yeah, I guess I like kids.

As long as they're
somebody else's.

Well, you just say that now.

You wait till you find the right lady.
You'll have a house full of rug rats.

Why, is that what you want?

Yeah, more than
anything I can think of.


JACK: What do you know
about Jeremy Wendell?

I was wondering
if he'd gone to you.

So then you know
about the offer, huh?

Yeah, I heard of it.
Pretty hard one to pass up.


And I'm gonna
stand by Miss Ellie.

Whichever way she decides
to go, that's the way I'm going.

How about you?

I don't know.

J.R. and I had a pretty long
talk. He can be mighty persuasive.

I bet old J.R. suggested that you
get more involved in the oil business.

Maybe even said you could have
an office down at Ewing Oil, huh?

Let me tell you a little something
about this guy you're dealing with.

There was a man
named Edgar Randolph.

He was a good
man, an honest man.

He had a nice home, a nice wife, a
nice job with the Federal Government.

He had something J.R. wanted.

Sealed bids to
offshore oil leases.

He wouldn't play
ball with J.R...

so J.R. goes out and hires
this creep to dig into his past.

Now, Randolph had made a
bad mistake when he was a kid.

It doesn't matter what
that was all about.

J.R. got ahold of it and he
used it to get what he wanted.

He ruined Randolph's life.

Sounds like a real nice kind of
guy to do business with, huh?

Don't trust J.R.

He doesn't trust you.

And watch out if you
got something to hide...

because you're just liable to be
reading about it in the morning paper.

Say that again, Sly.

contracts you sent Pam have been returned.


SLY: The, uh, messenger
is standing right here.

He insists on handing
them to you himself.

Well, who the hell
does he think he is?

Signed, sealed, delivered.

- Well, I'll be damned.
- You probably will.


Well, sit down, Mark. Uh...

I can't wait to hear how
you're gonna explain this.

Some other time. I know
what you're trying to do to Pam.

Well, now, I got a company to run here.
Uh... It's strictly business, you know.

From now on you'll do
Pam's business through me.

Well, I'm glad to hear that. I
think I can deal with a man like you.

It's a temporary
arrangement, J.R.

Just until Pam can decide what to do
with Christopher's share of the company.

Hmm. Yeah, well,
I understand that.

Maybe we can sit down and
discuss it one of these days.

Maybe we can.

I thought he was dead.

Yeah. I hope I don't
end up wishing he was.


This isn't gonna be
easy for me to say.

I know you and Clayton have had
more than a few words over Sue Ellen.

Obviously, you haven't listened.

I'm hoping you'll listen to me.

I only want what's
best for Sue Ellen.

Even if it means
staying away from her?

I don't think that it does.

I do, and I'm asking
you to respect my wishes.

Miss Ellie, it's
not that simple.

Let me simplify it for you.

Sue Ellen has entered
the rehabilitation program.

Did you know that?

No. No, I didn't.

She won't be needing
your help anymore.

Well, she's not gonna
be in that program forever.

She will as long as she thinks
she has you to fall back on.

Miss Ellie, I'm not a
crutch for Sue Ellen.

That's exactly what you are.

And the sooner you realize that,
the better off Sue Ellen will be.

She started the
program on her own.

She's gonna get
better on her own.

On her own, Dusty.
Do I make myself clear?

Well, I'd like to know how
Sue Ellen feels about that.

She knows this is her last
chance. Don't take it away from her.

That's not my intention.

It's the result.

You say you care for her.

More than anyone.

Then do the right thing.

She's finally chosen to
take care control of her life.

Let her.


I'm sorry, doctor.

I was just picturing what J.R.
must've looked like when you told him...

that he was expected
to attend this session.

You're, uh, not
surprised at his reaction.

Only that he didn't
hang up on you.

He did.

Well, my husband doesn't put
much faith in talking things out.

Nevertheless, he's
still part of the problem.

I'm sure he didn't
see it that way.

Yes, he made that very clear.

Sue Ellen, normally what we do is
take time and educate your husband...

in the disease of alcoholism.

Especially as it
pertains to you.

But it seems that we're not
going to have that opportunity.

Well, I think we
can count on that.

That's unfortunate.

Because it makes what you have
to go through that much harder.

I've found that the alcoholic's spouse
can be their greatest ally in recovery.

But the facts remain.

He didn't do your drinking for
you, and he can't get sober for you.

That choice is only yours.


Dr. Lantry, I intend
to lick this habit.

Not because of my
husband, but in spite of him.


J.R.: Clayton.

- Where's Mama?
- I'm taking her place.

Clayton, with all
due respect, uh...

what I need to talk to Mama
about is really none of your concern.

She's resting. And what
concerns her concerns me.

Resting? In the
middle of the afternoon?

She's exhausted.

So whatever you have to say to her,
you're just gonna have to say to me.

Well, if there's something wrong
with her we ought to call Harlen.

She doesn't need a doctor,
she needs you lay to off.

And I'm here to see that you do.


I'm sorry. I guess I've
been pushing her too much.

She's still grieving
over Bobby, J.R.

She's not alone there.

And she's worried sick about Sue Ellen.
And you're not helping matters there.

I put Sue Ellen in the
best facilities available.

Your responsibilities
don't stop there.

I'm not saying they do, but I'm
also in the fight of my life right now.

I realize that.

What was Wendell's
biggest pitch to Mama?

That a Westar buyout would end all the
family squabbling over Ewing Oil, right?

It would prevent John
Ross and Christopher

from taking this fight
into next generation.

Then, finally, it would end feud
between the Barnes and the Ewings.

That's exactly what I said. How
do you argue against that logic?

Because it's not just
a Westar buyout now.

Barnes has thrown
in with Wendell.

And for all I know, he could be
the one that pushed Wendell...

into making the offer in the first
place. See, this is what I'm up against.

And I think it's important
for Mama to know...

because no matter how much she hates
Ewing Oil for what it did to her family...

she would hate even the thought of
Barnes taking over Ewing Oil more.

I don't think it matters
to her anymore.

- She deserves to know.
- I'll let her know.

When I think the time is right. And
don't even think about going around me.

She's my mama.
I'd never hurt her.

She is my wife.

She's more important than
anything. So don't push it.

Or I will personally see to it that
Ewing Oil does end up with Barnes.

So Wendell manufactures all of
his own drilling equipment, huh?

Yeah, makes it, sets
it, the whole deal.

Yeah, you know much
about drilling rigs?

Well, I picked up a little bit
here, a little bit there, you know.

Yeah? Where would
that have been?

Look, Cliff, this
tour is all very

interesting, but, uh,
what are we doing here?

Oh, we're meeting Wendell.

- Why?
- To iron out the deal.

What deal?

Oh, come on. Don't
fool around with me.

You committed your 10 percent
to Wendell. He'll hold you to it.

Wait just a minute, Cliff.

I haven't committed to anything.


Listen, if you're trying to
jack up the price, it won't work.

Because this is the big-time,
you see? You gotta sell yourself.

- You shouldn't have spoken for me.
- We had a deal.

How can we have a deal?

Don't do this to me.

Thanks for the tour but I'm
late for another appointment.

Listen, if you think you're
gonna back out now...

I'm not gonna be responsible
for the consequences.

That sounds a
little like a threat.

No, you just don't
double-cross a man like Wendell.

He plays for keeps.

Well, give Wendell my apologies.
We'll have to get together another time.

GRAISON: You know, I
used to come here a lot.

I think it's changed
since I've been gone.

- For the better?
- Yeah.

I think it has.

Or maybe I'm just seeing it
through different eyes now.

It is beautiful here.

Of all the places in the world, how did
you know to look for me in Hong Kong?


Well, it's a long story.

I've got time.

You're here, and that's
really all that matters.

I never gave up on you.
I want you to know that.

Not even after Hong Kong?

At least, not a part of me.

But after I got back,
things began changing.

Bobby and I started
getting closer again.

At first, I thought it was just
wishful thinking on my part.

He and Jenna were engaged.

But it wasn't just
wishful thinking.

Bobby and I were still in love.

Deeply in love.

The night before he was
k*lled, we decided to marry again.

He was on his way to tell
Jenna when Katherine...

Come on.

It wouldn't be fair to
you if you didn't know.

Does anyone else know?


And I'd like to
keep it that way.

I love you.

But not the way
that I loved Bobby.

I've always lived with that.

You say that you don't know
how much time you have.

It could be a year.
It could be 50.

I want to be with you
no matter what happens.

But if anything I've
said changes that...

Pam, there are
all kinds of love.

If it never went beyond how
we feel now about each other...

I'd still consider myself
a very lucky man.

RAY: Shh. Just hold
still. Just hold still. Shh.

DONNA: Stop it.
What are you doing?

I think I hear something.


That is impossible.

He's talking to me. You
know what he's saying?


- He?
- Well, I think it's a he.

Will you take a look and
see if you're a boy or a girl?

Okay, all right, what did
he say? What did he say?

He said he doesn't
know what to look for.

It must be a boy.

- Donna Krebbs, I love you.
- Oh, I love you.

Ooh. This feels
right, doesn't it?


- You know what?
- What?

We better, uh,
really enjoy this.

Because when that baby comes,
it's not gonna be just the two of us.

Yeah. Well, I can't think of
any better company. To-do-do.


How was your day?

- Oh, pretty good.
- Yeah?

Old Jack was out there helping me
mend some fence I had to get done.

The guy is quite a character.

What makes you say that?

Well, I don't know. He just
comes into town out of nowhere.

It doesn't take him very long,
he's got 10 percent of Ewing Oil.

I don't know.

I think the more time I spend with
the guy, the less I think I know him.

I like Jack.

Well, that's just
it. I like Jack.

Well, you don't think he's in
any kind of trouble, do you?

No. I don't think so.

What do you think?

What do you think?

Wanna mess around a little bit?

Thought you'd never ask.



I wonder which one
of them is behind this.

CLIFF: Good morning, Mark.
- Good morning, Cliff.


I gotta hand it
to you, you know.

I mean, you've already had
quite an effect on my little sister.

I haven't seen her this chipper in
weeks. Where are you two going today?

We haven't made plans yet.

Uh, listen, you know,
uh, she's in there

feeding Christopher
his breakfast right now.

Uh, while we got a minute, maybe I
can bend your ear with the proposition.


Ah. Exactly.

- Do you want some coffee?
- No, thanks.


Look, I know that Bobby thought
he was doing the right thing...

by having Pam look after
her son's interest in Ewing Oil.

I also know that he never
wanted it to be a burden.

And that's what has
happened. And it's k*lling her.

It's the main reason I'm here.


If you want Pam to sell to
Wendell, why don't you just say it?

No. Look, I'm only
thinking of Pam and you.

I mean, you two
are great together.

I mean, you deserve all the
time in the world together...

but as long as Pam has
a piece of Ewing Oil...

she's gonna be spending all of
her time bumping heads with J.R.

I've already put a stop to that.

You will never
put a stop to that.

Not until Pam is
out of J.R.'s hair.

Excuse me, Mr. Graison.

Your office just called.

Mr. Ewing left a message
saying it was important he see you.

Thank you, Angela.

I rest my case.

For selfish reasons I agree
with everything you've said.

But I also know what it means
to have a family business.

If Graisco were being sold from under
me I would be hanging on tooth and nail.

I am sympathetic
to J.R.'s position...

but I will in no way
influence Pam's decision.

I don't know how you can be sympathetic
to J.R. after what he did to her.

Cliff, swamping Pam with paperwork
doesn't make the man an ogre.

- He's got a business to run.
- I'm talking about Jamaica.

Pam didn't tell you about that?

Tell me what?

Oh. It was terrible
what she went through.

I did not think she was
ever gonna recover.

I mean, the pain that that
man put her through over you.

What exactly did J.R. do?

- I guess I better tell you about Jamaica.
- I guess you better.

Jack, didn't the landlord change
your locks when you moved in here?

I broke my key
off in it last night.

Is there something going
on that I should know about?

Why would you think that?

Because there doesn't seem to
be anything wrong with this lock.

Okay, I, uh... I just didn't wanna worry
you, but somebody broke in here last night.

JAMIE: Well, did
you call the police?

Oh, nothing was taken.


Jack, you still have
to make a report.

Nothing was taken.

Look, has Cliff talked to
you about Wendell's offer?

No, not in so many words.

But I do know that he
has thrown in with him.

I've got a feeling that things are gonna
get pretty rough between J.R. and Wendell.

Look, whichever
way I end up going...

I just wanna make sure that it
doesn't mess up your marriage.

Jack, this burglary doesn't have anything
to do with fight over Ewing Oil, does it?

- Because if it does...
- No.

No, no, no, of course not.

It's just that you're my little sister
and I'm looking out for you, that's all.

You would tell
me if it did, right?


Yeah, you bet I would.

Yeah, that's perfect, Sly. I don't
know what I'd do without you.

- I'll send it off right away.
- All right.

Hey, Mark. Glad
you got my message.

Come on in here.

I don't wanna keep you any
longer than I have to, uh...

I don't guess it's a secret
that I wanna buy Pam out.

I suppose she's told
you about that, huh?

Well, it's all down
here in black and white.

Well, what it is in a nutshell is that
I'm prepared to double Wendell's offer.

Now, that's gonna put me in hock
up to my eyeballs, but it's only fair.

I wanna be absolutely certain that Pam's
little boy gets the best deal possible.


Well, you sure pack a
punch for a sick man.

Wait a minute, Mark,
it's a damn good offer.

I've already made up my mind.

Well, at least
take a look at it.

You blew it, J.R. You
blew it a long time ago.

You're gonna regret the day you sent
Pam looking for me, because she found me.

And I'm gonna make sure that
you suffer as much as she suffered.

You take one last good
look around you, J.R...

because this place is gonna be
nothing but memories before I'm through.
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