09x09 - Close Encounters

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dallas". Aired: April 1978 to May 1991.*
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The oil-rich Ewings endure daily troubles in Texas.
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09x09 - Close Encounters

Post by bunniefuu »

Thanks for the advice. You'll
forgive me if I don't take it.

Isn't it strange how the mistress
always thinks she's smarter than the wife?

There's nothing wrong with the
way Sue Ellen was brought up.

No, just the way she turned out.

Just tell me that you want me.

Don't play the
injured wife with me.

You can throw Mandy Winger
down in the middle of that arena...

and make love to her in
front of your family and friends.

SUE ELLEN: You two
look good together, cowboy.

DUSTY: You're looking
pretty good yourself, lady.

I'm glad you took me
up on my invitation.

Well, not all of it. I can't
go riding with you today.

That was just an excuse.

All I really wanted
was to see you.

- How you feeling?
- Better than I have in a long time.


SUE ELLEN: He missed you.

Haven't had much chance to spend
time with him the past few weeks.

Gonna give him a run for his money today.
Get him ready for the rodeo tomorrow.

- At Southfork?
- Yep.

Dusty, do you think that's a good idea?
You know that J.R.'s gonna be there.

DUSTY: So is my father.
So is a whole lot of folks.

I think it's time we faced him.

- "We"?
- Yeah.

You and I. We.

You and I are not a "we," Dusty.

MAN: You coming, Dusty?

Talk about that tomorrow.

I'm not going tomorrow.

But I want you there with me.

Like you were the first time I
rode in a rodeo at Southfork.

was a long time ago.

It was someone else you
met that day at Southfork.

Someone I'm trying to forget.

I can't forget.

I loved her.

And I still do.

Will you be there for me?

WOMAN 1: Listen, I could
wear that. WOMAN 2: Yeah.

WOMAN 1: Don't
you think I could?

Well, morning.

Ahem. What's going on here?

We having a beauty contest
nobody told me about?

No, Pam's interviewing
for a secretary.

Oh, wonderful.

- Am I late?
- Oh, no. No, I'm early.

- These your fields?
- Uh-huh.

- Very impressive.
- Oh, yeah.

We got a fair-sized little
operation going here.

Getting bigger all the time.

Which is what I want to
talk to you about, Jack.

I just can't handle it
all by myself anymore.

Well, what about Pam?


No, no, I need a man.

A man who knows his
way around the oil industry.

Somebody I can turn a
project over to if I have to.

- You think I'm that man?
- Hell, I don't see why not.

You're a Ewing, you own
10 percent of the company...

and as far as I can see, you're
unemployed at the moment.

Ha. Well, all that much is true.

Not sure I wanna get
back in the oil business.

Come on, Jack. You can't spend
the rest of your life branding cattle.

- You're too smart for that, too ambitious.
- I don't know. Let me think about it.

Well, you better think fast.

I can use you as soon
as you're ready to start.

Am I gonna see you
at the rodeo tomorrow?

Yeah. Yeah, Ray
talked me into entering.

- Probably make a damn fool out of myself.
- Ha, ha.

Well, it's for charity
and fun. You'll enjoy it.

- Catch you there tomorrow.
- All right, I'll see you then.

- See you, Sly.
- Bye, Jack.

WOMAN 1: Oh, what I wouldn't
give to... WOMAN 2: He's so...

Hello, Miss Nero?

Hi. J.R. Ewing here.

It just occurred to me...

you might enjoy coming to our
rodeo at Southfork tomorrow.

What an amusing idea.
I've never been to one.

J.R. [OVER PHONE]: You don't
know what you've been missing.

Everybody in
Dallas will be there.

Ahh, of course, my family
and, uh, my cousin Jack.

I suppose when in Texas...

J.R.: Good, good. I'll send
a car for you, say, 1 1:00.

That would be wonderful.
I look forward to it.


So you see, Barnes-Wentworth...

is exactly the company
you should co-venture with.

Uh, you've made a very
interesting presentation, Mr. Barnes.

I'll be making a decision
within the next few days.

If you have any questions, if
there's anything I can add, why...

be sure and call.

Will I be seeing you at the
Southfork rodeo tomorrow?

You going to the rodeo?

- I thought I might.
- Oh, yeah, listen, I'll be there.

I mean, we Texans, none of
us will pass up a good rodeo...

and especially when
it's for a good cause.


How's it going out there?

Oh, things are moving along
pretty good. Got the stands all set up.

All I got left to do now
is check in the livestock.

Going out to help Clayton
with that in a little bit.

Did you see the horses?


Old White Lightning's there too.
Just be my luck to draw him, huh?

- Going to your exercise class?
- Yeah.

Gone are the days
when a pregnant woman...

just sat around eating
everything she wanted.

Now they want you up and
out there, running your fanny off.

- Well, you gotta keep up with the times.
- Ha-ha-ha.

That's what they say.

- You all right?
- I feel great.


gonna work out fine.

I know it.

I haven't talked to him
since the Oil Baron's Ball.

After what Jamie told me about
the deal with Jeremy Wendell...

I'm not sure I ever
want to talk to him again.

I really don't think Cliff
meant you any harm.

His methods do leave
a lot to be desired.

I can't tolerate his
behavior anymore.

I keep thinking that he'll
change, but I guess he never will.

Anyway, you didn't tell me. Did you
find a building for your research center?

The agent showed us a place
today. It's a great temporary location...

but I wanna wait. I wanna
see exactly what we need...

before we go ahead and
build a permanent facility.

Is Jerry scouting for doctors?

Last time I saw him, he was
knee-deep in applications.

It seems as though we're giving a
little bit better than the going wage.

We have to do that if we wanna get
the best and that's what we wanna do.

When you do something,
you really do it right.

I try.


You want to get a good night's
sleep if you're in the rodeo.

I think I'm gonna pass on that. I'm
getting too old for that kind of thing.

Too old? You're just a kid.

You don't want to go
to Southfork, do you?

I really don't wanna
socialize with J.R.

You can't avoid him forever,
not if you're gonna live in Dallas...

and not if we're gonna
be together again.

Anyway, I told Christopher he
could watch you rope a steer.

- You don't wanna let him down, do you?
- Oh, you play dirty, ma'am.

Whatever it takes.


You know how happy you make me?



I do.

Well, you'd make
me real happy...

if you came out to Southfork
for the rodeo tomorrow.


Sure, with all of
your family there.

Oh, my family...

and hundreds of other people.

Would one of those
hundreds of other people...

just happen to be Sue Ellen?

Well, I suppose that's possible.

That woman shows up
in the damnedest places.

It doesn't matter. She doesn't
mean anything to me anymore.

Would that bother
you if she showed up?

No. No.

I just wanna know
what to expect, that's all.

You can expect to
have a wonderful time.

PATRICIA: You're so
late, dear. What kept you?

Coffee with friends
after the meeting.

My lord, you're with those AA
people for four nights a week as it is.

Why do you want to spend
time with them after the meetings?

What do you find to talk about?

Just things.

Actually, I think I'm making
some very nice friends.

You already have
some nice friends.

I don't know how you can
stand to play that game.

It drives me crazy.

Oh, that's funny. I
find it very soothing.

It gives me time to think.

Well, I think I'm
going to go up to bed.

- Good night.
- Don't forget to set your alarm.

I want to get out to Southfork
bright and early tomorrow.

Then don't forget
to set your alarm.

- And have a good time.
- Sue Ellen.

Look, I shouldn't have
gone to the Oil Baron's Ball.

I don't wanna go to Southfork.

That's all a part of the
past. I don't belong there.

You want to see John
Ross ride, don't you?

After all, it's
his first time in

competition. He's
thrilled to tears about it.

Of course I wanna
see John Ross ride.


You win, Mother.

There's just one thing.

I'm sure that cowboy of
yours is going to be there.

- Please stay away from him.
- That's my choice.

If it's between Dusty
Farlow and J.R. Ewing...

I don't see that there's even
a choice to be discussed.

How can you begin to
compare the two of them?

There are a lot of choices that
I have to make about my life...

and how I'm going to live it.

And when I'm ready, I
will make those choices...

and I'll make them myself.

ANNOUNCER [OVER PA]: And a beautiful
day it is here at the Southfork Ranch.

We've got a whole lot of
events coming up this afternoon...

and I know you're not gonna
wanna miss a one of them.

If you look around, you'll see food
stands set up all over the grounds.

There's cold drinks and beer
and popcorn and hot dogs...

and, well, just about
anything you could want.

And remember, eat them up,
because it's all for a good cause...

the Women's Charity League.

Right now in the arena, we've
got the Texas Sunshine Girls.

Aren't they something?

Flying the flags of the Unites States,
the Southfork Ranch and Texas.

And now, folks, it's time for a
word from our gracious hostess...

Miss Ellie Ewing Farlow.


Thank you.

I just want to thank you all
for coming out here today.

It's wonderful seeing so many old
friends and so many new friends...

and for such a
worthwhile charity.

I hope you have a good time.

And thank you for bringing
Southfork back to life again.

Thank you, Miss Ellie.

And now, folks, before we
get into the rodeo action...

it gives me great pleasure to introduce
a very special guest with us here today.

This fella climbed all the way
up here from Austin to be with us.

Let's have a great
big Dallas welcome...

for the honorable Mark White,
governor of the great state of Texas.


Thank you.

Thank you.

It's really great to be
with y'all up here today.


Thank you.


JACK: Come on, I'm
gonna enter you right now.

JENNA: Don't you dare.

Come on, show me
what you're made of.

- You've gotta be kidding.
- Oh, hey, Jack, Jenna.

- Hey, J.R.
- You remember Miss Nero here.


Sure, Angelica. Good to see you.

- This is Jenna Wade.
- Hi.

Of course. You know, I've
never been to a rodeo before.

There are a lot of
exciting things going on.

Well, I'm glad you're
having a good time.

Excuse us, we're on just our way
to sign Jenna up to the barrel race.

Say, Jack, I wonder if you would mind
meeting me up at the house about 3:00.

I hate to do work on a day like this and
I know you haven't officially signed up...

but, uh, there's a little
something I'd like you to get in on.

Okay, sure thing.
Uh, if you'll excuse us.


- They make a very sweet couple.
- No, they're no couple.

He just took a real friendly
interest in her daughter.

Hello, Miss Nero. It's
nice to see you. J.R.

Nice to see you.

Anywhere there's a charitable function,
you can count on me being there.

- Are you entering the events today?
- Oh, no, no, no.

I leave that to the pros and the
kids. Can I buy you an iced tea?

I'm afraid not. I'm gonna
introduce Miss Nero to my mama.

Please give my very
best regards to Miss Ellie.

Well, damn it.

You don't know how glad I
am to see you here today.

I came for John Ross.
It's important to him.

That means John Ross and I
have a whole lot in common.

he comes out of the chute...

on a rank old horse
called Widow Maker.


Nice riding for d*ck Raleri.

Our next rider in our
bareback horse events, folks...

is Ray Krebbs on a old
horse called White Lightning.

If I recall, that's the same
bronc that threw him last year.

Watch him spurring
right out of the chute.

Folks, you know what that means.

Ray's racking up extra
points this go-around.

But it looks like he's gonna have a
tough time on old White Lightning today.


Boy, Ray's a cowboy's cowboy.

- Hi, Donna. How are you?
- Hey, Barbara.

It's good to see you. We were
so excited to hear about the baby.

- Congratulations.
- Thank you.

ANNOUNCER: All right, it's a
score of 79 points for Ray Krebbs.

How about that, darling?

You were great.

next cowboy's Dusty Farlow.

Dusty's been off the
circuit for a couple months...

but he's raring
to go today, folks.

You ready down there,
Dusty? Cut him loose, boys.

Dusty's riding 5-year-old
Bourbon and Branch...

and I'll guarantee you that's just
what he's gonna want after this ride.


All right, a score of 79
points for Dusty Farlow...

tying him with Ray Krebbs.

And our next rider in the
bareback horse event...

Jack Ewing on a
horse called Belle Star.

Boy, that old horse threw the last
10 riders that tried her out of 14.

Oh, no.

- Can you see all right?
- Yes, thank you.

ANNOUNCER: Watch it, cowboy,
you don't want to be Number 11.

Hang on. Hang on, Jack!

Looks like Jack might
break Belle Star's record.


And he did it.

And a score of 77
points for Jack Ewing.

That first turn almost got me.

Yeah. Not bad for a greenhorn.

Have to make a
bull rider out of you.

Hey, Pam. Have
you seen Cliff today?

- No, but I heard that he's here.
- Oh.

It's all gonna work out, Jamie.

Actually, I just came
over to wish you luck.

Thanks. Why, aren't you
gonna be riding today?


I haven't ridden in a long
time, not since I left Southfork.

So I guess you're in
charge of the family honor.

- Muah. Go get them.
- Thanks, I will.

Hello, Jenna.


Are you riding?

Jack talked me into it.

PAMELA: Well, that's nice.

I'm glad that you're
getting along so well here.

I know what a real comfort it is to Miss
Ellie to have you and Charlie at Southfork.

And how are you doing?

I'm fine.

Keeping busy.

Hi, Pam, Jenna.

Came to wish you luck,
seeing as how I got you into this.

Well, I'll see you two later.


Jamie, I need to talk to you.

There's nothing you can
say that I wanna hear.

Well, now, how do you know that
unless you listen to what I got to say?

You have a real bad habit of
doing whatever you wanna do...

and then thinking that if
you apologize, it'll all be okay.

Well, that's not gonna
work anymore, Cliff.

Well... Hey.

I was so surprised to see
you entered in the barrel race.

Not half as surprised as I was.
That kid of mine is something else.

Oh, well, I have only one
thing to say to you, Sue Ellen:

- Give them hell.
- Ha-ha-ha, okay.

ANNOUNCER: Coming up right
now is that tricky women's barrel race.

I bet Mommy
wins. I bet she wins.

Well, John Ross.
Look at you, old buddy.

- You having a good
time? JOHN ROSS: Yep.

My gosh, you're getting big.

- Hello, J.R.
- Any bigger and he's gonna have to...

sit on somebody else's
shoulders, that's for sure.

- Well, I'll see you.

ANNOUNCER: Contestants will be disqualified
for not following the pattern...

and will be penalized five
seconds for knocking down a barrel.

Touching a barrel is permitted.

Is everybody lined up and
ready back there? All right.

- Who you waving at, Daddy?
- Oh, just a friend.

up is Sue Ellen Ewing.

Sue Ellen's an old
hand at the barrel race...

and we can expect a
good turn from her today.

She's got a good pace going.

Nice and tight
around that barrel.

When these Ewings host a rodeo,
folks, they all throw themselves into it...

and it's great to see
that kind of family spirit.

Sue Ellen won this event two
years running a while back...

Go! Come on, Mom,
I know you can do it.

- Go! Hooray. Go, Mom! ANNOUNCER:
She's gonna be hard to beat...

with a time of 13.5.

- Good luck.
- I'm gonna need it.

- I can't believe you talked her into this.
- Ha, ha. Leave everything to me, kid.

ANNOUNCER: And it's Jenna Wade
riding her own horse, Fancy Dancer.

She's off to a nice start.

Looks like Jenna might be giving Sue
Ellen a run for her money here today.

Go, Mom!

ANNOUNCER: Jenna was a late
entry, but she's sure making up for it.

Looking real good.

High praise from a
cowboy's cowboy.


All right.

A time of 14.2.
Nice going, Jenna.

Next up in the ladies' barrel
race is Jamie Ewing Barnes.

We know that Jamie's been
practicing for this event...

because it's her first time out.

Nice and close on that barrel.

Uh-oh, she went a little wide
on that barrel and that'll cost her.

For a time of 15.5.

Hey, Mama?

Would you look after
John Ross for a little bit?

- Sure. Come on, John Ross.
Good boy. J.R.: Thank you.

Well, Sue Ellen's quite a rider.

Why don't we go someplace
where we can be alone...

J.R., how are you? Oh, what's
happened to little John Ross?

I saw him with you
just a few minutes ago.

Oh, he's with his grandma. Patricia
Shepard, this is Mandy Winger.

Oh, how do you do?
I'm Sue Ellen's mother.

- Hello.
- I didn't mean to interrupt anything.

No. Actually, I was just going
to meet some of my friends.


So that's Mandy Winger. Hmm.

Well, she's such a
common-looking girl.

I expected someone exceptional,
someone with breeding.

Well, I suppose you think Sue
Ellen's descended from royalty...

on your side of the family
or maybe her daddy's.

There's nothing wrong with the
way Sue Ellen was brought up.

No, just the way she turned out.

ANNOUNCER: And the winner of
the ladies' barrel race, Sue Ellen Ewing.

- Great riding.
- Thank you.

You won!

You won.

- You were great!
- I can't believe it.

I really did win.

I gotta get ready for my
next ride. Will you watch me?

everybody having fun? Okay.

We're gonna take a short
break from the action, folks...

so why don't you all get
up and stretch your legs?

Head on over to the
refreshment stands.

I hear the barbecue over
there will melt in your mouth.

We'll see you back
here for the next event.


I'm Sue Ellen Ewing.

I know.

May we talk?


I have something to tell
you that might be helpful.

You're not the first
girlfriend J.R. has had.

That's helpful?

I've seen the way he's
treated all the others.

Look, this time it's different.

Is it?

Yes, it is.

J.R. and I love each other.

You just don't know
him the way I do.


I know J.R. every which
way there is to know him.

And he's never
gonna change, never.

He's gonna use you like
he's used all the others...

and then he's gonna walk out
on you and never come back.

You really want me
out of his life, don't you?

Not for the reasons you think.

I don't want him back.

Mandy, I'm telling you
this for your own good...

because J.R. destroys every
woman he goes to bed with.

It's by the grace of God
that he didn't destroy me.

Don't let him do it to you.

Thanks for the advice. You'll
forgive me if I don't take it...

because you don't know what
the hell you're talking about.

Isn't it strange how the mistress
always thinks she's smarter than the wife?

If she's so smart...

why is she the mistress?

Johnson's our winner...

Sue Ellen, how dare you create
a scene here at Southfork...

in front of my
family and friends?

Mandy and I had a
conversation, that's all.

- A conversation.
- That's not what she said.

We wouldn't have had that if
you had any sense of decency.

- There was no reason to bring her here.
- Really?

I saw that saddle tramp of yours
jumping all over you after your race.

Don't play the
injured wife with me.

I don't wanna play anything
with you, now or ever again.

You can throw Mandy Winger
down in the middle of that arena...

and make love to her in
front of your family and friends.

Excuse me.

ANNOUNCER: And now, folks, it's
time for the parade of junior champions.

Leading the parade
is John Ross Ewing.

He is our youngest
competitor today.

- John Ross is the son...
- Hi.

- Of Southfork's own Sue Ellen...
- Hi.

And J.R. Ewing.

Let's see if we can get
them to give us a wave.

Hey, way to ride out there,
Rocky. You did real well today.

- How come you're not in the parade, huh?
- Oh, I don't know.

Well, you keep
riding like that...

you're gonna have to get
used to award ceremonies, bud.

Thanks, Ray. Mrs. Krebbs.


Real nice kid, just
like his old man.

Don't you have another event
you're supposed to ride in today?

- Where you do think you're walking me to?
- Over there, to that ice-cream stand.

Oh, you twisted my arm.
What flavor you want?

- Chocolate, vanilla, strawberry...
- Oh, make up your mind.

I did. Chocolate,
vanilla and strawberry.

I'm sorry I'm late.

That's no problem.
We're just getting started.

I was just about to tell J.R. that
I have received the paperwork...

and it all seems to be in order.

Good, good. I wanted you in on
the very beginning of this deal, Jack.

- Assuming we have a deal.
- I think you may assume that.

J.R.: All right...
- Once we have all the details ironed out.

J.R.: Ha, ha. Well, I'll just roll
up my sleeves and get to work.

Too bad you pulled 104.

Better you than me.

I don't do this for a living. How
about giving me a few hints?

- Oh, veers to the left.
- I owe you.

Here comes Mark, sweetie, look.

Mark's only got this one chance to tow
him and it looks like he's gonna make it.

And he's done
with a time of 12.5.


Yeah, this event takes more
skill and strength than any other.

Hey, little guy. How'd
you like that, huh?

You were very good.

- You beat everybody.
- Oh, no, I didn't. It was fun trying.

It's not whether or you win or lose. It's
how you play the game. Remember that.

What does that mean?


Well, listen, while Mark's
explaining it to you...

I'm gonna run up to the
house and call Louise, okay?

Tell her we won't
be home for dinner.

And don't you two get into
any trouble while I'm gone.

Sit down and maybe we
can get a closer look. Watch.

I'm gonna be tied up for
the next couple of days...

so if you need any questions
answered, you just call Jack.

- Well, I'll do that.
- Yes.

I really must find my assistant.
If you gentlemen will excuse me.

- Hi, Pam.
- Hi.

Oh, you must be Pamela Ewing.

J.R.: Yes, yeah. Pamela
Ewing, Miss Angelica Nero.

ANGELICA: How do you do?
- How do you do?

I'm sure we'll be seeing more of each other
now that we're doing business together.

I don't know what you mean.

Well, there's plenty
of time to talk shoptalk.

I'm just gonna help Angelica
here find her assistant.

You excuse me, please, darling.

- What was that all about?
- Better talk to J.R. about it.

All I know is there's a real big
deal and it seems to be ours.

I gotta meet Charlie and
Jenna. I'll see you later, Pam.

Hey, Pam. J.R. made
that deal, didn't he?

Why does everybody know
about that deal except me?

I could tell you, but
you wouldn't like it.

Oh, try me.

Well, you don't know about
this multimillion-dollar deal...

because J.R. isn't gonna tell
you any more than he has to.

He's gonna treat you just like Bobby.
No, uh-uh, he's gonna treat you worse...

because you don't know
as much about oil as Bobby.

And how do you know so much
about how J.R.'s gonna treat me?

Ha-ha. You didn't think he
was gonna welcome you...

into the bosom of his
company in open arms, did you?

He doesn't want you
there any more than I do.

I know you taught me everything I know
about the oil business and I'm grateful...

You got a funny way of
showing your gratitude.

You haven't cleaned your
desk out at Barnes-Wentworth...

and you're trying to
stake a claim at Ewing Oil.

- You know why I had to do that.
- Don't paint me a picture.

I'll paint you one.

If you don't keep
your eye on J.R...

you are not gonna
have any place left to go.

ANNOUNCER: But I don't think it was
me. Am I right? Aw, shucks. Sorry, son.

He'll destroy you.

ANNOUNCER: Don't anyone forget
about those food stands over there.

Southfork has so
many memories for me.

And so many ghosts.

It's been your
home for a long time.

As far as Miss Ellie and
I are concerned, it still is.

Oh, thank you, Clayton.

I know you mean
that, and I appreciate it.

Oh, I do love this ranch.

And I love you both.

But I know that I couldn't
ever live here again.

Being here has, uh,
made me see that.

How much of what you're saying has to
do with the fact that Dusty's back, hmm?

It has nothing to do with Dusty.

Not really.

It doesn't even have
anything to do with J.R.

It has to do with me.

With who I am and who I can be.

I was always a victim here, did
what everyone else expected of me.

It's even harder to be
what you expect of yourself.

I know that.

In the past...

I always thought that if I didn't
live up to those expectations...

nobody would love me.


But now, I...

I know that I have
to love myself...

so that I can find my own way.

I think you're finally
on the right track.


Come on.

- I think I'm gonna stay here for a while.
- All right.

But don't miss the
award ceremonies.

Farlow's up next, folks.

Just let us know when
you're ready, Dusty.

See him spurring and
turning out his toes?

That's extra points, and
Dusty's racking them up.

Looks like Dusty can stay
on that old springer all day.


And it's a score of
81 points for Dusty.

DONNA: I'm always amazed
at how ugly these things are.

That just depends on
how you look at them.

- Yeah?
- This one right over here, for instance.

From a certain angle,
that guy there is handsome.

Yeah, just like you,
first thing in the morning.


Donna. Donna. Honey.

Get that thing over here!
Honey, you're gonna be all right.


Get over here!




Just hold on, honey.
Everything's gonna be all right.

Everything's gonna be all right.

[SOBBING] I'm worried.

What happens...? Baby?

Babies are strong little things.

Especially cowboys' babies.

Nothing's gonna happen to him.

- Are we there yet?
- We're almost there.

We're gonna be at the hospital
in... Just hold on, Donna.

Just hold on.
Everything's gonna be fine.

[MOANING] Oh, God.

I've gotta go right away.
I want to be with them.

Well, let me take you. I
haven't told anyone else.

Good. I wish I knew
where Clayton was.

Raoul will tell
him where we are.

Dear God, I hope
she's all right.

Angelica Nero. I'll be damned.

A hotshot in the
oil business. Yeah.

I met her a few times in
Paris about 10 years ago.

She was, uh, quite a
party girl in those days.

Oh, really?

Maybe the two of you can get
together later and talk about old times.

- Now, Pam.
- I'm sorry.

You know, I just want to handle
J.R. and the whole situation...

in the smartest way, and I
don't know what that is yet.

If I were you, I would go
have a talk with Angelica alone.

Nobody can fault you for that.

You are J.R.'s equal partner.

Well, I can see where I'm gonna
have to start proving that right now.

- Go get them, tiger.
- Ha-ha-ha.

ANNOUNCER: And now, here's Jack
Ewing, getting ready to show us his stuff.

You ready, Jack?

Jack's got himself
a mean one there.

Just three more seconds.

Can he make it?


Good ride, Jack.

You are a man of many talents.

I try a lot of things. Not
always successful at them.

Well, I'm sure we'll make
a success working together.

I'll see you later.

Just hold on,
honey. Just hold on.

I'm scared.

RAY: I'm gonna be
right with you, honey.

Miss Nero? Angelica.

- May we talk for a moment?
ANGELICA: Of course.

- Have you met my assistant Grace?
- How do you do?

Actually, I wanted to arrange to go over
the proposal that you've made to Ewing Oil.

J.R. has all the information.

Well, I understand that,
but I'll be needing it too.

You see, J.R. and I share the
decision-making power in the company...

and I wanted to be sure
I have all the details...

before we commit to
a project of that size.

I had no idea.

Naturally, I will provide you
with all the information you need.

Now, Grace will contact you and
we'll make all the arrangements.

All right. Thank you.

- I hope you're enjoying yourself
here today. ANGELICA: Oh, very much.

- Everything is quite interesting.
- Well, good. I'll talk to you tomorrow.

- Okay.
- Excuse me.

ANNOUNCER: Okay, it looks
like our next calf-roper is ready.


I didn't count on her.

ANNOUNCER: All right,
he's started with his first loop.

What are you going
to do about that?

I've got several
options, haven't I?

Let's just hope that for her sake
she doesn't cause any trouble.

Lloyd's from Beaumont.

And he's got a good lead.
He's got him on the ground.

Lloyd's hands are
up. He's remounting.

And the biggest ring held.

All right, that's another
fine performance.

And we've had a lot of
them here today, folks.

Lloyd stands 7.9 seconds.


Am I interrupting anything?


Oh, I was just, uh, thinking.



There's a lot to remember.

Being back here
today put it all in focus.

Am I part of the picture?

Oh, yes.

Yes, you are. Of course you are.

But, Dusty...

you're only a part of it.

I can't have you thinking
that you're any more than that.

For right now, anyway.

Well, I'm not gonna
push you into anything.

I won't let you push me.

Sue Ellen, I really...

Just tell me that you want me.

You know I do.

Well, is she out of shock yet?

I see.

When they gonna operate?


Ellie... Ellie, just hold on, and
I'll be there as soon as I can.

Right. I'm leaving
right away. Right.

J.R. Ewing out there...

and he's going to have the honor
of making this last presentation.

After all, it was his
family's hospitality...

that allowed us to share
in this great charity event.

And now, folks, for the moment
we've all been waiting for.

J.R.: Hey, Billy. How you
doing? Good to see you.

What do we got here, now?

Oh, that's
good-looking, isn't it?

Thank you. Thank you. Thank
you. It's a great pleasure to be here.

On behalf of the Women's
Charity League and my family...

it gives me great pleasure to
present this to the all-around cowboy...

for this year's rodeo.

And the winner is...


Dusty Farlow! Let's
hear it for him, huh?


Yes, sir, all-around cowboy!

How about that?
How you doing, Dusty?

Good seeing you.


Nurse Deizer, 43-23.

Nurse Deizer, 4323.

Dr. McCann, CBT.

Dr. McCann, CBT.

No, Jack, nothing's changed.
They've been trying to stabilize her.

Has Clayton gotten there yet?

JENNA [OVER PHONE]: Yeah, he's here.
- How's Ray?

Not good.

should come down there.

No, there's really nothing you
can do. We're all just waiting.

Jack, I have to go. They
just brought Donna out.

- How bad is she?
- I'm not sure. We've stabilized her.

There is internal bleeding, but we can't
determine the full extent until we operate.

Hey, you know she's pregnant.

Now, this baby means
more to her than anything.

- I'm sure.
- So whatever you can do to...

Of course.

Oh, uh, Mr. Krebbs, I hope
to God it won't happen...

but if during surgery we
have to make a choice...


I want you to save the
baby if you can, doc.

But don't let Donna die.

If there's no other
way, don't let her die.

Dr. Baines, Radiology, stat.

Dr. Baines, Radiology, stat.

VALET: Thank you, sir. Have a good day.
- Bye.

VALET: Yes, sir?
- Here you go. That's it right there.

VALET: All right. Thank you.

Jack. Have you seen J.R.?

He left early. Why?

Well, he gave me a car to come out
here, but I can't find the driver anywhere.

I have a feeling I'm gonna
have to walk back to Dallas.

- Where you staying?
- The Carlton Towers.

Well, I guess I
could drop you off.

Jack, people usually
ask to take me home.


I'm sorry. Not a real
good day for me. Come on.

- Anything I can do to help?
JACK: No, I don't think so.

ANGELICA: And so I've been
working with Dimitri ever since.

JACK: Well, that's a pretty
quick rise to chief executive officer.

ANGELICA: I'm very ambitious.


I must say, I admire
his taste in executives.

Is that supposed
to be a compliment?

It's intended as one.

Would you care to come in?

Thank you, but no. I'm
going over to the hospital.

Of course. I hope
everything is all right.


- Bye.
- Bye.

See you soon.


Oh, it's amazing.
It's fascinating.

Listen, the way he
talks, the way he moves...

even the way he smiles, Grace.

It's gonna work.

I know it. I know
it's gonna work.




Your wife's in recovery now.

RAY: Is she gonna be all right?
DOCTOR: She's gonna be fine.

What about the baby?

I'm sorry. We couldn't save him.


DOCTOR: It was a boy.

We tried.

I'm very sorry.
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