09x22 - Overture

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dallas". Aired: April 1978 to May 1991.*
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The oil-rich Ewings endure daily troubles in Texas.
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09x22 - Overture

Post by bunniefuu »

- What if they don't go for it?
They'll go for it.

Keep that Barnes woman
committed to the mine, you understand?

We've been seeing each other.

- What's her name?
- Grace.

Well, Grace must be one special lady.

Jack has been told nothing.

Then he has no idea
how much he'll be helping us.

Or what it will cost him.

It's out of the question.

The only reason I moved back to Southfork
was for John Ross...

...not for a reconciliation with you.

Can't we go and take a look around?

I told you,
I got whatever is accessible by hand.

There's no sense coming here,
looking for a couple hours.

Gotta stick out a couple of days,
see what we can find.

Nothing is gonna change between us
until you do.

One thing...

Does Jerry Kenderson have anything to do
with the way you feel about me?

- Something's wrong.
- Please let me help you.

You can't. No one can help me.

- There's a fellow named Jerry Kenderson.
- Anything in particular I'd be looking for?

I want dirt on him, Harry.
Good quality dirt.

You've been a wonderful friend to Bobby,
and now to me.

Pam, I wanna talk to you about J.R.

Now, hold on. Now, wait a minute.

I'm not paying for this.
Who charges for ice?

We do, senor. It is a hotel policy.

Okay. Tell me this one now.

Eleven dollars for laundry?
That's another hotel policy?

Oh, no, senor. My wife's policy.

The hotel does not have laundry service.
I took yours home.

- I've been looking for you.
I'll tell you...

...you picked a heck of a country to find
an emerald mine in. I can't wait to get out.

I would be happy to take you to the airport.
You seen Pam or Mark?

No, they're not down yet. Now, wait.


You charge for towels?

Only when our guests take them,
Senor Barnes.

Good morning.
You packed?

Not exactly.
Pam and I were up last night talking.

That's all right. So you overslept.

- Get the lead out.
- Hold on, Cliff.

We were talking about staying here
a couple of extra days.

We wanna see the mine.

It makes no sense to be down here
and leave without seeing it.

- You sure Pam's up to it?
- She says she is.

Be ready in an hour,
if that's all right with everybody.

It's not okay with me,
because I'm going home. H-O-M-E, home.

You mean you don't wanna be with us
when we strike it rich?

R- I-C-H?

Don't wanna get your hands on those
sparkling emeralds coming out of the earth?

- Sure you do.

- It's the chance of a lifetime.
- I don't know, maybe.

I knew I could get you
to change your mind.

I think I'm gonna regret this.

I know I am.

Where'd Clayton get to
this early in the morning, Mama?

He had to fly down to Houston
to finish off the sale of the refineries.


Ewing residence, may I help you?
- Drink your juice.

He doesn't like orange juice.

Jenna, are you going to the shop today?

I don't think so.
I have some things to do around here.

Mr. Ewing?

There's a phone call for you.
It's long-distance.

All right, I'll get it.

Teresa, would you bring
Christopher some grapefruit juice?

- Yes, ma'am.
- He doesn't like grapefruit juice.

J.R. Ewing here.

It's me, Matt Cantrell.

What the hell are you doing
calling me at home?

What's the matter?

They've decided to stay down here
and see the mine.

Is that right?

What am I supposed to show them?
An empty hole in the side of the mountain?

Yes, that is exactly
what you're gonna show them.

I want you to impress upon them...

...that although the mine
doesn't look like much now...

...once you get operating,
there'll be no end to the emeralds...

...you're gonna be pulling out
of there.

What if they don't go for it?

If you do your job, they'll go for it.

You've got to keep
that Barnes woman committed to the mine.

You understand that?

Yeah, right. I gotta go.

Just keep your head on straight,
everything will be fine.

And I don't wanna hear from you again,
unless you are in real trouble, understand?

I can help you with your homework
this afternoon if I can get all mine done.

- Thanks.
- Decided where you wanna go tonight, son?

Or you want your mama to decide?

What's all this about?

Well, I've got a date
with my wife and my boy.

We're gonna do the town.

Or at least dinner and a movie.

- That's weird.

I'm sorry.

That's all right, Charlie.

The three of us haven't been spending
too much time together lately.

But that's gonna change.

Hey, are you sure you're pedaling?


Come on. Come on, pedal.

Next time, you get your own bike.

Oh, it's so pretty.

Are all Dallas days so pretty?


Not all of them.

Now, don't start getting serious.

I'm having too much fun today.

And so am I.

Does that mean you like me?

Yes. That means I like you.

I didn't expect it to happen
quite so soon.

So soon after Jenna?

I've been feeling kind of like a failure
as far as romance is concerned.

I'd hardly call you a failure.

Now, I warned you
about getting too serious.

This time, you get the front.

I don't know.

What do you think if we move it this way,
and the two chairs over here?

- I like the room just the way it is.
- I do too.

But this is something
that just comes over me once a year.

- You ready?
- Yeah.


What do you say we wait
till the men come home to do this?

No, I can't.

Once the urge comes over me,
I have to do it.


Hello, Jenna.

I just wanted to let you both know...

...that I've made an appointment
to see a psychiatrist, a Dr. Ford.

I'm sorry for all the trouble
that I've caused.

Maybe this will help.

I'm sure it will.

This is as far in as the chopper
can take us.

We'll make camp here tonight
and start for the mine in the morning.

You know how to handle one of these?

You sure you wanna trust
a greenhorn with one?

A greenhorn? Who's a greenhorn?

I was an Eagle Scout.

No, you weren't.

I wanted to be.

Listen, there's something
I wanna tell you.

I don't know
what you're expecting to find tomorrow...

...but I can assure you
it won't be that much.

Any of you ever seen a mine before
except on TV or on a movie screen?


Well, that's because
there's not that much to see.

It's nothing more than a hole
in the side of the mountain.

Nothing fancy, nothing glamorous.

I just wanted you to know
so you wouldn't be disappointed.

Hey, I don't care what it looks like.
I just care what's in it.

- Emeralds. Lots and lots of emeralds.
- Hold on, Cliff.

We're not gonna be tripping on these.
It's gonna take hard work to get them out.

Hey, work, that doesn't bother me,
but if what you said is true...

...we're gonna get a fortune
out of that ugly little hole in the mountain.

Is that all this mine is to you,
a chance to make more money?

Yeah. What else?

What is it to you?

I'm not tired. I don't wanna go to bed.

John Ross, I am gonna count to three...

...and then I wanna see
your head hit that pillow.

One, two...

Just a little bit longer, please?

Now, you heard your mama.
We'll do this again real soon, I promise.

That movie was so neat.

Remember the part when the space monster
was gonna eat everybody up?

- That was great.
- Yeah.

- And then...
- Yeah, that was great.

Now you just hit the hay, boy.

But you know what the best part was?

That we all went together.
I liked that the best.

Good night, baby. I love you.

I love you too, Mommy.

I love you, boy.

You too, Daddy.

Good night.

Good night.

Sue Ellen?

You know, I really enjoyed myself tonight,
space monsters and all.

I did too. Good night, J.R.

Darling, I've gotta go
on a little business trip...

...down to Martinique in about 10 days.

Yeah, it's a oil conference, you know.

And I was thinking
that if you wanted to come along...

...we could steal a few days when it's over
and have ourselves a vacation.

J.R., I don't know
why you're inviting me, but it's...

It's out of the question.

The only reason I moved back to Southfork
was for John Ross...

...not for a reconciliation with you.

Oh, honey, I know that.

It's just that
we had so much fun tonight.

It was kind of like the old days.

And I thought it would be a nice idea.

You know,
we could get away together alone.

Well, give it some thought, will you?

You know,
we used to be a hell of a team.

There you go, sarge.

Thanks, Rosie.

No, no, no. I bring the check out to you.

- Okay.
- Okay.

Now, you were saying?

You used to be on the force
down in Houston, didn't you?

- Fifteen years' worth.
- Still got any friends down there?

I like to think so.

What is it you need, J. R?


There's a fellow by the name
of Jerry Kenderson. Dr. Kenderson.

He used to have a practice in Houston...

...before he came up here to run
the Graison Research Center.

Yeah, I've heard of that place.

In fact, I think I saw a picture of Kenderson
in the paper a few weeks ago.

- Dark hair, good-looking guy?
- Yeah, I suppose so.

What is it you want of him?

Well, I wanna know what he's made of.

I wanna know the mistakes he's made,
how much he owes and to whom.

You know what I'm talking about.

Anything in particular
I should be looking for?

No, nothing in particular.

Look wherever you have to look
and ask whoever you have to ask.

I want dirt, Harry. Good quality dirt.

You expecting trouble from him?

No, but you know me,
I always like to be prepared for it.

Well, guess I better start digging, huh?

Allow me.

Oh, I think that breakfast
has finally caught up with me.

Why do people say that food tastes better
when you eat it outdoors? Awful.

That's what you get
for taking these cut-rate tours.

Cut-rate? It cost me $2 million.

Speaking of which,
when are we gonna see that mine?

Yeah, where is it?

Oh, thanks.

Well, I told you it's not much to look at.

I'd call that an understatement.

That's all there is because I couldn't go
any further without heavy machinery.

It will take a million dollars to bring
a road to get the equipment here.

Then I'm gonna have to recruit
the workers, put up buildings.

You're practically going
to be building a town, aren't you?


We'll need a kitchen,
mess hall, supply sheds.

And you're gonna tunnel
into the mountain right here?

No, I just dug in here
to find out where the vein was.

Once I get the manpower...

...we're gonna tear this back here,
work our way up the mountain.

It's gonna take forever.

You didn't expect to come here
and pick emeralds off the ground, did you?

Sorry to disappoint you.
You wanted to see it, there it is.

Go on in, take a look. We'll wait for you.

I guess not.

Tell you what,
I might as well radio the helicopter...

...have the pilot head into the clearing
and meet us there.

But I tell you what,
you come back in a couple of months...

...I promise you,
we'll have something to show you.

Hey, wait. Come back? Come back?

Hell, no, I mean. I wanna go in there.

Can we go in there, take a look around?

- Yeah.

I mean, you've got picks and shovels
and lights and everything.

Why not? Let's do it now.

Yeah, but I already told you,
I got whatever is accessible by hand.

That emerald you sent Bobby,
you dug that out yourself, didn't you?

Well, I think we should give it a try.

There's no sense coming here,
looking for a couple hours.

Gotta stick it out a couple of days,
see what we can find.

- You're joking.

Maybe we can dig up
a couple necklaces.

Don't get carried away.

Well, there's no harm
in trying, is there, Matt?

Why not?


Why not?

All out.


Cinch her up for me.


Come on, hey. How are you?

Who you got here?
- Oh, hold it.

This is my husband, Ray.

- Hi.

You all ready to have some fun?

Ready to have fun? Yeah.

- Ride some horses?
- Yeah.

Well, come on, then. Let's go.

- Come on, come on.
- That's it.

Get it.

Whoa, now, go easy. Let me help you.

Didn't you wanna ride?

I have a stomachache.

- Bad?
- No.

I just want to wait until it goes away.

You sure?


Hold on tight.

You okay?

Here we go.

You ready? Okay.

Real slow.

Yeah? Come on, let's go.

How you doing?

Don't you wanna ride?

I have a tummy ache.

Tummyache, huh? I see.

Whoa, easy, whoa.

This is my horse here.

Pretty gentle. You wanna pet him?

Just touch him on the nose like that.

He likes it right there.

Ray. Ray.


Hold the rein a little bit?
Pull him around.

All right, boy.

Pull him up.

We'll make him trot now. Let's go.

There, right where you put it. The 10th.

I don't know, I...

I was just thinking
we might postpone the meeting for a week.

It would give me
a little more time to prepare.

What prepare?
There's nothing to prepare.

Bring the guys, show them around,
and convince them we need the grant.

Boom, duck soup.

I'd just feel better
if I had a little more time, that's all.

The truth is, J.R. Has to go out of town
on business to Martinique.


And he's asked me to go along.

Well, I thought the two of you were...

I know what you thought.

And you're absolutely right.

There is no marriage
between the two of us.

And, Jerry, I honestly don't know
why he invited me to go with him.

You don't?

Then let me tell you.

J.R. Wants you back.

He has me back.

Or as back as I'll ever be.

I think he wants more than that.

He always wants what he can't have.

I just never understand why.

Sue Ellen, you're so beautiful.

And not only that, you're smart,
you're charming...

...you have a sense of humor.

You're a hell of a lot of fun to be around.

Why can't you believe
that J.R. Sees you as I do?

Because I know him.

There's got to be
something else on his mind.

Oh, no, look what you did, Christopher.

I'll fix it, John Ross.

What happened?

He threw the wrong switch.

I didn't mean to.

It doesn't matter
that you didn't mean to...

...you did it anyway.

Now, take it easy, John Ross.
It's just a game.

That's okay, Grandma.

May I watch?


You wanna be an engineer?

No, I think I'll just pretend
to be a passenger.

This is my train.

It has oil from Ewing Oil,
and I'm taking it to Chicago.

And my train
is going to South America.

That's my track.
You have to pay me to go over it.

But I don't have any money.

That's okay. You can owe it to me.

You sound just like your daddies
all over again.

J.R., I've reached Alex Garrett in Geneva.
He's on line two.

Okay, I've got it.

Say, Alex, J.R. Ewing here.

Right. I just got the message
that you've been trying to reach me.

It's been a long time.

Yeah, it has.

We haven't seen each other since
you helped out on that North Sea deal.

Oh, yeah, that was one pretty piece
of legal work, it really was.

Yeah, it was, wasn't it?
What can I do for you now?

Well, now, I understand that you used to be
the personal attorney to Dimitri Marinos.

Is that right?


Well, maybe you can tell me
a little something about him.

Sorry, J.R.

I don't talk about Dimitri Marinos.

Uh-huh. Uh, why not?

Aside from being unethical
to discuss my work with an ex-client...

...I get no pleasure
from discussing the man.


Well, now, what about Angelica Nero?

What about her?

Look, Alex,
I'm in business with Dimitri Marinos...

...and I really need your advice.

I can't disclose anything about them.
I just told you that.

Say, Alex, what will it take, huh?

I'm sorry, J.R.

I put that episode of my life behind me.

Now, what hotel are you at?
I could fly over there tonight and meet you.

Forget it.

I've just checked out.
I'm on my way to the airport now.

You going to New York?
Well, where could I catch up to you?

I'm sorry, J.R.
You know I'd always do anything for you.

Anything but this.

Listen, is there any chance
that we could meet...

...before the Petroleum Conference
in Martinique?

I know there's something
you can tell me about him.

And I'd certainly make it worth your while.
You just say when and where.

Nothing would make it
worth my while, J.R.

Although it doubtless
would be worth yours.

Alex, you can't leave it like that.

I'm sorry, J.R., I have to go now.


Hey, Cliff?

Come on, Cliff. Take a break.



Can you believe that? Nothing.

Take a load off, buddy.

We've been digging
in this mountain for two days.

You know, if I were to have found
one little emerald...

...as big as any blister on my hand,
I'd be happy.

Cliff, I already told you...

I know what you told me.
I know what you told Pam.

You said we were gonna get
a fortune out of this.

But not in just two days.

We gave it a shot.
The man said not to expect anything.

Yeah, but don't you think
we'd find something?

I mean, some little emerald chip...

...or something that would indicate
this thing was gonna pan out?

It is gonna pan out,
but it's gonna take equipment and time.

You don't just walk in and scoop it out.
How do I make you believe that?

Maybe you can't.

Just because I believe in Matt
doesn't mean you have to, Cliff.

Hey, for $2 million,
I wanna believe in something.

Why don't I give you back your $2 million?
I'll buy you out.

- You sure?
- I'm sure.

You're on.

I'll write you out a check
when we get back home.

I can't think of many things
that I like more...

...than taking a long walk
and picking flowers.

Well, I know what it does for me,
it gives me a healthy appetite.

I'm starving.

Well, maybe we should make some lunch.
Maybe Jenna can join us.

I don't think so.

Right now she should be
at her appointment with Dr. Ford.

Oh, dear.

You don't know how I hope
he's gonna be able to help her.

Oh, yes, I do.

Thought I was running out of ways.

Mm. We all were.

Well, it's just that, you know, as a friend,
I felt that I was letting her down.

You know,
that I hadn't done enough or said enough.

Oh, nonsense.

It's just that right now,
she needs more than a friend.

She needs a doctor.

I know you're right, but...

No buts about it.

Just remember that as her friends...

...we can help her in many ways
the doctor can't.

Our love and support
are a big part of her therapy.

I am anxious for her to get home.

Hey, anybody home?

We're in here, Jack.

What about these?
Did Cliff answer this one?

He was in the middle of dictating it
when Mark called about Pam.

And how about these?

He didn't get to them.

Hey, what are you doing here?

You should be in bed.

Believe me, I feel like going back to bed
and pulling the covers over my head.

Then why don't you?

Really, Jamie, I don't know
why you came into the office today.

I think it's too soon.

Too soon?

One more day in bed
and my brain would've turned into jelly.

I mean, there's only so much
gin rummy a person can play.

Did your nurse not let you win
enough games, is that it?

I think I'll excuse myself.

Thank you, Jackie.
We'll go over the rest later.

- Oh, sure.
- See you, Jackie.

Nice to see you.

And yes, the nurse did not
let me win enough games.

So you're positive
you feel well enough to be here?

Of course. Why would I lie?

Well, I'm glad to hear it.

Because now I don't have to worry
about leaving you.

- Leave? Jack, where are you going?
- Martinique.

It's an international
petroleum conference.

I'm going down with J.R.
And Angelica Nero.

It's a shame you have to go
to such a beautiful place on business.

Well, it's not all business.

Angelica's assistant is coming with us.

We've been seeing each other
for a while.

Well, how long has this been going on?

A few weeks.

But it seems as if it's been longer.

- Well, it sounds like this could be serious.
- I don't know.

I wouldn't call it serious.
Not quite yet, anyway.

But it could be. What's her name?


Well, Grace must be one special lady.
I just hope that she deserves you.

Jack and J.R. Ewing will be brought
to the yacht privately at 11:00.

The rest of the guests
have been asked to arrive at 11:30.

We did not want to ask them
to get up too early on the morning...

...after the masquerade ball.

Very considerate of you.

- Have you taken care of the press?
- Mm-mm.

And we have representatives
from all the major publications?

- Yes.
- And wire service?

Paparazzi too?

We're even providing them breakfast
before they board the launches...

...to get them
in a favorable frame of mind.

It's amazing how many people
one can impress with a free meal.

They'll be more impressed
by how much money...

...they'll be able
to sell their photographs for.

How much is a photograph
of Dimitri Marinos worth nowadays?

To us, it is worth everything.

What has Jack been told?

Jack has been told nothing.

And he won't be told anything
until we're en route to Martinique.

Then he has no idea
how much he'll be helping us.

Or what it will cost him.

Ewing residence. May I help you?

I'm sorry. She's not in right now.

One moment, please.

It's Dr. Ford's office.
His secretary would like to speak to you.

Well, I wonder why
she wants to talk to me.

First she asked for Miss Jenna,
and I said she wasn't here.

Thanks, Teresa.

Hello, this is Ellie Farlow.

No, I have no idea where Jenna is.

Didn't she have an appointment
with the doctor this afternoon?

She hasn't?

Well, she should've been there by now.
She left here quite some time ago.

An hour.

Well, even with bad traffic,
she wouldn't have been an hour late.

Oh, Lord,
I hope she hasn't been in an accident.

Yes, I'll tell her when I see her.


Good night, Cliff. Good night, Matt.

Good night, Pam.
I'll see you in the morning.

Early in the morning.

Well, I might skip breakfast.

So just wake me up
when it's time to shove off.

Your brother's not one
for roughing it, is he?

No. No, Cliff is not a happy camper.

I don't think this is his style.

You really surprised me, though.

I always thought of you
as some kind of little hothouse flower.

You are something else, lady.

Just like one of the guys, huh?

Not exactly.

Would you help me?

Deep down, you really hoped
to find some emeralds here, didn't you?

No, not really.

It would've been nice.
It would've been terrific.

But I understand
what Matt's been saying.

It's gonna take a lot of time
and hard work...

...and probably some luck
to ever see a return from that mine.

The way things have been going here,
I wouldn't rely too heavily on luck.

I know how you feel about everything...

...and I know how disappointed
you are for me, not for yourself...

...but don't be.

I can't help it.
I know how much you have invested in this.

And I'm not talking about the money.

I just hate to see you not getting out of this
what you'd hoped for.

But I did.

Emeralds were never the point.
You've been right all along, Mark.

I've been following a dream...

...that belonged to Bobby.

I guess I had to.

I had to take it every step of the way
to try and make it come true, and I did.

But now it's time for me to move on.

And do you know
what makes me the happiest?

That you were here to see me through it.

I don't know what to say.

Well, don't say anything.


Sue Ellen.

Thank you.

The two of you make quite a team.

The three of us make quite a team.

Everybody got a drink, boy?

Not yet.

Now we can toast.

I'm worried about my mom.

You don't have to worry, honey.
She's just late.

Dinner's ready, Miss Ellie.

Thank you, Teresa. We'll be right there.

- I'll take the children in, Miss Ellie.
Thank you, Sue Ellen.

Okay, come on.
Keep me company, I'm starving.

You don't think anything
happened to her, do you?

No, of course not.

Your mama's been working too hard,
probably lost track of time.

Let's go and help Sue Ellen.
What do you say?

I wonder if I should call the boutique.

I already did that, Miss Ellie.

Evelyn said that Jenna
hasn't been there all day.

I took a ride out by Bobby's grave.
No sign of her out there.

Hi, everybody. Sorry I'm late.


We were all real worried about you.

Why, baby? I'm fine.

I'm sorry if I held up dinner, Miss Ellie.

Why, no, no, that's all right.
It's just that we...

The doctor's office called hours ago...

...and said that you never showed up
for your appointment.

Then when you were
so late getting home, we...

I was late for my appointment.
I got caught in terrible traffic.

But luckily he was able to take me
when I got there.

How did it go?

Fine, just fine.

I'll run upstairs and change for dinner.
I won't be long.

- I'll come with you.
Be right down.


I wondered where you'd gone off to.

I just came to take a last look around.

I just wanted to tell you...

...I'm sorry.

For what?

For a lot of things.

I'm sorry you'll be going home

I'm sorry about...

I never expected to leave
with my pockets bulging with emeralds.

That was Cliff's idea.

I'm just glad
I finally got to come down...

...and see what was so important
to you and Bobby.

And I got everything that I came for.

I'm glad.

There are other things, though.
There are things we gotta talk about.

You mean the kidnapping?

That wasn't your fault.
You did everything you could, I know that.

You've been a wonderful friend to Bobby,
and now to me.

Pam, I wanna talk to you about J.R.

Don't worry about J.R. I can handle him.

Well, here you are.

I thought the two of you
had run off together.

Pam was just taking a last look around.

Well, we better get a move on.
Got a long walk ahead of us today.

Very long walk.


- Shall I seat you now?
- Yes, please.

Am I late?

No. I was just early.

It's really good to see you.

Your waitress today will be Holly,
and she'll be with you in just a minute.

Thank you.

Thank you.

So how has your day been so far?

We need to talk.

About what?

About you. About your psychiatrist.

Well, there's nothing to talk about.

Everybody wanted me to go,
I went, and I'm gonna go back again.




How can you go back
when you never went in the first place?

What do you mean?

You didn't go yesterday.

You called my doctor to check up on me.

You didn't go.

How dare you.

I am concerned about you.
Everybody's concerned about you.

How dare you.

I will not allow you
or anyone else to treat me this way.


Sit down. Sit down.



I don't know
what's happening to me anymore.

I'm so confused.

And you're scared.


Something's wrong.

Please let me help you.

You can't. No one can help me.

What if there's something seriously wrong?
What am I gonna do?

What about Charlie?

Whatever it is, we'll find a way out of it.

Trust me. Please let me help you.

Help me.

Help me.

I tell you, I can't wait to get home.

Place with clean sheets,
indoor plumbing, my VCR.

Your wife?

Yeah, my wife. Oh, yeah, you bet.

Pam, you know, I've been thinking,
and despite what you said earlier...

...I know you must be disappointed.

Oh, Matt.

Wait a minute, wait a minute.
Let me finish.

I'm sure that in a certain sense,
you did get what you came down here for...

...one last chance
to do something for Bobby.

But that doesn't mean
you'll have to subsidize me forever.

I'll understand if you wanna pull out
of our deal. I really will.

Take him up on his offer, Pam.

That's not what I want to do at all.

I really will understand,
because one way or the other...

...I plan to stay down here
and work this mine by myself.

You're that sure
you can make this mine pay off?

Yes, I am.

Or at least I'm certain my gut feeling
about it is the same as it's always been.

And so is mine.

The money's still yours, Matt.
I'm not gonna pull out on you.

Oh, Pam, you crazy?

No, I'm not crazy.

I still have confidence in Matt...

...and I'm not gonna go back
on a promise I made to a friend.

Hallelujah, we're going home.


Am I disturbing you?

Oh, no, no.
I thought you'd turned in, honey.

Actually, I was hoping we could have a talk
about Martinique.

Oh, sure. Sit down.

You wondering what clothes to bring?


Actually, I was wondering
why you even asked me to go at all.

Why didn't you ask Mandy?

Yeah. Mandy's a thing of the past.

It's over with, has been for some time.

And Angelica Nero,
is she a thing of the past too?

Well, darling, I'm not gonna tell you
that Angelica and I didn't get friendly...

...but it was only for business.

And it was the same for her too,
I can assure you.

Same old J.R.

You still make the distinction...

...between the women
you take to bed for pleasure...

...and the women
you take to bed for business.

Darling, what was I supposed to do,
with you being away...

...and us, you know, being apart?

Oh, no, you don't.

Don't you go blaming
your alley-cat morality on me.

J.R., you haven't changed
since the day we met.

And I can't believe you're ever going to.

Look, I'm not going to deny
the way I've been.

There wouldn't be
any point in that, darling.

But I can change.

Well, look at you.

You've changed more
in the last four or five months...

...than I ever believed possible.

So don't tell me
I can't do the same thing.

All right, I won't.

But I will you tell you...

...that nothing is gonna change
between us until you do.

One thing...

Does Jerry Kenderson have anything to do
with the way you feel about me now?

J.R., let's just leave Jerry Kenderson
out of this.

Good night.


Hello, Harry. J.R. Here.


What can I do for you?

How's the Kenderson project coming?

The guy's clean, J.R.

I traced him all the way back to med school.
He's never even had a parking ticket.

Well, you stay on him.

Go back to kindergarten if you have to,
but you find something on him.

Will do.

And, Harry...

...the dirtier the better. Hm?
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