11x04 - Gone with the Wind

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dallas". Aired: April 1978 to May 1991.*
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The oil-rich Ewings endure daily troubles in Texas.
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11x04 - Gone with the Wind

Post by bunniefuu »

Last on Dallas:

One glance at your sales indicates a
drop when you and Miss Winger left.

- We're gonna put you on the map...
- Do it without Mandy Winger.

You flew down to Dallas
without knowing the reason?

I figured it must
be interesting.

If you're anything like
your daddy, it could be.

You could solve all of our problems.
Why don't you ask my mother to many you?

I'm going to prove it's
me, not Oswald or Mandy...

that is the force behind
Valentine Lingerie.

Wherever you came
from, you should've stayed.

I'm still your son.

And this is still our town.

Thank you, doctor. We'll see
you in a couple of days. Bye.

That was Dr. Gray. He's gonna
fly in from Los Angeles to see Pam.

I think ten days is a long
time to wait for a doctor...

no matter how good
he's supposed to be.

But he's just got
back from vacation.

Yes, but there must be plenty of
fine surgeons right here in Dallas.

There are, but he's a
specialist, the best there is.

And besides, he said that Pam
would've needed that time to heal anyway.

Well, I certainly
hope he can help her.

Well, if anyone
can, he's the one.

- I've gotta get to the hospital.
- Bobby.

I know. I know how
terrible this is for you.

But things will be all
right. I know they will.

I hope so, Mama.

- I'll see you tonight. Bye, Sue Ellen.
- Bye, Bobby.

Oh, I have to go too,
Miss Ellie. I'm late.

You're certainly going
in early these days.

I have an important meeting
this morning. I'll see you later.

- Sue Ellen, have you seen Clayton?
- Not this morning. Bye-bye.

Did Charlie make that bus okay?

Just barely.

I swear she has
no sense of time.

Well, I don't suppose
many 13-year-olds do.

Well, you must know
something about teenagers.

Ever since you talked to her,
she's been a different person.

What'd you say?

- Well, maybe you better ask Charlie.
- Well, I did. She won't tell me.

Well, then you can't
expect me to tell you.

Let's just say that it was
a father-daughter talk.


Well, I didn't
mean it like that.

That's too bad.

I think Charlie
would have liked that.

What about Charlie's mother?

It has a nice ring.

Jenna, take a
little walk with me?


Things have been
going good for us lately.

It's been great.

You know, I've been
doing a lot of thinking.

About Margaret.

You miss not having
her here, don't you?

Sure I do, I
mean... That's not it.

I was wondering what it'd be
like if I could never see her again.

I'd just go crazy.

Ray, you can see
her any time you want.

I know that.

- I'm talking about Bobby.
- Oh, Ray, please.

Jenna. I know this is hard for
you, but Bobby is the boy's father.

It's wrong for us not
to let him see Lucas.

- That's a matter of opinion.
- So much has gone wrong for Bobby...

the whole terrible thing
with Pam and Ewing Oil.

We can't take
his child from him.

Jenna, he's my brother.

Oh, Ray.

Why do you always
ask for trouble?

I guess if there's
gonna be trouble...

we better face up to it
now rather than later.

- I don't believe this.
- Believe it.

But I thought we agreed.

No more missing breakfast.
No more working out.

Ellie, I cannot sit around
and do nothing. It's just not me.

And acting like
a 12-year-old is.

Oh, Clayton.

You've been doing so well the
last couple weeks. Why spoil it?

I'm not spoiling anything.

Now, I know what's best for me.
Why can't you just let it be, Ellie?

I can't. I won't stand by and
watch while you k*ll yourself.

Oh, come off it. It's my life.

Why can't everyone realize
that and just let me live it?

Hi. Sorry I'm late.

I'm on time for my
appointments. I wish you would be.

Well, I'm not that late.

Yeah. Well, let's just
go over the basics, okay?

I like what I've seen. For a
small company, you've done well.

- Thank you.
- I said you have a good start.

But that's all it is, a start.
Now comes the real work.

You have something in mind?

Yes, I do. But it's much too
detailed to go into right now.

There's another
meeting I have to get to.

But when are we gonna talk?

Say 5:00 at McCarthy's?

- Um... I don't think I can make it at..
- Mrs. Ewing.

I'm a very busy man. There are
other companies I'm working with.

I can either meet you
at 5 to discuss your

business further, or
we can just forget it.

- You don't beat around the bush, do you?
- That doesn't accomplish anything.

Can I expect you at 5?

- I'll be there.
- Good.

Mrs. Ewing, please
be prompt tonight.

I don't like late nights
any more than you do.

Five, sharp.

See you then.


Good morning, Jackie.

Cliff, you know that old
burn that was here last week?


Well, he said that you told
him he could use Pam's office.


Why did you let him in there?

You hear me right.

East Texas has more oil
than you can shake a stick at.

For the right price,
it could be yours.

Tell you what, take
a day, think it over...

and call me here at my
office, Barnes-Wentworth.

Yeah, that's right. Just
ask for Mr. Dandridge.

What'd you do that for? You
might have blown the deal.


What deal? What are
you doing in my offices?

I'm trying to make some money.
Before you so rudely interrupted me.

- Oh, I interrupted you.
- Yeah, that's right.

You better start getting in earlier.
It's the middle of the day already.

You wanna get
out of here, please?

That's some gratitude,
coming from you.

I was trying to drum up
some business around here.

I don't need any help from you.

You don't have to hit me
in the head with a brick.

Let me tell you something. Next
time you're crying into your beer...

don't come looking for me,
because I wash my hands of you.

You wash your hands of me?
You get out of here and stay out.

Well, my father was
a man set in his ways.

Never really kept
up with the times.

The Lord only knows how he managed to
leave so much money behind. But he did.

And now, well, I've decided
to move the company to Dallas.

Well, Dallas isn't exactly a
boomtown for oilmen these days.

I know things are tough
everywhere. Oklahoma's no exception.

But what I'm
planning to do is buy.

I know it sounds crazy. But there are a
lot of independents going under right now.

And this is the
time to buy all the

hardware and land you
can get your hands on.

If you don't mind
waiting for profit.

Well, I'm a young man with
a lot of old money. I can wait.

How'd you happen to call us?

Well, my father spoke very highly
of you, Mr. Lee and Ms. Stone.

So you were the
first ones I called.

I'm sure I speak for Jordan...

when I say that we'll be happy
to help you any way we can.

I can't think of anything
that'd suit me better.

Well, look here. Another
meeting of the Losers Club.

They recruiting new members? I think
you're supposed to wear a tie in here.

I don't believe we've
met. J.R. Ewing.

Well, that's not a
very friendly attitude.

From what I've heard, your
friends don't stay healthy.

They stay a lot healthier
than my enemies.

Why don't you go
bother somebody else?

Well, Jordan. you're really
feeling your cats, aren't you?

Just remember, the higher
you ride, the further you fall.

Hey, there's no
need to talk like that.

Better watch out, or
you'll be falling with him.

Well, I'll take my
chances with them.

You just stay away from me, boy.

So that was the
mighty JR. Ewing.

Not so mighty anymore.

These days, he's
all bark and no bite.

It's me, honey.

You know...

there's something that I've
been wanting to tell you about.

It's not anything bad, so I
don't want you to get worried.

I just...

wanted to wait until you
were feeling a little better...

before I told you.

It's about Christopher.

You're never gonna
believe what your son did.

Two days after your accident...

he was missing you so much...

that he decided to ride his bicycle all the
way from Southfork here to the hospital.

He didn't tell anybody.
He just up and left.

I caught up with him, but...

I can tell you, I was more
than a little bit worried.

I had a nice father-and-son
talk with him, and I...

I think he understands
everything now.

I talked to Dr. Gray.

And he's coming
hereto Dallas to see you.

I know you must
be scared, honey.

But he's the best in the world.

And with his help...

and our love...

we're gonna make it
through this, you'll see.

The most important
thing is that you get better.

And everybody's
pulling for you, all right?

It's gonna be all right, Pam.

And I'm gonna be here with you.

I'll be here every
step of the way.

Oh, God. I love you, honey.

Five o'clock, right on time.

So you are.

May I bring you something?

Just a club soda, please.

Last time, it was iced
tea. You don't drink?

I used to.

Will you be staying long
enough to give me any answers?

How about I tell
you what I think...

and if it's unclear, then
you can ask me questions?

Should I take notes, or will this be
simple enough for me to understand?

It's quite simple.

There's very little we can do for you, as
long as you remain a regional company.

You're not big enough or
well-known enough to go public.

Even if we wanted to.

Well, that's encouraging.

But there is a
solution. Expansion.

Put Valentine in Miami,
Chicago, Los Angeles, New York.

Are you able to do that?

You know the answer to that
question. You saw the books.

It's not just having
the resources. It

means putting it all,
you, into the company.

Traveling, interviewing.

Become, in a sense, your own
spokeswoman for Valentine Lingerie.

Are you ready to do that?

Sounds wonderful.

A bit impossible, but wonderful.

Well, in the next few months, the
impossible will become the probable.

Well, Sue Ellen, we meet again.

April, we do keep running
into each other, don't we?

- Yes.
- May I bring you something, Miss Stevens?

Campari and soda. Thank you.

Miss Stevens?

You must spend a
lot of time around here.

I have to. I own it.

- Wow, I'm impressed.
- Thank you. So am I.

Forgive me. April, Nicholas
Pearce. April Stevens.

- How do you do?
- Very well.

Mr. Pearce is helping me get
Valentine's on the right track.


Well, I hope you're gonna stay
for dinner. I recommend the scampi.

Well, if it's that good,
perhaps you'd like to join us.

- Do you mind?
- 01 course not.

If you don't mind
listening to business talk.

It's become one of
my favorite subjects.


Well, sounds like
you did a fine job.

They swallowed that,
hook, line and sinker.

You don't know the half of it.

After you left, they treated me
like I was some kind of a hero.

- They liked the way I stood up to you.
- They mention any deals?

Well, nothing specific. Jordan
seemed a little suspicious at first...

but by the time lunch was over, I
had them eating out of my hands.

Yeah, that's music to my ears.

That Ms. Stone seemed rather
interested in working with me.

Yeah. Yeah, I bet she did.

Now, what happens when
they do want me in on a deal?

Well, you'll be right in there with
them, buying me back into power.

I'll drink to that.

What's this doing here?

It's for you, Clayton.

What do you mean, for me?

Just what I said.

I want you to go.


What'd I do?

It's not what you did, it's...

It's what you won't do.

If not for yourself,
then for me.

I don't know what you're talking
about. I'll do anything for you.


Except come to your senses.
And start acting your age.

- Oh, it's that again.
- Yes, it's that again.

- You just won't listen, will you?
- To what?

To the fact that everyone seems to think
I should sit in a rocking chair on a porch.

Now, that is not
very easy to listen to.

Well, you won't have to
hear it again, not from me.

Go on, Clayton. Take it.

You wanna die. Then go ahead.

- But not in this house.
- You know I'm not gonna die.


Oh, I do? Well, that's
not what your doctor says.

- When did you talk to my doctor?
- It doesn't matter when.

What matters is what he said.

What'd he tell you?

He told me that you had a
heart attack 10 years ago.

You never even told me.

But that was 10 years ago. I
haven't had any trouble since.

- I'm doing fine now.
- You are not fine now.

Why don't you stop this?

Your doctor tells me that
you have some blockage.

And overexerting
yourself could k*ll you.

He didn't miss a thing, did he?

Oh, Clayton.

Clayton, he cares
about you. So do I.

And that's why you
wanna kick me out.

If that's what it takes...

to make you realize what
you're doing to yourself...

and to me.


So if you won't change...

If you won't change, then
just please, please go.

Just go. Just go away.

Come here. Come,
come, come. Come here.

All right, all right.
I'll go see the doctor.

And, Clayton, you'll do
what he wants you to?

Yes, yes, yes.

Oh, Clayton.

Why did it have to go so far?

Give me another.

- Don't you think you've had enough?
- Who cares?

I care. This is my place.

Oh, well, kick me out.
I'll drink somewhere else.

Sit down.

- You look terrible. What's happened?
- Well, I was a jerk. That's what happened.

You, a jerk?

You watch your mouth.

Remember that old guy
you met at my apartment?

- Your new roommate?
- We||, he's not a bad old guy.

Looks can sure be deceiving.

You can't judge somebody
by what they look like.

So is this old man that only looks
like a wino part of your problem?

Yeah. We had a fight.
He took off on me.

Cliff, don't take offense, but
why would you care if he left?

- Why would I care?
- Yeah.

Because if I don't
care, who is going to?

He's a drifter. I'm sure he
can take care of himself.

Yeah, well, even
drifters need friends.

- Where are you going?
- I'm gonna go out and find him.

It's 2 a.m.

Yeah, well, he might be asleep on the
street some place somebody could mug him.

I gotta keep looking for him.

You have got one
hell of a lot of nerve.

- So your wife told you she came to see me.
- That's right.

Whatever happened
to medical ethics?

She was concerned about you.

That still doesn't give
you the right to tell her.

I have every right.

You're pushing yourself
to an early grave.

You're too bullheaded to see that the
people who love you, like your wife...

don't want that to happen.

I am sick and tired
of hearing all this.

You doctors are so
cocksure of yourselves...

you think you can turn a life
around at the drop of a hat.

Mr. Fallow, I want
to save your life.

I am just asking you to come
in and take a few more tests.


No more tests.

I'm here to tell you never to talk to
my wife again. Just stay out of our lives.


Be an old fool.

But if you're going to take
your life into your own hands...

you will do so without
me as your doctor.

- That's fine with me.
- Mr. Fallow.

This is the biggest
mistake you could make.

Then it's my mistake, isn't it?

I'd rather be dead
than wind up an invalid.

Well, you keep on going
the way you have been...

you'll get your wish.

Goodbye, doctor.

Just remember what I told you.

Yes. Oh, my. Okay, yes.

All right. Yes, that's good.

Hello, Bobby.


Are you sure this is all right?

Come in.

He's right here.

Guess I've got some
chores to take care of.

He's a beautiful child.

Yes, he is.

Ray told me you agreed to this.

Well, you're here, aren't you?

But I don't wanna be
here as your enemy, Jenna.

Bobby, you know how I feel.

Why did Ray tell me
everything was all right?

Because that's what I told him.


Not for you.

For Ray.

- Can I...?
- Hold him?

Yes, go ahead.

Whatever your reasons for
letting me be here, thank you.

Why don't you tell Ray?

Do you know how much your
brother loves and worries about you?

I think Ray is one of
the finest men I know.

Then why did your family treat
him like a second-class citizen?

Do you know what he's going
through just to let you see your son?


You are going to make the world
forget there was a Mandy Winger.

Oh, do you really think so?

I don't see how you can miss.

Yes, Tita.

There's a Mr. Pearce
here to see you.

Yes, send him in.

Hello, Nick. I'd like you
to meet Lana Rogers.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Did you forget we had a meeting?

Well, of course not. I thought you
might like to meet our new Valentine Girl.

Lana, you're a very pretty woman,
and I'm sure you'll do a great job...

but if you don't mind, Mrs. Ewing
and I have some business to discuss.

Thank you. You can
change. That'll be all.

Thank you, Mrs. Ewing.

- Do you find it necessary to be so rude?
- If you found me rude, I apologize.

It's not a new Valentine Girl
who's gonna get you what you want.

- And you are?
- I will, if you'll cooperate.

Anything else is a waste
of my time and your money.

And what is worth your
time and my money?

Seeing if we can build your
company into something worthwhile.

Now, I've got a location in Los
Angeles. We should look at it first.

- We're flying to Los Angeles?
- First thing tomorrow morning.

In the morning? Don't
you think that's...?


Mrs. Ewing, I told you,
I move at a quick pace.

And cooperation isn't a
sometime thing. It's vital to us.

All right, I'm with you.

Good. Then I'll see you at the
airport, 10:00 tomorrow morning.

Shouldn't we discuss strategy?

We will, on the plane tomorrow.

I want everything to be fresh in your
mind when we get to Los Angeles.

Well, you know best.
See you tomorrow.


And the name is Nicholas.

Your wife's condition has improved.
She's awake most of the time...

and I wanted to talk to both of you
about what's gonna happen tomorrow.

We'll be taking her bandages off again,
and I'll have a chance to look at her.

How much longer
is this going on?

About a few months until
the healing is complete.

- What time do you want us here tomorrow?
- Might be better if you weren't here.


You see, Mr. Ewing, I'm gonna ask
Pam to look at herself for the first time.

Wait a minute. No, we
gotta be there. She needs us.

Well, she will need your support,
but it's gonna be a lot easier on her...

it she's alone when she
sees herself the first time.

Doctor, it seems to me that's when
she's gonna need our love and support.

After the initial shock, that
may be exactly what she needs...

but when she
first sees herself...

I mean, it a brother or a husband
has even the slightest bad reaction...

and she sees it, well. It
could be very detrimental.

Doctor, she's my wife, I'm
not gonna have a bad reaction.

You may not think you're gonna
react, but, believe me, you will.

Even without realizing it.

Yeah, but there's a chance
we wouldn't have a bad reaction.

Yes, but what if you do?

I mean, is that the first thing you want
your sister to see? The look on your face?


When can I see her?

When she's ready.

I know it's very hard on both of
you, but it's even harder on her.

It's gonna be very difficult for a woman
that was as beautiful as she was to adjust.

- I understand. Thank you, doctor.
- Well, I don't understand.

Give us a day. What are you
talking about? Three, four days?

Cliff. Come on, let's go.

I'm sorry, gentlemen,
but it's for the best.

Thank you, doctor.

- Come on, let's go.
- Okay.

Boy, you believe that doctor?

Cliff, he is just doing what
he thinks is best for Pam.

Yeah, well, what it Pam is
disappointed that we're not there with her?

I'm sure that Dr. Gray will
explain everything to her.

Oh, I guess so.

- I think it's crazy.
- Cliff.

- Please.
- All right.

- All right.
- There you go, gentlemen.


You know what?
This is the first time...

that you and I ever sat down and
had a beer together, just the two of us.

Well, we...

haven't been real
close through the years.

No, we haven't.

And that's partly my fault.

It's all our faults.

Kind of ironic.

It takes something like this...

I mean, Pam.

"To bring us together.

You know what they say:

Misery loves company.


What we did is
walk all over her.

She hated it, you know?

All the fighting that we did.

But we just never
thought about it till now.

Well, it was more than
that for me. I lived for that.

It was my crazy obsession
to get back at the Ewings...

that just made it so that Pam
couldn't even be around me.

- God, that seems so foolish now.
- Well, that's because it is.

But we can't sit around
and think “what if?“

What's done is done.

We just have to try and
learn something from it.

Well, I hope so. I
can tell you one thing,

Hey, why don't we start? Let's go
have some dinner together tonight.

Mind if I pick up your
nephew on the way?

That's a great idea.
About 10 minutes from

Southfork, there's
this Chinese restaurant.

- He's gonna love that.
- I'll ask him.

I'll get the next one.


- Yes, what, Clayton?
- I think we ought to have a little talk.

- Clayton...
- Just hear me out.

I went to the
doctor this morning.

Oh, Clayton, good.

What happened?

What did he tell you?

Well, he didn't have much
chance to tell me anything.

I did most of the talking.

- Well, that doesn't surprise me at all.
- Hold on, now. There's more to the story.


Are you gonna take up skydiving?

- You think this is funny?
- No, I think you're funny.

I'm not taking up skydiving.

Unless the doctor
tells me it's all right.

Clayton, what are
you trying to tell me?

After I left Dr. Gordon's
office, I did some thinking.

Mostly about you.

About how much I love you.

And how much I've hurt you.

That's why I've decided...

to do something about
my heart problem.

- You mean it?
- Yes, I do.

And I wanna apologize to you.

I've been selfish, and
I've been acting like an ass.

All that matters is that
you've come to your senses.

I've called the doctor
back and apologized...

and I'm gonna go in
next week and take a test.

And you'll do whatever
he thinks is best?

I'll try.


It's not gonna be the
way you think. I'm sure.

You're gonna be able to
lead a completely normal life.

As long as it's with you.

- Well, hello, darling.
- Hi, J.R., you're home late.

Yeah. Looks like I got home
just in time. You 0” some place?

As a matter of fact, I am.
I'm going to Los Angeles.

- Oh?
- On business.

I'm gonna go look at a piece of
property Mr. Pearce thinks we should buy.

Oh, you're going to L.A.,
just the two of you, huh?


you have nothing to worry about.

Oh, I know that.

It's just that all that's been going on
lately, I don't know what to expect next.

Why don't you
come? You'll have fun.

I'd love to, but I got too
much work to do around here.

Besides, after the Calhoun
affair, I don't think I'd be welcome...

in Los Angeles right about now.

That's right. I
forgot about that.

Well, as long as you're
not gonna come with us...

let's not spend any more
time talking about business.

Inflation therapist to ICU.

Inflation therapist to ICU.

We'll be taking your bandages
off again this morning, Pam.

And if you feel up to it, I think it
might not be bad to take your first look.

All right, then. Please keep in
mind what I told you to expect.

Then let's get started.

What can I get you?

I'm looking for that guy
I left with the other night.

Oh, you must mean Dandy.

- Yeah, he been around?
- Not since the other night.

Yeah, you know
where else he drinks?

- Your guess is as good as mine, mister.
- Thanks.

Sweetheart, I'll call you
when I get to Los Angeles.

Don't be late for school.

Goodbye. I love you.

And she said, “Oh, him?
He'll have the same.“

I'll bet you didn't learn
joke-telling at Harvard.

You'd be surprised what
you can learn at Harvard.

I'll bet I would.

Come on, girls. We've
got a plane to catch.

And let him slip away
without getting my number?

Next time you're
down Oklahoma way...

look me up, honey.

It'll be my pleasure.

I live closer.

Thank you.

Well, I'm glad you talk
something other than business.

Does that surprise you?

I was beginning to wonder.

I do have a life
outside of my work.

But I never confuse the two.

- Really?
- One of my main rules.

Separate business...

and pleasure.

And although you're a
beautiful woman, Mrs. Ewing...

you're also my client.

I see.

All passengers for Flight
401, please prepare to board.

Hi, just in time for lunch.

Well, that's good.

I didn't see you this morning.
You must have got an early start.

I had a lot of work
to do with the horses.

Is something wrong?

No. Nothing is wrong.

Then why'd you go to
bed so early last night?

You were gonna see a movie.

I was just tired, that's all.

Ray, I'm not blind.

Ever since Bobby came by to see
Lucas you've been acting different.

You're hurt, aren't you?

Why should I be?

Bob is my brother.

Lucas is his child.

A father has a right to see
his own child, doesn't he?

Oh, that's very noble. But
that's not how you feel, is it?


I thought I could handle it.

I saw Bobby here.

I don't know. I felt like an outsider
standing in my own living room.

Why didn't you
talk to me about it?

Because I'm the one
that said it was all right.

- We'|| tell Bobby we made a mistake.
- We can't.

- Why not?
- Not now.

Tell Bobby that he can't see his own
child again after he's already seen him?

- It would k*ll him.
- Then what do we do, Ray?

We just try and
live with it, that's all.

Do you really think you
could live with those feelings?

- Do you, Ray?
- I don't know.

I just know that I'm
gonna have to try.

It could be all right with you.

If you think it's best...

it's fine.

But it's not just you
that has to live with it.

It's me too.

- Yeah?
- J.R., Casey Denault is here.

Well, send him in.

Hey, Casey. Got some
good news for you.

Oh, what's that?

- There's an oil company I want you to buy.
- Great. What's the name?

- BB 8. B Oil.
- Well, I never heard of it.

It's not a very big company, but they
got a couple of good reserve fields.

Well, how high
should I go for it?

Well, he wanna sell it to me for
28 million, but you can get it for 14.

Less if you can, but
not a penny more.

Now, here's Blakely's work
number and his address.

Try to set up an appointment
with him tomorrow.

It's as good as done.

Let me know when
you hear something.

You can count on it.

All right.

There we go.

J.R. Ewing Number 1.

Morning, Bobby.

Morning, Mama.

I'm surprised you haven't gone
to the hospital yet to see Pam.

Hadn't you better get going?

Cliff and I talked
to the doctor...

and he felt it
would be better...

if Pam were alone for a while...

matter she saw
herself for the first time.

But you're her husband. I should
think that she'd want you there.

Maybe she would...

but he just felt that...

if she saw a
reaction in my eyes...

about the way she looked, that it
would be that much harder for her.

And I can't risk that, Mama.

Well, do you think
that would happen?

I'd hope not.

But, Mama, it doesn't
matter to me how she looks.

The important thing...

is that she pulls through this.

Bobby, what is it?

What's wrong?

I'm scared, Mama.

I'm scared about the
way she's gonna feel.

What do you mean?

You remember how you felt
after you had your mastectomy?

About the problems
you and Daddy had...

because you didn't think that you were
still the same woman he fell in love with?

I remember.

There, see.

You still have some of those
feelings, and that was years ago.

Well, it's not an
easy thing to get over.

But I did.

But it took time.

A long time, before you really felt you
were still the same woman that Daddy loved.


What if Pam has
those same feelings?

Then you must stand by her...

and love her...

the way your daddy did me.


what if she doesn't
want me by her?

As much as I love her, there's still a
chance she's not gonna want me with her.

It'll work itself out, Bobby.

I know it will.

For there's one thing I know...

Pam loves you very much.

So no matter how
she feels now...

you stick by her.

Because even if
she doesn't know it...

she needs you.

I gotta go.

Everything's going to be fine.

What the hell are you doing down
here? Why aren't you up with Pam?

I'm sorry, Mr. Ewing.

What do you mean, you're sorry?

Please, Mr. Ewing,
it wasn't my fault.

I'm sorry, Mr. Ewing. She's...

She's gone.

- Next on Dallas:
-Where's my sister?

Please just stay where you
are. I'll tell you everything.

- You think I'd double-cross you?
- Course I do.

I'd be disappointed it that
thought hadn't crossed your mind.

- What is it you want me to do?
- Find my sister.

Where is she?

I'm sorry, Mr. Ewing.
I can't tell you that.

You do all sorts of
homework, don't you?

The more I know, the luckier
I get. I make my breaks.

- First one on the cover of TIME wins.
- What's Katherine got to do with this?

- She's in Dallas.
- If she's got Pam, she's crazy.

She might do anything.
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