11x05 - The Lady Vanishes

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dallas". Aired: April 1978 to May 1991.*
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The oil-rich Ewings endure daily troubles in Texas.
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11x05 - The Lady Vanishes

Post by bunniefuu »

Last on Dallas:

If you feel up to it, I think it might
not be bad if you had your first look.

- I got an oil company I want you to buy.
- How high should I go for it?

Well, he wanna sell it to me for
28 million, but you can get it for 14.

- Less if you can, but not a penny more.
- Well, I called the doctor back...

and I'm gonna go in
next week and take a test.

Forgive me. April,
Nicholas Pearce.

- April Stevens.
- How do you do?

Pearce is helping get
Valentine on the right track.

I'm sorry, Mr. Ewing.
She's gone.


You mean, she's dead.

No, sir. I mean she's not
in the hospital, anywhere.

You'd better tell me what
the hell you're talking about.

Um... Look, Mr. Ewing, why don't
you talk to your guard? He alerted us.

- What's your name?
- Wilson, sir.

I have the midnight
to 8 a.m. shift.

- Maybe you can tell me what happened.
- I know how Ms. Ewing left.

- How she left?
- Yes, sir. It was about 6:30 this morning.

That nurse, Miss Johnson,
she and this orderly came up...

and said that they were
to take her to hydrotherapy.

- Mrs. Ewing's hydrotherapy.
- A little early, isn't it?

- I just do what the doctors tell me.
- Okay.

That happens all the time.
I didn't think much about it.

And then, about 7:30,
this other nurse comes up...

and says she's to take
Mrs. Ewing to therapy.

Right then I knew something was wrong.
So I called down to the therapy room...

and Mrs. Ewing never showed
up, and neither did Nurse Johnson.

That's when I called the doc.

What about the orderly?

He's waiting in the lounge, but
I don't think he'll be much help.

- Where's the lounge?
- Come on.

Harold, this is Mr. Ewing.
This is Harold Parks.

You have any idea what
happened to my wife?

I don't know too much.

I was just sitting here,
kind of taking it easy...

and Nurse Johnson came, told me to get
a gurney and take Mrs. Ewing to therapy.

So I said sure.

- Get a gurney. Meet me in the Burn Unit.
- Yes.

! gut it and met her
at the nurses“ station.

We went down to Mrs.
Ewing's mom and went in.

Nurse Johnson told Mrs. Ewing it
was time. And did she wanna go?

She kind of nodded a little...

so we put her on the gurney
and wheeled her out of the room.

We took her to the elevator.
When we put her on...

nurse said she didn't need
me anymore. So I got off.

- I don't need you anymore.
- You sure?

That's the last I saw of them.

Didn't you think it was strange, the
nurse didn't want you to go with them?

Hey, I ain't paid to
question the nurses.

Has anybody else seen
this Nurse Johnson?

Not that we know of.

The funny thing is, she
wasn't due on shift today.

- It's her day 0”.
- Did you try and reach her?

Well, security's been calling,
but there's been no answer.

Where does she live?

I can get that
information for you.

We tried to call your ranch, but
they said you'd left for the hospital.

We haven't notified
police. I suppose we should.

No, not yet. Not till I
know more than I do.

I just hope I'm wrong
about who's behind this.

- Yeah?
- There's a Serena here to see you.

- She doesn't seem to have an appointment.
- Well, show her in.

Yes, sir.

Thanks, Sly.
That'll be all, darling.


- You look wonderful.
- So do you, honey. So do you.

What brings you to Dallas? Is
there a plumbers' convention?

- Where's your husband?
- In Chicago, as far as I know.

- We split up.
- Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

- Can I get you a drink?
- No, thank you.

I must say, the new offices
are a real improvement.

So you're not married.
You're here in Dallas.

That mean you're back
in your old business?

Are you kidding?

These days, the girls I
know are out of business.

We're all scared to
death of the AIDS thing.

It's done what
the police couldn't.

Put most of us into retirement.

How you fixed for money?
You need anything?

I'm fine. I got a nice
settlement when I left Harry.

But there is something I
wanna talk to you about.

- Yeah?
- J.R., Mr. Denault is calling from Tyler.

All right. Put him on hold.

Darling, I gotta talk
a little business now.

I understand. I'm
at the Park Towers.

- Please call me. It's very important.
- You can count on it.


Good morning. I'm meeting
with Blakely in a couple hours.

Now, you be sure he convinces
you that you've got to have that field.

Well, I'll just remind him about
that 10 million my daddy left me.

Course, I could
borrow a little more.

Fourteen million, tops.

Well, I'll just have to let
him take advantage of me.

Get back here as soon
as you sign that deal.

I'll see you later.

Damn. What's going on?

This is all very
interesting, but why did we

need to come to Los
Angeles to see all this?

It's similar to your
Valentine shop, isn't it?

Of course.

The only difference
is the merchandise.

And how different can that be?

Then what is the purpose
for our being here?

There are two reasons.

One is, as they used to say in that
old song, “You gotta have a gimmick.“

You had that in Mandy Winger.
Whatever she had, people responded to it.

I know, you told me,
she's a dead issue.

- And I'm sure you have your reasons.
- And the second?

This store. This store is one of
a chain of 12 Secret Hour stores.

They have one in most of
the key cities in the country.

Is there room for a
Valentine's in the same cities?

There will be. There will be.

- When we buy Secret Hours out.
- What?

They're looking for a
buyer, and the price is right.

We take over the chain,
change the name to Valentine...

and bring in your merchandise
using their distribution setup.

Then you have instant
coast-to-coast recognition.

- Just like that?
- No.

Not just like that.

We still need the gimmick.

And you're it.

You are a very beautiful and
sensual woman, Mrs. Ewing.

And you are the owner
of Valentine Lingerie.

You will become the image of Valentine.
Dressed for success during the day...

and for love at night.

You'll be at the opening
of every one of your stores.

And I am sure all the talk shows are
gonna wanna hear you tell your story.

Sue Ellen Ewing,
Valentine Lingerie:

The great American
success story.

It's perfect.

You are something
else, Mr. Pearce.

I try to earn my money.

Is there anything in
particular we can show you?

I think we've seen
what we came for.

Thank you.

Lunch, Mrs. Ewing?

That would be
lovely, Mr. Pearce.

- I've gotta see Cliff.
- Is something wrong? Is Pam...?


- Have you heard from Katherine?
- Katherine who?

Wentworth. Has
she been in contact?

I don't know. Why would she
contact me? I don't know where she is.

She's in Dallas.

Cliff, Pam has been
taken from the hospital.

I don't know why or
by who, but she's gone.

- What's Katherine got to do with this?
- I saw her there.

You turned her over
to the police, didn't you?


Oh, Bobby. I don't believe
that you just let her go.

If she's got Pam, she's
crazy. She might do anything.

- Yeah?
- Mr. Denault is here.

All right. Send him in.



Well, that fella's some
tough horse trader.

I did my best...

but what do you expect
from a little old country boy?

- You didn't get that field?
- Well, not for 14 million.

How much?

Twelve-five. You're
in business, Mr. Ewing.

Well, that's fine work, son.
Real fine. You got the contract?

Right here. All it takes
is a check, and I own it.

Well, your company owns it.

And I own your company. Well,
I think this calls for a celebration.

- Let's hit the town.
- Yes, sir.

You know, you were willing to pay
14 million, and I got it for 12 and a half.

Seems like I saved
us a lot of money.

Never discuss business
when you're celebrating.

Ruins the taste of the drink.

- Yes?
- Mr. Marta...

Mr. Ewing and
Mr. Barnes are here.

Send them in, please.

Mr. Ewing.

- Nice to see you again.
- Good to see you too.

- Mr. Barnes.
- Hi.

- Sit down, please.
- Yeah.

Your information was a
little sketchy on the phone.

- What is it you want me to do exactly?
- Find my sister.

Are you sure that she
was taken against her will?

We're not sure of anything right now,
but we may know who's behind it all.

Yeah, it was that
damn Katherine.

That's Katherine Wentworth.
She's a half-sister to Pam and Cliff.

And she's wanted by the police.

I know for a fact that she's...

at least was, herein Dallas.

Any idea where she might be?

How? She's been on the
run for a couple of years now.

There is somebody that
may be able to help us.

This is a nurse that
worked in the hospital.

We know she's the one
that helped Pam get out.

But she's dropped out of sight. Her
name and address are on the back.

Mr. Ewing, I
appreciate the business.

But if this really is a kidnapping, why
not the police? Why a private detective?

If we bring the police in on this,
the papers are gonna find out.

And I don't want my son to know
about this until I have more information.

We don't care what it costs.

You put everybody you have to
on this. You use the whole company.

Do you have any idea how she left
the hospital? A car or ambulance?

Wait a minute. If we knew
that, we wouldn't need you.

I realize you're
upset, Mr. Barnes.

But anything you
know can only help us.

The only one that can help
us right now is the nurse.

If you can find her, we
just might get at the truth.

Oh, my daddy sure would be proud
of me. Sitting here, drinking with you.

Your daddy was a good man.

- We cut many a fine deal together.
- That's what he used to tell me.

He had very high
regard for you, Mr. Ewing.

Said you knew more ways to skin
a cat than anyone he'd ever met.

Well, well. It is a
tough business.

When an opportunity presents
itself, you gotta take advantage of it.

That's just the way I see it.

There I was, sitting around, trying to
figure out ways to build my own fortune.

Out of the blue, you called.

Why, it sure seemed
like opportunity to me.

Yep. If you're smart, keep your
eyes open and do what you're told...

you'll find all kinds
of ways to skin a cat.

Knowledge is a
wonderful thing, Mr. Ewing

But so is the proper
share of the pie.

And we never quite set out
what I stand to gain from all this.

Aside from watching you operate.

What exactly do you want?

Well, I wanna be just
like you, Mr. Ewing.

Successful, highly
regarded in the oil industry...

with a flourishing little
company of my own, of course.

Didn't your daddy ever tell
you how fair I was to my friends?

Yes, sir.

In a fashion.

But I never quite figured
out why he died broke...

and you always
rode high on the hog.

Well, your daddy
lacked the k*ller instinct.

He forgave those who
transgressed against him.

People just weren't
afraid of him.

And he overlooked
old J.R.'s golden rules.

And what might they be?

Don't forgive, and don't forget.

And do unto others
before they do unto you.

And most especially, keep
your eye on your friends...

because your enemies
can take care of themselves.

Oh, and one other thing.

The oil business is a
little bit like a poker game.

It's good to get caught bluffing
early on because after that...

somebody's gonna call you
when you got a winning hand.

That is, course, unless you're
playing with somebody better than you.

Well, if I didn't know better, I'd think
you were giving me some kind of a warning.

Well, you don't think
I'd double-cross you?

Oh, of course I do.

I'd be disappointed it that thought
hadn't crossed your mind already.

I wouldn't work with anybody who
wouldn't tum a deal to their own advantage.

I just want you to know
I've got my eye on you.

You're everything my daddy said.

And more.

Here's to our mutual success.


- I hear you've been looking for me.
- Oh, yeah.

- Don't ask me why.
- Why?

- Oh, boy.
- Come on. Come on.

- Where you been?
- None of your damn business.

Haven't lost any of your charm.

I ain't gonna waste it on
you. You got anything sweet?

My mouth feels
like a cotton field.

You smell like a barnyard.

When's the last time you ate?

I'm on a liquid diet. Stop
asking me so many questions.

You know what? I
don't need your mouth.

I got enough problems
of my own right now.

We all got troubles.

I need a place to flop tonight.
And then I'll be on my way.

To where, huh?

To another bar,
to another alley?

- What's it to you?
- Nothing.

Only, I knew a guy
like you one time.

I'd just like to think he
was a better man than you.

Hey, you don't know a
damn thing about me.

No. You're right, I don't. I just know
you're an old windbag living in the past.

Why not?

What's there to live for today?

There ain't no oil
business anymore.

And if there were,
they don't need me.

You better stop
eating that chocolate.

You're gonna wind up
throwing up on my rug.

Why don't you go
upstairs and take a bath?

I'll go in the kitchen and
fix us something to eat.

I need a little something
to wash it down with.

No, no, you don't.

Just go up there and get cleaned
up, and I'll go in there and I'll cook.

All right.

But no beans.

I hate beans.

Katherine would have to be
crazy to pull a stunt like that.

We're not even sure
that it was Katherine.

But I don't have any other
explanation for it right now.

How long do you think you
can keep it from Christopher?

Not much longer, I'm afraid.
That's what's k*lling me.

The accident was bad enough.
How am I gonna explain this to him?

Maybe keep him home
from school a couple days.

No, I can't do that. Then he'll
know something's really wrong.

Mr. Ewing, the call's for you.

Thank you.

This is Bobby Ewing.

Mr. Ewing...

this is Ellen Johnson.

I know you have
some questions for me.

Where is my wife? What
have you done with her?

I'm willing to meet with you
and tell you everything I know.

- All right. Where? I'll be right over.
- Na, not tonight.

Uh, I want the meeting
to be in a public place.

And I want you to give me your
word that you'll let me go after we talk.

- You're out of your mind.
- Then no meeting.

Mr. Ewing...

I was asked to wait this
long before I called you.

By who?

I'll tell you tomorrow,
if I have your word.

All right. Where?

The ice-skating rink at the Galleria.
Ten o'clock tomorrow morning.

I'll be there.


That was the nurse.

I'll have some answers
tomorrow morning.

- Yes?
- Nicholas Pearce.

- Hope it's not too late.
- No, I just finished dinner.

I've been on the phone with
the people from Secret Hours.

And I set up a meeting for tomorrow
morning to discuss the buyout.

- You're not giving me much time to think.
- There isn't time to think about it

If we don't do it,
somebody else will.

I can't recommend strongly
enough that we go ahead with this.

I talked to my husband earlier,
and he thinks I should go ahead.

Good. Then we'll meet for
breakfast at 8. I set the meeting for 9.

- There's one thing I'm curious about.
- What's that?

What do you get from all this?

It's all spelled out in the
contract you sign with us.

My company gets 15 percent of
all deals that are consummated.

- Whether I buy or sell?
- That's right.

And to answer
your next question...

my company gets 5 percent.

I get 10.

So I'm a nice little piece of change
for you. And no risk on your part.

Mrs. Ewing, my
risk is my reputation.

I want this to succeed
as badly as you do.

- Another triumph for Nicholas Pearce.
- A minor one.

This isn't the end.

This is just the beginning.

I know why I'm doing it.

I don't quite know why you are.

It isn't just the money, is it?

I don't do anything just for the
money. The money's a by-product.

Then why?

Why was it so important
for your husband...

to be the biggest
independent oilman in Texas?

- You do all sorts of homework, don't you?
- That's right.

Because the more I know, the
luckier I get. I make my breaks.

We're a perfect
match, you and I.

You wanna prove to the
world you're a winner?

That you don't need anyone else?

So do I.

First one on the
cover of TIME wins.

See you for breakfast at 8.


Cliff. Have you seen her?

No. The only time I've ever
seen her is in her uniform.

I don't know if I'd recognize
her in street clothes.

- She said meet her here at 10:00.
- It's 10:00.

It's ironic meeting her here.
Christopher takes skating lessons here.

How's he doing?

He hasn't said much.

I don't know what's gonna happen
to him if I don't bring Pam back.

Mr. Ewing?

Where's my sister?

Stay where you are.
I'll tell you everything.

- Do you know where Pam is?
- Not now.

But I did get her
out of the hospital.

It was later the day she first
saw herself without the bandages.

I went into her mom to
see how she was feeling.

And how are we feeling today?

She gave me a
note she'd written.

It had a phone number on it.

I was m can the number...

tell the person that answered
that I was calling for Pam Ewing...

where she was and that
she needed their help.

And m give them my name.

Thank you.

He said to tell her he
would be there that night.

You said “he.“ It was a man?

Yes, it was.

The number you called,
do you remember it?

No. She took the note back from
me. But it was the Houston area code.

Houston? My God,
Katherine was hiding out...

at Mama's house there
until she disappeared.


Please, go on.

I told Mrs. Ewing
about the conversation.

She nodded her head.

Then she reached
out and took my hand.

I believed she was
thanking me for what I'd done.

That night.! gut a phone can.


This time, it was a woman.

She told me they'd
been to see Mrs. Ewing...

and that she wanted
to leave the hospital.

She gave me details about what they
wanted me to do to get Mrs. Ewing out.

I told them I wasn't
on duty that day...

but eventually,
I agreed to help.

Why would you do
something like that?

She said they would
give me $10,000.

That may not sound like a lot
to you, but it's a fortune to me.

It's little for getting
involved in a kidnapping.

Mrs. Ewing wanted it.

I know she did. She's the one
that wanted me to make the call.

All right, all right. Go on.

The next morning, early, I had an
orderly take the gurney to her room.

I asked Mrs. Ewing if she
was sure she wanted to do this.

She nodded her head yes.

So we took her out and
wheeled her to the elevator.

I get her m the
ambulance entrance.

There was a private
ambulance and a car there.

- Here's the money.
- A man got out of the car...

gave me the money,
thanked me for helping them...

and told me again that this
was what Mrs. Ewing wanted.

He asked me to wait at least
12 hours and then call you.

But not to meet you
until this morning.

- And you'd never seen this man before?
- No.

Did you notice the
ambulance company?

Yes, it was Rayco Ambulance.

- Was he alone?
- No.

I could see a woman in the car, but
I couldn't see what she looked like.

Why don't you get to the hospital?
There's gotta be record of that call.

I'll see if I can track
down Rayco Ambulance.


Mr. Ewing.

I know how upset you are.

I just want you to know...

I did care about your wife...

and I really did think
this was what she wanted.

After everything
she'd been through...

what makes you think she
even knew what she wanted?

- Oh, good, you're home.
- Oh, nice to be missed.

I did miss you.

But I wonder if you'd mind
watching Lucas for me for a while.

Why, heck, no.

- Are you going someplace?
- To Southfork. To see Miss Ellie.


I know.

But things must be pretty
tough for her right now.

With Pam missing and everything
else that's been happening.

I just want her to know
that I'm here for her.

I don't know what I can do.

But I know she
needs the support.

Well, how come you're
not taking Lucas with you?

He is their grandson, you know.

Don't you think
she'd like to see him?

I'm sure she would. But we'll
have her and Clayton over soon.

I just think right now...

he'll be more of a problem
to her than a blessing.

Well, it'll be a lot worse if
you show up there without him.

Look, Jenna, I know you're
just trying to do what's best...

but maybe you should
give Miss Ellie a call.

Invite them over
here for dinner.

Then they could see Lucas in his
own nursery surrounded by his family.

Maybe Miss Ellie
would start to see...

that what we're doing is
really what's best for everyone.

How come an old cowboy like you is
so much smarter than a city girl like me?

Now, don't go putting on airs, now,
just because you traveled a little bit.

Heck, you're just from
the next ranch over.

Come here.

I think you're about the
best man I've ever known.

Don't you forget that.

Just in case I should
ever ask you to marry me.

Excuse me, gentlemen.

My name's Bobby Ewing. I just
came from Rayco Ambulance Service.

They said they delivered a patient to a
private plane at this airstrip yesterday?


Look, the patient was my wife...

and all I wanna know is
where the plane was headed.

Flew in here about 7 yesterday morning
and filed a flight plan for Houston.

Ambulance got here,
what, about 8:00?

Then they loaded her
aboard and took off.

Do you know who the
plane was registered to?

You get an ID
number or anything?

Whatever it's
worth to you, okay?

Number is November/9748-Charlie.

Would you mind calling the Houston Airport
and find out what time that plane arrived?

When they
delivered the patient...

did an older gentleman and
a lady get on board with her?

Houston, checking status
on November/9748-Charlie.

Yes, sir.

What'd that lady look like?

I didn't pay any real attention. She
was kind of medium height and weight.

She was wearing a big
hat, so I couldn't really see.

Are you sure?

Mr. Ewing?

That plane never got to Houston.
They don't know what happened to it.


You still have the same
car phone number, anyway.

- Who's this?
- It's Serena.

I called your office. They told
me you were on your way to lunch.

Anything urgent?

I do have to talk to
you. It's very important.

How's this afternoon?

It is busy, honey.

Can you come by tonight?

All right, 7:00, but
I can't stay long.

Thank you. I'll see you then.

Phyllis, get a hold of
Jack Hennessy of the FAA.

I wanna find out who owns a
plane, ID number is N19748-Charlie.

But first get a hold of Tom
Marta, that investigator.

Yes, sir.

- Yeah?
- Tam Marta is an 1.

Thank you. Yeah, Tom?

- Morning, Mr. Ewing.
- Forget the nurse-I already met with her.

Get a hold of every private and
commercial airstrip in the country.

I wanna know if a plane with
the ID number N19748-Charlie...

has ever landed there.

You know how many
airstrips there are?

Look, I don't really care how
many there are. Just do it.

- Phyllis?
- Yes, sir?

- Any word from Hennessy?
- He's checking.

- He said he'll call back.
- Thank you.

Bobby? Cliff Barnes is here.

Send him in.

- Did you get the number?
- Yeah.

Some guy answered. He said
he'd been expecting my call.

He's coming to Dallas. He's
gonna meet us at Southfork tonight.

- He didn't give you any clue? Anything?
- No, nothing, no.

Just said he'd meet us at Southfork.
Oh, he said he had something for you.


The plane is owned by
Wentworth Industries.

I think you'll agree the asking
price is fair, Mrs. Ewing...

considering what
you're getting in return.

We are talking about
a great deal of money.

We understand you'll need your attorneys
and tax people to review the sale.

All we're proposing is an agreement in
principle that, both parties consenting...

you'|| buy out the Secret
Hours chain of stores.

We'll need at least 10 days
to get back to you on this.

As long as we have an agreement.

TIME magazine...

0| the Dallas Press?

It's your decision.

I hope one of us
knows what we're doing.

- Yes?
- It's me.

- Serena. Looking beautiful as always.
- Thank you.

- Champagne?
- Thanks.

Well, caviar, champagne...

just like the old days.

A toast.

- To?
- To what used to be, what might have been.

And what is yet to be.

It's strange. I feel
awkward around you.

Well, there's no need to be. I didn't
come up here to make love to you.

Things couldn't be better
between Sue Ellen and me.

And besides, you said
you don't do it anymore.

Not professionally.

I heard you lost Ewing Oil. I thought
you might have lost everything.

I got out of it
with a few dollars.

There won't be any tag dances
for old J.R., that's for sure.

I had that feeling when
I saw your new offices.

Well, now you're
up to date on me.

What brings you to Dallas?

You did.

I told you...

I'm a happily married man.

It's not sex, J.R...

but I do need your help.

In some sort of trouble?


But there's this man
I'm very close to.

I don't know. I might
even try marriage again.

Is that right? Well, now
who is this lucky fellow?

His name is Walter Hicks.

Not a plumber, I hope.

No, one was enough.
He's in the oil business.

Walter Hicks. No,
name's not familiar.

He's not a driller. He's
in the hardware end.

Rigs, bits, chains,
casing. That sort of thing.

The name of the
company is W.H. Tools.

Uh-huh. I guess he's in as
bad a shape as the rest of us.


A couple of years ago, before I met him,
he borrowed heavily to buy new equipment.

Then everybody stopped drilling.

Now everything's
just sitting idle.

Mm. Some bank's
got him in trouble.

He's got a $5-million balloon
payment coming due in two days...

and if he doesn't make
it, he loses everything.

And you want me to bail him out?

I didn't know who
else to tum to.

You really care for this fella?

A lot.

I wouldn't be doing
this otherwise.

Well, Serena, you gave me
many a happy night, honey.

You were there for
me when I needed you.

Listening to me spout
off about my problems.

Of course, it was a privilege
I paid handsomely for, but...

It was the way you
wanted it, not me.

That's true enough.

The least I can do is be there
for you when you need me.

Thank you, JR.

I'll have your check in two days.
What bank does he deal with?

Merchants National in Dallas.

Hollis Harper's bank. That old
skinflint would evict his own mother...

if she was a day late
on her house payments.

I am grateful, J.R.

Now, Serena...

that's what friends are for.

- Sure you don't want something?
- No, no. Thanks, Bobby.

Mr. Ewing...

I'm Parker Ellison.
We've met before.

I'm sorry, I don't remember.

I'm chairman of the board
of Wentworth Industries.

Your wife introduced
us some years back.

Oh, yes, of course. This is my mother,
Ellie Fallow, her husband, Clayton.

- You know Cliff Barnes, Pam's brother.
- You're the guy I talked to today.

Yes, that's a private
number in my office.

Mr. Ellison, what the hell is going
on here? Is Katherine behind all this?

Katherine Wentworth?

- Course not.
- Who's the woman you were with?

A nurse. She was hired
to care for Mrs. Ewing.

I know how terrible
this has been for you...

but everything that was done was
exactly the way that Mrs. Ewing wanted it.

I don't understand any of this.

Well, after I got the phone call
from Nurse Johnson, I flew to Dallas...

but because of the
guard at the door...

I entered her room
dressed as a doctor.


Pam, it's Parker Ellison.

She had written me a note
telling me what she wanted...

and rather specific
instructions as to what to do.

She said that she liked
and trusted Nurse Johnson...

who she was sure would help us.

The rest, I'm sure
you know by now.

Where is she?

I have to see her.

I'm sorry, Mr. Ewing.
I can't tell you that.

But I do have something for you.

Mrs. Ewing wrote that.

I have no idea what's in it...

but she hoped you'd
understand once you read it.

“My darling Bobby...

please forgive me.

I know how I've hurt
you and Christopher...

but believe me, I have done
the best thing for all of us.

When I saw myself
in the minor...

I couldn't stand the thought of you 01
Christopher ever seeing me that way.

I don't know if anything can
ever be done to help me...

but I couldn't stand to destroy our
love by having you see me the way I am.

You know how
much I love you both...

and if you love me, I beg
you not to try and find me.

Remember me as I
was before the accident...

and take care of our son.

The hardest thing I've ever done
in my life is to leave the two of you.

Understand that...

and please let me
find the way myself.

I love you forever.“

Next on Dallas:

“Bobby, with love always.“

- Cryder, you just joined the crowd.
- Crowd?

People who have lived to regret
underestimating J.R. Ewing.

I own this piece of land in East Texas
that has more oil under it than Spindletop.

Boy, is this familiar.

- Bob?
- Get out of here.

- Hey.
- Sony.

Two beautiful women
and Valentine Lingerie.

A match made in heaven.

I need to know everything
about somebody.

- Who is it?
- Wilson Cryder.
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