11x20 - Farlow's Follies

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dallas". Aired: April 1978 to May 1991.*
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The oil-rich Ewings endure daily troubles in Texas.
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11x20 - Farlow's Follies

Post by bunniefuu »

Last on Dallas:

- This is the last straw.
- Worked like a charm, didn't it?

Anything that J.R.
touches, he fouls.

The thought of being involved with one of
his ladies... It would just never happen.

Look, my life here is
just fine without you.

As far as I'm concerned
we're still going to be married.

We gotta do this more often.

Well, now that that business with
Lisa is all cleared up, maybe we can.

I'm not giving you a divorce.

We're going to lead separate
lives like the old days.

I don't want more coffee.

I can't remember when I
had a better night's sleep.

Did you sleep well, J.R.?

Sue Ellen...

Mama and Clayton
not down yet, huh?


Would you tell Mama that I
won't be home for dinner tonight?

Of course.

You going out with April again?

You aren't staying
for breakfast?

No. No, we'll pick up something up when I
take Christopher to school. Right, buddy?

Daddy, let's go. I'm hungry.

Mama, can I go too?

Of course, if it's okay
with Uncle Bobby.

- Absolutely.
- Come on, John Ross.

Bye, sweetheart.

- Thank you.
- Coffee, Miss Sue Ellen?

- Just a little.
- What are your plans?

I've gotta go downtown.

- All day?
- I've gotta meet the leasing agent...

at the new building and then
go to some decorating shops.

Well, you want some company?

I'd love to see
your new offices.

No, thanks, Ellie. I'd rather have you
wait and see it when it's all together.


Miss Ellie, Bobby said he won't
be coming home for dinner tonight.

I won't be coming home for
dinner either, I got business.

I'm gonna be on my way
too. I'll see you tonight.


Well, that just leaves
you and me, Miss Ellie.

Would you like to go into town?

No, not today.
Thanks, Sue Ellen.

Well, then I
think I'll leave too.

See you tonight, bye-bye.


You better hurry up, you're
gonna be late for school.

Good morning.

- Good morning.
- Good morning.

Ray? Um...

There was something
that I wanted to say to you.

I hope you're not gonna complain
about how badly I've been treating you.

I don't wanna hear any of that.

No, I wanted to apologize
for all the trouble I've caused.

You mean that?

Yeah, I've been a real dope.

Well, I wouldn't go
so far as to say that.

I was pretty tough on you.

Well, let's not go overboard.

Charlie was wrong
and she knows it.

Right, honey?

Yeah, I guess I was out of line.

I mean, you were just
trying to be a good father.

I just want you to
know that I'm sorry.

I accept your apology.

Well, maybe we ought to just
start all over from scratch, huh?

Wipe the slate clean.

That'd be great. Does that mean
I can start seeing Randy again?

Well, Jenna. What do
you think about Randy?

Well, if we're really
starting with a clean slate...

maybe they should
have another chance.

All right.

But I wanna talk to him first.

- To Randy?
- Yes.

You bring him home
after school tomorrow.

Really? Ray, that
is great. Thanks.

I think you better
thank your mom.

Pretty sure she had a little
something to do with this.

Thanks, Mom.

You'll see, Ray. Randy and I will
follow any rules that you and Mom make.

Well, I'm glad you could
meet me on such short notice.

I wanted to go over the agenda
with you for the next DOA meeting.

Well, I wasn't doing
anything anyway.

Because I think we have to take up the
problem of beds for the homeless facility.

You got any suggestions?



Beds for the homeless,
any suggestions?

Oh. Yeah, well, we could
contact the local furniture people.


No, I think we've
gone to the well one too

many times with the
friendly furniture folks.

Remember, we went to them for
the cribs for the unwed mothers?

I don't think they'd be ready
to contribute so seen again.

Yeah, I'd forgotten about that.

Well, let me see.


Ellie, what's the matter?

You're not paying any
attention to this conversation.

You're absolutely right, Mavis.

There's something I have to do.

Take care of the
check, will you?

I'll call you tonight.

Hello, anyone about?

Hey, Laurel. Hey, I'm
glad you could come.

Well, I'm glad you invited me.

Here's a little something
for the new office.

Oh, how lovely.

Yeah, I never saw one
with flowers on it before.

- No, it's an azalea.
- Hm.

Now, this begins
to look like you.

Well, I don't know
where I'm gonna put this.

I'm a little short on
furniture about now.

Well, this ought to do.

Well, how about the grand tour?

You sure he's in?

He's here.

Sue Ellen, oh, my.

Well, what brings you to
this neck of the woods?

Hello, Cliff.

I brought along someone
I'd like you to meet.

Nicholas Pearce with
Meese-Cate brokerage.

Oh, I saw you at
the Ewing Barbecue.

- You have a good memory. How do you do?
- Good.

Come on in here, sit down.

- My, it's good to see you.
- Thank you.

- How are you?
- Just fine.

That's great. Jackie,
that's it for now.

Go to lunch and we can
finish up when you come back.

That's fine, Cliff.

- Nice to see you, Jackie.
- Thanks.

Well, after all this time there's
gotta be a reason for your visit.

Well, yes, there is.

I want you and Nick to talk.
He's an investment banker.

Oh, well, I really... I have all
the investments I need right now.

- But I appreciate you thinking of me.
- Well, the fact of the matter is...

is that we're interested in the
investment that you just made.

My sources tell me that in
the past couple of weeks...

- you bought quite a bit of Westar stock.
- So?

So we wanted to know if
J.R. had anything to do with it.

Well, now, wait
a minute. Really...

I think my choice of
investments is my own business.

I don't know if
you're aware of it,

Mr. Barnes, but J.R.
has had April Stevens...

and a dummy corporation
run by his secretary...

buying up all the Westar stock
they can put their hands on.

It's obvious to me he's
maneuvering for a takeover.

You think I don't know that?

You want a drink?

No, thank you.

So then what you're telling us,
then. Is that you're working with J.R.?

Well, yeah, I guess so,
in a matter of speaking.

I can't believe that you would
get together with J.R. on anything.

What did he do to get
you to go along with him?

Try blackmail.

How could he blackmail you?

Real simple.

To get my gas to market, I needed an
easement across this old farmer's property.

Guy won't give
me the time of day.

The next thing I know, J.R.
has bought the property...

and he'll give me
the easement...

for a price.

That price being...

Westar stock.

Yeah. I buy the stock and then
I tum over the proxies to him.

I don't know what you
guys are worried about.

The stock's going up. I'm gonna
come out of this smelling like a rose.

I hope you're right, Cliff.

But knowing J.R. like I do...

I think the smell will be
something less than roses.

You know, Kimberly. You
really look lovely today.

Thank you.

I've been thinking
a lot about you.

I wanted to tell you
that I think you are

the most extraordinary
woman I've ever known.

That's very nice to hear, JR.

But why does it make me feel
that Sue Ellen is still at Southfork?

Yeah, well,
you're right, she is.

Even after that little
Charade in the hotel?

The old Sue Ellen would
have been long gone by now.

It she'd caught me in bed with
another woman this time last year...

she would have
been utterly shattered.

Well, if she won't leave you...

you leave her.

Darling, it's not that simple.

She's not gonna let me go without a long,
drawn-out and very painful court case.

But don't worry...

I'll find a way
to get rid of her.

The new Sue Ellen is
gonna require a new strategy.

I'm not gonna risk
losing you, Kimberly.

What started off between
you and I as a game...

as part of a business deal...

has grown into much more.

And I'm not gonna give you
up, with or without Westar.

J.R., I'm not used
to living alone.

I don't like it.

I'm very lonely
in that big house.

If you're not man enough to make
the move that I was willing to make...

maybe you're not
worth waiting for.

Don't worry...

it'|| be worth waiting for.

Gentlemen, I'd like to thank you for
letting me take up your evening like this.

It's my job to sit in for Senator
Dowling when he's away.

Besides, he told
me a lot about you.

I wanted to meet you myself.

Do you mind? I have an early
committee meeting to bone up for.

- Can we get down to business?
- That's why we're here, isn't it?

I know you're both very busy men,
why don't we get down to the bottom line.

Please do.

I'm here because I think we
can do each other a lot of good.

In what respect?

I wanna get back Ewing Oil.

There is no Ewing Oil anymore.

The Justice Department took
that away from you last year.

I'm not talking
about the assets.

I want the right to use
the Ewing Oil name again.

Well, everything's open to
discussion in Washington.

Isn't that why it takes so
long for anything to get done?

Bobby, these gentlemen are on the
subcommittee that investigated Ewing Oil.

But they're not the problem.

The problem is the
Justice Department.

He's right. They're the ones
that blew you out of the water.

I want the Ewing Oil name...

and you got an
election year coming up.

And I know how expensive
mounting a campaign can be.

I did it for myself
a few years back.

Now, I am willing to ante up a
healthy contribution to your w*r chests...

if you'll just help me.

Now, what do you say?

Well, I appreciate
your consideration...

and I'll be happy to
do whatever I can.

But you're gonna need
more than just the two of us.

Well, you can certainly count
on Senator Dowling's support.

- Thank you.
- Mr. Ewing is well-aware...

that he has some
heavy politicking to do.

I'm gonna do whatever it takes
to get the job done, gentlemen.

Well, if that's the case...

maybe we can do some business.

Can we count on you to
make a few phone calls?

Test the waters?

I think that can be arranged.

Yes, and I'll apprise
Dave of any progress.

- Pleasure to meet you.
- My pleasure. Thanks for coming by.

I'm off too.

Don't worry, Mr. Ewing.
We'll give it our best shot.

I appreciate it. Thank you.

Well, Dave, what do you think?

It's too early to tell, but
we've got the ball rolling.

I hope so.

I wanna thank
you, too, Miss Lloyd.

Kay, and it was a pleasure.

Well, thank you, Kay.

I gotta go too. I've
got an appointment.

- How are you getting to the airport?
- I'll catch a cab.

Nonsense, I'll take him.

The senator wouldn't forgive
me if I let you take a cab.

Well, I guess that settles that.

- I'll call you real soon, Bobby.
- Thank you, Dave.

- I don't wanna put you to any trouble.
- You won't.

Come on, I'll ride along
with you to the airport.

It'll be the first
time I get to relax.

If you put it that way,
it'll be my pleasure.

Mama. Mama.

Boy, am I glad you're home.

- Are you gonna tell, John Ross?
- Yes.

What's this all
about, John Ross?

It's Grandma.



When we got home from school,
Grandma was in the living room and...

- And...
- And?

She was acting real funny.

Is she sick?

I guess so.

Daddy used to tell me you were
sick when you acted that way.

What way?

You know, Mama...

when you used to drink too much.


Are you sure?

We're real sure.


Why don't you two go play
in the living room for a while.

I'll go upstairs and
talk to Grandma.

- Okay.
- Go on.

Go away.

Miss Ellie, it's Sue Ellen.

I don't care who it is.

Just go away.

Leave me alone.

Miss Ellie, are you all right?

I'm fine, Sue Ellen.

Just fine.


Miss Ellie...

I just thought you might
like to talk to someone.


Talk about what?


You wanna talk about...

the mysteries of
life, Sue Ellen?

Whatever you say.



Let's talk about...


You know a lot about that.



who let you down...

who break your heart...

who make you wish...

you were someone you weren't...

or somewhere.

Those are the good
subjects, Sue Ellen.

You wanna share...

your expertise on
one of those subjects?

Miss Ellie, are you mad at me?

Mad at you?

Oh, God, no.

Why would I be mad at you?

You're probably...

the one person I'm
not mad at right now.

I just...

I just want the world...

to go away.

Don't help me.

I don't need any help.

I don't need any
help from anybody.

- Now, Miss Ellie, I...
- No, I told you, don't help me.

- Miss Ellie...
- No, not...

Get out.

Now, just get out
and leave me alone!

Oh, Clayton.

How could you do this to me?

How could you do it?

You think we can convince those in the
Justice Department to change their minds?

Well, it might not be easy, but I have
a feeling you can be very persuasive.

Well, I hope you're right.

Oh, I know I am.

The senators you met care more about
the condition of their campaign funds...

than the health of
their first-born son.

You're being a little
cynical, aren't you?

No, I'm a realist.

And so are you
from what I can see.

Well, I've done a little
politicking in the past.

I wasn't exactly
playing a hunch.

And if I'm not mistaken, we're
gonna get to the airport early.

How would you like to take a
little detour through Arlington?

It's a lovely drive at night.

I'll bet it is.

But I can't afford
to miss this flight.

Maybe next time?


Good morning, J.R.

- Are you all right? You look tired.
- No, I'm fine.

Come on in here. I
wanna talk to you a minute.

Say, Sly...

- I want you to do something for me.
- Mm-hm.

You know all that Westar
stock you've been buying?


Sell it.

You mean you've given up the
idea of gaining control of Westar?

No. No, I'm insuring it.

I mean, when you're holding
a double-barreled shotgun...

you might as well
use both barrels. Hm?


I'm surprised to see you.

I thought everybody
would be gone.

How are you feeling?

All right.

Why do you ask?

Oh, come on now, Ellie.

Now, how did this
all come about, hm?

Sue Ellen said that
when she came home...

the boys told her that
you'd been drinking...

all alone here.

I had to drink alone, Clayton.

There was nobody
here to drink with.

You knew I had a
busy day yesterday.

It just got late
before I knew it.

How are the new offices?

Gonna be fine.

And the decorators, did
you find anything you like?


are you upset...

about the way Bobby
and J.R. have been acting?

It has nothing to do with them.

What is it, then?

Is it something you
wanna talk to me about?


No, there's nothing
to talk about, Clayton.

Everything just crowded
in on me, that's all.

I just got fed up.

So you got drunk, hm?

That's not like you at all.


please, please don't lecture me.

It just seemed the
thing to do at the time.

Well, the next time it seems
like the right thing to do...

you remember how you
feel this morning. Hm?

Well, hard at work, I see.

Good morning. How
did everything go?

It was a beginning.
How about here?

Nothing I couldn't handle, except
April Stevens called several times.

She seems anxious
to talk with you.

See if you can get
her for me, okay?

- Yes, Phyllis?
- Miss Stevens on Line 1.

Oh, thank you.

- Good morning, sunshine. How are you?
- Hi, Bobby. I'm glad you called.

I need to talk to you.

Could you come by my
place at about 6:00 tonight?

Well, sure, I can.

Good. I'll see you then.

All right, bye.


Well, this is one
of my earlier tries.

I'm sort of trying some
new colors and forms...

but I mean, who knows? Maybe
the world will love my first works.

Looks fine to me.

That's an interesting piece.
I'm gonna take a closer look.

Say, I appreciate
you showing up.

I mean, I know last time we
met I was out of line and I'm sorry.

Well, how's your show going?

Selling any of your work?

Well, so far, there's been a
lot of lockers and no buyers.

Well, things are
bound to change.

You've only been
here a few days.

Well, I hope you're
right because, frankly...

I'm getting pretty low on funds.

Is that so?

This is a departure
for you, isn't it?

Well, I keep trying new things.
I mean, I guess some work...

and some don't.

I don't suppose you could see your
way clear to loan me some money.

I mean, just to tide me over.

I'll pay you back
when I'm solvent.

Hell, why not. How
much do you want?

Just about 2000 should hold
the body and soul together...

for the time being.

I'll write you a check.

So you've found something
for your new office, have you?

Good. Which one is it?


I'd never have guessed.

I'm full of surprises.

I don't wanna make
anybody uncomfortable.

I just wanna do what's right for us
and what's gonna work for everybody.

Charlie knows that, Ray.

That's right. I know you're
just trying to be a good father...

and I really appreciate it.

Thank you, Charlie.

Randy, you understand that what we decide
is what we're gonna live with, right?

Mr. Krebbs, I just wanna say...

it's more my fault
than it is Charlie's.

So if you're gonna blame
someone, blame me.

It's not really a question
of whose fault it is.

It's really more a matter of being
responsible for your own actions.

Yes, sir, whatever you say.

You just tell us what you
want us to do and we'll do it.

No problem.

Don't tell me there aren't gonna be any
problems until you hear what the rules are.

Your mother and I
have decided that...

Well, first off, we think
you ought to double date.

Go out with Marnie and her boyfriend
or any of your other school friends.

You can go to school
dances, movies, things like that.

If you wanna study
together, well, that's fine.

You can study right here in the dining
room, but not in each other's bedrooms.

- You got that?
- Yes, Ray.

Sure, that's okay by me.

You play it straight with us
and we'll play it straight with you.

Whatever you say, Mr. Krebbs.


Don't worry. We won't do
anything to get in trouble.

Well, you look wonderful.

Are we going some
place special tonight?

- No, we're not gonna go anywhere.
- Oh?

There's something that I
have to talk to you about.

Would you like a drink?


I think by the sound of your voice
I'd better stay cold sober for this.


I know that we haven't made any
kind of commitment to each other.

But I'm getting very
serious about us.

- April...
- I know that you're not ready...

for any kind of
permanent relationship...

but I do know...

that you like me, right?


I like you.

Bobby, you remember how I was
treated when I first got to Dallas?

Nobody would have
anything to do with me.

They treated me like a pariah.

I mean, everybody.
That is, except for J.R.

I'm not saying I didn't
deserve to be treated that way.

I mean, I was hungry for power and
money and everything that came with it.

I look back at how I was, and
I don't even recognize myself.

April, is all this leading
up to something?

Bobby, just let me finish, okay?

I saw all kinds of
goodies around me...

and I wanted them, all of them.

So I joined forces with J.R.
to get a piece of Ewing Oil.

I knew he had the power...

and I was gonna do
anything to get some of it.


Up to...

and including going to bed
with him to cinch the deal.

I mean, it only happened once.

I cannot tell you how much I regret
that it even happened at all but it did...

and I can't take it back.

Why are you telling me this now?

Because J.R. is
blackmailing me over it.


He is threatening to tell you
everything that happened between us...

if I don't keep buying
this Westar stock.



I know what you
must be thinking.

I mean, you told me how you felt about
Holly Haywood and J.R. after you found out.

But I can't have this hanging
over my head anymore.

I don't know if we've ever gonna
be anything more to each other...

but I know we can't have
any kind of relationship...

with me feeling this
guilty all the time.

Now you know everything.

I guess the next
step is up to you.

I hope you think about this...

and you can forgive me.

Most of all, I hope
you still wanna see me.

But if you don't...

at least I know I've
played it straight with you.

Just pull the door
shut after you.

It locks itself.

Hang on a second.

Yes, Phyllis?

Hay Krebbs is here to see you.

Send him in, thank you.

Why don't you call me back on this
number in about 20 minutes? Bye.

I'll get right to the point.

I wanna apologize.

I was way out of
line the other day.

Well, I guess we
were both a little hot.

I overreacted to you
taking up for Charlie.

I didn't know how to handle it.

You're a hard
act to follow, Bob.

Ray, you're your own man.
You're not following anybody's act.

Jenna and Charlie were
almost your family once.

It's not easy to forget that.

I've tried to keep my distance.

I know it.

And I appreciate it.


your relationship with them...

is real tough to lay aside.

Especially for me.

Ray, I didn't want any
of this to tum out this way.

I know it, but when Charlie came to
you because she was mad at me...

and then you took
up on her side...

Oh, that was the last straw.

I know it looks like I'm sticking
my nose in where it doesn't belong...

but I've known
Charlie most of her life.

When she came to me for
help, I was caught in the middle.

I couldn't tum my back on her.

I know it, but at the
time I just saw red.


it's best forgotten.

What do you say?

The next time she
comes to me for help...

I'll tum her right back to the man
that can solve the problem. That's you.

Thank you, Bob.

Well, I gotta get going. I just
wanted to straighten this out.

Sure you don't wanna
continue this over lunch?

There's a great chicken-fried
place on McKinney.

No, I can't. I really
gotta get going.

- Next time.
- Ray.

Thanks for stopping by.

It means a lot to me.

Oh, Miss Stevens. Miss
Stevens, I'm so glad to see you.

- What's going on, Mr. Weiss?
- Mr. Otis from 703 called me...

told me it looked as though your
apartment was broken in. I came right over.

- Someone had forced the door.
- You're serious?

I went in and the
place is just topsy-turvy.

It's just terrible.

Oh, my God.

Detective Jackson, this is
Miss Stevens. This is her condo.

Miss Stevens, looks like
you've had an unwanted visitor.

I'd say that's
putting it mildly.

Well, unless you need me for
anything else, Detective Jackson...

I'll get back to my office.

You go ahead. We'll call you
if we have any more questions.

You know of anything
that might be missing?

How can I tell in this mess?

Take a look around and after
everything has been put back in order...

let us know what's missing.

Here's my card. You can
call me at that number.

It's bad enough to be robbed. But why
on earth would anybody trash the place?

I don't know.

- You have any idea?
- No.

Is somebody mad at you?

No, nobody that would
do anything like this.

Well, you let us know
if you think of anything.

All right, fellas,
let's wrap it up.

Oh, Miss Stevens...

you ought to see about
getting these locks replaced.

You don't want a
repeat performance.

Miss Ellie, it's
Mr. Fallow for you.

Oh, thank you, Teresa.

Clayton, where are you?

Aren't you coming
home for dinner?

I'm afraid it's gonna be later than that.
I'm in a meeting with men from Texas City.

They've got a refinery for sale.

I'm gonna fly down there
tonight, take a look at it.


Well, it's a very good deal. It's
not gonna be available very long.

I gotta make up
my mind right away.

Well, when will you be home?

I don't know. No more than a day or two.
I'll call you tomorrow and let you know.

All right.

Have a good trip.

Thanks. I'll call you tomorrow.

Take care.

All right, bye.

Damn you, Clayton!

Damn you!

Well, the costumes were terrific,
but I can't say much about the story.

Story? What story?

Now, now, let's
not get too critical.

They did have some
interesting special effects.

Well, I'll give them
that much, I guess.

Say, did you read in today's paper
that that Westar stock took a nosedive?

Now, I wonder what caused that.

Don't ask me.

I don't play the stock market.

It's much too rich for my blood.

Mine, too, but I just figured
since you had J.R.'s ear...

maybe he might have mentioned
something to you about it.

Why is it every time
we get together...

the main topic of conversation
is J.R. Ewing's business?

Oh, come on,
Sly. That's not true.

Yes, it is.

Frankly, I'm beginning to wonder
about your sudden interest in me.

What are you trying to do? Pump
me for information on J.R.'s deals?

What a crazy question.

No, because it it's J.R.
that you're interested

in, this relationship
is definitely over.

Hey, you know what?

I have been talking a lot
about him, and that's not right.

I guess when you're trying to get ahead,
sometimes you talk more about business...

than you mean to. And if I've
been doing that, Sly, I'm sorry.

I guess I just can't
help it sometimes.

I get this drive to try and
make something of myself.

Something more than what I am.

Well, you gotta know that's
not the reason I'm seeing you.

Now, here.

Here, I want you
to take a look at this.

Now, you see that gorgeous blond
in the window there? Now, come on.

Now, you tell me...

if I need another reason
for going out with you.

I feel real good when
I'm with you, Sly.

That doesn't happen to me a lot.


you're full of it,
you know that?

Miss Ellie, when did
Clayton say he'd be back?

He didn't.

Oh. Uh...

Bobby, how was your trip to
Washington? Profitable, I hope.

I hope so too.

When you're dealing with
politicians, you can't be sure.

Mr. Bobby? It's a
Mr. Paul Morgan for you.

I'll take it right here.
Thank you, Teresa.

Yeah, Paul.

Sony to bother
you at home, Bobby.

I know you wouldn't do it if it
wasn't important. What's up?

I'm afraid it's bad news.

I just heard that Lisa
Alden is back in Dallas...

and the hearing is on
again for next week.

I don't believe it.

I thought this whole
thing was over with.

Yeah, so did I.

It looks like we
were both wrung.

That's all right, I'll
take it from here.

Dr. Styles, well, thank you for giving
me some time at such short notice.

My time is yours, J.R.. As
long as you use it wisely.

I'll try to remember that.

- Care for some coffee, drink?
- No, no. Thanks.

I won't be here that long.

I just wanted to bring you
up to date on my situation.

Please do.

Well, I am having more
trouble than I anticipated...

convincing my wife that she doesn't
wanna be married to me anymore.

I'm not interested
in excuses, Ewing.

I'm interested in my
daughter's happiness.

Yes, Dr. Styles, so am I.

But if you want somebody to run
Westar the way it should be run...

you're gonna have to separate
my marrying Kimberly...

from my running your company.

Nice pitch, J.R...

but no sale.

Speaking of sales, has it come to
your attention that Westar stock...

has dropped another three
points on today's market?

Don't play coy with me, JR.

I'd have to be dead in my grave
not to notice a thing like that.

I'm not so sure that'd stop me.

Well, it's just a little indication of
what can be done with your stock.

Now, Dr. Styles, I may not
end up as your son-in-law...

but you'd be a whole
hell of a lot better off...

if you agree to let me
take over control of Westar.

Because if you don't...

there's going to be a w*r.

Well, if it's w*r
you want, J.R...

you've got it.

Men have tried to ride
roughshod over me before.

I'd be happy to show
you their tombstones.


That may be so...

but none of them were named
J.R. Ewing. That's for sure.

Next on Dallas:

“Dallas couple find
body of private detective.“

Larry Doyle m*rder*d?

Keep this relationship going. He's
old, but the guy's worth a fortune.

Then what did you
do, Miss Faraday?

I learned that Christopher had been
bought, then adopted by the Ewings.

I had to see my brother's child.

Want a man that runs to you
before he makes decisions...

look for somebody else.

Not only have you put me in danger,
you'll meet people who play for keeps.

I wanna settle this thing.

Then you'll have to give
custody of Christopher to Lisa.
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