11x27 - Top g*n

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dallas". Aired: April 1978 to May 1991.*
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The oil-rich Ewings endure daily troubles in Texas.
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11x27 - Top g*n

Post by bunniefuu »

- Last on Dallas: -Ray, we
made love here last night.

I'm very attracted to you.

I'm in the process of purchasing
a large amount of Westar stock.

I'm prepared to join you to prevent
J.R. from getting control of the company.

Nice touch, Bobby Ewing.

You get the Ewing name, I
get my little retirement castle.

Now the payoff.

Sex in return for
freeing Clayton.

Well, that's kind of crude. You
might find it a rewarding experience.

I believe we want" Oh...

Daddy. Daddy.


You can't come in here.

You can't come in here.

- What are you doing here?
- Sony.

My father's dead.

He had a massive
heart attack last night.

- Oh, I'm sorry to hear that but...
- You k*lled him. You k*lled him.

Hey, hold on there.

- I begged you not to push him anymore.
- I didn't. I tried to make a deal.

- He turned me down.
- You tried to take Westar away.

It was his life.

It was his company.

Only after Westar
bought Ewing Oil.

I must have been out of my
mind to go to bed with you.

I actually believed your
promise to marry me.

You were blackmailing me, Kimberly.
You told your daddy not to back me...

- unless I married you.
- Don't you twist this around, J.R.

I'm sorry about your father. He
was playing a game and he lost.

A man's life is not a game.

You're gonna find that out.

So that's why you were
so anxious to dump me...

so you could get Westar.

Exactly, Sue Ellen.

If you had given me a divorce when I
asked, that old man would be alive today.

Good morning, Jackie.

Mr. Denault, is
Cliff expecting you?

Last time we talked, he asked me to get
ahold of some maps and bring them on by.

What, did I catch him in
a meeting or something?

No, but...

Cliff, Mr. Casey Denault
is here to see you.

Send him in.

Hey. Hey, sorry to
barge in on you like this.

I wanted to get these
to you as fast as I could.

What is it?

It's these maps I told you about, remember?
That oil land I got from my daddy.

I don't wanna buy any.

I'm not selling it. I just
wanna make a deal with you.

Come here. Look at this.

Now, I'm not suggesting we go right
out and start popping holes in the ground.

No, sir, I've got too much
respect for a man's capital.

What I am suggesting is
that we get a sniffer test done.

It's not very expensive and...

Yeah, I know what a sniffer
test is. I did that on my gas field.

Well, there you go. And look
how great that worked out.

Look how great that turned out.
That put me in the condition I'm in.

I won't do any deals.

Can I help you, April?

I wanted to see
Cliff if he's free.

I've got a lot on my mind
and I don't wanna talk now.


- Uh, when do you wanna talk?
- I don't know. She'll help you.

Why don't you leave
the material with me?

And I promise I'll make
sure he looks at it later.

All right, Jackie, thank you.
I'll... I'll call in the morning.

Thank you.


What are you doing here?

Well, that's a nice warm hello.

Well, uh...

I'm gonna leave the office.

Uh, I'm gonna
get some fresh air.

What's the matter with him?

He's been a little uptight lately
so he's taking pills to calm down.

Then he's taking
pills to wake up.

Why? What's wrong with him?

I don't know. I think it has
something to do with J.R.

Bobby, there's a
Richard Barker outside.

I don't think I know him.

He's with the
Department of Justice.

All right, send
him in. Thank you.

Mr. Barker?

Thank you.

- Mr. Barker.
- Mr. Ewing.

- What can I do for you?
- Nothing.

But I can do something for you.

- Really?
- I can save you some trouble.

All right, sit down.

There have been some rumors
around the Justice Department recently.

Seems you've been
nosing around Washington...

trying to get the
Ewing Oil name back.

And what if I have?

That's not going to happen.

I don't care how many congressmen
or senators you wine and dine.

I don't care how many
campaign chests you fill.

The Ewing name is gone.
You're not getting it back.

Now, wait a minute.

When the Justice Department
took Ewing Oil away...

they said it was J.R.'s
fault and not mine.

Now all I wanna do is get
the Ewing Oil name back...

and give it a little dignity.

We intend to see
that doesn't happen.

I don't understand you.

You have a grudge against me or are you
being vindictive just for the fun of it?

What I have is a respect
for the laws of this country.

As far as I'm concerned, you
Ewings got away with m*rder...

and all we did
was slap your wrist.

You're not getting
the Ewing name back...

and that's final.

Thank you.


Book me the next flight to Washington.
First, get me Senator Culver on the line.

Yes, sir.

Sue Ellen?

I went to the funeral parlor and
they said I might find you here.


Thank you.

I'm so sorry about your father.

I know how much you must hurt.

Why should you feel
anything at all for me?

I did everything in my
power to get J.R. to leave you.

You only helped me realize that
J.R. can never change what he is.

Well, he was certainly
right about one thing.

If I hadn't tried to force him
to marry me then maybe...

Well, now you should realize
how lucky you are you never did.

God, yes.

But I still feel so awful...


Daddy's gone and Westar...

Who knows what's
going to happen now?

Kimberly, listen to me.

Whatever part you might
have played in any of this...

is nothing compared to J.R.

J.R.'s drive to get Westar...

is what k*lled your daddy...

and that's why we
have to stop him.

Thank you for that.

But I don't know if I
even care anymore.

Kimberly, you have to care.

If we let J.R. win...

it will be as if your
father died for nothing.


I'm with you.

We can fight him together.

Come on.

Your father owned
14 percent of the stock.

He must have left it to you.

Those shares,
together with mine...

Well, there was a
will, wasn't there?

Of course there was a will.

But who knows how long it
will take to go through probate?

You mean you can't
vote that 14 percent?

Maybe not soon
enough to slop JR.

Well, nothing's
gonna stop us now.

Oh, congratulations, J.R.

Nothing's 100 percent certain but I
can count as well as the next fella.

Well, that's an
understatement, I'd say.

What's all the merriment for?

Oh, celebrating a little
death in the family, darling.

I don't believe you two have
met. Casey Denault, April Stevens.

- How do you do?
- My pleasure.

We're all in this
together, you might say.

I guess you've heard
about poor Dr. Styles.

Yes. I take it he's the
cause for the celebration?

Well, with him out of the way,
Westar is in a real vulnerable position.

I talked to a couple
of people on the board.

They set a meeting
with the shareholders.

With all the stock that I control, I'm
gonna be able to take over that company...

without even a proxy
fight, isn't that right, April?

- You've always been able to count on me.
- I know that.

There is just...

- one little thing I was thinking, though.
- What's that?

J.R., you know I'm usually
perfectly happy to go along with you.

Oh, now, we've been over
this time and time again.

Darling, I know. I made you a
fortune and I don't want a dime for it.

I know. You're so generous.

But I want a seat on
the board of directors.

You're not serious.

Do I look like I'm kidding?

All right, I'll think about it.

I'll think about whether or
not I'm gonna vote with you.

This is beginning to
sound like a little blackmail.

You're the one that
taught me to protect myself.

Yeah, I did, didn't I?

All right, I'll tell you what, you
give me your proxies right now...

and I will guarantee
you a seat on the board.

You got a deal.

Sly, will you draw up a
little agreement, please?

Yes, sir.


you know, I could help you out a whole
lot if I had my own seat on Westar's board.

After all, my company controls probably
as many shares as Miss Stevens here.

Yeah, that might be so.

But she owns all the stock that she
controls and I bought and paid for yours.

See, that's the difference.

To Westar.

And its new chairman.

J.R. Ewing.

Damn it, Dave, I have been shelling
out a fortune these last few months.

- I know.
- What have I got to show?

I told you when we
started, it wouldn't be easy.

Who's Taylor's boss? If I have
to, I'll go to Justice Department...

I don't think that
would be a good idea.

She's right.

You tell me what I'm supposed
to do. I'm tired of sitting...

Bobby, it is not easy to
change policy over at Justice.

I know. I thought we had a
senate committee behind us.

We have O'Dell
plus a few others.

Then what's O'Dell doing?
Is he playing games with me?

- You know what I had to do to get him?
- Not exactly.

- I bought him his...
- And I don't need to know.

All right.

First thing tomorrow
morning, I'm on his doorstep...

You should think it
through, not just react to it.

You don't barge into the office of
a senator like O'Dell out of control.

I'll talk to him.

I'm worried he's nothing
more than a con man.

I will talk to him.

Maybe things aren't
as bad as they seem.

I'm sure O'Dell's working on it.

Well, you're may be
sure about it but I'm not.

There's gotta be somebody at
the Justice Department I can talk to.

Look, you do that and it will
screw up what O'Dell is doing.

If he's doing anything.

I will get in to see
O'Dell tomorrow morning.

We'll work this out.

Yeah, well, we'd better.


Well, hello, stranger.

I was afraid you'd
lost my number.


I've been real busy.

Well, you know what they
say about all work and no play.

Besides, I miss you.

Miss me?

You hardly even know me.

Then let's get to
know each other better.

How about now? Pick me up.

We'll have some dinner
and then who knows?

I can't.

I'm expecting a
call from my wife.

I'm, uh...

starting to get the feeling that
our relationship's a little one-sided.

Look, Connie, uh...

I can't see you.

I've got your number, okay?

And I think I have yours.

Goodbye, Connie.

Thank you for seeing me.

You don't have to be
so formal, Sue Ellen.

Come on in. Ha, ha, ha.


When you called before...

you said you
were at the airport.

I went to Austin to
see Kimberly Cryder.

Her father just died.

Yeah, I heard. And, uh, that's
not good news for Westar.

Nick, what can I do?

Everything was going
so well until Styles died...

and now it's all turned around.

Can you give me an idea, please?

Maybe, uh, Kimberly
Cryder's lawyer...

can arrange to vote on
the shares. That's about it.

- Yeah, but that could take a long time.
- Yeah, you're right.

And J.R.'s gonna
move... like that.

Sue Ellen, I think that you've
done everything you can.

Unless April 01 Cliff or somebody
else that J.R.'s got under his thumb...

decides to go against him...

this man's gonna
get what he wants.


- Ooh, you know how much that hurts.
- I know.

I really wanted J.R. to fail.

I thought he would.

Life really does go
in cycles, doesn't it?

That's what they say.

Things were going
so well for so long.

I built my company.

I met you.

And without me knowing
why, things started falling apart.

I'm sorry, Nick.

What happened between us...

I just I don't understand it.

We were building a relationship.

I was breaking the
ties with my marriage.

I guess I thought
I mattered to you.

Sue Ellen, you matter
a great deal to me.

That's why all this happened.

Well, that's not
good enough, Nick.

Why are you
treating me so poorly?

Why don't we sit on the couch?

I've got a long
story to tell you.

It's probably gonna sound
like it's out of a movie.

Boy, this town
can be frustrating.

Some people think
that makes it exciting.

You have a very strange
sense of logic, my dear.

Sometimes there's things
you want that you can't have.

Is that right?

Well, I've had enough politics
for one day, I'll tell you that.

Me too.

You don't wanna go out
and have dinner, do you?



Come here.

- Don't get that.
- Yeah.

- I have to.
- Please?

No, it could be the ranch. I
left this number for Christopher.



Uh, yeah, just a second.

It's for you.


Yeah, okay. Tell him I'll be
there in about 30 minutes.

- I gotta go.
- What?

Senator Dowling's secretary.

There's a very important vote
on a labor issue he's involved with.

He wants to go over
some particulars.

I thought maybe we'd go over a
couple of particulars of our own.

So did I, but the vote's
first thing in the morning.

Tell him you'll be
there in a few hours.

I'm sorry, Bobby. I can't.

I don't wanna go but I have to.

I don't believe
this is happening.

Neither do I.

I wanted tonight as much as you.

I'll try not to be too long.


Well, when you're
irresistible, you're irresistible.


matter we came back
from the cemetery that day...

after they checked everything...

the neighbors, the death
certificates, everything...


Then they let me go.

Let you go?

They wanted my father.

If they were convinced
that he was dead...

that'd be the
end of it for them.

All of this because April was curious.
And you never said a word to me?

Sue Ellen, I wanted
to, believe me.

But how could I?

- You couldn't trust me enough to"?
- Sue Ellen.

Did you think that it matters
to me what your family did?

Try to understand that I
was worried about you too.

If they ever found out that
the two of us were together...

they would have done to you
what they did to April or worse.

Those guys do not fool around.

You could have ended up
with a pair of cement shoes...

and you still could...

if they ever found out I
played those games with them.

Know that.

You could have been k*lled.

It's all right now.

It's all over.

I wanted to start
a new life with you.

Do you understand?



If anything ever
happened to you...

What would I have done?

- Yeah?
- J.R., Cliff Barnes is here to see you.

All right, bring him in.

Oh, Cliff, you look terrible.

- What's wrong with you?
- What do you think's wrong with me?

I can't make a dime on that stock
until I can sell it. You won't let me.

When are you gonna make
your move, take over Westar?

- When the time is right. Just sit down.
- But the time's right now.

Styles is dead.

You're in the catbird seat. You
got the power. Let's make a move.

Did you come to tell me
how to take over Westar?

No, no. No, I didn't. I just...

I just don't wanna hold onto
that damned stock any longer.

Cliff, I need your proxies
to take over that company.

Your problems are
gonna be over soon.

Will they, huh? You gonna have me hold
on to that stock for the rest of my life...

so you can keep control?

Well, why on earth would I
wanna do a thing like that?

I don't know why you do things. I
think you just enjoy seeing people suffer.

When I'm voted in as
chairman of Westar...

you can use that land
for as long as you want to.

I don't believe you.

See? I just don't believe
anything you say anymore.

Would you like it in writing?

In writing?

Sly, would you come in here and
bring your dictation pad, please?


if you're willing to put it in
writing, why, that'd be fine by me.

Listen to me. In the end,
doing business with me...

is gonna be the nicest
experience you ever had.

Thank you.

- Hello, Clayton.
- Hey.

- Sorry I'm late.
- All right.

Where's Mrs. Fallow? I
thought she was coming.

She decided not to.

But everything's
fine between us now.

I'm glad, Clayton.

Our table's about five minutes
late. Why don't we sit down?

All right.

I was surprised when you called.
I didn't expect to see you again.

- I'm going back to London tomorrow.
- Yeah, I know.

It's a... I thought it would be nice
to, you know, say goodbye properly.

I know.

Laurel, I want you to know...

that this whole thing between Shulton
and Lomax was entirely my fault.

Oh, you mustn't blame yourself, Clayton.
You got caught up in a terrible mess.

I thought David was a friend.

And to think I almost
married Brett Lomax.

That would have
been a real tragedy.

Well, it's over now. And
thank God you're out of that jail.

Something is
strange about that too.

I mean. The fact that
J.R. got me off the hook.

I mean, he's just not
a man that you, uh...

Now, let's say that, uh...

we just don't get along.

And to think of him going
out of his way to help me...

is something I'm having a
little trouble understanding.

Hmm. Yeah. J.R., the savior.

What do you mean?

Oh, nothing, nothing.

You know J.R.?

Well, no, not really.

I just met him the day
I went to see your wife.

Go on.

Well, then one day,
he came to see me.

He came to see you?

Well, he said he
wanted to help you.


Oh, Clayton, it's not important.

Well, it is to me.

Well, I was being hounded by all
these photographers and reporters.

J.R. came and he offered me this apartment
so I would stay and testify for you.

He acted very concerned.

And what happened?

J.R. just doesn't do anything
out of the goodness of his heart.

Now, come on, what happened?

J.R. found out that
Even k*lled David.

And he said...

he would bury the evidence...


Unless I went to bed with him.

Oh, my God.

I'm sorry.

PGD, good morning.

I'm sorry, he's not in yet.
May I take a message?

Could you hold
one minute, please?

Thank you.

- He||o, I didn't expect you back so soon.
- Yeah, well, here I am.

I've got Miss Lloyd on the
line. Do you wanna take it?

Yeah, put it through.

He just this second walked
in. I'll put you through.

Hello, Kay.


Bobby, I'm really
sorry about last night.

Yeah, so am I.

Why didn't you wait for me?

To tell you the truth, I felt
silly sitting around that room...

so I, uh, caught the
last plane out, that's all.

Bobby, but things were
going so well between us.

You've gotta understand.
My career is very...

I do understand...

but I don't like it
very much, that's all.

I guess I'm just not the
enlightened person I thought I was.

So, what are we gonna do now?

Well, I guess next time we see each
other, we should have a good talk, huh?

And when will that be?

Soon, Kay.

Please make it soon, Bobby.

I will. Goodbye.

What are you, crazy?

I'm just having a
little fun with you.

How did you get in here?

The door was open.

So you just came in?

I was gonna sneak up
and slip into bed beside you.

And then I saw you lying
here and I saw the pillow.

I couldn't resist.

I'm sorry. I didn't
mean to scare you.

It was a real stupid idea.

Don't get up.

I want you out of here.

Come on.

I'm here and you're here...

and nobody else is here.

You don't understand.

I want you to leave. Now.

You're not gonna throw me
out in the middle of the night.

You came in the
middle of the night...

you can leave in the
middle of the night.

Why are you
treating me like this?

It's not as if we haven't
been to bed already.

Connie, I don't know
what's wrong with you.

There's nothing's wrong with me.

We were lovers and now
you just wanna throw me out?

I told you, I have
a wife and a family.

That didn't stop you before.



I didn't want this to happen.

I don't chase after married men.

And I don't sleep with
guys right off the bat...

but something happened
between you and me.

You did something to me.

- I just can't break it off that easy.
- Connie.

Connie, look, this
has gone too far.

Just one more time.

Connie, no!

That's it.

This is wrong and I
want you out of here now.

What kind of man are you?

Don't tell me you don't
want me right now.

I don't want you now...


You have no right
to treat me like this.

Maybe not, but
that's just the way it is.

Now you're gonna leave.



I saw Laurel this afternoon.

Oh, trying to rekindle
the old flames, are you?

She told me what you did.

Oh, you mean, keeping
you out of the hoosegow?

What kind of a man
are you anyhow?

You haven't got a
shred of decency in you.

You didn't want her. You didn't
want anybody else to have her.

You blackmailed her.

Clayton, she was all over me.

You'd be in jail on a m*rder
charge if it wasn't for me.

Oh, no, I wouldn't.

The autopsy showed that he was suffocated
and I sure as hell didn't do that.

I'd have gotten off anyhow.

You've “Rh, JR.

Laurel Ellis is a sweet, lovely young
lady and you had no right to dirty her.

You know, it's really touching to see
the way you defend that little tramp.

Why don't we wake up Mama and see
what she thinks about this whole thing?

You know, I was
almost convinced...

that your getting me out of
jail was an act of decency...

if not for me, then
for your mama.

But it wasn't
anything like that.

Well, if you don't like life around
here, you can pack up and ship out.

Mama made a big mistake...

when she let you back in this
house after you'd already gone.


Have you been out have long?

No, just got back.

I've been out, riding
around by myself.

You know, Ellie...

this is really a
beautiful place.

I've always thought that.

But I never felt
that I belonged here.

Well, that's ridiculous.

No, it isn't.

I've been pussyfooting
around like a guest...

doing everything I could
to stay out of people's way.


I know you were
uncomfortable in the beginning...

but I thought things got better.

Nope, never.

I'm not blaming you.

I'm blaming me.

I should have done
something about it.

I love you, Ellie.

But a man just can't spend his
life walking around on eggshells.

Well, I never asked
you to do that.

I know that.

Anyway, as of right
now, it's finished.

If I'm gonna live here...

this is gonna be my house.

I'm gonna sit at the head of my
table, presiding over my family.

And anyone that gets
out of line, answers to me.


And when it comes to
the family, especially J.R...

you are gonna have to
go along with my decisions.

I wouldn't have
it any other way.

All right.

- I don't know what to do about it.
- I don't care what the problem is.

If a customer gets unruly, you tell
Basil and let him deal with it, understood?

Yes, ma'am.


Mr. Denault, thank
you for coming.

It'd be awfully hard to
tum down an invitation...

from such a pretty lady.

Have a seat, please.

- What can I get for you?
- Uh, Scotch rocks, please?

- Miss Stevens?
- Nothing, thank you.

I just wanted to know a
little bit more about you.

I mean, the first time I see
you, you're with Cliff Barnes...

then J.R. Ewing.

It's a pretty unlikely pair to
have anything in common with.

So, what are you up to?

Ah, an interrogation.

And here I thought you had
more romantic things in mind.

Got my hopes all up.

Well, I can't imagine you
working for Cliff so it must be J.R.

I'm an independent operator.

I take a good deal
wherever I can find one.

And does J.R. know about
your relationship with Cliff?

No. You gonna tell him?

I have no particular reason to.

But I don't want to
see Cliff Barnes hurt.

- Oh, are you and Cliff"?
- No.

I care about him as a friend and he's
going through a rough time right now.


JR. is squeezing him. He's go!
Him between a rock and a ham Mace.

Well, a lot of people
say that about J.R.

Well, a lot of people are better equipped
to deal with it than Cliff is right now.

I mean it.

You mean it's all
right for you to be

working both sides of
the street but not me?

Or didn't I hear right about you
wanting a seat on Westar's board?

Oh, you heard right.

I got it and you didn't.

That ought to explain our
relative strengths to you.

Enjoy your drink.

It's on the house.

I've gotta make a stop
by the feed store first.

I can meet you there in
about an hour and a half.


My God.

I'm JR. Ewing.

- I'm here for the meeting.
- Yes, sir. I'll take you in.

Oh, hello, Don.

- Walter.
- J.R.

- Hey, Craig, how you doing?
- How you doing, Mr. Ewing?

- Uh, Wilson Cryder, not here?
- No, no, no.

Mr. Clyde! was removed
from the heard some time ago.

Dr. Styles has been running
the company from down in Austin.

I see.

So there is no
chairman of the board.

Well, let's get
down to business.

With, uh, Dr. Styles gone, Westar
is like a ship without a rudder.

I suppose you all know...

that I've been acquiring
large chunks of Westar stock.

Excuse me, but if we're
getting down to business...

we should wait until
everyone arrives.

Well, everyone's here.
All the major shareholders.

Wrong J.R.

My daddy left his shares
to me in a living trust.

And I can vote every
one of them right now.

I still have enough votes.

You disappoint me.

I thought you were
really on top of things.

Mrs. Cryder, let me
lay it on the line for you.

We can do this the easy way
or we can have a bloodbath.

I wanna be voted in as
chairman of the board of Westar...

with full power
and full authority.

And I have the votes
to back this demand up.

I am gonna take this company to
heights none of you ever dreamed of.

You'll do no such thing, J.R.

You won't get the chance.

If you wanna take this
to a proxy fight, fine.

But it's gonna cost this
company a hell of a lot of money.

I don't think you appreciate
how much voting stock I control.

I'm not sure you appreciate
how much I control.

Let me introduce you to
someone who's in my camp.

Sue Ellen.

Hello, my love.

Gentlemen, let me present
to you Mrs. J.R. Ewing.

She controls a
great deal of stock.

And she's on my side.

Sue Ellen, you're making
the biggest mistake of your life.

Really? I thought I
was correcting one.

Ladies and gentlemen,
may I see a show of hands?

Is anyone here planning
on voting for Mr. Ewing?

Thank you.

Daddy would have
appreciated your loyalty.

You're all making a big mistake.

What this all means, J.R...

is that among the major
stockholders present today...

that we control 31 percent.

That won't do it.

Well, allowing for the 50
percent split of shares...

held by the general public, I would
say that we're in very good shape.

And I'd say that you lost.

Because I control proxies
and shares for 34 percent.

So as a major shareholder...

I move that this board he
disbanded and a new one elected.

Do I hear a second
on this motion?

I would like to introduce
you to one other person.

Some of you know him already.

Show him in, please. Thank you.

The stocks held by my friends
in this room total 31 percent...

but this gentleman...

he has a sizable block himself.

Jeremy Wendell.

Hello, J.R., it's nice to see
you under the circumstances.

What are you doing here?

You didn't think I'd let you get
your hands on Westar, did you?

When did you buy any stock?

I know every person who owns a chunk
over 5 percent and you're not on the list.

Nor are you, Sue Ellen.

My goodness, you think you're the only
one who can set up dummy corporations?

We added “n a“ up. JR.

You might be able to get a couple of seats
on the board, but you can't control it.

I move that we reinstate
Jeremy Wendell as chairman.

He did a fine job
for us in the past.

And I'm certain that he will do
an outstanding job for us now.

Do I hear a second?

I second the motion.

All those in favor?

- Aye.
- Aye.

I'll never forget
this, Sue Ellen.

I certainly hope not.

Next on Dallas.

- My boy stays here.
- Think about what happened last time.

Who ended up with him?

I've been thinking. Lucas
and I are coming home.

My life's herein Washington.

Everything I want.

That doesn't leave
us a lot to talk about.

If I put a feather in your cap, I
know you'll put it to good use.

- Why me?
- You are the one person I know...

who will continue to
wage w*r against J.R.

- What have you done to your hair?
- You like it? I did my makeup like her.

How's that stud? Youth
everything it's cracked up to be?

See you in court.
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