04x07 - Fathers and Sons

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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04x07 - Fathers and Sons

Post by bunniefuu »


Previously on ER...

Ah, my dad died.

What? What happend?

It was a car wreck or something.
They weren't clear on the details.

But I gotta go claim the body
and... stuff like that. So...

I'm sorry.

"Fathers and Sons"

How much farther?

About minutes or so.

A subcompact?

That's all they had.

- What is it? degrees out here?
- They didn't have a midsize.

The air conditioning doesn't work.

It's November. Who asks?

Next time you get the luggage.
I'll get the car.

All right.

- How much longer?
- About seconds since you last asked.

You always this tough to travel with?

My knees are-

Seventeen miles. We got
miles till we get there.

Every summer, no matter
where we were...

...we'd have to pile in the car and go
see some godforsaken national park.

Or go see some distant relative

Weeks on end. I hated it.
Every minute, I hated it.

Seventeen miles?
Is that what you said?

Sixteen and a half.



The highway patrol is down the road
to the left. We can't miss it.

What was your dad doing here?

He was probably
heading up to Tahoe or Vegas.

- He liked to gamble?
- Yeah, you might say that.

- Got you a present.
- Thanks.

- You okay?
- I'm fine.

Listen, we don't have to do this.

We could find some air conditioning,
get something to drink.

We're in no hurry.

Let's get this over with.

When his name showed up
in the paper...

...a woman called from Barstow.
He was renting a room there.

- Found you in his address book.
- Barstow?

He was in a motel.

You weren't in touch?

No. No, no.

We got the stuff from the trunk
in the evidence locker.

I couldn't tell what was his
and what was hers.


Yeah. A Sherry Fox.

We're having trouble locating
her next of kin.

I was hoping you could help me
with that.

Was she k*lled?

Your father ran a stop sign
two nights ago, doing .

Hit a pickup truck.

k*lled himself, Miss Fox,
the driver of the pickup...

...a Pedro Lopez, father of six.

Blood alcohol level was. .
Four times the legal limit.

What a place to die.

He never drove less than miles
an hour his entire life.

He used to think it was funny
to drive with his knees.

With his eyes closed. He thought
it was some sort of game.

Idiot. He can't even
k*ll himself right. He has to...

...take other people with him.

Leave me to clean up the mess.

I don't think your dad planned
on dying out here.

He never planned anything
his entire life.

He never planned to lose our TV
in a poker game.

He never planned to be gone for more
than a couple of days.

He never planned to hurt anybody
in his whole life.

Your dad lost your TV in
a poker game?

I should've k*lled him myself.

Saved everybody the trouble.

He was paid up through Thanksgiving.

So I figured I should leave everything
where it was until...

...the rent ran out or somebody
showed up.

Bathroom's in here.

You're the doctor, aren't you?

He talked about you all the time.

So he wasn't here by himself?

Oh, no, honey.
He had his wife with him.

Y'all want to stay in here tonight?
I'll get some clean sheets and-

No, thank you. But if you
have a couple extra rooms?

- Adjoining?
- Fine.

Such a nice couple.
Terrible, what happened.

- Wife?
- I doubt it.

Who's that?

I have no idea.

- Is that you?
- Yeah.

Yeah. That's high school.

Look at that hair. Played varsity?

We went to state that year.

I played JV. I wasn't very good.

Oh, man.

Your mom?


For a guy who didn't care, he sure had
a lot of photos of you guys around.

You hungry? Want something to eat?
There's a taco stand.

No, I'm not hungry.
You go ahead.

I found this in the closet.
Home movies or something.

I didn't find much to tell us
about the wife.

Just some clothes, cosmetics...

No letters or mail or anything.

She was probably a hooker
or a cocktail waitress.

- Any money in here?
- No. Just a couple of pawn tickets.

Well, there it is.
There's my inheritance.

Some women's clothes, a couple of
half-empty liquor bottles...

...and two pawn tickets.
Sounds like my dad.

Well, here you are.


Fourteen. Oh, honey!

Down on the corner, huh?
Away from the highway noise.

Oh, I forgot to tell you earlier.

Your daddy's car is parked
around back.

He didn't wreck it?

No. It must've been her car.
His car's still here.

The son of a bitch.

He kept it.

He was always out here polishing it.
Said he'd had it for years.

Since the ' s.

It's a beauty!

Maybe the keys are with your dad's
stuff. That envelope's in the car.

Pull the garage door shut and lock it
when you're finished. All right?


- I learned to drive in this car.
- Yeah?

My dad, we wouldn't see him
for months...

...and then he'd just show up.
He'd just...

...bring my mom a present, and he'd
bring me a signed football from...

...Joe Namath, Bob Griese,
somebody like that.

Then he'd gather me up...

...and tell my mom we were going
to a ball game.

And then we would just hit the road.
We'd disappear for days.

We'd be driving to Vegas. Sometimes
we'd drive to Atlantic City.

It was back before my mom remarried.

So we were still living in
Kentucky at the time.

I was maybe , , I think.

We'd be in Oklahoma or Indiana,
middle of the night.

My dad would wake me up and say,
"Okay, you're driving. "

We'd get off on some side road...

...and I'd slide in behind the wheel.

Just floor it, you know?

Just feel those horses
and just...

I just felt like...

...I was flying.

Sounds pretty great.

He had his moments.

- Gas?
- We got a quarter of a t*nk.


Hang on a minute.

Now what?

My dad used to keep a gas can
in the trunk.

You usually don't see that much baby
stuff all in one place.

No gas.

I'm doing fine. Looks like you
had a long night, though.

Sure this is the right place?

I don't know about that last left.


Maybe everybody's working.

Hello? Anybody here?


Hey! How are you doing?

- You're a Broncos fan, huh?
- Dallas.

Dallas? I'm looking for
the Lopez family.

Which one? We got two of them.

Pedro Lopez. Died in a car accident.
We're trying to find his family.

Not here.

Not here as in he doesn't live here?

Or not here like he's
not here right now?

Who are you?

I'm Doug. Listen, do me a favor.

Will you stop that
for a second?

Where are they?

Everybody's at the funeral.
They're burying Mr. Lopez today.

Saints of God, come to his aid.

Hasten to meet him, angels of
the Lord.

Eternal rest grant him, O Lord.

To You, our Lord, we commend the soul
of Pedro, your servant.

In the sight of this world
he is dead.

In your sight, may he live forever.

Forgive whatever sins he may have
committed through human weakness.

And in your goodness,
grant him eternal life.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.


In peace, let us take our brother
to his place to rest.

You want to say something
to the family?

I don't know what I'd say.

We could find a florist.
Send some flowers.

Doug, it's not your fault.

It's tragic, but it had nothing
to do with you.

- You were thousands of miles away.
- I know...

You know, I just...

- Excuse me.
- Yeah?

Were you planning on joining us
for the internment?

No. Thank you, Father.

Did you know Pedro or the family?


- I didn't think-
- My father was the drunk...

...that ran the stop sign
and k*lled him.

But you came.

It doesn't change things.

It shows that you loved your father.

- I have to go now. Take care.
- Thank you.

Come on.

I always wanted a pocket watch.

I don't know if I'd use it,
but I like the idea of it.

An heirloom to pass on
from generation to generation.

I don't think Rachel would be
excited about it.

Well, not for Rachel.
But for a son it would be great.

- Do you have something to tell me?
- I don't have a son, but...

If I had my great-great-grandfather's
pocket watch, that would be cool.

My family's only heirloom is my
grandfather's fraternity beer stein.

This must be it. It's got
the right tag number.

What is it?

- It's a movie projector.
- Hope you didn't pay much.

Ten bucks. I didn't even want it,
but I figured, what the hell?

- How much is this?
- I'll be right back.

- Which one?
- That one.

- You gotta be kidding me.
- Shut up!

- It's a real diamond?
- Sure, they're real.

Which one you looking at?

Let's see. That's bucks.

- "Cynthia"?
- Yeah. I think she'd like it.

You buy that, you're walking back.

Here we go. We got a Rolex.

That's nice.

My dad loved this. He'd brush
his teeth first...

...and then use the toothbrush
to clean the watch at night.

Pinky ring.

That is a big one.

Three and a half carats.

He talked her into giving it up.
They kept their wedding rings.

Wouldn't even think about
giving them up.

Carol, it's Doug. I was hoping
to catch you before work.

We're here in Barstow,
and still we're cleaning up.

I was just thinking about you...

...and wishing you were here.

I just miss you.

I just wish you were here, is all.

So I'll call you tomorrow.
Okay, bye.

- Hey!
- Who was that?

Somebody I've been seeing
the last couple months.

Sounds serious.

You want any of these ties?

I only wear ties at work.
Is it anybody I know?

Got an Armani. I believe
it's double-breasted.

You won't tell me who it is?

He had a set of clubs somewhere.

Why don't you want to tell me?

Because I don't.

- It's not my ex-wife, is it?
- No. It's not Jennifer.

Cynthia? You're not, are you?

No. And neither should you.

Jeanie? Chuny? Anna?

Are you planning on naming everybody
who works in the hospital?

She doesn't work in the hospital?

It's Carol.

- What?
- Carol Hathaway.

Your mouth's open.

- I'm speechless.
- Well, I'm relieved.

You're back together?

She didn't want me talking about it.
She didn't want it out at work.

All right. Now, you are sworn
to secrecy.

She swore she'd never get back
together with you after last time.

- Things change.
- Wow!

You know, it's not that amazing.


You can stop saying "Wow! "

I can't believe it.

- You've said that.
- I'm happy for you. That's great.

Good. Thanks, buddy.

It's just that after what happened
last time, I can't believe it.

Yeah. Well, thanks.

Does she make you take
a lie detector test every week?

Have you tried the beer?
It's good!

No! Hey, now that's not fair!

Son of a bitch!

- Give me that!
- Mother of God!

Get off me!

Any more beer?

You can squeeze something
out of the drapes.

Smells like a brewery in here.

Are you finding out anything about
the mystery stepmom in there?

She had a nice body
and wore kinky lingerie.

Lucky dad.

Spent a lot of time in Laughlin,
Flagstaff and Vegas.

My dad collected these matchbooks.

That's how we'd keep account of him.

Look at this.

I think that's her. Look at the ring.


I found this at the bottom of
her suitcase.

A Christmas card with
a return address to Long Beach.

Now look at this.

She had a baby.

Almost every photo,
it's her, the baby...

...and look, there's my dad.

Think the baby was his?

I don't know. Maybe.

That'd be kind of weird, huh?

Where do you think the baby is now?

I don't know.
Maybe grandparents, friends.

In a bassinet outside a convent.
Knowing my dad it could be...

The hard part is that...

...there was this power that
he held over us.

I would be so happy when he
would come home.

And I would tell myself
that I wouldn't be.

Then he'd come home and tell
a story, give you a present.

We would all be sitting there
like we were some kind of...

...a normal family.

I just never...

...told him.

I just figured that there would be
a right time.

Son of a bitch even got
control of that.

Want to watch this?

- What? What's that?
- The home movies.

- Come on.
- No!

My chance to see you in diapers.


You know, my dad and I,
we barely even speak.

If I call the house
and he picks up the phone...

...he just says, "Hang on.
Let me get your mother. "

He put in years, and for what?

He still retired as a captain.
He just kept getting passed over.

I mean, he did every crappy assignment
that the Navy wanted him to do.

And it didn't matter.

- He never got the nod.
- Why not?


...because of his winning personality.

All right.

Now all we need is popcorn.

- You ready?
- No!

You hit this and you hit that.

Is that you?


Your mom.


" . Alma Rodriguez Ruiz.

to . "
She was only years old.

What are you thinking about, Doug?


I'm in love with her.

I used to think I knew what love was.

I cared about women. I just don't
think I've ever really been in love.

I think about her all the time.
I don't like it when I'm not with her.

I don't want to be with anybody else.
That's love, isn't it?

Yeah. That's love.


It'll be hot today, huh?

It's November. Can you believe it?

That's what I liked about living
in California.

You lived here?

San Diego. My parents
still live there.

In San Diego?

Yeah. A lot of retired Navy
down there.

It's four hours from here.
We could be there at lunchtime.

No, thanks.

- When's the last time you saw them?
- months.

Eighteen months? Okay, we're going.

No, no. We got to see
that funeral director.

That can wait.

I made an appointment for today.

My dad's not going anyplace, Mark.
Come on.

- Nice!
- Let's go to the movies instead.

We'll be in and out in a couple hours.

Are you kidding? There's no such
thing as a quick visit with my mom.

She's gonna insist that we
stay for dinner.

- Probably something fried.
- Sounds great.

Don't drink her ice tea. You'll
risk lapsing into insulin shock.

- I like sugar in my tea.
- Want to get on her good side?

- Admire her Hummels.
- Hummels?

Believe me, you'll know what it is.

Still have time for a clean getaway.

That's Jake. He doesn't bite.

- Hey, Jake.
- Hush, Jake! Quiet!

Oh, my God!

What are you doing here?

- We were just in the neighborhood.
- You were not!

- Come on in.
- Hi.

My friend Doug Ross.

- Hello, Doug.
- How are you doing?

I got it. Jake, come in.

Oh, my God! Look at you.
You're so skinny.

I'm running again every day.

- What are you doing here?
- Well, Doug-

Why didn't you tell us
you were coming?

Doug's father passed away suddenly,
and so I came out with him.

- You poor thing. I'm so sorry.
- Well, thank you.

Well, sit. Sit.

I was just going through the mail.
All these catalogs.

I always promise myself that I'm
not gonna look at them, but I do.

You get on these lists
and you just can't get off.

You two must be thirsty.

Can I get you a drink?
I was having iced tea.

- Water for me, Mom.
- I'd love iced tea.

- When did you get in?
- Yesterday.

- Yesterday?
- I'm gonna go.

- And you didn't call?
- You stay here.

Where you staying?

- Barstow. In a motel.
- Is this a Hummel?

Not tonight you' re not.
You' re gonna stay right here.

Thanks, that sounds great,
if we' re not putting you out at all.

Oh, absolutely.

We have two guest rooms
and never any guests.

Too much sugar? Mark kids me
about adding too much sugar.

No. It's perfect.

Oh, honey!

How is my lovely Rachel?

She's wonderful. And she misses you.

You're a good liar. I bet she
barely remembers me.

My son always says that they'll visit.
But I know...

...that if I want to see my
only granddaughter...

...I've gotta get on a plane
and go to Chicago.

What's with the oxygen, Mom?

It's your father.
He's still smoking, you know?

Doctor says he's gotta stop,
but he just won't.

Maybe you can talk some
sense into him.

You know the military.
Everybody smokes.

They used to give cigarettes
out in C rations.

Is it emphysema, Mom?

Yeah. Well, the doctor
says something like that.

But it hasn't
slowed him down an inch.

Let me get another one.
This is too sweet.

I'm gonna run some errands.
I'll be back.

You're leaving already?

Yes. I'll be back for dinner if
the offer still stands?

- Of course.
- You're going?

Yes. Thank you for the iced tea.
And the Hummels are beautiful.

- Oh, thanks!
- Beautiful.

Okay, bye.

He's a lovely boy.

Where's Dad?


Hello, Dad!


What the hell are you doing here?

Came by with a friend.

You look good.

Thank you.

- House looks great.
- Yeah.

Keeps me busy.

I repainted the trim
a couple days ago.

Looks nice.

There's no wind.


You're cupping your hand.
There's no wind.

Too many years on deck.

Hard habit to break.

You should quit smoking.

That's another hard habit to break.

- Emphysema?
- You've seen your mother-

You're on oxygen?

I need help living my life, Mark,
you'll be the first person I call.

- Woodworking?
- Yeah.

I needed a hobby.

Tried gardening for a while,
but it was too slow, you know?

Waiting around for things to grow.
So I decided to try furniture.

- Nice work.
- Making a dining set for your mother.

- For Christmas.
- I'm sure she'll like it.

Rachel's great.

She's gotten bigger.

She's smarter than me.
Or at least she thinks she is.

That's kids for you.


I better get back.

Yeah, right.

Dad doesn't look good.

Well, we're all getting older.

When was he diagnosed
with emphysema?

Here, honey.

Make yourself useful.

He's gotta start taking better
care of himself, Mom.

You know your father.

How high is his blood pressure?

He doesn't have high blood pressure.

Mom, I saw the medications
in the bathroom.

Those are my pills, Mr. Nosey.

When did you get
high blood pressure?

Last year. I'm fine now.

/ . I took it yesterday
at the commissary.

At the base?

Yeah. On one of those
little machines.

I check it every time I go shopping.

Do you have your potassium checked?

I'm sure I do.

It's very important, and it's
not something that you check...

...at the base supermarket.

I appreciate this, but
I have a doctor.

Has your doctor talked to you about
controlling your salt intake?

Your father won't eat bland food.

Dad can live a lot longer without
salt than he can without you.

Mark, we are both fine.

I take my walks. I watch what I eat.

Now, stop being a doctor
and finish shucking those peas.

- Mom, Mom, Mom!
- Not a word!

I'm sorry your friend wasn't
back in time for dinner.

I don't think he realized we'd be
eating in midafternoon.

I'll put a plate in the fridge
for him.

You remember the Orkins?
Bruce and Christina?

They live here now.

They had two boys about your age
when we were in Pensacola.

I don't think so.

Bruce was in Intelligence, wasn't he?


Their oldest boy, Carl,
is a flier now.

A lieutenant commander,
stationed up at Whidbey.

Has three little girls of his own.

Well, say hello to him for me.

You two busy tonight?

I was thinking we'd go buy
some ice cream.

That place on Mission Bay,
is it still there?

I don't know. I haven't been
there in years.

I have to go to the club tonight.

- You could go tomorrow night.
- I'm meeting Frank and Harry.

You can call them.

It's Thursday.
We always meet on Thursdays.

Well, this week you'll meet on Friday.

It's no big deal.
We'll do it another time.

You two go.

Have a good time.

You go to the club with your dad.

Mark wouldn't be comfortable.

You should spend time together.
You'd really enjoy it.

- You need the inhaler?
- I'm fine.

- Albuterol? I know where it is.
- I'll get it.


He doesn't like to be helped.
You know that.

He'll be all right in a few minutes.

I'll make him some hot tea.
It makes him feel better.

The blaze near Lake Hodges destroyed
two homes and acres.

It is completely out tonight, but
firefighters are still on the lines.

Fire officials say they want new
homes built without wood roofs...

...and without landscaping
within feet.

Arson investigators hope
a $ , reward leads them to...

I'm quitting tonight.
I promise.


You used to smoke.


Until someone I know hounded me
into giving it up.

You were what? Seven or eight?

We were living down in
Kings Bay, in Georgia.

Every time I'd come home with a pack,
you'd flush it down the toilet.

I was doing you a favor.

You were ruthless.
You wouldn't even lie to me.

You'd just march right in
and tell me you'd done it.

I could've k*lled you!

He's asleep in there,
in front of the TV.

You'd better wake him if he's
gonna make his club.


...he only makes it about
half the time anymore anyway.

His friends are worse.

Usually he goes down there and he's
back home in less than an hour...

...because nobody he knows shows up.

You still like living near the base?

It's convenient.

All our friends live nearby.
Your father's got the club.

It's a nice life.

I know you never liked it,
but we do.

He misses you. He'd never say so,
but he does.

He'd like to see you more often.
You and Rachel.

I love you, Mom.

And I know you feel like you
have to defend him.

But Dad doesn't think about
me or Rachel.

Your father loves you very much, Mark.

He may not show it in the way
that you want him to, but he does.

I've never seen him show it at all.

He's just not built that way.
You have to work harder with him.

- I have to work harder?
- Yes.

Of course, Mom.
Dad doesn't have to do anything.

You've got some wonderful traits, Mark.

But you always assume that you
know more about everybody...

...and everything than you
actually do.

I've got vanilla ice cream
and some fresh strawberries...

...if you still feel like dessert.


You missed dinner.

Drove up to Long Beach.
Checked out that return address.


Yeah. It's not my dad's kid.

He's living in Arizona with
the ex-husband.

How's family life?

My dad's got emphysema.

I thought he was gonna cough himself
to death over the fried chicken.

Is he okay?

He's on an inhaler, oxygen.
He seemed all right.

- Is he getting decent care?
- I'm sure it's fine.

So why don't you stay here
for a while?

I'll go back up to Barstow,
and you spend some time with him.

Why bother?

You didn't miss much, not having your
father around when you were growing up.

Believe me.

That's kind of a crappy thing
to say, isn't it?

It wasn't my idea to come down here.

Don't stay.

Don't worry. I won't.

I'm confused. Your father's still
alive? Still with your mother?

So that's the criteria for a good
father? Longevity?

Did he smack you around?
Did he smack your mom around?

- Poor Doug.
- Wait. "Poor Doug"?

Did your father
throw up on your bed and pass out?

Did he leave you in
a hallway in Atlantic City...

...while he screwed some hatcheck
girl? Did he do that?

Did he do that, Mark?!

Your father was there for you
every night, and that's love.

Whether it's the way you
want it or not...

...it's love, Mark!

You grew up in Ozzie and Harriet
land. Get your head out of your ass!

I wrote Carol a note this afternoon.

It's a card that reminded me of her.
Will you give it to her for me?

You' re not going back with me?

No. That woman in Long Beach gave me
an address in Flagstaff.

I think I'm gonna head over there...

...look up my dad's wife's relatives
and let them know what happened.

And the kid.

We should've stayed the night.

It wasn't right to leave
the way we did.

I had no right to just
lose it like that.


You were right about me.

I have been acting like a victim,
feeling sorry for myself.

Self-pity isn't one of my more
attractive personality traits.

Don't sell yourself short.
You're very good at it.

I've spent my whole life
holding my breath...

...afraid that something was gonna
spin out of control.

I think that's why I got into medicine.
I wanted to have power over chaos.

I was always terrified that something
awful was gonna happen.

And then last spring, it did.

I don't know who I am, Doug.

That person who I was
died in that bathroom.

And I don't know what's gonna
take his place.

I'm beat!

You want to grab some breakfast?
Maybe a few hours of sleep...

...before we have to go
to that funeral home?

Doug, you want to do that?

This is it.

Good. I don't want to climb
any more damn hills.

Doug, it's beautiful!

Want to say something?

A prayer?


I hated the son of a bitch...

...and I loved him.

Never simple, is it?
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