Surf's Up 2: WaveMania (2017)

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Surf's Up 2: WaveMania (2017)

Post by bunniefuu »

Welcome back to SPEN
Sports for another episode of

Are They Still Cool?
Surf Edition.

Cody Maverick was set
to become the biggest surfer

to come out of Pen Gu
since Big Z Topanga.

He shocked and awed
fans and critics alike

with his fresh,
new-school moves.

He scorched nine-time champion
and local bully

t*nk "The Shredder" Evans
and was perfectly positioned

to win the tenth annual

Big Z Memorial Surf-Off.

Oh, I'm doing great, man.

I think I earned a lot
of respect out there.

After I win today,

You're gonna see
a lot more from me.

I promise.
I'm going to the Outer Banks

to surf with the Hang ,
the best in the business.

It's been my dream since
I was a little kid and...

Heh, heh! it's finally
about to come true.

Victory, fame and fortune

were all but guaranteed
for young Cody Maverick.

Until at the last minute,

he chose to protect
his friend Chicken Joe

from sore loser t*nk Evans,

and gave up any chance
of the trophy.

Chicken Joe took home
first place that day

and has since gained great fame

in the world of
professional surfing.

Maverick, however,
has been all but forgotten.

Let's see what he's
been up to in this episode of

Are They Still Cool?
Surf Edition.

So, Cody, why
don't you fill us in

on what you've done the last
few years.

First, I have
a question for you.

I, uh... Okay, go ahead.

Have you or someone
you care about

expressed the urge
to ride waves like a pro?

- To be the master of the ocean?
- Come again?

Well, I can show you how it's
done at the Pen Gu Surf Academy.

At PSA, we got all the newest,
sickest moves

at the lowest prices.
You want backflips?

You got it.

Tail rides? Ugh! Hah!
You got it.

Tube slides? Wha-ha!
You bet you got it.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, man.
We're trying to do a show here.

You can't just plug your
surf school in our interview.

Hi, I'm Lani, lifeguard
and co-founder of PSA,

where we're all about
having fun and being safe.

And for a limited time,
mention this commercial

and get percent off
your first lesson free!

Free, free, free, free.

Don't waste your
money on those losers.

Oh, what now?

You should learn to surf
from a real master.

Right, g*ng?

Yes, sensei.

Hi. I'm nine-time champion,
t*nk Evans

and I want you to discover
your surf success story

at t*nk's Online Surf Institute.

Just send me your parents'
credit card information.

Cut it out, t*nk! We're trying
to film a commercial here.

No, we're not.

How can you promise these
squirts you'll turn them

into winners when you've never
won anything in your life?

Look at all my trophies.

Each more spectacular
than the last.

t*nk, my arms are getting tired.

Fight through the pain.
It's part of your training.

Wanna learn
how to shred for real?

Sign up now at TOSI
and receive a free

participation trophy
with purchase.

Absolutely free, with purchase.

t*nk, get out of here.

I'll also teach you
about teamwork

and proper surf etiquette!

Okay, cut.

Wait, stop. Stop!

I am so getting fired for this.

Come on.

Whoa, hey, wait. Hold on.

I wanna tell you about
my franchising opportunities.

With purchase!




Wake up, bro.

It's me.


Chicken Joe.

Or as my Spanish friends
call me,

El Pollo Loco.

So what made you
come back to Pen Gu Island?

Oh, you know,
I haven't seen my buddies

Cody and Lani
in, like, two years.

And I finally got some time off
from my world tour,

so I thought I'd stop by
and hang out.

Time off from your tour?

Aren't you supposed to be
in Madagascar right now?

Oh, man.
I gotta text my manager.

Oh, wait.

This is just a regular clam.

Oh, I missed you, bro.

Look at you, man.
Bigtime pro surfer now.

I dig that wetsuit.

Yeah? Thanks.

It's a little tight around
my nuggets and tenders.

But my sponsors
like me to wear it, so...

Dude, you have sponsors?

They like to give me

tons of free stuff.
Boards, wetsuits, wax.

It's kind of a sweet deal.

Heh! Yeah,
sounds pretty rad.

Oh, it is, bro.
And I owe it all to you.

If you hadn't saved my life
and let me win

the Big Z Memorial,
I'd never be where I am today.

Heck, you'd probably be
the one with all the sponsors

and endorsements.
Surfing on the tour,

being on TV, screaming fans...

Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I get it. I get it.

I'm happy for you, Joe.
You deserve it.

Uh, hey, Cody,
I picked this up for you

while I was on tour.

Oh, thanks, Joe.

I know how much you like
these super buff penguins.

Wow, the Hang .

Those guys rule.
Did you surf with them

or something?

Nah. I just missed them.

You know those guys. They're
always traveling the world,

looking for the next
mondo extreme challenge.

Too crazy for me.

- Chicken Joe?
- Chicken Joe!

Penguin Lani!

It's so good to see you.

Chicken Joe, can
you teach us your moves?

You're the awesome-est!

Yeah, we wanna learn from you.

Can you give us a celebrity
guest surf lesson?

Yeah, I'd be happy to.
Let's get started right now.

Find me some tacos.

The Hang .

Excuse me.
Hey, I'm trying to see.

Come on, buddy.

Cody Maverick,

I am not spending my whole
entire vacation

chasing after you.

Mom, it's the Hang .

I've gotta be in the front.

Ladies and gentle penguins,

it's the moment
you've all been waiting for.

Behold the most extreme team,

surfing the earth
and living the dream.

Coming to you live in overdrive.

Put them together for
the Hang .

Hang ! Hang ! Hang !

He's the big kahuna,
the leader of the crew-a.

The mammal with a plan...

Mr. McMahon.


The king of the big-wave riders,

only footers or higher.

To him they're just ripples,
because the H is tripled.



Look, it's Paige!

She's the best trick
surfer on the world stage.

Her skill and audacity
cannot be gauged.

She's beautiful, fearless
and full of rage.

Let's give it up
for the one and only...

- Paige.
- Paige!

He's the Hang 's enforcer.

Even sharks and orcas
meet their maker

when they go up against...

the Undertaker.

I'm Undertaker!

He's hardcore times four.

He lives fast, surfs hard.

No regrets.
Don't call him crazy,

call him... J.C.

If you want some, come get some.


Why the long face?


No, I was just remembering
the time I met the Hang .

I worshiped those guys.

Seeing them surf
made me who I am today.

I worked hard my whole life

so I could be
just like them one day.

And somehow it just...
It just never happened for me.

I mean, I love teaching
the kids,

but I didn't think
that's all I'd be doing now.

I always thought
I was meant to be somebody.

Doing big things,
inspiring people.

I guess I was wrong.

Does this have something to do

with all that stuff
t*nk said on the beach?

Cody, you can't let
that guy mess with your head.

He might have
all those trophies,

but... he's still
a loser.

Yeah, t*nk is pretty annoying.

But... it's not
just that.

It's not that hard.
The secret to good surfing

is you just gotta feel
the groove.


Chicken Joe?

Oh, I get it.

Well, don't get me wrong.

Don't get me wrong.
I love the guy.

He deserves everything he's got,

but I can't help but think,

man, that could have
been me, you know?

Famous, successful,

a winner that everyone respects.

I mean, look at him.

He's even a better
teacher than me.

Mm, guys, I have officially

lost control of the situation.

Cody? Lani?

Okay, maybe not

a better teacher.
We're coming, buddy.

What can I say? Pen Gu's home.

I love my life here.

Sure, I'd like to travel
and see the world someday,

but right now,
I got the surf school,

my lifeguard job and big waves
all year round to keep me busy.

It doesn't get any better
than that.

Man, this teaching thing
is harder than I thought.

You know what I dig most
about Pen Gu?


Nothing ever happens here.

Chicken and penguin!

Never mind.

Something is happening.


I've seen that seagull
somewhere before.

Prepare yourselves.

It's the moment you've
all been waiting for.

The Hang !
They're here.

The Hang ?
The most legendary

surf crew of all time?

- Yes!
- Whoo-hoo!

Oh, yeah.

Oh, great. Way to ruin
the surprise, kid.

That was supposed to be my line.

You can still say it.

You know what?
Forget it.

There used to be respect for
showmanship in this business.

Wait a minute. I'm
the resident Hang expert here.

If they were coming,
trust me, I'd know about it.

Hey, Hang !

What's up, little dudes?


Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh.

We get crazed fans all the time.

But it's like I always say:

A brave man builds his house
on an ocean of milk.

That doesn't make
a lick of sense.

It doesn't have to.
I'm the boss,

and I like milk...
and fish.

'Cause I'm an otter,
and otters like fish.

I just wish you
could milk a fish.

I don't really know
what to say about that.

Hey, bro. You know where
we can get something to eat?

Uh, yeah, yeah.
Food, right.

Uh, you guys eat food
'cause you're the Hang .

What about squid on a stick?

Squids? On sticks?

I love impaled food.

Ooh, yeah, I'll try anything.

Oh, yeah? Well, I've tried
everything, twice.

Whatever gnarly stuff
you can eat,

I can eat twice as much,
twice as fast.

Jeez, Hunter, why do you always
have to be so competitive?

You know what? You should come
over for a backyard luau.

Come on. I won't take no for an
answer. You should just come.

Yeah, man. Bring it on.
I'm starving.

Tell me more
about these squid sticks.

Hey, look at me, Hang .

Whoa! Hold on there. Be careful.

I know all your moves.
Like this.


Help! Lani! Help! Help!

Oh, no. Arnold!


Hang on, Arnold.
I'm coming!

Hold on.

Whoa! Who's that?

Oh, that's just Arnold.
This happens all the time.

Lani's on it.


You know what I said
about going into the ocean

- by yourself.
- I know.

Thanks for having
my back out there.


Whoa! You all right,
little dude?

Yeah. I was just trying
to show you my mad skills.

You shouldn't try to imitate us.

We're trained professionals.

Some of us with huge muscles.

I'm not gonna say who.
That would be bragging.

Nice moves.

Oh, thanks.
You must be the Hang .

Guess that explains the whale.

Oops! I forgot to lock it.

Hey, Lani.
Guess what.

I'm throwing a luau
for the Hang at my place.

Oh, yes.
Let's luau!

All right!


Yes. Come on, Hunter.


Hang is the real deal.

They've done everything.

Snowboard during an
avalanche: Check.



Whatever it is they're about
to do, I wanna be a part of it.

Tell us a story,

Tell us a scary one.

- Yeah! Yeah!
- Yeah! yeah!

All right. This happened
while I was on tour last year.

We were surfing the infamous
ghost beach of Levesque

where they say
even the waves are haunted.

But were you scared?

Not at first.

But it was quiet.
Too quiet.

Then this ghost wave
grabs my board!

Whoa! Ah, ah...

And then what happened?

So there I am underwater...

He was held down by almost
psi of pressure.

Read about it in your interview
with Rolling Waves Magazine.


Uh, no, thanks.

I woke up on the ocean floor...

I've practiced your
breathing technique for years.

I can hold my breath
for almost five minutes.

I'm trying to tell
my story, bro.

Can I show you my variation
on your five flipper shuffle?

Go check on the Undertaker.
He's always hungry.

Yes, sir.

All right. So there I was,
feet underwater

and I'm freaking out.

Did you do a controlled
emergency ascent

to protect your lungs?

Uh, yeah.

How'd you know about that?

Cody taught us that

at our surf school.

That guy?

Um... Interesting.

If you kids think J.C.'s
dumb old stories are cool,

watch me uproot this tree.


Anyways, wanna hear about
the time I fought off a shark

with nothing but my camo shorts?


Mr. Undertaker, do you
wanna try some of the...?


Coming right up.

Hey, have you seen
my friend, Cod...

Whoa, man, don't eat me.
I'm not the food.

Can you at least
lay an egg or something?

Scary? Yeah,
I get that sometimes.

They say it's because
I don't smile or talk a lot.

But I'm just shy. Okay?


Little of this,
little of that...

All right, add some spice...

Oh, yeah.
Prepping that squid.

Would you like
some coconut water?

That depends.

I prefer fish milk.


All right, then I'll drink
your coconut water.

But you better believe
I'm gonna pretend

I'm sucking it from
a fish's udder.

Heh, heh! You know,
Mr. McMahon,

I do a little surfing myself.

Ah! Cool, cool.

Mm-hm. It is cool.

And you know what?
I got some ideas

for some tricks that could
really change things up.

I'm talking next-level
stuff, man.

Oh, yeah? You'll have
to show me sometime.

Really? Let's set a time.
How about tomorrow?

Excuse me a second.

Can I have everyone's
attention, please?

What I hold here
is the key that will unlock

one of the greatest
mysteries of our time.

Why everything seems
to taste like me?

This is a map

to the most legendary
surfing spot on the planet.

The Trenches!

I thought that the Trenches
were just, like,

made up... to scare
little kids.

Oh, it's real, all right.

And everything you hear
about it is true.

It's hidden somewhere on
Slaughter Island,

the most dangerous

and mysterious place
on the planet.

Jagged rocks, huge cliffs.

It's a surfer's graveyard.

And we're going to ride it!

Am I right, guys?

Heck, yeah! RTL!


Hey, Joe, what does RTL mean?

I don't know, man.
Rumbly tummy...

ooh, something.


Oh, I shouldn't have eaten
all those escargot-gos.

Surfing the Trenches will be
the greatest ride of my life.

And my last.

Because you're gonna die?


Because I'm retiring.


Boss, you can't be serious.

Hey, I'm not getting
any younger.

It's time for me to settle down.

What does that mean? We're
gonna be the Hang from now on?

Maybe not.

Big Z always said Pen Gu
breeds great surfers.

I think it's time
we add a new member.

Have somebody in mind, boss?

I'm not gonna give away
the surprise just yet.

But I think I might have
found someone very special.


How totally awesome
is this, bro?

I'm gonna join the Hang .

Can you even imagine
what that would be like?

Yeah, that sounds pretty rad,

but, um, are you sure
Mr. McMahon

was talking about you, bro?

What? Who else
could it be, man?

He looked right at me.

Hey, Cody. You up?

Yeah. Hey,
what's up, Lani?

Hey. So you got
a second?

I need to tell you something.

Sure. I was talking about
how great it'd be

if the Hang
asked me to join them.

Oh, um, okay.

You think they might ask you?

Well, yeah.
I mean, why not?

I've been following them
my whole life.

And I'm the best surfer
on Pen Gu.

Who else are they gonna ask?

Hey, Lani, I told my mom
that you told me

that you were
going to join the Hang .

And then she said that
I should get your autograph

because she
wants to sell it online.


That's awesome, Lani.

Cody, your imaginary friends

are gonna be so disappointed.

So... I guess they asked you.

Yeah. Mr. McMahon
and Paige

came over to my place
this morning.

They said I showed moxie
saving Arnold

and they could use somebody
with my lifeguard skills.

They're waiting for me
on the South Shore.

But I don't know, Cody.
This is your dream.

No. No, no... No way.
You can't pass this up, Lani.

It's the Hang ,
all right? You gotta go.

I'll figure something out.
Don't worry.

Wait, really?
Will you be okay?

- I don't want to...
- For sure.

Go tell them you're coming
before they change their minds.

I'll see you there.

Okay, okay. Bye!

Does that mean
you're not leaving Pen Gu

and joining the Hang

and fulfilling your
ultimate destiny

of becoming a legendary surfer?

No, I got an idea.

Come on, you guys.
I'll explain on the way.

Hang !

Prepare for boarding.

Don't be nervous.
You're gonna do great.

I have a good feeling about you.

Ha, ha. Thanks.

Is that them?

Yeah, yeah, come on.

Get over there.

Do what Cody taught us.

Um... Ah...

Look. Who's that
in the water?

It must be Cody Maverick,

Pen Gu's favorite surfer.

Did you say Cody Maverick?

Let's go watch him.


Yeah! Let's go
see Cody!

So have you
done a lot of acting before?

Um... yes. I'm more of
a Method actor.

And I think Arnold comes
from a Broadway background.

♪ I am the very model
Of a modern major general ♪

♪ I've information... ♪

Here we go.


Whoa! All right!



Kid's got style.

Nice moves, kid.

Yo, Mr. McMahon, what
about we bring Cody too?

Let's see what else he's got.

What? We already said we
were bringing my girl Lani.

I wanna bring the chicken.

In case I get hungry.

That's cool.
I gotta warn you, though...

I'm not a great cook.

All right, all right.

Not so fast.

t*nk is the one you want.

I heard you're looking for
a champion to join your team.

So I brought my résumé.

I like your style.

Reminds me of myself
at a younger age.

Well, thanks. But,
you know,

I'm not as handsome
as you are, sir.

Of course not.


Oh, Briana!

Sorry about that.

Oh, that's... good.

- What?
- Uh...

You better take that.

Who made this thing?
My trophies never broke.

Oh, again.

Ridiculous. That
thing's garbage.

- Funny.
- Take it. Take the whole thing back.

Well, now I have more of her.

So... thanks.

This is my guy.

Everybody else has a guy.
I want a guy.

Oh, for crying out loud!

Fine. You can keep
your rookies.


Yes! Up top!

- Ooh!
- Awesome.

Yeah, I love those.

But they're your responsibility.

You've gotta show them
how we do things.

We're gonna challenge you
on all aspects of what we do.

Power, speed,
endurance and teamwork.

May the best
mentor-rookie team win.

Hah! Bring it on, fool.

Well, obviously
Lani and I will win.

Let's do this.

Do you know how to surf?

Dude, I'm a star.

Okay, we're in.

All right. Then that's the way
it's gonna be.

But if your guy or girl
dies or gets hurt

and I have to carry them
all the way back here...

I'm gonna make you scrub
the whale for a year!

All aboard! Next stop,
Slaughter Island.

So how much did you pay
to bribe those kids?

Three shells apiece.

You're such a dork.

Not to mention a failure.

When I become one of the Hang ,

I'm gonna come back here and
crush your surf school.

All your students will be mine.

And they'll be happy.

Like me.

We can't let him win, Cody.

Don't worry.

I got this.

Can't this thing go
a little slower?

Ha! Where would be
the fun in that?

We're passing through some
rough waters.

It's safer to go fast.

Aah, aah, aah...


Thanks, man.

Almost lost my lunch.

Say no more,

I can hold your hair
if you need to yak.


This is just amazing.
Can you believe it?

I'm traveling to the Trenches
with the Hang . Ha, ha!

Oh, man.
Somebody pinch me.

- Ow!
- You're welcome.

On top of the world

Look, I'm a diva, I'll admit it.

But I'm a power diva.

And I was thinking you fellas
might wanna focus on me more.

We could do a spinoff,
Power Diva.

A crime-fighting superhero

surfing puffin
with a bad attitude

and a thirst for action.

Oh, it's got blockbuster
written all over it.

♪ Is gonna stop me now ♪

We're almost there.

How can you tell?
This fog is so thick,

I can barely see anything.

My shell told me.

It's a map that talks.

What's wrong, bro?

Don't you believe in magic?

We'll be there in four,
three, two, one.



It's so beautiful.

Are we here? Is this it?

No, we're at the
edge of Slaughter Island.

The Trenches
is hidden here somewhere.

We're going to find it.

Forward, ever forward,

our intrepid team presses on,

woefully unaware that no penguin

has ever ventured into
the Trenches

and lived to tell the story.

Looks like this is
as far as the whale goes.

I got your board for you,
Mr. Hunter, right here.

Thanks, Hank.

It's t*nk. It's t*nk.

You know what?
Hank's better, actually.

- Next stop, RTL!
- RTL!


Did they tell you
what RTL means?

It means
"race the losers."

Let's get that guy.

Hey, excuse me.

Can you take me back to Pen Gu?

I think I left my sunblock.

- Come on.
- Ugh!

- Oof!
- Dude!

Look at that.

k*ller view, bro.

Hey, rookies!
We're down here!

Ooh, yeah! Whoa! Yes!

Wow! Oh, my gosh,

you can surf on this stuff.

Dude, what is this?

The taste of death.

This is crushed whale bones.

I should move here.

All right, the conch is telling
me we have to keep moving.

This place is dangerous,
so let's head out.

What's so dangerous about it?

Hold on.
What's that, conch?

Okay, I'll tell him.

Conch says, shut up!

- Heh, heh.
- Hey.

From up here,

it looks like the sand pit
will take us

straight into the island.

That'll save us a ton of time.

How about a race?

Last team to the bottom

waxes all our boards tonight.

You're on, fool.
Cody and I are gonna smoke you.

Yeah, t*nk.
You're going down.

Ooh, I'm so scared. Not.

Ha! Me and Lani
will take you on.

And as always,
it'll be ladies first!

Me and the chicken are in too.
Where is he?

Hey, don't take this
the wrong way,

but didn't you used to be

- Aah!
- Oh, my gosh,

- You're standing in quicksand!
- Ugh!

Cody, Lani, J.C., help!

Lani, pull!

I'm trying.
He's like a boulder.

I got this.

Come on, big guy.
Let's get you out of there.

How much do you weigh?

help me look for the chicken.

Already on it.

I found him.

There, by that rock.
To your right.

Hunh! Gotcha.

Am I dead?
Are you my father?

Come on!

Come on! Come on!


Yeah! Go, J.C.

Ha, ha!
That's how it's done.

Wow, J.C. Perfect form.

Thanks, kid.

Very impressive.

You gonna put me down now?

You're lucky it's leg day.

I'm just gonna sneak in
a quick set.

Thanks, show-off.

Any time.

Leg-pressing a large,
heavy boulder.

Then onto a one-handed

all while
still leg-pressing the boulder.

The secret
to my amazing physique?

Eat right, exercise
and never give up

on being awesome.

Hang , let's do this!

All right!

Yeah! Yeah, dude!

Let's see how these wave jockeys
perform on the dunes.

They have not put in the hours
shredding the sand,

but, wow, folks,
they're putting on quite a show.

I make this look good.


Bring it!

Check this out.

Nice moves, Paige.

All right.

We do it old-school.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Lani, I see a shortcut.

Right behind you.

Ho, ho!
In your face, Hunter.



Rest in peace.

Yeah. Ugh!

Whoa! Ha-ha-ha.

Ho, ho!


Bye, J.C.

Ha-ha-ha. Aw...

This is it.

Eat my dust, t*nk.

Oh, that's what you think.



Sand's the best!


You still with me, bro?

Ugh. Yeah. I think so.

- Ha-ha-ha, awesome.
- Whoo!

Paige, we finished first.

- I can't believe it.
- Yeah!

That was incredible.

Ho, ho, ho, unh!


That tickled.

Great job out there, Lani.


That was a lot of fun.

Gotta hand it to you, Paige.

You got me good when
you banked off that rib cage

and landed in front of me.

I've got a few tricks
you haven't seen.

Hey. Check it out.

Hey, flattop. What happened?
You take the scenic route?

Heh, heh. Yeah, you know me.
I'm just a bit of a tourist.

I like to take in the sights.

Remember, I like a
nice high gloss on my board.

Don't get too comfortable.
I'll get you back.

That was quite a spill
you took out there.

How does my dust taste?

You cut me off, you cheater.

Oh? I don't know
what you're talking about.

I'd never do anything

- to hurt you.
- Hey!

You should learn

to stay out of my way.

I'm gonna join the Hang ,

no matter what.

How badly you want to lose

is entirely up to you.


That t*nk guy is ridiculous.
He's like a cartoon villain.

Why did you let Hunter
bring him?

Everyone is here for a reason.

I want to see how the rest
of the newbies deal with him.

You still think
Cody has what it takes?

Look, Mr. McMahon,
I know he wiped out out there,

but he's a good surfer.
Give him a chance.

I'm not talking about surfing.
I've been watching him.

I think he's a bit of a hothead.
He might want this too much.

Don't worry about it.
He's just like me at that age.

He'll be cool.

All right, we'll see.

Okay, okay. I've got one.

What did the wave say
to the surfer?

Oh, what?

Have a swell time!

Get it, huh?

Have a swell time.

Oh, ha, ha, swell.

Oh, that was good.

Oh, Mr. McMahon,

that's, like, the greatest
surfing joke maybe ever.

So good. Unh!

Thank you.

What do you call a surfer

that just broke up
with his girlfriend?


Dude, Cody. We're just trying
to wax the boards,

not set them on fire.

You're gonna burn a hole
in that thing.


t*nk cheated.

He knocked me off my board.

That's why we lost.

Yeah? I didn't see anything.

You sure?

He totally rubbed it in my face.

He practically admitted to it.

That's messed up.
But you know what?

Maybe let it go.

It's not worth getting all
bent out of shape about.

We had an awesome day, right?
Were those dunes gnarly or what?

That was pretty epic.

And I got to ride with you guys.
It still feels pretty surreal.

I mean, like, I can't believe

this is actually my life
right now.

I just... I just wish
that I hadn't let you down.

Let me down?
What are you talking about?

Look, man. There are plenty
of jerks out there.

If it's not t*nk,
it'll be somebody else.

Just take the high road.

You'll be a lot happier,
I promise.

All right, man.
You got it.

- Ha, ha!
- Pull.

- Pull.
- Whoo!

Pull. Pull.

Whoa. Heh. All right!

Why are they sleeping up there?


Maybe they don't like us.

I bet it's a tribal thing,
you know?

Paying homage
to the surfing gods.

Wrong. None of the above.

It's actually for protection.

Protection? From what?

This is Slaughter Island.

Who knows what's creeping around
at night?

And you're gonna want to plant
that board a bit deeper, bro.



You guys sleep up
in the nosebleeds

if you want to.

t*nk Evans is not scared

of some little forest critters.

Neither is my main girl,

Isn't that right, baby?

Big Daddy won't let anything
harm you.

This is Michelle.

We've been together for about...
What is it, babe?

Three years now.

I bought her at a garage sale.

I saw her from across the lawn.
I was like, "Oh, yeah."

Don't get me wrong,
I still ride other boards.

But Michelle, she's special.

Hey, t*nk.
Does Michelle have a friend?

Yeah? Well,
we're not scared either.

Yeah. If you're fine
with it, I am.

I ain't afraid
of no forest critters.

- Totally cool.
- Okay. Yep.

So we're all fine down here.

Well, you all sleep tight then.

Don't let the bed bugs bite.

Oh, we won't.

And the bed bugs will bite you.



Don't hate me, man.

I'm just polishing my trophy.

I think I just laid an egg.

I didn't forget about you, babe.

Oh! Ow...


Nice hang time.


Congratulations. You're dead.
Ha, ha!


That's what happens

when you don't work together

in a place like this.

Wait, wait, wait.
This was a test?

It was.

We wanted to see

how well you work
under pressure.

Never split up.

You stick together,
no matter what.

When you're a team, you always
have each other's backs.

Got it?

Well, all things considered,
not bad for your first time.

At least none of you
peed your pants.

Right, Hunter? Ha-ha-ha!

I told you guys,
I sat in a puddle.

- Oh, yeah.
- All right!

Don't worry, Hunter, bro.
I peed my pants too.

- I don't have any pants,
- J.C.: Let's go!

So I mostly just peed
on my feet.

I bet you thought it was me
making all that noise.

Didn't you?

You don't wanna mess with me

when I'm in a bad mood.

Can't sleep?

Yeah, I think I need a minute
to calm down

from all the excitement.

My heart's jumping
out of my chest.

Yeah, I can imagine.

This has been some day.

Must be a pretty big deal
to you.

This is my dream, Lani.
I can't stop thinking about it.

I don't think
I blinked once all day.

I didn't wanna miss a second.

Mr. McMahon
thinks you're amazing.

He's totally gonna pick you.

Mm. I don't know.

I miss Pen Gu.
We've been gone for so long.

I can't wait
to tell our friends back home

about all of this.

Heh, heh. Yeah.
They'll never believe it.

I wish every day was like this.

I feel like I'm finally
living the life

I've always wanted to, you know?

I wish this feeling
could last forever.


Yeah, well,
you still gotta sleep.

Yeah, in a minute.

Let's soak this in
a while longer.




Cock-a-doodle-shut up!

I slept like a corpse.

Come on, guys. We've got a lot
of ground to cover.

Remember what we talked about
last night.

After all, this journey

isn't just about getting
to the Trenches.

One of you will be replacing me
on the Hang .

Those are some big shoes
to fill,

so show me you've got big feet.

Uh-huh, uh-huh. Yeah.
Uh, uh-huh.

It says there's supposed to be
a bridge.

- Boss! Stop!
- Mr. McMahon!

- Wait, wait.
- Come back!

- Rerouting.
- Look where you're going!

- What's that mean?
- Don't go further!

Hey, what's the holdup?


Ha, ha!
You're afraid of heights?

Oh, yeah!




Let's have some fun.

I bet you can't get past me.

Oh, you're on.

Whoa, whoa!

Perfectly matched.

This is truly
a clash of the titans.

Yeah! Show them
how you do it, Mr. Hunter.

You see that?
He blew right past your guy.

Come on, J.C.

Oh, yeah?

- Yeah!
- Whoo! Ha, ha.

he showed Hunter what's up.

Come on, Lani.

Whoa. Yeah!

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Yeah! Whoo!

Nice, Lani. Way to go.

Oh, that's cool, but...

Come on, wimp.
It's our turn.

Hope you don't fall
to your death or anything.

Whoa, whoa!

Can you do this?

- Cut it out!
- Is this bothering you?

Is this bothering you? This?

Cody Maverick looks
like he's in real trouble.

I can't look.

Ha, ha! Try not to look
so scared in front of J.C.

t*nk, seriously, stop.
Whoa, whoa.

Okay, okay.

Dude, come on.

This is fun.


Ha-ha-ha. Ow!


No, I'm good.
That was my plan.


That was gnarly. Ha-ha-ha.

Oh... Oh!

Cody, no!

Look out!

Wait for me, guys!

You okay, Cody?


this solid stone floor was here

to break my fall.

Where are the others?


Looks like
we're in some kind of a tomb.

Yeah. Whoever these people were,
they really loved surfing.

I think these little symbols
mean something.

Maybe it's a story.

Yeah, see?

This one's about a guy
who surfed a wave

as tall as a mountain.

And this one shows a guy
surfing on sand.

We did that.

Hey, check it out.

Whoa. What does it say?

It looks like
the story of a young penguin.

Pretty good surfer,
got some fans.

Yeah, definitely looks like
things were going his way.

Yeah, yeah, and then?

Oh! He got eaten
by a bunch of sharks.

Oh! Okay.


This guy surfed through fire?

Dude, that's hardcore.

Hey, this isn't a tomb.
It's a surfer's hall of fame.

Oh, man.
This is so awesome. Wow!

Do you think people
will remember you like that?

A legendary surfer who did
all these amazing things?

Jeez, I hope not.

Really? What?
What are you talking about?

This is what I've always wanted.

To be remembered as a legend,
somebody respected.

You know, like a real winner.

Not me.

I want to be remembered
for who I am,

not what I did.

Look, Cody,
surfing's awesome and all,

but there are a lot
more important things in life.

You'll see.

I just want to be remembered.

Lani, Lani, it's okay.
It's just me, love.

- Paige.
- You all right?



Cody? Lani? Anyone?


Chicken Joe?

Uh-huh. It's me.

Oi, over here.

Is everyone okay?

Uh-huh. Just me and the big guy.

There's a little
doodle of a door on this wall.

Do you guys see a lever
on your side?

I see it.

Whoa! Righteous door.

Are we glad to see you guys.

Come on, let's go.
Our friends might need help.

This place is dangerous.

There are lost souls
lurking around every corner.

I can feel them. They seem to be
guarding some kind of treasure.

What kind of idiot

would steal from a freaky place
like this?

Ha, ha! I'm rich! I'm rich!

Look at how rich I am.

I wonder how much gold
we can pack on the whale.

Let's come back
with a bigger whale.

No, whales.

The conch says...

There's no reception in here.

Let me see
if I can get any bars.

All right, there we go. Hmm.

According to the conch,
the penguins on this island

used to worship surfing.

We're in the treasure room
of their king,

the wealthiest surfer
who ever lived.

Heh. A rich surfer?
Now I've seen everything.


Michelle, we have had
some good times together,

but I think we both know
t*nk Evans deserves better.

Don't worry.
It's not me, it's you.

Time to hit the road, babe.
t*nk needs an upgrade.

Hold on a second.
The conch tells me

this place is booby-trapped
like crazy.

We take anything, we die.

What? That's too bad.

Well, I didn't get into this
for the money.

Easy come, easy go.

Hey, t*nk. Did you hear that?
Don't touch anything.

This place is booby-trapped.

Huh? Say what?

Michelle! How could you?

We've gotta get out.

Let's go!

- What's happening?
- I don't know.

But let's not wait around
to find out.

An old aqueduct.
That must lead outside.

Come on, Cody.
It's our only shot.


Oh, yeah! Ha-ha-ha.

Watch out for the darts!

Shield yourself
with your boards.

Stay together.

Oh, look out!




Which way do we go?

Follow me.
The conch knows the way.

I hope Cody made it out.

Don't worry, love.

If we made it out,
they'll be fine.

I love all you guys.


Are you okay, big guy?

I feel very peaceful.

Must be the acupuncture.

That's a pretty posh board,


You didn't take that, did you?

No, no, no.
This is my old board. It just...

Why all the fighting?

There you are.

Oh, Cody. You're okay!

- Oh...
- Oh-ho.

What's with him?

Enjoy it while it lasts.

See, this is the kind of
white-knuckle adventure

the power diva is all about.

Imagine, me and,
like, of my besties

traveling the world
and kicking butt.

But also making time to hang out
by the pool and gossip.

And at the end of every episode,
I'll slap somebody.

It'll be a huge hit.

Mm. Mm.

Hey, guys. We found
some more firewood.

Great. Have a seat.

I saved you some dinner.


Oops. My bad.

Was I not supposed to eat that?

You knew that was for me, t*nk.

You snooze, you lose, bro.
Survival of the Tankiest.

Came up with that myself.

I may change it
to Hankiest later.

Here, Cody.

I picked these fish heads
out of the trash.

I think there's still
some meat in this one.

Nah, I got a better idea.

Hey, what are you doing?

Stop that! Hey, I mean it!

You're dead.




Is that all you got?

Kick his butt.


Ugh! Whoa, whoa, wh...! Ow!

Whoops! Sorry.
Just stretching my calf muscle.

Ha, ha!
How do you like that?

Ooh, my tushy!

Not cool, bro.

You can't trip my guy like that.

Oh, yeah?
What do you wanna do about it?

It's been a while, dude.

You think
you can still handle it?

Come on now, you can't see me.

Yeah. I want a piece.


Yeah! Take this.


All right. Enough.

It's supposed to be
their fight, remember?


One, two, three. That's it.
We have a winner.

Ha! I kicked your butt
with my butt.

Oh, that smells.

That was fun. Let me know

when you're ready for a rematch.

I leave you
alone for minutes,

and this is what you do?

I expect rookie mistakes
from rookies,

but you guys know better.

And, Cody Maverick,

we'll never get to the Trenches

if you keep starting fights
with your teammates.

Ah! Yeah. Ha, ha!

Oh, wait.
Are we not doing this anymore?

Oh, my bad.

So other than getting sat on,

how do you think you're doing?

that was not my fault, man.

Hunter called it too early.

I had t*nk
right where I wanted him.

Uh-huh. Ha, ha.

Where, on your head?

That's besides the point,
all right? Okay?

my head is still in the game,

if that's what you're asking.

This is my one big chance
to get off Pen Gu

and make something of myself.

I'm gonna show the Hang
I've got what it takes.

And I've been working out too.
Check this out. Can you tell?

Uh! Oh...

Oh, okay.

Can you please go get J.C.?


You're gambling
with your life, chicken.

Uh-huh. Right, yeah.

Uh-huh. Okay, got it.

Good news, everyone.

According to the conch,

we might reach the Trenches
by nightfall.

Then tomorrow morning, it's RTL.

- RTL!
- RTL!

Is anyone ever gonna tell us
what that means?

What? And ruin the surprise?

Hey, guys. You might
want to look at this.

Anyone else get the feeling

this island really doesn't want
us to reach the Trenches?

Ideas, anybody?

We sure didn't come this far
to give up now.

The conch says
unless we can surf on fire,

we'll have to find
another way around.

But this lava lake is huge.

Come on, Cody.


on fire. Hey.

Hey. Hey, guys, wait.

When we were stuck in that tomb,

I saw some drawings
about a penguin

who surfed through fire.

I thought it was just a cool
made-up story,

but what if it's not?

What if somebody
actually did it?

I have an idea.

It's crazy,
but I think it just might work.

Spit it out, kid.

Undertaker, quick,
give me a boost.

Who's up
for some hang-gliding?

Yeah! That's awesome! Yeah!

Let's go! Let's do it!

All right!

Hey, Cody. Nice job coming up
with the idea

for these hang gliders.

This is the kind of creative,

out-of-the-box thinking
we need in Hang .

Ha, ha! Thanks, guys.

This is what I've been talking

I've got all kinds of ideas.

Like dolphin-powered
jet skis.

Underwater breathing devices.
Hey, wait.

What if we put wheels
on our surfboards

so we can surf
on dry land, huh? Yeah?

Whoa, wheels on a surfboard?
Let's not get too crazy here.

Keep up the good work.

Did you see that?

I'm gonna be in the Hang
for sure.

So who's the loser now, huh?

Whatever, chump.
It ain't over yet.

Oh, not according to
Mr. McMahon and Hunter.

You better start
packing your bags, t*nk.

Because tomorrow,
I'm gonna be part of the Hang .

Traveling the world,
doing the most radical stuff.

And you'll just go back to being
a nobody from nowhere island.

And you'll never see me again.


You don't wanna go back
to Pen Gu?

What about our surf school?

Lani, come on.

It's the Hang , okay?
I'm gonna be famous.

I'll be a hero
to millions of kids.

But you're already a hero
to the kids back home.

And to me.

This is different.
Can't you see that?

I'll be on the best surf team
on the planet.

I'll finally be somebody.
That's what really matters.

Hey, Cody. Check
out my glider, dude.

Coming, J.C.

Come show me how this thing's
supposed to work. Ha-ha-ha.

Come on, Joe. Let's go.

I guess we're just a couple
of nobodies from nowhere island.

Let's be safe, guys.

This ain't the ocean.

If you wipe out up here,

you'll be a bucket
of extra crispy.

Oh, man. Just like my uncle,
Chicken Fernando.

You're going down, twerp.
No more Mr. Nice t*nk.

You are not gonna take my spot
on the Hang .

Okay, let's see what you got.

On your mark.

Get ready.

- Hey, watch it, man.
- Heh-heh-heh.




Hot, hot, hot.

J.C. Whoo-hoo!

All right!


Loving the lava.

There you are.

You're gonna eat it, t*nk.

- Show me what you got.
- That's not nice.

- You like that?
- Stop that.

Hey, that's not fair. Whoa!

This is fun.


Wait, I'm first?

I'm first.

Payback time. Ha-ha-ha!


Whoa! Whoa!



Oh, you are not taking this
away from me, t*nk.

- Got you.
- What are you doing?

Whoa! Whoa!

How do you like me now?

Oof! Aaah!

I don't want to be a combo meal!

Hang on, Joe!
I got you, buddy.

Whoa. My board. No!

All right!

Who's awesome? I'm awesome.

What's going on, everyone?

The Undertaker saved me
from death.


Where's your board?

You destroyed it
when you bumped t*nk into Joe.

What? Joe, man, I'm so sorry.
I didn't mean to...

"Sorry" doesn't cut it, Cody.
What the heck were you thinking?

Yeah, man.
What'd I ever do to you?

All these years of friendship.
And he still...

He still keeps these...
These walls up.

And I don't know
how to break them down.

I just don't know
what to think anymore.

Are you kidding me, dude?

This guy has been sabotaging me
since day one.

And you think
that makes it okay?

Well, I... Yeah.

I was just trying to win.

So I could prove
I can be one of you.

Putting your friends in danger
only proves

that you're nothing like us.

The Hang is a family.

We have each other's back,
no matter what.

Lani. Tell them I didn't mean
for this to happen.

All right? You know me.

Yeah, Cody, I do.

And that's why I'm just so
disappointed in you right now.

And you were doing so well too.

I told you from the
start this kid's trouble.

He almost got the chicken

That would have been on you,

Cody's not like that,
Mr. McMahon.

He just got carried away
competing with t*nk.

That guy's been acting
like a jerk this whole time.

I wanted to know
how Cody deals with problems

since you thought
he was special.

And now I know.
We're a team, J.C.

That kid doesn't care about
anything other than winning.

And he doesn't give
two sand crabs

about who gets in his way.

Maybe that's what you saw in him
back at Pen Gu.

Have you thought about that?


Oh, no.

You guys, come look at this.

"Joe, sorry for everything.
You deserve this more than me.

Your bro, Cody."

Ha-ha-ha! What a stupid note.
"You deserve this more than me."

Hey, is anybody else surprised

Chicken Joe can read?

We have to find Cody.

He couldn't have gotten
that far.

That was pretty sad, bro.

Lani, wait.

I think you gotta let Cody

work things out on his own.

He'll come back when he's ready.

But how can you be sure?

I've been where he's at.

Trust me.
He just needs time to think.

Hmm. It's time we haul our butts
down to the Trenches.

The best waves come at dawn.

Uh, does anyone else think
a storm is coming?

We're counting on it.

Oh, cool. Right on, then.


"Here lies the great hero
of Slaughter Island,

"the bravest
and most honored surfer of all.

"He gave up his chance
at fame and fortune,

"and he chose to stay
with his people to protect them

"from the treacherous waters
of the Trenches

by performing the sacred rites
of Ride the Lightning."


Oh, no.
I gotta tell Lani and Joe.


My friends, we finally made it.

Behold, the Trenches.

Whoa. Look at all these
broken surfboards.

Must have been
some major wipeouts.

I'm not gonna end up like them.
I'm way better than those guys.

Ladies and gentlemen,

the moment
you've all been waiting for.

Hang , prepare to RTL!


Wait a minute.

Are you telling me

that RTL stands for...

Ride the Lightning.

Whoa! Wicked timing
on that delivery, bro.

during a lightning storm?

You actually planned for this?

Are you guys completely insane?

Well, yeah.

We figured you knew that
about us.

Lani, we're all about pushing
ourselves to the absolute limit.

And it doesn't get
any more extreme than this.

I'm sorry, you guys.
I can't do this.

Thank you for the opportunity,
but no, thank you.

This isn't for me.

Hey, we understand, love.
No hard feelings.

What about you, Chicken?

Are you ready
for a spot on the Hang ?

I don't think I'm quite ready
for that big chicken bucket

up in the sky just yet.

Oh, hey.

How about
an honorary membership?

Heh-heh-heh. You got it.

So how about it, t*nk?

So, uh, all I gotta do is surf

one gigantic -foot wave.


It's in the middle of
a lightning-filled thunderstorm.

Oh, yeah.

Also off a beach

littered with jagged coral reef.


But then I'm in the Hang

and I'll be famous
and make lots of money

selling surf videos.

You gotta do more than surf it,
you gotta survive it.

And make it look good.

You in or you out?

Um... In?

In. I'm definitely in.
This is a good decision.

Sweet. Headbutt for good luck.


Oh, yeah.
I'm gonna miss that if I die.

Then let's RTL.


Sweet! Yeah!

I can't watch.

But I can't not watch.

I'm a lifeguard, Joe.

I'm supposed to protect
all beachgoers.

I swore a Hippocratic oath.

Hah. Hippos. They're rad.

Are you sure we have
to paddle out this far?

It seems far.

I can't even see the beach
from here.

All right,
here's how this works.

Don't panic. Work as a team.

And keep an eye out
for each other.

And we'll all
make it through this.


Here we go, t*nk.

This is your last test.

Mr. McMahon thinks
you're a yellow-bellied coward.

- But I told him
- What?

You were the real deal.
Don't let me down, t*nk.

Or we'll all die.

Do not... I repeat,
do not go rogue out there.

We're all counting
on each other. Got it?

Okay, here it comes!

- Yes!
- All right!

Come on, t*nk. It's go time.

Everybody, ready?

Yeah, I was born ready!

Oh, yeah!


- Ha-ha-ha.
- Come on.

This is the moment
we've been waiting for!

Whoa, this is amazing!

Let's ride!


- No way, man.
- Whoa!

No, I can't do it.

t*nk, don't!

Stay in formation.
It's the only way.

Don't let it touch you.


Undertaker, I'm coming for you.

Look out!

We're not gonna make it!

I got him, he's been hit.

Move aside! I can save him.

Oh, I hope I'm not too late.

Good to get out of that mess.

Oh, crap.

No! Aah!

Ah. Ooh!


Oh, man. This thing
is like a lightning rod.



t*nk! Hang on, I'm coming.


Hunter, Hanky needs you.

Hold on.

Oh, this is a bad idea,

Stop fidgeting.

Go left. Go right.

You're doing it all wrong.

Enough with the backseat
surfing, okay?

My mom's gonna be
so mad at you if we die.

Come on.


Hang on, Under-bro.



Now, that was gnarly.

You did it.

Oh, dude. Welcome back.

You okay, big guy?

Forget about me.
Go help them.


What happened to you?

He came back.

He risked his life to save t*nk.

You could have been k*lled.

Yeah, I know.

But it's like you said, J.C.

We have each other's back,
no matter what.

I think you have something
to say to Cody.

Thanks, Maverick. Um...

So are we... Are we cool?


Yeah, we're cool.

Awesome. We should hang out.

We should totally hang out.

Not bad. Not bad at all.

That's what I saw in him.

Cody Maverick,

you're one bodacious surfer.

But even more importantly,
a good dude.

On behalf of the Hang ,

we'd be honored
to have you join us.


Joining the Hang
would be the biggest honor

of my entire life.
But I... I have to decline.


Wait, what?

Dude, are you sure?

Yeah, bro. I am.

All this time,
I thought joining the Hang ,

the greatest surf team,
would make me a somebody.

A winner
that everyone respected.

But now I know I'm already part
of a great team.

With the coolest chicken
of the sea.

And the best, raddest surfer
on Pen Gu.


Oh, right. Yeah.

Friendship is truly
the universe's

most precious gift.

But what does this mean for us?
Now we're one member short.

I'm staying.


Yeah, our adventures
are too much fun.

Who wants to just drink
fish milk coladas

on the beach all day anyways?

Hey, you guys know

what we've never done before?

Surfed during a tsunami.
Who's up for it?


All right!


Ride the RTS.

Tsunami starts with a T, boss.

Oh, yeah. Ride the RTT. Ha, ha!

Uh-huh. Yeah? Yeah? Whoa.

So that's why
everything tastes like me.

Thanks, dude.

All right,

Are They Still Cool?
Surf Edition, take two.

Can you tell us
what you've been up to

for the last couple years?

Oh, it's been a crazy ride, man.

But first,
I have a question for you.

Oh, no. Not again. Come on.

We're not gonna finish the show
if you keep changing the script.

Are you a fan
of the legendary Hang ?

Wanna learn extreme surf moves

like the tombstone pile driver

from the Undertaker?

What about Paige's PTO?

Well, you can learn those
and many more

from Pen Gu Surf Academy.

you'll learn how to have fun,

be safe and surf like a pro.

Just like my friends,
Cody, Lani and Chicken Joe.

Mention this commercial

and receive a free case
of fresh fish milk

with your membership.


So stop by the North Shore

and hang out with us.

That's Pen Gu Surf Academy.

Where the sun never sets.

Okay. That's
a wrap on this episode

of Are They Still Cool?
Surf Edition.

And cut.

You should learn to surf
from a real master.

- Right, g*ng?
- Yes, sensei.

Ow! Oh, oh, oh...

I'll also teach you
about teamwork

and proper surf etiquette!

Okay, cut.

Wait, stop.


Yeah. Whoo!

We'll be there in
four, three, two... Oh! Oh!

I picked this up for you
while I was on tour.

Thanks, Joe! Ha-ha-ha!

I know how much
you like these... Oh!


Undertaker, quick,
give me a boost. Aah!

Oh! Oh!
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