Legend of Hallowaiian (2018)

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Legend of Hallowaiian (2018)

Post by bunniefuu »

Hurry you guys
the sun's already setting.

Whoa, look
at those waves.

Okay, last one
in the water loses.

On three.


You cheater.

Aw, come on, don't be a baby.

Kai want a do over?

Come on.

Let me show you how it's done.

Let's rock and roll.

- Oh no.
- What?

Eddie is in trouble.



A hidden cave this is so cool.

- Eddie.
- This is wild.

Check this out.

- What is it?
- I don't know.

Maybe it's lost treasure?

- Kai don't!
- Don't!


- Why not?
- Well legend has it that.

Oh stop.

You sound like my grandpa.

Your grandpa is cool.

- And wise.
- Grandpa isn't cool.

But he is wise.

I just, I don't believe in all

those fairytale legends, Eddie.

I don't think you should
mess with it either.

You think some dusty
stone box is dangerous?

I don't know what to think.

I wonder what
this writing says.

Probably something
like do not open.

These carvings.

I think it's...

This is the Fire Goddess, and
this is old Hawaiian text.

Akua means God, or idol,

but it can also
refer to a full moon.

Isn't tonight a full moon?

Yes, and it's also Halloween.



Don't you mean Hallowaiian?

I think someone hid this here

on purpose so it
wouldn't be found.


That's really interesting,
but there's only

one way to find out
what's in there.

Kai, don't.

We could show
it to my Grandpa.

Are you crazy?

It doesn't belong to us.

We shouldn't even be here.

This place is creeping me out.

Leilani's right.

I'm getting a
major creep factor.

You know, let's just go.

We can tell your Grandpa
about this place later today.

But I still say
we open the box.

No, don't.

What is it, Eddie?

Why are you asking me?

Because you're like a professor
about Hawaiian legends.

I thought you didn't
believe in any of that?

Definitely don't, but you do.

It looks like a
little wooden toy.

With a funny-looking head.

I don't like this at all.

Let's put the box back okay?

Oh, this would make
a great key chain.

I wouldn't do
that if I were you.


It's just a little carving.

Let's get out of here!

Where's Eddie?

He was right behind us.




Are you hurt?

We thought you were trapped.

I'm fine, except for a
pile of sand in my shorts.

We have to show your
grandfather what we found.


Did you lose it?

Define lose it.

Yeah, okay, I lost it.


Probably best.


Maybe we don't say
anything for now?

On that note.

Whatcha doing Grandpa?

The Fire Goddess
must be very upset.

Something is amiss.

She hasn't spit fire like
this in a long, long time.

We didn't do anything.

Anything we should know, Kai?

- We found a cave.
- A cave?

It's out in the bay.

It's nothing.

It sounds like it
could be a sacred cave.

We'll never
know, it collapsed.

Thank goodness
you are alright.

So we were all surfing and
Eddie wiped out, that's all.

Tell me more about this cave.

It was just this
underwater creepy cave,

like Eddie said,
which had this old,

magical, looking box that...

Go on.

It had all these carvings.

And symbols on it
of the Fire Goddess.

Follow me.

We did not open the box.


You mean you did
not open the box.

Look familiar?

That's the box that, that
we definitely did not open.

Are you sure?

That box hasn't been
seen for centuries.


It had the Fire Goddess on it,

and the word Akua written on it,

which means full
moon, God, Idol...

Or Devil.

Tell me you didn't open the box.

Please tell me you
didn't open the box.

We didn't open it.

I wanted too, but Eddie
and Leilani stopped me.

Actually, only
Leilani yelled at me.

And she was pretty
good at it too.

Thank goodness.

You had me worried
there for a moment.

Oh, just out of
total curiosity,

what do you think
was inside the box?

Straight evil.


How evil?

- You don't even want to know.
- I don't?

I'm relieved you
all left it there.

Legend has it our
islands' great mysteries

are buried for a reason.

And have to be left untouched.

What is buried or
hidden, should remain so.

Especially in this case.





What's his evil power?

Making tropical

Hey, nothing funny
about Pineapplehead, Kai.

Pineapplehead is one
of the most fearsome,

and dangerous spirits in Hawaii.

Not even the gods have
the powers to stop him.

Kahuna Nui, the High
Priest of Hawaii,

was responsible for
protecting our community.

He confronted Pineapplehead.

Kahuna Nui was your
ancestor Kai, and mine.

The page is torn.

How did it end?

Pineapplehead was captured,

but how has been lost
from our history.

Enough stories for today.

You all better get ready
for trick-or-treating.

It's about that time.

That was a pretty scary story
your Grandfather read to us.

- Do you think that?
- No, I don't.

I mean come on, do you
really think that there's

such thing as a foot
tall Pineapple monster?

But your Grandpa sure
seemed relieved when we

told him we didn't open
the box, which we did.

We should have
never lied to him.

Well if I had told him
the truth he probably

wouldn't have let us go
trick-or-treating tonight.

Okay that's one reason.

He was just being dramatic.

He's always like that.

You sure we shouldn't
just tell him?

Oh, maybe that we just unleashed

a monster fruit on the island.

Oh, they're just
stories, that's all.

Besides, the totem is gone.

You saw that cave collapse.

We're good.

Now let's see your costume.

Kai, I look amazing.

Like a real astronaut.

Yeah, you'll probably be a
real astronaut, super brain.


No way.

That's impossible.

It's just my crazy dream.

You have to try, Eddie.

I mean I really want to hear

what its like to
go pee up in space.


It's me.

You look Astrotastic.

You too.

Wait, no, I mean like
you look great, 'Lani.


Kai, your not even dressed up?

No costume?

All I have is old
stuff from my Grandpa.

You look great, Kai.

I love Hawaiian history.

You look like the god Lono
to Leilani's goddess Laka.

Aw, thank you Eddie so I'm
the goddess of love and beauty?

And Kai is your husband Lono
the god of sweet potatoes.

There's a god
of sweet potatoes?

Boy, he really got cheated when

they were handing
out the titles.

You should wear that as
part of your costume.

I couldn't.

It's perfect for
your costume Eddie

and I know how much
it means to you.

What is that?

It's a real moon rock.

Kai's mom worked for NASA at
the observatory on Mauna Kea.

She left it to Kai...


I'm so sorry, Kai.

It's okay.

A piece of the moon?

From your mom?

I think that's really cool.

Thank you, thank
you, thank you.

I will protect
this with my life.



Just for tonight Eddie.

Anything you say,
Sweet Potato God.

Speaking of your grandpa.

Are we going to talk about
what he shared with us earlier?


You're not scared that
we unleashed Pineapplehead?


That's what I said.

Come on, if
Pineapplehead were real,

then what would he
destroy the world with?

Pineapple juice?

Pineapples are
high in citric acid,

which can be quite
corrosive in high amounts.

Don't make me
take that rock back.


Let's get going before all
the Hallowaiian candy is gone.

Hurry up.

You three look fabulous.

A Hawaiian princess,
an astronaut,

and the god of sweet potatoes.

I'm a warrior.

Our sweet potato warrior.

Happy Hallowaiian.

Awesome costume, Pono.

Well thank you.

Thank you very much.


My back.

Oh, brother.

Hey, you all look
good in your costumes.

Kai, I especially like
what you're wearing.

I have the perfect
thing for you.

This was worn by an old man
who lived deep in the jungle.

And spoke with the
spirits and native

warriors who have
long since passed.

I'll wear it 'cause it
looks cool but come on,

the night marchers stuff again?

Another fairytale to scare kids.

I mean, if you make eye
contact with them you die.

Oh, I am so scared.

Unless your ancestors
are among them.

I understand you do
not believe, Kai.

But this is who you are,
you cannot change that.

Sorry, Grandpa,
that stuff isn't real.

Like a giant spaghetti monster,

or wait, a giant
pineapple monster.

Kilauea is awaking.

She's always active.

Not like tonight.


I've never seen that before.

Do you think it's safe
to go out tonight?

The volcano is not our
enemy, but our protector.

It's almost like she's
trying to tell us something.

Come on, Grandpa.


I didn't write
the legends, Kai.

I just make sure
they're remembered.

You're heritage and this
island's history is important.

You should be proud of that.

I am.

Me too.

My boy, the
legends, the stories

of the great Fire
Goddess, all of it.

Just because they're
not standing here

in front of you doesn't
mean they're not real.

You can't see the wind, and yet

something blew
open those windows.

Maybe it was the Goddess.

Those spirits and
gods you're so eager

to brush off as fairy tales.

They are part of this island.

They are Hawaiian.

Like you.

He knows Pono.

At least I hope he does.

He knows it here.

Someday, I hope
he knows it here.

Now grab your bags,
it's Hallowaiian time.

Have fun.

Be safe.

It seems a bit eerie out.

- You know?
- It's Hallowaiian.

It's supposed to be eerie.

Great costume.

So real.

Just wait.

But I can hear him.

He has our candy.

Wow, you take this trick
or treating seriously.

That's awesome.

Thank you.




You all have a great night.

You too Mr. Griffith.


I love these King's
Hawaiian sweet rolls.

They're the best.

That can't be.

Oh no.

Come on, hurry up, Eddie.

Guys, did you just see that?

Dude it was just a costume.

I don't think so.

It was a little
too real looking.


Whoa, cool costumes.


What is going on here?

Hey, guys, wait up.

Can we go home?

Why are you so scared?

Something's not right, Kai.

I think we've unleashed
something powerful.

- I think you're right Eddie.
- Oh, stop being so scared.

It's Hallowaiian.

They are just decorations.

Our candy is waiting.


That's not really
the Aloha spirit is it?

Not at all.

- What's wrong with her?
- And what about our candy?

Run, Eddie!

- Eddie!
- Go-go-go.

Eddie run!

Run, faster.

I wish you'd never gone
in that cave, Eddie.

I only went in the cave.

You opened the box.

Guys, less arguing,
more running.

Oh, no, no, no, no.

What have we done?

You mean what have you done?

This is on you Kai.

I think he wants
the moon rock.

That's why he's chasing us.

I promised to protect
it with my life.

And I will, Kai.



Kai is gone.

I don't know if I should be
less scared or more scared?




I thought they were just
mythical creatures, but wow.

They're so real.

And so cute.

Yeah, real adorable
but we gotta find Kai.


It's going to be okay, Leilani.

If you think so,
then you can stay here

and get eaten while I run
for my life screaming.


Menehune are the
island's keepers.

They just saved us.

They don't want to eat us.

Wait a minute.

I think they want our treats.

Ko'nan, Ko'nan.

Uh oh.


Eddie, please give your
candy to the angry creatures.

I'm starting to think
I won't get to eat

any Hallowaiian candy this year.

And I am hungry.

They just saved your life.

Leilani, Eddie?

Guys where are you?

Sweet rolls.

They love 'em.

Okay, okay, okay enough.

This is a place of
legends Leilani.

Nobody will ever
believe we were here.

Wow, were did they get that?

That's impressive.

The Menehune are known
as master builders.

They can craft
anything from anything.

Maybe they can
help us find Kai.

Why are we doing this right now?

We need to find Kai.

My friend is in trouble.

We need to find him.

Can you help us?

Just do what
they want us to do,

then maybe they will
be able to help us.


Eddie once they dive
in they don't come out.


I think this could be the
legendary Pool of Death.

Pool of Death?

Do you realize that
you're smiling about that?

Because diving into
it is a great honor.


No, I'm not getting
on that thing

and plunging into
the Pool of Death.

Listen, here's a very good
reason it's called that.

You see, you can only
pass through if you...

If you what, Eddie?


No, no, no.

I'm fine here.

Why don't you go first?

Show me how it's done?

You know?

I'll go last, okay?

Wait, I don't want to
go in the Pool of Death.

- Hey, that's mine.
- Mine?

Okay, mine and yours.

Let's share.

Here, have a piece of candy.

- Hmm?
- Hey.

Not a fan of zipping into
the Pool of Death Eddie.

The Pool of Death
is just a metaphor

for believing in the legends.

Going into the pool signifies

the death of your
old way of thinking.

I was thinking about
death, obviously.

Yes but now you're here
in the Menehune village.

How about we ask these
legendary Menehunes to help us

find Kai, before
Pineapplehead does.

They've definitely heard
of the fruit-headed fiend.

Pineapplehead is chasing us,
and we lost our friend, Kai.

We need to save him.

- And save Hawaii.
- Yes, and Hawaii.

He wants to destroy our beautiful
land, destroy our home.

Destroy our treats.

wants this moon rock.


Can you please
help us find our

friend and stop Pineapplehead?

Pineapplehead is gaining
strength, and he wants this.

Our friend is lost.

He's our best friend.

The three of us have
known each other

since we could remember.

We've been through
the good and the bad.

We need your help.

Hawaii needs your help.

- Kai.
- You're safe.

I thought Pineapplehead
had got you.

Nearly, but these
little dudes saved me.


They saved us too.

And taught me how to zip-dive.


wants your moon rock.

I think he's growing
in the moonlight.

If he gets this moon
rock I don't think

it's going to be a happy
ending for the island.

We can't let that happen.


We need to hide
that moon rock.

He'll find it.

He seems to sense where it is.

That's why we are not
safe here much longer.

Then we need to
destroy it somehow.

Kai, no.

This was your mom's.

It's priceless.

I know, Eddie.

But he can't get that moon rock.

My mom would understand.

I should have never
opened the box.

What have I done?

What we've done.

We're in this together.


We can destroy the
moon rock there.


That's a great idea.

We'll throw it into the lava.

How are we supposed
to avoid Pineapplehead?

Yeah, alright.

Yeah alright, yeah.



He's way too big and too
strong for us to net,

and why would he want to
rescue a little pineapple?

Wait wasn't the Fire Goddess's

seal on the box in the cave?

Yeah, I think so.

So maybe she's connected
to that idol in some way?


Why else would her
seal be on the box?

Pono said only the
power of the gods

could defeat Pineapplehead.

You're talking about a goddess

who's supposed to
live in the volcano?

Kai, I know you
don't believe, but...

Hey, I've been chased by a
giant pineapple-headed monster

and saved by cute-little,
zip-lining Hawaiian fuzzballs.



So, at this point, I'm
open to crazy suggestions.

What are you thinking?

I'm still working
it out in my head,

but we need to get
to Kilauea first.

That's , feet up.

How exactly do you
propose to do that?

And avoid Pineapplehead?

Can you help with that?

- Yeah, alright.
- Yeah.

- Yeah
- Yeah.

Oh my, what happened here?

He lied, oh no.

Hello, , what's
your emergency?

You saw what?

Ma'am, pineapples
don't grow that big.

Are you sure it wasn't
just some kid in a costume?


, what's your...

Slow down.

A what?

Lava eyes, roaring,
skateboarding down the street.

- Oh my goodness.
- Hey, Duke.

We're getting some crazy calls

about some really weird stuff.

Probably just the usual
Hallowaiian pranksters.

Hold on Marge, going
to get some intel.

Great costume, kid.

Hey, you have any idea
what happened down here?

Where is everybody?

- What is that?
- They built a whirlybird.

I told you they were
master builders.

It doesn't look very safe.


Guys, I'm not
getting in that thing.

No way.


I agree, it's not safe.

Plus people are going to
freak out when they find

a foot Pineapplehead
monster walking through town.

We need to stop him before
anyone else finds out.

You're right Kai.

We need a decoy?

Something that will distract
people, from the truth.

Can you help us?

This thing is
gonna fall apart.


We just need to
get to Kilauea,

or we'll never
stop Pineapplehead.

Eddie, how's navigation looking?

Good, I think?

We just fly up over there
to the volcano, I guess?

It will be okay.

I'm hundreds of feet up
in the air in a rickety

wooden helicopter built by
little mythical creatures.

It's a whirlybird.


Are there any
parachutes on board?

Should've guessed.

Whew, just close your eyes.

Is that supposed to
make me feel better?

Let's rock and roll.




Hey, get back here.

Hold tight.

Happy happy Hallowaiian.

Happy happy Hallowaiian.

Happy happy Hallowaiian.

Are you guys okay?


Way to bail on us.


That was awesome.

The crater's just up the hill.

Let's go.

Let's do this.

I've never been
this close to lava.

It's fascinating.

Totally true.

I wish I had something to drink.

Coconut water?


Eddie throw it in.


Why didn't you
throw it in, Eddie?

I don't know.

It was like watching all my
dreams of going to space die.

But somehow your mom's
moon rock made me

think that I could
actually be an astronaut.


Never let your dream die.

You would make the
best astronaut ever.

My mom always said that,
and she was always right.

But I blew it and
now Pineapplehead

is unstoppable and
heading to Hilo.

And we caused it all.

I mean we did everything
we could think of.

But it wasn't enough.

The volcano is not our
enemy, but our protector.

Wait, what did you just say?

Your grandfather
said earlier tonight,

"the volcano is not our
enemy, but our protector."

I told you I had an idea, and
now I know what we must do.

Oh Fire Goddess, the island
of Hawaii needs your help.

Leilani, what are you doing?

I'm going to save this island.

Now are you going
to help or not?

Fire Goddess please awaken!

You have to believe, guys.

Eddie maybe it's always
been about believing,

about the death of your
old way of thinking.


Oh Fire
Goddess please awaken.

Kai, please help us.

Wait, why?

I mean you're already
doing a great job

of looking ridiculous
all by yourselves.


This is never going to work.

You may think that up there.

But I know what's in here.

awaken, awaken.

This is never gonna work.

I take it back, I
believe, I believe.

Fire Goddess, we
ask for your help.

There's a horrible and ancient

spirit terrorizing our island.

We ask you to help us
to overcome this evil

that endangers your
Hawaiian people.

Who has summoned me?

Oh great and wondrous
Goddess, we are but

three lowly and humble,
Junior High kids.

Junior what?

You know, middle school?

I am Leilani and these are
my friends, Kai, and Eddie.

What do you ask of me?

There's a monster on our
island, terrorizing our people.

I have felt an evil spirit.

I sensed something was amiss,
but why should I help you?

Because we love our island,
and we need your help.

What is this terror
that you speak of?


An idol was sealed in
the darkness of a cave,

away from the moon's
light, and power.

I let him out.

And he now has a piece
of the moon itself.


You interfere with
the acts of the gods?

We didn't realize.

Great Goddess.

I believe you can help us.


Fire is my dominion.

But I hold sway with
the god of the sea

and the god of
Earth's creatures.

Does that mean
you can help us?

You together possess
all that you need.

As long as you believe.

What do we need to do?

Draw him to Honu'apo Bay,

and I will have some
friends waiting for you.

Pineapplehead draws his
power from the moon,

which must be ceased.

Cut off the moon?

Maybe you don't realize that's
just a astronaut costume.

No way he can actually get
up to the moon and do that.

If this dark spirit
carries a small moon,

you must take that back or his
power will continue to grow.


Sounds simple enough.

Go to the ancient
burial grounds.

You will need the help
of your ancestors.

The night marchers?

The ones who k*ll you if
you look in their eyes?

My first meeting with a god
and I forgot to get a selfie.

That was intense.


I'm not exactly sure what
we're supposed to do,

or how we're going to do
it, but I have an idea.

Me too, Kai.

Let's see if the Menehune were
able to fix the Whirlybird.

Oh boy, I almost
forgot about that.

Actually, I'm beginning to
enjoy this flying thing.

Take me to the
ancient burial grounds.

I know what I have to do.

You two have to lead
Pineapplehead to the Bay.

How do we do that?


Put it down, there.

In case I don't
see you guys again,

tell my grandpa
I understand now.

I am Kai.

Firstborn to Alika.

From the line of Pauahi.

We are ohana, family.

Night marchers our sacred
land is threatened.

I need your help.

Your people need your help.



Those must be the
Fire Goddess's friends.

Well, I'm not sure
what she's thinking,

but I like where she's going.


Could this be what caused
all the damage earlier?

Remarkable craftsmanship,
I know of only one...

Must be some kids
pulling pranks.

Happens every year.

Those are no kids.

This must be what
Marge was talking about.

Alright, stand back people.

This could get crazy.

But don't worry.

I, a trained officer of the
law, will protect you from harm.

Oops sorry sir.



Yoo-hoo, remember us?

Oh, I sure hope Kai
didn't have any problems

summoning the night marchers.

He'll do it.

I know he will.

I believe.

Get us out of here.

No, the other way.

♪ Get a little bit of magic ♪

♪ Get a little bit
of magic from me ♪

♪ Put a little bit out there ♪

♪ Put a little sassy sassy ♪

♪ Put a little bit of magic ♪

♪ We give a little bit
of magic when we smile ♪

♪ Wrap it up in glitter ♪

♪ Flash that razzmatazz ♪

♪ Everybody needs a
little sassy grammar ♪

♪ Shift the love you've got
into the world around you ♪

♪ Cast a spell of
magic over all ♪

♪ Let's go, splash
it out, let's go ♪

♪ Flash it out, let's go ♪

♪ Cash it out ♪

♪ Woo ♪

♪ Get a little bit of magic ♪

♪ Get a little bit
of magic from me ♪

♪ Put a little bit out there ♪

♪ Put a little bit
of sassy sassy ♪

Who's in there?

And don't say nobody's home.

I'm not falling for that again.

Come out with your hands up.

Way up.


Come on now, or I'll...

Well something.

My old friends.

Still building
beautiful things, I see.

As soon as I saw it I knew
it had to be your work.


Is this a pineapple?


They are?

He is?

We need to get to the beach.

The kids are in trouble.

And now we need to
get into some trouble.

Pull up, Eddie.

A kiss from the Goddess.

It's the Goddess.

Oh that's gotta hurt.


Are there any fire
extinguishers on board?

Should've guessed.

What do we do now?

We run, that's what.

We have to get
out of here, Lani.

Kai wouldn't want us to quit.

But he would want us to live.

Is that?


The kids.



The King.



Kanaloa, Kanaloa, Kanaloa!

We did it.

Where's Kai?

I don't see him.

Kai, no.

Guess what I found.

I'm sorry, Grandfather.

What on Earth for?

You have followed your heart,
discovered your heritage

and fought bravely
for our island.

Your ancestors
would be proud, Kai.

So would your mother.

I'm honored to call
you my grandson.

I should never
have lied to you.

I promise I will
never do it again.

It's okay Kai but
next time come to me.

I could have helped you.

- How?
- We have so much to discuss.

I can't wait.

Oh no, not again.

It seems that the Fire Goddess

has chosen you to
protect the islands.

I'll make sure nobody
ever opens this again.

Lie face down.

Do not look into the eyes of the

night marchers or
you will perish.

You do not need to hide
your eyes, Grandfather.

They know we are
ohana, and that you

are a protector of our heritage.

Night marchers will you
look after the box for us?

Can we
stop eating sand now?

Yes it is safe for
you all to get up.

I hope I never see
a pineapple again.

What the?

No, wait.

It's just a float made by the...



♪ The way she moves her
hips to her fingertips ♪

♪ I feel I'm heaven
bound and when ♪

♪ She starts to sway,
I've gotta say ♪

♪ She really move
the grass around ♪

Oh that man, makes
me crazy sometimes.

Oh no, Pineapplehead returns.

This one's a lot cuter.

I do love Elvis.
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