Luis & the Aliens (2018)

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Luis & the Aliens (2018)

Post by bunniefuu »

Come on, come on.

Owe, owe, owe.

- Come on, hurry up.
- Wee!

Owe, watch it.

- Yeah!
- That's not fair!

Guys, guys, we got to keep

Move over.

Please pipe down!

- Open the window.
- Tell your mom,

at least that's done.



Oh, Jennifer, hi.

Oh, hi Luis, I need
you to answer a question

for a school news survey, okay?

Uh, okay.

Patty, you ready?

Luis, on a scale of to
, how would you rate

this recent school trip
to Dragon's Peak Mountain?

Uh, ah, have you seen my shoe?

It's yellow.

I'm the journalist,

I'll ask the questions here,

Hey, Louise!

This yours?

Give it back, Marlon!

Got it!

Hey Marlon go long.

Hey, catch!

- There.
- Thanks.

Now, back to business.

Still waiting for your
answer there, champ.

Um, I don't know, ?

Jolly, thanks.

Get that Patty, Patty?

- Yay, yah.
- Oh.

Order, children, order is

- There you are.
- Come on.

Marlon, look
at the state of you!

- Huh?
- What will people say, huh?

Uh, Mom.



Why are you still here?

Did your father forget
to pick you up again?

Uh no, he's just very
busy trying to, you know,

well he's, uh...

You'll never get home on that.

Come on, I'll give you a ride


No, that's not necessary!

It's, it's no problem, really.

Watch where you going.

Hey, boy!

That bike looks like it
belongs on a scrapheap.

I'm getting a new one,
tomorrow is my birthday.

Oh I, have an ice birthday!

Did you hear what I did there?

Because I am an ice cream man,
you see,

I'm selling ice cream.

Not to criticize,

but that last snip left
much to be desired, darling.

Hey Louise, what took
you so long?

Child, look at the state
of your house and lawn.

They're a disgrace!

We're all sick of it!

Yes, Mr. Winter.

And tell your father
the block association

is considering discussing
taking steps, steps, Louise!

Unacceptable, there's
no other word for it.

It's absolutely unacceptable.


Who, what, huh, who's there?

It's only me, Luis.

Lu, what, there?

I'm back from the school trip.

Dragon's Peak, remember?

Luis, you're so tall!

How long were you gone?

Four days, Dad.

Ah, four days.

No wonder I'm so hungry.

What time is it, huh?

Just after six.

Ah, almost dark.

Time to get up and get to work!


Here's your breakfast.

Right, that's six
degrees north.

And I have a cake baking in
the oven,

a birthday cake for tomorrow.

Good, good, ovens are

- Ah, Okay, , ,
- A raisin cake,

- , .
- Like Mom used to make.

And, Dad?

I found another bunch
of bills in the trash.

If we don't start paying them
soon they,

they say they're gonna
turn off the electricity

- and the
- Ah, that's very interesting.

Yes, yes, Yes.

But, Dad!

Luis, please. I have to

There is intelligent
life out there somewhere!

And your father has to find it.

Come here my boy, let me tell
you a story.

A long time ago, when I was just

I encountered a real
alien here on earth."

It was monstrous!

Vile to behold, truly

It tried to abduct me, but I

Nobody believes me, of

but one day, I will...

Dad, you've told me this
thousand-billion times.

What's that?

It's the kitchen timer for my

Ah, ah, well, then, where was

Look at that!

Oh my goodness.

All right, sweetheart,
it's only a tiny speck.

Let's dial it back to DefCon ,
shall we?

Now it's a tiny speck, but
tomorrow it could be a smudge.

The next day, a glop!

I really need your support here,

Yes, dear.

I am calm, nothing upsets
me, I am totally relaxed.

What's up dawgs?

Don't call us dawgs, dear
and tuck your shirt in!


And don't forget that
Sarah's school play

is this afternoon!

Oh that's whack, yo.

Do I really gotta go?

Oh you'll be there!

I'm taking time off work

to see our snookums stunning

I'm a princess!

You're a royal pain with a
booger brain.

Marlon, be nice to your


Well, I tried.

I am a butterfly in
the eye of a hurricane.

I am fragile and beautiful, but

Good morning, son!

Today is a very special day!

Close your eyes, Luis.

I have a big surprise for you.

And open, huh?

There were patterned

in the ambient noise last night

and your father recorded
them successfully.


For so long I've been
sending signals into space

and now I finally picked
up something like this!

You know what that means?

There are unidentified flying
objects in our solar system!

Isn't that exciting?

There's a chance that they
could land here on earth

and this time I will
be ready!

What's the matter?

Aren't you happy for me?

Yes, I am, but...

You know, you could be
a bit more enthusiastic.

Your father is the
leading mind in his field.

You can ask me anything!


Well, come on.

Um, why can't you
just have a normal job?

Like everyone else's Dad?

Oh my gosh!


Don't move, they're here!

Happy birthday to me.

- He's coming.
- Let's get outta here!

Huh, oh!

Attention citizens!

Aliens have landed on Earth!

Oh, please, not again!

The moment of my
vindication has arrived!

Hide your houses and lock your

Hide your children and lock your

Will you stop shouting, you

You'll give my wife a migraine

and believe me, that never ends

But this time it's for real!

I saw them right in my own yard!

There, you see!

Ha, who's the loony-bin now?

Lucky for you all, I have
long prepared for this day!

What do you think you're

Here are your aliens!

Oh, you two are

Oh, it's the Henderson kids,

It's okay, you'll be good as

And a nut-bucket like that
is raising a kid by himself!

Poor boy, a dead mother
and a crack-pot for a father.

I'm calling Child Services.

It's ridiculous.

That's an excellent
idea, you should do that.

Oh boy.

We thank
you all again for choosing

Cosmic Caravan Cruiselines.

We put the you in Universe.

On the left side of the vessel

you can now see Planet P.U.

known locally as Ee-yarth.

One of the few inhabited planets

in this backward part of the

It is comprised of one-third
land, one-third water,

and one-third high-fructose corn

Ancient Fleegyarblians used this

as a toxic waste dump,

from which, primitive
life-forms have evolved.

Ew, they look so bizarre...

You know, you are so right,

They don't hold a candle to you

or each of your many sparkling

So here you are.

Oh, hey honey, it's not how it

She means nothing to me.


- You little
- Oh!

- Rotten,
- Oh!

- Despicable,
- Ow!



I could eat.

Ah in my defense, it
says all that word for word

in my Spacedate profile!

Oh Wabo, why don't you
give the ladies a rest

and focus on your gluttony.

It's by far your greatest vice.

Hey Nag, Wabo, check it out!

We can pick up Television
signals from this planet.

Oh, anything good on?

Breaking news.

Mog, what are you doing?

You're not supposed to play
around with the monitors!

Yeah, give me that!

Mine, give me!

Stop it, you two or you're
gonna break something!

I'll do it!

♪ Baby, baby ♪


This astonishing product.

Oh, that's cool.

The NubbiDubbi!


The NubbiDubbi is a high quality,
interactive massage mat,

that will work out any knots
or kinks that you might have.

Oh Bill, that sounds

Take a look dear viewers.

Every one of these nubs is made
of a

hyper flexible fiber re-enforced

That really will help you get to

hard to reach spots and
send you to cloud nine.

Absolutely Bill, and even

This product can give your empty

the meaning you so desperately


Turn it on Jill.

Sure Bill.


I feel so alive!

I love this NubbiDubbi!

Uh-huh, I love this

And you will too viewers!

And a special feature, you
can adjust the intensity!

It goes all the way up to

Up to eleven!

- Wow.
- Whoa, oh.

Friends, if you don't
order this item today,

I'm % confident the rest of
your life

will be consumed by pain and

Am I right, Bill?

So don't hesitate to contact me.

I am waiting for you!

For us?

Did you hear that?

She is waiting for us!

There are only of these
one-of-a-kind items left,

so you can't afford to hesitate.

Only left!

Hey, what are you guys doing?

Mog, Wabo, wait!

I am not going anyway with you!

Okay, see ya!

Hey, where are we going?

We're not supposed to be in

We're going down to that

to get some NubbiDubbi
before they run out!


We don't know anything
about the eeyarthlings!

They could be dangerous!

Oh come on!

You heard what Jill said,

"If we don't order this item,

I'm % sure that you will
regret it."

That's what she said!

But the captain has expressly
forbidden anybody to...

Nag, don't be such a

We'll be back before they
even know we're gone.

Now come on, we don't
wanna keep Jill waiting.

I will not come along with

No way!

Hi Jennifer!

Would you like some cake?

I made it myself, with extra

We made a raft, as well.

Hey, Jenny!

Brought ya a slice of my cake.

Don't mind if I do!

Mmh, hey, this is some legit
cake, yo.

Did you make this?

Uh, I mean, gross, dweeb!

Hey, give that back!

And what you gonna do about
it, Louise?

Sic your loony old man on me
with his cray-cray-g*n, yo?

You jerk!

Hey, whoa, cool it dude.

Let go.

- I am an ice man.
- Got ya.

I am selling ice-creams.

What a loser.

Here, latest webcast is
up on the school news site.

Big whoop.

Wow, have you got any stories
in it?

No, they ran a piece last
time, after the credits,

like bloopers.

Well, maybe you'll have a
big story in the next one.

They only let me do those
stupid surveys

because certain editors
at the school news network

are incapable of
recognizing an epic talent

when they see it.

That's so unfair.

Yea well, uh, Luis, do you
need a hand?

Huh, no, no, I'm cool.

Okay, come on Patty,

these flyers aren't gonna
hand themselves out.

Smooth Luis, real

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

This is Luis.

Oh, I feel I've come
not a moment too soon!


Ms. Diekendaker is

of the Sunny Days Home
for Neglected Children.

I'm worried about you, young Mr.

One of your neighbors has

the sub-standard conditions
you're forced to live in,

and the questionable
fitness of your guardian!

Since the passing of your poor

things seem to unraveling fast.

What, no, I, my dad...

Don't you think you'd be
much better off at Sunny-Days?

You'll have so much fun living

all those other problem

Wouldn't that be nice?

No, I don't want to go away!


Dear boy, it's not about what
you want, but what you need.


Oh, my, you're not going
to cry, are you, Luis?

There now, let me dry those

Huh, uh, uh?

Well, well, well.

These are definitely the
tears of a lonely boy.


You and your father will be in
my office

this afternoon at three p.m. on
the dot.

Do you understand?


Please be punctual, garbage-free,
and wearing both shoes.

- Dad, Dad, Dad.
- Luis, please!

I need my sleep.

No, wait!

Dad, you've got to come to
school with me!

I have a PhD son, I went to

Dad, they want to send me away

to a home called Sunny Side.

We gotta stop them, Dad, please!

Not sunny-side up, son,

You know that, Luis.

The Aliens.



What the?


Are you sure
we're at the right place?

Of course, the autopilot
just followed the signal.

What do you mean?

Well, this is exactly
where the signal came from.

It must be Jill and Bill.

They're expecting us.

Stop it, Wabo!

One doesn't scribble on foreign

What's he writing?

Mog is a butt-head


Oh come here, you.

I'm gonna year you apart.

I'm gonna slam you.

I'm going to.

Uh oh.

How dare you...

Aw, you made us crash!

No, you made us crash!

And look, the viewing screen
is completely damaged.

You're face is damaged!

Oh, you wanna damaged face?

Then I'll show you a damaged

Oh you want to go?

I'll break it.

The NubbiDubbi is out there
somewhere, come on, let's go!

No, stop!

First we have to test the

The pressure could make our eyes
pop out,

or the gases they could
make our lungs explode,

or, you never.

Hm, smells nice.

They, they're real?

Dad was right.

He's not nuts.

My dad's not nuts!

A blue sky, how strange.

What am I doing here?

I'm hungry.

Ok, so all we gotta do
is find a viewing system.

Hands up, ee-yarthling, or
we will uh, obliterate you!

No, please!

What's obliterate?

Make him explode!

We don't know how to do that.

He doesn't know that!

Don't worry, we won't hurt

We're just looking for Jill!

Do you know, where she is?


We looking to get our hands
on one of her NubbiDubbis.

Her what?

A NubbiDubbi massage mat.

It's got thousands of polymer

that can send us to cloud .

It goes all the way up to !

You're not how I imagined


We're not aliens, you're the

Yeah, we're Whoopies!

We're the most attractive
people in the galaxy.

Come on, fellas!

Our multi-nubbed destiny awaits!

Wait, you can't leave
your spaceship here!

He's right.

This space is clearly
reserved for creatures

with large wheels for backsides.

Um, let's hide it in
the barn over there.

Thanks, Ee-yarth-boy, we owe
you one.

It's actually pronounced



Ah, forget it.

So, you flew through the
whole universe in that?

No, this is only a landing

The cruise ship is much
bigger, like a small town.

Cruise ship?

Cosmic Caravan Cruises, baby!

We put the you in

Wow and all this is
happening on my birthday!


You mean the anniversary of the
beginning of your existence?

You heard that guys?

It's the yurth boy's detachment

Detachment day?

Yeah, we Whoopies kind
of grow on our moms.

Like a fungus, pretty much.

And when we're ready,
the doctor scrapes us off.


And that's our,

Detachment Day!

♪ A glorious detachment day to
you ♪

Hey, what's your name again?


Huh, weird name, anyway.

♪ A glorious detachment day to
you, Luis ♪

♪ May all your happy D Day
dreams come true, Luis ♪

♪ Since they've scraped
you from your mama ♪

♪ You've been bringing
joy-o-rama ♪

♪ Wishing you the best in
everything you do, Luis. ♪

♪ Bam, bah, bah, bah,
bam, bah, bah, bah bam ♪

♪ Bah, ba, bah, bah, bah, bag,
bam ♪

Oh, Luis!

Thanks guys.

That was really interesting.

Let's go, we have a
mission to accomplish.

Alright, let's go!

Go where?

Hey, where are you going?


Come, come snookums,
off to the school play.

It's getting
late dear.

Oh, those e-arthlings
are leaving their nest.

Looks like
they'll be gone for a while.

Luis, does this nest have
a signal-viewing apparatus?

Uh yeah, every house has one
or .


Wait, no, but.

Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, wake up!

Wake up, Dad!

What, uh, what, whoa, what

What would you do if
aliens really have landed?

What, what are you talking

And what if they were friendly

and didn't want to hurt anybody?

This is what you woke me up

Why, I'd sh**t them with
my Shockfroster, of course!


They're really nice.

I mean, if they were real,
I mean, they wouldn't...

Believe me, son, when
aliens land here, again

they definitely won't be nice!

They will plunder our
resources and enslave us all.

Something like that needs
to be nipped in the bud!

Why are you asking me this?

Um well, no reason, you know.

You told me to be more

Well, well that's great, but
not in the middle of the day!

You know I need my sleep so
I can do my work at night.


Such a strange boy.

No idea where he gets that from.

Come on!


Don't wake me again!
Under any circumstances!



Hello, Mr.

We had an appointment for three

Did Luis not inform you?

Uh um, of course, yea, my son
told me.

But I, I can assure you
that there is absolutely

no need to send Luis away to
that creepy lady's school.

Luis, is that you?

Do you take me for some kind of
fool, boy?

Very well.

Well I'll just have to
come and see for myself!

I'll be there in minutes!

And if I find even the
smallest sign of neglect,

your fathers custody of you

will be removed on the
spot, you understand!

No, no, no, wait.


- Two large melons!
- Huh, hey.

Look at this, it's fun huh?

Look at me!

Look, help me.

Cut it out, Wabo, I have to

Argh matey.

And tomorrow forecast is

Ah, no.

Ah, Wabo, please.

Oh, what's that??


Everybody knows what this is.

It's a, one of those,

a face sucker!

Hey, what does this button do?


Oh oh oh, I found it!

This is your last chance,


Only , no NubbiDubbis

Operators are waiting for your




To get your NubbiDubbi call
the number on your screen.

Don't hesitate, call now.

Five, one, five,

two, three, four, six, nine,

Ah, we need to use a numbery

Welcome to
Teleshopping de Luxe.

We have recognized your
phone number in our system

and have your shipping address.

What product are you purchasing

NubbiDubbi, NubbiDubbi!

I did not
understand your response.

I didn't get that.

Please enter the product code

and quantity on your touch pad.

Congratulations, your
order was successful!

You have ordered
electric toilet brushes.


Hey guys, quick, let me in!

Oh, it's ee-yarth Luis!

He can help.

Luis, we have to get
this NubbiDubbi, please!

We are down to two, oh,
no, only one NubbiDubbi left!

Only one left.

Okay, Okay.

NubbiDubbi, NubbiDubbi.

NubbiDubbi, NubbiDubbi.

Your order was

One NubbiDubbi will be delivered

Hehe, alright!

Nice one.

What's wrong, ee-yarth boy?

Have we been found?

Are we going to be probed?

Probed, no!


I'm having trouble with my

Can I hide here with you guys?

Hehe, did you eat his lunch,

Been there, done that.

No, even worse, a lot worse.

Don't worry, yurth boy, we'll
help you, you're safe here.

If this principal starts to make

we'll uh, We'll uh.

Obliterate him?!

Yeah, you know, we still
don't know how to do that.


Dios mio, what happened?

Our next item is the

This makes preparing food easy
and fun!

Look at this mess, dios mio.


Who's there?

I know you're here!

Do not mess with Valentina.

Oh you better be a scared.

Oh, okay!

Shh, we're toast.

Oh, maybe not.

Mr. and Mrs. Winter!

I thought you were at
your daughter's play.

Um, we were, but I had a
sudden desire to take a shower!

Who showers in their clothes?

I don't know.

We give up.

Who showers in their clothes?

Is there somebody in there?

- Yes.
- No.

Um, just me, visiting.


I, I'd better get to work!

Oh, it's you, Allegro!

I didn't see you there.

Who's a good perro?

You like that, don't you?

Oh, oh, oh yeah sure.

That's good, lower to the left

What is going on here?

Well it looks to me like
someone has a crush on you.

Oh come on, chill, babe.

Give me some more of
that sweet loving huh,

don't play hard to get!

Not one step more!

Was it something I said?

You think I could get her
number when she wakes up?

You always have to
cause trouble, don't you?

Hey, is it my fault
that the ladies love me?

Hey dude, the 'rents are gone!

Told them I was sick yo

and couldn't go to my dumb
sister's dumb school play.

Get over here, time to party!

Yeah, we can cruise with
my old lady's car again.

She'll never know!


Time out dude.

The cleaning lady is dead or



Uh, call you back!


What are you doing in
my house, nerd boy, huh?

Um, I, uh.

Come on, talk!

I can explain everything!

Well, almost everything.

Okay to be honest, I
can't explain a whole lot.

Start with what you did to



Mom, Dad, why
are you back so early?

Never mind that!

What's this about time to party

and you driving your old lady's

And who is this Old lady?

I think he means you.

Me, old?

I'm not a day over !

, don't make yourself
younger than you are!

What is going on?

You are a rude boy!

That's what's going on!

Whoa, she, she's drunk, yo!

Never mind her.

Your mother and I are
very disappointed in you!

You're his mother.

Oh, right, yes, I'm your

I'm very disappointed in you.

Whoa dude, something
is very, very wrong here.

Go to your room, wherever that

Cool, I've always wanted
to see that look on his face.



That was fun, what do we do now?


As soon as our NubbiDubbi is

we go back to the ship.

Okay, but until then, I
wanna play more human game!


Go to your room!

He totally bought it!

He really thought I was his

Yeah, he did.

Oh, no.

It's almost thirty.

I have an idea!

Wait here, I'll be right back!

What are you doing?

What did I just say?

Is this where you live?



Who's this?

That's my dad.

Oh, and he is a male, yes?


I'm getting good at this.

Tickle, tickle, tickle.

Stop, if he wakes up he's
gonna zap you with that!

With this?



Stop it!

We have to leave!

The principal could arrive any

What, here?

Yes and when he sees this
mess, he's gonna take me away.

But I'm not going, no way!

Good grief!

There must be a way to stop him!

There is.

Hey, what are you doing?

I'm the cleaning lady.

No, I'm the cleaning lady!

No, I'm the cleaning

No, I am!

No, I am the cleaning lady.

Come on guys, you're
both the cleaning lady.

Yay, woohoo!

Uh, Luis, is that your

Oh, no, he brought that creepy

Looks like the show's about to

- Mmh.
- Mmh.

Oh, hello, Mr. Principal, what
an honor!

I'm Armin Sonntag, do
please come in.

- How nice of you to come by.
- Mmh.

And who is this impressive

of humanness you have with you?

Well, this is Miss...

I am here to assess your

as a guardian for Luis

and to see if he has an
acceptable living environment.

Uh, yes, Luis's living

is more than acceptable!

It's downright passable,
don't you agree?

Huh, hmm.

Luis, where are your manners?

Come here and say hi to our

Oh, uh, uh, good afternoon
and good afternoon to you too.

Is it?

We'll see!

Mr. Sonntag, we've had reports

that you spend all day asleep on
the sofa.

Ah, yes, well...

Not anymore!

My dad is like a completely
different person!


Well, the house certainly is

Oh yes, thanks to my fabulous

Twins, hatched three minutes

Strange, your neighbor called

and said this place was a pig


Well, I'm not one to say

anything bad about my neighbor's

but I mean,
did you see their house?

My, quite the dump.

Isn't it true that you spend
all night

looking through your telescope,
searching for aliens?

Ha ha, oh no, no, no, no, no,

I'm no longer interested in

Crazy beings who rush
all over the solar system

babbling nonsense and making.

That's if they existed at all,
of course.

Of course.

Hey beautiful.

How dare you!

Stop that at once!


Oh, does someone else live

Oh, no that's my, uh.

Alarm clock.

At three-thirty in the

Just a reminder to
help Luis do his thing.


It's so important these days.

Valentina, would you please
be a dear and turn that off?

- Certainly, Mr. Sonntag.
- Certainly, Mr. Sonntag.

Hey, my name's Valentina!

- No, my name's Valentina!
- We can't both be

called Valentina!


Make a sound and I'll wring
you like a nuclear mop, sh.


No, the aliens.

Got to get away, got to get

Mom, Dad, I saw an alien over
there, look!

Oh man.


What the?

They're back!

Well then, the next thing
we need to see is Luis's room.

Come on, Luis.

Uh, right, my bedroom.

I'd be happy to show you my

Oh, drat.

Ah well, this is the bathroom
of course.

Just down here, um!

Okay that's the closet.

Your room, please!

Yes, yes, my room.

Here it is!

Um, ah, um.

And this is your room, Luis?

My son loves this room!

He can't get enough cute
little frilly things.

And who likes to wear these?

Uh, uh.

Young man, tell me right
now what is going on!

I, I, uh, okay, this isn't my


And that's not my father.


What I mean is, he's not just
my father.

He's also my best friend.


He's is building a brand
new room for me in the attic,

an amazing room, just the way I

Until it's done, I live
here with my little sister.


My dad may be unusual, but
he's always there for me.

On the weekends we have loads of

really cool adventures together

and if I ever feel sad he
whips up my favorite dinner,

spaghetti carbonara, just
like Mom used to make."

He's the best dad in the whole

It's true, I am!

Well, now, it's obvious
that Luis is not neglected.

This case is closed.

Come along, Ms. Diekendaker!


Mr. Sonntag, I noticed
that you're a urologist.

I'm having a little trouble
with my, uh, waterworks.

Drop by anytime!

I'll be happy to check you over

and that goes for you too!


I still say there's
something fishy going on here.

Oh, nonsense.

Everything was above board, huh?

They're finally here!

Aliens have landed and they're

in this neighborhood!

Are you listening?

Oh no!

- Huh?
- Huh?


We've been busted!

Quick, let's get out of here!

What about the NubbiDubbi?

Forget about it!

Come on!

- I don't know.
- Hurry!

Luis, what's your take
on the shocking news

that instant hot chocolate packs

have received a five cent price

I don't know!

Oh Luis, stop saying I don't

How am I supposed to do
a story with no answers?

Oh no.

This way!

We should never
have come to this planet!

What's going on?

- Ow.
- Move!

In here!

Oh no, it's locked!

Hey, what about me!

Huh, oh, Okay.

Luis, you're not gonna
get away with this!


Ah, greetings, boy!

Would you or your friends like
an ice cream treat from me,

the ice cream man?

Not today!

Because I am an ice cream man,
you see,

and I am selling ice cream.

Hey guys, I think we lost


What are we do now?

I'll tell you what we do,

we get off this crazy rock
and go home where it's safe!

Can um, can I come with you?


Are you serious?

Do you really want to leave your

Why not?

I've got nothing here

and that creepy lady, she's
gonna find me no matter what.

Yeah, let's bring him back
with us.

If we show up back at the
ship with a ee-yarthling,

we'll be in big trouble!

But if I stay they
just gonna cart me off

and throw me in some home for
weird kids.

Oh come on, Nag!

Let's give the kid a chance.

And how are we going to
explain it?

You know what'll happen
when the captain finds him.

He won't hesitate to yell at us.

Let's just take him then

and don't say I didn't warn you.

This calls for a

But how do you know
they're even in here?

I sense it!

The smell of loneliness of
that punk kid is unmistakable!

Why don't we call it a day,

come back tomorrow
refreshed and energized?

You can't be serious.

No child has ever dared to
undermine me in such a way.

This is personal!

Huh, hm.

Oh my poor sweet thing.

Come here, let me dry your


Hm, hm.

Quickly, this way!

Oh, provisions
for the journey!

Give me!

What are you guys doing?


Luis Sonntag, what's going on

Why is the principal chasing you

and who are those weird
looking people with you?

I don't know what you're
talking about!

You're going nowhere until you
tell us

exactly what's going on!

Please, Jennifer, I've
got no time to explain.

Let me through!

No, answers now.


Patty, you getting this?

Ah, ah, ah.

Over there!

Quick guys, let's hide in

Yeah, right there.

Huh, ah.


In there.

Oh, welcome.

What can we do for you?




Goodness gracious, I look

Ah, ah.

You're right, you're hideous,

but don't worry, we can
fix you up in a jiffy!


Uh, somebody is in
desperate need of a make-over!

I have no intention of letting

Trust me, this will
be tres chic!

What did you do?


Break time!


The boy!

Get him.

I want that same do!


Ah, careful, don't break

So ready to go home, slowly.

Get your butt out of my face!

Now what?

Mog, you only had one job to

It's not my fault!

It's gotta be the gizmo that
connects to the doo-hickey

to the whosey-whatzit, I can fix

This won't take long.

Oh wow, real aliens?

Patty, keep sh**ting, this
will be the biggest story ever!

We're going to win the Pulitzer.

Wouldn't that be awesome?

Hey guys, I, found the

There, good as new!


Well I hope you know how
to put it back together.

Oh, well.

Of all the laser-brained
idiots in the galaxy,

I end up with you!

And Me!

We're gonna be stuck
here forever

on a planet that smells like

and it's all your fault!

Hey, stop it, right now!

You guys are friends, remember?


Enough, I have an idea.

My dad's got all kinds
of space-gizmos at home.

Maybe there is one that could

signal your mother ship
to come pick us up.

Yeah, great idea, except
for that frostshock g*n

and your dad's itchy trigger

Don't worry, I'll figure
something out.

Well, it's worth a shot.

Follow me!

Oh Patty, this footage is

What'd you got so far?

Oh no, you had it on selfie.

Dad, you home?

Come on.



What, I'm a nervous eater.

It's okay, nobody reads them

Hm, hm, no.

Oh come on, oh.

Oh, oh, oh, I can do something
with this!

I just put, do-da-do, over

There we go.

As long as you don't take it

Have I ever let you down?

- Yes.
- Yeah.

About five minutes ago, just

Hm, oh, what is that?

Oh, it's an old drawing my
dad did when he was a kid.

Looks like a Tontonian.

Hello, can anybody hear me?

Ah, yeah, ah, funny story.

We kind of get stranded
on that planet ear-th

and we need your help.

OK, I'll wait!

What are they saying?

They're trying to locate us.

It might take a little while.

I'll be right back!


Dear Dad, looks
like you were right!

Aliens do exist after all
and they're really cool!

I'm going to have to leave with

Maybe you'll be able to spot me
in space

with your telescope.

I will remember you always, your


Uh-huh, yeah, yeah,
okay, yeah, gotcha, okay.

What are they saying?

Luis, is there an isolated

where they can come pick us up?

Um well, we just had our
class trip to Dragons Peak.

There is never anyone up there.

You get that?

Aha, hm, Okay, thanks.

Right, we have to be at the

of Dragons Peak in ee-yarth

They'll shine a beam that'll
pick us up!


Freeze, huh?

Who's there?


What now?

Oh, oh Mr. Sonntag!

It's Mr. and Mrs. Winter, they,

They what?

They tied me up!

Listen, uh, Valentina,

I try not to get involved
in people's personal lives.

No, no, listen!

They are not human.

Come again?

Their bodies are all

and they can transform to look
like anyone

and, and if you punch them in
the stomach

they turn into, into, el

Oh, Senor Sonntag, I think

Of course!

What better way to disguise

than as the perfect family?

Why didn't I see it before?

Come in my dear woman,
tell me all about it.

Can you pilot this thing?

Oof, this piece of
primitive tech, please!

Adjust this, turn this.

Oh my gosh, oh.


Oh, oh, all under control!

I meant to do that.


Good news son!

You're not grounded anymore.

How about a family road trip?

Uh, uh.

Doesn't that sound lovely?


Climb in, son!

Uh, that's the drivers seat.

Exactly, young man!

It's time to grow up

by operating a motor
vehicle run on fossil fuels!

Awesome, yo!


What's he doing here?

Who, Luis?

He's our friend.

We should include him in
more things, don't you think?

I guess, where are we going?

Well, we're taking a nice
little drive to Dragon's Peak!

Oh, that's boring.

There's nothing to do there,

That sounds perfect.

Come on, put the pedal to the


Marlon, get down here

You've got some explaining to

We can't leave that boy
alone for even a few hours!

Oh, my therapist is gonna hear
about this!

Sonntag, what on earth are...

Get out here you filthy

This, ladies and gentlemen,
is a historic moment.

After years of futile
attempts, I, Armin Sonntag,

can finally prove the existence

of extraterrestrials beyond any

What are you going on about?

This man is crazy!

- Hey over here.
- Yeah, yeah, right here.

What's going on?

Who would have suspected
that my lovely neighbors

actually are in reality alien

Observe their flexible bodies.

As soft and wobbly as Jello!

And if you punch them in the

they revert to their alien form.

That's it Sonntag,
I'm having you arrested!

Maybe a little harder.

Go away, you dreadful alien

I'm a princess!

Let's see what you revert to!

We've seen enough!

Yeah another false alarm,

If we hurry maybe we can
get that Bigfoot story.

And apparently it's just a
simple case

of a neighborhood quarrel.

Mr. Sonntag, have you seen
your son?

Luis, what about Luis?

I saw him!

He was with the Winters, they
drove away a few minutes ago.

That's impossible!

In your new SUV

and Marlon was driving!


That's them, the real aliens

and they have my son!

And our son!

Any idea where they were

I heard them mention Dragon's

Let's go!

Oh, darn it

A delivery for Mr. and Mrs.

A NubbiDubbi?

How fast can this thing go?

Hurry, they're getting away!

Look, I appreciate the bribe,

but there's a speed limit you

Oh, for the love of, get out
of my way!

I am a leaf.

I am soaring through the
sky on a gentle breeze.

That's good dear, stay in
your safe zone, remain calm.

Oh shush Gary, how can I be

What if our son has really
been abducted by aliens?

Don't be silly, darling!

There must be a simple explanation
for this whole thing!

Watch it, will you,
this ain't a race car!

You dropped something.

It's a note from Luis.

He's leaving with the aliens!

There, our SUV!


Hey, guys, we're being

by a humanoid carrier vehicle.

And it's being
driven by Diekendaker!

Come on, Marlon, engage warp


Have you lost your mind?

Holy Jemimah, what are you

No snotty nose kid is
gonna make a fool out of me!

Why is a mail truck ramming

Oh, probably just jealous

we're taking such a lovely
family trip.

Think you
can escape me, think again!

Watch out!


Good driving

I'm proud of you, boy of mine.

Yo, is somebody gonna finally
tell me

what the heck is going on here?

Why was that mail truck chasing

And what kind of family trip is

Well, at least he didn't
crash. We have to give him that.

Okay, Marlon,
your parents, they well,

they're not exactly your

They're aliens.

They must be if they want to

hang out with a freak like you!

Luis isn't a freak!


You just don't get it Marlon.

Isn't that right, Patty?



Don't you understand?

Luis is the first person on

to be in contact with

He's a trailblazer!

Wait, you know?

Of course I know, I'm a


Okay fine, my parents
are weirdos for sure,

but there's no such thing as

Show him guys.

- Ta-dah!
- Ta-dah!


Cool it, they won't hurt you!

Patty, you getting this?


Come on, Luis!

We have to get to the
highest point of the mountain

so they can beam us up!

You want to go with the

I have to.


I, I just have to.

They're coming!

Where did you learn to drive

There, look!

Luis, don't do it.


Whoa, dude.

We have to go, come on guys!

Come on Patty!

If they want to escape,

they'll have to position
themselves under that ship.

What are we waiting for?

Let's go!


At last!

Luis, Luis, stop!

Back away from the aliens!

No Dad, you can't.

They're my friends!

But you can't leave with them,

Are you crazy?

Why, what do you even care?

What, what do you mean?

Why would you say something like

You never pay any attention to

You don't even know what day it
is today.

It's my birthday, Dad!

Luis, I.

And I bet you don't even
know what color my eyes are!

All you care about is
your work, nothing else!

You don't have any time for me.

That's why they want to
put me into that home,

with that creepy lady!

Trust me, your boy will
be in good hands with me.

What, what are you talking

No, no Luis, they can't take
you away from me, I love you.

You, you never say that.

You're all I have.

You're my everything Luis!

Give me a chance to be
a better father, please!

And they're blue, your eyes,
they're turquoise blue!

Just like your mother's.

Ah, enough of this miserable

Have you lost your mind?

What are you doing?

Luis, come here immediately!

No, don't!

I'll count to three.

One, two, three.

Drop the g*n!

Game over, Ms. Diekendaker!

Or should I say Miss Kychon X ,

What's going on?

This fine lady works for a

from the planet Tonton!

She sells human Children's

On her planet every single
tear is almost priceless.

They cure baldness.

Mm, baldness eh?

Is any of that true?

Who are you going to believe,

me or some crazy ice cream man?

That was only my clever

Now, what I'm going to show
you, may come as an surprise.

In fact, I am, Agent Stu of
the Intergalactic Hero Squad.

Oh, oh, just a sec.

I been following this villainess

through the galaxy for some time

Keeping a close eye on
her despicable scheming.

But finally the time has come

to put an end on her dastardly

and bring her to justice.

Oh no, it's a Tontonian!


The worst criminals in the
whole galaxy.

Quick, let's get outta
here while it's distracted.


It's you, you're the.

Mr.Sonntag, Mr.Sonntag,
get away from there!

Oh no!


Listen carefully, Luis!

You must set the
Shockfroster to full power!

Come on my boy, you can do it!


No, leave my son alone,
you miserable creature.

On behalf of the
intergalactic confederation,

you are under arrest.

- Psst.
- Huh?

Sorry, wrong Luis.

Yoo-hoo, I'm Luis!

Oh boy.

No, I am.


Hey you!

I'm Luis!


Oh son!


Can you ever forgive me?

Let me through, I'm from the

Sorry, Mom.

Who cares.

I'm a princess!

Oh, yes you are honey.


Hey look,
she move, her eyes moved!

Don't worry, she can't
hurt anybody any more!

What will you do with it?

She will be brought before
an intergalactic court

and until then I'll store
her in my cooling house,

next to the Ice cream.

Because I have an ice
cream truck, you know?

Because I was pretending
to be an ice cream man,

yes you know...

Yeah, okay we get it!

But uh, why was she I mean it,
after Luis?

Oh well, you see, on planet

there is no substance more

than a lonely human
child's tears, you know?

Tears, from the eyes,
of a child who is alone?

You are a lonely child, aren't

Uh, I guess I used to be.

Will somebody please just
sign for the darn NubbiDubbi?

I'll take it!

- The NubbiDubbi, yippee!
- The NubbiDubbi, alright!

Come on, Luis!

Let's try the NubbiDubbi out!

Um, there's something
I gotta tell you, guys.


I'm not going with you.

- Huh?
- Oh no!

Why not?

- Are you sure?
- We had so much fun together!

Yeah, but my home's here
on earth, with my Dad.

And with your little
girlfriend, eh?

I see how she looks at you, huh,


I really wish you guys could

Yeah, let's get going
before we all start to cry!


- So long!
- Bye, yearthboy!

I'll never be back!

Bye guys!

Give my love to

Oop, up we go.

I'm really gonna miss

I'm glad we were here,

even if I didn't get any good


Oh Patty, you're beautiful!

Come on, start rolling!

Sorry if I was a bad neighbor.

Over here, Mr. Sonntag.

I'm here for an exclusive

with the renowned Ufologist
Armin Sonntag,

who has finally be able to
prove the existence of aliens.

Mr. Sonntag, what are your

Will you extend your research

or will you travel the
world giving lectures?

For heaven sakes,

I have far better things to do!



It goes all the way up to .
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