Planes with Brains (2018)

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Planes with Brains (2018)

Post by bunniefuu »

[Music playing,
engine revving]

♪ I was just sitting
up in my tree ♪

♪ In my tree, in my tree ♪

♪ I saw a beautiful face
was looking up at me ♪

♪ Up at me, up at me ♪

♪ Oh, she had a cute smile,
so I asked her name ♪

♪ Asked her name,
asked her name ♪

♪ When we got to talking,
said she felt the same ♪

♪ That she felt the same,
felt the same ♪

♪ Oh, every time I see her,
I do my thing ♪

[Trilling, gibberish]

♪ Well, now she's by my side
where she wants to be ♪

♪ Uh, she wants to be ♪

♪ It's where she wants to be ♪

♪ She's cooking us a chicken
with a jug of tea ♪

♪ A jug of tea ♪

- ♪ Oh, yeah ♪
- ♪ a jug of tea ♪

♪ I'm thankful for the day
she knocked onto my door ♪

♪ I'm thankful for the day
she knocked on my door ♪

♪ And I never thought I'd fall
for the girl next door ♪

♪ And I never thought I'd
fall for the girl next door ♪

♪ And every time I see her,
I do my thing ♪

♪ Every time I see her,
I do my thing ♪

♪ And every time I see her,
I do my thing ♪

[Trilling, gibberish]

[Man laughing]

[Trilling, gibberish]

[Music playing]


vroom, vroom!

[Commander airhead]
greeting, winged scouts.

Hey, it's commander airhead.

Hi, commander airhead.

Gumdrop, vroomer,

It's time for
our annual time-honored

Planes with brains contest

Where young plane teams

Compete for the chance to win

The prestigious
planes with brains award.

Your mission,
gumdrop and vroomer,

Is to discover all about

The most fascinating
machine of all.




You will travel
all over the world

Across time, space,
and beyond.

You must keep your little
metal noses pointed ahead,

Your motors humming,

And your wings perked
at all times.

We depend on you
to do the best job possible.

Are you ready
for your assignment?

Wow, my little wings
are fluttering with thrills!

My little motor is vroom, vroom!

Vrooming with excitement!

Plane scouts ready

For our mission,
commander airhead.

This is sure to be a challenging
mission, little ones.

Fluffy white clouds?
I love challenging missions.

Brilliant blue skies!
Me too!

I'm sending you two
on a mission to learn about

The history of planes.

The history of planes?

How cool!

can't wait!

It's up to you
to learn all about it

And report back to me
with what you've discovered.

Flapping fun wings!

This is going to be
an incredible adventure!

What can you tell us about the history
of planes, commander airhead?

Well, the desire
to create a flying machine

Is as old as humankind,

But it wasn't until
years ago

That the true concept
of an airplane came to be.

Wow, I can't wait
to find out more!

The history of airplanes.

Sounds absolutely amazing!

As you know,
vroomer and gumdrop,

To win the annual
planes with brains contest,

You must find out and learn

Tons of amazing facts
about airplanes.

Yes, commander airhead.

Vroom, vroom!

We will!


You must also know
that there is a question

That all the brightest flying
minds all over the world skies

Have not been able to answer

About the history
of airplanes.

We need you two
winged scouts

To help us answer
the "who flew" question

About the history
of airplanes.

"Who flew" question?

Love it!

What is the question,
commander airhead?

When did the first

And longest unmanned
aircraft flight take place?

That's a great question,
commander airhead.

We'll land the answer
in a spin of a propeller,

I'm sure.

I will assign you
the best winged scout helper

In the world.

His name is willy widget.

He's a robotic encyclopedia
of aircraft knowledge.

He will assist you
on your mission.

Willy widget?

We love willy widget.

Be sure to ask a lot
of questions, winged scouts.

The prestigious
planes with brains award

Is up for grabs.


Winged scouts ready to fly,
commander airhead.

Winged scouts.

Vroom, vroom!



[Music playing]

Winged scouts!

Ready to get started
on your next adventure?

Yes, super ready.

Totally ready.

Remember, winged scouts,

Any and all questions you have,

I'm here to answer them.

Where do we begin?

Back in time more than
, years ago in greece.

You see,
ancient people were inspired

By the observation of birds
soaring through the sky,

And designed aircrafts that copied
the beating of a bird's wings.

These machines are known
as ornithopters.

With ornithopters,
the flapping wings

Generated both lift
and propulsion.

One of the earliest known
examples of this type of machine

Is the wooden bird,

Designed by greek scientist,

Philosopher and mathematician,
archytas of tarentum

In b.c.

Even though some of
these ancient machines

Took off for
a few short flights,

They remain impractical.


To trace the beginning
of the history of flight,

We have to travel in time

All the way
to the th, th,

And th centuries.

Let's take a tour
around europe

And meet some of
the great thinkers

Who paved the way
for the evolution of airplanes.


In italy,
the netherlands, and england,

scientists, and inventors

Like leonardo da vinci,

Galileo galilei,

Christiaan huygens
and isaac newton

All contributed
the first research

Into aerodynamics.

What's aerodynamics,
willy widget?

"Aero" means air

And "dynamics" means motion,

So, aerodynamics
deals with the dynamics of air

As it interacts
with solid objects,

Like an airplane!

Did you know you two guys
experience aerodynamics

Every time you fly?


Hit my plane brain with more
cool factoids, willy widget.

It wasn't until
the turn of the th century

When an english baronet
named george cayley

Turned flying theory
into reality

By being the first
to focus his attention

On fixed-wing aircrafts

Like modern airplanes

As opposed to
the earlier aircrafts

With beating wings
like birds'.

He was a pioneer
of aeronautical engineering

Who, in , flew the first
successful flying glider...

Or a non-motor-powered
flying machine... On record.

[Gumdrop] blasting
engines, that's amazing.

In , george cayley launched
and flew the first glider

Ever recorded
to carry a person onboard.

Very interesting.

What happened next,
willy widget?

Excellent question, gumdrop.

In the s,
otto lilienthal,

A german mechanical engineer,

Followed in cayley's footsteps

And launched a series
of very important studies

On wing design.

Lilienthal designed,
built and flew

A number of monoplane
and biplane gliders,

as many as , flights

Between and .

Whoa! Fun factoid.

But how we did we get
from those really cool gliders

To winged airplanes with engines
like us, willy widget?

That's a very good question,

Let's take a trip
to the united states

And meet the wright brothers.


[Willy widget] the wright
brothers, orville and wilbur

Were two american inventors
and aviation pioneers

Who built and flew the world's
first successful airplane.

Their lifelong dream came true

When orville took to the sky

In the first ever

Heavier-than-air aircraft

Called "the flyer"
on december th, ,

Four miles south
of kitty hawk, north carolina.

What was the flyer made of,
willy widget?

The flyer was made using
a strong and lightweight wood

From the giant spruce tree

As the main
construction material,

And muslin,
a lightweight cotton cloth,

Was used
for surface coverings.

Even the flyer's propellers
were made of wood.

Oh, whoa, willy widget.

Factoid cooler
than rain clouds

After a spring shower.

How was the flyer powered,
willy widget?

Excellent question, vroomer.

Orville and wilbur
had a gasoline engine

Fabricated in their bicycle shop
just for the flyer.

The engine was fairly simple
in construction,

But it provided exactly
the power required

To propel their aircraft.

What about steering
and piloting

These early planes,
willy widget?

Very good question, vroomer.

I see you are
paying attention.

During the second half
of the th century,

Aircrafts had used
a steering gear for yaw control,

Which is directing the plane's
nose to the left and right.

Cayley was the first
to create an elevator

For control in pitch,

Which is the directing
of a plane's nose up or down.

It was finally
the wright brothers

Who devised a system
they called wing warping,

Which allowed
the pilot control

Over the movement
of the wings.

Were the wright brothers
the only ones

Who created aircrafts
around this time?

They were the first
to successfully fly one,

But definitely not
the only ones to do so.

Let's take a tour of europe at the
beginning of the th century

And we'll find aviators like
brazilian-born alberto santos-dumont

Who made the first public
flight in europe in .

And the frenchman
henri farman

Who made his first successful
attempt at flight

The following year in .


What happened after that,
willy widget?

As world w*r one approached,

The governments
of various countries

Foresaw the potential
of w*r planes during w*r time.

Airplane production and improvements
in aerodynamics surged.

of aircrafts increased,

Along with the power
of the aircraft's motor.

Planes also became faster

And capable of flying higher.

During the first world w*r,

Airplane speeds increased
to miles per hour

And aerial battles
were taking place

At the incredible altitude
of , feet.


Tooting turbines,
that's incredible!

After the w*r,
there were a lot of airplanes

Waiting for
their next assignment.

Many of them were converted
for commercial use.

Even the u.s. Post office
jumped on board

And launched its first
air mail in .

Imagine how fast mail
got delivered now

With the help
of commercial planes.

Sending mail by plane

Allowed parcels
to get from coast to coast

Hours sooner.



[Music playing]

Aviation's improvements
continued in earnest,

And in ,
inventor, writer,

And aviator
charles lindbergh

the first nonstop

flight ever.

He flew
from new jersey to paris

In hours all by himself.

Suddenly, americans
took an interest in aviation

Like never before.

Passenger flight
became all the rage

And a lot of companies invested
into the aviation industry.

The world just became
smaller and smaller

As people could travel
from continent to continent

In just a few hours
as opposed to months.

Cool skies.

Nowadays, aviation has created
amazing opportunities

Around the world

For even more
technological advances.

When did the first and longest
unmanned aircraft flight

Take place, willy widget?

Ha ha, yes!

The record goes
to the amazing global hawk,

Developed by nasa.

In , the global hawk
was the first airplane

To accomplish the longest
point-to-point flight

By an unmanned aircraft ever.

Hey, gumdrop,

I think we just found out
the answer

To commander airhead's
"who flew" question.

You're right, vroomer.

The record goes
to the amazing global hawk

Developed by nasa.

Ah, congratulations
on finding the answer

To this mission's "who flew"
question, winged scouts.

Commander airhead
will be proud of you,

No pistons about it.

[Music playing]

Fantastic work,
winged scouts.

Your mission
was a great success.

You're well on your way
to winning

The prestigious
planes with brains award.

Vroom, vroom!

Vrr... Awesome!

Say, were you able to find the answer
to this mission's "who flew" question?

Yes, commander airhead,
we sure did.

The record goes to
the amazing global hawk

Developed by nasa!

The first and longest
unmanned aircraft flight

Was achieved
by the global hawk in .

That's great!

Good job, winged scouts.

What's our next mission,
commander airhead?

Your next mission is going
to be your most incredible yet.

We want you to learn
about how planes fly.

How planes fly?



For all the bumpy flights,

Can't wait to get started.


Winged scouts ready to fly,
commander airhead.

Winged scouts.

Vroom, vroom! Vroom!



Gumdrop, vroomer,

As we know, there are no limits
to what we can learn.

Considering you two
did so well last time,

I have another
adventure for you.

Your mission,
gumdrop and vroomer,

Is to discover all about the most
fascinating machines of all.




You will travel
all over the world

Across time,
space, and beyond.

You must keep your little
metal noses pointed ahead,

Your motors humming,

And your wings perked
at all times.

We depend on you
to do the best job possible.

Are you ready
for your assignment?

As ready as we'll ever be,

We were born ready.

Plane scouts ready for
our mission, commander airhead.

This is sure to be a challenging
mission, little ones.

Is there any other kind?

The more challenging,
the better!

Glad to hear it

Because I'm sending you two

On a mission to learn
how do planes fly?

How do planes fly?


Can't wait!

It's up to you to learn
all about it

And report back to me
with what you've discovered.

Depart to discovery.

Looking forward to navigating
all those factoids.

What can you tell us
about how planes fly?

What are the mechanics
of flight, commander airhead?

Well, a plane's engines
are designed

To move it forward
at high speed.

That makes air flow rapidly
over the wings,

Throwing the air down
toward the ground

And generating an upward force
called lift

That overcomes the plane's
weight and holds it in the sky.

So it's the engines
that move a plane forward,

While the wings
move it upward.


I can't wait to find out more!

How do planes fly?

Sounds absolutely amazing!

As you know,
vroomer and gumdrop,

To be the best research planes
you can be,

You must find out and learn

Tons of amazing facts
about airplanes.

Yes, commander airhead.

Vroom, vroom!

We will!


You must also know
there is a question

That all the brightest
flying minds

All over the world skies

Have not been able to answer

About how planes fly.

We need you two winged scouts

To help us answer
the "who flew" question

About how planes fly.

"Who flew" question?

Love it.

What is the question,
commander airhead?

What is the fastest
passenger aircraft ever built,

And what engine does it use?

That's a great question,
commander airhead.

We'll land the answer
in a spin of a propeller.

I'm sure.

I will assign you

The best winged scout helper
in the world.

His name is willy widget.

He's a robotic encyclopedia of
aircraft knowledge.

He will assist you
on your mission.

Awesome android.

We always love flying
with willy widget.

Be sure to ask a lot of
questions, winged scouts.

Willy knows it all.


Winged scouts ready to fly,
commander airhead.

Winged scouts.

Vroom, vroom!



[Music playing]

Winged scouts!

Ready to get started
on your next adventure?

Yes, super ready.

Totally ready!

Remember, winged scouts,

Any and all questions you have,

I'm here to answer them.

Where do we begin?

Once upon a time,
the two brothers,

Wilbur and orville wright,

Made four brief flights

With their first
powered aircraft at kitty hawk.

The wright brothers successfully
invented the first airplane

To fly on december th, .

Orville piloted the gasoline-powered
propeller-driven biplane,

Which stayed in the air
for seconds

And covered feet
on its first flight.


To trace the first flight over

And learn more about
the mechanics of flying,

We need to travel
back in time to

To witness this first successful
flight to ever take place.

Let's go visit the designers
of the mechanics

Of the early planes.


[Music playing]

In germany, german engineer,
otto lilienthal

Studied aerodynamics

And worked to design
a glider that would fly.

He was the first person
to design a glider

That could fly a person

And was able
to fly long distances.

Samuel langley,
an astronomer,

Realized that power
was needed to fly.

He built a model of a plane,

Which he called an aerodrome,

Which included
a steam-powered engine.

In , his model
flew for three-fourths of a mile

Before running out of fuel.

What's a glider,
willy widget?

A glider is a light aircraft

That is designed to fly
without using an engine.

So, a glider performs the act
of gliding through the air.

Do you know
that you two guys glide

Every time you fly?


Hit my plane brain
with more cool factoids.

In , the wright brothers
designed the first airplane engine

Which was a four-cycle engine
called the wright flyer.

Blasting engines,
that's amazing.

In the s, hungarian
engineer gyorgy jendrassik

Designed the jendrassik ca- ,

The first functional
turboprop engine.

The engine was intended
for the hungarian twin engine

Varga rmi-
reconnaissance bomber.

Very interesting.

What happened next, willy?

Excellent question, gumdrop.

In , after the wright
brothers visited france,

Alessandro anzani,
an italian living in france,

Was inspired to start
designing airplane engines.

He designed a series
of three-cylinder engines

That produced anywhere
from ten to horsepower,

the horsepower engine

That powered louis bleriot's
xi airplane

Across the whole
english channel in .

whoa, fun factoid!

So, how did we go
from these slow planes

To the very fast airplanes
we have today?

That's a very good question,

In the late s in france,

The gnome-rhone mistral major,

Also known as the k,

Was a two-row radial engine

That was, for a time,

The most powerful engine

Ordered in large numbers
on the planet.

It gave an amazing output,

Surpassing the outputs
of most other european engines.


Mm, what types of planes

Was the gnome-rhone k engine
used for, willy widget?

The gnome-rhone k engine
was used

In more than a dozen
different airplane types,

And was available in a large
number of different variants

On the continent and beyond.

Whoa, willy,

Factoid cooler
than rain clouds

After a spring shower.

What engine type
was used to power

The apollo spaceship,

Excellent question, vroomer.

The apollo spaceship

Completed the famous
lunar mission

And was powered
by the rocketdyne f- ,

Which was developed
in the s.

What kind of engine was the
rocketdyne f- , willy widget?

Very good question, vroomer.

I see you are
paying attention.

The rocketdyne f-
was the most powerful

Liquid fuel propulsion system
ever built

And put out . Million pounds
of thrust.

Five f- s were used
for each saturn v rocket launch

With each engine
burning more than gallons

Of liquid oxygen per second,

, times the amount

Of a high-powered jet engine

Used on commercial
airliners today.

What does it take
to make an airplane

Go , miles per hour?

According to nasa's x-
in ,

The answer is
supersonic combustion ram jet,

Or scramjet,

Technology which allows
ultra high-speed aircraft

Travelling faster
than mach

To get their oxygen straight
from the atmosphere,

As opposed to relying
on an onboard supply

Of heavy oxidizer
or a traditional turbine engine,

Making them faster.

Whoa, how fast can they go?

According to research,
the scramjet technology

Could someday
help aircrafts to travel

As much as times
the speed of sound,

Turning a normal -hour flight
from new york city to tokyo

Into a two-hour journey.


Tooting turbines,
that's incredible!

Over the years,
many new airplanes and engines

Have been developed
to help transport people,

Luggage, cargo,
military personnel,

And weapons
from one place to another

In record time.

But it is great to note

That all this
is only possible

And based on
the first engines

Built by the wright brothers
from ohio.



The mechanics of flight
have improved over the years.

The an- holds the title
of the biggest

Commercially-used freighter
in the world.

Powered by six
turbofan engines,

It is the biggest
heavier-than-air aircraft

In terms of length
and wingspan

In operational service.

It is able to carry

Up to tons of cargo,

Which is the same
as the average weight

Of mature elephants.

That's some heavy plane!

cool skies.

Nowadays, people can get from one
end of the world to the other

In the shortest of times

Due to the improvements
of airplane engines.

What is the fastest
passenger aircraft ever built

And what engine does it use,


The supersonic tupolev tu-

Produced by tupolev okb

Between and

Is the fastest passenger plane
ever built.

The plane was powered by

Four kolesov
rd- - turbojet engines

With a maximum speed

Of , miles per hour.

Hey, gumdrop,

I think we just
found the answer

To commander airhead's
"who flew" question.

You're right, vroomer.

The record goes to
the supersonic tupolev tu-

Built by tupolev okb.

on finding the answer

To this mission's "who flew"
question, winged scouts.

Commander airhead,
will be proud of you,

No pistons about it.

Fantastic work,
winged scouts.

Your mission
was a great success.

You two
are a super turbo team.

Vroom, vroom!

Vrr... Awesome!

Say, were you able
to find the answer

To this mission's
"who flew" question?

Yes, commander airhead,
we sure did.

The record goes to
the supersonic tupolev tu- ,

Built by tupolev okb.

The fastest passenger plane

Was powered by four kolesov
rd- - turbojet engines

With a maximum speed

Of , miles per hour.

That's great!

Great job, winged scouts.

What's our next mission,
commander airhead?

Your next mission
is going to be

Your most incredible yet.

We want you two
to learn about fighter planes.

Fighter planes.

Wow, cool!

For all the bumpy flights,

Can't wait to get started.


Winged scouts ready to fly,
commander airhead.

Winged scouts.

Vroom, vroom!


Fighter plane fun.

This is gonna be a blast!

My wings are all a-flutter.

That's why I like you,
winged scouts.

You're always up
for the challenge.

Gumdrop, vroomer,
you are two of the best

Answer-finders in our fleet.

And today, I have another
research task for you guys.

Your mission,
gumdrop and vroomer

Is to discover all about
the most fascinating machine

Of all time!




You will travel
all over the world

Across time,
across space and beyond.

You must keep your little
metal noses pointed ahead,

Your motors humming,

And your wings perked
at all times.

We depend on you
to do the best job possible.

Are you ready
for your assignment?

I'm loopity loopy
to get started.

We'll vroom to the answers,

let's fly.

This is sure to be a challenging
mission, little ones.

Clear skies
and high mountain tops.

I love challenging missions.

Golden dawn horizons!

Me too!

I'm sending you two
on a mission

To learn about fighter planes.

Fighter planes?

How cool.

Can't wait!

It's up to you
to learn all about them

And report back to me
with what you've discovered.

Flapping fun wings.

This is going to be
an incredible adventure.

What can you tell us about fighter
planes, commander airhead?

Well, the fighter planes
are built mainly

For air-to-air combat

Against other aircraft,

Which is contrasting
to bombers

And attack planes

Whose main mission
is to attack ground targets.

The advantages of a fighter

Are its speed,

And small size relative
to other combat aircraft.

The first fighter plane
was built as far back

As during world w*r one.

Wow, I can't wait
to find out more!

Fighter planes,
sounds absolutely amazing.

As you know,
vroomer and gumdrop,

To overturn
every stone you can,

You must find out and learn

Tons of amazing facts
about airplanes.

Yes, commander airhead.

Vroom, vroom!

We... Will!


You must also know
there is a question

That all the brightest
flying minds

All over the world skies

Have not been able to answer
about fighter planes.

We need you two winged scouts

To help us answer the "who flew"
question about fighter planes.

"Who flew" question?

Love it.

What is the question,
commander airhead?

Who flew the first fighter plane
and when?

That's a great question,
commander airhead.

We'll land the answer
in a spin of a propeller.

I'm sure.

I will assign you
the best winged scout helper

In the world.

His name is willy widget.

He's a robotic encyclopedia
of aircraft knowledge

And he will assist you
on your mission.

Bring on willy!

We want willy widget!

Be sure to ask a lot of
questions, winged scouts.

No facts get by willy,

No matter how small.


Winged scouts ready to fly,
commander airhead.

Winged scouts.

Vroom, vroom!



[Music playing]

Winged scouts!

Ready to get started
on your next adventure?

Yes, super ready.

Totally ready!

Remember, winged scouts,

Any and all questions you have

I'm here to answer them.

Where do we begin?

Many years ago,
fighter planes were described

As two-seater aircrafts
with sufficient lift

To carry the pilot,
a machine g*n, and its operator.

Many countries,
especially the british,

Tried early on to build
g*n-mounted airplanes,

But faced a series
of drawbacks

Such as speed and
where to mount the machine g*n.

One of the earliest built
was the vickers f.b. Gunbus

By the british in ,

But it was
considered ineffective

Due to a lot of drawbacks
and subsequently abandoned.

It wasn't until march

That the french aviator,
roland garros

Flew a modified monoplane

That successfully downed
the first aircraft in history.

ooh, whoa.

To follow the advancement of the
fighter plane throughout history,

We have to travel back in time

And visit
some of the greatest minds

Who started the early revolution
of fighter planes.


[Music playing]

During world w*r one,

Many countries like
britain, france, and germany

All contributed to the early efforts
to build the first fighter planes.

Some used monoplanes,

Others biplanes.

[Gumdrop] what's the
difference between a monoplane

And a biplane, willy?

Ah, a monoplane
has one main supporting surface

Or a single wing
on either side of the body,

While a biplane has two sets
of two supporting wings.

The body of the machine
is between the two places.


Hit my plane brain with more
cool factoids, willy widget.

In germany in ,

A swiss engineer,
franz schneider,

Patented a device
with a forward-firing g*n

Whose b*ll*ts passed through
the propeller arc

And could time the firing
of the individual rounds

To avoid hitting
the propeller blades,

But his original work
was not followed up.

Blasting engines?

Tell me more!

French aircraft designer,
raymond saulnier,

Patented a practical device
in april .

But trials were unsuccessful

Because the machine g*n design

Repeatedly jammed
during firing

Because of
defective amm*nit*on.

Very interesting.

What happened next, willy?

In december ,
roland garros, a french pilot,

Asked saulnier to
mount his synchronization gear

On his morane-saulnier
type l aircraft.

Unfortunately, the gas-operated
hotchkiss machine g*n he was given

Had an erratic firing rate

And it was difficult
to synchronize

With a spinning propeller.


Fun factoid.

So how was he able
to solve the problem?

Ah, that's a very good question,

In , roland garros modified
his monoplane propeller blades

With armor
fitted with metal wedges

To protect the pilot
from ricochets,

And he began combat operations
soon thereafter.

Garros scored three victories
in three weeks

Before he himself was downed
on the th of april.

And his airplane, along with
its synchronization gear

And propeller
was captured by the germans.

Oh, no!

So, was that how
the germans got the secret

To fighter planes,
willy widget?

The germans forced
a dutch aircraft manufacturer,

Anthony fokker,
whose factory was nearby

To inspect the fighter plane
and replicate the design.

Fokker and his engineers
did as they were told

And built the first
machine g*n fighter planes

For the germans.

Whoa, willy widget,

Factoid cooler
than rain clouds

After a spring shower.

Did the german fighter planes

Work as well as the french
fighter planes, willy widget?

Excellent question, vroomer.

Anthony fokker
and his engineers

Came up with a better design.

They built a machine g*n
whose rate of fire

Was controlled by the turning
of the propeller.

This synchronization
assured that the b*ll*ts

Would pass harmlessly
through the empty space

Between the propeller blades.

So, was roland garros
the only pilot

To sh**t down planes during
world w*r one, willy widget?

Very good question, vroomer.

I see you are all ears.

The first victory
for the germans

Came on the first of july

When lieutenant kurt wilckens,

Flying the fokker
eindecker monoplane

With the field
flieger-abteilung six unit

On the western front

Forced down
a morane-saulnier type l

Two-seat parasol monoplane

Just east of luneville.

He was the second pilot
to sh**t down a plane.

What happened after that,
willy widget?

The success of the eindecker

Gave rise to a competitive
cycle of improvement

Among combatants.

Both sides
tried to build even more

Capable single-seat fighters.

The albatross d-
and sopwith pup of

Set the classic pattern
followed by fighters

For about years.

Most of the fighter planes
were biplanes

And only rarely monoplanes
or triplanes.

Whoa, so the fighters were
as good as their fighter planes?

Yes, to an extent.

As collective combat
experience grew,

The more successful pilots,
like oswald boelcke,

Max immelmann
and edward mannock

Devised tactical formations
and maneuvers

To improve their air units'
combat success.


Tooting turbines,
that's amazing!

With time, aircraft engines
increased several fold in power.

Going from a common horsepower
in the - fokker d.vii

To the horsepower
in the curtiss p- .


Good golly!

World w*r two
featured fighter combat

On a larger scale

Than any other
conflict to date.

And fighter plane designs varied
extensively among nations.

Examples include
the italian macchi m.c.

And fiat g.

And the japanese
nakajima ki-

And nakajima ki- .

Cool skies.

Fighter technology
quickly advanced

During world w*r two.

Piston engines, which powered most
of the world w*r two fighters

Became more powerful.

At the start,
w*r planes usually had engines

Powered by , horsepower
and , horsepower engines,

But by the end of the w*r,

Many could produce
over , horsepower.

For instance, the spitfire,

Which was in production
all throughout the w*r,

Was, in ,

Powered by
a , -horsepower merlin ii,

While variants
produced in

Produced , horsepower.

Powered by griffon engines.

[Vroomer] who flew the first
fighter plane and when?

[Willy widget] the first fighter plane
was developed by a french pilot,

Roland garros, in ,

Who flew an airplane
armed with a machine g*n

That fired through its propeller
during world w*r one.

Garros became a national hero

And had a total
of five enemy kills in the air.

Hey, gumdrop, I think
we just found out the answer

To commander airhead's
"who flew" question!

You're right, vroomer.

The record goes to french pilot
roland garros.

Ha, congratulations

On finding the answer to this mission's
"who flew" question, winged scouts.

Commander airhead
will be proud of you.

No pistons about it.

[Music playing]

Fantastic work,
winged scouts.

Your mission
was a great success!

You're well on you're way to
plane-lightenment. [Chuckles]

Vroom, vroom!

Vrr... Awesome!

Say, were you able to find

The answer to this mission's
"who flew" question?

Yes, commander airhead,
we sure did.

The record to goes
to french pilot roland garros.

The first fighter plane
was developed by a french pilot,

Roland garros, in
during world w*r one.

Ah, that's great!

Good job, winged scouts.

What's our next mission,
commander airhead?

Your next mission is going
to be your most incredible yet.

We want you to learn
about supersonic jets

And the sound barrier.

Supersonic jets
and the sound barrier?



For all the bumpy flights,

Can't wait to get started.


Winged scouts ready to fly,
commander airhead.

Winged scouts.

Vroom, vroom!


I can't wait till next time.

I'm supersonic serious.

My wings are all a flutter.

You two little planes
are rapidly soaring

To the very pinnacle
of our knowledge.

And today,
we have another chance

To expand
those revving brains.

Your mission,
gumdrop and vroomer,

Is to discover all about

The most fascinating
machine of all.




You will travel
all over the world

Across time,
space and beyond.

You must keep your little
metal noses pointed ahead,

Your motors humming,

And your wings perked
at all times.

We depend on you
to do the best job possible.

Are you ready
for your assignment?

My brain's frontal lobe
is spinning like a propeller.

Your brain's frontal lobe
is a propeller. [Laughs]

Plane scouts ready for
our mission, commander airhead.

This is sure to be a challenging
mission, little ones.

Bring it on.

No cloud is too dark for us
to find the sunshine,

Or the answers.

I'm sending you two
on a mission

To learn about supersonic jets

And the sound barrier.

Supersonic jets
and the sound barrier?

No way!

Totally awesome!

Can't wait!

It's up to you to learn

All about it.

And report back to me
with what you've discovered.

Turbo takeoffs, we'll do it.

This is going to be
an incredible adventure

What can you tell us
about the supersonic jets

And the sound barrier,
commander airhead?

Supersonic jets
are planes that can fly

Up to five times
the speed of sound.

Miles per hour
is the speed of sound.

It's also called mach .

Planes in this regime
have specially designed

High-performance engines

That can break
the sound barrier.

They are also designed
with lightweight materials

To provide less drag.

Wow, I can't wait
to find out more.

Supersonic jets
and the sound barrier?

Sounds absolutely amazing.

As you know,
vroomer and gumdrop,

As part of the mission,

You must find out
and learn tons of amazing facts

About airplanes.

Yes, commander airhead.

Vroom, vroom!

We will.


You must also know
that there is a question

That all the brightest flying
minds all over the world skies

Have not been able to answer

About supersonic jets
and the sound barrier.

We need you two winged scouts

To help us answer
the "who flew" question

About supersonic jets
and the sound barrier.

"Who flew" question?

Love it!

What is the question,
commander airhead?

What is the first jet

And who is the first person
to break the speed of sound?

That's a great question,
commander airhead.

We'll land the answer
in a spin of a propeller.

I'm sure.

I will assign you

The best winged scout helper
in the world.

His name is willy widget.

He's a robotic encyclopedia
of aircraft knowledge.

He will assist you
on your mission.

Bring on our third brain.

Let's have our willy widget!

Be sure to ask a lot of
questions, winged scouts.

You know nothing's
too hard for willy.


Winged scouts ready to fly,
commander airhead.

Winged scouts.

Vroom, vroom!



[Music playing]

Winged scouts.

Ready to get started
on your next adventure?

Yes, super ready.

Totally ready!

Remember, winged scouts,

Any and all questions
you may have

I'm here to answer them.

Where do we begin?

In the s and s,

Many design studies for
supersonic airliners were done.

And, eventually,
two types entered service,

The anglo french concorde

And the russian
tupolev tu- .

climactic and political

And economic impediments

And one fatal concorde crash
prevented them

From being used to their
full commercial potential.

And these aircraft
are no longer flying.

The majority of supersonic jets

Are military
or experimental planes.


The sound barrier,
also called a sonic barrier,

Is a popular term that refers
to the sudden increase

In aerodynamic drag

And other effects
experienced by a jet

Or other object when it
approaches supersonic speed.

The sound barrier is reached

When an object moves
at a speed

Of meters per second.


[Music playing]

The germans, french, british,
and other fighter pilots

Who fought
during world w*r two

Were the first to experience
the sound barrier

When a number of aircrafts

Started to encounter the effects
of compressibility.

A number of unrelated
aerodynamic effects

That struck their aircraft,

Thereby blocking
further acceleration.

By the s,
new aircraft designs

Regularly broke
the sound barrier.

What are early claims
of the sound barrier like?

In , in one of
the earliest claims,

The republic aviation
issued a press release

Stating that
lieutenants harold e. Comstock

And roger dyer
had exceeded the speed of sound

During test dives
in the p- thunderbolt.

It is widely agreed
that this was due

To inaccurate asi readings.

Foreign similar tests,

The north american
p- mustang,

A higher-performance aircraft,

Demonstrated limits
at mach . ,

With some high speeds
causing the aircraft

To be damaged by vibration.


Hit my plane brain with
more cool factoids, willy.

On the first of march ,

The luftwaffe test pilot,
lothar sieber,

May have accidentally
become the first man

To break the sound barrier.

This occurred while he was
piloting a bachem ba natter

For the first manned vertical
takeoff of a rocket in history.

In seconds, he travelled
a total of kilometers

Or . Miles.

the aircraft crashed

And he didn't survive.

But the precedent was set!

Oh, whoa.

In , the united kingdom's
ministry of aviation

Began a top secret project
with miles aircraft

To develop the world's
first aircraft

Capable of breaking
the sound barrier.

The prototype, miles m.
Turbo jet-powered aircraft,

Was designed to reach
, miles per hour,

Over the twice
the existing speed record

In level flight

And to climb to an altitude

Of , feet
in one minute and seconds.

But the project
was eventually cancelled.

Very interesting.

Turbo tricky.

Are there any other
important figures

In supersonic jet flying, willy?

History is littered
with important pilots,

Engineers, mechanics,
designers and generals

Who all helped forward the cause
and the mission

Of supersonic flight.

Perhaps none as well known

As former air force general

And world-famous test pilot
chuck yeager.

Whoa, chuck yeager?

Chuck yeager sounds like
one heck of a pilot.

Was he?

Very good question, vroomer.

He sure was.

From his humble beginnings
as a private in world w*r two,

Chuck yeager went on
to be a test pilot

For many different types
of aircraft,

Including experimental
rocket-powered aircraft.

All told,
mr. Yeager's flying career

Spanned over amazing years.

Jeez, makes me proud
to be a plane.

Did chuck yeager
ever crash a plan?

Yes, he did!

Chuck yeager lost control
of a plane called the bell x- a

Due to the barely understood
phenomenon of inertia coupling.

The x- a dropped
from maximum altitude

To , feet,

During which yeager broke
the canopy with his helmet

Before regaining control

Only due to his super strong
skills as an aviator.


What is inertia coupling?

Inertia coupling is common with
single-engine jet fighter aircraft

And occurs when an aircraft
is quickly put into a roll

Resulting in violent pitching,
and yawing,

And loss of control

As the aircraft rotates
on all three axes.


Tooting turbines,
that's incredible!

Inertia coupling
nearly k*lled chuck yeager

In the x- a in

And it did
k*ll pilot captain mel apt

In his first flight
in the rocket-powered bell x-

On september th, .

Inertia coupling craziness.

Wow, this flying business
sure can be dangerous.

For aircraft speeds which are
greater than the speed of sound,

The aircraft
is said to be supersonic.

Typical speeds for supersonic
aircraft are greater

Than miles per hour,

But less than
, miles per hour

And the mach number, m,
is greater than one.

As in mach ,
mach , or mach .

Cool skies.

Subsequent experimental
supersonic jets

Were built
after the bell x- a

Proved that humans
could fly supersonically.

The aerodynamics
of these early aircraft

Is used on modern
supersonic fighter aircraft.

There have been
several efforts to develop

supersonic airliners.

The russian tu-
and the anglo french concorde

Went into service
in the early s,

But were financial failures.

What is the first jet and who is the first
person to break the speed of sound?

The bell x-
on october,

Became the first aircraft
to break the speed of sound.

It was piloted by none other than
air force captain chuck yeager

Who also became the very first
pilot to break the speed of sound.

Hey, gumdrop, I think
we just found out the answer

To commander airhead's
"who flew" question.

You're right, vroomer.

The bell x-
holds the record

For first jet
to break the speed of sound.

And captain chuck yeager
was its pilot.

on finding the answer

To this mission's "who flew"
question, winged scouts.

Commander airhead
will be proud of you.

No engines about it.

[Music playing]

Fantastic work,
winged scouts.

Your mission
was a great success.

You're well on your way
to becoming our most heightened

And enlightened planes.

Vroom, vroom!

Vrr... Awesome!

Say, were you, uh,

Were you able to find the answer to
this mission's "who flew" question?

Yes, commander airhead,
we sure did.

The bell x-
holds the record

For first jet
to break the speed of sound.

on the th of october, ,

The bell x- became the first
aircraft to break the speed of sound.

It was piloted by
air force captain chuck yeager

Who also became
the very first pilot

The break the speed of sound.

That's great.

Good job, winged scouts.

What's our next mission,
commander airhead?

Your next mission is going
to be your most incredible yet.

We want you to learn
about modern jets.

Modern jets?

Super cool-l-l-l!

For all the bumpy flights,
can't wait!


Winged scouts ready to fly,
commander airhead.

Winged scouts.

Vroom, vroom!


I can't wait to get started.

Me neither,
this is gonna be fun.

Gumdrop, vroomer,

I can't begin to tell you

How much your dedication
to learning

Impresses us all.

With that in mind,

Today will be one of
your biggest tests.

Your mission,
gumdrop and vroomer,

Is to discover all about

The most fascinating
machine of all.




[Chuckles] you will
travel all over the world

Across time,
and space and beyond.

You must keep your little
metal noses pointed ahead,

Your motors humming,

And your wings perked
at all times.

We depend on you
to do the best job possible.

Are you ready
for your assignment?

- Mach knowledge?
- Let's get it!

Plane scouts ready for
our mission, commander airhead.

This is sure to be a challenging
mission, little ones.

Ooh, tell me more,
I love challenging missions.

Sound barrier brain blast,
me too!

I'm sending you two
on a mission

To learn about modern jets.

Modern jets?

How cool.

Can't wait.

It's up to you
to learn all about it

And report back to me
with what you have discovered.

Flapping fun wings.

This is going to be
an incredible adventure.

What can you tell us about the
modern jets, commander airhead?

Well, the first jets
were built over , years ago.

And over that time, during
times of w*r and in between,

There has been
tremendous breakthrough

In the manufacturing
of both commercial

And fighter jets.

Numerous tests
and modifications

Have led to what we know
as modern jets today.

Wow, I can't wait
to find out more.

Modern jets?
Sounds absolutely amazing.

As you know,
vroomer and gumdrop,

To be all you can be,

You must find out and learn

Tons of amazing facts
about airplanes.

Yes, commander airhead.

vroom, vroom!

We will!


You must also know
there is a question

That all the brightest flying
minds all over the world skies

Have not been able
to answer about modern jets.

We need you two winged scouts

To help us answer the "who
flew"question about modern jets.

"Who flew" question?

Love it.

What is the question,
commander airhead?

What is the fastest modern jet

And what is its maximum speed?

That's a great question,
commander airhead.

We'll land the answer
in a spin of a propeller.

I'm sure.

I will assign you

The best winged scout helper
in the world.

His name is willy widget.

He's a robotic encyclopedia

Of aircraft knowledge.

He will assist
you on your mission.

Our bot.

It's always sunny skies

With ole willy widget.

Be sure to ask a lot
of questions, winged scouts.

As always,
willy knows it all.


Winged scouts ready to fly,
commander airhead.

Winged scouts.

Vroom, vroom!

Vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom,
vroom, vroom, vroom



[Music playing]

Winged scouts!

Ready to get started
on your next adventure?

Yes, super ready.

Is the sky blue?

Remember, winged scouts,

Any and all questions
you have

I'm here to answer them.

Where do we begin?

More than years ago,

Orville and wilbur wright

Taught mankind how to fly.

And ever since then,

There has been replications,

Improvements and modifications

That have seen jets
do numerous feats

Once considered impossible.

The first jet
to break the speed of sound,

The bell x-
piloted by charles yeager

In set the pace.

And ever since then,

Others have followed.


To see some of the latest
in modern fifth-generation jets,

We will have to
travel across the world

To many countries.

Wings up,
let's go have some fun!


In russia, there have been
some tremendous breakthroughs

With the fourth-generation
jet fighters.

Mikoyan mig-

And sukhoi su- .

But recently,
they have developed

The fifth-generation
sukhoi su- ,

Which is an improvement
on the su- .

And belongs on the top ten
modern jets of the century.

There's also
a new sukhoi pak fa

Stealthy superior air fighter
jet being developed.

Say, what's the maximum speed

Of the sukhoi su- ?

The sukhoi su-
has a maximum speed

At altitude
of , kilometers per hour

Or mach . .


Hit my plane brain with more
cool info, willy widget.

By late ,

China designed two prototypes

Of the chengdu j-

And began high-speed
taxi trials.

The j- made its first flight

In january .

In december ,

A new j-
with serial number

Was seen leaving its chengdu
aviation corporation factory.

It is believed to be
the first of the low-rate

Initial production aircraft.

The conducted
its maiden flight

In january .

Blasting engines,
that's amazing.

There were rumors
of a possible prototype

Of the f- ,
named the shenyang j- ,

Which was later launched
and made its maiden flight

In october, .

very interesting.

What happened next, willy?

Excellent question, gumdrop.

The united states
has remained

One of the leaders
in building modern jets.

They own some of
the best modern jets

And their lockheed martin
boeing f- raptor

Is the most superior jet
ever produced.

And is almost
invisible to radars.

It carries a powerful array
of weaponry

And remains the most advanced

And most expensive production
fighter aircraft to date.


Fun factoid.

Are all the modern jets
fighter jets?

That's a very question,

Not all the modern jets
are fighter jets

As there are also
some passenger jets.

Passenger jets usually
have two or four jet engines.

Three-engine designs
were popular in the s,

But are less common today.

high-flying factoid.

What were the first passenger
jet planes ever made, willy?

The first jet airliner was
the british de havilland comet,

Which first flew in .

Also developed in

Was the avro canada
c jetliner,

Which sadly never
reached production.


Factoid cooler
than icicles on my propellers

After an icy flight.

What are some of the newest

Modern passenger jets,
willy widget?

Excellent question, vroomer.

The french airbus a xwb

And the american boeing
- dreamliner

Are currently perhaps
the two most advanced

Passenger jets in the world.

And are still in production.

Are all passenger jets capable

Of supersonic flight,
willy widget?

Very good question, vroomer.

I see you are keeping
a keen mind.

No jet airliner,
other than the concorde,

Is capable
of supersonic flight.

Is the concorde
still operational today?

No, gumdrop,
the aerospatiale/bac concorde

Discontinued operations
in .


How was the concorde powered?

The concorde was powered
with the olympus turbo jet,

A development
of the bristol engine

First used
for the avro vulcan bomber.


Hooting tooting turbines.

Those are some cool terms.

Many countries
such as china, japan,

Russia, france,
united states and the uk

Are all making efforts

Toward developing
sixth-generation jets,

Which will be the future
of the modern world.

Some of these jets include
the russian mikoyan mig- ,

The japanese
mitsubishi x- shinshin

And lots more!



lockheed martin engineers

Have developed
a box wing concept

To find new ways
to reduce fuel burn

Without abandoning the basic
shape of current aircraft.

the lightweight materials

Found in the f-
and f- fighter jets,

They designed
a looped wing configuration

That would increase
the lift-to-drag ratio by %,

Making it possible
to fly further

Using less fuel

While still
fitting into airport gates.

Cool skies.

The first era of commercial
supersonic transportation

Ended on november th,

With the final flight
of that concorde I mentioned,

A noisy, inefficient
and high-polluting aircraft.

But the dream
of a sub-three-hour

Cross-country flight lingered.

And in ,
designers at lockheed martin

Presented the mach .
Supersonic green machine.

The plane's
variable cycle engines

Improved efficiency by switching
to conventional turbofan mode

During takeoff and landing.

Combustors built
into the engine

Would reduce nitrogen oxide
pollution by %.

What is the faster modern jet?

And what is its maximum speed?

Oh, the rocket-powered x-

Holds the official world record

For the fastest speed ever
reached by a manned aircraft,

Mach . ,

Which is . Times
the speed of sound

Or , miles per hour.

Hey, gumdrop,
I think we just found the answer

To commander airhead's
"who flew" question.

You're right, vroomer.

The record goes
to the x- aircraft.

on finding the answer

To this mission's "who flew"
question, winged scouts.

Commander airhead
will be proud of you.

No pistons about it.

[Music playing]

Fantastic work, winged scouts.

Your mission
was a great success.

Like always,
you two never let us down.

Until it's time
to land, right?


Say, were you able to find

The answer to this mission's
"who flew" question?

Yes, commander airhead,
we sure did.

The official record
goes to the rocket-powered x-

For the fastest speed ever
reached by a manned aircraft.

The fastest modern jet
is the rocket-powered x-

With a speed of mach . ,

Which is . Times
the speed of sound

Or , miles per hour.

That's great!

Good job, winged scouts.

What's our next mission,
commander airhead?

Your next mission is going
to be your most incredible yet.

We want you to learn about
the world's fastest jets.

The world's fastest jets? Wow!


For all the bumpy flights,

Can't wait to get started.


Winged scouts ready to fly,
commander airhead.

- Winged scouts.
- Vroom, vroom!


You know,
I'm pretty fast myself.

if I do say so.

But you're not the world's
fastest fast, vroomer.

You guys are still young.

There's always time for growth,
winged scouts.

[Music playing,
engine revving]

Subtitles by explosiveskull

♪ I was just sitting
up in my tree ♪

♪ In my tree, in my tree ♪

♪ I saw a beautiful face
was looking up at me ♪

♪ Up at me, up at me ♪

♪ Oh, she had a cute smile,
so I asked her name ♪

♪ Asked her name,
asked her name ♪

♪ When we got to talking,
said she felt the same ♪

♪ That she felt the same,
felt the same ♪

♪ Oh, every time I see her,
I do my thing ♪

[Trilling, gibberish]

♪ Well, now she's by my side
where she wants to be ♪

♪ Uh, she wants to be ♪

♪ It's where she wants to be ♪

♪ She's cooking us a chicken
with a jug of tea ♪

♪ A jug of tea ♪

- ♪ Oh, yeah ♪
- ♪ a jug of tea ♪

[Man laughing]

[Trilling, gibberish]
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