Tournament (2018)

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Tournament (2018)

Post by bunniefuu »

(engaging music)

(swords clashing)

(triumphant music)

- I though we agreed to take it easy.

- Taking it easy is for chumps and losers.

Which one are you?

- Harsh words from someone
who's about to die.

- Die?

Not today, my friend. Not today.

- Of course you'd do that. My turn?

- People should know
when they're conquered.

- Would you Stu?

Would I?

- Damn it Margo!

(Margo laughs)

- Hey, only the best!

- That was my last creature.

- And I k*lled it and I'm a bad creature.

- You're a jerk.

- Kisses. So that is six damage to you,

for, oh wait, what was that, game.

- What, no way?

- You don't have to look at my cards.

What you are doing?

I played you anyways, that's it.

- Already?

- [Margo And Stu] Hey Arthur.

- I barely been open five minutes.

- And during that time I've already

handed Stu his first crushing defeat.

- Hey take it easy--

- Oh you're right I'm
sorry, first of many.

- You guys.

- Are your favorite customers?

- Inspire you to dream
of a better tomorrow?

(group groans)

- He loves us.

- Yeah. Again?

- Yeah.

So how is the old lawsuit going?

- Knott's Berry Farm
will fold any day now.

I've got 'em by the short hairs.

- That's an image, thank you.

- Hey, the Legoland money is running out.

I'm just lucky that Knott's Berry Farm is

so lax in their rollercoaster maintenance.

- Kiddie rides have a weight
limit dude, you have a beard.

- Yeah, well that let me on anyway.

I'm just a victim of Big
Roller Coaster all right?

- Is there a theme park you haven't sued?

- [Margo And Stu] Elliot.

- Hey, oh are you guys playing?

- Yes.

- Who's winning?

- We just started, so.

- Oh, what kind of deck are you playing?

- Black, please don't touch that.

- Red.

- [Elliot] Sorry.

- Thank you, okay I play
Solar Flare against your--

- Have you seen the
cards in the new set yet?

- Yeah.

- They look awesome right?

- They're awesome.

- Can't wait to play.

- Hey kid.

- Yeah.

- We're kind of, nevermind anyway.

(Lung speaks foreign language)

(Stu speaks foreign language)

- No, me Chinese.

- (speaks foreign language) is hello.

- [Lung] What?


- Sweet and sour pork.

- Very funny you goofball.

- I don't get it.

- Get what?

- You just sweet and sour pork.

- Right, I was continuing the joke.

- What joke?

- The one that Stu started.

- What Joke did Stu start?

- Third base.

- I don't know!

- Hey Lung, you wanna trade?


- What cool?

- Your cards are all in Japanese.

- No, not Japanese.

- Oh, Chinese?

- Mandarin.

- Like the oranges.

- Yeah.

- Ah cool. What's that?

- Oh, that my design.

- Really?

That's cool.

- Yeah very cool.

- Hey Kate.

- I want this one.

- Oh, that's one's kind of a--

- Yeah that one's nice.

Oh it's okay, you can have these two.

Hey Arthur, you got my stuff right?

- Gotcha.

- I kind of feel bad, charity case, right?

- You don't have to let
her do that you know?

- Do what?

- Walk all over you, take your cards.

- Hey we traded.

- [Stu] Sure you did kid.

- Okay I drop a dragon and swing for--

- Have you guys seen Kate?

I was parking the car,
turned around, she's gone.

- [Stu] She is up front.

- Oh, Kate, I didn't know where you went?

You can't do that anymore.

- Is there anywhere
else you'd think I'd go.

I'm obviously gonna be here.

- Yeah, but I hadn't
even parked the car yet.

- Oh yeah, like you'd break the sound

barrier in that Prius of yours.

- It doesn't matter
you could've been hurt.

- Okay, whatever.

- Don't, it's fine, I should
just be happy that your'e safe.

Do you wanna soda Kate?

- Yeah, orange.

Your wallet's in the car.

- Hey Kate did you really jump

out of the car when it was still moving?

- [Kate] Yeah, so?

- Sorry, sorry, sorry.

- That's awesome.

- [Stu] You think that's awesome?

- Yeah.

- Dude check this out.

- [Margo] No, don't show him it.

- Wanna know how I got that scar?

- How?

- Nacho cheese burn at Six Flags.

- [Kate] Lame!

- They pad a cool G's for that.

- [Elliot] Okay, whatever.

- Let me grab an orange soda for Kate

and three booster packs.

- Alright here are your packs right here.

Alright the tournament
will start in five minutes

but we're still waiting
on a couple players.

So get your decks ready because
when we start, that's it.

- [Kate] Thanks Arthur.

- [Stu) Thanks.

- [Arthur] I'll reveal the prize in a bit.

- Yes!

- [Elliot] Yuck.

- What that?

- [Margo] Sorry man.

- What?

- [Lung] Not good.

- Hold on I got another one right here.

These, these, yeah?

- Oh that's awful.

- [Stu] Dude that is just some bad luck.

- What?

- Those packs are crap.

- Not good my friend.

- Come on, this one, it's a flower?

- No, that's no.

- That's awful.

- Hey you guys can't
even see 'em from there.

These are good cards!

- Keep trying Steve.

(engaging exotic music)

- Very good.

- Hi, how much is babysitting today?

- The tournament is five bucks.

- Cheapest childcare in town.

- Thank you.

- Love you, okay?

- Damn.

- Damn.

- Oh very hot.

- Hey this one is called
Aggressive Dragon. It's a dragon!

- No, not good.

- [Elliot] No.

- [Kate] It doesn't mean anything.

- Aggressive Dragon is terrible,

too high a cost for too little in effect.

- Really?

Oh hey Ramin.

- Hey Steve.

- Wait who dropped you off?

- My mom.

- I missed her.

- Yeah.

- [Steve] Damn it!

- [Stu] Go get her buddy.

- [Margo] Poor Steve.

- [Ramin] You guys suck.

- Ah, she's always
right there. Missed her.

Hey Ramin, getting tall.

(coins drop in slot)

- Dang it, Arthur re-stocked
again. I wanted orange.

- I haven't had a chance
to check 'em all yet

but I do that he put the root
beer and the diet soda out.

- And I have no more money.

- That's why I always get
it straight from Arthur.

- Yeah but the ones in the
back are always so hot.

- Yet another victim of the soda lottery.

- [Ramin] I guess ginger ale is tolerable.

- Okay I assume that you all wanna

see what you're playing for today?

(group clamors in approval)

Alright, here we go.

(group clamors in amazement)

- Guys look at Paul in the window.

Oh, like a puppy.

- Okay, you got this. It's in the bag.

- How long do you think Paul's

gonna stand there looking like an idiot?

- [Stu] Beats me. A coke
says it's more than a minute.

- [Ramin] Can I just let him in?

- [Margo] No, no, wait, wait, I

wanna see how long this takes.

- You do know that door
is made of glass right?

- Well, yeah, you know.
Your face is made of glass.


- Good comeback.

- Yeah we'll I'm just saving up all

my brain power for winning
the tournament today.

- Okay, relax.

- Big talk, okay.

- You, messy hair, you need comb.

- So who's turn is it?

- Okay it's time, put your crap away.

- [Paul] Okay I'm ready.

- We're all here.

- I need your money first.

Stop, stop.

- Five bucks.

- Can you get me one, thank you.

- Ladies first.

- You're not a lady.

- Thanks.

- Thank you.

- Thanks.

- Thank you.

- Thank you.

- Hey Paul did you get a chance

to watch that video I sent you.

- The one with E.T. re-cut as

a horror movie, yeah it was funny.

- E.T is my favorite alien movie.

- Wait E.T. over Aliens?

- Aliens over Alien.

- Duh?

- [Margo] What?

- Yeah.

- Thor is my favorite alien movie.

- There are no aliens in Thor.

- Yeah, they live on a different planet.

- No they live in a different dimension.

So that makes the
extra-dimensional beings.

- Yeah that makes sense.

- No, I like Cocoon.

- Cocoon?

- I've never heard of it.

- You Cocoon, the old
people, Steve Guttenberg.

- No Pacific Rim, right with all

the robots whomping on all the aliens.

- Those are extra-dimensional beings too.

- This conversation is stupid.

- Oh no, no, no, I have
the ultimate alien movie

that is maybe the best alien movie--

- Oh, Men in Black!

(group clamors in approval)

- Let me get another
booster pack, three of 'em.

- Again Steve?

- I think you have a problem.

- Quiet you.

- Hey man.

- I'll get the pairings ready.

- Hey Paul can I see your special binder?

- No.

- Come on, they're so shiny and cool.

- No.

- Why not?

You're so uncool.

- A loser more like it.

- I don't have them.

I'm sorry I had to sell
most of my money cards

to get my car fixed and
my hard drive replaced.

I'm glad there were able to
recover most of the scripts

on my computer but it set
me backs months of trading.

- God, that sucks.

But don't you automatically
back up the files on the cloud?

- I do now.

- What are you stupid?

(group laughs)

- Thanks for pouring salt into my wounds.

- [Margo] You're welcome.

- You still have a chance to
win like the rest of us, right?

- Yes, I didn't sell all my good cards.

I built the perfect deck
today. I'm ready for anything.

- Okay, we'll see.

- Hey Lung, can I see your trades?

- Sure.

- Lung I thought you
had some English cards?

- Yeah, what you do, how
you want me to trade huh?

You got Ulli-face, Monkey
Bear, how you win huh?

You won't win your mat.

- I just told you I had to
sell all the good ones I had.

- Oh my god.

- The king has arrived.

- [Group] Boo!

- I welcome your scorn, it strengthens me.

It fills me with valor.

- What are you doing here?

- I'm here to do what I do best.

I'm here to win, to
triumph, to bring about

much lamentations of women,
I'm sorry Margo it just--

- Get bent.

- Ling--

- It's Lung, not Ling.

- Paul it's always a delight to see you.

- Oh you're not gonna greet all
of us individually, are you?

- I do feel that as a merciful monarch

it my duty to greet my
peons, ye lowly serfs.

- What's a serf?

- What indeed, dear child. What indeed.

Arthur my entry fee.

- We already started. You're too late.

- What?

- What's that thing on your wrist?

- What thing?

- That thing on your wrist.

- My watch.

- Oh, that's a watch and here

I thought you had nothing to
tell ya you were too late.

(group laughs)

- Arthur I've been a loyal
customer here two years--

- Look, look, you'd be our ninth player.

That screws up the pairings.

So that means that someone would
have to sit out each round.

- Sorry man.

- If everyone here is
cool with that, then fine.

- Well great, these
guys will vouch for me.


- No.

- [Group] No.

- You only come once a
month to win the mat.

- So?

You all wanna have a tournament

but will the victory be as
sweet if I cannot be beaten.

You plebeians seek a tainted victory,

and I will not be party to it.

(glass slams)

(group laughs)

- Are you okay?

I'm sorry. Am I too
late for the tournament?

- Fair maiden, you desire not

to truck with these foul beasts.

No they seem quite content to resign

themselves to their own isolation.

- What?

- They won't let anyone else play.

- I'm too late aren't I?

I knew I'd be too late.

I would've called but I
didn't know the number

and couldn't look it
up when I was driving.

- Wow.

- Please look, they won't
anyone else play, so please,

allow me the pleasure of
your company to a luncheon.

IThailianos next door
makes a hell of a pad thai!

- Now hold on.

Arthur you said that Wyatt would

give us an uneven number but if--

- Erin.

- Erin, thank you, you see here that's .

We're even again.

- Are you vouching for Wyatt, Paul?

- Paul, no, I actually wanna win one.

- Paul think about it, if
Wyatt wins, no mat for you.

- Yeah, he is big jerk.

- Thank you.

- Let them play.

- Fine, but you two are playing each other

'cause I'm not re-doing the pairings.

- That's fine.

- I can play?

- Yeah.

- Thanks.

- Ah you're going down.

- Okay, okay, now that that's done

let's actually get down
to business, pairings.

(wolf howls)

- Paul vs Kate, Steve vs.
Elliot, Stu vs. Ramin,

Margo vs. Lung, Wyatt vs.
Erin, round one, fight!

- Lords, ladies, to arms.

Alright, alright, alright.

- I dunno, I don't think I could

handle playing on the actual table.

- Yeah I'm with the kid on this one Paul.

This plan's just embarrassing.

- What sort of person doesn't have a mat?

- I mean even Steve has one.

- Oh yeah, almost forgot.

- That's a mouse pad.

- No it's not.

- I'm not buying a mat.

- Poor Paul, always the bridesmaid.

- What's going on?

- [Wyatt] he most sacred part of

any tournament, the
presentation of the mats.

You see it's when you
partake in something special.

Something that only a worthy
opponent can give you.

It's a presentation of
skill, power, stamina.

- Are they always that small?

- What?

- I mean I've seen some mats
but this one just seems small.

- No, they're all the same size.

- Are they?

- Yes!

- Are they though?

- [Kate] She got you.

- You know what Paul
doesn't even have a mat.

- Really, why?

- I haven't won one, yet.

- In your dreams loser.

- The time starts now.

(wolf howls)


(swords clang)

(knuckles crack)

(engaging music)

- All right, good luck Kate.

- I'm gonna kick your ass so hard

your mom isn't even gonna recognize you.

- Really, is that what we're doing?

- I hope you had help
putting your deck together

because I'm about to rip it apart.

- Kid, cool it.

- I'm not a kid. I'm a woman.

- Do you want to roll
to play or draw first?

- Your dad always goes first.

- Do you actually wanna play

the game or just spit fire all day?

- Your ass is about to be on fire after

this massive whooping you're about to get.

- Whoa, sit down.

- Kate, what the hell?

- My God.

- Okay, look I learned it from you dad.

Okay I learned it from watching you.

- No, you got that mouth from your mother.

- Oh that's right.

I learned loneliness and
desperation from you.

- [Elliot] What's desperation?

- [Stu] Steve is desperation.

- [Elliot] I thought Steve was lonely.

- That too.

- [Stu] Lonely for Ramin's mom.

- [Ramin] Come on guys.

- [Elliot] Are you gonna
hook up with Ramin's mom?

- What?

- Who even says hooking up anymore?

That's not a thing.

- [Elliot] Sure it is. My
daddy says it all the time.

- Your daddy?

- Okay no one young says it.

- So are you gonna?

- No.

- Well what do people say instead?

- [Steve] What do you mean?

- [Elliot] Instead of
hooking up, what do they say?

- [Stu] I'd totally right swipe your mom.

- Gross.

- That's not gross,
it's perfectly natural.

- [Elliot] Hey Lung how do you
say hooking up in Japanese?

- No, no, no, no, no,
not Japanese, Chinese.

- [Elliot] Whatever, how do you say it?

- Oh no, no, no, no, another time.

- [Elliot] But Lung.

- Hey Lung teach me to cuss in Chinese.

- [Steve] Kate please.

- [Lung] Cussing no for a little girl.

- Oh come Lung give me
something good, like you suck.

- Okay you ready (speaks
foreign language).

- (speaks foreign language)

- (speaks foreign language)

- (speaks foreign language)

- Good.

- (speaks foreign language) Ramin!

(speaks foreign language) dad!

(dramatic music)

(intense Samurai music)

- Class is over Lung, you're going down.

- Where you go?

- I don't know what kinda deck you built

but I was up play testing mine all night.

- Huh?

- Oh, come on Lung this isn't

any fun unless you smack talk back.

- Oh.

- Okay well let's hear some then.

- Your momma is (speaks foreign language)!

Drop the mic.

- Yeah, that's the spirit.

- Okay, your turn.

(engaging music)

(intense Samurai music)

(swords clang)

- So what does swipe right mean?

- I don't really--

- It's a dating app.

- So what does swiping right mean?

- I don't--

- Swiping right is a way of
signaling to the other person

that if it were to happen you'd like it.

- You'd like what?

- Can we not?

- If you like what you
see then you swipe right.

It's as simple as that.

- My turn. Okay

- So that's it.

- Yup, that's Tinder.

- What are you doing on Tinder anyway?

- What just 'cause I'm gay
I can't know about Tinder?

We invented Tinder.

- No just because your married
you shouldn't be on Tinder.

- Hey, I'm an English professor;

the amount of creative writing
essays that start with:

"it all started with
a swipe to the right."

I mean k*ll me, gotta keep up

with the kids, you know what I mean?

I hit you for two.

- Steve do you use Tinder?

- Can we not talk about this anymore?

Your turn.

- Okay fine. Boardwipe.

I just right swiped all your guys.

- That's not what it means.

- Well what does it mean?

- Ask your parents.

- Really?

- Yeah.

- Oh I know. Hey Kate!

- What?

- Can you ask your dad what
Tinder and swiping right mean?

- Hey dad, can you explain to

my friend what swiping right means?

- How's that for asking your parents?

- I'm gonna talk to your parents later.

(uptempo music)

- Okay, okay--

- Dude just go!

You can't have that many
options your deck sucks.

- It does not!

- Does too.

- I'm not doing a does
not, does too with you.

- Bite me.

- Fine I play--

- I counter it.

- Fine go!

- Sweet my turn.

I play my old friend Ulli-face.

- Oh ship, ship.

- You can say shit in front of me.

- Yeah but I shouldn't.

- Shit, shit, shit.

- [Group] Language.

- [Kate] Seriously.

- Yeah.

- Sorry guys.

- Okay I can't attack this round

but next round I'm k*lling you.

- Go!

(group chatters)

- Who is that?

- (speaks foreign language)

- (speaks foreign language)

- (speaks foreign language)

- (speaks foreign language)

- (speaks foreign language)

- (speaks foreign language)

- Do you think Arthur's
getting Russian foils?

- Do you see any Russian
foils in the display cases?

- Maybe he's gonna start carrying them.

- That'd be cool.

- I don't know that seemed real shady.

- There's nothing shady going on in here.

- Weirdo.

- Have you gone?

- No I haven't.

(uptempo engaging music)


(intense Samurai music)

- I burn you for four. Your turn.

- Hey speaking of burn does
your mom like spicy foods?

- Can you just--

- I mean assume she likes Indian

but I just don't want
her to have curry breath.

If you know what I mean?

- I'm trying really, really
hard not to know what you mean.

My turn.

- I'm a man that likes
it hot. Yeah, your turn.

- I play Fiery Horseman. Go.

- What?

Let me see that?

- You know I can, no--

- I don't like that.

- Aw man, your turn.

- Okay, I can swing at you
for seven and win this game

or you can just give me your mom's number.

- No!

- Or steal one of her shoes, whichever.

- What?


- Fine, I play w*r Hound,
everything gets a boost

I swing with the team and k*ll you.

(sword clashes)

Arthur I win.

- [Arthur] Alright.

- Now about that phone number?

(swords clash)

(engaging music)

- Two out of three.



Okay, okay. I play an Angry Goblin.

No, yeah, no, yeah. Yeah I do.

- What?

- Your turn.

- Oh! I play Hornet Swarm.

- What?

(sword pierces)

- You're dead.

- You had this whole time why

didn't you just play it earlier?

- Oh, it kinda looked like
you were having a lot of fun.

I didn't want to k*ll you too quickly.

- Freaking kids.

(swords clash)

(cards shuffle)

- No, you not win!

(sword pierces Lung as
he screams in agony)

- It was a good game Lung.

Arthur, I won.

(swords clash)

- C'mon, c'mon. Yes.

- What?

- I play a land.

- And that's it?

- That's exactly what I needed.

- Well that's Ret*rded.

- [Group] Language.

- Oh, come on.

- I steal Ulli-face.

- What?

- I steal it and I hit you for nine.

(sword clangs)


- d*ck.

- [Group] Language.

- Oh d*ck is not a swear
word I can say d*ck.

d*ck, d*ck, d*ck!

- I did it.

- It doesn't make any sense.

- [Ramin] Nice.

- I'm sorry Kate.

- Shut up dad!

- Hey, hey Arthur I win.

- Arthur I win.

- How did you do it?

- I stole her Ulli-face.

- Wow, that's a good move.

- [Elliot] Sorry Kate.

- This blows, I have the best creature

and I get k*lled by it.

- You need any of these?

- Hey Paul looks like we might
play each other next round.

- Maybe, maybe.

- Yeah and you might play your dad.

- Oh God.

- I wish my dad played
tournaments with me.

- No, you don't.

- Well it wouldn't matter if was any good

or not it's just that he was here.

- I haven't seen your dad in a while.

- He's pretty much out of the picture now.

I see him Christmas, maybe
my birthday if I'm lucky.

- I get that, I miss my mom sometimes too.

- At least your parent tries
to be more involved, since--

- It's whatever Ramin, I'm used to it.

- I wish I wasn't.

- Hey Paul what deck did you
say you were playing again?

- Oh, I--

- Ah, ah, you'll see when you play.

- This one.

- Glad that rounds over.

(swords clang)

(Wyatt grunts in fury)

- Whoa.

- [Margo] Here we go again.

- What did we just miss?

- Arthur, is that his name?

- Yeah.

- Arthur, I, Erin won.

- You did.

- Yeah.

- Cool.

- Wow.

- Congratulations, that's huge

- [Group] Great job Erin.

(group applauds)

- Thank you.

- I don't understand.

- You don't understand what?

- I played everything right.

Okay I built a perfect deck
just like the pros are using.

There's no way I could have lost.

- I've seen that deck a lot at school.

The group I play with
is really competitive

and we love deck building
around the meta game.

We moved past your deck a while ago.

- Wow.

- [Arthur] I'll go get
things ready for round two.

Steve, results?

- No I lost

- [Arthur] Okay.

- Let me see your deck.

- What?

- Let me see your deck!

I mean there's no way
this could've happened.

- I won fair and square, back off.

- No, look I don't lose.

I net-decked this perfectly against

all the top decks and I won every time!

- Back off man, come on.

- She's not using one of those decks.

There's no way an original
deck would win against me!

She must be cheating!

She's a cheater I want her deck checked.

- I don't cheat.

- No one here is cheating. There's no way.

- Yeah there's no reason to
check anyone's deck or anything.

- Just because you
losers doesn't have balls

to cheat doesn't mean she wouldn't.

We don't even know her.

She's brand new, for all we know

she came in here to win the mat and leave.

- Dude that's what you do, you come

in here once a month to win the mat.

- Kate?

- Would you shut up!

- Hey!

- I don't cheat.

- Sure, sure that's what you tell us all

but we don't really know you do we?

For all I know you're just
some girl, no friends,

came in here to screw it all up.

- Hey back off.

- Just defend the pretty one.

- I'm not defending her
because she's pretty, I--

- Do you know who I am?

- [Elliot] Oh God.

- I have friends that are judges.

Now I can make sure you get banned

from ever playing this game again.

- I don't need to cheat. I
beat you fair and square.

You made three critical
errors and you paid the price.

You know, this was supposed to be fun.

- Bye.

- What the hell man?

- That was mean.

- That was tight.

- Yeah cheating is wrong.

- Why would you say that?

- You're an assh*le.

- Everybody calm down.
It's a game, calm down.

- Hey are you okay?

- Coming here was a bad
idea. This is stupid.

- No, no, no, no don't
let that guy get to you.

He's an idiot.

- It's not just him.

Oh God, I've been so stressed at school,

there's all these damn
labs and research papers,

and my grades were never
good enough of course.

I just needed to get away from it all

so I come to the one thing helps

me escape and some jackass att*cks me.

God I swear I was this close
to punching him in the face.

And now I'm complaining to
someone that I just met.

You must have a great impression of me.

I'm sorry I should just go home.

- No, I'm sorry no, please don't go.

It's okay, don't leave.

- Why not?

- It's been along since
somebody's beaten Wyatt.

That was really cool.

- Thanks. Is he really that tough?

- Well for us, for me, anyway.

I know what you're going through.

I double majored in college and just about

k*lled myself with all
the work I had to do.

On top of that I had
to send my grades home

to my father every
semester and that didn't

always make for a happy homecoming.

(Erin laughs)

- The vicissitudes of life.

- What?

- It's just something my dad would always

say when a bunch off random shit happens.

- I'll have to start using that.

So you're gonna stay for the rest?

- Yeah I guess I will.

- I mean it's more fun with you here.

- More loud maybe.

- Just a little.

(door knocks)

You feel like coming back inside?

- Yeah, still more fun
than being with my family.

- Come on, lets go.

(melodramatic music)

- I don't like bullies in my
store and if you ever mouth off

to one of my customers again
I will personally see to it

that you never play this
or any other game again.



- Capiche, capiche.

- Now apologize.

- I'm sorry.

- Say it like you got a pair!

- I'm sorry for that.

- Good.

Round two will be up in a minute.

- Didn't know you could do that, up top.

- Now that was awesome.

- For that alone I'm glad I stayed.

- What's that?

- (speaks foreign language)

- Oh is that like Pocky?

- [Lung] No.

- Do you get that in Little Tokyo?

- [Lung] No!

- What's it taste like?

- Like chip.

- Oh so it's like dagashi, right?

- No!

- So where in Korea Town did you get it?

- Stop it.

- Not Korea.

- No?

- One only for you.

- No, no, no good baby.

- Did you just call me a baby?

- Arthur can I get three more packs?

- Just a sec.

- Okay.

- You have a problem.

- [Steve] I don't know
what you're talking about.

(coins drop in slot)

- Oh come on. I wanted ginger ale.

- Oh Arthur re-stocked
earlier. Cola is orange now.

- Oh damn it I was just
getting used to the last order.

- Geez.

- I think grape is--

- Ginger ale now.

- Anyone have a quarter?

- What?

- What?

- What grape is ginger ale now.

- Oh Arthur stocks the machines

but he never fills the slots
with the correct drink.

- Why?

- Not sure maybe it's just another

for us to play in this game shop.

And we regulars just tell each other

how to decode the machine
once we figure it out.

- Got the right one there?

- Yep. Ginger ale.

- Steve you wanted three packs?

- Yeah.

- Alright.

- Don't you feel bad taking
advantage of his addiction?

- If a man wants to
gamble I let him gamble.

- Up top, thank you.

- I'm hungry.

- Okay.

- Whoever I'm playing next round,

should go next door, Im going to I-Thai.

- Hey be brave this time,
get Candace's number.

- Ha, very funny.

- You can't just--

- Just let him go okay.

- Hey go next door and no where else.

I'll be in to check on
you. No funny business.

- Here you go. Let me
go grab the pairings.

- Thanks.

- Alright.

- Does anyone here play
Clash of the Clans?

- Oh I did, but I had to stop.

- You just got sick of it?

- Almost failed organic chemistry.

- [Paul] Ouch.

- Hey Steve you pull anything good?

- Yes!

- [Stu] So what'd you get.

- I got a mythic, a mythic
rare. That's good, right?

- Yeah that's great Steve.

- Ha ha, who's addicted now?

- Still you.

- You know that Shattered Firebird's only

worth, like, a dollar, right?

- That's it.

- Yeah.

- Firebird sucks!

- I'm gonna need three more packs.

- Dad. No!

- Yes!

- Stop!

- I'm the adult.

- Time for round two.

- Hey three more.

- Alright.

- Yeah.

- There goes your college fund.

- I'm done trying.

(intense Western music)

- [Arthur] Paul vs. Stu, Erin vs. Margo,

Elliot vs. Ramin, Steve vs.
Kate, and Wyatt vs. Lung.

Round two, fight!

- Hi Stu.

- Yeah I'll come over there.

- Do I have go next door?

- You have to at least
tell Elliot you're playing.

- I'll just go next door.

- And don't you guys go anywhere else.

I'll be around to check on you.

- Okay.

- Oh and don't get caught playing
over there or you're gonna

kicked out faster than I'm
gonna kick Erin's butt.

Sorry, force of habit I
don't actually know you.

- Well we'll see whose
butt's getting kicked.

- Good luck ponytail.

- Oh, okay bandana.

(intense action music)

- Hey Paul you said you
were playing Red today?

- Yeah.

- Then today might be your unlucky day.

- Okay.

(phone dings)

(intense Western music)

- I'm gonna make your soul bleed with

the pain of a thousand
flaming razor swords.

- You kiss your mother with that mouth?

- No, but I'd kiss yours.

- Alrighty then.

- Give that to your mom.

- Yeah I'm not gonna,
I'm not gonna do that.

(intense Western music)

- Now Kate, let's make sure
to have a nice clean game.

- I'm gonna kick your ass so hard

grandma's not even gonna recognize you.

- Okay.

- We have to play our round. You vs. me.

If you don't want to play it's okay.

I'll just tell Arthur. Here your packs.

You don't want to play, I win.


- No!

- Is it another roach?

- You have roaches?

- We don't have roaches.

- Sure you don't.

- Good.

- I will not lose again
to the field of honor sir,

where your vanquishing
will be swift yet violent!

- Okay.

- There aren't actually
any cockroaches right?

- Just the one you already stepped on.

- What?


- I meant Wyatt.

- Right.

- Sorry.

- It's okay, so do you play a lot?

- I guess. Your turn.

- I really got into the art, the lands

at first but I really like
some of the spells too.

- Yeah I really like the battles.

The k*lling of the
creatures is a great way

to vent otherwise stifled aggression.

- Cool. It's your turn.

- But yeah great job beating Wyatt.

That was awesome.

- Yeah that was a great bit
of luck for all of us right?

- How so?

- Well lucky for us that Wyatt lost

and lucky for you that
you were able to beat him.

- You think I only beat
Wyatt because of luck?

- That's not what I meant.

- I k*ll your Lonely
Centaur and hit you for two.

- What?


- Pegasus Mermaid.

- God it's like your deck is

freaking designed to beat my deck.

- I guess it's just luck.

- Well you know what they say Stu:

"it's better to be lucky than good."

Right Kate?

Your turn.

- Steve it's: "lucky in
cards, unlucky in love."

- Where did you hear that?

- I k*ll your two creatures, you take

five damage and discard a card.

- Wow, it's getting intense in here.

- Hi welcome to Ithailianos.

I'm Candace I'm gonna
be your server today.

Can I get you two cuties
started with something to drink?

- Water is fine.

- Yeah, water please.

- Alright, be right back.

- She touched me.

- I told you so.

- Luck is an oversimplification

of what it actually takes to win.

- I agree luck is a factor
but it's more than that.

I didn't mean to make you upset.

- Luck is a factor?

- Yes.

- Paul do you ever get lucky?

- What?

- I'm just messing with you.

- You k*lled all my creatures.

(intense Western music)

- You ready?

- I play Behemoth Rat.

See the way I see it, I
just need to beat you.

And, as long as Erin loses
I'll be on path to victory.

It's a no-brainer!

- Why you play Behemoth Rat?

- He's a beast!

There's no way you're getting through him!

The loss is just a
setback. The king is back.

- My guys all have flying. I
deal you damage in the sky.

Monodon Princess fly and come

down and eat your Behemoth Rat.

For that really delicious you should try.

Go, I don't have all day okay?


- Steve?


- Be calm and it's dad, goodness.

- Can I go dad.

- I think so.

- You think so?

- I mean I played my w*r
Hound, that's a good defender,

but I'm worried about that Zombie Unicorn.

- So are you done?

- Yeah, I think I did good.

- Oh you think you did good?

- Yeah.

- Oh, okay, yeah I k*ll your w*r Hound,

play a second Zombie Unicorn,

which I'm sure you didn't
see coming and I k*ll you.

(intense Western music)

(g*n shot)

That's game.

(Steve grunts)


- Okay, I play Mad Monkeys
and hit you for two.

- I hate those things they're so broken.

- Hey they are not.

- An unblockable, cheap creature

that can attack immediately?

- Hey I watched a YouTube
video that broke down the--

- Shut up. Shut up.

- Okay, you two kids ready to order?

- Sure

- Can I have the spaghetti
and meatballs, please.

- And I'll get the pad Thai.

- [Ramin And Elliot] Please!

- Please. Thank you.

That was too close.

- [Elliot] Hey you worry way too much.

I swing at you with Mad Monkeys--

- Okay I take the damage.

- Okay my turn, I have to
k*ll your stupid monkeys--

- Hey Ramin?

- But what I really need to
do is get a big creature out.

- Ramin!

- But I don't think I can do both.

I mean--

- Menus now.

- [Elliot] Okay.


- Okay, okay.

- What are you waiting for?

- I'm sorry Candace--

- He told me--

- I was, I was gonna
right swipe her. Jerk.

- One minute later and
you'd have gotten the record

for the longest game next door.

Let's go.

Come on. Come on.

- We got kicked out.

- [Stu] Did you break the record?

- Nope, missed it by one minute.

- [Ramin] Well couldn't
even finish the game.

- [Arthur] Double loss.

- Hey, that's no fair.

- You leave the store you risk it.

(intense Western music)

- He's a jerk.

(intense Western music)

(g*n shot)

(Wyatt scrams)

- How?

I mean I'm the best.

- Don't cry, dry your eye just because

your mother with a cute, cute guy.

- Hey, who's winning?

- She is.

- Oh.

- But not for long.

- How come?

- Because I resurrect my Death Blaster

and cast Deadly Lightning,
k*lling your Mammoth.

Bye Mammoth, boom, boom, boom!

- Not Mammy!

- See you later Mammy.

Back to prehistoric times for you.

- Alright I avenge Mammy by playing

her twin sister, Frantic Mammoth.

- Frantic!

- Nice, that was lucky.

- What did you say?

- Oh I just said that was
lucky that you had another--

- Don't say it, don't say lucky.

- Shut up.

- It's not lucky that I had
it in my hand since turn four

and have been holding onto
it for just this moment.

- Okay. Sorry.

- It's alright.

- It's not you I'm just projecting

my frustration with
Wyatt and Paul onto you.

- Hey!

- Wow you really can't take a joke.

- Well I can take a joke I
just thought you were serious.

- Don't touch this, geez.

- Oh yeah.

(dramatic music)

- [Ramin] Wow holy crap!

- I was just kidding before
about not having a mat.

- Wow.

- I can't believe you kept
this under wraps for that long.

- I didn't wanna make a big deal about it.

- Well maybe I was soft on you

thinking you were an easy target.

- Were you?

- No.

- Good, I play Solar Flare,
sacrifice my Mammoth.

Deadly Lightning to k*ll you.


- Wow.

(intense Western music)

(g*n shot)

(Margo screams in agony)

- Damn girl.

- Good game though.

- Yeah, God I thought I had you.

- Eh, next time.

- Arthur, Erin won.

- Got it.


- Arthur.

(speaks foreign language)

- (speaks foreign language)

- (speaks foreign language)

- (speaks foreign language)

- (speaks foreign language)

- (speaks foreign language)

- (speaks foreign language)

- (speaks foreign language)

- (speaks foreign language)

- (speaks foreign language)

- (speaks foreign language)

- (speaks foreign language)

- (speaks foreign language)

- (speaks foreign language)

- (speaks foreign language)

- That was random.

- Oh that's actually
pretty normal around here

but usually he has less
visitors on tournament day.

- Man everything I freaking try.

- What can I say I'm on fire today.

- I play Haunted Dungeon on your

Mad Monkeys, and hit you for two.

- They'll be back.

- Did your deck always have Mad Monkeys?

- What?


- I hate Mad Monkeys.
I'd remember that card.

- Maybe I just didn't draw it. My turn.

- Okay go.

- Troll Melee. Say goodbye!

- And Troll Melee?

You definitely didn't play that.

- Yes I did. It's fine.

- No, can I see your graveyard?

- What?


- What's going on?

- I think Stu's playing a different deck.

- Stu wouldn't have the brains.

- You know it's the same deck.

- Come on, Ramin Stu wouldn't do that.

- Okay, it's your funeral.

- No I just beat you last round
and now you're being petty.

- I'm pretty sure it was Blue

last round and this deck is Blue-Black.

- Are we gonna finish this game or what?

He's about to lose anyway.

- He's using a different deck.

- Damn it, another land.

- My turn.

- Yeah I can't do anything else.

- Okay I play Death Weaver with

my trolls to hit you for eight.

I win.

(intense Western music)

(g*n shot)

(Paul screams in agony)

- Sorry Paul, you'll get that mat someday.


- [Steve] You're not funny.

- Hey do you have any work?

- Ramin, he only used
Blue with you last round?

- Yep. Positive.

- I think you're right.
Stu, let me see your bag.

- What?

- I wanna see what's in your bag.

- It's the same deck I used earlier man.

- Doesn't really add up.

- Are you calling me a liar?

- Yeah I was about to.

- Damn Stu.

- You can't prove anything.
It's the same deck.

- Well whatever deck he's
playing with it's not full.

- Why don't you mind
your own business man?

- I watched part of your
other game and Ramin is right.

- [Ramin] Yeah.

- Let me see your bag.

- That's my property.

- I hate cheaters!

- I didn't cheat!

(bag smashes Paul)

(glass rammed by Paul)

- [Ramin] I have a first aid kit.

- You okay?

- Oh for Christ's sake dude.

- You got to tilt your head back.

- No, no don't that it will drain

the blood down your throat.

- Hey I'm a doctor I can handle that.

- Dad, you're a dentist.

- You okay?

- It's bleeding.

- I'm sorry man.

- What are these for?

- I've got you know--

- Aha, Ramin is this the
one he used against you?

- Yeah all Blue.

- That's messed up.

- You were cheating against me.

- No I wasn't--

- I'm not a threat I just
wanted to win for once!

- Okay.

- Just stay still. Keep your fingers here.

- Thank you. Thank you.

- You're welcome. Any time.

- You know what Paul not
everyone's a winner alright?

Some of us are doomed to fall behind.

- What?

- That's messed us Stu.

- That's shitty, you know
what kick his ass Paul.

- [Group] Fight, fight, fight, fight!

- Be quiet.

- You forfeit this
match. Paul gets the win.

(vultures shriek)

(tumbleweed rustles)

(intense Western music)

(g*n sh*ts)

- You don't get any Cheetos.

- Don't ever try to pull
that crap in my store again.

- I knew something was up.

- It's okay. Don't talk.

I'm gonna check and see
if anything's broken.

Let's go outside and get some fresh air.

- Need gloves?

- You okay. Let me see.

- Ah. Ah.

- Okay.

- Well is it?

- All good.

- Oh thank God.

- What is with the cheating in this store?

I mean first Wyatt's
accusation and then with Stu.

Does this happen often?

- Not so much here but it
actually happens a lot.

People are obsessive to win.

- It should be for the love of the game.

- Yeah. How does that look?

How many do you put in?

- Just the right amount of them.

- Let's go get back on the saddle.

You gotta a shot now.

- Yeah, alright let's go.

After you.

- Thank you.

- My god, what smell?

(group coughs)

- Oh that is so gross.

(Steve throws up)

- Oh God.

- Oh that just hit me.

- I'm gonna lose my lunch.

- I can smell it through my bloody nose.

- Who did that?

- Wyatt!

- [Margo] Again?

- And that's what I think
about your tournament.

- [Kate] Seriously?

- [Erin] You should really
see a doctor for that.

- Who did that?

- [Ramin] Dude that's rancid man.

- I sick. I need ginger ale?

- [Kate] It wasn't you this time.

- [Erin] I think grape is ginger ale.

- Dude you need a colonoscopy.

I need cola, anybody got quarters?

(Ramin and Elliot mimic farting)

- Wyatt does but you don't
wanna know where it's at.

- [Lung] Why you stick
quarters in your butt?

- Wow.

- No what is that?

What are you doing?

- I'm farting.

- No, it's softer, you
need like side to side.

(Elliot mimics farting)

- Yeah like that.

- What's up your butt?

- Hey Kate.

- Everyone else is making farting
noises and it's infantile.

- What?

- What am I doing wrong?

- I don't know.

- Why can't I make a deck that works?

(melodramatic music)

- Okay let me see 'em.

Let me see your freaking deck!

Okay first, why are you
playing Demon w*r Cry?

- Well if I needed to boost
one of my monsters and--

- No, you don't wanna play
a card that's dependent

on others, it'll never leave your hand.

You wanna play cards that are good

on their own but pair well with others.

- Like what?

- Okay, let's try this, you
see this Hornet Swarm, right?

- Hold on. Yeah.

It's a good card, but
if you pair it with your

Gnome Wrath, it can k*ll all
your opponent's monsters.

- I never thought of that.

- Yeah.

- Thank you.

- It's whatever.

- What is, no it's not like that.

- That a fart, that's you fart.

- Side to side.

- Ew, gross, was that one of you two?

- No.

- No Wyatt, that one-

- That one was Wyatt right there.

- [Stu] Dude that is nasty.

- Yeah I know he did it like five

minutes ago and you can still smell it.

- Really?

- Yeah.

- That's some serious hang time man.

I can't imagine it fresh.

- I think he ate like
some Cheetos or something.

- You been eating my Cheetos?

- I think he did.

- Yeah, it was definitely him not me.

- Yeah let me check your fingers

- Stop it.

- Let me see your fingers buddy.

- Stop it! Stop it!

- So it's like an open world, but

there's still a sports element to it.

You can travel anywhere in the

world, but you're always the away team.

- You're designing a sports game?

- Yeah.

- Nice.

- I got the pizzas.

You owe me for making me come early.

- Oh thanks mom I didn't
tell you to come earlier.

- You texted me to bring four pizzas

including a cheese with jalapenos.

I thought the last one was weird

but it's what you texted me.

- Where's my phone?

- Oh you didn't text your mom?

- Ramin, you didn't text me?

- I didn't text you.

- [Paul] I think I saw
a phone over there--

- Oh I found. It's over here.

- I'm onto you. The
jalapenos gave you away.

- (speaks foreign language)

- No, (speaks foreign language).

- So what does that actually mean?

(Lung laughs)

Ah, I figured.

- Inside joke.

- Ramin just enjoy the
pizza with your friends

and next time keep track of your phone.

- Hey I'm really sorry about that

and let me pay for the pizzas.

- It's alright Steve,
don't worry about it.

- Thank you for the pizza, ma'am.

- You're welcome.

- Okay well I'm--

(chair crashes)

- Are you okay?

- Yeah, yeah, it's this stupid chair.

You've got a really nice smile.

Pretty teeth.

- Thank you.

- I'm a dentist.

Look you need to take some
of this for the pizzas.

- Oh no it's really okay. Thank you.

- Thank you Jasmine.

- When do you think you'll be done?

(Ramin mumbles)

- We have another round so
probably , minutes.

- Okay and is Ramin going to win the mat?

- No, Stu cheated so now it's
just down to Paul and Erin.

- [Stu] I didn't cheat.

- Yeah.

- Okay, see you in minutes, okay?

- Play well.

- Bye.

- Bye, yeah.

(group teases Steve)

Alright just eat your pizza.

- [Wyatt] I'd tap that for mana.

- Seriously?

- You jealous?

- [Margo] You're all tapped out Wyatt.

- [Kate] Hey Arthur can we
get the next round going.

We already know who's playing
in the important game.


- Yeah, where'd he go?

- What the literal--

- Language.

- [Elliot] Hey where did you go?

- Don't worry about it.

- What the hell was that?

- [Wyatt] Cash business.

- [Erin] You can't be serious.

- Chill fair maiden, it's cool.

- Who's ready for round three?

(group clamors affirmatively)

(intense action music)

(bell dings)

Wyatt vs. Steve, Ramin
vs. Kate, Elliot vs. Lung,

Margo vs. Stu, Paul vs
Erin, round three, fight.

Alright let's get started.

- Yes.

- You gonna come over here?

- Oh no, you can come to me.

(engaging music)

I'm going to annihilate you.

- That remains to be seen.

(bell dings)

(intense action music)

(engaging music)

- What?

- Nothing.

- Paul?

- Well normally I'd say good luck

but since you don't like that I--

- Oh for Christ's sake dude.

- So you were really a regional champion?

- I, are you just naturally
bad at small talk?

- Only when I'm incredibly intimidated.

- I'll settle for that.

(bell dings)

(intense action music)

- Are you done?

- Just about.

Yeah done.

- Okay let's just get this over with.

This day's been terrible enough.

Let me just get the win and be done.

- You don't, but I might win.

(Wyatt scoffs)

Hey I might win.

- Yeah, well good luck.

- Okay, better.

So should we roll to see
who goes first Wyatt?

(bell dings)

(intense action music)

- [Elliot] I play a Shrunken Head

and have it attack your Rabid Sheep.

You still have a Zombie Unicorn,

which I can try to k*ll
with my Ivory Horde.

- [Lung] (speaks in foreign language.)

- [Elliot] Of course if
that doesn't work I can use

my Shrunken Head to come to
stop your Goblin Cavalry!

- Exactly.

You understand.

(bell dings)

(intense action music)

- Ramin?


- Hmm?

- Are we gonna play or what?

- Do you have a chance of winning the mat?

- No, but--

- Do I have a chance of winning the mat?

- No, but--

- Does this game matter at all?

- No but I do--

- I'm good.

- (speaks foreign language)

(bell dings)

(intense action music)

Oh this is so lame.

We should at least play. I'm bored.

- And I'm hungry, look you
can the win if you want.

I don't care.

- sh**t!

- Okay, I exile your Mad Monkeys so

they ain't coming back no more.

And I hit you for five.

- Damn it, okay I play I play Frantic

Mammoth and death strike your dragon.

- I play Solar Flare. You take five.

You're done.

- Frigging A Margo this
is supposed to be fun.

- Cheaters don't get to have fun.

- I didn't cheat, even if I
did it wasn't against you.

- You know what, you're right.

Do it.

- Do what?

- Cheat against me. You'll still lose.

- Are you serious?

- %.

I promise you Stu it's the only way

you'll even come close
to standing a chance.

- Fine, I play Flaming Razor Swords

on your Dragon and k*ll it dead.

And Then I sacrifice my
Perilous Gorge to play

Waterfall and hit you for seven.

- Now we're talking.

- Okay, so if you played Bone Twist,

I'll play my Death Weaver.

- Okay so neither of us can attack?

- Not yet, you'll k*ll me.

- You don't know that.

Okay true but you can just
play defensive this whole game.

Don't do that cute thing with me.

I see what you're doing, you gotta play.

- Okay I play Firebird.

- Firebird sucks.

- Okay, but can you k*ll it?

- No.

- Really?

- Yeah.

- Okay I hit you for two.

I actually did damage to
Wyatt. It's your turn.

- Alright I k*ll your Firebird.

(bell dings)

(intense action music)

(Lung laughs)

- Okay I move my troops to the left.

- [Lung] (speaks in foreign language)

- I move this one to the right.

I fire at you with my b*llet here.

- Man Monkey, hey look what you shot?

(coins drop in slot)

(dramatic music)

(bell dings)

(intense action music)

- I k*ll your third Mad
Monkeys, too curious.

- Damn it how do you keep doing that?

- I'm better at this than you are.

- You're a what?

- Nothing. Stop it.

- Just admit what you did.

- No. I play Ancient Seer.

I get to look at your hand and get

rid of all the monsters you have.

- Be my guest. But wipe
your hands off first.

- There are no monsters in here.

- No.

- And you have Drain Away, you

could have k*lled me two turns ago.

- I could've k*lled you five turns ago.

- You're screwing with me.

- I said you didn't get to
have any fun. I still get to.

Okay fine I play Drain Away
and k*ll you. You're dead.

It's over.

(bell dings)

- What's the matter with you?

- What's the matter with me?

We come here, all of
us to have a good time

and maybe forget our
problems for a little bit.

We love the game and we
actually like each other!

- I don't know Margo I feel
like I've lost my touch.

I haven't won a mat in ages.

- Yeah we'd all love to win the mat

but that's not why we're here.

- It's about the camaraderie.

The stupid banter back and forth.

- [Ramin] Yeah and avoiding homework.

- And to see Ramin's mom.

- This place is sacred to me, to all of us

and you come in here and cheat.

You have defiled our home,
our game, and my trust!

God Stu, I thought we were friends.

- Yeah. Well I'm gonna
go, get my shit together.

- Stu, come on.

- I'm sorry, people should
know when they're conquered.

(melancholic music)

- Arthur, I won.

(engaging music)

(bell dings)

- I play Deadly Salvo and end my turn.

- Kate come here, I play Gnome Wrath on

my Angry Hornet and wipe
out all your monsters!

- Nice play dad.

- Thanks Kate.

- Yeah, what do you got?

(bell dings)

(intense action music)

- I slay your goblins and
attack with my Monodon Princess.

- And I return my Gremlin Cavalry

from the graveyard and exile your Monodon.

- Oh, good night sweet princess.

- And flights of angels
sing thee to thy rest.

- Then I guess we're back to a stalemate.

- I guess.

- You have six cards in your hand dude.

You must have something to play.

- I do but it's too risky,
I mean 'cause you could k*ll

my guy and then swing to k*ll
and then that's the game.

- Yeah. That's the game.

You take risks and maybe it
pays off and maybe it doesn't.

- Not yet. I'm hoping to get something.

- You're hoping to get lucky?

- No, no, no, no, no.

- For frack's sake go.

(bell dings)

(intense action music)

- I play Screaming Eagle and rain

havoc down upon thy face for three.

- Ouch.

- Go, okay I'm growing tired of this.

- Come on you can do this.

- That's about enough from
the peanut gallery. Thank you.

- Alright, I play Demon w*r Cry.

- You play what?

- Demon w*r Cry.

- That means my Cave Troll is unblockable

this turn, so I hit you for five and--

- You win.

- I win?

- You won.

- Of course you do.

(bell dings)

(Wyatt groaning)

- I won a game, I mean I actually

won a game and against Wyatt.

- I know, it's awesome,
it's really f*cking awesome!

- I know I'm supposed to say

language but it really fricking is.

- Yeah, woo, rub it in,
rub it in, rub it in.

- Okay, okay, little much,
little much, sorry about that.

- I quit this stupid game.

- See you in a month Wyatt?

- Yeah I'll see you in a month.

- Don't flirt with him. Stop.

(bell dings)

- I guess that's it.

- Yes.

- Good game.

- Okay game.

- What?

It was a good game we both--

- Shake hand.

(bell dings)

Ah, what you put on your hand?

So sweaty.

- Oh god

- Teenager.

- I play a fourth creature to

match your four creatures and go.

- Of course you do.

(bell dings)

- You guys have so many creatures
why is no one attacking?

- Ask Paul.

- I'm nervous. It's a close game.

- You still need to attack.

- When I'm ready.

- Fine. Should have att*cked
when you had the chance.

I play Gravity Leap. My
monsters all soar over yours.

I k*ll you.

- Wait I pay for my Tree Hopper

and stop your airborne attack.

I'm still in this.

- Fine and I've been waiting for

you to all out attack me this whole game.

- What?

- Because now I can throw
my full force at you.

- You were playing me?

- Well, no, no, but sort of I was just--

- Dude. That's not a way to win a lady.

- No, it's fine, I get it. Make a move.

- I don't have to k*ll you this turn.

- Make a move man.

- Okay I will.

I play Massive Upheaval
and boost all my monsters.

I attack you for the game.

I win.

- Not quite.

- Why?

- I still have one card.

(dramatic music)

- Hall of Mirrors.

- Hall of Mirrors.

Your att*cks bounce back
and k*ll your monsters.

Next turn I will wipe you out.

(Paul groans)

(bell dings)

Don't play a player.

- The vicissitudes of life.

- Absolutely.

- Good game.

- It was a great game.

- Hey Arthur, Erin wins.

- Okay, got it.

- Wait who won?

- Erin did.

- Cool.

- Oh what card did you play?

- Hall of Mirrors.

- Oh cool can I see.

- [Margo] Oh you're buzzing.

(phone buzzes)

- I have to go guys that was my mom.

Bye everyone.

- [Group] Bye Elliot.

- It's about that time do
you wanna ride home Lung?

- Okay.

- Oh wait for the mat presentation.

- [Erin] Oh right.

- Alright here it is.

Thanks for playing today
and come back any time.

- Thank you. Well hello beautiful.

- [Margo] Nice.

- [Kate] Way cool.

- It's pretty.

- Alright.

- Well I guess that is it.

Congratulations Erin. Paul
I will see you next week.

- See you Margo. Later Lung.

- [Kate] Hey good job.

- Thank you.

You know I already have a mat
you can this one if you want.

- What?

No, no, I couldn't

- Sure you could.

- Thank you but I need to earn it.

- Okay well I am still
in town for another week

or two if wanna hang out
and you know, practice.

- Yeah, yeah, I'd really like that.

- Not bad.

- Yeah, see what happens
when you listen to me.

- Okay see what happens
when you talk to me.

- Sorry, I'm late.

- [Kate] Touche.

- You went through all the pizzas?

- A warrior gets hungry during battle.

- Hope you didn't ruin
your appetite for dinner.

Let's go. You got everything?

- Excuse me, Jasmine, Jasmine?

- Yes Steve.

- I wanted to say I'm sorry about

the whole pizza thing earlier.

Kate shouldn't have done that,

it's gonna come out of her allowance.

- It's okay don't worry about it.

- No please, will this cover it?

- No please, thank you for offering.

- Let's go.

- Dad come on.

- I was wondering--

- Yes.

- Would you ever maybe
wanna go to dinner sometime?

You know maybe after a game here.

We could all go the four of us?

- Sounds nice, how 'bout Italian?

- I love Italian, the place next door.

- How 'bout next week.

- Perfect. I'll see you then.

- Okay, I'll look forward to it.

- Me too.

- Okay thanks.

- [Steve] Thanks Jas.

- [Steve] Bye Ramin.


- [Kate] Dad, nice.

- Wow.

- Didn't see that coming.

- Me either.

(group laughs)

- Huh?

- I think you may have
just won twice today.

- I think so too. Let's get our stuff.

- Time to close up now.

Get your crap together and get on home.

I'll see you all next time.

- Hey congratulations
and welcome to the group.

- Thank you, you too.

- Thanks for coming.

- Alright

- Bye

- [Kate] Bye Paul.

Hey I'm getting you next time.

- Hey I look forward to it.

Hey, what's in the briefcase?

- Let me show you.

(engaging music)

- Wow.

- It's going up on eBay tonight.

- Is that what I think it is?

- Oh, that's ideal.

- Okay kids, good night.

- Good night.

- Good night.

- I cannot wait to tell
the others next week.

They'll never believe it.

- Yeah. So what are you doing right now?

- Standing here with you.

- No dork, I mean do you have any plans?

- No, no I'm totally free.

- I'm hungry.

- Oh.

- Are you hungry Paul?

- Yes, yes I am.

- Okay well the Italian place next

door is open for another hour.

We could grab some food and
talk 'til they kick us out.

- I can't think of anything
else I'd rather do.

- You really are a dork, you know that?

- Let's go.

("Maybe (You're The One)
by Clive Farrington)

♪ And if we make just one mistake ♪

♪ That one mistake that lovers make ♪

♪ Even if our hearts breaks ♪

♪ Maybe you're the one ♪

♪ Maybe you're the one ♪

(upbeat music)

♪ Neon lights are shining ♪

♪ Life is full of magic ♪

♪ Neon lights are shining ♪

♪ Life is full of magic ♪

♪ Neon lights are shining ♪

♪ Life is full of magic ♪

♪ Neon lights are shining ♪

♪ Life is full of magic ♪

♪ Maybe we can be together ♪

♪ Maybe we can see forever ♪

♪ And if we make just one mistake ♪

♪ That one mistake that lovers make ♪

♪ Even when our hearts break ♪

♪ Maybe you're the one ♪

♪ Maybe you're the one ♪

♪ Maybe you're the one ♪

♪ Maybe you're the one ♪
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