Pondemonium 2 (2018)

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Pondemonium 2 (2018)

Post by bunniefuu »


♪ I was just sitting up
in my tree ♪

♪ In my tree ♪

♪ In my tree ♪

♪ I saw a beautiful face
was looking up at me ♪

♪ Up at me ♪

♪ Up at me ♪

♪ She had a cute smile
so I asked her name ♪

♪ Asked her name ♪

♪ Asked her name ♪

♪ When we got to talk
said she felt the same ♪

♪ She felt the same ♪

♪ She felt the same ♪

♪ Every time I see her
do my thing ♪

♪ Well now she's huh ♪

♪ She wants to be ♪

♪ She wants to be ♪

♪ She's cooking us a
chicken with a jug of tea ♪

♪ A jug of tea ♪

♪ A jug of tea ♪

♪ I never thought I'd fall
for the girl next door ♪

♪ I never thought I'd fall
for the girl next door ♪

♪ Every time I see her
I do my thing ♪

♪ Every time I see her
I do my thing ♪

♪ Every time I see her
I do my thing ♪

♪ Armadillo ♪

♪ Armadillo ♪

Nothing down here.


I'm so horribly hungry.

That's amazing.

It smells so sweet and sunny.

Ooh, ooh!



What's that thing?

It looks all swirly like.


Very interesting.

It is delicious, yes.




I gotta lick!


So yummy, it's even
better than honey

and I just love
the taste of honey!



I'm so full, it's so yummy.


My whole head fits in here.

This is fun!

It's heavy!


It's just like one of
them hooly hoopy things.


It's not comfortable, nope,

Oh my!

This thing is uncomfortable,


This is bad, yeah.


Nothing to eat here.

Isn't that Joe there?

Maybe he can help.

Hey Joe Croaker, what are
you doing sitting over here?




Help me Cosmo!

- Monster!

Oh Cosmo!

Stay there!

But it's me!

Could it be?

I'm not gonna fall for that one.

But I'm not a monster,
I'm Joe!

Cosmo, please help me, Cosmo!


Well that's strange.

That's the sound of Joe
Croaker's voice.

Please help me!

That's it, I bet
that ugly monster

must have swallowed Joe alive.

No, no way!

Hey, you monster!

It's payback time, eat this!


How do you like it?

You get back here!

There's nowhere you can hide!

You aren't getting away
from me monster!

I'm not a monster!

Oh oh Bartle Bee, Bartle Bee!


Oh Bartle Bee help me!

Who is this guy?

Bartle Bee!

Don't fall for it!

That monster just swallowed Joe!

That's outrageous!

No no, let me explain!

Save the explanation!

Oh no!

We can't let him
get away with this!

Oh sure is purty!


Oh help me, Mole Cricket!

Please help me.


Hey mole face, he just
had Joe for breakfast.

Yeah he needs to be shown
the error of his ways.

That's right!

So, well hey!

I've got it, come here.

First thing we're gonna do is...


Just give up already!

I am Joe Croaker!

COSMO: Stop!



Finally, I got rid of 'em.



Ahoy, looks like we got him now.


♪ I would walk miles ♪


I wonder what those
guys are up to.

Let's take a peek.


Hey guys, what are you doing
over here?

Oh hey, oh McBroom.

Something horrendous has
happened to Joe!

He's been eaten by
a big monster.

Joe has been eaten?

That can't be true!

And we've got
the monster trapped,

come and see for yourself.


Let me out of here now!

Why are you waiting?


Oh no, is McBroom okay?

Now listen to me!

I'm gonna tear you
limb from limb!

Oh yeah, but you're never
gonna make it up here.

MCBROOM: Out of the way!

What's that thingy?


Let's go check on him.

Looks like we took
care of the monster.

Good work team.

You, you're all
making me unhappy!


I'm Joe Croaker, not a monster!



Finally, freedom
comes to the froggy!

ALL: Oh wow it is Joe

You silly bugs!

I'm gonna teach you a lesson!

I just forgot, I've gotta go.

I've gotta go gather
some nectar.


You're not getting away.

Calm down, what's that?

Oh where is it?

See ya!

Cosmo, Cosmo!

COSMO: Later loser!


Darn it, I'll get you!



Another beautiful day
has come to the marsh.

My belly's going to need
something to fill it on up.

Something to eat, oh

Whoa, that looks great!

Oh nectar!


How wonderfully amazing!




Isn't that Nitty way up there?

So she likes the taste of
flowers as much as I do.


That's delicious.


Oh she's so cool, hanging from
her web by a single web silk?

I'd like to do that too.


Come on, I need something
as strong as Nitty's silk

so that I can go
bungee jumping too!

A bottle?

There's no way.

This is too stiff to
be really useful.


Stupid stick!

Ball of yarn, ooh that
could be useful.


That ball of string could
work as a bungee cord.

Oh, that's it!



Now I'm ready to d
some bungee, oh yeah!


It's so high, it's high!


That's high!

I'm not a tree frog!

But if a spider could do it,
so can the famous Joe Croaker!

Yoinkum, it's time to bungee!

One two three four,
jump two three four.


Oh no I can't do it!

Oh no I really just I
can't do it, I can't do it!


I'll just have to try this
another day.

Yeah that's it,
another day yeah.



Bungee jumping's bad for me.

Well, cord wove too long then.

Hey got you that time.

Now that's better.


And spool around, ooh and
that was for safety kids.

Don't try this at home.

Okay, you can do
this Joe Croaker.

You can do it, you're a big
tough frog.


Now why have I stopped
bouncing up and down?


Oh where?

If only I had bouncier cord.

That might be a smart idea.


There's nothing useful
in this dumpster here.

I should try the dumpster
over by Nitty's house.

Yeah that's it, well here we go.



Oh boy.

This time I will succeed, go!

It's so high!

Don't be scared.

Okay, you can do this.

One two three!




♪ Life is a great big hangup ♪

- ♪ Wherever the ♪
- Hi Nitty!

Look at me!

Joey, slow down!

I'm having so much fun yeah!



How do I...


Oh, that's it!

Go go go go!

Go go!

Oh no.


No oh no oh no, no no!

Now I know why

it's called an extreme sport.

Hungry, yeah.

Oh having an empty
stomach is real t*rture.

I should look around for
something to eat.

Oh come on out now, foodie!

Woe is me, no!

I'm too hungry for my own good.




It smells great!


JOE: Cosmo?


So Cosmo,
got anything to share?


I ain't got nothing.

I'm not a fool, Cosmo.

Now hand it over!

No, this is mine.

Oh, oh yeah.

Now you hand it over,
right now do you hear me?

N-n-no way!

Better hand it over.


Leave me alone!

Come on Joe!

Get back!

I gotcha.


Oh, there it is!

Hey oh yeah, hey!

All for me!

Gimme that back!


- Back with me.
- That's mine!

Give it!

Let go!

Yeah doo-doo!

Joe Croaker,
give it up already!

Hey no no no!

Oh you went too far.

Joe Croaker, that was my lunch

and you call yourself a friend!



It's too late to beg for

No, my throat,
it hurts so badly!

What's that?

Let me have a look.

Oh no!

The fish bone's
stuck in Joe's throat.

How am I gonna get it out?

Joe, Joe Croaker, Joe!

It hurts so bad!

Ow ow!


Oh whoa!

Today sure is a
sweet day for honey.

COSMO: Someone help!

Someone's calling for help.

COSMO: In trouble!

Chill out guys!

What's all this noise?


It's Cosmo and Joe.

Joe what's the matter, oh my!


Bartle Bee, Bartle
Bee you gotta help Joe.

A fish bone's
stuck in his throat.

How'd that happen?

Hang on Joe.

Bartle Bee, what are
we gonna do now?

Oh look I've got
some nectar here.

Perhaps it'll help his, oh!


Heya Joe, how ya feeling?



Much better now.

Yeah, that's great!



Oh no it didn't work!

- Joe!
- Joe hang in there!

You'll be fine!

Bartle Bee, Bartle Bee, do

I remember reading about
fish bone emergencies

in a handbook, and they mentioned
two different solutions.

Oh yeah, bread and vinegar,

Huh, where'd they go?

COSMO: Where is it?

What, what is it?


Hey Joe, come on up here.

Cosmo, what is it?

This here is a steamed bun.

It's a traditional Chinese bread

and it'll cure your problem.

Come on Joe, swallow it.

Hm, steamed bun.

It's huge and hard as a rock.

This thing can help you remove
the bone from your throat.

You do want it gone, don't ya?

Now swallow it.

Huh, let me see.

Get there, get in there!

It just won't go down.

All right, time
to give this sucker

a taste of my k*ller kicks!



Did it work, did it work?

Joe, how you feeling now Joe?

Any better?


It's still there.

No, oh what now?


This bottle of vinegar is our
last resort.

Bartle Bee said it will
help dissolve the bone.


Joe, open wide!


Oh no Joe!

Joe Joe Joe, Joe!

How does it taste?

Oh Joe, you're drowning!

Joe, wake up!

What am I gonna do, what am I
gonna do, what am I gonna do?

Say Cosmo, how's Joe doing?

Bartle Bee, not good.

The bone's still
stuck in his throat.

Cosmo, help me!


Come on!

One two, oh we can do it!

Come on Joe!


That's it, come on!


Well I think our
work is done here.

Houses nowadays, they
just don't satisfy me.

They're either too retro,
or too low quality.

Gee, I want comfort, yeah.

Wow, what a beautiful paper box.


Wow, it's so spacious!

And the view around here ain't
bad either.


Bartle Bee, Bartle Bee,
check it out!

Look, I just found
myself a new dream home.

Ain't it something,
what do you think huh?

Hey, are you sure you'd want
to live in an old paper box?

If it starts raining, your
house will be destroyed.

Oh I guess.

Oh but nothing can affect a
glass beauty!

This home is even brighter.


And I can see everything, cool.

Who's that guy?


Uh-oh, well hey there
kid what are you doing?

I wouldn't be hanging around
there, it's almost noon.

You're gonna burn in there,

like a t-bone steak in a Texas


Paper houses rip,
glass houses aren't safe.

Is there any hope in this
blasted world?

Look at this giant magnet.


Yeah, I know!



Yeah, mission accomplished!

This is exactly how I
imagined my dream house.


Woohoo, yeah I'm rocking the
coolest home in the marsh!



Better test its nap-ability.



It's way too hot.

It's sweltering.


Oh no it won't move!

Someone help me!

I'm trapped in my house!


- I love me.
- Help me!

- Cosmo, oh!
- Someone help me!

Joe, Joe help me!

Hey, yeah!

I'm stuck in my house.


You gotta help me out.

JOE: Help you out?

It's a long story, just help
me out Joe.

Come here quick.

Look, the coin is
blocking the door.

You gotta help me remove it.

Okay, no problem
but now you have to do

everything I tell you to do.


I don't know about that, Joe.

Now listen, you'll have
to be my housekeeper,

my private masseuse, and
half of all your food, yeah.

All right, anything you want.

Just get me out.


Come on!


I'm worn out.

Come on Cosmo, would ya?



Yeah finally made
it out of there!


Joe, Joe you gotta
help me again!

Please Joe, come on!

You quit playing tricks,
or you'll pay, take that!

Oh no!




Are you all right?


Oh my Cosmo, you all right?

Can you hear me in there?

I'm so sorry.

Why couldn't I help you buddy?

It's all my fault.

You were always my best friend!

I would have given anything!

COSMO: If I came
back would you

bully me like you used to?

Oh absolutely not!


I'd be your housekeeper,
your private masseur...

All right.


You were saying?

Oh thank goodness
you're still alive, Cosmo.

I can't breathe!

I thought you'd been
squashed into a little pancake.

Almost, but this little guy
saved me.

Joe save me Joe!

What am I gonna do?

Hey, like my hat?

You tricked me.

Now take this friend!

Oh not a bad place.

You looking for a roomie?



Come on, this
place isn't safe!

Yeah buddy, so that's how
I escaped and survived.

Speaking of which, Joe.

You're my housekeeper and
private masseur right?

All right.


I must have hit
the jackpot today

by finding this lucky
limited edition stamp.

Now I can replace the old one.

Fly scream you scream we
all scream for ice cream!

And by scream I mean dance!



What's he doing?

It don't get much
better than this.

Whoa, my word!


I love ice cream.


Oh so tasty!

I'm going to get me
some of that.



Come back stamp, come back!

Stamp come back here!

Cosmo, you think
you can run away?

Wait 'til I get my hands on you!

My beautiful, beautiful stamp!

Yah, there ya are!

Oh baby!



Here's my chance, yeah.

I'm tired.

I need a nap.



This is the perfect spot.


Time to get some lovely Zs.

Hey you!

You wily pest, get
own from there!

There's no way you
can hide from me!


Now I'm gonna spring
right up there.

No mommy, I don't want it.


This'll do it.


You traitor, I'll get you!

Come on.

All right, fire!


Ooh I'm coming!


Can't climb up.

Can't jump up, can't fly up.

What to do?

Woe is me.

My ice cream.


I see.

Hey, I could use those vines.

You'll see,
I'll get it this time.


Almost there.

I can do this.


Sleep tight there buddy.

I won't disturb ya, come on.



I gotcha now.




All that work for nothing.

Oh forget it.

It's not

real ice cream anyway.

Huh, something's on my tushy.

What the?

Well that didn't work.

I gotta try and
find another way.

That's it!



I've labored long and I've
labored hard

and now I've got ya.




What's that smelly stinky smell?

Oh no!

That's icky.

Oh where did it go?

Where did it get to?

Oh no.



What an absolutely
fantastical slumber.

Huh, where's my stampage?

Oh there you are, bud.

Must have been blown
here by the wind.


Let's go!



This is bogus!

I just wanted some ice cream!

♪ Love my french bread ♪

♪ I've got to have
my french bread ♪

♪ Love my french bread ♪

♪ I've got to have it now ♪



That tastes great.

I'm gonna save it for my
dinner tonight, yum yum.

French bread, oh yeah.

Oh no, look.

How do I get over there?

I just can't let the
bread get soggy,

but I want to eat it.

How are they gonna cross?

They used a twig
just like a bridge.

Hey, that's it, I got it.


This is gonna be perfect!

Bridge by Joe, engineer Joe.

It was too short.

Now this one should
be long enough

to get across the water.

Here we go now.

Oh I'm taking you home my
tasty bread, I love ya.

Get out of here!

Oh, that wasn't strong enough.

I still can't cross it.

All right, I'll find
a stronger log yet.


Mission accomplished.

Now with this super strong log,

I can cross the
river safe and soundly.

That was really exhausting.

I'll just rest my eyes.


Oh, when did they build a
bridge here?

Never mind.

Ah, now I don't
have to fly over.

That's so great!



Oh, I didn't know there
was a wooden bridge here.


♪ Bartle Bee ♪

- Bartle Bee?
- Hey Flutterby.

Oh hey, how's it?

Flutterby, fancy
meeting you here.

Hey if you're wanting to
cross it, then I can go back.

Bartle Bee!

You're forgetting, we
can always fly across.

- Oh yeah.


See ya Flutterby.




That's right, oh yeah.

Hey, oh.

Oh, uh...




That was really nice.

♪ S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y hey ♪
♪ French bread french bread ♪

♪ S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y hey ♪

That stinks, get it away.

Hello Joe Croaker.

♪ Gonna keep on dancing
to the rock and roll ♪

♪ On Saturday
night Saturday night ♪

♪ Dancing to the rhythm
of the heart and soul ♪

Move it Joe!

♪ On Saturday night ♪

♪ Saturday night ♪

Good morning Joe.

Are you just
about finished there?

Okay it's time to go across.

Uh, my bread.

Boy I love rolling dung balls.


You're driving me crazy!

I'm coming through.

You better watch yourself!

Here's another one.


Hey what do you think that
you're doing Joe Croaker?

You've gotta get out
of the way now.

I'm trying to get this
dung ball home.

I'm not gonna
move from this spot.

Party's over, McBroom.


Sometimes life is tough.

Look, move your butt.

You're a bully, and
I will not allow ya

to keep me from doing my work.


That's that!

Hey he's backing off.

I did win.

I'm not gonna stop, Joe.

Get out of the way.

Hey are you serious are ya?

What do I do?

I know!

I told you not to come over.

You're still here?

Go away.

You're here?




That was close.

Where'd my bread go?

Oh oh no!

Where is my dung ball?

Right there.

- Dung ball!
- Oh my french bread!





I think he saw me.

What do I do now?


Oh yeah!

Hey would you
just look at all the

nectar I've gathered today.


He's still looking at me.

Hey there Joe.

What are you doing here?

You're talking to me?

Why are you acting so sneaky?

What's going on?

There's a giant owl after me.

A giant what?

He's right over there.


Why isn't he moving?

He's probably waiting for
a chance to pounce on me.

It's too scary!

Oh, something's wrong here,

but I can't quite
put my finger on it.

How come he won't move?


Oh, hey there big guy!

Can you see me, I'm right in
front of you!


Let me take a look.

It's made of paper.

Hey, I've got it!

Hey Joe, come on out.

This isn't a real owl,
it's actually a paper kite.

Oh, a kite?


Fly high kite!

Oh, I was running really fast,

but it still wasn't able to fly.


- Boy this is really fun.
- This is really fun!



Okay you, now if
I slide down here...

That looks dangerous!

I'm afraid.

We'll have to look
for something else,

something that
I'm not afraid of.



Help me help me help me!


All right yeah, yeah!


What's going on, whoa hey!


Hey, this is not cool!

It's so fun.

I'm really flying!


So painful.

Hey where is Joe?

Oh, hey Joe Croaker, hey!

Joe Croaker, wake up
are you all right?

I'm fine.

Kite there.


Well that's just scary!

That doesn't look like a kite.

Where did he go?

Ah, hey Joe get down from there!

I'm getting my kite!

Get down, it's dangerous hey!

McBroom, what's going on?

Joe has lost his mind.

He's trying to go after that
giant bird.

- Oh Joey!
- Come back!

- What are you doing?
- Come on down!

- Get down!
- Hurry up!




Oh yeah, oh yeah, I'm the
best tree climber ever.

Oh yeah yeah yeah.


Help me, help me, help me!

Look at, he's flying away!


So cool!



Look at this huge piece of
cheese here.

Better keep it hidden, or
Joe will take it from me.

Hey Cosmo.



Joe Croaker, that's my cheese!

You get back here and give it
back to me!


Oh that's delicious.


Far out!


Oh no, oh no!


Come on Joe!




I'm hungry.

I've gotta eat soon.

Ooh not a scrap, bummer.

It's all leftovers.

How am I going to make it
through the day

if I don't get something in my


Oh, that smells lovely!

All right!

Oh yeah.


I think it's coming from here.

Oh, so many!

I hit the jackpot today!



It's time to go home.


Well, I'll just have
to climb out.


Blast it!

I can do it.

I'm Joe Croaker.

That's it, froggy power!


That really hurt!



Oh my fingers, ow!

Stinking can, I'm gonna
smash you into smithereens!

I gotta get out of here,
but I don't know how.

Let me see.

Genius frog, well
that would be me.

One and a two and a three!

No no no.



No way!

Here I go again!

I made it yeah, I ain't no fool!

Oh yeah, I told you
I'm a smart frog.



Hey Bartle, catch!

I'll go and get it.

There you are.

Huh, what is that?

What's going on?

- Help me Cosmo!
- Joe Croaker?

- Oh my!


Was that Joe?

Bartle Bee, this ain't good.

Joe Croaker's stuck in that can.

We gotta save him!


Not right now, I got this
under control, here I come!

Just bring it on.

I'll show you exactly
what this fly's made of!


Cosmo, hey Cosmo are
you all right there?

Hey Cosmo!

I'm fine, just go
and save Joe.

Cosmo hang in there!


I need to find a
way to stop that.

I know!


Almost, this should
do the trick.




He's at the edge!

Oh no we gotta move fast!


Bartle Bee!

Come on!

Two three!

I think we should take a break.


- I'm tired.
- Oh yeah.

My wings are aching.







That smells nice, and
it looks super pretty!


That's amazing!

I'll bet it tastes good.


Oh, delicious!


I feel dizzy.

Hey you, bat and sparrow!

You better fly fast!

I'm fuming and I'm
coming to get you!

I love to sing.

The best frog in the world.

I wonder what's
wrong with Bartle.

He sure looks mad.



That's just beautiful.


Grow plant grow, oh yeah!


Now my garden's better than
that snooty Flutterby's.

I'm the best gardener ever.


Wow, what's that smell?

Joe you gotta tell me,
what's the name

of this magical smelling plant?

You know, well Cosmo
the name is aromatica!

This plant's mine, hands off.

It smells so dreamy!


Hey this aromatica
plant's mine.

You stay away or I'll have ya.

Whatever Joe!

It's lame anyway!


You pesky bug,
what did you say?

Oh my aromatica.


Smells so good.

Okay, you must be thirsty.

I'll go get some water, yup.

It's good to be retired.

I can, hey what was that?

What a great smell!



Oh just smell that.

Man that tastes so great!


I think I feel a little dizzy.


Who wants to mess with the

Come out and show
yourself like a real man.

Here we go aromatica, yeah!

Okie-dokie huh?

Hey here we go.

And a little bit more
from this side.


Ah boy, lovely.


Someone's been munching
on my sweet baby!

I'm going to make
whoever did this pay.

And I bet, it was
that stinking fly.



A cake and an apple.

- All I need...
- Cosmo!

I told you to stay away
from my plant!


It wasn't me Joe, I promise.

JOE: Not so fast!

Joe Croaker!

Please let me out of this can!

It wasn't me, please Joe!

Let me out of this, it's
dark and scary in here!

That lousy amphibian!

He always takes his
aggression out on me.

I don't think so!

Oh, deliciousness!


Joe, ah!

What a beautiful day.

Joe Croaker!

You better get your hop on!


Payback time!

This is weird, feel
like I've been

dragged through
a bush backwards.

What happened to me yesterday?

I'm sure it was nothing.

I'm gonna go see
what Joe's up to.

Hey Joe!

Hey best buddy,
good morning sunshine.

How dare ya?


What happened to your face?

How'd you get all those bruises?

- Joe, what's wrong with you?
- Sorry.

Seems to be scared of me.

Listen up frog, I'm parched.

Go get me some fresh dew off

the flower petals,
and make it snappy!


That's something
I don't see everyday.

He always takes his aggression
out on me.

I don't think so.

It's coming back to me now.

Yesterday I ate some of
his precious flower buds,

and they were tasty.

Cosmo, here's the dew
that you were asking for.

Stay away from my property!

Quit yelling at me, fool!

Here, it's your morning dew.

Get that stinking dew out of
my face!

The only thing I want
to eat is that plant,

now bring it to my place.

No wait, I can't do that.

Sorry, say again?

You want another
taste of my left hook?

That's weird, why is
Cosmo a baddie now?

Could it be because of
the aromatica he ate?

I'm Cosmo and I'm the best!

I want some.


Hey Joe, are you okay?


I'm gonna teach
you a lesson, here.

- What'd he say?
- I'm gonna catch ya.

It's the key!

All right Joe, you want a fight?

You got one, here I come.


You can't b*at me, little fly.

We'll see about that.




Dig in, huh?

What is that there thing?

All right!


I'm a happy little fly!

How do I get this thing home
with me?

That's it!


That baby's heavy.

It won't even budge an inch.

- Gotta think of...
- Hey.


You scared me Joe.

What are you doing here Cosmo?

Hey Joe, guess what I found.

It's a fantastical toy car.

Pretty cool huh?

What do you think?

I'm a treasure hunter.

No treasure can hide
away from me.

Joe, Joe what are you doing?

Joe that car belongs to me!

This car has a new master,
and that master is me!

I'm taking you home.

Yeah that's right.



Not that way!

Back over this way!

Always being
taken advantage of.



No no no no no no
no no no no no no!


So you stopped when
I asked you to.

There you are, bad running
away from me.

It wasn't fair!

Hey Joe, guess what?

I made it stop, so it's mine.

The car knows who's boss.

Hey, you get back here!

Stop please!

Now's my chance!

Here we go!

I command you to stop!

It didn't work.


It sure is hard to
tame this thing.

Wait on.

Every time I get to here it
starts doing its own thing.

Mhmm, that's it!

I'm not gonna let you run away.


That'll do it.


Okay, now be a good boy
and stay right there.

On your marks, get set, charge!

Come on now, yeah!


I was just kidding!


That was a close one.

But really fun, come on awesome!

Yeah yeah, woohoo!

Yeah yeah!


Is that food?

What the?

Thanks for the treat, Cosmo!

My, my cheese!

Come and get it!




Give it back Joe!

Are you all right there Joe?

And where's my cheese?

Give it!

It's my lunch now.

- No way it's mine!
- It's mine!


No way not again!

Oh no my cheese!

Joe you crashed my car!

Hey Joe, Joe you owe me

a new piece of cheese,
and a new car.

Joe wake up!

Oh he wasn't insured.

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