Rampage (2018)

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Rampage (2018)

Post by bunniefuu »

Athena-1. Athena-1, come in.

Athena-1, this is Control. We have negative copy on that last transmission.

We are showing LOS in the command module. Please verify. Over.

Mission Control, this is Atkins.

Something went wrong with the test.

The crew is dead.

Athena hull integrity is critical.

I'm headed to the escape capsule.

Negative, negative. Reroute to the lab and secure the canisters before departure.

But the test subject is loose.

Doctor, the test subject is a rat.

Not anymore.

What is this?

You have your orders, Doctor.

Open the g*dd*mn door!

Dr. Atkins, it's Claire Wyden.

We'll unlock the escape capsule when you secure the samples.

Doctor, either you come home with my research, or you don't come home at all.

Entering the lab.


Mission Control, securing the samples now.

Copy that.

Warning, hull integrity critical.

Oh, God.

Open it!

Capsule unlocked.

Mmm. I love that smell.

Brings me right back to Uganda.

You've been to Uganda?

Yeah. Oh, yeah.

If the jungle doesn't k*ll you, the poachers will.

The cops are still after me from all that shit I pulled.

They call me El Diablo.

I know they don't speak Spanish, but they might as well.


You ever see Blood Diamond? Yeah.

Now, I know it's about diamonds, but it really captures the vibe.

I don't know if it's the same region. But, you know, it's intense.

Don't mess with Mother Africa...

Everything okay, boss?

No, it's not.

Don't move a muscle.

Junior here is dropping a lot of monkey shit with these made-up stories.

It's very entertaining, though. It's very entertaining.

I've been to Uganda, man.

And I've been to Hogwarts.

Regardless, if you had any experience with poaching, you would know that it's extremely rude to talk about it in front of a lady.

Oh, it's okay. I can handle it.

Oh, I know you can. I'm talking about these ladies.

There shouldn't be any problems, but remember you're not in the classroom anymore.

These are wild animals. They're very unpredictable.

So remember your training, and do exactly as I say.

Tell me, what do you see?

The, uh, the young male, is attempting to establish his presence with the female.

He's posturing, agitated.

Sounds like someone we know, right?

Okay, let's remember this is Paavo's first interaction with the troop.

So we'll just take it nice and easy, and we'll see how well he responds to my commands.



Paavo. Paavo, it's okay.

Femi, Enu, on station.

Good girls.


That's far enough, Paavo.

It's okay. Calm. Calm.

It's me.


There you go.

It's cool, right? Yeah.

Good boy.

Good boy.

Good boy.

Uh... Davis.

Everyone stay where you are. No one move.

Are you crazy?

If you move, we're gonna be in big trouble. Connor, do not move.

Connor, do what he says.


Connor, don't move!


No! Paavo! Shit!

Help! Help!

Connor! Connor!

It's okay.

George! George!


George! Easy, buddy. Easy.

Okay. Okay.

Oh, very funny. Very funny.

We're all very impressed. Yes, yes.

You and I, laughing at your joke, okay?

New guy, he no laugh.

He cry.

Yeah. Yeah, opposite of laugh.

Connor, you can get up now. Are you 100% on that?

100% sure. You can get up.

And check your diaper. Come on, let's go.

He cry.

It's okay, it's okay.

He's not gonna k*ll me?

No, he's not gonna k*ll you. He has a unique sense of humor. I...

Uh, no, no.

George no save Davis.

I don't need your saving. No.

George no save Davis. You didn't save me.

I was fine on my own. I'm fine.

Stop doing that. Listen, it's important for you to be nice to Paavo.

He's just a kid.

Poachers k*lled his entire family.

He's in your troop now.

I want you to welcome him.

Welcome Paavo.

George, you and I cool?

Come on.

Wow, I can't, Come on.

I should never have taught you that. Stop that.

Now, come on. Give me, Come on! Don't do that.

Stop that! Okay. All right, listen.

I need you to protect Paavo.


I started using this new vegan deodorant.

How's that? I smell like guacamole.

Hey! Davis.


Hi. Look, I just wanted to say, that was amazing out there.

Ah, thank you.

And I would love to learn more about those submission techniques.

If you have time for a drink?


Your allergies acting up again?

It's the dander.

It's the dander. Animal dander.

Mmm-hmm. Uh...

Thank you, anyway. I appreciate it.

I already have plans tonight.

You did great out there today. Okay?

Oh, I didn't do anything.

Exactly. The first rule of dealing with hostile animals is, you wanna remain calm.

I was gonna bake some kale bread tonight, if you're interested.

No, I know you have a gluten thing. All right, see you in the morning.

She used the word "submission." That's a clue.

Should I go back there and tell her your plans are to hang out with your dogs?

Come on, you know me, Nelson. I need my "me" time.

Your "me" time?

Okay. Listen, buddy, since everyone else is afraid to tell you this, of course I will.

It's, um...

Uh, what's the terminology?

Weird you like hanging out with animals more than people.

They get me.

Animals like you, they lick you. They don't like you, they eat you.

You always know where you stand.

Or where you lie. All chewed up in their belly 'cause they ate you.

Yeah, that's just some food for thought. And by the way, you're the food.

All right, get outta here, you big lug.

Say hi to the dogs for me.

I will.

Girls love him.

I should shave my head.

I got your message about George. He okay?

I don't know. What do you mean, you don't know?

Davis. Davis!

He's in the grizzly enclosure.



Put it down. What?

You know how he is around g*ns. Put it down.

Are you sure?

Put it down. I'm gonna go talk to him.

Hey, George?

It's okay.

It's me.

It's me.

What happened?

You're sad.

It's okay.

Did you hurt him?


It's okay.

Did he hurt you?

He made you scared.

It's okay.




It's okay to be scared.

It's okay. Calm.


Is it me or is he considerably bigger?

No, he's definitely bigger.

It's Connor.

Guys, you need to get over to the gorilla enclosure.

What the hell happened?

We were doing our morning rounds when we saw the burnt foliage, and found this.

All right, let me see the kit.

What is it?

I don't know. But we gotta figure it out.

Stupid piece of crap!

Mini space station!

Are you done?

We just lost billions of dollars, Claire.

Tens of billions, actually.

Plus $20,000 for the models you just destroyed.

Our stock got hammered this morning.

Down 20%.

And you aren't upset, because...

Because Project Rampage works.

Do you know how much that's worth? Zero.

Because all of our research was on that space station.

Actually, Atkins got the research samples onto the escape pod.

Yes, the escape pod blew up.

But the canisters were engineered to withstand reentry.

And the American Meteor Society just reported a meteor strike in southern Wyoming.

All we have to do is go get it back.

Well, let's get out there!

Somebody finds that sample, it leads straight back to us.

Please, enough with the overreacting.

I am not overreacting, Claire.

There's a reason we were doing these experiments in space.

And it wasn't exactly for the betterment of humanity.


Look, you handle the press, and I'll get Burke to take care of the canister.

Who is Burke?

Remember that private military firm we acquired last year?

You called them "K*llers 'R' Us."


Well, he's the "us."


Wheels up! You boys are Oscar Mike.

Let's do it.

Where to, Burke?


Ah, never been.

Lots of mountains, not a lot of people.

Animals love it. You'll fit right in.


Hey, Mark.

Where the hell are you? Do you have any idea what time it is?

Yes, yes. Um...

Yeah, sorry.

I am on the freeway,

I know I've already been late twice this week, but it will not happen again.

Brett Wyden addressed the situation with this brief statement.

My sister and I and everyone at Energyne are stunned and deeply saddened by the loss of the Athena-1 crew.

These were brave and brilliant men and women of science, who were committed to helping mankind, and we will continue that work in their honor.

That's enough. Thank you.

Helping mankind, my ass.

Since then, Wall Street has kept a close eye on Energyne's performance.

Now to politics...

What you're looking at is dramatic video of a fireball touching down near the San Diego Wildlife Sanctuary.

It is thought to be debris from last night's Athena-1 tragedy.

However, it's unclear if this is related to one of the park's gorillas escaping the enclosure at the sanctuary earlier this morning.

The gorilla's name is George...

Hold on a second, Mark. The car ahead of me...

It just exploded. What?

There is currently no explanation for the primate's behavior, and zoo officials are not commenting at this time.

Our very own Jason Sloss is at the scene. Jason, what have you heard?

That's right, Chris and Maria.

I'm here at the San Diego Wildlife Sanctuary, and the word everyone seems to be using to describe the gorilla's escape is "surprising."

There. Set her down.

We've secured the canister, but it was pretty badly damaged.

Whatever was in it was destroyed.

There's something else.

These wolves were slaughtered.

From the tracks, looks like another one k*lled the pack.

It's infected with the pathogen.

Burke, I need that wolf. Dead or alive.

Copy that.

This is the list of the unrecognized hybrids you were talking about.

George's lab results are in.

You're not gonna like 'em.

This can't be right.

His neuromuscular synapse activity is through the roof, his blood has lethal concentrations of growth hormone, he'd be dead.

Run it again.

I did.

I ran it three times. His values went up each time.

We can't keep this quiet.

Animal Response is asking questions.

I just dodged a call. It was someone from the government.

What do you want me to tell people?

Tell them nothing.

He didn't do it, Nelson.

Look at him. Somebody did that to him.

Davis, he k*lled a grizzly bear.

Okay? Snapped his neck like it was a toothpick.

Listen, protocol says, first sign of aggression mandates immediate isolation.

It's what we're doing.

This is beyond protocol.

Davis, look at him.

I'm looking at him. Really look at him!

That is not the George we know.

If we report this, they're gonna put him down.

I can't let that happen.

I'll keep everyone off your back as long as I can.

All right.

Thank you.

I'm gonna figure this out, George.

I promise.

All right, everybody, listen up.

I need to find someone who knows exactly what the hell this thing is.

I found her!

No, that's a lie. Technically, she found us.

You must be Davis Okoye.

Thank you so much for your help.

What help?

I'm Kate Caldwell. I'm a geneticist with Energyne.

Um, you recovered my research sample.

Yeah, you mean this?

Oh, please tell me you had that tested for residual particulates.

Yes, that's exactly what I did. I always do that.

Anytime something new comes in.

Amy, have this tested for residual particulates.

I need that back.

Actually, I need some questions answered.

Like what the hell is that thing doing to my friend?

Uh, well, I am not allowed to discuss that with you.

Oh. Okay, well, I guess we can't help each other then.

Kate Caldwell, it was good to meet you. Nelson, show her out.

He's growing, isn't he?

At an unprecedented rate, right?

Increased strength, speed, agility.

Demonstrating levels of aggression you don't see in his species.

Come with me.

Last night, he was seven feet, 500 pounds.

This morning, he was almost nine feet, pushing 1,000.

His hair?

Yeah, he's an albino.

As far as I know, he's the only living gorilla of his kind.

He can sign?

Yeah, he can sign and he's hungry.

Guys, let's get George something to eat.

It's okay. There you go, buddy.

It makes sense.

He must be starving.

He's growing so rapidly.

"Makes sense"?

Last night, he k*lled a grizzly bear.

The most powerful terrestrial predator on the planet.

So you tell me right now, Kate, how any of this makes sense.

Are you familiar with CRISPR?

Yeah, genetic engineering.

It's more like genetic editing.

I am talking about extremely specific results.

Check this out.

Sharks are indeterminate growers, right?

They never stop.

Isolate that gene and combine it with, say, the growth rate of a blue whale, the strength of a rhinoceros beetle, the speed of a cheetah, And you get one confused gorilla that could take down a grizzly.

We developed a lot of different genetic combinations, so changes will be incredibly unpredictable.

Right. Okay, Kate, I get all that, but it still doesn't explain to me how he doubled in size.

Guys, we need to get that food in now.

See, CRISPR only allows you to alter the DNA of one cell at a time.

But I developed a system which rapidly transmits changes to every strand of DNA in the host's body.

Mr. Okoye, listen to me.

I am the only one who can cure him.


George! No!

It's not gonna hold.


Everybody back!

Not again! Not again!


George! Stop, George!


Shit. Call 911!

Come on!

Look out!

George! George!

George, it's okay. It's okay.

It's okay.

Yes, I know you're scared. I'm gonna help you.

No, no, no.

No, it's okay.

Sir, move away from the animal!

It's okay, it's okay. It's okay.

I'm the primatologist here. I look after this animal.

I can handle this situation. I just need you to lower your weapons.


It's okay. Calm.


Stand down.

Stand down.

Don't worry, buddy. I'm gonna help you.

What the hell?






I've never hunted a wolf before. What do you think, fellas?

Should I bring the .50 cal?

Got 'em. Treeline.

You sure that's a wolf? Damn, that thing is moving.

Not for long.

Burke to Base, Rampage-1 is down.

What do you got?

Nothing yet.

Wait a second.

We got tracks.

Are you seeing this?


A wolf made that?

Maybe I should've brought the .50 cal.


How we playing this?

Nice and easy.

They're in a hurry.

What do you think spooked...

Vinny! Garrick! Set a perimeter!

Come on! Open fire!

Get it! Get it!

Light him up!

What the hell?

Hit 'em! Hit 'em!

Run! Run!

Garrick, where are you?

- It's on me! Run, Garrick!

Come on, get it!

Taylor, get up!

They won't.

Taylor! Go!

The pathogen is doing what we designed it to.

No! God damn it!

Wilson, check in.

Zammit, check in.


Garcia, get me outta here.

Copy that. Ten klicks out.

Oh, shit! I see him!

Light him up!


Pull up! Pull up!

Oh, no!

I'm losing control!

Sir, let's go.

Out of the van, please.

Who the hell is this?

Mr. Okoye and Dr. Caldwell.

I am Agent Harvey Russell.

Hell of a day, huh?

Science experiments falling from the sky.

Giant gorilla on the loose.

Just the kind of exciting shit we here at the government tend to notice.

Where's George? I need to see him.

And if you're thinking about putting him on that plane, it's gonna be a big mistake.

I think we'll be all right.

Okay, let's all take a breath and...

I said I wanna see George.

Or we can get in each other's faces and see who's the toughest.

Brother, I'm gonna prance myself right out on a limb, and guess that no one's ever accused you of being a people person.

How about you take these cuffs off and find out yourself?


I'll see you on board.

Load 'em up with the ape.

So weird that he didn't take your cuffs off.

He's good. All right.

Just note it in the chart.

You see that?

Where he cut himself breaking out of the primate department.

There's barely a bruise now.

African spiny mouse.

Its DNA makes it capable of extreme regeneration.

"Davis Okoye, Primate Specialist."

Blah, blah, blah.

Army Special Forces.

What are you, some kind of international man of mystery?

I see a lot of "redacted." "Redacted, redacted..."

Oh, here we go.

"Transferred to the United Nations' Special Anti-Poaching Task Force."

Well, I'll have you know that I, myself, am also an animal lover.

Let's cut the bullshit, Russell.

I told you, having George on this airplane is suicidal.

He's on a very powerful sedative drip.

He will not wake up until we wake him up.

Sir, with all due respect, at his rate of growth, that sedative is gonna become ineffective long before we're back on the ground.

We factored in his growth rate. Same as his elevated metabolism.

Sir. And the increased amount of blood, in his system. We may not be the brightest bulbs in the room, but we're doing all right.

Especially considering, you got another one of your little science experiments running around out there.

What do you mean another one?

Oh, you didn't know about the 30-foot wolf?

Oh, sir, your oversized monkey is old news.


Weirdos on the Internet are calling him "Ralph."

Who do you work for?

Sir, I work for the American people.

Homeland? CIA?

Justice League?

I'm OGA.

I've heard that bullshit before. "Other Government Agency," huh?

It's clever.

Yes, sir, it is clever.

You see, when science shits the bed, I'm the guy they call to change the sheets.

What's gonna happen to George?

He didn't ask for any of this. He sure as hell doesn't deserve it.

Whether it is his fault or not, he is dangerous.

But there's a cure for this.

She helped engineer the pathogen that infected George.

She works for Energyne.

You mean used to.

"Dr. Kate Caldwell. Ph.D. in Biochemistry from Stanford, "with a specialty in Conservation Genetics."

Recruited by Energyne in 2010.

Fired by Energyne, a little less than two years ago.

It gets better.

Caught trying to steal company hard drives, and did 13, what I'm sure were glorious months, in our beautiful Greenville Federal Correctional Institute.

Well, I am guessing by the look on the big fella's face that this is all news to him.

Enjoy your flight.

Oh. Mr. Okoye, about your friend.

For what it's worth, I am truly sorry.

I'm sorry I lied to you.

Can you cure George or not?

I know that Energyne was working on a counter-measure to the pathogen, Yes or no?


Claire, I found him.

Some black ops-looking dudes loaded the gorilla, into a cargo plane late last night. You know who that is with them?

No. But clearly, he likes hitting the gym.

No. The woman.

It's Kate Caldwell.

Dr. Caldwell.

Yeah. What's she doing out there?

Well, given our history with her, her blaming us for putting her in prison and the death of her brother, my best guess? Gathering evidence to screw us over.

I told you, we should've liquidated her two years ago.

Claire, you can't liquidate every problem you have.

Agree to disagree.

Claire, I'm serious! Hey!

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I don't even care about the money anymore, okay?

I just don't want to go to prison.

So if you have a plan, I would love to hear it.

Brett, I always have a plan.

If you've given a subject extraordinary genetic gifts, and unlimited physical potential combined with unthinkable violent, and aggressive disposition, how do you control it?

I don't know, you give it a chill pill or...

Yes. See? That wasn't so hard.


R-19, the chill pill. One small dose will stop an infected creature's growth and aggression.

And to draw them here, the pathogen also genetically rewired the subject to respond to a low frequency radio wave.

Lucky for us, this building has some of the most powerful radio antennas in the world.

I had our team modify this one last night.

Now, we just have to turn on the signal.

And those creatures will do anything to get here and make it stop.

How do you think that will go over at 32,000 feet?

That monkey will bring the whole plane down.

And when the wolf gets here, we let the military k*ll it, and then we collect a sample of the weaponized DNA.

Then we sell that shit for a mint!


George, you okay, buddy?

Oh, no.

Get up. Now!

Caution. Caution. Caution.

Aim for his body!

Light him up!

Get back!

Come on, come on!

Strap in.

6-1-2-Heavy, mayday, mayday!

Shit. Shit.


Oh, shit!

Hold on!




Swing me!

Now what?

We're getting the hell off this plane!

Hang on tight!

This is insane! We're gonna die!


Now go!

God damn it, Russell!

Holy shit!

You're welcome!

I'm sorry, George.

Where's the body?

There isn't one.

He's wounded but he survived.

Tracks are headed northeast.

And I got zero signal.

I'm gonna see if I can find a radio, get it working.

Once DoD figures out your animal survived that crash, they're gonna have questions for you two.

What about Energyne?

They know a hell of a lot more about this than we do.

Yeah, the FBI's checking on Energyne.

Listen, do me a favor, don't meander off too far.

Oh, Mr. Okoye.


Thank you for getting this old cowboy off that plane.

Well, even assholes deserve a second chance.

Like my grandpappy always said, us assholes gotta stick together.

Have you seen our satellite footage?

The gorilla survived the crash!


Unfortunately, so did Dr. Caldwell.

So now what?

The gorilla doesn't concern me.

It'll respond to the radio frequency and come straight to us.

Dr. Caldwell is the bigger problem.

Do you think she told them something?

Based on the federal agents who are about to walk through our door, I'd say she told them everything.



Claire Wyden. How may I be of assistance?

Agent Park, FBI.

This is a warrant for a complete search of your company's records, starting with your lab.

Of course. Follow me.

We are horrified that what's happening out there originated in this lab, and we will do anything we can to help.

Good, we need access to everything.

Absolutely. You have our full cooperation.

Every file.

Hard drives and servers, too. Let's go.

Step away from your work station, sir.

Could you open that up? Keep yourself logged in.

Step back.

To that end, Agent Park, we're going through the files of the scientist responsible for these creatures, Dr. Kate Caldwell.

I'm sure you're aware of her criminal record.

Unfortunately, we're just now uncovering all the horrible things she was doing during her time here.

I'll need that list of Energyne servers, ASAP.

Of course, sir.

You okay?

Because you're sweating. A lot.

No, I'm fine.

Everything's fine.

Whiskey-Two-Tango, Whiskey-Two-Tango, this is Echo-Four-Romeo, over.

Whiskey-Two-Tango, Whiskey-Two-Tango, this is Echo-Four-Romeo.

So, what do we do now?

I'm sorry, Doc.

There's no "we" anymore.

Look, I am sorry I lied to you.

Yeah, save it.

You wanted something, you lied to get it. You're human.

What makes you dislike people so much?

Let me tell you something.

I've fought in wars all over the world.

Hunted down animal poachers, Africa, India, South America.

I got to see how people really are.

And they'll pretty much do anything to get what they want.

You think we're all like that?

You know where I found George?

He was hiding underneath the poacher's truck.

When my team arrived, these bastards were in the middle of butchering his mother.

They were cutting off her hands so they could sell them as ashtrays.

George never would've survived on his own.

An albino like that on the black market is worth a fortune.

So I took him with me.

And what happened to the poachers?

Well, they shot at us and they missed.

I shot back.

I didn't.

It's a good thing George doesn't feel the same way about people.

What's that supposed to mean?

Oh. After what happened to his family, it feels like it would be real easy for him not to trust humans, but he definitely trusts you.


You're a geneticist, you're not a shrink.

I also have a Ph.D. in calling people on their shit.

Ah, well. This ought to be good then.

Look, after college, I was using CRISPR to help endangered species in the Arctic.

Then my brother got sick.

Doctors told him he didn't have much of a chance.

But I knew CRISPR could save him.

Then Claire Wyden showed up.

She made me her lead genetic researcher.

So Energyne recruited you? Yeah.

But what I didn't know was that every time I'd make a breakthrough that could help my brother, they were secretly using it to build weaponized DNA.

I tried to destroy it.

Security just got to me before I could finish the job.

Anyway, uh, a month after I went to prison, my brother died.

I never even got to say goodbye.

I'm sorry.

I just wanna make sure the Wydens can't hurt anyone or anything ever again.

Does that sound like a plan?

Sounds like a plan.

Looks like our ride's here.

...Captain Evans.

Copy that. Set a perimeter.

Colonel Blake, sir.

Black-Dog-Six-Actual, we have eyes on targets Alpha and Bravo.

Roger that. Get in position to box them in.

Roger, Six-Actual.

Targets are eight klicks out and moving fast.

George is with the wolf?

You've engaged the gorilla, sir?

And the wolf.

Got them surrounded in a quarry about 30 miles outside Chicago.

Their trajectories had them both going in a straight line to the city.

Two different species making a coordinated long-distance journey.

That just doesn't happen.

Excuse me. Who is this?

Colonel, this is Davis Okoye.

He's a primatologist. He raised the gorilla there.

And that is Dr. Caldwell. She worked for Energyne.

She helped cook up our cuddly little friends.

Agent Russell, this is a military operation.

Yes, sir. I understand that, sir. But right now, these two know more about these creatures than anyone on this planet.

I think you need to hear what they have to say.

Colonel, what everybody has to understand is this is no longer just a wolf and a gorilla.

A wolf and a gorilla would be attacking each other.

They wouldn't be traveling in a straight line to the same destination.

Then what are they doing and why are they going to Chicago?

Because they're being called.

When I was at Energyne, we worked with bat DNA.

The Wydens were obsessed with developing biosonar communication, and it looks like they got it to work.

Energyne must be emitting some kind of signal to draw them there.

Those creatures will do anything to get to that signal and make it stop.

Colonel, you have to evacuate Chicago.

These creatures are engineered to regenerate.

b*ll*ts and tanks are not gonna stop them.

We have our contingencies in order, Mr. Okoye.


In the meantime, the FBI has requested that you remain here.

They have a few questions of their own.

These gentlemen will see you out.

Ma'am, let's go. Come on.

You're making a big mistake, Colonel.

Sir, let's go.

Targets in circle. All Bushmasters, targets in three k*ll zone.

Hold fire till playtime.

Black-Dog-Six-Actual, we have the targets surrounded.

Ambush is set. All Bushmasters standing by.

Prepare to engage.

This operation is gonna go south fast. We have to get to Chicago.

Yeah, I'm working on it.

All right, you two. We're in the transport to the left.

Kate, come on, come on. Hey! Hey!

Hey, I said left.

Okay. Hold on a second, boys.

You look like very smart MPs.

You also know there's a lot of bad shit that's going on right now.

And I gotta be honest with you both, this stuff that we're doing? It's not working for me.

Enough. Move! Okay, all right.

Just consider this.

I'm a former team guy. Let's not do this thing, where you get in my face, you thr*aten me, because I'm gonna have to knock you out, and then, you, look at me. I'm gonna choke you out so bad, you're gonna urinate yourself, and in front of the lady.

It's not a good look. It wasn't a g*dd*mn request!

Let's go! Hey!

This is exactly what I didn't want to happen.

That's a big arm. Don't fight it.

Don't fight it.

There you go. Sleepy time.

That's the plan you were working on?

Well, I didn't k*ll them.

So what are we looking for?

We're looking for a helicopter, but preferably one that's not surrounded by military personnel.

They probably have a grounded medevac chopper at the hospital.

And that's why you always bring a doctor.

Good job, Doc.

Well, well, well, looky here.

Stealing the hospital whirlybird.

Color me impressed.

That is creative.

Come on. You already saw what George did to our plane.

You know everyone's underestimating these animals.

But you two have the magic b*llet?

We think we know where to find it.

Listen, Claire Wyden is way too smart to create a w*apon she can't control.

They must have an antidote at Energyne that can halt the mutations.

If we get our hands on it, it could be our only shot to stop George and the wolf before they level Chicago.

You know, this ain't no truck stop, amigo.

They don't just leave keys under the visor.

Wait, you're helping us?

You saved my life. I reckon it's the least I can do.

We're on the same page when it comes to the Wydens.

They think they're above the law.

And I wanna remind them that they ain't.

So yes, we are helping each other.

Do what you do.

I'll be in touch.


That went way better than I thought it would.

Yeah, it did. I was hoping I could knock him out, too, though.

You know there are other ways of dealing with people, right?

I do know that, yeah, but that's no fun.

I assume you know how to fly this thing.


It's coming back to me.

It's all coming back, right now.


It's coming back. It's coming back.

Sir, we are 15 minutes from sunrise. Call for fire to follow, over.

We have the targets. Serpents are in position. It's playtime.

Get the FLIR footage onscreen.

FLIR is up.

This is Three-Six. Targets in the open, over.

Clear to fire.

Shot out.

Good hit. Stand by for BDA.

Confirm EKIA.

Six-Alpha-Lobo X-ray. Confirm EKIA. Over.

Roger, Lobo. Stand by.

Two-six, stay on overwatch.

Echo-Zero-two, moving to phase line gold.


Come on, come on.

Six-Alpha-Lobo X-ray. Sitrep, over.

Negative EKIA.

They must have moved, sir. I say again, we no longer...

Jesus Christ!

They're on our east and west flanks! Everybody move!

Nothing's working!

Bushmaster-Six-Alpha, this is Lobo X-ray. Need a sitrep, over.

Captain Evans?

Kaplan, inform the National Guard we're moving forward with the contingency plan.

Yes, sir.

I want ground a*tillery rolling into downtown Chicago, ASAP!

This time, we throw everything we can at these things, and get people the hell out of that city!

I want blockades at every quarter mile south of the Loop!

We evacuate civilians to the north!

It's me. They are evacuating Chicago.

George and the wolf went right through Blake's men.

Okoye, they are out in front of you.

Copy that.

What is it?

They're never gonna get everyone out of the city in time.


Two-Three, targets in the open.

Roger. You are clear and hot.

Roger. Weapons free. I'm engaging now.

Jesus! I'm hit! I'm hit!

Bird down! Bird down!

To hell with that, I'm taking these things out.

I have no control!

Two-Nine firing, target hit. Lighting him up.

He hit me with something!

Lost tail rudders!

Mayday! Mayday! I'm going down!

Status report. Where is Warthog One?

Inbound, sir.

- Warthog One, you are cleared hot. Roger that.

This is Warthog One. Targets missed.

Lobo X-ray, request come back around for another run.

Warthog One, this is Black-Dog-Six-Actual. Hit them again.

Roger that.

Kaplan, where are we with the evacuation?

50% downtown, sir.

Sir, we have a bogey headed north in the river, half mile out.

What the hell are you talking about?

Is that a ship?

It's underwater, sir.

We don't have any subs in the area.

Davis, there's something big in the river.

Well, that sucks.

This is Three-Two.

We have enemy contact in the river! How copy?

Say again, Three-Two?

Enemy contact! Target is heading east!

Copy, Three-Two. Call for fire to follow.

1 Negative, negative! Danger close!

Copy, Three-Two.

Direct all forces at that thing now!

Enemy contact! Three o'clock! Engage!

Flank him!

Everything you've got!

Aim for the gills!


Fire! Fire! Fire!

They can't stop them.

We gotta get that antidote.

Alpha-Six-Actual, we can't hold them!

I've lost half my men! We're backing out!

Are we evacuated downtown?

Clear at a 10-block radius from Upper Wacker to Adams, sir.

Prep the MOABs.

Roger that.

Colonel, you are about to drop the largest conventional b*mb in the arsenal, on US soil.

With all due respect, sir, there has got to be another way.

You drop that b*mb, not only do you wipe out half a city, but you'd destroy any evidence.

See, I got a team on the way to Energyne to secure the antidote.

So if you could divert some resources and support them...

Is this the same team that stole my medevac chopper?

Davis Okoye and Dr. Caldwell...

Need to get the hell out of there.

And I need you to drop the cowboy bullshit, and get with the program.

Well, sir, you know us cowboys.

We just can't stand leaving our friends behind.

Get your ass out of here!

Finally, an order of yours I can agree with.

Let's bring up a feed on our stealth bombers.

Bomber feed is up.

Viper Two-Five, you've been released for mission execution, time now.

Holding short, runway two-five.

Cleared for take-off, runway two-five.

Cleared for take-off, two-five.

Roger. Good luck.

Lobo X-ray, this is Viper Two-Five.

Package is airborne.

We are inbound.

Agent Russell, here's the information you requested.

That's the FBI's list for Energyne's servers.

You were right.

There's one server that they left off.

And there's only two people that have access to it.

Brett and Claire, you sneaky sons of b*tches.

Thank you, son. Yes, sir.

It's Russell. I need a ride.

Come on, this way, this way! Keep moving!

Where to? Eighty-fifth floor.

Lab's in here.

Damn it!

Hey, give me some good news.

MOABs are 30 minutes out, give or take.

Just one could take out five city blocks.

You better move!

I'm never taking your call again.

It's locked. What'd he say?

Uh, something about the mother of all bombs is on its way and we need to hurry.



FBI must've confiscated all the hard drives.

All right.

Come on, Kate, think.

Here we go.

Okay, everything in the lab is on one system.

The FBI would never have thought to confiscate a thermostat, but there's a backdoor into the server.

So we should be able to access every file from here.

Okay. Change of plan. The military's lost control.

We're coming up.

All right.

The chopper is ready.

I have got your rat.

Let's get the R-19 from the lab so we have some leverage when this shitstorm finally catches up with us.

Now what?

We have visitors.

I don't believe this. What's wrong?

The system has been totally scrubbed.

They erased everything connected to the project.

But it's here.

We just have to find it.

In there!

I got this.

I like it.

What are we looking for?

Anything that starts with "RPG."

It'll be in one of these cryopreserve trays.

Got it.


I think I found it.

This is it.

Is that the cure?

Not a cure exactly.

R-19 doesn't revert them to their normal size.

It just overrides their unchecked aggression.

Nice to see you, Kate.

Go to hell, Claire.

I was so sorry to hear about your brother.

Now, why don't you hand those over?

All right, let's go.

That's not happening.

Can I see that, please?


That happened.


Now, let's go.

Oh, my God! Now.

They're here.


I was actually starting to worry about how we were gonna reengineer the pathogen.

Then you showed up.

Now, get in unless you wanna end up like your friend.

Brett! Get back here!


Come on.

I thought you were dead!

Well, I think she missed all the vital organs, but don't jinx it.

Now, let's get that antidote. Come on!

Davis, wait.

I have one.

Okay, new plan.

We give it to George and maybe he can help us stop the other two.


Now, we just have to figure out how the hell we're gonna give it to him.

We gotta move!

You know, I'm actually glad you're both still alive.

Now, you can go up there and distract your friend while I get the hell out of here!

Or I could k*ll you both now!


I'll go.


Get away from me! Get your hands off me!

What the hell are you doing?

Feeding the monster to the gorilla!

Oh, shit!


No, forget my sister!

She lost her g*dd*mn mind!

You just get an SUV over here! You get me out of here now!

Damn, son!

Did you just run down 80 flights of stairs?

Who the hell are you?

I'm the fella that was gonna run up those stairs to arrest you.

But, shit, you look so terrible I feel kind of bad about it.

I'll tell you what.

Since you're working so hard to get out of here, I'm guessing you got a laptop in that bag there.

You give it to me and you can just get.

Right out that door.

Really? Yeah.

You just hand it over and be on your way.


It's really my sister who did all this.

This wasn't even my idea.

Since when is complicity a crime?


See you, Tex! Hey!

Why don't you leave the little fella here with me?

That's my pleasure. I hate that thing!



That was a lot.

Boy, I hope y'all have a plan up there.

What do you say, little fella? Let's you and I take another exit.

When does the antidote kick in?

Ten minutes, maybe.

This building is not gonna be standing in 10 minutes!

How the hell do we get off this roof?

Maybe we don't have to get off the roof at all.


No, we definitely do!

Come on, come on!


There's no tail on this helicopter!

That's right. We don't need one.

You do, if you wanna fly!

We're not gonna fly, we're gonna crash.



We just need to get enough lift to stay on top of the building as it falls.

You know, just like riding an avalanche.

No, I don't know!

Come on, baby! Here we go.

Oh, my God!

This could get ugly.

Oh, my God! Oh, my God!

Oh, Jesus!

Oh, my God!

Hold on, Kate!


I got you.

I need a drink.

I can't believe we survived that.

Wait, there's still people here.

We need to call off the airstrike. Come on.


I know.


You okay?

Thank God.

Good to have you back, buddy.

Oh, I look like shit?


You look like big shit!

Come on.

Lobo X-ray, this is Viper Two-Five.

Escorts are in position. We are eight minutes from target.


Roger, Two-Five. Call for fire to follow.

- Over. Copy that.

Let's go! Let's go!

What's the plan?

I want you to take this Humvee and find a sat phone.

And get a hold of Russell. He's our only shot at calling off this airstrike.

Then let him know there's still military personnel and civilians on the ground.

George and I will handle the other two.

Davis? Yeah?

Try not to get k*lled, okay?

Come on, get going.

All right, George. We gotta stop these things before they destroy the city.

That's right. Let's kick some ass.

Oh, shit!

Of course the wolf flies.

Hey! Come and get me, you ugly son of a bitch!

That's it!

Help! I need a satellite phone!

It's not safe here, ma'am. We need to go now.

You two, get her on the truck.

Wait! There's a way to stop this!



I will take it from here. Yes, sir.

Take a breath, Doc.

Tell me what you're doing here.

The antidote worked.

Davis and George are trying to stop the other two.

But there's still civilians and military on the ground.

We have to call off the airstrike.

Son, I'll tell you what. Let's trade.

All right, come on. Let's get. Hey. Hey!

George, go!

Colonel Blake, it is your old pal, Agent Russell.

Listen, about your MOABs.

Do me a favor, would you, and take a gander at Federal Plaza before you drop them?

Bring up the drone feed on Federal Plaza.

Yes, sir.

My God.

Oh, come on.

George, no!

This is Viper Two-Five. Two minutes out.

Target is locked. MOABs are armed.

Doors are opening.


Get up! You gotta move!

Come on, come on, come on!

Come on, come on!

You mess with my friend, you mess with me, mother...




I'll be damned.

Abort mission.


Hey, buddy.

We did it.

We saved the city.


You saved me.

George saved Davis.



I'm so sorry, Davis.

He saved my life.

He saved a lot of people's lives.


Yes, he did.

Did I just see you close your eye?

I just saw you open your eye!

Son of a bitch!

Pretending to be dead?

At a time like this? Oh, my God!

No, no.

No, it's not funny and I wasn't crying!

I wasn't crying, okay? There's a lot of debris around here!

Wait, is this like a thing between you guys?

This is not a thing between us. It's a thing with him!

Because he has a twisted sense of humor!

Yes, I guess you could say that.

She is part of my troop.

I mean, we're friends, right?


Yes, we're friends.

No! Come on, dude!

Have some class, okay?

I don't know what's gotten into him. Kate, I'm so sorry.

George, stop.

All right, all right, guys.

Let's go home, okay?

Dude, that was funny.

I heard that!


Thank you for saving the world.

Yeah, thanks for calling off the airstrike.

Like a wise cowboy once said, us assholes gotta stick together.

How about we all help these people out, and then find George here a new home.

Where are we gonna put him?

I can tell you right now, we're not gonna put him on a plane.
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