01x07 - Double Doomsday

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Sonic Boom". November 8, 2014 - October 4, 2017.*
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Sonic and friends Tails, Knuckles, Amy and Sticks tries to ward off the evil plans of Dr. Eggman who is taking over the world.
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01x07 - Double Doomsday

Post by bunniefuu »


♪Jungle laser, jungle laser♪

♪Fry you with my laser♪


Hey, Eggman,
smile for the birdie.

Ow! Ow! They're pecking my eyes!

Why would I ever smile at this?

Stop smiling!

What are you doing?
We should fight this way.

This way. The natural direction
of the fight is taking us left.

Yes, we should go left. My left.

-No, my left.
-My left. Your right.

I know I'm right. We should
go left. That's the right left.

That doesn't even
make any sen--

[Eggman] Whoo! I'm OK.

Agh! I twisted my ankle.

[panting] I finally have you.


Tuckered out, Eggman?
Have a taste of my spin dash.

Ohh! Ugh!

You just got spin-dashed.

There's no other way in.

Sonic's trapped.

That means
Dr Eggman's trapped too.

We're free! Free, I tells you!

I can buy a houseboat. And live
on it even though it's a boat.

And I can finally
finish my memoirs.

I've been told
I'm a natural raconteur.

And I've been told
I'm a neutral raccoon.

Well, we're sticking around
to free Sonic.

But until then,
one of us needs to be in charge.

Good thinking, Amy.
I'll be in charge.

You? I'm in charge.

I don't trust anyone in charge.

I know.
Why don't we all be in charge?

[others] No!

Oh, perfect. We're stuck here.

Correction. You're stuck here.




Catch you later, Eggface.



"Catch you later, Eggface."

That's you.
That's what you sound like.



Wait. I can hook the Eggmobile's
tow cable to this floor tile.

But it doesn't have enough power
to pull it open.

I can pull your dumb Eggmobile
across the room.

If that's our only option.

Get in the hedgehog harness.

What? No way!

If you tell anyone about this...

Mush! Mush!

I'm mushing, I'm mushing.

[Eggman] Aargh!


[Sonic sighs]

Did we just... cooperate?

Yup, and I got great photos.

Fine. If we can't decide
who's in charge, we'll split up.

Who wants to be on Team Amy?

Great. And who wants Knuckles
to lead Team Amy?

[groans] Amy leads Team Amy.
Knuckles leads Team Knuckles.

there's a Team Knuckles now?

-Can I be on both teams?
-[both] No!

We all have to pick a side,

Now, who's it gonna be? Amy...

Or Amy. I still don't get
how this works.

Help! We can't be on our own.

All that freedom.
Too many choices.

This looks like a message
in the temple's lost language.


"Congratulations! You are in the
bowels of Buddy Buddy Temple.

Enter as strangers,
leave as best pals forever."

"Follow the example
of the Buddy Beavers

to become
true bosom buddy amigos."

Pssh! I ain't interested
in your bosom, buddy.


Follow the Buddy Beavers.

Pull your lever, Eggman.

[both grunt]

Let's do it together.

You were too beautiful to live.

Let's go over it one more time.

-Who's leading us right now?
-[both] Me.

We're not getting anywhere
like this.

-Maybe I should be in charge.
-[all] No!

Why would there be
little holes in this wall?

Maybe people
put pennies in them.


-Get off me!
-You're welcome.

Ugh! My ankle.
I think it's sprained.

Nope, it's definitely sprained.

Oh, it's twisted
something fierce. Ohh!


About this morning,
I'm sorry for... you know...

blasting you
with all those lasers.

I need to learn not to try
to incinerate you all the time.

Thanks... I guess.

We've got to hit these
at the same time.

Ha! I can't believe you fell
for the old sprained ankle act.

I stole it from you. "Ow!
My ankle. I think it's sprained."

Those improv classes
are paying off.

Oh, you Eggs-Benedict-Arnold!

So long, hedgehog.

Hope you don't find this
turn of events crushing. Get it?

Cos you'll be crushed
by the walls? They'll crush you?

I'll explain it
after you're crushed.


Come on!
Why would there be another door?

I just opened one.
Who even designed this temple?

It's OK, Eggman, you got this.
Just pull both levers.

Stay down, levers!

Stay down!

I was so close.


Hedgehog, hit your button.
Let's go. Giddy up!

OK, I understand
why you might be upset with me.

We're bosom buddy amigos now.
Give me a big smile.


Let's just get out of here
before... the roof caves in!

If I was in charge
we'd be in the temple already.

And if you were in charge
I'd be in the temple already.

Hello? Uh, fellas?

You're so incompetent you don't
even know how to argue.

You're right.

Most of the time I'm confused
and just yell back things.

It doesn't matter who's leading.
We'll never get into the temple.

Are you... helping Eggman?

What? No.

There's our way out.

An old mine cart?

We don't even know
where it goes.

What? You want to stay here?

OK. Ready?






[both] Yes!

[Cubot] We're so happy
you're back, boss.

-We'll never desert you again.
-You'll never what?

I mean... would you mind
reading a draft of my memoirs?

Thank goodness
we've got Sonic back again.

Knuckles, I can't believe
we squabbled like that.

Yeah, you were out of control.

I was out of control?
You were being totally obstinate.

I don't know what "obstinate"
means, but I refuse to learn.

You know, we actually made
a pretty good team.

It was almost like
we were friends or something.

Yeah, like that
would ever happen.


Catch you later, Eggface.

Not if I destroy you first.
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