01x11 - Cowbot

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Sonic Boom". November 8, 2014 - October 4, 2017.*
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Sonic and friends Tails, Knuckles, Amy and Sticks tries to ward off the evil plans of Dr. Eggman who is taking over the world.
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01x11 - Cowbot

Post by bunniefuu »



Yes, my minions.

This may very well be
my greatest creation yet.




Yes. Yes.
Rise, my creation. Rise!

[Eggman laughs]



All that for cookies?

Evil cookies.

I'll go get the evil milk.


Wow, cookies!

I hope it's better than the last
time I was left baked goods.


It'll just be another minute.



[Tails] Sonic, you there?
I need a little help.

Is it urgent, Tails? I'm sort of
in the middle of something.

Um... yeah.

OK, I'm on my way, buddy.

Come back and eat that cookie,
you mutant blue rat.


No. No. No!

Huh. Don't mind if I do.



Back! Back, I say!


Aww! I knew Sonic
wouldn't forget my birthday.

Four months late but
it's the thought that counts.

Gah! Why would he leave your
birthday present on his porch?

Where's the logic there?


Whoa! Aargh!

That's it! The last two cookies
are for Sonic and nobody else.

Oh, come on!


Put that back!




Look at this mess.
I just vacuumed.


Git! Get outta here!

So, yeah, a feather duster
might be a better way to go.

Oh, hey, I forgot about these.

What the heck!
There's only one left.

Yes. Eat it. Eat the cookie.

Sonic! Wait!
Don't eat that cookie.


chocolate chunk is my favourite.

You gotta be kidding me!

Fine. I'll just go inside and
make a sandwich or something.

Mm-mm! Chocolate chunk.
Ooh! With a hint of cinnamon.

And a touch of...


[Amy] You'll never get away
with this, Eggman.

[Tails] Sonic will see you
coming from a mile away.

Yeah! If we want to trap Sonic
we've got to think like Sonic.

This is even better
than I hoped.

Five evil genius masterminds.

I'm an evil mastermind
of average intelligence.

Five evil genius masterminds,
give or take.

Working under my leadership,
we'll be unstoppable.

So here's the plan.

We wait at the beach shack
for Sonic

and then bombard it
with an all-out robo-as*ault

from five different sides.

No, no, no!

We should tunnel underneath
to bypass his defences.

We should attack from above
by plane.

We must get rid
of his stupid friends first.




-I'm yelling words!
-Calm down!

Even though you're evil geniuses
now, for the most part,

you lack experience.

Time for a crash course in villainy.

Evil lesson number :
Berating your underlings.

Orbot, would you kindly
hand out the worksheets?

Gladly, sir.

Not that worksheet,
you dunderhead!

See? It's that easy.

Lesson number : Surveillance.

There's nothing more evil

than recording subjects
without their knowledge.


Get me a monkey wrench,
I'll fix that.

-The security camera?

Lesson number :
Moustache care and maintenance.

strokes every morning.
But don't overdo it.

-Or what?
-Don't ask.

Lesson number :
Lesson numbering.

Evil lessons
should be numbered as follows.

, , , , .

Lesson number :
Target practice.

We must procure assistance.

We don't have time for that.
Let's just get help!

[TV] And now back to
Pawn Shop Wars: Gogoba Edition.

Can I afford to give you
for this? No.

But you seem like a nice fellow

and I suppose my children could
go hungry for a few nights.



So far so good.
Now the written exam.

The topic is
"How to capture Sonic".

You may begin.

Pencils down, Eggheads.

Clones, change of plans.

Your written exam
is now a practical.


Not me! Sonic!

Oh, right. I hope
that doesn't affect my grade.

Enough of this!
I'm taking charge.

Amy, what are you doing?
You guys are my friends.

Your evil friends.

Stop sucking up.

You guys,
you gotta snap out of it.

This isn't you.
It's the cookies.


Wonderful work, everyone.

after all my years of trying,

I've captured
Sonic the Hedgehog.

What do you mean
you captured Sonic?

This is the result
of my leadership.

You were losing
until I deployed the robots.

With all of you arguing, I can't
hear the voices in my head.

I'm an evil mastermind
of average intelligence.

This didn't work out
like you planned, huh?

Why won't those other mes
listen to me?

I only want what's best for me.

-Hm... I know how to fix this.
-Do you?

That would be great.
I've got so much on.

My plate is full. I've got...

The calendar's so full.

I can't get organised...

an organisational problem...

[Eggman muttering]

So if you could help me out
with that, that would be...

Let's crack these Eggheads!

I could get used to this!

Waah! Waah! Waah!

Hold them off, Eggman.
I'll be right back.

Eugh, gross!

Let's get baking.


I feel like myself again.

I'm also back
to feeling like myself again.

Knock on wood.

Who is it?

The best part is,
now we're all on the same team

we'll fight side by side,

One for all and all for...

OK, fun's over.
I gotta get back to work.

Evil doesn't brilliantly plan
and execute itself, you know.

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