01x18 - Dr. Eggman's Tomato Sauce

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Sonic Boom". November 8, 2014 - October 4, 2017.*
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Sonic and friends Tails, Knuckles, Amy and Sticks tries to ward off the evil plans of Dr. Eggman who is taking over the world.
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01x18 - Dr. Eggman's Tomato Sauce

Post by bunniefuu »


You may have defeated
my scorpion-bot,

but I've got one more trick
up my sleeve.

Just give it a sec.
It needs to warm up.


Still waiting on that trick.


Is it just me or has Eggman not
been bringing his A-game lately?

Maybe our A-game makes
his A-game look like a Z-game.

That's much worse
if you understand the alphabet.

Isn't it?

It does kinda feel like Eggman's
just going through the motions.

[groans and mutters]

Another fine piece
of Eggman technology.

Were you born
to soar like an eagle,

but just can't
get off the ground?

I was. And I can't.

You can soar like an eagle.

I can?

Were you born
to soar like an eagle,

but obstacles
just get in your way?

I already answered that.
And yes.

I'm Soar the Eagle,

and I can show you how to be
the best "you" you can be.

My amazing seminar will show you
how to soar like an eagle.

Book me for your next corporate
event, wedding, or sweet .

Who's ready
to soar like an eagle?

Oh, me! I am!

Well, then,
my moustachioed friend,

for the next hours

I'll show you how to make today
the best day of your life.

Until tomorrow comes,

at which point that will be
the best day of your life!

Are you going to accept failure?


Are you going to let obstacles
get in your way?


Are you going to push yourself
to the limit?

-No! Wait, I mean... yes?
-Never second-guess yourself.

No is the correct answer
because you're pushing past the limit.

So what are you gonna do?

Soar like an eagle.

Thank you, everybody.
You're all cleared for takeoff.

Who has my check?

What to buy?
It's all so uplifting.

It's all great.
You should buy all of it.

But if you want the ultimate
Soar the Eagle experience,

might I interest you
in the Stratosphere Package,

which includes my services
as your personal live-in guru?

-It's a deal! Shake.
-Don't touch me.

Look at yourself
in that mirror.

What do you see?
What do you see?

A frightened man
and a scary bird?

We've got some work to do.

It's not easy to pull off
those big-time evil victories.

We need to get some
small successes under your belt

to rebuild your confidence.

That'll be . .

-Hey! Get back here!

No one will believe you're evil
if you don't believe it.

Show yourself
how evil you can be.



[Knuckles] Wow, Amy.
You weren't kidding.

That is one big ball of twine!

I'm not sure this will work.

"I'm not sure this will work."

Well, if I wasn't a germophobe
I'd slap you.

Now, do as I say and
show the world your greatness.

[all gasp and scream]

Eggman's been more creative lately,
don't you think?

I try not to.

Eggman's got his groove back!

Don't get ahead of yourself.

We're only on step six
of my patented -step system.

You're bringing me down, bro.

You're like a wall
that I need to break through.

OK, obviously you've picked up
a few things from my system,

but you really
have to listen to me.

No, you listen to me.
You're fired!

I'll be the best "me" I can be
on my own, thank you very much.

If you think high self-esteem,
confidence and inner peace

can be achieved
without outside help,

you, sir, are sadly mistaken.

I'm ready for takeoff.

But... where to begin?

Should I build a transforming
robot or a hypnotising robot?

Or an exploding robot?

Should I develop an elaborate,
convoluted multi-step plot

to destroy Sonic and all?

Those all sound good, boss.

I can't decide.
I'll think about it over lunch.

But what to eat?

A sandwich? Noodles? Oatmeal?

If only I had some guidance.

Why not ask
that charming feathered fellow?

He seems to be guiding you
quite nicely.

I let him go.
He was holding me back.

Well, I'm gonna nap.

But where?
My bed or the couch?

You know, we haven't
seen Eggman in a while.

That's a good thing, right?

I think he's up to something.
I'm gonna check up on him.

Aha! Caught you
just as you were...

Lounging in your pyjamas?

Just leave me alone to wallow
in my filth and self-pity.

Aw, dude. Gross.

I'm afraid Dr Eggman
has been acting quite peculiar

since firing that Soar fellow.

So he's not planning
something huge and diabolical?

Quite the contrary.

The only thing he's planning
is watching "Hedgehog Abbey".

[TV] I went to the barrister's flat
to give him some biscuits,

but he threw them
into the dustbin.

The barrister's a twit.

Oh, no, he di-in't!

This is the life.
No Eggman, no worries.

[sighs and breathes deeply]

Ugh! I'm so bored.

Hey, Tails, need any help?

Not really. Just cleaning
some sand out of the gaskets.

So you wanna race?

Sorry, Sonic.
I'm kinda busy here.

Come on. Race you to the end
of the island. Ready... go!

Hey, my papers!

I win! Whoa, way to make a mess
while I was gone.

Steady... Steady...

-Hey, Knucks!

I wonder what Amy's doing.

What you painting?

A picture for the anniversary

of the first time
I painted a picture.

-[sharp knock]

Oh, it was just a tree branch.

Sonic, please be careful.

This is % organic
fair-trade paint.

It's very expensive
and very green.

It looks more like pink to me.

What was that?

I know that's Eggman.
He's out there.

Watching. Lurking.

Watching some more.
Then lurking.

Then breaking for lunch.
Then lurking more.

Ever since
Eggman got depressed,

Sonic has been making me nuts.

He hasn't cooked for me.
He's just been driving me crazy.

If we want to get Sonic
out of our hair,

we need Eggman back in the game.

I never thought I'd say this.
We need to re-motivate Eggman.

The doorbell works too,
you know.

We're here to take you down.

Move over.
You're blocking the TV.


Next time it'll be full.

Anybody home?

I brought board games.

[Tails] Sonic, big battle
at Eggman's lair. You gotta hurry.

I'm on it.

Can you keep it down?
I'm trying to watch my stories.

Hey, guys.

Eggman's doing this to us!


You gotta fight him, Sonic.

Uh, are you guys OK?

Stop Eggman
before he destroys us.

He's not doing anything.


Are you pretending
he's attacking you?

Amy, cut it out.

OK, everyone. Enough.

We wanted to motivate Eggman
so you'd have someone to battle.

What a dumb idea.

Hey, lay off her, Egghead.

What are you gonna do about it?

Give you a stern look and say,
"Yeah, really."

-Oh, really?
-Yeah, really.

Robots, attack!

[Sonic grunts]
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