01x20 - Hedgehog Day

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Sonic Boom". November 8, 2014 - October 4, 2017.*
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Sonic and friends Tails, Knuckles, Amy and Sticks tries to ward off the evil plans of Dr. Eggman who is taking over the world.
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01x20 - Hedgehog Day

Post by bunniefuu »


[deep breath]

It's down to this final toss
for the echidna from Angel Island.

He'll need a score of four
to take the championship.

Can he do it?
Can he score a four?

The crowd is on their feet.

Can you get on with it already?

Denied! Three coconuts
is not quite four.





They've done it!
They've achieved the impossible.

The team of Knuckles and Sonic

has bested the team
of Sonic and Knuckles.

Wait a minute. You were playing
against yourselves?

No. Weren't you listening?
We beat Sonic and Knuckles.

Ha! In your face,
Sonic and Knuckles!

Behold, rodents!

Prepare to face the most
fearsome destructive force

ever to grace this
or any other world.

It'll just be a minute.
Feel free to talk amongst yourselves.

Your doom is coming,
I assure you.



Ah, here it is now.

This is Cow-bot.


-It's a cow.
-It's a cow-bot.

-[all laugh]
-What? What's so funny?

Cow-bot? That's the lamest thing
you've ever come up with.

Not true. There was
Spoon-bot, Cry-bot, Math-bot.

Oh, and who can forget Lame-bot?

Wait, what am I saying?

-Forgot about that one.

My breakfast
is plotting to k*ll me.


Oh, time to move my laundry
to the dryer.

I leave you
in Cow-bot's capable hooves.

Let's destroy this thing
so we can get back to coconut hurl.

Did I mention that Cow-bot
is filled with mootonium,

a pun-based
radioactive compound?

Destroy him and he'll vaporise
everything in a -mile radius.



He's firing cud missiles.

My record!

If we can't smash that thing,
what can we do?

Looks like
there's an access panel on top.

If I can get to it,
maybe I can reprogramme Cow-bot.

Time to tip this cow.

I'll distract him.

[all] One...

Any day now, guys.


-Four! Er... I mean three.

[all grunt]


That should do it.

Or not.


Er, Tails, what's going on?

Not sure.

Its original programming
was to destroy Sonic.

So since I reversed it...

It's going after Eggman.

No, it's not classic.
It's awful.

That thing's a k*lling machine.
If it explodes, no more Eggman.

And on laundry day?
Not cool, Sonic.

[groans] Fine. I'll go warn him.

Tails, you come with me.
Bring your science stuff.

You got it, Sonic.

And while you're there, ask him
how he gets out grass stains.

His whites are always so white.

Tails, wait here.

Who knows what kind
of crazy defences Eggman has.

Huh, nothing.
You think you know a villain.

Oh. I wasn't expecting company.

Yeah, I figured that out.

Er, don't you have some kind
of defence system? And pants?

Funny, I used parts
from my defence system

to make the cow-bot
I sent to destroy you.

How did that work out?

Tails reprogrammed it. Now it's
on its way here to destroy you.

Good luck. Toodles!

You can't leave me
without my defences.

I'd be... What's the word?


Shall we bring your
defence systems back online?

No. Unless you've activated
Cow-bot's Stage Two directive.

My defences
would be useless.

That's not that red eyes thingy,
is it?

-Yeah. How did you know?
-Lucky guess.

The only way to stop Cow-bot is
upgrade Eggman's defence system.

You'd do that for me

after all the terrible,
yet totally justified,

things I've tried to do to you?

Good thing I told you to bring
your science stuff, huh, Tails?

You work on Eggman's defences.
I'll gather up parts.

And, Eggman, put on some pants.



When Cow-bot comes in range,
Eggman lowers the force field.

I zap Cow-bot
with the freeze ray

and, Tails,
you fly over and disarm it.

All right, let's rock!


Let's butcher this bovine.

I think we have some time.

You wanna go inside?
I got cocoa.


That is some interesting cocoa.

Guess my secret ingredient.

If he says "love"
I'm outta here.

Hmm... Is it nutmeg?

Close. It's actually
a tablespoon of garlic powder.

That explains the texture.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Coaster!

Were you raised in a barn?


-Guess the secret ingredient.

-Nope. Love.

Just kidding. Garlic.

And I thought he was annoying
when he wanted to destroy us.

[TV on]

Don't go in there. It's a trap.

Can you believe she went in?

Yeah, and after you warned her
and everything.

So what do you guys do for fun?

Here we are at the coconut hurl
grand championship.

Sonic the Hedgehog will toss
his arch rival, Dr Eggman.

Let's join the game,
already in progress.

[grunts and groans]

That's going to be a penalty.


Hey, I've got an idea.

They've done it! A new record.


We've been up forever.
When is Cow-bot gonna get here?

You're so impatient, Sonic.

Sometimes you gotta slow down
and enjoy life.

Here, have
a roasted marshmallow.

Mmm. Sticky, but good.

Really good.

I never get to do stuff
like this with Orbot and Cubot.

Marshmallows always
gunk up their circuitry.

That's the problem
with having no friends.

Hey, you know who I hate?

That Dave the intern.
Am I right, huh?

I never gave him much thought.

Are there any more marshmallows?

Hey, Sonic, bro to bro,
what's up with you and Amy?

-[boom! boom!]


Wake up! Wake up!

-Engage defence systems.
-Turning off the force field.

I'm having some trouble here.

It's gunked up. My hands
are sticky with marshmallows.

It's game over, man. Game over.


If they gunk up our machinery,
they'll gunk up Cow-bot's too.

How can we reach
the access panel?

Ready... Aim... Fire!

I said "aim".

Oh, was that meant for me?

Ready... Aim... Fire!


[mooing and beeping]

-It worked!
-That's the beauty of teamwork.

Not teamwork. My master plan.

I tricked you into helping me
upgrade my security system.

Now I can use your own tech
against you.

Oh, so that's
how it's gonna be, huh?

I really need to stop
doing that thing where I gloat

and explain exactly
what you need to do to stop me.

Our work here is done.
Come on, Tails.

Dr Eggman? May we come out now?

-Ooh, marshmallows!
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