01x18 - Shark Derby

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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01x18 - Shark Derby

Post by bunniefuu »

[Beginning theme music]

-♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

[Jazz music playing]

[Suspenseful music]

-Got you. Got you.

Hey, hobie,
you see this anchovy?


-This anchovy is guaranteed

To catch the biggest
fish of the bay.


-I don't think it was
the right one anyways.

-I think you're right.

-Dad, dad, I caught one.

-Okay, hang on.
Hang on.

Don't horse him.
Give him some line.

Excuse me.

-Excuse me.

Mitch: excuse me, going through,
coming through.

Excuse me, coming through.

There you go.


Doing good.

-What kind you think it is?

-I don't know. Maybe halibut.


Pull up.
Reel down, reel down.

[Line reeling]


Pull up.
Reel down, reel down.

Whoa. Hang on, partner.
Keep the pressure on.

You got yourself a shark.

-I don't think I can
hold it much longer.

Well, hang on,
pull up, reel down, pull up.

Okay, now, reel down.

Hold up.
You got to reel down.

Come on, hang on.
It's coming.

All: oh.

-I'm sorry, pal.

Nobody on this boat could've
brought that monster in.

[Eerie music]

-All right, so what do we
got on this?

-Five bucks.

-Nice sneeze.
Come on, 20.

-All right.
All right, all right. 20 Bucks.

-All right.

Okay, here we go.


Huh, okay?
Thank you, thank you.

-Oh, boy, that's a what,
ten-pointer there.

Believe you might have done it.

-I believe I have.

What do you say?
We make a double or nothing.

-No, you got it my friend.
You got it.

Double or nothing.

-Knock yourself out.


So what do you say if I told you

We can make 25 grand
in one weekend's work?

-Against how many years in jail?

-I'm serious, man.

All we got to do
is catch the biggest fish.

All right.
All right, the biggest shark.


-I hate sharks.

-Come on, man,
this is easy money.


Eddie: what makes you think
we can win this thing?

-Navy taught us all
there is to know about sharks.

Where they hang out, what they
like to eat, what attracts them.

-25 Grand, huh?

Every penny
split right down the middle.

You in?

-Yeah. Yeah, I'm in.

All right.


I knew you'd see it my way.

Not bad.


-So then eddie tells me he's
going to be in the shark derby

For the next three days,
which, of course,

Means that we can't go shopping
for new clothes

For gary and dede's wedding.


-I know.

What makes them think

That they can wear jeans
to absolutely every occasion?

What kind of a guy
enters a shark derby anyway?

Look, I don't like
the derby either,

But there's nothing wrong
with fishing,

Especially like fishing.

-You fish?

Started when I was fifteen.

Mattawamkeag lake, maine.

Shauni: really?


All week-long I'd take
my little rowboat out there,

A fishing pole,
bucket of worms, and a big book.

-How many did you catch?

Nothing at first.

Dropped my line in the water,

And I didn't get a bite till
I got halfway through the book.

But it was worth the wait.

I got a big striped bass.

Got it in and had it
for dinner that very night.

-Sounds like a gas.

-Yeah, I got pretty serious
about fishing after that.

Never did finish a book,
"wuthering heights."

I wonder how it ended.

-So, I figure, three days' work,
12 grand.

Huh? Not bad.


If you win.


We are officially entered

In bucky allen's
ocean grill shark derby.

-All right.

Sorry, mitch, I don't think we
can do a three-way split though.

-That's okay.

I'm not interested
in k*lling sharks

For bucky allen
or his damn restaurant.

-You like sharks?

-No, I just stay away
from anything

With bucky allen's name on it.

-You really don't
like this guy, do you?

-He's an opportunistic
sleazy self-promoter.

-Yeah, send me 2,000
of those t-shirts

With my logo on them.

Yeah, right.

Oh, and a couple of hundred
of those, you know,

Plastic little toy sharks that
I can just hand out to the kids.

No, send the cheap ones.
I don't care if they break.

Yeah, okay.

Oh, and, sam, if you deliver
this stuff by tonight,

Dinner's on the house, bring
your wife or your girlfriend.

Okay, talk to you later.

Hi, guys.

-How are you doing, bucky?

Thanks for coming by.

-Dad said you wanted us to do
some diving for the shark derby.

This isn't like the time
you had us

Plant that phony
sunken treasure, is it?

I wanna talk to you.

Sit down, guys.

[Clears his throat]

Now I want you to tell me

Why you think it is people
come to bucky's ocean grill?

-The food?

-The view?

-Come on.

There's better food and a
better view right up the coast.

-It's you.

Bucky: that's right.
That's right.

All modesty aside,
the public loves me.

But this is the restaurant
business, it's very fickle.

Here today,
could be gone tomorrow.

-It's not gonna happen
to you.

-But it could.

It could, and that's why I want

This shark derby to be the
biggest and the best show ever.

I want people
talking about it for months.

I want tourists coming in to
see those dead sharks hung up.

-So what you want us to do?


I want you to help me

Make this the biggest

And the best shark derby

This town is ever gonna see.


-Sure, just tell us how.

"Sure, just tell us how."

Shut up, chum.

[Eerie music]

-Good morning.

It's a beautiful day.



You ever tried this stuff?


-It's bahamian love lotion?


-You'll never believe
what's in here.

-What's in there?

-It's got tropical oils,

Fruit juices, and oat bran.

-They finally came up
with a sunblock

That lowers your cholesterol?

-Every little bit counts,
I guess.

Besides it's the latest thing.


-What's the matter?

[Eerie music]

Call in.

-Hey, shark!
There's a shark out there.

[Indistinct chatter]


-Come on, man!

-Get out of the water.

Get out.

Stay on your board.

Get out of the water!

You're safe.

Okay, get on.

-What was going
through your mind

As you entered the water
to reach that surfer?

-I was just thinking
about getting

That guy out of the water.

That, and the theme from "jaws".

-Weren't you scared?

Yeah, sure I was scared.

Wouldn't you be?

-You have got quite
a story on your hands.

Nothing compared to the way
they're gonna make it sound.

-Should have been working
on shauni,

Asking her why
the beaches weren't closed.

-Maybe they shouldn't be.

-I have heard
that several other sharks

Have been seen in the area.

As far as I know--

-One other.

This afternoon at sunset beach.

-Was anybody hurt?

-No, nobody was hurt.

-Excuse me.


-What happened this morning
was an isolated incident.

Every year at this time,
the shark population increases

Because they
are giving birth in the bay.

-Doesn't that mean you have
a shark problem on your hands?

-No, what it means is this year

Is no different
than any other year.

We have never had
a shark attack in the area.

-What about the shark derby

That's being sponsored
now by a local restaurant?

Will that have any effect
on the public safety?

-Any time you got a bunch
of fishermen chumming

Up and down the coast trying
to incite a feeding frenzy,

Yes, I would say it's more
dangerous to go into the water.

-Then you are opposed
to the shark derby?

-I think it's irresponsible.

-All right, boys,

Now you're going to get
a chance to go diving.

Out back you'll find
a 55-gallon drum

Full of fish guts.

I want you to take this gizmo,
attach it to that drum, okay?

Then I want you to take it
about 200 yards off shore

And sink it right
in front of his restaurant.

Make sure you weight it down.

-You got it, bucky.

-I'd like you to do that
later tonight,

Say 11-12 o'clock.

-Well, it's kind of tough
to dive at night.

-How tough?

-But we can do it, right, roy?

-Right, roy?

-So you're saying that
because some of your lifeguards

Cried shark, I am supposed
to cancel my derby.

-No, it's not what I am saying.

-You were about to.

You're getting
that righteous lifeguard look

On your face again, mitch.

Tony, see if you can find me

Another bottle
of that '74 cabernet.

-Why don't we just put our
personal feelings aside here

And concentrate on the problem.

-What problem?
A shark was sighted.

I am having a shark derby.
Problem solved.

-I'm suggesting you postpone
the derby until I have a chance

To see if there's an unusual
amount of sharks out there.

That's all.

-Suggestion rejected.

Tony, serve it to table 18.

Let him know that bucky allen
personally recommended it.

That's a very nice finish.
You were saying?

-You know that a derby
will attract sharks

Because there's
people out there chumming.

-Mitch, all I know is that
there's not a damn thing

In the world you can do to stop
me from having this shark derby.

Would you excuse me?

[Tense music]

[Ultrasound starts working]

-I am stuffed.

-You guys stay put.
I'll clear tonight.

-You cleared last night.

-Two nights in a row
won't k*ll me.

-Want some coffee?

Mitch: yeah, I'd love some.

-Taken care of.

-Excuse me, what is it you
are about to hit me up for?

-I have something I'd like
to discuss with you responsibly.

Now whatever your answer is,

I'll accept it just as long
as you're fair with me.

fairness, no problem.

What's on your mind?

-I'd like to enter
the shark derby.

-Not a chance.
Some sugar?

-Give me one good reason why.

-I'll give you
a bunch of good reasons,

Then you can choose one.

A, you're not old enough.

B, you don't have
the registration fee.

C, you don't have a boat.

And d, it's too dangerous.

And e, I am dead against
this tournament.

The end.

-Well, don't you think that you
could at least listen to him?



-I am old enough, at least I was
the other day

When I hooked that shark
with you.

Besides, someone
offered to take me.

Paid the boat registration fee,

And will make sure
it's not dangerous.

[Knocking on door]

Hobie, anybody home?

Hey, hobie, how is it going?

Hey, amanda.


So did you talk
the old man into it?

-No, he has not talked
the old man into it.


-Oh, come on now,

What's the big deal about
letting the boy go fishing, huh?

I mean, look, I need
a good first mate,

And he'll be learning
from the very best.

-Captain, I just got through
reaming bucky allen

About the tournament.

How can I let hobie go now?

-Because you can let me
make my own decisions.

-He's got a point.

-I mean he's a teenager.

-What is this?
I am surrounded here.

All right, you can go,
but you be careful.


Smile, old man,
you did the right thing.

You know, hob, I remember
one time down off costa rica,

Tracking the biggest
hammerhead I ever saw.

[Eerie music]

[Indistinct music]

Ladies and gentlemen,
may I have your attention?

Ladies and gentlemen,
kids of all ages,

Welcome to bucky's
ocean grill shark derby!


Now, all catches are going
to be weighed in right here

At five o'clock this afternoon,
so be sure you come back

And see what these guys
bring in.

And as a specialty of the day.

What are we gonna be

Fresh shark!


Don't run away,

The derby's gonna be
starting in about five minutes.

Shauni: I really wish
you wouldn't do this.

-Nothing's going to happen,

-Right, I've been sport fishing
for years.


Shauni: and that's supposed
to make me feel better?

What about k*lling all those
poor helpless little fishies?

-Poor helpless little fishies?

And here I was thinking you
were concerned for my safety.

-Your safety?
Oh, great.

-Oh, c'mon, shauni,
I've been diving with nothing

But a knife strapped to my
leg and seen plenty of sharks.

There's nothing to worry about.
They just take off.

-See? These, gone.

Come on, don't worry.

There's nothing to worry about.


Trust me.


Man: you took my box.
Where is that?

-You do everything
captain thorpe says

And you be cheerful, okay.

-I will, dad.

-Mitch, glorious day.


-Hobie, give me a
hand with this bucket.

What's that?

That is chum, assorted goodies

For only the most
discriminating of sharks.

Entrails, intestines,

Bladders, livers,
only the very best.

-And if that doesn't spoil
your appetite,

Here is your
very favorite stuff.

Peanut butter and cookies.


-That's good thinking.
Before this day is over,

He's gonna need
all his strength and energy.

-Now, remember, this is
a three-day tournament,

So there's gonna be plenty
of fish

For you all
to come down and see.

So let's wish all our guys well

And may the best man
bring in the biggest shark!


You got it.

[Rousing music]

[Ultrasound sounds]

-You think this
is gonna scare people away?

-I'm not trying to scare
anybody, jill.

Five o'clock news and that idiot
running a shark derby

Has already taken care
of that.

-People are still in the water,
they must not be too worried.

At this point,
all we can do is warn them

And keep an eye on them.

Man: well, look at that.

-Well, isn't this something?

We've had 43 sharks
brought in today,

But none any bigger than the one
these fellas got

To take the lead,
so let's hear it for them.


Good job.

[Applause and cheering]

And I'll tell you something.

We are not gonna have any
shark problems in this bay

Once these guys
get done fishing.

I hope all you good people
come back

To make sure you meet the winner

Of the 25,000-dollar
first prize.


Remember, we got specials
in the bar all weekend long.

That's where I am going.

-You might as well put a
name on that check here, bucky.

that's quite a catch.

-Hey. Oh, way to go.
Did you catch that?

-Yeah, reeled him in
and everything.

-Oh, he did great, great.

-How about you, captain thorpe?
How did you do?

-Oh, I was busy
piloting the boat,

You know, checking the currents.

-Hey, look, we got to go.
Good luck tomorrow.

-Same to you.

-Keep it up, huh?

-I will.

-All right.

-Come on.
Come on, don't pull.

You are gonna get dumped,

-Oh my god.

Mitch! Shark!

Wayne, come on,
stop rocking the boat.


-Move, move!

Out of the water!

Get out of the water!

[Children laughing]

Get out of the water!

[Frantic music]

[Children shouting]

[Children screaming]

-Help! Help me!


I got you.

[Siren wailing]

Hold on to me, baby!

Shauni: jill, hurry!

Jill, hurry, we're right here!

Jill! Jill, hurry!

Hurry! Hurry!

Jill! Jill!











[Suspenseful music]






[Heart monitor beeps]


-You've been here a long time...

-We're hoping
she's gonna wake up.

-Well, she lost a great deal
of blood in the attack.

She suffered
extensive internal injuries.

-She is going to make it,
isn't she?

-I don't know, yet.

But we're doing all we can.

You get a couple
of more minutes,

Then we'll have to ask you
to wait with your friends

Out in the waiting room, okay?

[Sad music]




-Hi, guys.

I feel so numb.


Well, you're supposed
to feel numb.

I mean, they got you pumped up
with all kinds of medicine.

Jill: it was so sudden.

This follows an awful pain.


-It's okay.
You get some rest.

-No, it's okay.

She's awake and she's talking.

Thorpe: well, that's good.


Reporter: mr. Allen,
what is your reaction

To the near-fatal shark
attack on lifeguard jill riley?

-Turn that up, will you?

-That was a terrible,
terrible thing,

But I have set up a fund

For miss riley at the restaurant

And I am personally donating
all of my bar receipts

From the third day
of the tournament.


Thank you, thank you.

And we've also decided

That we will accept late
entrants in the derby

Because we feel that the more
people who are out there

Catching and dragging in
these monsters,

The better off we are gonna be.

Thank you very much.

-I'm starting to hate that guy.

-Yeah, I know what you mean.

-Never should've entered
that damn tournament.

-Business is looking
pretty good, huh?

Yeah, well, people know
where to go

To have a good time
at a fair price.

-No doubt, since you've been
exploiting jill's shark attack.

-I resent that, mitch.
You insult me.

I've even started a fund
for that poor girl.

-Get off it, huh?
Just spare me the bull.

You're promoting your
restaurant and the shark derby

Every time you make a comment
to the press about the attack.

Now I want it to stop.

-You're real good
at telling people

How to live their lives,
aren't you?

-Isn't it a strange coincidence
that there happens to be

An unusually large amount
of sharks in the bay this year?

-What do you think
I'm doing, mitch,

Having them shipped in
from sea world?

The truth is my derby
is helping to get rid of a few.

-You know the truth
of the matter

Is this shark derby
could be bringing them in.

-Ha, you'd really like
to believe that, wouldn't you?

-I got a friend of mine lying
in the hospital right now

Fighting for her life.

I'm gonna find out
what's going on here, man.

And when I do, I'm coming back.


-He's pretty upset.


-If he finds out about
that transmitter--

-He won't.

Because we are going to be
quiet about it, aren't we, boys?

-Yes, sir.

-All right.

[Ultrasound sounds]

-Hey, you going somewhere?

Yeah, I'm going somewhere

To find out why
all these damn sharks

Are so aggressively coming
into shore.

-You are going down
in this thing?

-Yeah. Something's going
on down there.

I don't know what it is.

-You think bucky's tournament
might have

Something to do with it?

-Little much for coincidence,
wouldn't you say?

-Yeah, I wouldn't put it
past him.

So when are you going out?

As soon as I get my gear ready.

-I will go with you.

-Thanks, I appreciate that.

Check you later.

-Hey, mitch.

How is she doing?

She's hanging on.

What do you hope to pick up
with that tape recorder?

-Ultra-low frequencies?
Maybe some high magnetic fields?

-It would put a new twist
on things, wouldn't it?

-It would.

-Got it.

All right, eddie, ow when you
see us pulling that rope,

It means to get us up.


Mitch: yeah.

Keep an eye on the other boats.

Make sure that people are
chumming over our heads, huh?

-You got it.

[Tense music]

[Tense music intensifies]

Garner: 30 sharks?

-Easily. I've never seen
anything like it.

-It was eerie, man.
I mean, this great white came in

And took a bite
right out of the cage.


-All right, so, mitch, what are
we supposed to be hearing here?

-Nothing. These sounds
are ultra-low frequency.

-Well, I'm with eddie.
How do we know there is a sound?

-There, it's right here.
It's going nuts.

-It means mitch recorded
something down there.


[Ultrasound sounds]

-What's that?

-Some sort of electronic sound
that's attracting sharks.

-Sharks can hear that?

-Garner, sharks are attracted

To ultra-low frequency
and the smell of blood.

Put the two together and you got
sharks from miles around.

-Wait a minute, wait a minute.
You mean some fool planted this?

-It's not a natural occurrence
of nature, now, is it?

How much proof do you need?

-I need the transmitter,
for one.

Motive, for another.

-Come on, garner,
you know what the motive is.

I mean, bucky wanted to be
center stage, drum up business

For his shark derby
and his damn restaurant.

-I need more to go on.

-I'll go find the transmitter.

-You don't think
I'm gonna let you guys

Go out there alone, do you?

Look, if this guy's guilty,
I want him as badly as you do.

-When can you be ready?

-Pretty quick. Give me a chance

To talk with this bucky
character, see if I can find out

Something that will keep us
out of the water.

-"We're eternally grateful
to you for our son's life.

Best wishes, the manginos."

-Yeah, they stopped by.

Nice, huh?


I think what you did for
them was very important, too.


Mitch: hey, buddy.

-I see you have
enough of these, I'll just--

-No, I never
have enough of those.

-I have something
else for you, too.

-It's from shauni.

She said you'd understand.
"Wuthering heights."


That's really sweet.

You guys are so great.

-Now, don't go getting silly
and sentimental on us.



-You want me to get the doctor?

It's okay.

-I guess I won't be
in my tower today.

-I'll keep an eye on it for you.

-I don't know when
I'm gonna be back at work.


Will you forget
about that for now?

Just concentrate on getting well

And getting the hell
out of here.

-I assume you guys are having
a big homecoming party for me?

Both: on it, yeah.

All: [laugh]


-She's doing 50%, 75% better
than she was doing yesterday.

-Dr. Potter.

-We just saw jill.
She's looking great.

-She's a strong woman.

-When do you think we'll
be able to take her home?

-Well, with over two hundred
sutures, it may be a while.

She has internal injuries
and has a lot of healing to do.

Excuse me.



[Indistinct chatter]

Garner: hi,
I'm officer ellerbee.

Hostess: hi.

-Listen, you've seen bucky?


-There's a cop up there.

-What's he doing?

-Snooping around.
They're gonna find out

About the transmitter, I know
it, and we're gonna get arrested

For what happened
to that lifeguard.

-We didn't know
that was going to happen.

-Look, maybe we
should just go to the police

And tell them
it was all bucky's idea.

-Really think
they'd believe you?

-Don't listen to him, bucky.
We're not going to tell anybody.

-Damn right he's not.

What we're gonna do is

We are gonna go get
that transmitter right now.

Let's get in the boat,

[Tense music]

Come on.
Come on, where are you?

Come on!

Get it?

-It's right here.

-Great. Where's your brother?

-A shark came after us.

He went through
with his bang stick.

It came right at us.

[Upbeat music]

There's sharks everywhere.

-Get out of here.

[Sirens wailing]

-Come straight on.

Where are you going?


-Bucky, get over here!

-There's sharks everywhere.

Matt: bucky.

[Siren wailing]

-Grab the rope, here.

Cut him off, cut him off!


Mitch, mitch!




-You gotta get me
out of here, mitch.


Help! Pull me out.

-Not until you tell me
what I wanna hear.

-Well, I didn't do anything,
I swear.

It was all an accident!

-Let's go.

-What about him?

-Leave him.

-You can't do that!

All right, all right!

All right, so I sent those two
kids out with a transmitter

Just to lure some sharks in,

But it was just
a publicity stunt.

I didn't mean
to get anybody hurt.

please get me out of here.

-All right, I heard him.
Get him out of here.


Get on board.

Craig: the da promised
to make bucky sweat b*ll*ts.

They'll charge him with
a felony, do some bargaining,

And bucky will plead
to a misdemeanor

For throwing an oil drum
in the water.

-What about a lawsuit?

-Well, that's different story.
Bucky is gonna get buried alive.

-No more bucky's ocean grill?

-Yeah, jill's gonna be
in the restaurant business

By the time we're through.

Shauni: [sobs]


What's going on?


She was doing so good.

They were gonna take her
off the iv

And let her go home next week.


-She's gone.

They said it was
a blood embolism.


Then that it happened
real quick.

Craig, she's dead.

[Sad music playing]


♪ Do I stop loving you

♪ Just because you're gone?

♪ When the music stops

♪ I still hear your song

♪ I feel you close to me

♪ I'll never let you go

♪ I wanted you to know

♪Through all the highs
and lows ♪

♪ Don't cry because it's over

♪ Goodbye doesn't mean the end

♪ It just means
we'll meet again ♪

♪ Time doesn't stand still

♪ You think it'll last forever

♪ For now I'll be waiting

♪ Till we can be together

♪ Don't cry because it's over

♪ Don't cry because it's over ♪

♪ Don't cry because it's over

♪ Goodbye doesn't mean the end

♪ It just means

♪ We'll meet again

[Ending theme plays]
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