01x06 - Cherrypoppers

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Shield". Aired: March 12, 2002 - November 25, 2008.*
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Vic is a rogue cop in an experimental division of the LAPD, who is willing to sink to the criminals' level in order to bring them to justice.
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01x06 - Cherrypoppers

Post by bunniefuu »

NARRATOR: Previously on The Shield...

DUTCH: Hooker murders are up for the entire East Side.

WYMS: Will you forget about making a name for yourself as the great serial k*ller hunter?

He had a knife.

VIC: The John?

I go to put the condom on and the assh*le, he smacks me! He tries to r*pe me!

Bag it. Bag it.

Bag it. Bag it.

SHANE: The street ain't seen blow this strong since Grandmaster Flash.

ACEVEDA: You're certain there were six bricks?

Six or seven.

Definitely more than four.

Where's Mackey?


Where is it?

I don't know what you're talking about.

Hey, man, treat yourself to a full cavity search if you like.

I need my ding-dongs, and you took 'em, didn't you?


Stay away from me and stay away from my desk.

Oh, you've gotta be sh1tting me.

WYMS: Christ, how old is this one, 13?

DANNY: Oh, man.


DUTCH: Hooker? Face down like the other four?

ACEVEDA: Looks that way.

DUTCH: I warned you about this guy.

ACEVEDA: Yes, you did.

JULIEN: Couple up the hill saw a green car cruising slowly back and forth about an hour ago.

DUTCH: They get a make or model?

Just said it was green. What about the driver?

It was too dark.

Car had a busted tail light, though.

Right or left?

They didn't say... Go back. Grill them.

Every detail.

DANNY: Let's go.

This happened on our turf.

You give me the resources, I'll get this guy.

What kind of resources?

Every warm body you can spare for as long as you can spare 'em.

Personnel is stretched thin as it is.

I need 48 hours.

I can't do it.

A predator was standing right here less than two hours ago.

Now, how committed are we to catching him?

For the next 24 hours, she's your one and only case.

Medical examiner's initial report tells us the victim is approximately 12 to 14 years of age.

DUTCH: A 12 to 14-year-old hooker.

Frank, you and your boys round up every pimp and pro you can find.

Bring 'em here for me to talk to.

The neighbor saw a green 4-door car pass the park in the hour before the body was found.

The right rear tail light was broken.

Check in with every gas station, car wash, valet guy in the neighborhood.

June, put together a reward flyer.

Photo of the girl, description of the car.

Mention the broken tail light.

She had some keys in her purse.

Vic, you and your guys find a locksmith.

See if you can track the numbers.

Excuse me?

Sit down with a locksmith.

You want me, I'll be out on the street finding the prick who did this.

Come on.

Either we get our unsub in the next 24 hours or we probably don't get another chance until he kills again.

Let's go.


Yes, Herr Wagenbach?

You got a problem with me running the show, feel free to take the night off.

I thought you wanted this case solved.

I do.

No. You only care about being the one who solves it.

And when I do, I don't want it thrown out of court because of your Gestapo tactics.

Let's get something straight, Dutch.

Somebody comes into my backyard and kills a girl, I get involved.

I'll crack this case with or without you.

Looks like it'll have to be with.

This investigation runs through me.

You find something, you report it immediately!

I bring the guy in, you'll be the first to know, Dutch boy.


People see me as a joke around here.

They don't know the real me.

I'm not sure the squad's ready for the real you.

I'm not a joke.

I know that.

Now they'll know it, too.

I'm gonna get this guy!

It's a little early in the game to be making promises, isn't it?

The one thing they respect is success.

Well, I guess we'd better nail this guy then.

What do we got?

Body found at midnight, green car seen in the park at 11:00.

The victim has no identification.

prost*tute. Age 12 to 14. Had a sweet tooth.

Had birth control pills.

Don't make 12-year-olds like they used to.

I was wondering what was going on with the whole strike team thing.

The apartment turned up empty for cocaine.

We have no hard proof of Mackey's guilt.

But that doesn't mean that Vic and his guys didn't steal those dr*gs.

I know, but without hard evidence...

I saw them pocket the cocaine.

You can get the car thief to testify that she found the coke in the truck.

It's not that easy.

Why not?

Because I'm not gonna put you in a position to carry that weight.

I thought you wanted Mackey off the streets.

More than you know, which is also why I won't let you be the one to do it.

Captain, I don't understand.

Exactly. You don't understand.

So take my advice and let this go.

Captain, I saw them...

Julien... let this go.

How you doing?

Been working my ass off.

Might be time to take a vacation.

Can't afford to.

Had to drop my price.


Would you pay top dollar for this?

I guess it could be worse.

Found her a few hours ago.

Know who she is?

Looks like the girl who works kitty-corner from my friend Tracy.


Across from the burrito joint next to that check-cashing place.

Know who pimps her out?

No... but Tracy would.


Hey, this guy has a thing for working girls.

Make sure somebody's watching your back.

I thought that's what you did.

I don't want to see you get hurt again.

I won't let it happen twice.

Does anyone know who this girl is?

Look at it. Who knows her?

Hey, that's Sally.

Sally who?

Sally Struthers?

All in the family.

I know who Sally Struthers is.

Maybe she saw one of those "save the kids" ads.

Whatever, that's the name she went by.

Good news is our timeline's starting to come into focus.

Her friends said Sally usually started her shift around 10:00, but didn't show last night.

Another one said she saw her going into a drugstore on Vermont at 7 p.m..

You're a young girl on a Friday night.

What would you do between 7:00 and 10:00?

Shop. Eat. See a movie.

Jim Wright, FBI.

Someone called the bureau asking for assistance?

I did. Dutch Wagenbach. You got here fast.

This is my partner Claudette Wyms.

Good to meet you.

So... we've got an unsub k*lling hookers, huh?

Been there. Done that.

This girl was only 12, 13.

You did the right thing calling us.

Most local cops are afraid we're gonna come in, step all over their toes.

Not me. I can't wait to pick your brain.

Well, let me be clear.

This is your case.

I'm just here to help.


What are you boys chewing?

A little grilled Snoopy, a side of Woodstock?

We're clean.

Ever think about trying a ribeye?

What do you want?

You remember your friend Sally?


Really? Never pimped her out?


You know absolutely nothing, huh?

Less than nothing.

Really? So that apartment over on Weston where you dinks keep all that fenced electronics, you don't remember that either, huh?

What do you say, boys, you wanna make Robbery Division's day?

Oh, yeah, sounds sweet.

Very sweet.

I'll call in the warrant.

VIC: Hey, lady, where's the phone?

WOMAN: It's over there.

Yeah, okay.


Yeah, you were pimping her out?

She came to us. We did her a favor.

So you never took a cut?


Plus a few free pokes a week.


Wipe those smiles off your faces, shitheads.

You don't score points with me bagging 12-year-olds.

What kind of work she do before tricking for you?

I heard she'd worked this... sex club.

She was a kid.


So what kind of work could she do for a sex club?

You'll have to ask them.

Oh, don't worry. I will.

Well, I'm impressed you were able to pick up on this guy.

I... I've done a lot of research on criminology, behavioral science unit.

It shows.

Hey, Dutch!

I got a gas station attendant here who says he might have seen your green car.

Detective, I got a guy who saw our flyer.

Said he sold dr*gs to the victim earlier tonight.

Gotta love it when a case gets warm.

So I'm working, and, like, I see this suspicious white guy.

Suspicious how?

Well, he was white.

So I go out to get a good look at him, and he turned away.

The dude didn't want me to see his face.

Tell me about the car.

It was green.

2-door, 4-door? Ford, Chevy?

You do work in a gas station, right?

I just run the register.

WYMS: You sold Sally dr*gs tonight?

She had a thing for Ecstasy.

You're admitting to a crime.

I'm a minor.

My lawyer can argue it's for personal use.

Was Sally for personal use too?

She was a customer.

Did you know she was a prost*tute?

How do you think she paid me?


I hooked her up with five hits around 8:30.

Five? She always buy that much?

Said it got her through the night.

So... how much is this reward?


For useful information.

You know, like the flyer said. That's why I'm here.

So what's my reward?

Dealing dr*gs to a minor, statutory r*pe.

How does six months to a year sound?


DUTCH: Did you get a license plate number?

I got better, I got evidence.

What, he paid with a credit card?

No, man, cash.

See, the dude paid with 20 at the a*t*matic teller, and he only pumped 17.

He never came back for his change.

I mean, who doesn't want their $3.00 change back?

So you kept the 20?

No, that was part of my night deposit I made at the end of my shift.

I saved his change, though.

You saved $3.00 in change?

Yeah, you can dust 'em for fingerprints.

But he never touched them.

No, but it's his $3.00.

That's gotta help somehow, right?

Captain, we've got a problem.

What is it?

The toilets in the women's bathroom aren't working.

What do you mean not working?

They're clogged.

Don't look at me.

So, now we have no working toilets in the barn?


Did you call maintenance?

They can't send someone till tomorrow.

Well, call a plumber, then.

Who's gonna pay for it?

Use my credit card.

Just get someone down here.

Hey, buddy!

Imagine meeting you here.

Excuse me?

You remember me. Vic. Your best friend from Boston?

I've never been to Boston.


Ow! Come on!

Ow! Hey!

Come on... Ted.

You remember, we went to high school together.

Give me my wallet! I don't know you!

Oh, right.

Now you're about to tell me you weren't just about to go into that sex club.

Sex club? That's a sex club?

Yeah... Ted.

Members only... and tonight I'm your guest.

Thanks for taking me on such short notice.

Ah... Ted is one of our best clients.

We like to keep him happy, huh?

Sounds like you do a great job of that.

Will you be watching or taking part tonight, Vic?


I like to test the waters before I jump in.

You'll be watching Sun-lee tonight.


Afterwards, we have tapes if you're interested.

I'm sure I will be.


I won't pull any punches. She's critical.

She? You mean the pipes?

You eat well?

Get a physical once a year?

Flush out your pipes regularly?

I see where you're going with this.

Right, maintaining a healthy sewage system is no different.

Well, can you get them working or not?

I'll see what I can do.

Excuse me.

Why have you been making noises about contacting I.A.D.?

Who told you that?

You think word wouldn't get out?

It was just a question.

Why do you want to talk to I.A.D.?

Because I saw something.

Saw what?

You don't want to know.

Forget about the what then.

Hey, who are you talking about?

You know what? I'm not talking about anyone, because the more I say, the less people wanna listen.

Apparently people around here would prefer just to cover things up and hope I'll just shut up and go away.




Hey, what about my wallet?

I ever see you within five blocks of here, your wife's gonna get a very unpleasant phone call.



Yo, Billy. It's Vic.

I'm sorry to call you so late.

Look, I got a probable cause for a no-knock warrant.

What was that all about?

I saw what I saw. I just can't let it lie.

g*dd*mn it, Julien.

You don't know what you're doing here.

I know right from wrong, Captain.

I told you to let this go.

I may have to answer to you. I also have to answer to God, and I will never be at peace with him or myself if I turn my back on this.

You think you want to do this?

You really want to do this?

Because here's what's gonna happen.

Most cops here will treat you like a traitor.

You're gonna take more shit than you've ever taken before.

You're gonna be testifying against Vic Mackey, and trust me, he doesn't care if God is on your side.

Are you ready for that kind of heat?

I'll have to be.

Warrant! Police!

Get against the wall, hands up!

Get against the wall!

Down! Down! Get on your knees right now!

Get down on the ground on your knees!

Get down! Down!

On your knees!

Get in line!

Come on, girls! What's wrong with you?

Line up on your knees!

Where are the tapes?

Come on, hurry up!

Hurry up! Move over!

Cherry popper films?

Boy, you really take the cake, don't you, lady?

Come on, back up!

Come on, let's go!

Come on, now!

Vic, Vic...

What do you want to do with the girl?

Keep her in the clubhouse for now.

Where the hell is Shockley and Peters?

Robbery-homicide call.

What? Come on!

They're supposed to be going over witness statements for me.

It's a robbery-homicide, Dutch.

It's only two men.


Look out!

DUTCH: Oh, for God's sake.

WYMS: Get that box!

Oh, jeez!

Get my files and the Rolodex!

Just get what you can! Put it on top of your desks.

Come on! Get me that other file over there!

Which one, this one?

You got a big problem with these pipes.

Just what I need.

A g*dd*mn flood in my work space.

I did up a quickie profile on our k*ller.

What do you got?

Our unsub's late 20s, early 30s.

Sporadic employment, feels unappreciated, worthless.

Why does he pose them face down?

Symbolizes the domination he yearns for.

He's probably impotent, though.

At least with a live girl.

Dutch, we got a hit off a flyer!

Tipster says he saw a guy with Sally in a green vehicle.

We get the caller's address?

Right here.


Tom Ross...

The flyer said that this would be confidential.

How'd you guys get my address?

Tip line's routed through 911.

If this guy's a k*ller, I don't want him coming after me.

Your name doesn't leave this room, Tom.

Just tell us what you saw.

Okay, b... basically I was out last night, um, driving, and... and I was stopped at a light behind this green car.

There was a guy driving, and it seemed that he was having a struggle wi... with a girl in the passenger seat.

The girl from the flyer?

I think so.

I... I was behind them, but it... it looked weird enough that I wrote the license plate down.

Did you notice if one of his tail lights was broken?

I think so.


Run this plate, cross-reference it with the owner.

Give me a D.M.V. photo, huh?

Computers are down.


They had to unplug them because of the flooding.

g*dd*mn it.

Then call Central, have them run the plate number, fax over a photo.

The fax machine's unplugged, too.

Then send someone over to Central, pick up the photo personally.

Well, who should I send?

Could you just take care of this one thing for me, please?

Each of my workers had documentation saying they were 18.

From what, a cereal box?

I said I want to see my lawyer.

What do you got here?

Busted an underage sex shop.

Looks like a cherry popper ring too.

Cherry popper?

Preteen girls losing their virginity.

The filmmaker's next on my hit list.

What's the connection to our dead hooker?

She used to work there a couple of months ago.

A couple of months ago?

How does that help me find out what happened last night?

It doesn't.

So basically you've just been doing your own thing on your own time.

Hey, don't chew up my ass just because your case is coming up a little short.

You couldn't give me a little g*dd*mn help with something as simple as tracking down the victim's keys?

I was putting a teenage sex show out of business.

And I'm trying to catch a k*ller, assh*le.

Jesus Christ.

We gotta watch these, find out who's behind 'em.

Oh, man, you gotta be kidding me.

I know. I can't stomach this shit.

Yell if you find anything.

Ah f...

Hi, Steve.

I'm Detective Wagenbach.

What's going on? Why am I down here?

DUTCH: Oh, uh, your name came up in an investigation of ours.

STEVE: investigation?

Of what?

Do you drive a '97 green Saturn, Steve?


Is that a good car?

I guess. Yeah.

Reliable? No problems with it?

I had some work done on the brakes.

What about the tail lights?

Tail lights?

You got any broken tail lights on your car?


You sure?

I don't think so.

Because we checked your car out, Steve.

You checked out my car?


You got a broken right tail light.




What happen me now?

Well, you get to play blackjack with Vic.

Not in trouble?

Only if you take me for all my money.

Who made you work for Mrs. Park?

Mrs. Park help me.

She pay ticket. $10,000.

She's not helping you.

She help me star in more movies.


You understand that what you did, that's not a real movie.

It start, though.



Vic is forced to hit.

10. That's a bust.

You win.

Sun-lee win?


You popular in high school, Steve?

I had friends.


That's not really the same thing, is it?

I mean, you can always find some other dork to eat lunch with.

Doesn't make you popular, you know?

Guess not.

The reason I'm curious about your high school years, Steve, is you've got a sealed juvie record.

You're not supposed to know about that.

We know about it.

We just don't know exactly what your crime was.

How about clueing me in?


A little embarrassing, is it?

Hey, either tell me what I'm doing here, or I'm leaving.

I don't have to tell you anything, Steve.

Fine. I'm going, then.

You're not going anywhere.


Oh, hey, sunshine. How you doing?

This bathroom emergency thing's a real nightmare.

Ah, don't worry about it.

High tide's not for a few more hours.


Listen, Vic, there's something you should...

Forget it.

No, no, no, no, no. Too late. Come on.

I really shouldn't.

Oh, you're breaking my heart.

I can get fired for telling you.

Well, not if we keep it between us, sunshine.

David just had me put a call in to I.A.D.


g*dd*mn it!

I can't believe he would do this to you.

It's not me I'm worried about. I didn't do anything.

I just know that your guy's already not fitting in.

He makes a mistake like this...

As his training officer, I just don't want any of that mud sticking to you.

I'll talk to him.

Don't be too hard. He's a good kid.

He means well.

He's just confused.

I'm not supposed to talk about it.

You're going to I.A.D. about Vic?

Look, it is really none of your business.

You're my partner. It's my business.

Can we just let this rest, please?

Look, Vic is a great cop.

You don't testify against a fellow officer without first looking them in the eye and hearing their side of the story.

Look, I don't know what your deal is with this guy, but it doesn't change what happened.

You're wrong about Vic.

Just give him a chance to explain...

You can't explain stealing evidence!

That's right, Danny.

He stole two bricks of cocaine, and I saw him do it, and whether you realize it or not, you helped him cover it up.

Now, stop asking me about this.

The file says you haven't held a steady job in more than three months, Steve.

Economy stinks.

You must be angry.

Nobody likes to feel unappreciated, worthless.

I don't feel that way.

No, you're a powerful guy.

Where were you last night around 11:00?

At home in bed.

Anyone to corroborate that?


That I was in bed? I wish.

You wish what? That there was a girl in your bed?

That you could actually get it up with a girl?

What are you talking about?

What's so damn private about this sealed juvie record of yours, Steve?

It's sealed. What are you hiding?

What, you a peeping tom? Stalker? Like to k*ll cats?



I broke into my high school.

I trashed the place.

Sure... I can see that.

You like to destroy things, don't you, Steve?

Hey, Dutch!

We just found Sally in one of these g*dd*mn cherry popper tapes. Come on!

While your lawyer's on the way, we're gonna have a little screening party.

We're gonna watch that tape until one of two things happens.

Either you're gonna tell me everything you know about Sally, or I'm gonna have to turn it off, but if I have to turn that tape off, there are no more rules in this room.






Oh, God.


Turn it off.


I got her from Kurt Schmidt.

He makes the movies.

And how do I find Kurt?

You okay?

That was Sally.

She's a kid.

She was.

The assh*le that made her do that...

Don't worry. He's mine.


Ramirez just called in.

A 14-year-old kid saw the flyer.

He says he's Sally's boyfriend.

Why would someone do that to her?

That's what we're trying to find out.

You were Sally's... boyfriend?


When was the last time you saw her?

Last night.

We met at this ice-cream place.

What time was that?

She left right before 10:00.

Are you sure?

Yeah, that's when her curfew is. She has to be home by 10:00.

Where did she live?

I never saw her house.

She said her parents were traditional, didn't let her have boys over.

She was your girlfriend for... how long?

A few months, but it only started getting serious last week.


Well, that's when she finally kissed me.

She was young, she wanted to take it slow.

Did you have any idea what Sally did for a living?

She was a freshman, right?

Hi, Vic. Play cards?

A little later.

Right now, I need you to show me the guy who made your movie.

How come?

To help me with my case.

I helped you out, right?

You think you could help me out too?



Vic mad at Sun-lee?

Oh, no. Not at you.

You should be with your family being a kid.

Which one is he?


That man put me in movie.

I can't talk about it.

Look, I just haven't been a good... listener or a good training officer.

I was scared to believe you.

Believe him, then.


I want to believe the truth.

If you just tell me what the truth is, I promise I'll listen.

So she's at the ice-cream store, here, at 9:45.

She heads to work at 10:00.

The fastest way to her corner's here.

Which means she was picked up somewhere on Cassandra Street.


Forget a full confession.

All you have to do is get him to admit he was on Cassandra at 10:00.

You get him to say that, with all the circumstantial evidence, you got the bastard.

I'll get him to say it.

Oh, ding dong?

No, thanks.

I think we're almost done here, Steve.



Kurt Schmidt?


You're under arrest.

For what, man?

Making movies!

Get off me, man! I'm an editor.

Cherry popper movies, you sick prick.

You can't prove that.

I got tapes and witnesses, assh*le.

The only question left is whether you took a header into the concrete trying to resist arrest.

You got a girlfriend, Steve?


DUTCH: I remember my 20s.

Rough times.

Too old for the college girls, too young for the mature ones.

What do you mean?

Well, not being able to get a date... get laid.

Pisses you off.

Aren't I, like, entitled to a lawyer or something?


You entitled?

What about Kitty Weir?

What about Rosita Pedraza?

What about Mary Esposito?

What about Sharon Watkins?

What about Sally, Steve?

What were they entitled to?

I don't wanna look at those.

Oh, you don't like looking at your own handiwork?

Is that why you place 'em face down?

So you don't have to look 'em in the eye after you k*ll 'em?

You think I k*lled those girls?

I know you k*lled them, Steve.

No way!



You didn't k*ll 'em...

but at least don't lie to me about where you were last night.

I'm not!

We have a witness...

who saw you in your green car on Cassandra Street with the broken tail light at 10:00.

So don't lie to me.

At least tell me the truth about this one thing.


You're not talking about Tom, are you?



Tom Ross.

Is he the one who says he saw me?


Oh, Jesus. It's Tom, isn't it?

This one just raised the bar.

Raised the bar?

For practical jokes. It's a prank, man.

We're always trying to one-up each other, and he probably heard about these dead girls, and...

Oh, jeez.

Oh, dude, you scare the shit out of him with that.

DUTCH: A prank? Aw, shit.

STEVE: ls Tom here right now? Please tell me he's here.

He's here.

Great, great.

Dude, dude, you gotta do me a favor.

You gotta help me get him back. You got...

When you see him, you gotta act like you're super pissed and tell him, um... tell him he's under arrest for something, like, uh...

Like, uh...

Obstruction of justice?


It was just a joke, man! I...

And the broken tail light?

I saw it on the flyer, so I busted Steve's.

Come on, that's...

Do you realize what you did?

Have a sense of humor, dude.

A little girl's k*ller is still out there because you're the g*dd*mn class clown!

Hey, hey! Easy! Easy!

The guy who m*rder*d Sally's still out there, and I'm standing here with my d*ck in my hand, because this guy thought it'd be funny to rake his buddy over the coals, didn't you?

All right.


Screw him.

We've still got time.

I just wasted seven hours. Gone.


I'm sorry. I... I gotta take this.

Hey, Dutch...

You got a job to do.

Do it.



Jesus Christ.

What happened?


He is the k*ller maybe, right?


He's an insurance salesman from Fresno.

What did you do here?

He was acting strange.

So you shot him?


I didn't want him to hurt me.

How much you been smoking?


You gotta help me, Vic.

Christ, Connie!

Can't you say that you shot him?

Th... there's at least 10 cops who can place me at the barn when this went down.

Well, I thought that he was gonna k*ll me!

Well, that story's not gonna cut it.

I'll lose my son.


Vic! Please!

Think of something!

What is it?


Clean yourself up. I gotta call this in.

You thought of something, Vic!

I know you did!

I'm sorry, Connie. My hands are tied.

All I have is Brian.

[SOBBING] Don't let me lose him.


You'll need a better story.


All right, you had sex. You asked him to pay.

He said he didn't have to pay, that he was gonna make you pay.

He started hitting you.

He took out his g*n.

You fought him off. You took it and shot him.

Do you have that?

I asked him to pay.

He said he didn't have to, and he hit me.

That's good.

Your friends, they'll believe that?

Only if you have the bruises to prove it.


Aw, I can't, Connie!

It's okay, Vic! Come on!

I can't! No.

Do it!


Hit me! Hit me!

Aah! No!

Hit me! No!

Oh, come on, hit me!




Vic, please.

[SOBBING] Please.




So where does that leave us?

We know she disappeared on Cassandra Street.

So far, no witnesses.

Anything from the park?

I did a full sweep. Nothing.

Well, maybe forensics...


Truth is, this guy didn't leave any forensics on the first four victims.

He's only gonna get better, not sloppier.

In that case, I'm calling the rest of the units off this one.


A huge brawl broke out at Council Rock High.

60 students from rival schools.

I need everyone I can get over there.

You promised me 24 hours.

I'm sorry, Dutch. I just don't have the bodies.

So a dead hooker gets 21 hours?

What would she get if she was a mayor's daughter?

Claudette is gonna go back into rotation.

Now, you show me some new evidence...

Clues, a viable lead...

And then we'll talk.

So you're assigning the same amount of manpower to find a serial k*ller as you are to fix our g*dd*mn pipes?

Getting mad doesn't change how life works.

She deserves better.

I know.


You did all you could. It's not over.

I need an aspirin.

Dutch, you're soaking yourself.

You okay?


Hey, Dutch, you think we could find some time to study?


For the sergeant's exam.

I feel like I'm... you know, kind of falling behind.


Why don't we do that right now?

I'll just drop my pissant serial k*ller thing to help you study, because what you want always comes first, doesn't it, Danny?

It comes before me, comes before everybody else here!

Even comes before a dead 13-year-old girl we're all supposed to just forget about come tomorrow.

So grab your books.

Let's find a nice, quiet spot!

We'll study for that test right now!


We had sex... and then I asked... Told him to pay.

He said he didn't have to.

That's when he started hitting me.

You did good.

I'm scared.

You're halfway home.

Just tell the detectives the same thing.

I'm gonna change, Vic.

I'm gonna clean up... be a mother to Brian.

It's gonna be okay.

Get clean.


Be a good mother.

I'm gonna do it.


I go now?

I called I.N.S.

I'm sending you back to Korea.

But you say you help Sun-lee!

I am. This is the best thing for you.

You don't know what like for me there.

I know what it's like for you here.

Parents never take me back!

If they won't take you, the authorities will.

You'll be sent to a foster home, to school.

Someone'll look after you.

Sun-lee come back. I will.

Maybe, but even if it only buys you six months, I can live with that.

I'm sorry.

Watch your step, here.



I'm sorry.

She looked... looked like Sally.

Almost was Sally.

Hey, Dutch... you showed me something today.

What do you mean?

I failed.

No, no, no, you didn't.

We took down some bad guys doing some bad stuff.

You did that, not me.

Hey, we both did it, and we'll get your guy too.

Just won't be today.

No, it won't.

Serial cases are... a marathon.

It's not sprints.

I remember working the Green River case in 1984.

49 bodies.

Had 50 times your resources.


We made our first arrest last year.

Doesn't hurt if you don't let it.

Place should be clear by morning.

Here's your bill.


Yeah. Cash only. I don't take credit.

I'll have to go to an ATM.

No problemo, amigo. I'll be here all night.

Gracias, amigo.


What's up?

Did you steal dr*gs from those Armenians?

Oh, not you, too.

Hey, look, Vic...

I owe you too much to ever repeat your answer to anyone, but if... if I helped you get away with it, I gotta know the truth.

Did you steal dr*gs?

You can ask me this after what happened the other night?

The g*dd*mn bust of the year, and your partner's got you as mixed up as he is.

Just give me some time to get things sorted out in my head, okay?



I just want some space.


What I said to you... was inexcusable.

This case... was very important to me.

When I was a kid...

You know what?

At least I had a childhood.

I lived.

It's just pathetic to complain about it now.

It's even more pathetic to use it as some kind of excuse.

I don't have an excuse.

I was wrong, and I'm sorry.

Good night.

Hey, Dutch...

you hungry?

Because I make a mean grilled cheese.




♪ Day ♪

♪ Day ♪

♪ Living the good life ♪

♪ Throw your hands up ♪

♪ Just another day ♪

♪ Just another day ♪

♪ Day ♪

♪ Day ♪♪
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