01x09 - Throwaway

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Shield". Aired: March 12, 2002 - November 25, 2008.*
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Vic is a rogue cop in an experimental division of the LAPD, who is willing to sink to the criminals' level in order to bring them to justice.
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01x09 - Throwaway

Post by bunniefuu »

NARRATOR: Previously, on The Shield...

That's my book.

Matthew has autism.

Oh, Jesus. Um...

This is a brotherhood.

Everybody here knows that but you.

You've got to decide if you want to stay partners.

If you do, start opening up.

If you don't, talk to Aceveda.

He already turned me down when I asked him for a new partner.

Maybe he'll give you a different answer.

My husband was m*rder*d.

SHANE: This one's been hanging on the vine for a year, man.

She is ripe.

Handing in this arrest report is the only way I can think to stop you from making a huge mistake.

That report doesn't prove anything.

I don't have to prove you're gay.

In this house, all I've got to do is say it, with all the gory details.

I'm not sure they stole any dr*gs.


It was dark.

They were at the other end.

My view was obstructed.

Mackey got to you.

No. He threatened you.

He didn't.

Might not feel like it, but you did the right thing yesterday.

You were there for me.

I'm there for you.


MAN: Come on, homes!

You want a piece of me?

Get up! Get up!

I said stay down! [GRUNTS]

Huh? Huh?

I said shut up!

Come on, man. Stop. Shut up!

Please. Shut up!


Don't look so bad to me, huh, homes?

You gonna follow us, bitch?

No! No! You gonna follow us?

I didn't think so, ése!


Too bad, homes.

You're losing air, homes.


Have a pack on me, homes!

LEMONHEAD: So how many were there?


They wore bandanas, masks.

I could tell they were beaners.


The way they talked.

Spanish tattoos.

Describe one.


I saw... a serpent with wings.

The other one was just "L.M."

It's Los Mags. We'd better call Vic.

CORRINE: Matthew, what's this?

A girl.

How does she feel?

Can't you tell?


Maybe Daddy can help.

Daddy's hungry too.

Maybe she's hungry.

What... What else is she?


Yes. She's happy... and this girl?

How... How does she feel?



It's work.

Today's your day off.


Yeah, uh... all right, I'll come in.

Been another truck jacking.

I need a break.

I... I'm sick.

I haven't slept more than 2 hours all week long.

I know.

Shane gets three days off to go play in Vegas.

Shane's not in charge.

I am.

Look, the new baby-sitter starts tomorrow.

Things'll get a lot easier for you then.

When will you be home?

As soon as I can.




Cesar, tear yourself away, will you?

One sec.



Giving each other matching genital rings as wedding gifts.

It's a beautiful thing.

I'll take your word for it.

Check this out.

Any idea who that tattoo belongs to?

Not my work.

Lacks the detail.

Belongs to a Los Mag.

Got to be a local.

I'll make a couple of calls, see what I can dig up for you.

Oh, cholo rising.

RONNIE: Latino.


And there's the girlfriend.

Thank you, Cesar.

Hector Estanza.

Let's rock.

Let's do it.


HECTOR: Why don't you listen, man?

Why you got to be so stupid?

Leave me alone! Get out!

I'm not leaving!

VIC: Remember, this guy likes to hurt people, so be ready.

HECTOR: Stupid ass! Go.

Freeze! Police!

What are you doing?

Down! On the floor! On the floor! Now!


Freeze! Freeze!

Okay, okay! g*n!


Lemon! He's got a g*n!

Oh, my God.

Ah, shit!

I thought it was a g*n.

Check and see if he's got one.


VIC: We got him!

Stay inside the house!

Nothing. Nothing! Nothing. Damn.

What do we do?

Just when we got clear on everything.

I shot an unarmed guy.

All right, all right, all right. He's the jacker.

We're gonna figure out what to say.

Oh, yeah, right, right. What, wait.

He threatened us with a carton of cigarettes, so I shot him? Hey, just let me think!

6-Paul-11. sh*ts fired.

2728 Verbonno Avenue.

Suspect is down.

Requesting backup and an ambulance.

LEMONHEAD: Oh, man, Vic.

I know, I know.

I don't like it any more than you do, but we can't afford to take another hit right now.

You saw what he did to that truck driver.

Yeah. I know. I know.

All right. Come on.

Vic... want to tell me what happened?

We got a sketch off the jacking victim.

It was a Los Mag banger.

I.C.I. turned me on to Hector Estanza.

We sit on the girl he lives with...

Hector shows up. We go in.

Hector runs.

The guy turns on me. He had me dead to rights.

Lem saved my ass.

WOMAN: Chako? Oh, my God!

As righteous as a sh**t gets.


What did you do?


Don't worry.

Your boyfriend's gonna make it.


That's my brother, Chako.

You shot the wrong guy?


We shot Hector's girlfriend's brother.

He had a carton of stolen cancer sticks on him and a g*n pointed right at me.

So he's still the right guy.

Well, he and Hector are both Los Mags.

They're probably part of the same crew.

We'll get Hector next.

Is the girl involved?

Not that I know of.

Lem's at the hospital getting her statement.

Boyfriend beat her up pretty bad.

Maybe she'll roll on him.

Here's hoping.

Officer Lowe?

Taking back your IAD statement hurt me.

It hurt me bad.

It let Mackey off the hook.

There's clearly misconduct here.

Give me one good reason why I should let you off the hook.

All my life, I wanted to be a police officer.

I grew up in this neighborhood.

I want to make a difference here.

You could have made that difference by taking down Vic Mackey.

I knew I got in over my head when I first made those charges.

I'm worried you've made some kind of pact with Mackey.

No, sir.

I've got nothing to do with him.

I just want a fresh start, to be a good cop.

I'll prove it to you.

You'll receive an official reprimand.

I'm docking you one week's pay and putting you on probation.

I'll decide in a month whether or not to keep you on.

Thank you.

Captain... a new training officer might help me with that fresh start.

You don't get to choose who you partner with.

Neither does Officer Sofer.

Ms. Orozco?


I'm Curtis.

What do you want?

Can we talk about the Los Mags and your brother?

My brother jumped Los Mags three years ago.

He's out.

Well, he didn't look "out" last night.

He was protecting me from the same guy you were looking for.


So Hector beat you up?

He didn't like me breaking up with him.

Well, you ever think about pressing charges?

Yeah, like you guys can protect me.

Chako was taking care of me until your guy shot him, and he don't even bang no more.

And you're sure about that, huh?

You don't want to believe me? Ask around.

JULIEN: We decided we'd better cut him loose.

DUTCH: Coyotes?

JULIEN: Yeah, this time of year, the rabbits and ground squirrels have burrowed underground.

Coyotes get hungry, can't find food, they come down to forage.

Thank you, Ranger Rick.

Oh, uh, my grandpa had a farm.

He's over here.

It's about time.

I'm moving as fast as I can.

His name is Maynard Hawkins.

Maynard, I'm Detective Wyms.

This is Detective Wagenbach.

Were you chained up outside all night?

I don't want to be no trouble.

You're not the one who's in trouble, Maynard.

He's got some pretty serious bites.

Where are the damn paramedics?

I'll go call 'em this time.

For God's sakes, cut him loose.

Leave me alone. I'm fine.

He's blind.


Hey, what's going on? Who are you?

I'm Lloyd.

That's my dad.

Lloyd, your father's been att*cked by coyotes.

Oh, no.

Oh, I'm sorry, Pop.

I can explain.

Save it for the station.

Daddy! Hey.

What are you doing here?

Came to see you.

What's wrong?

I just needed a good place to read.

Well, uh...

I can't talk right now.

I've got a case and, uh...

Ah, Dutch. My father, Bryce.

Professor Wyms.

Glad to finally meet you.

It's my pleasure.

Go ahead. I'll wait.

Well, it could be hours.

I'm only on page...

23, and I imagine this is a fascinating place.

It is. Actually, it's not.

Why don't you be the judge?

All right.

I still don't understand why I'm here.

CLAUDETTE: You're in a lot of trouble.

For what?

Shouldn't you be in there for point-counterpoint?

There is no counterpoint.

He's guilty.

It's down to a matter of degree.

We're charging you for elderly abuse.

That's a felony. What?

So it's the subtle fractions of culpability that conspire to determine that man's fate?

I like the way you talk.

You had your father tied up outside like an animal, without proper shelter.

I can explain that.

I'm listening.

I'm divorced.

Surprise me some more.

I pay alimony and child support, and I, uh, fell behind.

Uh, state garnishes my wages, and...

I miss some payments to the nursing home, and they kick my pop out.

Did you try to place him in another home?

It costs too much.

I'm barely scraping by as it is.

What about his benefits?

After food and 50 bucks a month to keep him in Depends, there ain't nothing left.

So you leave him outside, chained up.

He's blind. He wanders.

Where's your mother?

Ran off and left me to take care of him.

I'm telling you, it is the system that is screwing him over, not me.

That's so you don't wander.

Hey, Brian, thanks for the drop-by.

Travis, what a shock to see you back here again.

It's like going to a family reunion, huh?

LEMONHEAD: Hey, I wanted to ask about one of your parolees.

Which one? I've only got about 300 of 'em.

Well, he's a Los Nag.

That narrows it down to about 30.

His name's, uh, Chako Orozco.

Oh, yeah, Chako.

That was quick.

Well, that's because I remember the good ones by name.

So he's a good guy?

Well, let's put it this way.

I wish they could all be like him.

He's not in any kind of trouble, is he?

No, no, no, no.

I think we made a big mistake.


I just talked to his parole officer and his Clean Slate counselor.

"Clean Slate"?

It's that program for bangers who want out.

What did his counselor say?

Chako's been in three years, never missed a meeting.

I mean, he counsels young bangers on how to get out of the life.

Well, that doesn't mean he didn't get back in it.

Let's not forget, he ran.

Well, his sister says he didn't want to get caught with Hector's stolen smokes.

Well, if his sister says he's clean...

What about his g*ng tats?

Tigré says he's getting them lasered off.

Wait a minute.

His sister has a name now?

Can we just talk to Chako, hear his side of things?

I hope to hell you're wrong, man.

You want me to pass it on to the D.A.? Not yet.

I'm going to the hospital, get more answers from the father.

Come on. I'll walk you out.

Rebecca wants you to meet Warner.

I don't want to meet Warner.

He's her fiancé.

She has a husband.

They come 3,000 miles from Boston, and you won't see your own daughter?

I'm dying to see Rebecca, but I don't think it's fair I have to meet this new boyfriend when we should be talking about trying to save her marriage.

Well, she's not going to leave Warner sitting alone in a hotel room.

Well, there you go.

Don't be so hard, Peaches.

I'm not.

Rebecca's been married to Gordon

11 months, and she's giving up?

Do you think she really tried?

She's a big girl now.


Where'd you park?

Rebecca and Warner dropped me off on their way to the Getty.

I'll give you a ride back.

Actually, I'm staying a while.

Dutch has offered to show me around.

CHAKO: Only thing I'm guilty for is trying to protect Tigré.

Why'd you run?

Stolen cigs.

Los Mag tats.

I knew you wouldn't believe me.

You were right.

Not to mention setting me up, planting that g*n.

That's my third strike.

They planted the g*n on you?

No way.

Next time, check your pockets before leaving the house.

Why don't we get to what really matters here?

What's that?

What are you gonna do to protect her, huh?

Hector finds out the cops got his cigarettes, he's gonna think she called it in.

Hector's gonna want to do a lot worse than beat her.

VIC: Where does Hector keep his stolen merch?

Who's in your crew?

I don't live that life anymore.

Now, she needs protection.

She'll get it.

That must have hurt like a mother, getting that thing lasered off.


Worse than getting shot.

This isn't good. I believe him.

Me too.

Christ, man, I knew it.

Third strike, and all he cares about is his sister.

We set up the wrong guy.

What if I k*lled him?

You didn't.

Yeah, but I could've.

Oh, man.

What did I do?

Okay, what do we do now?

I don't know.

Yo, we've got to clear this guy.

Nobody's arguing.

Well, how do we make the g*n charge just disappear?

We'll make the g*n disappear, sneak into the evidence room.

No, man, that place is like Grand Central Station.

During the day.

We'll hit it tonight... but now we put the right guy behind bars.

We'll find Hector, sit on him, and be there when he moves on his next job.

What if his next job's Tigré?

Lem, you baby-sit Tigré.

Ronnie, you're on Hector patrol with me.

We made this mess.

We're gonna clean it up.


Uh, hang on a second.


Daddy! Daddy! Where are you?

You've been gone since yesterday.

Yeah, I'm still working on this.

Matthew has been calling for you since this morning.

He needs you here.

I know. I thought you made an arrest.

Well, there's more. I need a prescription from Rite Aid.

Well, is the baby-sitter there?


Well, go.

MATTHEW: Play catch! Play catch!

[WHISPERING] I'd have to leave her with the kids.

We hired a baby-sitter you don't trust with the kids?

When are you coming home?


MATTHEW: Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!


How do you think the Dodgers are gonna do this year?

I don't really follow baseball.

Would it be profiling if I said, "I bet you follow basketball"?

Actually, I heard you were a Clippers fan.


Two tickets. Floor seats.

I can't make it.

We've got to roll.

Hey, I'm putting together a softball team to take on those beach cops over in Venice.

I'm penciling you in.

Center fielder.

Talk to you later.


You're here.

As promised.

Nice bike.

Thanks. Hope you chained it.

You ride? Because I'm a g*ng chick?

Naw, I just wanted to know if you rode.

So how does this work?

I keep you safe until we arrest Hector.

What do you think you're doing?


All right, I think I got it covered.

You think?


Ain't nobody getting past me.

I see they've got you in the ambassador's suite.

Who's that?

Detective Wyms, Maynard.

Social Services already told me they're taking me away.

I just wanted to know what happened to your wife.

Mona... ran away.

How long ago?

Five, six years, maybe.

No note? No message? No goodbye?

Ha. No.


How do you know she ran away?

Lloyd told me.

What else did Lloyd tell you?

So what kind of work do you do?

I'm a stylist.



So you could do my hair?


Cut it off and start over.

It's not that bad, is it?

Could do some things.

Yeah, maybe after we get Hector.

Yeah, maybe.

You know, you, uh... you could help.

Tell me where Hector's next job's gonna be.

I don't know. You know, I believe your brother when he says it.

You, I'm not so sure.

Why? Well, because he's not afraid of Hector, and you are.

Hector's scary.

You know, I deal with shit like Hector every day.

Trust me, he's not as scary as you think.

He says I'm his.

Aw, man, this is fresh.

When did he do that?

Last night, when I didn't want to let him in with his stolen smokes.

VIC: Looks like they're scoping out their next job.

You know, Lem's feeling pretty down.

Better than letting some assh*le sh**t me.


Oh, what the hell is this?



Ahh! Lem.

Hey, yo. You Hector?

Who are you, homes?

Check out this vato here!

Come on!

You like that, huh? Huh?





Give me some pavement!

Give me some pavement!

That's for Tigré, assh*le! Now you stay away from her!

Lem! No, man, he branded her!

HECTOR: You mess with me and Tigré, and you're dead too, homes!

Oh, you think I'm scared of you, p*ssy?


Back off! Back off!

That's right, bitch ass!

g*dd*mn it, man!


You should have seen what he did to her, man.

He needed a lesson.

They were getting ready to roll on a job.

15 to 20 would have been a great lesson.

Sure was a nice ass-whooping, though.

Hey, that's not the point.

Our mission was to catch Hector red-handed, bring him in, break him, lock him up, and stop the jackings.

Well, what about getting Chako off?

When are we getting that g*n?

I said tonight.

Now, are you protecting the sister or just getting in my way?

You're back.

I learned some interesting things.

So did I.

You were a classical dancer when you were a teenager?


My father is now off-limits to you.

Where is he?

How could you not share that?

I only studied nine months.

In Paris.


Do your thing with these and stop stalking me.

It's only stalking if you work at it.

Your father just opened right up.

What exactly is my "thing"?


On the elderly abuse case?

How about elderly m*rder?

The son's been cashing in the mother's Social Security checks.

Guess what? She's nowhere to be found.

If he's treating his father like this, who knows what he did to the mother.


Maynard's got five other kids out there.

I'm gonna make some calls.

One of them must know something about the mother.

I'll search the databases, see if I can sniff a trail.

Oh, and your daughter and her fiancé will be here in a half an hour.



DAVID: Come in.

You wanted to see me?

Yes, Danny.

So Julien talked to you about reassignment?

I wanted to talk to you about a different matter.

What's that?

I have a friend in Administration.

I asked to see the early results of the sergeant's exam.


You missed the cut-off, Danny... by three points.

You mean, I failed?

Three points is nothing.

Oh, g*dd*mn it.

I worked hard. I studied with Dutch.

I even got a good night's sleep.

If I didn't pass this time...

You'll pass next time.

You expect me to take it again?

Yeah, and I expect you to pass it.

g*dd*mn it.

I used to do this for Chako when he was still banging.

It feels good.

Does it?


Boy, I wish I could have been there.

I wish I could have done more.

You know, Hector needs to be locked up, not Chako.

And what are you doing about that?

You've got to have faith in me.

We'll see.

Tigré... there's something that I have to tell you.

Yeah? What's that?


I shot your brother.

It wasn't that other guy?

I thought he was gonna k*ll my boss.

Are you the assh*le that planted the g*n on him?

Nobody planted a g*n. I don't want you here!

Well, you need someone here, all right?

Hector will k*ll you.

I don't want to see your face!

You shot Chako.

What's to stop me from sh**ting you?


You sh**t my brother, then you try to get in my pants for laughs?

That's not... Look, I made a mistake.

We're gonna get Chako off.

I promise you.



Come on! Come on!

Come on! I'm right here, assholes!


Hey, Kakuza.


I was looking for you. I need some help.

What's up?

Um... you live in the Valley, right?


You thinking of moving? Yeah.

Yeah? You want to be nearer to me, huh?

[LAUGHING] Who wouldn't?

Any suggestions?

Yeah, um...

West Hills, where I live, is nice.

You know, I think there's a West Hills for rent on the bulletin board.

Can you take a look?



Oh, let me just lock up real quick.

Hey, Kakuza.

Sleeping on the job again?

I'm right here.

Hey. Hey.

I know Ronnie was looking for you.

I see you found him.

Hey, you guys aren't trying to pull one of your pranks on me, are you?

No, no. I really want to move.

Right, and a man's just as good as a vibrator.

What are you guys up to?



Okay, but I'm watching you two.

Excuse me.

This is your father we're talking about.

Thank you very much for your time then.

Every one of Maynard's kids hopes he rots in hell, have no clue where the mother is.

I ran the wife's maiden name, got some hits in Virginia.

It's East Coast time.

Call in the morning.


Oh, sweetheart.


Mom, this is Warner.

How do you do, Warner?

I've waited a long time to meet you, Claudette.

Couldn't have been that long.

I'm starving.

Can we dine?

Uh, there's a diner on the corner.

Claudette, uh, loves... it there.

Well, come on.

So, Warner, how do you like Los Angeles?

It's big.

How did you meet Rebecca?

Parent-teacher conference.

She taught my 9-year-old.

She's a great teacher.

Both my boys love her.

I see.

You see what?

BRICE: Peaches...

Don't call me that.

I was just trying to figure out whether he wants a wife or a baby-sitter.

You know, maybe I should go back to the hotel.

No, baby, I'm sorry. Just...

How can you say that?

I don't want you throwing away your future.

Gordon loved you.

Gordon and I have problems.

You never gave him a chance.

You're not giving Warner a chance.

Look, you knew how I felt.

You think coming out here and forcing Warner on me would make a difference?

Maybe I was crazy enough to think that you'd be open-minded about getting to know him.

And I thought you'd be open-minded about trying to save your marriage.

Well, at least everyone is finally talking.

BRICE: Come on. Let's go to dinner.

Did you get it?


g*dd*mn it.

Where is his sister?

She's, uh... Roadside Inn. It's safe.

I had to chase off two of Hector's boys.

What are we gonna do about the g*n?

I doubt Kakuza's gonna give us another chance.

Yeah, and once that thing hits Central Storage, man, that place is like Fort Knox.

How bad do you want to make this right?


You ever wonder how evidence gets from here to Central Storage?


You're gonna think I'm helpless.


I was planning on making you a surprise dinner.

I had the blender, the microwave, the TV going, and the lights went black.

You overloaded the circuit.

Well, how do I unload it?

It's easy.

There's a switch in the breaker box...

You have no idea how to do any of this, do you?

Maybe you trip my switch.

Who's that?

Danny, hi.

You seeing her?

Kim? Yeah.

It's, uh... it's new, but it seems to be going fairly well.

That's great.

Yeah, so far.

Dutch, can I see you?

Oh, excuse me.

Good for you.

What do you got?

You should be feeling pretty good right about now.

I don't know why.

Hasn't it been a little dry lately?

Only in a...

Death Valley kind of way.

Well, it's good you're dating someone.

Even better, she doesn't work here.

So there you are.

What are you doing here?

He wanted to see how we match fingerprints.

Shouldn't you be trying to track down our missing mom?

Uh, I found someone with her maiden name in Virginia Beach.

All I have to do is check the Social Security number.


And I'll do that now.

Thank you.

Rebecca's leaving tomorrow morning.

Have dinner with us tonight.

And repeat last night's scene?

I'll referee this time.

There's no fight if I'm not there.

I remember a brilliant scholar who chose to go into police work against my advice.

I wasn't brilliant.

Yes, you were.

I was mortified.

You still are.


I've come to understand your decision.

When I'm your age, maybe I'll come to understand hers.

Peaches, I'm 30 years older and smarter than you are.

You're not that much smarter.

Maybe a year or two.


Hey, Lowe.


Johnson's having a little retirement bash next week.

He's trying to keep it small, but there's room for one more.

You want me to get you in?

No, thanks.

Oh, come on, you'll get to meet some of the top brass.

I'm sorry. All right, fine.

But if something else comes up, I'm gonna keep you in the loop.

What do you want?

You looked out for me.

I'm just trying to return the favor.

I've seen the kind of favors you do.

Let's start out on a new page.

You're not my friend, so stop pretending.


WOMAN: Hello?

Uh, is this Mona Gaines?


Uh, this is Detective Claudette Wyms.

I'm a detective in Los Angeles.

What's this about?

Were you formerly Mona Hawkins?

What do you want?

Are you aware that your son is still receiving and cashing your Social Security checks?

I don't care one bit about that, so long as they don't contact me.

Do you know Lloyd's guilty of abusing Maynard and defrauding the federal government?

That's not my problem.

Don't call me back.


Guess she wasn't m*rder*d.

One hell of a family.



What do you want, puerco?

Hey, you tell Hector Tigré's mine now.

He's got a problem with that, he can meet me at 11 o'clock, L.A. River at Whipple.

I'll kick all three of your asses at the same time, all right?

No cops, just us.

Oralé. It's on, then, homes.

All right, bitch.



♪ While Box got a beat At the studio that's crackin' ♪ Ugh!

Don't tell me you're putting one there.

I am. What do you need?

Temporary body art, just like the one I showed you before.

♪ So first thing's first ♪ You're all done.

Let's do it.

♪ I'm semi-a*t*matic, homey Rhyme for rhyme ♪ Wash your hands first.

♪ And what that means Is that Conejo no joke ♪

♪ I let the p*stol barrel smoke Then I take me a toke ♪

♪ I get blown Call sh*ts in the zone ♪

♪ Where vatos play for keeps Simulating Al Capone ♪

♪ Hit a switch And if anyone trips ♪

♪ See the Burban right behind me It's got plenty of clips ♪

♪ Don't slip I'm here to catch ya ♪

♪ Right between the eyes ♪

♪ Bye-bye, I'm a blast ya ♪

♪ Let's ride Till we lay them down ♪

♪ Bang bang, everybody, ése No matter what side ♪

♪ Let's ride Till we lay them down ♪

♪ Bang bang, everybody, ese, No matter what time ♪

♪ Let's ride in a '63 Chevy ♪

♪ Ése vatos breaking down But I hold mine steady ♪

♪ Let's ride in a '49 b*mb ♪

♪ I don't wanna be right If the barrio's wrong ♪

♪ Let's ride To see the writing on the wall ♪

♪ Big-ass blocks About 50 feet tall ♪

♪ Shaded in Don't know where to begin ♪

♪ Just know I'm in the calles Trading sin for sin ♪

♪ Let me in I'll tell you once, that's all ♪

♪ Then I'm kicking in the door With my gauge sawed off ♪

♪ g*n point I said, "She's coming with me" ♪ God, please don't hurt me!

♪ I got beats that'll make you Go and drop the pills ♪

♪ And I don't think You wanna cross me ♪

♪ With your dope fiend skills ♪

♪ Camaradaras from all over, ese Got my back ♪

♪ Break bread with the calles While these others get jacked ♪

♪ They collapse Because I'm heavy in weight ♪

♪ I'm fresh out the joint Calisthenics, no weights ♪

♪ Back up 'Cause I ain't got no friends ♪

♪ Just 25 riders in the streets Dead end ♪

♪ Let's ride Till we lay them down ♪

♪ Bang bang, everybody, ése No matter what side ♪

♪ Let's ride Till we lay them down ♪

♪ Bang bang, everybody, ese No matter what time ♪

♪ Let's ride ♪♪



I said the green car.

You said the blue.

Now I'm saying run the tape to the green car.


What the hell happened here?

The police evidence van was robbed.


Huh. You gotta be kidding me.

What'd they take?

A g*n.

That's it?

Yeah, that's it.

"L.M." stands for "Los Magnificos."

Guess what?

It was Chako's g*n.

Oh, g*dd*mn it.

He just bailed out his señorita's brother.

Hold on. What are you talking about?

Hector Estanza, Los Mags.

The guy Lem shot, Chako, who's in the hospital on that weapons charge.

If we don't get that w*apon back, Chako's gonna walk.

Johnson, did you get a good look at them?

Just a weird tattoo on the ringleader.

What'd it look like?

A snake with, uh, wings on it.

That's Hector.

You give us the word, we'll go pick him up.

Go get him.


Grandpa said you couldn't have dinner with us, and I wanted to say goodbye.

Still love you.

Let's just agree to disagree.


Where's the ladies' room?

It's right over there.

I'll show you.

This is not your typical police station.

Brice was telling me a little bit about its history.

Care for a tour?

And this is one of our interrogation rooms.




So... this is where you break them.

Suspected rapists, murderers, child molesters.

We sit them all down right there.

Want to see how it feels?


Where's Mom and Warner?

I don't know.

Are you aware of just how smart my daughter is?

Oh, yeah.

She's smart as a whip.

She's smarter than a whip.

Um... that's just an expression.

I do love her, you know.

So, it's not just your kids who love her?

Oh, if my kids hated her, I'd have trouble deciding who to keep.

Don't make jokes about giving up your kids, Warner.

I... No, ma'am, I didn't mean it like that.

She's a public schoolteacher now, but she's got the potential to go much further.

She plans on getting her doctorate.

She talked about writing a book.

I want Rebecca to achieve everything she wants.

You've got all the right answers today, but marriage is about having the right answers every day.

I'm watching you, Warner.

Like a hawk... ma'am.


Get on the ground, scumbag!

Freeze! Freeze!

Hands up!

Turn around, turn around!

Get on your knees! Get on your knees!

I got to say, I'm a little disappointed.

He doesn't put up much of a fight unless you wear a dress.

You're the vatos that are gonna be disappointed, homes.

VIC: Yeah? How so?

You'll let me go for no evidence.

Haven't you heard?

Heard what, ése?

You robbed a police vehicle today, vato.

Chale, keep dreaming, homes.

I was at the L.A. River waiting for that punk-ass to show up.

Man, you must be hot.


Look what we got here.

Mm. Recently fired.

Oh, you better hope that doesn't match the b*ll*ts we found in that police evidence van that got robbed.

Yo, it's not mine, homes.

The van had your g*ng's tag on it.

The cop identified your tattoo.

Ballistics is gonna come back a match.

You vatos set me up!

Yeah, like a jury's never heard that one before.

On your knees.

VIC: Get on your knees.

LEMONHEAD: Get down.

Have a seat.

I saw the two of you bickering over police tape this afternoon.

Anything to say about it?

I gave him an order. He couldn't follow it.

I'm not a mind reader.

If she would've said it, I would've done it.

If I separate you, you'll just carry your baggage somewhere else.

I believe in solving problems, not shuffling them around, so let's identify the problem.




Trust comes from communication.

So how are we gonna fix this?

Department workshop?

Or maybe I should set you up with the city shrink.

Any of that sound like fun?

Not really.


Prove to me that you can watch each other's backs, and then I'll trust that you can watch another partner's back... and don't bother me with this anymore.

So, Dutch, join us.

I've got a feeling he's got his own date tonight.

Actually, I do.

Well, thanks for showing me around.

Thanks for telling me about Peaches.

Oh. Come on.

So, how did it go with Warner?

I didn't have enough to make an arrest.




How's Matthew today?

He kept asking where you were, and I didn't know what to tell him.

I'm sorry.

How'd it go with the baby-sitter?

I fired her.


She just created more work.

I had to explain everything to her, and she had no idea how to handle Matthew.

He needs you.

We need you.

What am I supposed to do, quit my job?

Wanting us to be a family doesn't make me a shrew.

Something important came up.

Well, something always does.

This isn't working.

What are you talking about?

Something has to change.

You'll receive good care at this place, Maynard.

Where's Lloyd?

Oh, he's with us. He'll be better off.

Maynard, why do your kids hate you so much?

I was a bastard.

Too late to change my mind about dinner?

Actually, I made reservations for four.

He just lost it.

You expect me to believe that Hector made that g*n disappear?

Well, that's what all the evidence points to.

Hector Estanza?


So Chako goes free?


I have you to thank, don't I?

Nah, I'm the one who hurt your brother.

I would do anything to take that back.

Yeah, I think I could do something with this hair.

I... look, uh...

Tigré, there's something...

We put the g*n in Chako's hands.

We thought it was Hector.

When I found out who...


I know.

You made it right.



♪ Day ♪

♪ Day ♪

♪ Living the good life ♪

♪ Throw your hands up ♪

♪ Just another day ♪

♪ Just another day ♪

♪ Day ♪

♪ Day ♪♪
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