02x11 - Nightmare Bay: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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02x11 - Nightmare Bay: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

[Beginning theme music]

-♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

[Men shouting]

-Mayday, mayday!

This is the fishing
trawler retriever.

-This is baywatch headquarters.

State your condition and exact
location retriever. Over.

-We're five miles due west from
the palos verdes penninsula!

Something's caught in our nets!

[Tense music]

-San pedro reports
retriever has a six man crew.

Let's get 'em all.
Over. Roger, airborne.

Paramedics will be standing
by at sma. Ten-four.

Baywatch rescue, airborne
reports smoke plumes

Six k's over palos verdes. Over.

-All right, ben, I'll
take it from here.

-Captain, you want this
done right? Let me do it.

-Do it.

-Baywatch rescue, this
is baywatch headquarters.

What is your ten-twenty? Repeat.

Baywatch rescue, this is
baywatch headquarters.

What is your ten-twenty? Over.

-Shelly, can she go any faster?

-Stay here! They'll
come and get us!

-Their g*ons are
gonna slow us down!


-Are you set?

-Yeah, but what if
it's still down there?

-Then you'll die a hero.

[Frustrated yell]

-Come back!


-Man: I'm 20 yards
on your right.

-Okay, grab this! You give
it a count of four right here.

-Lukey! He's swimming to shore!

-We'll get him, buddy.

It's all right! Take it easy!

[Tense music]

-You've all received

Your press releases
from downtown.

I have no further
information at this time.

-Are people safe in the water,

Or will you be
closing the beaches?

-What about the marina?

-We're considering
what action to take.

-The navy has
said that there are

No submarines
anywhere in that area.

If it wasn't a submarine,

Could you please
tell us what it was?

What could possibly
pull a boat down?

-That would require
some speculation,

Which I am not prepared
to do at this time.

[Urgent overlapping questions]

-Would you like
to know the nature

Of the predator
we're dealing with?

-All: yes.

-Its appetite is insatiable.
Its pursuit is relentless.

And no matter how
you try to avoid it,

It keeps coming back for more.

-And it's called
'the press', right?

-Press, predator. It's
practically the same thing.

Now we're trying to
protect the lives

Of 200,000 people on this beach.

We have to be let
alone to do our job.

So thank you very
much, and goodbye.

[Reporters protesting]

-I will catch
this creature for you.

I know what he is.

[Reporters asking questions]

-Man: what do
you know about it?

-I've tracked him
across the pacific,

Since he migrated
from lake ikeda,

Kagoshima prefecture,
down to the sea,

Leaving carnage and
death in his wake.

-Relative of yours?

-Twin brother.

-The first attack was near
the north rim of this bay.

Now, near the south rim.

He is moving toward
warmer waters.

[Rock music playing]

-♪ Blood in the water- nothing hotter
'now the danger is real ♪

♪ Feeling surrounded- heart is pounding
this is making me feel ♪

♪ Like I can't rip my eyes away
from the girls I see ♪

♪ There's something out there
and it's trying to get a hold on me ♪

♪ Hold on me

♪ I just wanna make it- I can take it
if I can go with the flow ♪

♪ Cause if we're gonna sweat it we're
gonna let things get out of control ♪

♪ I know that this isn't the way
it's supposed to be ♪

♪ There's something out there
and it's trying to get a hold on me ♪

♪ Hold on me

♪ So don't look down
if you don't wanna scream ♪

♪ They've got me now
and I'm not breaking free ♪

♪ Don't know for sure but now
I'm really starting to believe ♪

♪ There's something out there
and it's trying to get a hold oh ♪

♪ All these girls can never get enough

♪ I'm just one man
who's gonna give it up ♪

♪ Don't know for sure but now
I'm really starting to believe ♪

♪ There's something out there
and it's trying to get a hold on me ♪

[Cutlery clinking]

-You know, the cuisine
may not be the best in town,

But linda, I
figured at least you

Wouldn't be hassled
by reporters here.

-Guess that means
you've saved me twice.

-Linda, I tried to arrange

For you to stay on
devon's houseboat.

-No, I'm glad--
I'm glad I'm here, actually.

I feel very comfortable here.

-Good, I'm glad.

-Don't freak if the
smoke alarm goes off.

Dad likes to test it
every now and then.

-Heard that.

-So, the two of
you live here alone?

-Since mom and dad got
divorced two years ago.

She lives in ohio now.

-So, that means you get
to live with your dad.

-Yeah, but mom
worries I'll grow up

To be too much like
him, so I have to

Go and visit her as
much as possible.

-Well, let me tell you.
Growing up like your dad

Wouldn't be so
terrible, you know?

-I know. He's a great guy.

Can I ask you about
what, you know.

Like, what happened to you?

I mean, if you don't mind.

If you don't wanna
talk, that's okay.

-Oh no, that's fine.
What do you want to know?

-The thing you saw.

It didn't look anything
like this, did it?


-No, I mean, if that's
what your dad said

That it was then that's
what it must have been.

-What? Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!

Let me see that.


-Toxic mutant
jellyfish with legs?

Jellyfish don't have legs.

-So? No one's safe,
even on dry land.

-Harvey won't be safe
when I get my hands on him.

-He sold hundreds of them, dad.

He's printing up 5,000 more.

This monster in the bay's
the most radical thing

That's happened at
the beach in years.

-Linda. We're sorry.
He was just kidding around.

-Ah, that's okay.

Actually, it felt good
to laugh about it.

I mean, who knows?

Maybe it was a mutant
jellyfish, or something.

-I don't think so.
You know what I think it was?

-Save it.

-Go ahead, hobie.
What do you think it was?

-Aliens! You know, like in
the abyss, living down there.

-I mean, if they were
here on this planet,

That's a logical place for
them to hide, under the ocean.

-He's seen way too many videos.

-You're the one who rents
those gross monster movies,

Like the beast
from 20,000 fathoms

And the creature from
the black lagoon.

-Yeah, but I know
the difference

Between movies and
real life, pal.


[Firm alarm beeping]

-Gotta love him.

[Soft sobbing]

[Sobbing continues]

-You all right?

-Oh, I'm sorry, did I wake you?

-No. No, I was just
having a bizarre dream.

-Really? About what?

-Old movies. Stupid stuff.

-I love old movies.

You know, like,
wuthering heights.

I used to pretend that I
was cathy and, you know,

You look an awful lot like
heathcliff in that movie.

-You better go back to bed.

-I can't sleep.

-Come on. I'll tuck
you in hobie's bed

And I'll give you one
of his stuffed animals

And I guarantee you,
you'll be out like a light.

-Is that how you get
hobie to go to sleep?

-Well, sometimes
I rub his back.

-Would you rub my back?

-Sure, sure.

[Sensual music]

-That feels great.


-You don't have to stop.

-Yeah, yeah I do. I do.

You're a really
beautiful woman, and.

Well, under any
other circumstances

I know this would be
the start of something.

But tonight's gotta be the end.

-Well, this isn't a
reward for you saving me.

I mean, I'd want you,

Even if you didn't rescue me.

-Linda, look, I'm
using every ounce

Of willpower I have
here, believe me.

Another 30 seconds, I'm gonna
hate myself in the morning.



Well, so, would you
still tuck me in?

-Yeah. Come on.



[Suspenseful music]

-What about a whale?

-Possibly, but that doesn't
explain the coroner's report.

It said that walt was crushed by

Something powerful that
didn't pierce his skin.

Now, that would eliminate
a whale or a shark.

-Maybe I was right.


-Maybe it was a
mutant, toxic jellyfish.

-You guys are not
gonna believe this.



-I got it. What's going on?

-He got two or three sh*ts off

Into the storm drain
before I could stop him.

-Put him in
temporary restraints

And hold him until
the police get here.

-Mitch, check this out.

-Take this, will ya?
Give me your flashlight.

Get some crowd control in here.


-Whatcha got?

-Footprints, a tail
dragging between them.

It's gotta be a hoax.

Hey, you're trampling
the very thing

You want to get your story on.

-Better keep one
of these intact

In case the police want
a plaster cast of it.

-Yeah, okay.

-Excuse me. Stay
out of the drains.

[Overlapping shouting]

-What kind of predator
are you up against now?

-Excuse me, would
you all be quiet?

Back 'em up, please.
Put your cameras down.

Shut up, will ya!

-Wait! We need the expl*sives.

We must bury it
in there forever!

-Who the hell are you?

Heinz, get this
character out of here

And check what's
in the knapsack.

This is ridiculous.

[Loud roar]

[Eerie music]

[Dripping water]

[Echoing roar]

[Louder roar]

[Startled gasp]

-Well, I didn't
think you meant me.


-When you told everyone
to wait outside.


[Animal growl]

[Animal roar]

[Worried murmuring]

-Now, the question is:

How much do we trust
our rational minds?

What are you doing?

-I'm trying to decide if

I'm asleep or dreaming this.

-Trust me,
mitch, you're awake.

-That's exactly what you'd
say if I was dreaming.

-Fine, then wake up, and
let's get the hell outta here.

-The problem is,
with dreams like this,

I usually don't wake up

Until something scares
the hell outta me.

[Load roar]

-Uh, after you.

-I'm definitely awake.

-How do you know that?

-Because if I was dreaming,
I'd send you in first.

[Echoing roar]

-Gotcha! I gotcha!
I can't believe it,

I can't believe you fell for it!

-Hobie! Dammit, you could
have been k*lled!

-Don't have a cow, dad.
It was just a joke.

They're tapes from
old monster movies.

Didn't you recognize 'em?

-You have to admit,
mitch, it was clever.

He had us all going.

-Yeah, clever, but
not funny at all.

Did you hear those
sh*ts outside?

That was some nut with a r*fle.

He could have shot you, pal.

-I thought I'd scare some kids.

I didn't expect a whole bunch
of grownups to believe it.

Especially you, dad.

-What are you even
doing down here, anyway?

You're supposed
to be with linda.

Where is she?

-She went back to virginia.

She left you a note.

-If you
look on the mantle,

You'll see a picture
of you missing.

I took it so I can
look into your eyes

And remember how you calmed me.

Think of me next time
you rub hobie's back.

-Dad, can I sleep in
your room again tonight?

-No. Go back to bed.

-But I said I was sorry.

-I appreciate that,
but you're staying

In your own room tonight.

-I appreciate
that, but you know,

If I was some kid you
rescued instead of your son,

You wouldn't let me be alone
until you were sure I was okay.

-You're right. Go on.

-Thanks, dad!

-Hey, hey,
hey, wait a minute.

Don't act like you just
won a major victory, here.

You're still
grounded for a month,

And I'm still mad at you.

-I'm still mad at you.

-You're mad at me? Why?

-For having devon sneak
us out the back way

And telling those
reporters no one was there

When you found my gadgets.

I could have been famous, dad.

-All right, let's get
one thing straight.

What you did was
dangerous and dumb.

A man's been k*lled,
boats have been sunk,

Some lunatic was ready to

Blow up the storm
drain with you in it.

There's no time for a
practical joke, hobie.

No matter how clever.

Come here. Sit down.

Look, I know you were
just being ten years old,

But if anything ever
happened to you, man,

I don't know what I'd do.

Couldn't live without you.

-I'm really sorry.

-Just use your head
from now on, okay?

-I will.


-I swear. Dad?


-I love you.

-I love you, too.

-First of all,
I'd like to start off

By saying congratulations
to everyone here.

You're all now official members

Of the la country
lifeguard's water program.

Now, the ocean. Very powerful.

Being in it can be
a little bit scary.

Or, it can be exciting.

We're gonna make it
exciting for you, not scary.

All right, we're gonna start

By having you get
used to the waves.

Let's go. Come on.

[Children yelling excitedly]

What's going on here, huh?

You guys aren't afraid
of sea monsters, are you?

-I'd drill him if
he tried to get me.

-Tiana, you don't
have to be afraid

Because I'm gonna
be with you, okay?


But last time I
couldn't swim back in.

-Well, that's because you
got caught in a riptide.

-What makes it?

-Well, a riptide is
when the waves put

A lot of water on the
beach and sometimes

That forms a river,
and it rushes out.

Now, if you get
caught in that river,

You'll rush out with it.

But you see, the trick is to
not swim through a riptide,

To swim sideways until
you're out of it.

But you don't have to
worry about that, okay?

There are no riptides
out there right now

And you're gonna have
a lot of fun, okay?

Trust me.

-Shani, will you hold
my hand in the water?

Shauni? Shauni?

-What? Oh, of course I will.

But you know what?

First I have to go
talk to somebody,

And then I'll be
right back, okay?

Eddie's gonna hold
your hand until then.




-Who's that?

-Her father.


-What's going on down there?

Lifesaving classes or something?

-We run a program
for inner city kids.

-That's commendable.

-What are you
doing here, daddy?

-Well, I came
down here to talk--

Shani, would you please try

To look at me when
I'm speaking to you?

-I have to watch the water.

So, why are you here?

-No, why are you here?

-Because I work here.

-Well you certainly
don't need the money.

Shani. Look, I could follow
you off the beach at night.

This could be a very
dangerous place.

-That's right, it
can be dangerous.

You see that little girl
over there with eddie?

-Yeah, what about her?

-Well, I saved her life.

She was drowning. She was
completely submerged under water

And she stopped breathing and
I breathed life back into her.

And if I hadn't been
there, she'd have died.

-Well, why didn't you
tell your mother and me?

-I don't know.

You know, you used
to give me $50

For every a in my report card.

But I never once felt
like you were proud of me.

-If you'd have told us that you

Actually saved somebody's life.

-What do you think
we do here all day?

Work on our tans?

I gotta go back to work.

-Shauni! Shauni, wait!

You know, when you were little,

I used to worry about
how I'd handle it

When you became a young woman.

I knew I'd k*ll any guy
who didn't treat you

With the kind of
respect you deserve.

Now I guess I'm guilty
of doing just that.

Shani, I'm very proud of you.

I don't know what else to say.

-Thank you.

I have to go.


-Ray, if you
publish those photographs,

I swear I'll quit.

What? No, I'm at petrovision.

To interview van alden.

Because the bidding on the
offshore oil leases is up

Next week, and I haven't even
finished my original story.

Ray, I have to go.

No, don't you dare
publish those photographs

Without my permission.

[Ominous music]

-How's it hanging, ben?

-Pretty crooked, right
now, I'm sitting here

And all the action's out there.

Now, wait a minute.

Mitch is busy, he doesn't
want to be disturbed.

-Oh, I'm sure he'll want
to be disturbed for this.

-Patience is a virtue.

-That it is, ben.
So don't try mine.

-Why not? You've been
trying mine for 20 years.

-Chain of command, ben.

Moving up the ranks is a
step by step procedure.

-I know you can't
promote me to captain.

I get that.

But what I don't
get is you putting

All your chess players
on their own squares.

You've gotta hate
it downtown, cap.

And you know it.

Stay here as a captain, you
promote me to lieutenant.

That frees mitch to
do what he does best.

Patrols the sand, he hits the
water, he makes the big rescue

Winning chess is
not about ambition.

It's about sound strategy. So?

-So, I'll take it
under advisement, ben.


What would some
lunatic like tadashi

Being doing with van alden?
-Well, I don't know.

Maybe he's paying
him the 50 grand

To make sure nothing
devours his oil wells.

-Yeah, right.

You didn't by any chance get
his license number, did you?

-That I did.

But I quit the paper
before I had the chance

To use the contacts to trace it.

Mitch, I'm sorry about those
photos we had published.

I just hope they don't
complicate your life too much.

-[Wry laugh]
my life complicated? Never.

-Mitch. Listen to this.

-Hang on one second.

Ben, see if you can get a
license number for 36780c6.

Yeah, thanks. What do you got?

-They couldn't determine
what cut through the nets,

But they did have something
very interesting to say

About the cave in
linda's photographs.

-I'll leave if you'd like.

-No, it's okay,
she's on our side.

You're gonna need
a good exclusive

If you want that
job at the times.

-Thank you.

-The cave is not a
natural formation.

It was drilled out of the rocks.

-You know, if there's
a party going on in here

I certainly think I
should have been invited.

Especially considering I'm
the one who brought the gift.

-Is that?

-The key to every
lifeguard's dream.

-The timing couldn't be better.

[Rock music plays]

-♪ Ain't hard to figure out
what this life is all about ♪

♪ Not just a fantasy
that's what you do to me ♪

♪ I'm tired of playing around
my head up in the clouds ♪

♪ That doesn't matter to me

♪ Every time I look around
babe you know it's you that I see ♪

♪ Can't you see?

♪ That I'm in heaven

♪ When you call my name

headquarters to scarab one.

-Yeah, this is scarab one,
ben, test loud and clear.

-No test. Sonar's
picking up a large object

Traveling underwater
northeasterly direction

Two miles off point dume.

-We're on it.

Hit it. Let's try this baby out.

-♪ And my heart's in flames

♪ With no discretion

♪ Love me once then do it again

-There it is.

-It's moving too fast
to be a whale or a shark.


There's the cave.

We're right above it,
where walt was k*lled.

-Where'd it go? What happened?

-Sonar's functional,
it just disappeared.

-Didn't disappear.
It went into that cave.

We'll find out what the
hell it is once and for all.

-I'm going with you.

[Electronic beeping]

-Mitch, it's back
on the screen.

It's out of the cave.
It's heading right for you.

-Where? I don't see anything.

-Mitch, it's practically
on top of you.

-Still don't see it.

[Frantic music]

[Startled gasp]

-Mitch, what's happening?

-It's a minisub!

It's got devon in
a hydraulic claw.

[Frantic music intensifies]


-Mitch, it's
diving, what's going on?

-Drop the anchor.

Hurry! Devon can't
take the pressure.

-Anchor coming down.

-Okay, raise
the anchor! Full power!

[Steady electronic beeping]

[Struggling groans]

[Mechanical screech]


-Are you okay?
Are you both all right?

-Yeah, I'm fine!

-Yes! What about them?

-I've alerted the coast guard

To expect a special
delivery package.

[Pleased laughter]

-No other office quite
like it, is there, captain?

-It's a beautiful thing.

-Would you care to
make a statement?

-These charges
against me as absurd

As the monster in
the bay nonsense.

-It wasn't nonsense,
mr. Van alden.

There was a monster
in the bay. You.


[Children playing]

-You deserve one
of those medals.

-Me? No way.

-Yes, you do. For
putting up with me.

Here, I thought
you might want to

Check it for accuracy, make
sure you weren't misquoted.

-[Laughs] I'm sure it's a
hell of a story.

Listen, I really hope you
get that job at the times.

-Well, I thought I'd do
my investigative reporting

On a more intimate level.

You know, open up my own
little community newspaper.

Which do you think is best?

The venice voice or
the pacific press.

-You decide.

-Missed me.

-Van alden didn't
want to gamble on which

Oil leases to bid on so he
began illegally drilling

To locate the richest deposits.

When walt accidentally
discovered them,
they k*lled him.

-So, who's the monster hunter?

-Oh, tadashi. He
designed the sub.

Van alden ordered him
to sink the fishing boat

To lead our investigation
away from their drilling.

Tadashi came to
headquarters to find out

If they'd gotten away with it.

-Thank you all for coming.

La county lifeguards saved
10,966 lives last year,

And were only awarded
two medals of valor.

So, as you can see,
this award is only given

To people who display
extreme heroism.

Right now I'd like to
introduce captain don thorpe,

Who has decided, for
all the right reasons,

To stay here with
us on the beach.


-Thank you, mitch.

Thank you, everyone,
but please, please,

Save your applause for a
lifeguard who's earned it.

Here to present the medal of
valor to today's recipient

Is a former medal of
valor winner himself.

It's my great pleasure
to introduce to you
lt. Ben edwards.


-Thank you, captain.
Pretty proud day for me.

Not only am I standing
up here with the brass,

But as your new lieutenant,
it's my privilege

To present this
year's medal of valor

To lifeguard shauni mcclain!


-Mitch, would you do
the honors, please?


[Triumphant music]

I'm proud of you.

[Applause continues]

-Um, thank you.
I was just doing my job.

-I love you.

-I love you, too.

[Applause continues]

[Ending theme plays]
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