02x22 - Summer of '85

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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02x22 - Summer of '85

Post by bunniefuu »

-[Theme song playing]

♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to have somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry ♪

♪ It's gonna be all right ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready ♪

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready ♪

♪ I'll be ready ♪

♪ Whenever you fear ♪

♪ No, don't you fear ♪

♪ I'll be ready ♪

♪ Forever and always ♪

♪ I'm always here ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready ♪

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready ♪

♪ I'll be ready ♪

♪ Whenever you fear ♪

♪ No, don't you fear ♪

♪ I'll be ready ♪

♪ Forever and always ♪

♪ I'm always here ♪

-Tiffany, come on down here.
You need a little more oil.

-Oh, okay.

-Man: yeah, all over.
Yeah, put it all over.

-You don't want
any on your face.


-Man: get it all over.

That's good, that's good,
hold it there.


-[Mimicking thrilling music]

-Hey. Hey!


-You're such a voyeur.

-Hey, rosalind said there
would be oil in my future.

I thought she meant
an oil well or something,

But I guess this is it.

-How could you fall for this
fortune-telling stuff, huh?

-What rosalind says
will happen, happens.

There's proof right there.

-[Scoffs] yeah, right.

Isn't this
the same person

Who said that a rainbow
would fall from the sky,

Hit you on the head,
and you'd find gold? Huh?

-It could happen.

-[Exclaiming excitedly]

-Mcclain, tower 12.

Ben, listen, I have
an illegal parasailor

Passing my tower.
He's heading north.

-Roger, shauni.
Let us know if it
doubles back.

Kmf-295 to rescue 1.

-Roger, ben,
but we're south
of del rey.

You better get
a waverunner on it, too.

Hit it.


Hurry! Speed it up!




Help! Sam, stop!


Sam, help! Help!

Hey, wait!

Get me down!





I can't get out.


-You're okay.

You're all right.

You're okay now.

Okay, now, what does this look
like to you, huh, eddie?

-Like a parasail.

-A rainbow-colored parasail
and it was on my head.

-So where's the gold?

-Pardon me?

-Oh, nothing.
I was talking to him.

-I thought you said my name.

-Why? What's your name?

-Sarah gold.

-Oh, man.

-Because harvey said that
rosalind needs to hold

An object of yours that
you're emotionally attached to.

-[Sighs] I can't believe
you're gonna drag me

To this gypsy

-She happened to predict
harvey's future

Pretty accurately.
-Oh, come on, shauni.

That was a coincidence.

And how am I supposed
to find my baseball

When I can't even see
where I'm going?

-That's why I want us
to go talk to rosalind.

-So I can find my baseball?
-No, so we can find out

Where we're going,
what our future holds.

I mean, are we gonna be on
this boat, are we gonna go

To an apartment, are we gonna
be able to turn around

Without bumping
into each other?

Here is your ball.

-Ah, ah, ah.

-i love it!

-[Exclaiming excitedly]

Oh, oh, oh!
Welcome, welcome.

Come right in, eh?

-Hi. I'm shauni,
and this is eddie.

Uh, which one of you
is rosalind?

-I'm rosalind.

This is my mom, bella,
and my aunt flo,

And they handle
all the business for me,

So, if you like
what I tell you,

You'll work it out
with them later.

Now, sit down,
be comfortable.

Come on.

-So, harvey tells me
you're both lifeguards.

-Why? Wouldn't you
have known anyway?

-A skeptic, huh?

Just shut up
and toss me the ball.

Oh, you didn't buy this in
a store or anything like that.

You caught it.

Other people wanted it,
but you wanted it more.

It was... Like a foul ball,
wasn't it?

-She needs



Yeah, yeah, I caught it.

That's right.
It was at a phillies game,

But it wasn't a foul ball.

It was a home run
by mike schmidt.

-Yeah, but that's not why
you're emotionally attached
to it.

happened later.

I see a beach...

Somewhere else.

How old were you? 14? 15?


You were happy.

You were
more than happy...

But then...

You were so sad.

Here, let me
have your hand.

-You read palms, too, huh?

-No. I just want
to hold the hand

That you caught
this ball in.


I think maybe we should
finish this in private.

-No. No, go ahead.

We don't keep secrets
from each other.

-Couples shouldn't
keep secrets.

-Shouldn't keep secrets.

-Okay, but I can't promise

Somebody's not gonna get
bent out of shape.

-No, that's okay.
Go ahead.

-All right, I keep vibing
on the same thing,

Seeing the same image
in my head.

You are going to meet,
real soon, any day--

You are going to meet
your first true love.

-[Laughs] what are
you talking about?

I already have met
my first true love.

-You know,
this is hard for me to say,

And I'm sorry,
but it's not shauni.


Oh, man, you know,
this is a bunch of garbage.

I mean, who are you
to tell me how I feel

Or who I love?
Give me back my ball.

Give it to me.

Let's go.

-That will be $25,

-Mom, forget the money.

Hey, look, I am sorry,

But I can only tell you
what I feel,

Not what you want to hear.

-15 Dollars?

-Aunt flo, please.

Look, sometimes, I'm wrong.

-You couldn't say
something nice?


-Gary: eddie, come on,
throw the ball.

What are you doing?

Come on, let's go.

-Who is she?

-I heard she's kept by some
rich guy in the beach house
down there.

He just comes
on weekends.

-But you don't know that.

-Hey, it's just
what I heard.


-Throw me the ball.

Throw it
way over my head.


-Throw it
way over my head!

Can't you even
throw straight?

Sorry. Um...

My friend,
he's got a lousy arm.

I hope I didn't distract
you or anything.

-No, you didn't distract me.

I'm glad I didn't.

-Are you busy right now?

-Uh, busy now? Uh, no, no.

I'm not busy right now,

I was just playing
catch with my friend,

And my friend's
leaving right now.

But, um, um,
no, um,

I'm not busy. Why?

-Well, this landscape's
coming out much too lonely.

It needs some life.

Maybe if you were in it.

-Sure. Great.

I... Where should I be?

-How about over by that rail?

And why don't you
grab one of those fishing
rods over there?

Who knows?
You might catch something.

What's your name?

-I'm eddie.
-I'm lorna.

Glad you came along, eddie.

You're gonna make this
landscape a lot more

Where have you been?

-Uh, at mitch's,
feeding hobie's fish.

-When they coming back
from their camping trip?


I was thinking I might
stay there until they get back.

-Well, if you're supposed
to meet your first true love,

You know, you don't need me
here getting in the way.

It's crowded enough
as it is.

You were
supposed to say,

"No, shauni, you're
my first true love,

"And don't
believe anything

Some stupid
fortune-teller says."

-I guess your prediction
didn't come true.

-No, I guess not.

So what about rosalind's?

Has hers come true?

-I don't know.

Why don't you go back
and ask her?

-Come on,
it's my dime.
Let me see her.

I want some
of that lemonade.

-That's the difference
between you and me, gary.

-What, you want her?
Yeah, right. [Scoffs]
dream on, kramer.

-Maybe I'll bring you
back some lemonade...

In a couple hours.





I think I knew you
a long time ago.

Summer of '85?
Nantucket island?

-I've never been there.

-It's, uh...
It's off of massachusetts.

You had a beach
house that summer?

I was there staying with
some friends of mine.


You must be mistaking me
for somebody else.


Your name's lorna.
I'm eddie.

I was only 15 at the time--

-My name is caitlyn,

And I've never been
to nantucket.

Honestly, I am not
who you think I am.


This is really weird.

It's just that I saw you
on this boat today,

And you had
your sketch pad.

You even drew like she did.

-Where were you?

How could you see
what I was drawing?

-Well, I'm, um...

I'm a lifeguard,

And I was watching my water
with binoculars,

And there you were.

It wasn't what you
were drawing,

It was how.


Caitlyn, I have to go
to san francisco tomorrow,

So we can leave
on tuesday.

Who's this?

-This is...


He's a lifeguard.

-Is something wrong?

-No, no.
No, I just mistook your...


-...friend for someone
I once knew.

I'm sorry.

My mistake.

I'm sorry
to bother you both.
Have a good day.


-Well, what was
I supposed to say?

-The love
of your life.

♪ There's melody ♪

♪ Deep inside my soul ♪

♪ It's about you and me ♪

♪ Listening to every word ♪

♪ Going all the way ♪

♪ Together we will stay ♪

♪ 'Cause I hear love calling ♪

♪ Just the sound of your name ♪

♪ Walking in the rain ♪

♪ I hear love calling ♪

♪ When I look into your eyes ♪

♪ I know that we will fly ♪

♪ We will fly ♪

♪ Together we can fly ♪

♪ 'Cause I hear love calling ♪

-Excuse me.

-How you doing?
-I'm doing okay.

Some lady told me
to give this to you.

-Lady? Where?

-Down by the jetty.

-Thanks a lot.
-Yeah, sure.


-Roger and I have been
out of the country

For a long time,

Sailing different ports,
different places.

He doesn't know
everything about my past.

That's why
I lied yesterday.

-Then you do remember me.

-Of course, eddie.

That summer was
the last happy time
I can remember.

Come to the boat tonight.

Hopefully, you can help me
put it all back together.

-Hi. Um, when I got
home from my shift,

Eddie was gone,

But I found this
hidden behind the bed.

Now, I don't know
if it means anything, or...


-Well, um, aren't you going
to look inside?

-I am.



-I see danger.

What do you mean danger?
What kind of danger?

-[Sighs] mortal danger.

Somebody's going to try
to k*ll eddie.

-I'm glad you came.

Come below with me.

-Her name is
lorna cosgrove.

I can't bust someone

Because a psychic says
eddie might be in danger.

-I'm not asking
you to bust her.

Just check her out.

-You're really
worried about this.

-Yes, I am.

Look, the police
use psychics.

They must believe
there's something to it.

-Yeah, something,
maybe sometimes,

But not very often.

-Yeah, but what if this
is one of those times?

Please just see what
you can find out.

Here's the license number
of the car she was driving.

-All right, I'll, uh...
I'll see what I can do.

Can I have this?


Thank you, garner.



-I got all the stuff
up in the attic.

Anything else
I need to do?

-You need to relax.

-I have this boxing
coach at the y.

He says the second
you relax--

You know, let
your guard down--

The other guy punches
your lights out.

-Are you a fighter?

-No, not really.

It's just...
Sort of necessary

In my neighborhood.

-Well, it's not here
on this island.

This is a place
to escape all of that.

But it's, uh...

It's my last
night here.

-Well, hopefully, you'll
take home some very good

Lorna: I hope you
still like oysters.

-You've got a good memory.

-I still can't believe
you recognized me

After all these years.
-You're kidding me.

You, um...
You were my first love.

-No, I wasn't.

-Trust me.

-That wasn't love, eddie.

That was a boy's fantasy
that came true that night

Because of...

-You mean
that phone call?

-Among other things.

You ready?

Okay, lift your leg up.

Keep it straight,
keep it straight.
Keep it straight!

Straight legs, straight.

Good. Okay.

Um, why don't we try
an arabesque promenade?

You just pivot around.

-I what?

-Like this.

Go ahead.

Trust me, eddie.

This will do more
for your balance

Than any boxing lesson.

-[Phone ringing]

-I'll be right back.


-Are you all right?





-You have to go now.


Is it morning?

-No, it's only 9:30.

-Then why do I have to go?

-Because all good things
have to end.

-Good night.

-Lorna: I really loved phillip.

He swore he was going
to leave his wife.

That night, he called
to say it was over.

He wanted me out
of his beach house,

Out of his life.

That night with you

Was my last night
on the island as well.


I really wanted to stay
with you that night.

-Eddie, I know you used
to watch me from the pier.

[Laughing] it's okay.

I kind of liked
knowing you were there.

Did you watch me
that night after you left?

-Oh, jeez, this is
really embarrassing.


Well, for a little while, i--

-Can you remember
what you saw?


Eddie, I need to know
what you saw that night.

-Well, when I walked away,
I turned back,

Saw you through
the window.

I watched you
get into bed.

I don't know, i...
I couldn't leave.

-Lorna: did you see
anyone come to the house

After I went to sleep?

-Eddie: about an hour later.

When he opened the door with
his keys, instead of knocking,

I figured it was phillip,

And that he must've been
the one who called.

That's why you
wanted me to leave.

So I left.

-Lorna: did you
see his face?

-It was dark.
His back was to me.

Then, when he closed
the door, I took off.

Why is this so
important to you?

-My life depends on it.

-[Phone ringing]

-No, this is garner.
He's still not there?

-[Sighing] no.

-We got lorna cosgrove's
fingerprints off that portfolio.

I've got some
information on her.

-What? Tell me.

-She's wanted in massachusetts
for the 1985 m*rder

Of a man named phillip scott.


-Go on. I'm here.

-He was married,
having an affair with her.

They found his body in the ocean
in front of her house.

He had been strangled
sometime the night before.

There were a slew of people
with motives--

His wife, business partners--

But they found evidence
at her house

That he had been there,
and got a warrant.

By the time
they came to arrest her,
she'd already taken off.

She's been on the run
ever since.

-Eddie, you're home.

Where have you been
all night?


Walking around...

Went to the beach.

-With lorna cosgrove?

-How do you know about her?

-I know more
about her than you do.
Were you with her?

-Yeah... Until midnight,
and then I left.

-But you didn't come home.

-I know I didn't.
I was out... Thinking.

-Like how to tell me
that rosalind was right?

That lorna was
your first true love?

-Come on, I was 15.


That's the same year
that lorna k*lled
phillip scott.


-She's a m*rder*r, eddie.

Eddie, you said yourself
that he called her on the phone
to break up with her.

What other motive
does she need?

-Oh, come on,
if lorna's a m*rder*r,

Why does she need me
to remember what
happened that night?

-Because you are
the only eyewitness

Who can prove she did it.
-Or maybe what I saw

Could prove she
didn't do it.

-Where are you going?

-To get to the bottom
of this.

-Eddie, please
don't leave.

Rosalind said your
life's in danger.

-Well, if it is, it is.

Don't worry,
I'll be back.

What happened that night,
after I left?

-According to you,
a man came to my door
and entered with a key.

-According to the police,
it was phillip scott.

Some time that night,
you m*rder*d him,

And then tried to make it
look like he drowned.

-Oh, right.

I strangled him
with my bare hands

And carried him to the ocean?

I mean, phillip
weighed 190 pounds.

-They found his wallet

In your house
the next morning.

-Then whoever k*lled him
stole his wallet and his keys

And planted it there.

Eddie, you saw me go to sleep.

I never heard anyone
come into the house.

-Did you tell the police
you were framed?

-Yes... And they didn't
believe me, so I ran.

Roger helped me disappear.

He's been helping me
ever since.

-Why didn't you tell
the police about me
in the first place?

I could've helped
you testify.

-And have it come out in court

That I seduced
a 15-year-old boy?


I was so lost.

And you were so sweet.

People wouldn't have
understood what happened.

-If phillip scott
wasn't the man I saw,

Then I can still
help prove that
you didn't do it.

-That's what
I was hoping.


-I keep seeing
eddie on a stage.

Center stage.


-It's not a theater.

I don't know.

I see the number two.

-Why are you looking
at me like that?

-That number is not
a good number for you.


-When he closed the door,
his face was in the light
for a second, i...

I must have seen it.

-I'll be right back.


Do you want me to leave?



-Eddie, you remember roger.

-Yes, I do.

-Well, I just told him
everything about that night.

-You didn't have to tell
him about that night,
did she, roger?

You were the one
who came to her door.

-He doesn't know
what he's talking about.

-I saw your face
through the glass.



-Eddie: you k*lled
phillip, didn't you?


Man: help me!




roger was phillip scott's
silent partner.

He was jealous
of everything the man had,

So he finally m*rder*d him

And took it all,
including lorna.

-Do you still have
to arrest her?

-Well, there's still
the warrant out,

But eddie's testimony
should get her off

And put old roger away.

-You know, I did a lot of
drawings that summer,

But yours was
the only one I kept.

-Eh, the only thing I kept
from that summer is my baseball.

-I guess we both knew
it was a very special time.

-One I'll never forget.

-You'd better not.


-You still make the landscape
a lot more interesting.

-You take care
of yourself.
-You, too.

-Harvey, what's
the matter with you?

-I got two broken ribs

From trying to save
bruce hauer ii

From the dock where
the center stage ii
was moored.

From now on, the only
thing I want to know

For sure, is my past.

-Shauni: so, what do you think
the future holds for us?

-Eddie: well, we're just gonna
have to wait and see.

-Shauni: no predictions?

-Shauni, i, uh...

I don't want to think
about the past.

I want to think
about the future.

We're together now,
and that's all that matters.

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