03x04 - Rookie of the Year

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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03x04 - Rookie of the Year

Post by bunniefuu »

-[Theme song playing]

-♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to have somebody ♪

♪ When the edge
of surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

-♪ I'll be ready
-♪ I'll be ready

-♪ Whenever you fear
-♪ oh, don't you fear

-♪ I'll be ready
-♪ forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ Oh

-♪ I'll be ready ♪
-♪ I'll be ready

-♪ Whenever you fear
-♪ no, don't you fear

-♪ I'll be ready
-♪ forever and always

♪ I'm always here ♪

-Kmf 295 requesting
immediate backup.

-What's your 20, mitch?

-On tower 18,
all available units.

-Rescue one,
requesting backup.

-[Siren wailing]

-Rescue two, en route.

nice save, mitch!

-A bag, okay.
It's a bag.

Very funny.
Ha ha ha.

-[Keyboard clicking]

-Hey, dad.

What are you writing?

Dad, why don't you
come out of the stone age

And get a computer
like all the other writers?

-I've written 10 novels
and 18 movies on this machine,

Not about to abandon it now.

-Well, maybe I should have
been born a machine.

-[Engine revving]


[Speaking french]

-[Responding in french]

-Please, matthew,
be careful!

-Don't say a word.

-Hey, any of us
would have done
the same thing, mitch.

-You better believe it.

Hey, better to be safe
than sorry.

-[All laughing]

-Very funny.

-Yep, it's in
a great location,
just across from the beach.

It's spacious,
and the best part is,

I can afford it.

I don't need
to get a roommate.

-That's great!
I just got a place too.

And here is to living alone.

No one to criticize you,
antagonize you.

-Borrow your clothes,
eat your food.

I'll toast to that.

Here's to living alone!
-To living alone! Whoo!

Oh my god.

They're never
going to let mitch
live this one down.

-I mean, they could
at least clean up
after themselves.

I mean, we don't have
a maid around here.

-Could have fooled me.


-Hey, summer.

Hey, loosen up
with that thing.

You're not going
to drown in the sand.

-I'm just so nervous.
I've been looking everywhere
for you.

-Yeah, my father's
on my case again.

He says I never finish
anything I start.

I swear the day
I graduate rookie school,

I'm gonna take
this rescue can and shove it
right up his typewriter.

-Looks like you lucked out

To beat me in
the qualifying swim, brody.


I gotta tell you,
I don't think luck

Is gonna keep you through
this time, pal.

If you're gonna be
rookie of the year,

You're just gonna
have to go through me.

-You're such a tortoise
in the water, clint.

I'll swim right around you.

-Hey, mitch! Mitch!

-Guido, how are you?
-I'm a'gonna swim for you.

I've been day and night
practicing in the water.

Just look
at this body, huh?

And look at these muscles,

So many of them,
all in one place, huh?

-Guido, I appreciate
your enthusiasm.

But I got a lot of guys--
-bah, bah, bah!

I have what it is
you need, mitch.

So use me.
Use me till I am
all of me used up.

-I might be able to use you
in some other capacity,

If you're interested.

-Am I interested?

Does a lifeguard
wear his red shorts?

-Thanks. Morning!
-All: good morning!

-Welcome to rookie school.

Last year, 16,934 people

Were able to go home
from the beach

Because l.a. County lifeguards
saved their lives.

The record for rescues
in one day

By one lifeguard
is 78.

Someone's life
may depend

On what you learn here.

So pay attention.

-Everything you do
from this moment forward

Will be observed
and evaluated.

If you fail
a written examination
or a physical drill,

You will be dismissed.

Those of you
who are not dismissed

Or who don't quit
during the next two weeks
of intense training

Will be drafted to work
on various beaches.

The one who is voted
rookie of the year

Will be able to select
his or her own beach.

you'll be learning about
life-saving techniques,

Life-saving equipment,

Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation,
first aid.

But what we can't teach you
is responsibility.
-[Both laugh]

Did I say something funny?

-Uh, no, sir.

-Um, sorry,
it was my fault.

I said something to her.

-Why don't you share it
with the rest of us?

-I was just wondering
which of you

Would be my partner
to learn mouth-to-mouth.


-Uh, brody.
Matt brody.

-Mr. Brody,

Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation
is not kissing.

A lifeguard may have to give
mouth-to-mouth resuscitation

To a 250 pound truck driver

Or a two-year-old child.

It is not a situation
where one chooses a partner.

This is not "the dating game."
Is that clear?

-The gauntlet is
a lifeguard obstacle course.

You'll run it twice--

First time for fun
and just to get
the feel of it.

Second time will be
at the completion
of rookie school.

It will be the ultimate
pass-fail test.

♪ All my life I was outside looking in

♪ Spent all my time waiting
♪ for my life to begin

♪ Losing my chance,
♪ trying to toughen up my skin

♪ Trying my hardest-
♪ not to let them win ♪

♪ I'll rise up again
♪ I'll keep my feet flat on the ground ♪

♪ Treading water as
♪ I'm trying not to drown

♪ I want to scream but
♪ I'm afraid to make a sound

♪ I'll keep fighting 'cause
♪ I want to make you proud

♪ Life is going way to fast

♪ I'll take the risk
♪ I'll take the chance

♪ Falling from the high dive
♪ straight into the high tide

♪ Waiting for the right time ♪
♪ watching from the sidelines

♪ The greatest view
♪ is after the hardest climb

♪ But you'll never see it ♪
♪ staying on the safe side

♪ The safe side

♪ Starting to believe
♪ in something bigger

♪ When's the right moment ♪
♪ to pull that trigger

♪ It's not the win that makes the winner

♪ It's not the sin that makes the sinner

♪ Life is going way to fast

♪ I'll take the risk-
♪ I'll take the chance-

♪ Falling from the high dive
♪ straight into the high tide

♪ Waiting for the right time
♪ watching from the sidelines ♪

♪ The greatest view
♪ is after the hardest climb

♪ But you'll never see it
♪ staying on the safe side ♪

♪ The safe side

♪ Falling from the high dive
♪ straight into the high tide

♪ Waiting for the right time ♪
♪ watching from the sidelines

♪ The greatest view
♪ is after the hardest climb


Summer, hi.

I'm c.j.

-Yeah, I guess everybody knows
who I am now--

The only one who
didn't make the pier jump.

-You're not the first rookie
to be terrified up there

And you definitely
won't be the last.

-Yeah, well, what
difference does it make?

If I don't make the jump,
I don't graduate
rookie school.

-You'll make the jump.

-Yeah, that's easy
for you to say.

You know, you don't know
what it's like to look
down at the water and--

-Feel like
it's 100 miles away?

Your heart's beating so loud

That you can't hear
the waves crashing below?

Summer, I was the only one
in my rookie class

Who couldn't
make the pier jump
the first time out.

-Yeah, well, so how'd
you finally do it?

-I decided that I wanted it
more than I was afraid of it.

And when
that final jump came,

I just imagined
that there was someone
down there

Who would drown if I didn't.
So I did.


-[Rustling at door]

-Hey, hey!
Hey, hey!


How'd you get the key
to my apartment?

-Your apartment?


-I rented this place
from an old boyfriend
of mine,


-You know him?

-Know him?
I dated him.

He rented this apartment
to me last week.

-I gave him first and last
two weeks ago.


-So I leased this apartment
before you did.


I have taken possession.

And possession
is nine tenths of the law.

-Okay, if you want
to get technical...

Consider this possession.

-Oh my...

-[C.j. Chanting]

-Look what you made me do.

-Oh, you shouldn't
be using salt.

-I like salt.

-Makes you bloat.

-Do I look bloated to you?

-I'm in too serene a state
to engage in a bloat debate.

-You realize
this isn't working, don't you?

I mean, we've been
involuntary roommates
for a week now.

And I'm starting
to break out in hives!

-Well, maybe it's because
you don't eat right.

Here, try some of this.

-No, thank you.
I can't hardly stand
to watch you drink it.

-Stephanie, your system
is polluted.

You should at least
chant with me.

-I don't want
to chant with you.

And I certainly don't want
to have to keep picking up
after you.

-Then why do you
keep doing it?

-Because I hate wet clothes
draped over chairs

And doors to dry!

New invention, c.j.--

Washers, dryers.
Use them.

-Do you know
what dryers do?

Dryers send out all kinds
of bad elements into the air.

Not the mention the waste
of electricity.

You know, I have a great book
on saving the environment.

I think you should read it.

-How about one on saving
my sanity?

-Salt causes hypertension,
you know?

-Then move
to the victim's head,

Check airway,

Take a deep breath,

Seal off the nose,

And deliver
two full long inflations,

One to one-and-a-half seconds
in duration.

Then move back to the chest,

Locate proper hand position,

And begin
15 cardiac compressions.

-How do you learn this

-I just have
one of those memories.

-You know, I never realized
you had to learn so much

To be a lifeguard.

-Yeah. Do you want
something to drink?

-Yeah, give me
one of those smart drinks

And make it a double.

-Just try to visualize
the whole page in
your mind's eye.

-"Then move
to the victim's head."

-The beach is beautiful
in the morning, isn't it?

I'm aaron brody,
matthew's father.

And you are?

-Summer quinn.
Pleased to meet you.

What an enchanting name.

Huh. And why does
a beautiful young lady
like you

Want to become
a lifeguard?

-Well, actually,
mr. Brody, i--

Please, call me aaron.

-Well, lifeguarding
is something I think
I would be good at.

And I really need the money.

-Do you live alone?

Support yourself?

-No, I live with my mom.

We just moved out here
from pittsburgh.

We've always
kind of been, you know,
a two-income family.

-So your parents
are divorced?

Well, that's awful.
What happened?

-Dad, knock it off.
Don't answer him.

-Matt, I think your dad
was just trying to be polite.

-No, he's just trying
to probe you for material.

Everyone he meets
is just research for
one of his novels or scripts.

Lay off my friends, okay?

-My son is uncomfortable
with honest dialogue.

-Uh, matt, I think
we better get to the pool.

-Go ahead.
I'll see you there.

-Don't get too attached
to my son.

He has a problem
with commitment.

It was a pleasure
meeting you, summer.

-Class starts at 10:00,
okay, matt?

♪ In the silence

♪ Another savior

♪ Another soul has found salvation

♪ Only fear it can drown

♪ Save the life you've found

♪ Open up

♪ And you will see it all

♪ In the darkness of the tide

♪ At the time you feel alone

♪ On the shoreline's

♪ Isolation

♪ We carry on

♪ We carry on

♪ In the silence

♪ Another savior

♪ Another soul has found salvation

♪ With this love you can find

♪ Save the life, you've found

♪ Open up

♪ And you will see it all

♪ See it all

♪ Break the surface

-That demonstration
was to show you
what it's like

When a k*ller riptide
turns the bottom of the ocean

Into a sandstorm.

Sometimes you can't even see
the submerged victim.

what would you do

In a rescue
under a pier

If a wave
was about to slam you

And your victim
up against the piling?


-Put my body between
the victim and the piling.

-The opposite.

Put the victim
between you and the piling,

Because if you get hurt,
you both might drown.


-This is your life's blood,

On the beach
and in the ocean.

Take it with you

When you approach a victim,
you must...

Offer them the can first.

If the victim
approaches you,

You must block and parry.

Take the can.


-You're late, mr. Brody.

-I'm sorry.

-Is that what you'd say
if you were late to a rescue

And somebody drowned?
-[Speaking french]

-I understand french,
mr. Brody.

Get in the pool.

There's not one of you
I can't totally dominate
in the water.

Not one of you
who could thr*aten my life
with mere strength.

Because I know
how to protect myself

And the life
of my victim.

Rescue me.

-[Matt coughing]

-Learn these lessons
here and now

Before your life
and your victim's life
is on the line.

Thank you for illustrating
my point so well.

-You were a little rough
on him.

-Our job is to weed out
the ones who don't have
what it takes.

-It's also to help the ones
who have what it takes,

But don't know it yet.

You know, you have
everything inside of you
to be a great lifeguard.

-How in the hell do you know
what I have inside me?

-Because when you run,
you let it out.

When you swim,
you let it out.

Matt, you've got
the potential

Of beating every
other rookie in that school.

Don't let lieutenant holden
beat you.

-Lieutenant holden?

she knows everything, right?

-You could learn
a lot from her.

-Yeah, I just did.

I did out there.

I learned that I don't want
to be a lifeguard anymore.

the subjugation
of pleasure, part one.

To fully understand
the revolutionary...

Oh, leonard.

Oh, that feels
so good.

the erogenous zones
of the 90s

Are more closely linked
to emotion...


Oh my god,
that feels so good.

thought of
as erotic...

That the source
of pleasure can be found...

When we embrace each other
we no longer need

To be tied
to desperate groping.

Massage the arms
or stroke the foot

And derive far more pleasure
than is obtainable...

-Um, I'll just go
to my room.

sensual areas
that remain so fixated upon

In the american psyche.

-Leonard, I enjoyed
our evening very, very much.


You inspire me.

-I'll fall asleep
listening to your tape.

Sweet dreams, leonard.

Stephanie, red means stop.

-What would you
be doing right now

If I didn't come home
when I did, huh?

I mean, right this second,

he is incredible.

I met him at a book signing
and I thought he was
a total nerd.

-He is.
-Doesn't matter.

He is the sexiest man
I have ever met.

At dinner,
he was explaining to me

The erogenous myth
and its relationship

To neglected areas
of the female anatomy.

-What do you mean, areas?
I mean, like, which ones?

-Well, if you hadn't
come home when you did,

He probably
would have worked his way

All the way down
to my hand.

where'd he start?

-My upper arm.

-Your upper arm?

Well, lucky for you
I came home when I did.

I mean, we wouldn't
have wanted him to get
all the way

Down to your fingers
on the first date,
now would we?

So did you guys
bring home anything?

I'm starving.


-[All chattering]


Who authorized the purchase
of a new blackboard?


What's going on here?

-It's not new.

I take the old
and make it look new.

Oh, I spent day and night
working and polishing
and cleaning

And polishing and cleaning
and cleaning and cleaning

Just to make it
look beautiful for you.

-Guido, thank you.

-Oh, the pleasure,
she's all mine.

-Well, keep up
the good work.

-[All giggling]

-Well, congratulations
to those of you

Who made it to this last day
of rookie school.

Your last test
will be the gauntlet.

It will be harder
than the first time
you ran it.

The dummies will be heavier
and farther out in the water.

The run will be longer
and the pier jump higher.

But I know you can do it.

You've worked hard
these last two weeks,

Really hard.

So go out there
and go get 'em.

-May I help you?

-Yeah, my name is lieutenant
mitch buchannon.

I'm looking for matt brody.

-Well, that makes two of us.

Matthew didn't come home
last night.

-Please, come in.

Have a seat.

-Thank you.

As you probably know,
matt's attending
rookie school.

And well, he had
a little problem

With one of our other
lieutenants yesterday
and he ran off.

-Matthew has a difficult time
with authority.

He's... Sensitive boy.

-I think matthew needs
to accept responsibility

For himself,
for his own behavior.

-And you believe
that becoming a lifeguard

Will help him
develop that?


When you're responsible
for the safety of thousands
of people on the beach,

You have to be responsible.

-And if you're incapable
of responsibility,

You'd be putting
those people's lives
in danger, right?

-Mr. Brody,

I believe in matt.

Given half a chance,
I think he could start
believing in himself.

Do you have any idea
where I might find him?

I'd sure like
to talk to him.

Off getting in trouble

-He may have gone surfing.

His board was missing
this morning.

-Thank you.

Matt, wait up.

-How'd you find me?

-I just came
from your house.

Had a little talk
with your parents.

-My father gives new meaning
to the phrase "family man,"
doesn't he?


He thinks you're a quitter.
-What do you think?

-I think you're afraid
to win.

-I'm not afraid of anything.

-Then show me!

Show your dad.

Show yourself.

-Why is my being a lifeguard
so important to you?

-Because you remind me
of a young hothead
I once knew

Who had a problem
with his dad.

-Eddie kramer?


This one
was about a foot taller.

The gauntlet starts
in an hour,

With or without you.

-Okay, today you run
the gauntlet against
the clock.

It'll be
a staggered start.

Two minutes
between each group.

Damn it.

Go ahead.

-Okay, group one,
go to the starting line.

-[All cheering]

-I'm sorry I'm late again,
lieutenant holden.

It will never
happen again.

-Join group two.

-Thank you.



Summer, jump!
Everyone's passing you.


Summer, take my hand.
We'll jump together.

-No, I can't do this.
-Yes, you can, come on.

Come on.

-What's the matter, brody?
You can't make it?

Just need an excuse to lose,

-Come on, don't let him win.
You could beat him.

-I'm not jumping
without you.

-Look, if I can't
do this by myself,

I don't deserve
to make it.

-Look, we'll do it together.
We'll jump together.

On three.

One, two, three.

-Now go get clint!


-[All cheering]

-Okay, listen up.

Let's go.

We all know
you're anxious to hear

Where you'll be working
this summer.

As you know,
there are 18 of you

And there are
only 13 positions open.

The selections were based
on competitive results,

Test scores,
and attitude.

Lieutenant holden?

-Thank you.
The assignments
are as follows.

riley and johnson.

-[All cheering]

beghes and dowling.

-[All cheering]

krieger and peterson.

hagar and dwyer.

And baywatch,
lewiston and quinn.

Lieutenant buchannon
will announce

The rookie
of the year.

-Of the six of you remaining,

I'm sorry,
but five will have to wait
until next summer.

But I would like
to thank everybody

For making this possibly
the best rookie school

In l.a. County
lifeguard history.

As you all know,
tradition states

The rookie of the year

Gets his or her choice

Of where they work.

This year,

That choice
goes to...

Matthew brody.

-Thank you.
-Congratulations, man.

-Thank you.


-Your unselfish support

Of summer on the pier
showed us a lot.

It's what lifeguarding
is all about--

Being there for each other,
backing each other up.

-Yeah, I learned that.

-So which beach
would you like to represent?

-Well, if it's okay,

I'd like to work here
at baywatch.

-You got it.
-Thank you.

-Your apprenticeship
starts tomorrow.

-Don't be late.
-Hey, I'll be here early.

-Just be on time.

-Well hey, what about guido?

We forgot about guido.

Guido, lieutenant holden
and I agreed

That in light of all
the unauthorized things

You've been
doing around here--
-without our knowledge.

-You are charged with,
or shall I say, in charge of...

All the maintenance duties
on the beach.

That is, if you want
to be our official
maintenance engineer.


Oh, lieutenant mitch.

You mean the responsibility,
you think I have it?

Oh, and lieutenant holden.

-Oh, guido, a "thank you"
would be quite sufficient,


[Ending song playing]
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