03x07 - Point Doom

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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03x07 - Point Doom

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ The edge
of surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

-♪ I'll be ready
-♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ No

-♪ I'll be ready
-♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

-[Engine running]

Can I give you some help?

-What did you have in mind?

-Well, I am pretty good
with bikes.

-That's not an area
I need help with.

-All right!
See you back at the house!

-You and mitch
have been training
weeks for this race.

Now you're telling me
you're not into it?

-I'm telling you,
not mitch.

And I don't want you
to tell him either.

-I'm starting to like
the sound of this.

-Just tell him
that you saw me

Do the beach run
in 29 seconds,

The swim in under 5 minutes,

And with the paddle board,
my time was just
under 15 minutes.

-No. Those are better
than mitch's personal bests.

Oh, stephanie,
you are too cruel.

-Cruel? Garner!
I'm motivating him.

-Torturing him
is more like it.

-What are you guys
talking about? Mitch?


-Well, tell me.

Tell me!



-What is that
supposed to mean?

-Still 18 seconds
off her time.

-You're obviously
reading that thing wrong.

Well, then obviously
you stopped it too late.

Face it, mitch.
She's going to wipe you out.

-Let's go again.
-No way.

Give me a second.
I need a break.

-Stephanie did the run,
swim, and paddle in
under 15 minutes.

You don't have time
to take a break.
Let's go.




-You know, my darling,

A body such as yours

Is a temple to be worshiped.

This is not so much
a pleasure for me

As it is a religious

-Stretch my gastrocnemius,

-Well, certainly.
And where is it?

-You're massaging it.
-Oh, yes! Of course.

And it's so tight
and compact.


Get the hell
away from her!

-Tina, darling,
is that someone
I should know about?

-That's just mel.

-That's my boyfriend.

-Well, you two probably
want to be alone.
I'll call you.

-You can't hide
from me, you geek!

I'll find out where you live
and bust you in half!

-No. Mel.

-Guido, I thought
it was your day off.

-It is, but I love it
here so much.

Say, you know, c.j.,

You didn't happen to see
a very large gentleman

With a haircut
like a sliced avocado?

You know,
just sort of standing around,

Loitering around
here somewhere. Did you?

-No, but if I do,
I'll tell him where you--
-no, no, no!

That won't be necessary.
You see, I'm just curious.

Just like a survey
kind of a thing.

-Well, you knocked
6 seconds off your time.

But not good enough.

-I'll get there.

-What happened to you?

-I just met the most
phenomenal woman.

-What is she?
A mud wrestler?

-She's got to be
a motocross racer
or something.

-We were up
on point dume road.
-No, you weren't.

That road's been closed
because of accidents.

-It was, but lately
bikers have been
using it to race on.

-You're not racing
up there, are you?

-Matt, that road's
a deathtrap.

-We weren't racing.
I just wanted to meet her.

I'm telling you,
this girl was outrageous.

I've never seen anyone
handle a bike

The way she did.

I couldn't even
keep up with her.

-I hope you're
not saying that
come race day.

-Shut up.

Shut up.


-Can I ask you a question?

-Yeah, sure.

-Why are you training so hard

If you're not entering
into the competition.

-Oh, well, mitch and I
are working out tomorrow

And I got to convince him
I'm for real.

-What are you up to?


When I was a rookie,
mitch used to play
practical jokes

On all of us
and yell "gotcha!"

Then he'd go around boasting

How none of us
could ever get him.


I've waited a long time
for my gotcha.

-Which one of you is hudson?

-All right.

-Very cherry.

-You must be the guy
who names ice cream.

-No, I'm the guy
you're looking for.
Who are you?

-I'm the girl who's
going to own your bike.

-Clarify that.

-I want to race you
for pink slips.

Winner keeps
the loser's bike.

-Go home and play
with your dolls.

-I won this one
from frank cates.

Cates beat you,
I beat him.

I think we should
go against each other,
don't you?

-When and where?

-Tomorrow. 8:00 A.m.
Point dume road.

-You better arrange
for a ride home.

Hey, rudy.

Check out my new ride.

-Oh, yeah.

You mean the, uh, bike?


You like guys chasing you.
Is that your deal?

-Do I know you?

-You gave me
a mud bath this morning.

-Oh, it's you.

Roadside assistance.

You weren't hurt,
were you?

-No, but I will be
if you don't say yes.

-Yes can be
a very dangerous word.

-Yes, it can be.

But I'm a lifeguard.
I'll protect you.

I'm leaving town tomorrow.

-Then I guess
that doesn't leave us
too much time, does it?

-Much time for what?
-To go out.

To have fun.
To fall in love.

To have a tearful good-bye

When we have to break up.

-Why don't we just start
with the going out part?

-I'm off duty in 3 hours.

-I should be
hot enough by then.

-My name is--
-don't tell me.

I don't want to know.


-[Music playing]

♪ Don't wanna know your name

♪ Don't wanna play these games

♪ I'm not playing hard to get ♪

♪ I'm just different from the rest

♪ One look into your eyes

♪ You took me by surprise

♪ I know you feel the same way too ♪

♪ I'm just waiting for your cue ♪

♪ You think you've got me figured out

♪ I'm a straight sh**t-sh**ting
from the hip ♪

♪ I'm a straight sh**t-straight
talking from my lips ♪

♪ Don't want to waste my time
don't want to talk about the future ♪

♪ I don't know what you're used ta

♪ I'm a straight sh**t

♪ Don't like to waste my time

♪ Always say what's on my mind

♪ You think I'm coming in too hot

♪ I'll give you all I've got

♪ You think you've got me figured out ♪

♪ I'm a straight sh**t-sh**ting
from the hip ♪

♪ I'm a straight sh**t-straight talking
from my lips ♪

♪ Don't want to waste my time
don't want to talk about the future ♪

♪ I don't know what you're used ta

♪ I'm a straight sh**t

♪ I've laid it all on the table

♪ So honey tell me if you're able

♪ I've taken the shot
so show me what you've got ♪

♪ Let's cut the hustle in this game

♪ You and I are the same

♪ One look into your eyes

♪ You took me by surprise ♪

♪ I know you feel the same way too

♪ I'm just waiting for your cue ♪

♪I'm a straight sh**t-sh**t the hip ♪

♪ I'm a straight sh**t-straight
talking from my lips ♪

♪ Don't want to waste my time
don't want to talk about the future ♪

♪ I don't know what you're used ta

♪ I'm a straight sh**t

♪ Ohh, yeah yeah

♪ I'm a straight sh**t

-It's hypnotic.

-It reminds me of my dad--

Seeing the headlight
of his motorcycle

On the wet pavement
when he'd come home
late at night.

-Did he teach you
how to ride?


He said the only place
for a woman

On a motorcycle
is behind a man

With her arms
around his waist.

After he walked out on us,
first thing I did

Was fix one of his old bikes
and learn to ride.

-You know,
you look more like a model
than a biker.

-It's an advantage.

My opponents
underestimate me.

-This is crazy.

I know more about you
than I do most people,

But I still don't
know your name.

-It's sexier that way,
don't you think?

-Yeah, yeah.

-no way, man.

-Cool bike, though, man.
I'll tell you that.

-It's hitting about 165--
-[engine running]

-Here she comes.

-All right.

-Let's do it.

-I'm not going to go
full out today.

But don't hold back
because of me.

I'm not going to go
full out either.

I mean, this isn't a race.

-We're just working out.

-What are you doing?
-I'm just giving you
a little head start.

-You mean trying
to psych me out?
-Why would I do that?

This is not... A race.

-Then it doesn't matter
who wins, does it?
-Absolutely not.

-Then we'll start together.

-[Engines revving]

-All right.

First rider around
crusty rock

And back here
wins both pinks.

-Are you ready?
-Never been readier.

-Enjoy your last ride.
-I plan to.

-[engines revving]

-Let's go!



-I got her.


-Get on.
-Hey, you really must
have smoked her, man.

-She's nowhere to be seen.
-Everybody back to town, now!

-Hey, what about the pinks?
-This never happened.

-[Sirens blaring]

-I spotted you
and called it in.
What happened?

-She drove her motorcycle
off point dume road.

-Try and call an ambulance!

I got a pulse.

-The doctor said
she's in serious,
but stable condition.

-That's good.
That's good news.

-Her name is jessie.

I didn't know her name
until I saw it on her chart.

I feel so responsible, mitch.

Maybe if I was there,
none of this would
have happened.

-Matt, from what you tell me
about this girl jessie,

An accident like that
was bound to happen.

-She said she was racing
this guy named hudson

When her rear tire locked up.

She was beating him.

Mitch, she doesn't think
this was an accident.

All right, I'll tell you what.
I'll talk to garner,

We'll track down hudson.

Maybe we'll get
the real story.

Maybe isn't good enough.


Where you going, pal?

-To trade in my bike.

-No, no.

When we first saw
that motorcycle in the air,

I was at least a length
ahead of you.

I had to stop kicking

Because I didn't want
my feet to hit you
in the face.

-In your dreams,

-Who got to the girl first?
-I did!

-I was underwater
grabbing her

While you were still
searching for my air bubbles.

-Well, doesn't matter.

We'll find out who's faster
when we race for real.

-Just watch your face
near my feet.

-[Engines revving]

-You're the guy jessie
was talking to yesterday.

Don't know her.

-I never said
jessie was a her.

-Yeah, well, I'm psychic.

-Let's see
if I'm psychic, too.

Your name is hudson,
and yesterday you ran jessie
off point dume road.

-All right, let's say
for argument's sake

I was up there yesterday.

The only way I could
run her off the road

Is if I was ahead of her.

That wouldn't make sense,

To wreck the bike
I was about to win,

Now would it?

-How would you like
your chance to win this one?

-Nice bike.


Looks brand-new.

-Just traded
my old bike for it.

It's not even
registered yet.

You beat me,
and it's yours.

-Aw, come on, hudson.

Let's go.

-Or do you only like
to race girls?

-Come on, hudson.
-Shut up.

You want to race?

We'll race.

But after I win your bike,

I'm going to
run you over with it.

-Point dume,
8:00 tomorrow morning.

-[Music playing]

♪ I, I've got it goin' on

♪ I've got it goin' on

♪ I've got it goin' on

♪ To london, to tokyo

♪ To malibu I've got it goin' on

♪ Oh baby, oh baby, oh baby

♪ I've got it goin' on ♪

♪ I've got it goin' on

♪ Oh

♪ To london, to tokyo

♪ To malibu

♪ I've got it goin' on

♪ I've got it goin' on

♪ I've got it goin' on

♪ Oh

♪To london, to tokyo

♪ To malibu

♪ I've got it goin' on
I've got it goin' on ♪

♪ I've got it goin' on
I've got it goin' on ♪

♪ To london, to tokyo

♪ To malibu

♪ I've got it goin' on

♪ Oh baby, oh baby

♪ Oh baby

♪ I've got it goin' on

♪ I've got it goin' on

-But I was only
massaging her legs!


Thank goodness it's you.

-What are you doing here?
-Well, I can't go home,
so here I am.

-Why can't you go home?
-You remember that
big musclebound,

Avocado-head guy
I was telling you about?

Well, he wants to
take my face,

And like an ostrich,
put it into the sand.

Followed very closely
by all the rest of my body.

-Because he's threatened by
my prowess with women.

Then again, who isn't?

-Wait a minute. Yes!

You could help me escape him.

-Oh, please.

Please say you'll help me.

-Okay, okay. I'll help you.
Just get up.

-Oh, thank you very much.
You're too kind.
Thank you so much.

Whoops. I'm sorry.

Oh, thank you very much.
You're too kind.
Thank you so much.

-Thanks, guys.
-No problem.

-Well, look at this.

-Didn't matt tell you
her rear tire locked up?


Sure as hell
could do the trick,
couldn't it?

-Question is,
was it her chain
that slipped off.

-Or does this hudson guy
really hate to lose?

-We better go
find some answers.

Mitch, I'll tell you what.

Why don't I drive
and you run behind the truck?

-Garner, I'll tell you what.
Why don't you go
have a doughnut?

-She's fast, mitch.

15 Minutes.

-Get in the car.
-15 Min--

-Get in the car!
-The woman did 15 minutes,
mitch! 15!

-[Engines revving]

-When I drop the flag,
you'll race to crusty rock
and back here.

Winner gets both bikes.

-If both bikes make it back.

-You want to
run me off the road,
is that it?

-It wouldn't make sense
to wreck the bike

I was about to win,
now would it?

-All right, everybody,
stay exactly where you are.

-It's a setup!
I'll catch you later, man.

-[Engines revving]

-[Siren blaring]



-Down here!

Down here!

Help me!

-All right, come on.
We'll rappel down
and get him.

-I'm slipping!
-There's no way
I'm helping him.

-He tried to k*ll jessie.
-You see that sign?

Now either you are one,
or you're not.

You decide.


-He's slipping!

-Get on the radio.
Tell them we need
backup here fast.

-This fast enough?

-I can't hold on!

Help me!




I'm slipping!

I can't hold on!

Come on! Help me!


Come on. Hurry, man.


Help me!


Help! Help!

-Okay, man, we're here.

-Take it easy.

Grab his hand.
Grab him right there.

-All right, on three.
-One, two--

-Three. Okay.

Okay, garner!
Pull us up!

Take it easy.

-All right. Here we go.
-All right.

Hang on. Hang on.

All right.


All right.

-Get him to the truck.
Come on.


-What the hell
you doing, man?

-If one of your keys
fits this lock,

I'm going to arrest you
for attempted m*rder.

-I swear,
I'm not the guy
you're looking for.

-You have the right
to remain silent.

If you choose
to give up that right,

Anything you say
can and will
be used against you

In a court of law.

You have a right
to an attorney

And to have an attorney
present during questioning.

-You got a lot of nerve
showing your face here.

-Yeah, well, my friend,

I want to clear up
this misunderstanding.

You see,
I have no interest
in your lady friend,

Because, as you can see,
I am happily involved
with my fiance.

-That's right, teddy bear.

-And she can vouch
for my whereabouts

Every night
for the last sixth months.

Isn't that right, pumpkin?


-Yeah, well,
you just stay away
from tina from now on.

-Sure. You bet.
Okay. You got it.

No problem.
Certainly. Okay.

You got it. Okay.

See? It worked?

I am now safe.

Say, could you do that
for this ear?


You lied to me!

good for nothing!

When I get you,
I'm going to k*ll you!

-Keep your eyes closed.

Not yet. You promised
you would not look.

All right,
we're getting there.

Open your eyes.



This isn't what I expected

When you said
we'd have breakfast
someplace fancy.

-Well you tell me
a restaurant with
a better view.

-We even got seated
right away.

-Well, they know me
around here.



-It's going to take awhile
for them to fix your bike.

-I guess you won't be
leaving town right away.

-I don't think I'll be
riding it for awhile.

Besides, I want to go home.

Back to seattle.

-Don't leave.

-I have to.

I have to fix
some damage back home.

That doesn't mean
I won't be back
to get my bike.

-Just to get your bike?


-[Cheers and applause]



-All right,
stephanie holden.

Beach run--
28.3 seconds.

-[No audible dialogue]

4 minutes 49.5.


-Paddle board--
9 minutes 23.2 seconds.


-Total time--
14 minutes 41 seconds flat.

-I don't believe
those times.
-Man, don't worry.

-Will you stop saying that?

-Mitch, you're up.

-Mitch, all the men here
are counting on you.

Don't let us down.

-go, mitch!

-Are you sure
about those times?

-Would you like to take a look?

-Do you want to concede
and save yourself
the embarrassment?

-Not on your life.

Race isn't over
until the bald
lifeguard sings.

-[Music playing]

♪ Feel this emotion

♪ Run for your life

♪ Keep it in motion

♪ You're gonna make it

♪ Release your power

♪ Now the pressure's on

♪ Steal your finest hour

♪ You're gonna make it

♪ There's no easy way around

♪ To get this thing off the ground

♪ There's no easy way around

♪ It'll sure feel good to get this thing
off the ground ♪

♪ You're gonna make it

♪ You're gonna make it

♪ You're gonna make it


-Okay. Mitch buchannon.

Beach run--
31.6 seconds.


-Swim-- 5.03 point 2.

-Point 2? What?

-Paddle board--
-paddle board?

-10.05 point 9?

-05 Point 9?

-Total time--
15.40 point 7.

-Oh, my god.

-Don't lay there
looking so exhausted.

She beat you
by over a minute.

-I'm sorry, garner.

I thought I had
my personal best.
I mean, I worked so hard!

-Well, well, well, well.

Time to face
reality, buchannon.

-You're over the hill.
-I'm over the hill.

-And I have just
one more thing to say,

As does everyone here.



-[Music playing]
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