03x16 - Vacation: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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03x16 - Vacation: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

-[Theme music playing]

-♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to have somebody ♪

♪ On the edge
of surrenders inside ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

-♪ I'll be ready
-♪ I'll be ready

♪ Whenever you fear

♪ Oh, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ No! I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready
whenever you fear ♪

♪ Oh, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here


-Let's go right now.
I'm walking out of here.

-What about your chips?

-Will you cash me out?

-You were wonderful.
-Thank you.

-So were you, my lucky charm.
-And what do I get?

-What about this?

-What the hell happened?

-I got shot.

-It's a pretty bad wound.

-Hang on.
-What? [Gasping]

Ow! Ow!
-I know it hurts.
Just hold still.

-Please, take it easy.
-Okay. Okay.

Hang on, hang on.

-[Gasps] there you are, you
little devil. Come back here.

-Look out, man coming through.
Man in trouble, coming through.
Look out.

Coming through. Look out.
Man in trouble, coming through.

-Are you okay?

I'm just coming down
from the rush.

-Not too far down, I hope.

-Matthew, I didn't come here

For the reason you think.

-Then what was that kiss
all about?

I thought we meant something
to each other, cj.

Or are we still playing games?

-This isn't a game, matthew.

I mean, you might find this hard
to understand,

But you know,
I grew up in vegas.

My grandfather was a dealer
in a casino.

I mean, I've been playing
blackjack with him since as
far back as I can remember.

He taught me how to count cards,
read the dealer,

Play the percentages.

And by the time I was 15,
I knew every trick in the book.

By the time I was 19,
I was out of control.

I won and lost a small fortune

Before I realized I had
a gambling problem.

-I don't know what to say.

-It's just that it had
been five years

Since I set foot in a casino.

I really thought I'd gotten
that out of my system.

-Hey, who said you didn't?

You had a lucky streak,
and you walked away.

Just don't go back.

-It's a lot more complicated
than that.

I just don't trust myself

-Then trust me.
I won't let you out of my sight.

-Can you do me a favor, matthew?

-Will you just hold me?

-[Thunder crashing]

-Are you still mad at me?

-No, I'm not mad at you.

-Yes, you are.
-No, I'm not!

I was the one who wanted us
to spend the night together.

-Yeah, well,
this might be our last one,

So we might
as well enjoy it, you know?

-We can't be too far
from a shipping lane.

We just got to hang on.

Once it's light,
they'll spot us.

-Do you think you can last
all night?

-Are you kidding? Ha ha!

You'll starve before you drown.


-[Knock on door]

-Nobody knows
they went overboard.

It's business as usual
on all decks.

-For now. What happens when
they're reported missing?

The girl saw us.

-They'll never survive
in these waters.

-[Thunder crashing]



-Some vacation, huh?

-[Laughs] it doesn't get
much better than this!


-Hi. Couldn't stay away?

-Well, when you're hot,
you're hot.

-Give the lady her $20,000.

And a chip for good luck.
-Thank you.

-Blackjack. Picking up right
from where you left off.



-[Coughing, gasping]


-Mitch! Mitch!

-Stephanie. Stephanie!

-Mitch. Mitch!

-Hang on. Hang on!

-Hang on. Hang on.


-Hi, matthew.

-What are you doing out here?

-I saw a bird.



-It's a mirage, mitch.
-No, it's not.

It's a miracle.

-Oh, my god. We made it.

Oh, mitch, we're saved.

Oh, my god! Mitch.

-How much did you lose?


Hey, look at it this way,
at least you were playing
with their money.

-Yeah, until I got a $5,000
line of credit.

-You're down 5 grand?

-Listen, matthew,
it's not your problem.
I'll take care of it.

-How? What are you
going to do, cj?

What, are you going to
wash dishes for the rest
of the cruise?

-Well, what do you suggest I do?
-Let me bail you out.


-With my credit card.
It can hold that much.

-No, thank you.

-Look, if you were in the
next tower and I needed backup,

You'd be there, wouldn't you?
-It's not the same thing.

-Then how's it different?

-Don't move. Don't move.

Bet you're not thinking
about your ex-husband now.

-As a matter of fact, I am.

He's the sole beneficiary
of my life insurance policy.

I never got around
to changing my will.

-Well, we're not dead yet.

-Then why is my life
flashing before my eyes?


I love you.

I always have,
from the moment I met you.



Come on!

-Mitch, you did it!

He's going away.

-Come on,

Let's get out of here
before he tells his big brother.

Come on.

-Good morning.
-Both: morning. Morning.

-Is everything okay?

-Everything's fine.

-Have either of you seen mitch
or stephanie?

-Have you checked his room?

-They probably don't want
to be disturbed.

They're having a little
on-board romance.


-I want a shower.

-I've checked both their rooms,
the pool, the breakfast buffet
and the weight room.

Okay, I'm really getting
nervous now. Something's
going on.

-What are you talking about?

-Look, I think there's an
escaped convict on the ship.


-I don't know if it has anything
to do with stephanie and mitch,

But the guy in the room next
to me, he looks just like--

Have any of you seen mitch?

-No. Or stephanie.

-Why? What's wrong?
And what have you got there?

-Mitch's jacket. You know,
I found it over there
by the railing.

This is not an item that mitch
would casually toss aside.

I mean, feel this material.

-Do you guys think something
happened to them?

-I think we better find out.


Mitch! Are you all right?

-My arms feel like anchors.

-Where do you think we are?


-There's a string
of uninhabited islands

Off the coast of baja.

-How far off the coast?

-Three-hundred miles.

-Three-hundred miles?

-At this point,
that's all we know.

Yes, I will. Roger and out.

I've just alerted
the u.s. Coast guard.

-Everyone on board's been
accounted for except mitch,

Stephanie and another passenger
named carl franks.

-Sir, I think there's a pretty
fair chance they went overboard.

-Yes, but when and where?

The navigational charts.

-Captain, you're not thinking
of turning the ship around.

-These people rescued
my daughter.

I'll do everything in my power
to find them.

-Yes, sir.

-We're re-adjusting the course.

Take those binoculars and start
searching both port
and starboard.

We passed along the edge
of a major tropical storm.
They could be anywhere.

-[Knock on door]

-They're going back for them.

-You can feel it already.
The ship's turning around.

-We've got to get to cabo
by noon. That trawler
won't wait.

-Full speed ahead.
Steady as she goes.

Give me a reading
on the starboard compass.

-[Door opens]

stay right where you are.

Right where you are.

Now you,

Put this ship back
on course to cabo san lucas.

-And if I refuse?
-If you refuse?

If you refuse,
people will die,

Starting with her.

-We stopped.

-Maybe somebody spotted
mitch and stephanie.

-Yeah, well, keep looking.
I'll go see what's up.

-Amy, the ship has been
commandeered by t*rrorists.

They're threatening
to k*ll your friend.

-The bridge is secure.
-Okay, get these people tied up.

-Sit down.

-Man: motor vessel "southward,"
motor vessel southward.

This is coast guard rescue 6565
on channel 16.

Southward, can you update us
on your situation?

-If I don't respond--
-shut up.

Let me think for a second.

-I'll say the emergency has been
cancelled, and we're proceeding
to mexico as planned.

-No, you will tell them you have
an emergency evacuation.

-Motor vessel southward,
coast guard rescue 6565.

Do you read me on channel 16?
I'd like to speak
to your captain.

-Get on the horn.

It's the best way out.


m-mitch, I'm freezing.

-I know. I'll have a fire
started here in a second.

-My hands are like ice.


My body...

Temperature's dropping.

-Come on. Come on.


Come on. Come on.

Stephanie. Stephanie.

♪ Used run wild and free
with faith like a child ♪

♪ Always believed I was someone

♪ Face my fears and leave them behind

♪ Never compromise for no-one

♪ That's what it means to believe

♪ To trust in something you can't see

♪ Heavens not too far away

♪ I know that's what people say

♪ The day will come along ♪
♪ you're here and then you're gone

♪ Like a sh**ting star

♪ Heavens not too far away ♪

♪ I know that's what people say

♪ Sing your own song

♪ Dance until dawn

♪ Cause' heavens not too far

♪ Far away

♪ When I feel alone when
I'm drowning in my mind ♪

♪ I think back to when I was younger

♪ She gives me hope
and says make the most of time ♪

♪ The days don't get any longer

♪ That's what it means to believe

♪ To trust in something you can't see ♪

♪ Heavens not too far away

♪ I know that's what people say

♪ The day will come along ♪
♪ you're here and then you're gone

♪ Like a sh**ting star

♪ Heavens not too far away

♪ I know that's what people say

♪ Sing your own song, dance until dawn ♪

♪ Cause' heavens not too far

♪ Far away

♪ Heavens not too far away

♪ Heavens not too far away

♪ Heavens not too far away ♪

♪ Heavens not too far away


Hey, welcome back.

I was afraid I lost you there
for a while.

-I wasn't afraid.

-That's a good girl.
That's a good girl.

It'll be all right.
It'll be all right.

this is coast guard 6565.

If the injured passenger you
reported is ready, we can hoist
him from your bow

On the port or starboard side,
whichever is easiest for you.

Repeat, we are prepared to hoist
your injured passenger. Over.

Southward, do you read me?

-Tell them to come in portside.

-Get behind me.



-Now come on, just a little sip.
Come on. Come on.

Stephanie, you gotta take a sip
or you're gonna go into shock.
Now come on.

That a girl.
That a girl. Yeah, okay.

-Okay. Yeah. Yeah.

-Remember when we first met?
-Yeah, yeah.

I was coming out of the shower,

And you were on the wrong side
of the locker room.

That a girl.

-Did you ever think
we'd end up like this?

-Well, you know,
as a matter of fact,

When we first started dating,
I had this dream about you

And I being stranded
on a desert island,

All alone,
just the two of us.

-Was it anything like this?

-Um, not nearly as romantic.

Come on, now one more.
Come on.

That a girl. That's okay.

-Southward, we've reported
the attempted hijacking to
our district headquarters.

They're notifying the fbi
and dea.

If the lifeguard who wanted
to help us search for his
friends is ready,

We'll be glad
to hoist him aboard. Over.


Search fire's going real good.
Won't be long now.

Dry palm leaves.
Excellent for keeping
the old body warm.

-No, forget it! Forget it!

-Hey! No, no, I'm not
going to forget it!

Come on.
No, I won't forget it.

Come on. Come on, babe.
Come on. You're not
leaving me now.

You come into my life,
you make me fall in love
with you, you break my heart!

There's no way
you're leaving me now.

Just a little longer.
Hold on. Come on, hold on.

-Object in the water at 3:00.

-Breathing's fine.

Pulse is strong.

You're doing good here.

Nice and warm.

We're doing good.

We're in good shape.

We're doing real good.

Doing real good.

Hot rocks! Hot rocks!

Get your hot rocks here.

I got some hot rocks here.

Okay, okay.

One, two.

-Look, over on the beach.
There's smoke.

-It's them!
It's gotta be them.

-These will keep you nice
and warm. Nice--

-[Helicopter blades whirring]

-I'll be right back.

Hey! Hey!

Our flight is boarding.

Come on. All right.



We're going home.

We're going home.


How you doing?


-Doc says you're doing
all right.

-Aw, what does he know?

When I first woke up,
I thought it was a dream.

Then I remembered you holding me
by the fire,

Keeping me awake,
keeping me alive.

-It was touch-and-go there
for a while.

-The first thing I'm gonna
do when I get out of here

Is recommend you
for a medal of valor.

-No one would believe the story.

-I don't care.
I'm writing it all down.

If nothing else,
I'll sell it to a magazine.

-We could call it
"vacation from hell."

-You'll have to help me
with the blank spots.

I was delirious half the time.

-Yeah, I know.

There was a couple of moments
I was pretty delirious myself.

-There's one thing
I do remember.


-I never said "thank you."

Thank you, mitch.

-You really think we could sell
the story to a magazine?

-Oh, mitch, stop. Ow!
Doctor, help me from this guy.

Ow. Stop.


Why are you avoiding me?

-I'm not avoiding you.
-Yes, you are.

It's the loan, isn't it?

You feel uncomfortable
because you owe me money.

Look, cj, I don't want this
to put a strain on
our relationship.

You can pay me back
whenever you want.

Just don't skip town, okay?

-That's very sweet of you,

But you know what? I think
I'm gonna settle up right now.

-Where did you get
all that cash?

-I found the chip that
the pit boss gave me.

I went back into the casino
and I won it all back.

-You're unreal.

-$5,000, Payment in full.

-And what are you gonna do
with the rest of that?

What are you gonna go on,
a shopping spree?

-Well, I think that's what
I would have done before,

But I think that the only way
I'm gonna get rid of this
gambling problem is

To give the money away.
-Give the money away? To who?

-Heal the bay.
-Heal the bay?

-Yeah. You know, I thought of
what was most important to me,

And what I wanted,

And this is it.

The water, the beach,
my friends.

I just want to make sure
they're always gonna be there.

You think I'm doing
the right thing?

-Yeah, I do.

I think you're doing
the right thing.

-So, old great gigolo, how much
did you get mrs. Kenilworth

To invest in windows by guido?

-Please, can we talk about
something else?
-Oh, what happened?

Things didn't work out?
-Well, as it turns out,

She wasn't interested
in my business. Only my body.

couldn't resist your charms.

there you go.

No specks, no streaks,
no smudges.

The perfect window.


-Oh, no!

Mitch, call the police!
Mrs. Kenilworth, glad
to see you again.

-There you are, you little
devil. Come back here.


-[Theme music playing]
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