05x15 - The Best of All in the Family (special)

Episode transcripts for the TV show "All in the Family". Aired: January 12, 1971 - April 8, 1979.*
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Follows Archie & Edith a working class family living NY as they deal with everyday issues.
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05x15 - The Best of All in the Family (special)

Post by bunniefuu »

Good evening, I'm henry fonda.

[Audience applauding]

Tonight, we're going to take a
look at the best of all in the family.

One of the most
acclaimed and, also,

One of the most controversial
shows ever seen on television.

Starting with the
character of archie bunker,

Right down to the kind of
themes the show has dealt with.

Menopause, h*m*, r*pe,

Mental retardation, cancer.

Sounds like a real
fun show, doesn't it?

[Audience laughing]

And yet, we all know it is.

Now I'm not going to comment on

The contribution all in the family
has made to the american scene.

We all know there
have been pros and cons.

Except to say that
I wouldn't be here

If I weren't one
of its biggest fans.

[Audience applauding]

(Fonda) we're in studio 41

At c.b.s. Television
city in hollywood.

You're watching norman lear,
the creator of all in the family

Talking to the studio
audience about tonight's show.

[Audience laughing]

Anyway, as I mentioned earlier

Tonight, because
this is the 100th airing

Of all in the family,

We will be presenting one hour

Of what we hope
you all will feel

Is the best of
all in the family.

And, ladies and gentlemen, I'd like you
now to meet the cast of all in the family,

4 Magnificent players,

Uh, the primary
players in our company,

Who have provided,
uh, more laughter

And, uh, therefore, in our opinions,
have added more to our lives.

I'm talking about the people,

The writers, producers,
actors and technicians,

Who work with them

Uh, and have laughed
with them for these 5 years.

We all feel they've added time to
our lives through that laughter.

First, let me bring out the
very wonderful young woman,

The youngest member
of our bunker household,

Miss sally struthers!

[Audience applauding]

Ladies and gentlemen,
the wonderful actor,

Rob reiner!

[Audience applauding]

Our beloved edith bunker,

Jean stapleton. Hi!

[Audience applauding]

Ladies and gentlemen,
carroll o'connor.

[Audience applauding]

We can't, for technical
reasons, for the studio audience...

For the studio audience, we
cannot, for technical reasons,

Show you the
opening, uh, titles.

But we did not want
you to come this distance,

You lovely people of
our studio audience,

And miss the dulcet
tones of edith and archie

As they sing the opening number.

So, for all of you, we have...

They have so
graciously decided to

Do it for you live and now.

♪ Boy, the way
glenn miller played ♪

♪ Songs that made
the hit parade ♪

♪ Guys like us, we had it made ♪

♪ Those were the days ♪

♪ And you knew
where you were then ♪

♪ Girls were girls
and men were men ♪

♪ Mister, we could use a man ♪

♪ Like herbert hoover again ♪

♪ Didn't need no
welfare states ♪

♪ Everybody pulled his weight ♪

♪ Gee, our old
lasalle ran great ♪

♪ Those were ♪

♪ The days ♪

[Audience applauding]

I suspect there's a little
bit of archie in all of us.

That's why we can
relate to him so easily

And to his fears
about the things

He doesn't understand.

Some call it his bigotry.

I call it his bigotry.

[Audience laughing]

This is terrible!

What's the matter with this? I call
this representative government.

It's salvatore,
feldman, o'reilly, nelson.

It's an italian, a jew, an irishman
and a regular american there.

What I call a balanced ticket.

Why do you always have to
label people by nationality?

'Cause how else
are you gonna get

The right man for the right job?

For instance, take
feldman there.

He's up for treasurer.

Well, that's perfect.

All them people know
how to handle money.

Know what I mean?

No, I don't.

Well, then you got
salvatore running for d.a.

He could keep an eye on feldman.

You know, I wanna tell you
something about the italians.

When you do get an honest one,

You really got something there.

Aw, come on, arch!

Well, and here you
got o'reilly, the mick.

He can see that the graft is
equally spread around, you know?

You got nelson,
the american guy.

He's good for t.v. Appearances.

Make the rest of them
look respectable, you know.

This is a bag to carry things
in, what's wrong with that?

If you don't know, buddy,
I'll spell it out for you:

F-a-g, fruit!

There you go again.

Just because something looks
a little bit different to you,

You have to put a
label on it, right?

[Chuckling] well, if the
purse fits, wear it.

(Mike) ah.

I'm telling you that whites
should only dance with whites!

You don't believe
me? Look at the movies!

Fred astaire and ginger rogers,

Gene kelly and rita hayworth.

Shirley temple
and bill robinson.

That was before
shirley was old enough

To know she was
doing something wrong.

I guess that's when

She started dancing
with george murphy.

(Archie) all right!

All I'm saying is

If god had intended white people
to dance with colored people...

He'd have given us rhythm, too.

He's talking about sex.

Shush in front of edith!

Arch, that's a myth!

Ret*rded people have no more
of a sex drive than anybody else.

Oh, yeah? Than why are you
on a*t*matic all the time?

They're putting me
on regular next week

But they're paying me less than they
paid the man who used to run the forklift.

Oh, well, come on, irene.

After all, it's a
well-known fact,

Men are worth more than women.

Archie, have you
been reading playboy?

No, irene, the bible.

The bible?

And in the bible, it says, god
made man in his own image.

He made women after. From a rib.

Cheaper cut.

He ain't jewish!

Well, how do you know?

Because his name's john.

And hebes don't
name their kids john.

Maybe he changed his name.

No, edith, edith, they never do.

They only change the last name.

That way they know each
other, you see what I mean?

2 Guys are going
down the street, right?

One says, "how are
you, my name is smith.

Maury smith." You
see how it works?

Like you got saul nelson.

Izzy watson.

Abe lincoln.

I didn't know
lincoln was jewish!

How do you do? My
name is george robinson

And I represent the
gay liberation front.

How do you do?

This must be mrs. Robinson.

No, I'm cynthia nash of
the daughters of sappho.

We wanted to talk to you about
our candidate in today's election.

Hold it, hold it, edith, there.

Uh, let me handle this, huh?

Edith, don't you
know what they, uh...

She's a daughter of sappho

And he's a gay liberator.

Step aside, will you, huh?

Just let me do the talking here.

Excuse me, get lost.

The chinese.

I mean, do they say, "god bless
you" or "buddha bless you"?

You really wanna know?

The chinks just sneeze and say
nothing. They can't speak english.


Why couldn't they say,
"buddha bless you" in chinese?

Because they don't
say that, that's why.

They say, uh...

Well, if they say anything
at all, it's sayonara.

That's japanese!

Same thing.

It's not the same thing!

What are you talking about?

You put a jap and
a chink together,

You're gonna tell
me which is which?

That's right. Because
I'd find out about them.

I'd talk to them as individuals!

Sure, you'd talk to them.

You'd say, "which one
of you guys is the chink?"

[Mike yelling] I don't believe
it, he's making me crazy!

Do you mean to imply...

I mean that I ain't
making no donations

To no catholic charities.

Now the only way I can answer that,
mr. Bunker, is to quote from the scripture.

"Go from the presence
of the foolish man

When thou perceivest not
in him the lips of knowledge."

What does that mean?

It means don't waste your
time arguing with an idiot.

Archie bunker's not one
of your best listeners,

Which is unfortunate for him

Because edith is one of
nature's born storytellers.

Wait a minute. Nobody
eat nothing around here,

Till I find out what went
wrong at the supermarket.

Now come on, give it.

Well, I knew you
like cling peaches...

I heard that before.

In heavy syrup.

Yeah, I heard that, too.

I know.

Why don't you tell me how
much I've told you so far,

Then I'll know where to begin.

You ain't told me nothing
so far, except cling peaches,

Which is coming out of my ears.

Now don't say them 2
words no more, huh?

Start your story
after the cling peaches

And get on with it.

Well, archie, I had an
accident with a car.

Ma, are you all right?

Did you get hit?

I didn't get hit, I hit the car.

Ma, you don't drive.

Yeah, and even if you
do, we don't have a car.


How did you hit a car?

Well, that's where the [humming]

Come in.


You told me never
to say those 2 words.

Edith, what are you
trying to tell me?

That you hit a car with
a can of cling peaches?

That's right! You see,

I was coming out of the
market with my shopping basket,

Full of [humming]

A-and there was mrs.
Duncan with her new baby.

I took a peek in the carriage

But I couldn't see
the baby too well.

He was all squinched
up with his...

Will you get on with the story?

Anyway, I knew I had to say
something nice about the baby,

So I went, "oh! Isn't
that a beautiful baby!"

And when I went "oh!"

The shopping basket got away
from me, rolled down the hill

And smashed into this parked
car and scratched the fender.

And then, this can of [humming]

In heavy syrup,

Jumped out and made
a big dent in the hood.

It was a freak accident.


One thing you can
say about archie,

When he's confronted
with a logical argument,

He's never stuck for an answer.

[Blowing a raspberry]

[Blowing a raspberry]

[Blowing a raspberry]

[Blowing a raspberry]

[Blowing a raspberry]

[Blowing a raspberry]

Louise, we're going!

[Blowing a raspberry]

There's the door!

[Blowing a raspberry]

[Both blowing raspberries]

Nothing ever changes
in this crummy house.

I think gloria was wrong there.

In fact, one of the biggest
changes over the years

In the bunker household.

Has been in gloria herself.


Calm down, you're all right...

[Crying loudly]

Let me tell you something
about my mother and me.

You do not own us.

We are free and
equal human beings,

Who represent half the
population of this earth,

The female population.

And we're tired of
being exploited by men.

Tired of you holding us
down and keeping us back.

And if you continue
to exploit us,

We're gonna rise up against you
someday like our black sisters

And our chicana sisters

And all the other
oppressed sisters,

And I don't know what
I'm saying anymore,

But you men, you
better believe it!


Here, you better
read this article.

It's written by a very
important doctor,

And he knows
everything about it.

He don't know your father.

When archie hears about this,
he ain't gonna love me no more.

Oh, ma, of course he will.

I'm sorry. Imagine, you

Having to tell me what's wrong.

When I was a young girl, I didn't know
what every young girl should know.

Now I'm gonna be an old lady

And I don't know what
every old lady should know.


I... I think it's time
that you and me

Had a woman-to-woman
talk about...

About... The wedding night?

Yeah, about that.

Ok, ma.

You don't have to
be embarrassed, ma.

Oh, thank you, gloria.

I know you just want
me to be very happy.

I do.

A-a-and tonight,
m-michael and i,

We'll be nervous.


'Cause we're both really
strangers to one another.

That's right.

And the important
thing to remember

Is that we love and
respect each other.

And above all,

That we treat each other with
patience and tenderness tonight.


Thanks, ma.

I'm glad we had
this little talk,

Oh, ma.

I didn't say we
couldn't have a family.

We can always adopt.

Hey, that way we'd be giving our
love to a kid that's already been born.

Well, maybe later.

But first it's important
to me, as a woman,

To... To try to
have one of my own.

Why? Why?

Why is that the most important
thing in life, t-t-to give birth?

Well, what are
you, a baby machine?

Some baby machine,

I can't even turn out one copy.


Michael, don't you touch
me unless you mean business.

It's one of television's
longest running battles.

Archie and doors
are born enemies.

[All screaming]

(Archie) out the back
door. Out the back door.


I gotta call ferguson's.

Will you let me
get in that door!

Will you let me
get out the door!

Wait a minute.

Let me go through
the door first, please.


Archie bunker's not
exactly one of your

Dedicated churchgoers.

Hold it, hold it, I got
something to say about this here.

I ain't going through with
none of these ceremonies

Or all that mumbo-jumbo.

Some catholic priest
sprinkling incest over everybody.

Yet no one is more vocal

In expressing his love
for god and country.

But I think archie's
interpretation of the constitution

Would baffle its authors.

And where he gets
his version of the bible,

God only knows.

Read the story of
adam and eve there.

You know, adam and eve, they
had it pretty soft out in paradise.

They had no problems. They
didn't even know they was naked.

But eve, she wasn't
satisfied with that, see.

And then one day,
against direct orders,

She made poor
adam eat that apple.

God got sore, he told
them, "get your clothes on

And get the hell out of here."

We ain't got a black
president, jefferson,

'Cause god ain't
ready for that yet.

W-wait a second.

That's right, god's gotta try it
out first by making a black pope,

Which he ain't done yet.

I don't understand.

It's very simple, mrs. Bunker.

I'm an agnostic.


You mean you want a rabbi?

It's worse than that, edith!

I think it means
he can't have kids!

I don't wanna hear nothing
more about women's problems.

You don't hear men complaining
about their problems, do you?

That's 'cause men don't have
any problems compared to women.

And that's god's
will, so forget it.

You mean god's mistake.

Hey, hey.

Hey, god don't make no mistakes.

That's how he got to be god.

[Shouting] here I am,
lord, down the cellar.

(Man) I know you're in the
cellar. Where's the cellar door?

[Slurring] there's something wrong
with the new lock on it, lord.

Hang on there, mr. Bunker.
I'm coming for you.

Okay, I found the door,
hold on, mr. Bunker.

[Slurring] all right,
I'm waiting for you.

Mr. Bunker?

Here I am.

Mr. Bunker.

Yes, yes, yes!

Forgive me, lord.

The jeffersons was right!

Many articles,
letters, even sermons

Have been written
about the character

Of edith bunker.

Edward mcnulty said of
her in the christian century:

"Edith might think that
plato was a walt disney dog,

"That aristotle is a
greek shipping magnate,

"And that marx is
a great comedian.

"But she possesses something
better than factual knowledge.

A knowledge of the heart.
An insight into the soul."

Oh, I'll never
forget the first time

I made pot roast
for your father.

Only he wasn't your father then.

We was just keeping company.

I invited him to my
house for dinner

And I made him pot roast.

And that was the first time

He ever called me dingbat.

Well, that's awful, even if
he didn't like your cooking.

Oh, no, he loved it.

Then, why'd he call you dingbat?

Well, in them days,
archie was too shy

To call me
sweetheart, or darling.

So, instead, he called
me his little dingbat.

And you know what?

Ever since then, no matter
how mad he says "dingbat,"

I always hear a little
"sweetheart" in it.


For the life of me,

I'll never understand women.

The way they marry some guy

Who always gonna make
a damn fool of himself.

But still, they love him.

That's right, archie.


I'm all right, ma.

Out there I told you
why you yell at archie.

Don't you wanna hear
why archie yells at you?

Ma, I know why he
yells at me. He hates me.

Oh, no, mike.

Archie yells at you
'cause he's jealous of you.

Oh, ma, I don't
wanna listen to this!

Oh, now, wait a minute,
you will listen to me.

Archie is jealous of you.

Oh, come on, ma.

Now that ain't hard
to understand, mike.

You're going to college

And you got your
whole life ahead of you.

Archie had to quit school
to support his family.

He ain't never gonna
be nothing more

Than he is right now.

But you, you got a
chance to be anything

You wanna be.

That's why archie's
jealous of you.

He sees in you all the
things that he could never be.

So, the next time
archie yells at you

Try to be a little
more understanding.

Now, you think that over,

And when you're ready,
come back in here with us

And be with our friends.

I wanna tell you something.

Oh, what?

I understand.

[Gloria yelling]

(Edith) stop it!

I'm saying, take my pants!

I don't want 'em! Take my pants!

Stop it!

You two sit over there.

(Edith) go on!

Sit down. Listen to your mother.

And you listen, too.

Well, all right.

Well, hurry up,
will you? I'm tired.


When I was a little girl

My mother and father
got into a terrible fight

That started just because
there wasn't enough

Maple syrup for my
father's pancakes.

Ma, what we're
arguing about here

Is a little bit more
important than maple syrup.

Just a minute, I ain't finished.

They didn't talk to each
other for 3 whole weeks.

And even after they made up

Things was never the
same between them.

So before you two start
saying things to each other

That you'll never take back,

Stop, and think

How much you really
mean to each other.

Now, I know maple
syrup is just a little thing

But would you rather break up

Over something bigger?

Gloria. Michael.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

You wanna go upstairs?



I'm sorry I called
you a nothing.

You're really something.

Oh, thanks, gloria.

Happy birthday!


Thank you, ma.

Good night.

Archie, did you hear that?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Do you think I'm somethin'?

You, edith, are something else.


Watching edith, you might
get the impression that

She's always cheerful
and easygoing,

The kind of lady who would
never fight about anything.

Not true.

If the issue is
important enough,

Edith will stand up to anybody,

Including archie.

I'm just trying to show
you something stifle!

Oh, no, archie. You
can take your loss,

But I ain't gonna take mine.

You can go to a
basketball game any day,

But your 25th anniversary
comes once in a lifetime.

We're going to atlantic city.

We're on our honeymoon.

Oh, now listen.
Now listen. Hey, hey!

Take it easy with
that stuff, huh?

Come on, will you?

A honeymoon is for kids, edith.

It's not for older
people like you.

Archie, for your information,

I'm at the prime of my life

And at the height of my
sexual attractiveness.

Yeah, I'll tell him.

$10 On glowworm in the 5th.



Edith, let me tell you
something about beer.

You can never buy beer.
You can only rent it.

Ah, look at you, edith.

You ain't got no sense of
humor about certain things.

Did I hear the
phone go off? Yeah.

Well, who was it for?

It was for you!

For me. Well, who was it, huh?

It was glowworm in the 5th!

Mike stivic's life
with the bunkers

Isn't all peaches and gloria.

Not with archie around.

Archie's a creature of habit,

And his son-in-law is one
habit he'd like to break.

I was worried about her.

Last night she
wouldn't talk to me.

It was like there was a
pane of glass between us.

Do you know that if we
don't catch that fishing boat,

There ain't going to
be no deep-sea fishing.

We'll have to stay on the dock with
the old people there. Hold it! Hold it!

Hold it! What are
you doing here?


What about the other foot?

There ain't no sock on it.

I'll get to it.

Don't you know
that the whole world

Puts on a sock and a sock

And a shoe and a shoe?

I like to take care
of one foot at a time.

That's the dumbest thing
I ever heard in my life!

It's just as quick my way.

Wait a minute.
That ain't the point.

You see what i... Don't...
Don't keep doing it!

Listen to me!

Suppose there's
a fire in the house

And you got to
run for your life.

Your way, all you got
on is one shoe and a sock.

My way, you got on
a sock and a sock.

You see, you're even.

Suppose it's raining
or snowing outside.

Your way, with a
sock on each foot,

My feet would get wet.

My way, with a sock
and a shoe on one foot,

I can hop around and stay dry.

You know something?

I swear I think you do
these things sometimes

Just to eat my heart out.

And that's what
you do, you know?

Little by little,
piece by piece,

You eat my heart out!

I don't care.

Let me tell you
something, mr. Bunker.

No. Let me tell you
something, mr. Stivic.

You are a meathead.

What did you call me?

A meathead.

Dead from the neck up.

Meat. Head.

Oh, yeah?

Now I see what your
idea of a free country is.

You're free to say
anything you want,

But... But if anyone
disagrees with you,

They're either thrown into
jail or called a meathead. Right?

That's right, 'cause this is
america: "the land that I love."

Well, I love it too, mr. Bunker.

And it's because I
do that I protest

When I think things are wrong.

Then, "stand beside
her, "and guide her,

The right to dissent is the principle
upon which this country was based.

"Through the night
with a light from above

Listen to me. It's in
the bill of rights.

"From the mountains,

Why do you think we broke
away from england to begin with?

"To the prairies,

Because we didn't agree
with them! "To the oceans"

We demanded freedom!
"White with foam,

It's guys like you, who don't
listen to reason! "God bless

I mean, you're not
listening to anything.

You're totally closed-minded.
America," you dumb pollack.

You're prejudiced!
You're prejudiced!

You're prejudiced!
"My home sweet home."

(Edith) archie! He's our guest!
Not any more. I'm leaving!

♪ God bless america ♪
you're prejudiced!

Archie! Get away from me.

♪ My home ♪

♪ Sweet ♪

♪ Home ♪

♪ [Trumpet playing]

Ever thought about
all of the words

All in the family's brought
into general usage?

Meathead, stifle, dingbat.

And if someone says, "he's
an archie bunker type."

We know exactly what he means.

I know people.

The reason you don't
know nothing about people

Is you always got
your big mouth open.

You're never willing
to listen to nobody.

How do you do, sir?

May I have a moment
of your time? No.

Tell you what I'm gonna
do. I'm gonna time you.

I'm gonna give you
exactly 5 minutes

To get supper on the table.

(Archie) hold it!
Hold it! Hold it!

Get ready. Get set.


Oh, daddy. Why do you
make ma run like that?

What are you talking
about? She loves it.

See that?

What'd I tell you? She loves it.

She's pretty fast, too.

If you're gonna
have a change of life,

You gotta do it right now.

I'm gonna give you
just 30 seconds!

Now come on! Change!

I ain't faking it!

This is a real pain here.

[Grunting] can't you hear that?

Maybe the pain is up...

Oh, you thinking
of psychosomatic?

Yeah. It's all up here.

Ah, cut it out! I ain't
got nothing up here.

It's all down here.

Archie has an explanation
and a solution for everything.

his brand of logic

Makes a figure 8 look
like a straight line.


Did you know that 65% of the
people m*rder*d in the last 10 years

Were k*lled by handguns?

Would it make you feel
any better, little girl,

If they was pushed
out of windows?

Wow. That's convoluted logic.

Yes! And that's the
kind of straight-thinking

I'm trying to put across here.

I hate that jerk on t.v.

(Mike) oh, I get it. I get it.

When you thought he was talking
about v.d. In a permissive society,

He was smart, huh?

You find out he's talking
about g*n control, he's a jerk?

That's right, and I'm
going to prove it to you.

How many people in this u.s.
Of a. Would like to have g*ns?

Too many. Thousands.

But. How many people
would like to have v.d.?

Now I wanna talk about another
thing that's on everybody's mind today.

And that's your stickups
and your skyjackings.

Which, uh, if that was up to me,

I could end the
skyjackings tomorrow.

You could?

All you got to do

Is arm all your passengers.

He'd know, if the
passengers were armed,

That he ain't got no
more superiorority there.

He ain't gonna dare
to pull out no rod.

And then your airlines,

Then they wouldn't have to search
the passengers on the ground no more.

They just pass out the pistols
at the beginning of the trip

And they pick them
up again at the end.

Case closed.

The only mistake
the white house made

Was just hiring a
couple of screw-ups.

A couple of screw-ups?

That's right.

They should have hired japs
instead of all them krauts!



Of course! The japs are
better than the krauts

At electronics.

And if the japs get caught,
they do the right thing:

They k*ll themselves.

His pal roger is as q*eer
as a $4 bill, and he knows it.

That's not only cruel,
daddy, that's an outright lie.

You know something, archie?

Just because a guy is sensitive,

A-a-and he's an intellectual,
and he wears glasses,

You make him out a q*eer.

I never said a guy who
wears glasses is a q*eer.

A guy who wears
glasses is a four-eyes.

A guy who's a f*g is a q*eer.

What are you and henry jefferson

Gonna do when you get caught?

What do you mean,
when we get caught?

We ain't doing nothing crooked.

[Mike laughing] oh, no?

While the estradas
are thinking it over,

You and henry are trying
to find somebody else

To buy the house.

You don't call that crooked?

No! That's looking
out for number one.

Where does that
place henry jefferson?

He's number 2.

Why is he number 2?

Because, meathead, there can only
be one number 1 and one number 2.

And life made jefferson number
2 long before I come along.

So I suppose that the puerto
ricans are number 3, then, hmm?

No, no. Not necessarily
there, little girl.

Your puerto ricans could be 4.

Your japs and your
chinks could be 3.

3A, 3b.

Crazy! He makes me crazy!

Are you going to use those
crib notes on your exam?

Certainly I'm gonna use them.

I'm gonna have them
right here in this pocket,

In case I need them.

Daddy, that's cheating!

What do you mean, cheating?

That ain't... Cheating is when
you're supposed to give something

To somebody else
and you don't give it.

That's cheating.

Now me, I'm taking a test.

I'm supposed to give
them the right answers.

That's what I'm going to
give them. I ain't cheating.

You're not being
honest with yourself!

I certainly am, little girl.

I sat down, I asked
myself a question:

I said, "could you
pass this history exam

Without them little
pieces of paper?"

And I gave myself
an honest answer:

"No, you couldn't."


Picture puzzle.

Guess which well-known couple

Have just had a fight?

[Door closing]


Excuse me.

Oh, michael, come
here. My feet are cold.

Wait, wait, just... Gloria.
Just a second. Just a second.

Do it for me, huh? Just for me.

Put the wig on, huh?

I-i-it makes you
look so different.


It makes me look so different.

Michael, I may be slow,

But it's finally
getting through to me.

I only appeal to you

When I have this dumb wig on.

Gloria, that's not
true! Michael, it's not me,

It's this pile of
hair from kressler's

That's getting to you.

I just happen to be
standing underneath it.

That's not true. I love you
with or without the wig.

It's just that right now
I'd like you with the wig.

Sure you would.

Because that way, you can
mess around with a different girl

Without cheating on your wife.

What a sickie!

You're... You're calling
me a sickie, gloria?

You're the sick one.

You're jealous of your own wig!

I mean, take the animal kingdom,

The male is always in charge.

Oh, yeah? Did you
ever hear of a king bee?


It's the female
who runs the hive.

Gloria, look. All
I'm trying to say,

All I'm trying to say,

Is that a man's sex
drives are different.

Oh, don't tell me about
your drives, michael.

Mine are just as
strong as yours.

And if it gives me
pleasure, once in a while,

To be the pursuer,

The least you can do is deliver.

All right, gloria. Get off the
couch and come back upstairs.

Let's go. Leave me alone.

Gloria, I am in no mood
for games. I'm your husband.

I'm telling you, get off the
couch and come back upstairs.

Get lost.

All right. All right.

I can see you're
acting like a child.

I'm acting like a child, am i? That's
right, you're acting like a child,

And I'm going to have to
treat you like one. Michael!

Come on. You're coming
back upstairs. Let's go!

Oh, archie! Look, it's
all right. They made up.

When we were looking
through the past 99 shows,

We found ourselves wondering,

What was the scene which
got the longest laugh

In all in the family?

♪ [Here comes the bride playing]

[Playing off-key]

Gloria! Where are you?

(Gloria) hold it, ma!

I'm waiting for daddy.

[Toilet flushing]

If I promise never
to do it again,

Will you let me go?

Okay, mr. Ward.

But it's the last time.

Now beat it.

Thank you, sergeant.

Thank you.

Hey, hey! Get out of
here. What are you, crazy?

Don't do that here!

Book him.

Yeah, good old bubbles.

[Cork pops] ahh.

(Edith) oh, archie!

Shut up, edith.

This is the appreciation you get

For making the big decision
to bring a kid into this world.

Oh, big decision.
Come off it, arch.

The only reason a
lot of people have kids

Is because they forget to
make a trip to the drugstore.


Well, don't just
take our word for it,

Why don't you clock
this one for yourselves?

Mr. Davis. This is an
unexpected pleasure.

My pleasure. Thank
you very much.

Can I get a picture? No, no,
come on, munson, no pictures.

Oh, no. This one is for me.

Mr. Munson, would
you stand over there?

I want one picture
taken with archie bunker,

My friend, and me.

You and me? Yes. Now on 3, okay?

1, 2, 3!

[Camera clicking]

Goodbye, mr. Munson.
Peace and love.

We've talked about
archie and bigotry.

We've talked about
mike and his problems.

We've talked about
the growth of gloria.

The independence and strength

That lies underneath
the sweetness and love

Of edith.

But I often think that the
things one remembers most

In all of television
are moments.

Very special moments.

Hey, put 'em up.

See if you remember anything I
taught you with the dukes, huh?

Come on, put 'em up.
Get 'em up. No, daddy.

Daddy, cut that out!
Come on. Hey, hey!

Look out for that one!
Daddy, don't! Stop it!

Daddy, I'm too old for this now.

I'm not your little
girl anymore.

Don't you never tell me that.



[Sighing loudly]

Hey, edith.

Not now, archie.

I ain't in the mood.

For what?

Edith, uh,

About this little spat we've
been having around here all week...

Yeah, archie?

Well, you know all them
names I was calling you, like

"Saint" and "edith the good."

And saying you
wasn't human and all,

I... I just wanted
to say that, uh,

You know,

You're sorry.


I'm glad you said it, archie.


Gloria lost the baby.

What are you talking about?
What do you mean by that?

But the doctor says
she's gonna be fine.

She lost the baby?

(Edith) yes, archie.

She lost the baby?

Ah, gee.

[Knocking on door]

Come in.

Hi, daddy.

Hiya, sweetheart.

How you feeling? Hey, you
look pretty good, there.

I didn't do a very
good job, did i?

Ah, who said that?
Some dopey doctor...

Oh, no, no, daddy. Stop that.

Ah, gee whiz.


You wanna say something?

Well, no, no, not tonight.

No, not tonight.

You love me.

I love you, too, daddy.

There are very few shows
that can blend a smile and a tear.

Sometimes when I'm
watching all in the family,

It's hard to tell which is the larger:
the laugh or the lump in the throat.

Here I am.

Hey, edith.

You know, you look kind
of pretty standing there.

Gee, that's funny.

You look just like
you did 25 years ago.

Thank you, archie.

Come on. Come on, let's k*ll
this bottle of champagne, huh?

Ha! Wait.

I'm gonna make a toast.

Thank you for a
wonderful 25 years.

Well, edith, thank you, too.

After all, I couldn't
have did it without you.

Well, edith.

"Well" what?

Well, this.

Well, that's some of the
best of all in the family.

I hope you enjoyed
it. I know I did.

What can you say about the wonderful
cast we've just been laughing at?

They're talented,
hardworking, and hungry.

Good night.

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