04x01 - Race Against Time: Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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04x01 - Race Against Time: Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

-["I'm always here" playing]

♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge
of surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ Oh, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here.

-Hobie buchannon: what time
does mom's plane land?

-I guess some time tonight.

-Can we all have
dinner together?

-I sure hope so, pal.
-Me, too.

I wonder what
her big surprise is.

-Wish I knew.

If you'd rather go jogging
than surf skiing, no problemo.

-No, that's okay.
I wanna surf ski with you, dad.

-You know her?
-Her name is bridget bowers.

She's having
a party this weekend,
but I didn't get invited.

-She's heading back this way
if you wanna talk to her.

-No, come on.
Let's get out of here.

Let's get going.
-No, no, no, what's your hurry?

Come on. No, it's okay.

Excuse me.

Uh, your name bridget?

You know my son hobie.

-Buchannon. We, um...
We have social studies together.

-Oh! Oh, yeah,
you're the boy that
always has sand in his shoes.

-No, well...
-I think that's so cool.

It's like bringing the beach
with you to school.

-Yeah, maybe I guess I do.

-Listen, I'm having a party
friday night.

You wanna come?

-Yeah, sure.

Bring sand in your shoes,
and we'll make it a beach party.

See you.

-See, pal?
All you gotta do is talk to her.

-Yeah, me. Not you.

-Aw, come on, man.

-Hi, you're bridget.
You know my son hobie,
don't you?

-Gotta seize the moment, cookie.

-I would if you wouldn't
have done it for me.

-Let's hit it.

Let's go!

-["Wheels in motion" playing]

♪ Looking out over the people

♪ The sun is shining so bright ♪

♪ Did somebody turn the heat up

♪ Cause it's getting so wild

♪ Take my hand yeah here we go

♪ Yeah we're chasing blue skies ♪

♪ Moving fast is all that we know ♪

♪ So come along for the ride

♪ Ooh ooh

♪ I'm coming for ya
♪ ooh ooh

♪ Just another day in paradise

♪ It sure feels nice

♪ Just another day in paradise

♪ That's just what I like

♪ There's no need to get crazy

♪ I'm here to be by your side ♪

♪ When I call for you baby ♪

♪ Just put your hand in mine

♪ We're here to love one another

♪ Ya give me peace of mind ♪

♪ Let's wrap are arms round each other ♪

♪ It's a beautiful life

♪ Ooh ooh
♪ I'm coming for ya

♪ Ooh ooh

♪ Just another day in paradise

♪ It sure feels nice

♪ Just another day in paradise

♪ That's just what I like


-How are you holding up?
-Never had a better day.

-I mean about tonight,
gayle coming to town.
You nervous?

-No. No.

Hobie is really looking forward
to seeing her.

-I didn't ask
about how hobie felt.

-I don't know, steph.

I don't know how I feel anymore.

I mean, every time gayle calls,
all we do is talk about hobie
and parental things.

The whole thing
is totally impersonal.

Then all of a sudden,
I remember something
we did together, and i...

I feel all this love for her.

And nothing to do with reality.

-Maybe it does.

I mean, who knows?

Hobie still has his fantasy
about his parents getting
back together someday.

Kids don't let that dream
die easily, you know.

-Maybe I'm still a kid at heart.

-I can back you up tonight
if you want.

-My life is
complicated enough already.

Have a nice day, huh?

-Don't say I didn't offer.

-Your mother is very upset.

She feels you care
more about your job
than you do your family.

-Why are you putting me
in this position, dad?

Making me have to choose?

-Because there's no way
around it, matt.

Your mother and I
are moving to europe.

Either you choose
to come with us,
or you don't.

-And if I don't?

-If you choose
to cut yourself off
from the family,

I'll be forced to cut you off
from everything this family
provides you.

And I mean everything.

-Forced by who?

Who is forcing you?

-You are.

By being selfish,
thinking only of yourself.

-Oh, me?

You're the one that's
making all the decisions
and not telling us.

-When you become a parent,
you'll be able to make
the decisions.

Until then,
I'm the head of this family.

-What about love
and understanding?

Isn't that part of parenting?

-If we didn't love you,

We wouldn't care
whether you came with us
or not, would we?

-Beautiful day, isn't it?


-[Telephone ringing]


-Gayle: hello, mitch.

-Gayle. Gayle, hi.

Hey, I can hardly hear you.

-I'm still in the air.
We should be landing soon.

-Great, great.
Hobie and I will meet you
at the airport.

-No, no, mitch, that's okay.

I've made arrangements.

How about
I'll just meet you guys
at your place around : ?

-Yeah, yeah, that's perfect.

Gayle, hobie can't wait
to see you.

-Oh, I can't wait to see him.

-Tell me about
this surprise of yours.

-I'll tell you
when I see you and hobie.

-No, no, no, tell me now.

-Bye, mitch.

-I hate surprises.

-How are you doing?

-Well, I'm excited,

And I'm nervous,

And I'm in love.

-[Clicks tongue] oh!

-Hey, dad!

Dad! Dad!

-Jarred, careful.

-What is it?

-Well, you said
you'd work for an hour
and then watch me boogie board.

-And I will.
I will. I promise.

-That was two hours ago.

Come on. Come on.
Watch me, please!

-Okay. All right. All right.

-[Mobile phone ringing]
-hold on just a sec.

-Yeah, wade peterson.
-Man: wade, it's sam.

-Sam! Sam, I've been trying
to reach you all day.

What the hell is going on
in florida?

-They canceled the order.
They wanna send
the t- instead.

-What am I supposed
to do with that?
-You could stall a week or two.

-Well, gino tells me
I can't get a shipment
for three weeks.

I need everything in
my office by friday afternoon,
or the deal falls apart.

Now, come on.

-[Dramatic music playing]

-Possible submersion, tower .

-Man: [on radio]
- , respond code three to
possible submersion. Tower .

-Matt, hurry.
We've got a submersion
on tower .

-Everybody get out of the water!

-Man: [on radio]
baywatch scarab to .

We copy your transmission
and are responding code three
to tower . Over.

-[Siren blaring]

-Man: [on radio]
lincoln to .

Lifeguards in the water.
Straight-line search pattern.
Victim unknown and unidentified.

remains a possibility.

-How long has he been down?
-About five minutes.

-Man: [on radio]
baywatch scarabs indicate
a lateral drift.

Move the straight-line search
south meters.

Repeat, south meters.

Submersion backup procedures
in place.

and hospital notified.

Medevac helicopters standing by.

- , This is matt brody
needing backup.

-What's going on out there?
-Not now, sir.
There's a kid in trouble.

-Matt, get a diving team here
right now.

-Wait. That's his board.

Where is he?
-What did your son look like?
What was he wearing?

-Uh, he's . Blond.
He's got black shorts on
with purple, pink...

-Hey, I saw a kid
that looked just like that
behind the jetty.

Over there.

-Now, you listen to me.

What if someone
was really drowning out there

While all of my lifeguards
were looking for you?

You put people's lives
in danger, son.

-I'm sorry.

-How could you have pulled
such a stupid stunt, jarred?

What were you thinking?

Answer me.

-Well, you said we were gonna
spend the day together,

But you acted
like I wasn't even there.

I figured maybe you'd notice
if you thought I was dead.

-Mr. Peterson?

I know your work is important,

But so is
the time with your son.

He needs to know
he's as important to you
as anything else.

-I thought your lifeguard duties
ended with rescue.

-Well, jarred reminds me
of myself when I was his age.

I just don't want him
to grow up to feel
the way I do about my father.

-Yeah. Thank you.

-Ah, there you are.

Mom, what happened?
I thought you were job-hunting.

-I was.

I hunted them down.

I had them in my sights.

I took aim, and pfft!

They all got away,
every single one.

Oh, what a day!

Listen, honey,
I'm gonna go to the beach hut
and grab a burger.

Can I get you anything?

-Mom, the beach hut
lost their lease.

They had to close down.

-No! That was
the only decent place
to get any food around here.

-Yeah, I know.
Tell me about it.

Uh, listen, summer,
do you have a minute to talk?

-No, not really. Why?

-I've been thinking
about a few things.

-Something really terrible
always happens

When you say you've been
thinking about a few things.

-Well, I've been thinking, uh...

We should move
back to pittsburgh.

-I knew it.

-Honey, I can't find
a good job here. I've tried.

Uncle leo offered me
a really good one back home.

-Yeah, well, mom, what about me?

I mean, how am I supposed to do
my job back in pittsburgh?


This is my favorite time of day,

When everyone has gone home,
and the beach is ours.

-Unless you don't have
a home to go home to.

-What happened?
Did you talk to your father?

-He said if I don't move
back to france with them,
he's gonna cut me off.

And leave me here with nothing.

-It's a touch decision, matt.

But you're -years-old,
and it's your decision.

Come work out with me.

You'll feel better.

-No. I wanna finish this.

-What is it?

-A poem, lyrics.

I don't know.

-Can I read it?

-It's not finished.

-I don't care.

The day was moving westward
leaving colors in the sky

The eastern black was chasing
moving colors that had died

The day was racing quickly
but could not outrun the night

And I rode along the seashore
to the caverns of delight

Matt, this is beautiful.

-Except there aren't
any caverns of delight.

Listen, do you mind if I sleep
at headquarters tonight?

-Oh, matt.

You really should go home
and resolve this
with your parents.

-I can't go home
unless it's to pack my things
to go to france

Or to move out on my own.

That was my father's ultimatum,

-Come on. Let's work out.


I'm gonna go
and jump on my bike.

It's the only way
I can clear my head.

-If you can't find a place
to crash tonight,
you can stay with us.

-You think c.j. Would mind?

-Of course not.

-Thank you.

-["Searchin' my soul" playing]

♪ I've been walking down
♪ this line for so long

♪ And I've been wrong

♪ I've been going down
♪ this road and I know

♪ It will carry me home

♪ I know its time

♪ To go where my heart wants me to go

♪ I know its time

♪ And I've got to go alone

♪ Cause I'm a free rider

♪ And now I have no fear

♪ Been searching my whole life

♪ To feel like I feel here

♪ Every day I breaking the chains

♪ That hold me down

♪ I can't go back in time

♪ Even if I wanted to change things now

♪ I know its time

♪ To go where my heart
♪ wants me to go

♪ I know its time

♪ And I've got to go alone

♪ Cause I'm a free rider

♪ And now I have no fear

♪ Been searching my whole life

♪ To feel like I feel here

♪ I know I can be my self

♪ And now I feel alive

♪ Cause I'm a free rider

♪ Cause I'm a free rider

-Hey, looking good.

Except I think you should
unbutton your collar.

-I think you should
button yours.

-I like it this way.

-I like it this way.

-[Knocking on door]
-hey, that's mom.


-Hobie, oh, it is so good
to see you.


You look beautiful.

-Oh, thanks.

Well, the place looks great.

What did you guys do,

-Kind of. We cleaned.

-Uh, can I get you
a drink or something?

-No. No, thanks.

So how was
that geography report?

Did you get those maps
I sent you?

-Yeah, they were right-on.
I got an a.

-Aw, that's my boy.

God, you look good.

-Mitch, ken jordan.

Gayle has told me
a lot about you.

-Ken, i...

-I know. I couldn't wait
in the car any longer.

Just a few minutes away
from this precious woman
seems like an eternity.

And you must be hobie.

I've heard more than a lot
about you.

-Hey. Nice to meet you.

-So did you, uh,
tell them our news?

-No, she hasn't.

-What news?

-Uh... [Laughs nervously]

Well, you remember I told you
that I had a surprise?

Well, um...

Ken and I are getting married.

-This weekend.

-I should have told you, I know,

But there was just never
a good time to spill the beans.

I mean, telling you
on the telephone
seemed so impersonal.

And besides,
I wanted hobie to meet him.

After all,
ken is going to be his...

-Hobie's step-father.

I get the picture.

-I'd really like hobie
to come with us to acapulco
for the wedding this weekend.

-Well, he's got a party
he wants to go to.

-Yeah, yeah,
he told me about it,

But he said
he'd rather come with us.


-No, no, no. It's no problem.

I'll drive him to the airport.
Which airline?

-Uh, actually, we're flying
on ken's corporate jet.

-[Chuckling] oh.

He has his own jet, huh?

Well, that's a nice catch.

-Ken worked very hard
to get where he is.

And he happens to be
very down-to-earth,
and you would like him.

-I'm sorry. I'm...

I'm sure he's a great guy.

Gayle, I really want you
to be happy.

-I want us all to be happy.

Especially hobie.

-Hobie is happy.

-I mean really happy.

Look, ken could be
the most wonderful influence
on hobie.

He could provide him
with so much.

-You mean buy him so much?

-No, that is not
what I meant at all,

And as usual,
you're twisting my words.

-You want hobie
to come live with you,
don't you?

Isn't that what
this whole thing is about?

-Forget it.

-I can't believe
you're doing this.

-Look, I don't wanna do it,

But I have seen an attorney,
and I will go to court
if I have to.

-Is this your card?

-How did you do that?


-Dad, ken does
the coolest card trick.

Come check this out.

Ken, do one for my dad.

-All right, just one.
Go ahead. Pick any card.

Put it back anywhere you want.


Let's see this here.

Oh, that's your card?

-That's it.

-Isn't that the coolest trick?

-Oh, that's terrific. Yeah.

-Uh, I hate to interrupt
this magical moment here,

But we've got
an early day tomorrow.

-Dad, ken has his own jet.

-Yeah. Yeah, I heard.
That's really great.

-Well, I'm glad
I finally got to meet you.

Looks like we're gonna have
a lot of things in common.

-Yeah, looks like it.

-Hobster, I wanna put you
in the cockpit of that plane

And you're gonna fly
for a couple of miles.

-All right!

-Oh, missed you.

-I'll see you
in the morning, sweetie.
-All right.

Bye bye.

-I'm gonna go pack.

-Wait a minute.

What are you doing
teaching him our handshake?

-Well, he taught me one
he used to do in college.

It's really cool.
You wanna see it?

-No, I don't.


-I won't go
if you don't want me to.

-No, I want you to go.
God, I want you to go.

Do me a big favor, huh?

-Fly that jet, huh?
-All right.

-I love you, dad.

-All right. Love you too.

-See you in the morning.

-Summer: mom, wait up!

Mom, would you slow down?

Mom, what is with you today?

-Oh, summer,
I love this restaurant!

-Mom, listen,
the beach hut is closed.

-Oh, no, it's not.
-Yes, it is.

-No, it's not,
and it is not
the beach hut anymore.

It is our beach hut.

-Our beach hut?
Mom, what are you talking about?

-Well, I leased it. It's ours.

-You leased this?

Well, how? With what money?

-Well, I had enough
to put down a first and last.

I mean, it was everything
that I have, but...

Honey, I think
once we fix this place up,

The money is just gonna
roll in like waves.

-Oh, okay, and where do we get
this money to fix it up?

-Would you stop worrying?

Uh, we'll do it.

Of course, we could
move back to pittsburgh.

-So what do you wanna name it?

-Okay, I was thinking...

Jackie's at the beach.


-How about a summer place?

-Really bad.

Okay, how about this?

Jackie's summer place?

-Okay, I like that.

-Of course, the only thing is
it'll probably make
your job unnecessary.

Yeah, I mean,
'cause everyone will be here
eating my fabulous food,

And there won't be anybody
on the beach for you to rescue.

-Let's just hope the lifeguards
aren't here pumping
people's stomachs, okay?

-Oh, pumping their stomachs?

-That's just really funny.

That's just really funny.

It's gonna be great.
I love it!

-Hey, dad.
-Hey, pal.

My god.

You're going for the weekend,
not forever.

-Well, you always tell me
to be prepared for anything.

-Yeah, I did.

You know, pal, um...

I haven't really talked
about how you feel about
your mom marrying ken.

-Well, you didn't tell me
how you feel either.

-I asked you first.


Well, he's a great guy
and everything.

So if she's gonna marry anyone,
it might as well be him.

I asked you second.

-Well, i, uh...

I always knew
this day would come.

But it's hard, you know.

I feel kind of sad.

I'll get over it.


You know I love you.


I love you too.

-[Doorbell rings]

-That's mom.

Come here.

Get out of here.
You have a good time
down there, huh?

-All right.

All right, I'll bring you
back something from mexico.

-Elaine, come over here
and say hi to gayle's son,

-Hello, hobie.
-Hi. Nice to meet you.

-You too.

-Elaine is our pilot.

-You're a pilot?

years in the air force.

-What did you fly?

-Let's see, um, c- s, f- s,
just about everything.

-I've never seen
a plane like this one before.
It's like a room in a house.

-You wanna see the cockpit?

-Well, come on. Let's go.

-You happy?

-Look, I know
this has been hard for you,

But hobie needs
his mother right now.

-I hope so.

-So give me a little smile.



-Whoa! Whoa! Take it easy.

Save some of that bag
for the rest of us.

Looks like it didn't go so well
with gayle, huh?

-Oh. Oh, I wouldn't say that.

gayle is marrying a millionaire

Who's flying her to mexico

On his private jet.

She's suing me for custody.

And hobie taught ken
our secret handshake.

Didn't go so well?

I'd say the whole thing
is a complete disaster.

-I'll hold the bag for you.
-Thank you.

Ken, huh?

Our secret handshake!


-Wow. You look like
you need energy more than I do.

What did you do last night?

-I slept at c.j. And...

-You and c.j. Slept together?

-At c.j. And stephanie's.

I slept on the couch.

Or tried to.

-Well, why couldn't you sleep?
What? Was c.j. Running around
in some skimpy, little nightie?

-No. I couldn't...
Couldn't stop thinking.


-Well, should I go to france
or stay here?

You know, the crazy thing is
that my dad has never cared
if I was around or not.

And all of a sudden,
he's forcing me
to go back with him.

-Matt, your dad
is a control freak.
You know that.

So do not let him force you
into doing anything
you don't wanna do.

Besides, you are my best friend,

And if you go,
I am gonna miss you
way too much.

I gotta go help my mom
with the restaurant.

You have a good shift.

-Thanks for waking me up.

-Any time.

-Air traffic controller:
lear -charlie-lima,
this is los angeles tower.

After departure, squawk .
Clear direct to
one-zero thousand.

-Does this work?

-Why? You wanna call
one of your friends
and tell them you're on a plane?

-Is it okay if I call my dad?


-Here. There you go.

-Okay, listen up.
Matt, tower . Sydney, tower .

Chris, you're at .
And, kelly, you're at tower .

Be very careful out there.

The storm last week created
some big holes in the regular
bottom contours.

A lot of rips coming,
especially on the south-facing

That's it.

-Mitch, there's a phone call
for you. It's hobie.

-Have rod patch it
to the truck, huh?

Morning, tina.
-Hi, mitch.

-Mitch: [on telephone]
hobster, didn't expect
to hear from you.

What's going on?

-Dad, guess what.
I'm calling you
from ken's plane.

-Hey, hobie, that's great.

-So, what are you doing?

-I just finished
morning briefing.
You know, same old, same old.

-You wanna talk to mom?

-Uh, no thanks, pal.

Look, I'm kind of busy here.
I gotta go.

-No, don't hang up.
I wanna talk to you
from the plane. It's so cool.

-It's hobie calling
from the airplane.


-Mitch: [on telephone]
hobie, what was that noise?

-I don't know. It sounded like
one of the engines backfired
or something.

Ken is gonna go check it out.


-What is all this vibration?

-Engine one is shut down.

We'll have to head back
to the airport.

-How bad is it?

-Just get everyone
in their seat belts, please.

-Hang on. Ken is coming back.

-Ken, what is it?

-We've, uh, lost an engine.

-What does that mean?

-It means we're going
back to the airport.

Everybody fasten
your seat belts.

We might have to make
an emergency landing.

-Dad, we may have to make
an emergency landing.

-Hobie, that's not funny.

-It's not a joke, dad.

-Come on now.
What's going on?

Hobie, are you all right?

-No, dad,
the plane, everything,
it's really bumpy.

Dad. Dad, I'm scared. Dad.

-All right, hobie, listen to me.
Just stay calm.

-The whole plane is shaking!

-Are you headed
back to the airport?

-I don't know.

-Look out the window.

-What do you see, pal?
Do you see land,
or do you see water?

-Just clouds.

-we've lost the other engine.

Losing altitude fast.

I'm dumping our fuel.

-Air traffic controller:
roger. Roger. Understand.
Dumping fuel.

-what? What?

-We're going down really fast.

-Air traffic controller:
roger-lima, I show you
seven miles from the beach

Descending through , .
What are your intentions?

-Gonna try to land on the water.

-Dad, we're
right over the ocean.
We're gonna crash.

Dad, I'm scared.

-Air traffic controller:
-charlie-lima, be advised.
Coast guard has been notified,

And baywatch rescue personnel
are on the way.

respond if you are able.






-Mitch, what's wrong?

-Damn it! Phone went dead.

-[Dramatic music playing]
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