04x04 - Blindside

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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04x04 - Blindside

Post by bunniefuu »

[Beginning theme plays]

♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always ♪

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

[Serene music]

Here you go, all better.

Now you be careful
on those rocks, okay?

[Motorbike engine]

Man: woo-hoo!

I need back-up, asap.

There's a guy
in front of my tower.

He's on a motorcycle.

I don't know what he's high on,

But he's going to hurt somebody.


[Girls clamoring]


Get off the bike now!

Get off?


Stop it!
You're going to hurt somebody.

Get off, now!

[Rider laughing]

[Adventurous music]


Okay, hombre,
your riding days are over.

[Siren blaring]

Uh, just take him away
and write him up.

Turn him over to garner.

What about him?

I'll take care of him.

You don't have to thank me.

I'm just glad
you didn't get hurt.

Thank you?

I should have you arrested, too.

For what?

You could have hurt somebody.

Just like that punk,

Riding in here
like the lone ranger.

You know,
you're exquisitely beautiful

When you're angry.

Anyone ever tell you that?


A long time ago.

must have been a sensitive,

Perceptive kind of guy.

Well, I wouldn't exactly
call you "sensitive."

John d. Cort.

But perceptive as hell.

How are you, c.j.?

Oh, I'm terrific.

What's the matter?

You don't look too happy
to see me.

I'm not sure.

But I'll let you know.

She'll be okay.

She'll be all right.

[Crowd murmuring]

[Scattered applause]

That stuff'll rot your teeth.

How much do I owe you?

That is rad.

Rad, man?


Manuel, the argentine giant?

"Danger, stand clear,"
stand clear.

"Parents, watch your children."

That is wild.

I don't know, pal.
He could eat you.


-Let's go check it out, come on.
-No, no, let's go ch--

Whoa no, no, no, no.

Come on.

Look, I don't want
to go see the giant,

...i wanted today and I want
to go see him, come on.

-Look out, look out.

Come on, he's got to be
around here somewhere.

I don't want to see the giant.

Why not?

'Cause I want to talk
to this pig.

No! Come on,
we're looking for a giant.

A giant's not a pig.

There he is.

The most dangerous,
meanest man in captivity.

That's why we keep him caged.

So everybody come in.

It's like the wildest dream
of all,

Or maybe a nightmare--

Ah, let's get out of here.

No! Come on. Let's go in.

Hobie, there are no such things
as giants.

You always tell me
to be open-minded about things.

It'll only cost you
a buck to go in.

Uhh, cost me two bucks.

All right!

[Crowd murmuring]

Okay, this is the one
you've been waiting for.

Get ready, ladies and gentlemen.

The most dangerous man
in captivity.

So be careful,

Because he can reach out
and grab you.

You don't want to get grabbed,
do you?

You don't want to get hurt,
do you?

So get ready,
take a deep breath,

And all of a sudden
we're going to see

Manuel the giant.

[Crowd gasping]


[Crowd screaming]

Next time,
you chase after those kids.

You moron.

Be right back.


Excuse me,
can I see your permit.

And who are you?

My name is mitch buchanan,

Lieutenant lifeguard,
l.a. County.

Let me see it.

Just show me your permit.

[Gentle music]


Yeah, I was hoping--

All right.

The show, did you like it?

No, I didn't.

Here it is, I got it, see?

Here's your permit.

Come on, pal, let's go.


No, there's nothing we can do.

He's got a permit.

The guy's lucky I didn't
pull out my branding iron.

It's good to hear you
laugh again, c.j.

So the rumor's true.

Oh, mitch.

-Hey, buddy.

Hey, oh.

-Good to see you.
-Good to see you, man.

Look at you, staying in shape.

Trying to.

So what's this I hear,
you arrived on horseback?

Oh, he's gorgeous.
His name is apache boier.

Yeah, I was working
this carnival out in new mexico,

This old couple I know...

This jerk was drugging the horse

To keep it calm
between shows so,

Took the guy
behind the stands one night,

Gave him an offer
he couldn't refuse

And voila, apache was mine.

Bringing him the coast
to a friendly ranch in malibu.

That's quite a rescue.

Well, you know me,
lifeguarding's in my blood.

So obviously you're back
for your mandatory ten days.

That's true.

Among other things.

Well, you're in luck.

Lifeguard recheck is tomorrow.

I've always had great timing,
haven't i?


Hey, cort, man, good to see you.

Hey, newmie.

Warm guy.

So mitch,
if the recheck is tomorrow,

Can't afford to let alfalfa
grow under my feet.

What do you say
you toss me a tower?

You got it.

What do you say
you join me for a workout?

Hey, hey, hey, whoa, buddy.

You better get started soon,
you are losing it.

-You all right?

Yeah, I'm okay.

I'm okay.

You going to go surfing today,

No way, man.
The waves are way too small.

That would be cool, man.

No way.

Why not?

'Cause the waves stink.

They be rad, man.

Whoa. Look at these footprints.

Man, they're huge.


Oh, let's follow them.

-All right.

See where they go.

[Boys screaming]

Dude, a live pelican!

Get out of here!

Guys, stop! Hey!
Come on! I know him!



I said hold him still.

Can you cut the plastic
off his leg?


You'll be free soon.

He's going to be okay.


I love the pelicans.

My name's hobie.

I'm manny.

Your friends were afraid.
Why weren't you?

I saw you at the pier.

Why do you do all that stuff
in the cage and all?

I have to. It's my job.

You want to help me
to let him go?


Don't be scared.

He's happy now.


Manny, get up here.


Sorry, I've got to go.

Why is he so mean to you?

Bye, hobie.

[Pop music]

♪ Come out from behind
your shell ♪

♪ You know
you can't help yourself ♪

♪ Don't you worry
bout anything ♪

♪ Let it out and let it in

♪ We don't need to get by
♪ like the rest of 'em

♪ No need to try
you're the best of 'em ♪

♪ Don't you forget who you are

♪ If you ever get lost
♪ I'll be by your side

♪ No need to doubt
I'm your ride or die ♪

♪ Don't you forget who you are

♪ I'm your ride or die

♪ I'm your ride or die

♪ It's a common aftershock

♪ We never get the chance
to talk ♪

♪ We don't need to get by
♪ like the rest of 'em

♪ No need to try
you're the best of 'em ♪

♪ Don't you forget who you are

♪ If you ever get lost
♪ I'll be by your side

♪ No need to doubt
I'm your ride or die ♪

♪ No need to doubt
I'm your ride or die ♪

♪ I'm your ride or die

♪ Don't you forget who you are ♪

♪ No need to doubt
I'm your ride or die ♪


Two victims! : .

How is she?

She's unconscious.

There's no pulse.

Baby! My baby!

Get her out of here.

[Frantic chattering]

One, two, three, four, five.

I want to go to my little baby.

Oh, you can do it, come on.

One, two, three, four, five.

Oh, my lisa better be okay.

Two, three, four, five.

Two, three, four, five.

You can do it, come on.

One, two, three, four, five.

Come on, come on.

Okay. Okay, baby. That's okay.

That's okay. Come on. It's okay.

You okay?

She's all right. It's okay.

Ah, geez.

Aw, man.

Mommy's here, honey.
Mommy's here.

Don't worry. You're okay, huh?

She's going to be fine now.

[Siren blares]

Hey guys,
take her down to headquarters.

Make sure she's all right, huh?

Right, man.

Now we didn't do bad today.

But if you had been scarier,

Then we would've made
a lot more money.

I told you, you have to run
after those kids.

Hear me?

You hear me?

Here's your money.

Don't you ever play with one
of those little brats again.

On the beach, no less.

He was friendly.

You don't have any friends.

And you don't need any.

You got me.

I'm the one
who takes care of you.

Where do you think
you'd be without me?

I don't know.

I know.


Look, do what I say.

Scare those little brats,

So they go tell their friends
about the giant,

'Cause that's the only way
you'll ever make a living,

You big ox.

Pelicans, always pelicans.

You stupid pelican man.

[Sad music]

[Men whooping]

Come on, you got it.

Come on to me.

I'll get you next year, cort.

I'll get you next year, man.

Not a chance.

Good job.

Thanks, bud.

Good job.

Oh, boy.

Come on, pal.
Go. You got it. Go.

Still think I'm losing it?

Don't celebrate yet, pal.

You still got the physical,

The eye
and the hearing tests to go.

No I don't.

Come on, you know the rules.

I already took all the tests,

Passed them with flying colors.

No kidding.


-Thank you.

Well, I still got a...

Even bigger test
to pass over there.

Gotta get myself out of some
of that hot water.

Why even bother?

Soon as you leave,

You're going to be right back
in the same water again.

Didn't I tell you, old buddy?

This time I'm staying.

Hi, john.

Great to have you back.

Thanks barbara. Appreciate it.

I know you're upset with me.

That little girl
could have drowned, john.

it must have been the glare.

That's never happened
to me before.

C.j., You know what lifeguarding
means to me.

All right, it was a mistake.
I need you to forgive me.

I know.

Forgive me?


I forgive you.


I'd really like to spend
a little time alone with you.

How about I take you someplace
special this afternoon?


[Romantic music]

Well, well, well,
what do we have here?

Oh, I love surprises.

I know.

There you go. Whoa, whoa.

Come down, you.

There we are. Hang on to that.

Good boy, apache.

This is the first place
you kissed me.

Well, I couldn't think
of a better place

For us to have a picnic.

Rescuing apache
was important to you, wasn't it?

I just wanted him to be
what he was born to be.

Apache reminds me of you.

You telling me I make that much
noise when I eat?

Nothing but the best for us,

I just can't believe
you're back.

This time I'm back to stay, c.j.

I know what I want.

This is it.

You're it.

Oh, man!
I can't believe I did that.

We'll clean it up later.

[Barkers and calliope music]

Hey manny.

Whatcha doing?

Getting driftwood.

You want to go up to the pier?

I can't.

Why not?

Valdez wouldn't like it.

Where is he?

Getting drunk.

Then he'll never know.

Come on.
We'll have a great time.

Come on! Come on!
Don't worry about it.

He'll never know. I promise.

Come on.

All right.

[Soft rock plays]

♪ Don't be scared
take a stand ♪

♪ This big ol
whole worlds biggers plans ♪

♪ Look ahead and take my hand

♪ We'll walk right into
♪ the promise land

♪ It don't matter
what people say ♪

♪ I'm here stay anyway ♪

♪ It don't matter
what people do ♪

♪ I'm gonna stick
right next to you ♪

♪ You and me
♪ together through it all

♪ You and me ♪ no matter how big or small

♪ You and me
will always be till the end ♪

♪ Your my friends

♪ Call you my friend

♪ It's so nice
to see you smile ♪

♪ Let's keeping play
a little while ♪

♪ Don't be shy touch the sky

♪ Live your dreams
don't run and hide ♪

♪ It don't matter
what people say ♪

♪ I'm here stay anyway ♪

♪ It don't matter
what people do ♪

♪ I'm gonna stick
right next to you ♪

♪ You and me
together through it all ♪

♪ You and me
no matter how big or small ♪

♪ You and me will always

♪ Be till the end

♪ Your my friends

♪ Your my friends

♪ Your my friends

♪ Till the end

♪ Call you my friend


Can I talk to you, please.

Yeah, sure c.j. Come on in.

It's about john.

It's not just the missed rescue.

He's bumping into things.
He's knocking things over.

I don't know
what's wrong with him.

I've noticed the same thing.

I mean, people put out
their hand to shake,

And he doesn't take the hand.

That's not like cort.

I don't think he sees our hand.

I mean, I thought it was
a vision problem

But he passed on the eye exam.

I know.

But something
is definitely wrong.

Something else happen?

Come on, c.j.
You can talk to me.

We were on his motorcycle

And, um, he just--

He almost ran into some people.

Was anyone hurt?

No, but mitch,
he should have seen them.

Okay, okay.

I know you care about john.

He's my friend, too.

Tell you what.

I know a doctor at the jules
stein eye clinic at ucla.

I'll make sure cort
goes to see him.

He won't go.

That's right, I won't.

Cause there's nothing wrong
with me.

John, something's wrong
with your vision.

No, mitch,

There's something wrong
with your hearing.

I told you
there's nothing wrong with me.

If you're going to work
my beach,

You're going to go see
the doctor.

Man, you can't do that,
all right.

It's none of your business.

The hell it isn't.

You missed a rescue out there.
It's definitely my business.

John, come on. Listen to mitch.

We're just concerned.
We want to help.

Okay, fine, fine.
Have it your way.

I'll find someplace else
to lifeguard.



Sorry man, but if nothing
was wrong with your vision,

You would have seen that coming.

I'll show you the secret, okay?

Keep the secret.

All right.

A special place.

This is what I do.



That's awesome.


I've never seen
so many pelicans.


You made all this stuff?

It's incredible.

Where'd you learn to do this?

My father.

He taught me to carve
with a knife when I was little.

That's my most valuable one.

What do you mean?

One day, when I was six,

My father and I
were walking on the beach,

Collecting driftwood.

We saw pelicans
for the first time.

And this is the wood
we got that day.

My father had been sick.

He died a week later.

My mother told me
he went to heaven,

And that the pelicans
took him there.

Why do you put up with valdez?

You don't have to, you know.

When my mother died,
valdez took care of me.

He gave me work.

He uses you.

I know,

But there is nothing else
I know how to do.

I can't stand waiting like this.

Oh, man.

Mitch, how are you?

-It's good to see you again.
-Nice to see you, doc.

-John. How are you?
-Hey, doc. Good.

Look, I'll, uh, wait outside.

Ah, the hell you will.

Listen, dr, corey,

I hate suspense,
so let's have it.

Why don't you sit down.
We'll talk about your tests.

Let's go over here.

The battery of tests you took
confirmed one thing,

And that is
you have an eye disease

Called retinitis pigmentosa.

How can I have an eye disease,
my vision's--

My vision's - .

Yes it is,
right in front of you,

But one of the problems with rp

Is that it causes tunnel vision.

The normal field of vision
is degrees,

But yours is down
to just ten degrees,

Top and bottom,

And that's why you miss
hand shakes

And knock things over.

Well, wh-what do i--
what do I have to do to fix it?

Well, the first thing
you have to do is

Protect your eyes against
prolonged exposure to the sun.

Now, I've got a prescription
for dark glasses for you.

Uh, huh.

No way, doc. I'm a lifeguard.

John, you don't understand.

The sun accelerates the disease.

So what are you saying,

That I can't be a lifeguard
while my sight's like this?

I'm afraid you can't be
a lifeguard at all.

Doc, there's got to be
some kind of cure

Or something, right?

I'm afraid there is no cure.

At least, not yet.

Are you saying my eyes

Are always going to be
like this?

I wish I could say that.

I wish I could.

What do--
what do you mean?

You mean
it's going to get worse?

Eventually, you're going to lose
your eyesight entirely.

Wait a minute, doc.

You telling me
I'm going to go blind, here?

I'm sorry, john.

Oh, man.

[Sad music]

Thought I might find you here.

You think you know me so well.

Well, I know you well enough

To know
you're hurting right now.

Just when you get
the hang of the game

They change the rules.

Finally figured out what I want
to do with my life and

Now I can't.

You know,
you don't have to leave.

I mean,
you could find something else

To do around here.

You know how long it took me

To make up my mind
about lifeguarding.

Now I think it'd be just...

Just too painful to stay.

Talking about lifeguarding
or you...

Talking about c.j.?

C.j. Is destined
for an incurably romantic man.

All I have to offer her
is an incurably blind one.

Don't you think that should be
her decision?


No, it has to be mine.

You know what's funny?

I'm not going to worry
about you.

'Cause I know whatever you do...

You'll be okay.

Well, I'll tell you one thing
I am going to do with my life.

I'm going to appreciate
every sunset and

Beautiful thing there is to see.

[Sad music]

What's that?

What's up, freak?

[Speaking spanish]

Fee, fi, foe, fum,freak.


What are you scared of, huh?
What are you scared of.






[Siren blaring]

Right here.

Come on, throw me a can.

Put him right down here,
on the beach.

Okay, down, easy does it.

Okay, sit back.

Manny are you okay?

Telling you, you got to leave

That pier diving
to the pelicans, man.

Thank you for saving my life.

John, what's going on?

Apache and me are getting
a little fidgety.

Time to move on.

What do you mean?

What about us?

What about the other night?

The other night
was the other night.


Why don't you look me in the eye

And you tell me if you
changed your mind about us.

Stop it, you're scaring me.

I'm going blind, c.j.

I got this eye disease.

It's called rp, it's, um...

It's incurable.


I don't believe it.

that's exactly what I said.

Won't be saying I'll see ya.

John, wait.

It doesn't matter.

Of course it matters, c.j.

Look, I don't want to be
a burden to anybody,

Especially you.

There's a hell of a lot more
in this world

I want to see
before the lights go out.

John, you were prepared
to make a commitment.

So am i.

I want to go with you.

Oh, hey.


Something I got to do on my own,


Who's going to look after you?


Don't count me with the three
blind mice just yet, okay.

I mean, the doctor said
maybe this is

Something I've had a long time,
it's just...

Just now starting to get worse.

Every day of sight for me
is a gift.

I just wish you wanted
to spend each day with me.


This doesn't have anything to do
with what I want.

I got to go.

My horse is double parked.

Come on, give me
a little smile here, all right?

Give me a smile.

That's it.

That's exactly
how I want to remember you.

[Romantic music]

I'll see you.

[Crowd murmuring]

What is this?

Hey dad.

You want to buy a pelican?

Yeah, sure.

God, this is unbelievable.

Manny, I had no idea
you were this talented.

You can have bad days,

And you've hardly
been blaming me.

So, how did valdez take the news

That you're not working for him

Not bad.


Manny sat on him
while he told him.

[Ending theme plays]
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