05x01 - The Client

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air". Aired September 10, 1990 - May 20, 1996.*
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Will's mom sends him away from his rough Philadelphia neighborhood to live with wealthy Uncle Phil and Aunt Vivian in Bel-Air.
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05x01 - The Client

Post by bunniefuu »

WILL: It's been a while since I left the family and moved back to Philly.

I miss them a lot, but I got me a great job at Duke's House of Cheesesteaks.

And, like they say, life goes on.

Hey, Smith.

Yo, man, what's up?

Come here.

What's up?

What does this contract say?

"Fresh Prince of Bel-Air." That's right, not Philadelphia, Bel-Air.

Yeah, man, but, you know, my mama- Get in the van.

Yo, homes, to Bel-Air.


Mr. Jazz is here to see you.

If you need me, I'll be hiding the silver.

Hey, Jazz, what's up, man?

Psssh! Psssh.

My best friend's back from Philly, I gotta hear about it on the street?

I tried to get in touch. Where are you staying?

On the street.

At least until Jewel lets me back in the house.

Hey, man, it's good to see you, man.

By the way, who's playing the mother this year?

It's the same mom.

Who are you?

Oh, come on, Jazz, that's Baby Nicky.

Man, I'm going back on the street where things make sense.

I am leaving in five minutes whether you are ready or not.

Nicky, go get your brother, Carlton.

Hey, Uncle Phil, man, I gotta give you props for investing in this record store, man.

That must've been a lot of money. How much are we really worth?




Girls, Vivian, let's go!

Philip, I do not appreciate being rushed like this.

It's your opening, I want to look beautiful.

Well, Vivian, I don't have that kind of time.

Carlton, let's go.

Daddy, I'm so excited you bought a record store.

Finally an investment where I can hang out.

Nothing stopped you from hanging out at my hardware store.

Uncle Phil, I ain't playing. I am in your will, right?

Well, if he is, I'll fight it.

I'm going, but I'm not staying long.

I'm conferencing with my producers about my talk-show persona.

Am I antagonizing like Geraldo?

Am I investigative like Donahue?

Maybe you should go bald like Montel.

Okay, now, are we missing anyone?

Just G, but we don't take him nowhere anyway.

PHIL: Okay. Come on, let's go.

Yo, Uncle Phil, man, this place is on book.

Hey, you know, this is the kind of place I could see myself managing.


Call me stupid, but I'm in this to make some money.

Hey, Uncle Phil, I'm telling you, I could see that.

From the time I walked in, I was having visions, man.

You know what?

You ain't got no X-rated skin flicks up in here.

You toss some of them up in here, you be making it hand over fist.

Hand over fist. Will, Will, Will!

No offense... but in the world of business and finance, I consider you the antiprofit.

Wait, Uncle Phil, I'm serious. I feel this, you gotta let me in on this.

No. Why not?

[YELLING] I mean, Mother, you watch my show, am I too soft-spoken?


I got music in my blood. I don't doubt you have the potential... but do you ever use it productively? Never.

Do you ever apply yourself the way that you could? No.

Why, son, when I was your age and I was working on that farm... boy, I had to work from 9 in the night to 9 forever. I just worked and...

ASHLEY [SINGING]: It's gonna make you move and groove Hey, DJ, keep playing that song All night On and on and on Mr. DJ DJ See, I don't know what to tell you. Ever since you left Philly...

I have been trying to let you...

Hey, Mr. DJ Hey, Mr. DJ All the girls are ready Ching-ching!



ASHLEY [SINGING ON RECORDING]: Tell me why You're playing with my mind, boy

Take some time To open up your eyes

Hey, can you feel it, G? Oh, yeah.

I really don't understand

Guess not.

I'm telling you, my boys in the studio were saying your vocals are all that.

Will, I can't believe it. I sound so professional.

You'd be surprised what a little creativity in the studio can do.

Ask Janet Jackson.

All right, party in the house.

Which ain't necessarily a good thing.

Oh, that's great. PHIL: Mm-hm.

Wait a minute, Ashley, is that you? Uh-huh.

It sounds good, doesn't it, Uncle Phil? Oh, I like what I'm hearing.

Uh, uh. Oooh!

I'm telling you, this girl has a God-given talent.

Oh, you ain't lying. Ohh!

Yeah, that's why I'm gonna manage her professional singing career.


No daughter of mine is getting into the music business, period.

I've seen it ruin too many young lives. But, Daddy-

I don't want any buts.

Well, you're certainly losing that battle.

Ashley's only 15 years old.

Honey, you should be concentrating on your education, not on singing.

Don't you understand? PHIL: Exactly.

Case closed. But-

Now, we better start our walk, Vivian. Baskin-Robbins closes at 6.

I knew they'd say no.

Don't worry about it, everything is right on schedule.

Will, what are you talking about? You heard what Daddy said.

Yeah, that's why everything is right on schedule.

We ask his permission, he says no, we do it anyway.

Hey, baby. Girl, how are you doing?

I'm sorry, do I know you?

You know me, the pool party at Q's crib.

I'm sorry. Q doesn't have a pool.

Oh, you know what? I'm just gonna go ahead in. I'm gonna surprise Gordy.

You don't have to buzz him. Look, don't make me call the cops.

You feisty, huh?

What, are you Creole? That's it.

Okay, all right, all right.

Relax. I don't know why you fronting on me.

She knows me.

Speaker for Mr. Berry. We didn't order any speakers.

It's a gift from Sony Music... from Mr. Sock-It-To-Me.

Okay, well, then come right in.

Just put that over there.

You know, there's a $20 delivery charge.

Oh, my mistake.

Hey, listen, I am the one that is responsible... for getting Ashford and Simpson back together.

I deserve a damn Image Award.


Oh, come on, man, he gets one every year.

The cheapskate, he won't even buy a pool.

Oh, yeah? Well, listen, before I have to start throwing my weight around... and come down there and get somebody fired, I want my Image Award.

Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

Do you understand me? I want my Image Award now.

That's what I said and that's what I meant.

That's exactly how I feel about it.


I don't wanna hear about that, man. Listen, that is not my problem.

Absolutely. Yeah. Uh-huh.

Well, I tell you what, you just do that then. Uh-huh.

Yeah, goodbye.


You know me.

I'm calling security.

Hey, Mr. Berry, please listen. I just need five minutes. Please give me five minutes.

Remember when you were managing the Chi-Lites?

You broke in to d*ck Clark's office.

You wouldn't leave until he put them on American Bandstand?

You read my book.

I'm telling you, I read everything that got anything to do with music.

Hey, did you know James Brown got an orthopedic cape?

All right, all right, let's listen to it.

You're gonna love this. This is the straight butter, you will love it.

All right, well, let's check it out.


Oh, look at you, look at you. Not bad.



Pass? What are you talking about? Look here, son.

It was a nice try, but I'm a very busy man.

So if you'll excuse me.

Oh. Oh. Okay. All right.

I see how you're trying to play me.

But you know what? You better get a good look at this face and remember it...

because when Ashley Banks' album goes double platinum... you're gonna be seeing it in your dreams and in your nightmares... because you ain't the only game in town. Chht.

Oh, and p. s... the Jheri curl played out with the jerk.

Let's keep it flowing on New Artist Spotlight.

Here's a funky-five, free-flux dance mix of "Mandy" by Funky Bunch.


Hey, Johnny C. Hey.

How are you doing? Think you can help a young janitor out?

Oh, sure, lay it on me, my brother.


Here it is, the next Whitney.

Where's the rest? Huh?

This is the music business. You need the universal lubricant.

I'm talking cash, man.

Oh. Whoo.

Hey, man, you know what?

Don't even worry about it, you probably can't help me anyway.

Seeing as this is your last day and all.

Whoa, whoa, what's that mean?

Brother, I was just cleaning the executive suite up on the 24th floor.

Mm. They're talking about getting rid of you.

Yeah, say you're slipping.

They can't do this to me, I have a contract.

Let me tell you, it is so far beyond business up there, they're getting personal.

One of them said your mom have a limp. She up on this tip, like:

We'll see about this.

Oh, and you should probably take the stairs, man.

You know, the elevator's out. Thanks.

[IN DEEP VOICE] All right, that's the short version of "Mandy"... because it's time to bump and grind to another Johnny C. Find.

L.A., show some love to Ashley Banks' "Make Up Your Mind."


Johnny C. Here with all the happening new artists right here on 93.4, The Groove.

Whoa, looks like we got some requests.

Who's this?

[IN HIGH VOICE] How are you doing?

This is Rafica calling from Watts. Ho!

Could you play that record by Ashley Banks called "Make Up Your Mind"?

I'm with this man who can't make up his mind.

That's why I'm like, "You better make up your mind."

[IN FOREIGN ACCENT] My name is Tony.

And I'd like to hear that record by Ashley Banks called "Make Up Your Mind"... before I have to come down there and blow up your car.

[IN DEEP VOICE] And here we go for an unprecedented 11th time...

Ashley Banks singing "Make Up Your Mind."




Oh, Batman.

ASHLEY [SINGING ON RECORDING]: Tell me why you're playing with my mind


[IN NORMAL VOICE] Gordy Berry?

[IN DEEP VOICE] I mean, hey.

Hey, Gordy, what's up, man?

The Banks girl? Yeah, yeah. She's new.

Club dates?

Well, her manager, Will Smith, says she's gonna be performing this Friday night... at the Peacock Club.

Right, yes, yes, that's on the ULA campus.

Sure, I'll see you there.

All right, peace.

[IN NORMAL VOICE] Yes. I'm in.



There's nobody up there.

[IN HIGH-PITCHED VOICE] Made you look.


Ashley. That is Gordy Berry.

That is the biggest record producer in the world.

Look, we got a packed house out there. Your entire career rests on this moment.

There will never be another chance like this. Your future, my future... everything is riding on this performance.

One more thing, relax.

And now I'd like to introduce you to a performer... who is a real feather in our peacock cap.

Get it? Feather, peacock.


Anyway, ladies and gentlemen, here's Ashley Banks.



Damn, she must have stage fright.

Carlton, help me.

Sorry, folks, wawhhh, a little technical difficulty.

Ashley, you all right, babe?

Hey, this is easy. You've done this before.

Before it was for fun.

Hey, this is for fun.

Look at all these fun faces, fun people. Come on, baby, you're all right.

Good. I'll stay right here with you, okay? I'm right here with you.



Tell me why You're playing with my mind, boy You either do or don't, you will or you won't Got to make you open up your eyes To see the things you do are foul And yes, it hurts I really don't understand I wanna know if you're the man Because if you're not the one I'll have to take a stand Although I'm crazy 'bout you I can live without you And you're wasting my time Boy, it's time I told you I can wait no longer Got to make up your mind Tell me, tell me I wanna know, I wanna know Boy, you're running out of time Got to make up your mind Tell me, tell me I gotta go, I gotta go, baby This is how I feel inside I won't waste your time or mine I really just don't understand After all I do for you Still you show no gratitude CHORUS: Although I'm crazy 'bout you I can live without you

- And you're wasting my time Why you wanna waste my time?

Boy, it's time I told you I can wait no longer

- Got to make up your mind Got to make up your mind


Will, Will, get over here.

Geoffrey must have dimed us out.

Hey, hey. Hey.

Mr. Berry, listen, I just wanna apologize for my uncle, man.

He got a wooden plate, found out he got termites.

Hey, Will, Will, Will. Listen, man.

I heard enough. She's a knockout. I definitely wanna sign her.

You do? Absolutely.

I mean, I knew you would, man. I told you you was going-

Philip and Vivian Banks, Gordy Berry.

Hey, listen, your daughter is quite a find.

Listen, why don't we set something up in my office, say, Monday, 2:00.

Excuse me, Mr. Berry, but my daughter will not be in your office this Monday.

I am prepared to offer a $30,000 advance.

You were wonderful. Oh, thanks.

I'm sorry you wasted your time, Mr. Berry.

Well, the offer is on the table. Excuse me.

WILL: Wait, hold on a second there, Mr. Berry.

Uncle Phil, come on.

You didn't think I was good enough to run your record store.

But look what I did, man. I made a demo tape. I got it played on the radio.

I got the biggest producer in the world... to come down here and see Ashley. What else I gotta do?

We will discuss this at home, Will.

Daddy, you said yourself that I was good.


It's a great opportunity.

I just don't want anything to happen to Ashley.

Come on, you ain't got to worry about that.

I'm gonna be managing her.

That ain't help nothing, did it?

Daddy, please. Don't you give me that look.

Vivian, she's giving me that look.

All right, all right, all right.

If you can guarantee that this does not interfere with Ashley's normal life... that means her grades remain high... that she's home every night for dinner and in bed by 11:00... you got a deal.


Hey, Gordy, where my money?

Will, I'm going to be on you like a shadow.


Uncle Phil, with you, it'd be more like an eclipse, wouldn't it?


Eclipse. Eclipse.

You know, just for that crack, I'm gonna make myself co-manager.

One fat joke too many. I knew it, I could feel it.

Do we have a deal?

We have a deal. Excellent.

All right. Thanks a lot. My pleasure. I'll see you soon.

Thank you.

Will, you better be sure you know what you're doing.

Uncle Phil, I know exactly what I'm doing.
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